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Comprising 17 Has (Chapters) of the Book of Yasna (Worship) containing 72 Has

The authorship of these 17 Has are directly attributed to Zarathustra.

Presented as a recitable prayer in English compiled from various sources

By Jimmy Wadia

FOREWORDFor the longest time that I have been praying our Gathas during our holy days, I always wondered if there were translations in English which I could recite as prayers in lieu of the Avestan text, whereby I would fully understand what exactly I am praying. I would struggle through the prayers, painstakingly pronouncing each and every word, sometimes even rushing through them, and checking the following pages to see how much more I have left to pray! It surely wasn’t fun, but in the end, I got some satisfaction that I did my duty as a Zoroastrian in reciting our holy scriptures during our holy days, though in my heart I knew I had no clue of what I was praying about.

I have had conversations with knowledgeable people in order to understand, if not line by line, at least the general gist of the Gathas, as to just what they are all about and what it is exactly that Zarathustra is trying to convey. I would get the usual vague answers: it is about good and evil, how good persons can prosper through good deeds and how the evil, upon their death, would be punished and thrown into hell when their souls try reach heaven by crossing the Chinwat Bridge or the Bridge of Inquiry, et al! Dissatisfied, I set out to create by own compilation of the Gathas from various publications, so that the hymns can be presented in an easily recitable form in English as a prayer, a language which most Parsis if not all, are well conversant with.

There are at least nineteen translations of the Gathas by various scholars. Of these, there are four monumental English translations of the Gathas worth noting: The earlier James Darmesteter version (Le Zend-Avesta, 1892–1893) which is based on a translation "from below", that is, based on the later middle Persian commentaries and translations. The other three are Christian Bartholomae's Die Gathas des Awesta (1905, Strassburg: Trübner), Helmut Humbach's The Gathas of Zarathushtra (1959, Heidelberg: Winter), and Stanley Insler's The Gathas of Zarathustra (1975, Acta Iranica IV, Leiden: Brill). These three texts exploit the "Vedic" approach, and Bartholomae's was the first of its kind. The Darmesteter book is available only in French in libraries in France. The Bartholomae book is available only in German in libraries in Germany. I could not find an English translation of above two books anywhere, not even in the New York Public Library system, which is strange since they boast of a collection like no other! Probably that might be because of a lack of interest from anybody! Helmut Humbach's The Gathas of Zarathushtra (1959, Heidelberg: Winter) is available in English print at the New York Public Library on 5th Ave in the General Research Room 315 at location SASB M2. I have not used that book in my compilation since the 1994 Humbach-Ichaporia collaboration improves on the original Humbach book.

The translations I have used for my compilation are:

1. The Holy Gathas of Zarathustra by Behramgore T. Anklesaria, M.A.

2. The Life of Zoroaster in the Words of his own Hymns - the Gathas, by Kenneth Sylvan Launfal Guthrie published by The Comparative Literature Press, Brooklyn, New York, USA in 1914.

3. The Gathas of Zarathustra by Stanley Insler (1975, Acta Iranica IV, Leiden: Brill).

4. The Heritage of Zarathustra – A New Translation of His Gathas, by Helmut Humbach and Pallan Ichaporia published in 1994.

5. The Gathas - The Hymns of Zarathushtra by D.J. Irani.

6. Translation of Gathas - The Holy Songs Of Zarathushtra by Mobed Firouz Azargoshasb.

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The best in my opinion is: The Holy Gathas of Zarathustra by Behramgore T. Anklesaria, M.A., with transliteration and translation in English. It should be noted that his work was specifically commissioned by none other than the Rahnumae Mazdayasnan Sabha, the penultimate body in India responsible for the dissemination of Zoroastrian teachings. This work was commissioned in spite of good translations existing at that time, because those interpretations were mainly by European scholars who wrote from an impassioned, purely scholastic point of view. They wanted someone with a highly scholastic bent of mind and at the same time someone who is an authentic committed Zoroastrian himself! B.T. Anklesaria fit the bill perfectly. In his book, each and every Avestan word is translated into English, lending such a translation extreme authenticity. It might be worth considering that most of the early translations were based on commentaries in Persian and Pahlavi, which then makes them compilations themselves, unlike B.T. Anklesaria who was preeminent scholar who could read Avestan along with Persian and Pahlavi. Thus, his translations could be considered truly authentic.

The Gathas are basically poems with a set number of lines per stanza as follows:

3 lines per stanza in Yasna Ha’s 28-34 of the Ahunavaiti Gatha;

5 lines per stanza in Yasna Ha’s 43-46 of the Ustavaiti Gatha;

4 lines per stanza in Yasna Ha’s 47-50 of the Spentamainyu Gatha;

3 lines per stanza in Yasna Ha 51 of the Vohukhshathra Gatha;

4 lines per stanza (with the exception of stanza 6 which is 5 lines) in Yasna Ha 53 of the Vahistoisti Gatha.

Our prophet Zarathustra was a poet, who wrote these hymns more as a gospel performance with singing and possible music accompaniment. The Avestan term ‘gāθā’ ("hymn", but also "mode, metre") is cognate with Sanskrit ‘gatha’, both from the Indo-Iranian root ‘gā’ "to sing". He never intended these hymns to be recited mutedly in some prosaic manner (which most of us do), hurryingly as possible (as in my case), and be done with it!

But then, why a compilation, one may ask, especially since the translation from Avestan to English provided by B.T. Anklesaria is so authentic? Primarily, because his translation is not easily understandable, and thus cannot be used as prayer recitations. At times it is difficult to tell who is talking to whom. Is Zarathustra beseeching Ahura Mazda or Vohu Manah or Armaity and who is talking back to Zarathustra? It takes a bit of figuring out. I guess Zarathustra was the only prophet amongst the prophets of all religions who also was a poet. And poetry by nature is enigmatic, which means it is not meant to convey meaning directly, but in a rather roundabout way! Zarathustra acknowledges same himself in Ha 46, stanza 17, wherein he states: “As I chant in measured words and speak to you in poetic language, Oh sage Jamaspa Hvogva”. Besides, there are inconsistencies in interpretation among the various authors whose publications I have selected. Whenever the meaning of a stanza is at variance, I have deferred to B.T. Anklesaria’s interpretation, since nothing like word for word translation for authenticity. However, as B.T. Anklesaria himself points out in his prologues, such a word by word translation does not do justice to the essence and spirit of the Gathas. This is the classic case of “lost in translation”. My compilation removes the abstruse elements from Zarathustra’s composition (something He would not approve of, since it takes away the creative, fun aspect of a poetic presentation) and presents same in a direct manner without too much verbiage, so that what is being said is understood right away on first reading. This is very important, if you consider that modern time spans are highly constrained due to a ginormous amount of information available about everything! Modern websites devote an enormous amount of resources to load fastest in a browser. It is estimated that if loading takes 3 seconds or more, users switch! Even waiting for 3 seconds is too much for them!

Consider a sample stanza given below from his book with Avestan and English side by side, this particular stanza being no. 4 taken from Ha (chapter) 30 of the first Gatha, Ahunavaiti or Ahunvad (as we commonly know it):

4. At1-cha2 hyat3 ta4 hem5 mainyu6 4. And2 so1

when3 these-two4 spirits6,

jasaetem7 paourvim8

dazde9 Being10 and11, 13 non-being12, Gaem10-cha11

ajyaitim12-cha13, first8 came7

together5 to-produce9, yatha14-cha15 anhat16 apemem17 anhus18 and15 as14

existence18 will-be16 in-the-end17

Achisto19 dregvatam20 The-worst-existence19 of-the-wicked20,

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at21 ashiune22 vahistem23

mano24. whereas21 for-the-saint22 the best23 mental-state24.

The numbers in superscript after each word in the Avestan version correspond to those in the English translation. The words in italics in the English translation are filler words used by B.T. Anklesaria to make the text more readable and give it some syntactic structure. However, the English translation is not lucid! The reader would have to read it a number of times to reconcile it with the original Avestan to understand what is being said. That would be a struggle, and in the end, the reader might conclude that it is as well he or she recite the original Avestan version only! Fortunately, B.T. Anklesaria provided ample prologues to explain in summary and prosaic form what the hymns mean at the start of each Ha or chapter.

Below is the same stanza from The Life of Zoroaster in the Words of his own Hymns, the Gathas, by Kenneth Sylvan Launfal Guthrie published by The Comparative Literature Press, Brooklyn, New York, USA in 1914.

But when the twin-Mentalities came together, they producedThe first life, and lifelessness, and (settled) (on the state of) thelast condition of existence,The worst for the Drujists, but for the Ashaists the best mind.

Above translation again, is a struggle to understand upon first reading, even though it is an accurate translation.The words in parenthesis are inserted to make the sentence more readable.Similarly, translations by the other authors mentioned above do not afford easy reading which can be recited as a prayer in English. They are more like cliff notes. What I have done therefore, is to combine the English translations and the prosaic explanations provided in the prologues by B.T. Anklesaria, compared same to Guthrie’s, D.J. Irani’s, Azargoshasb’s, Insler’s and Humbach-Ichaporia’s translations and created my paraphrased version which hews very closely to what is being stated, both in words and essence. I reproduce below my compilation of the above stanza:

4. These two spirits invisible, Spenta the beneficent and Angra the maleficent first came together in the very beginning of existence,

Spenta commenced the work of producing life, and Angra opposing the production of life, which process will continue as long as the Universe exists.

The worst existence will be for the wicked, whereas the saint will have the benefit of the Good Mind.

As you can see, I have used the simplest of diction which anyone with even a cursory knowledge of English can readily understand in the first reading, making it a recitable prayer. I have also arranged the number of lines (3 in above example) per stanza to be in conformity with the Avestan text arrangement as stated above, but most importantly, I have avoided extemporaneous free form paraphrasing. Now, what do I exactly mean by “extemporaneous free form paraphrasing”? Consider the translation of our most basic common prayer, the Ahunavar or Yatha Ahu Vairyo as given by B.T. Anklesaria, word for word:

Yatha1 ahu2 vairyo3 atha4 ratus5, Ashat-chit6 hacha7, vanheus8 dazda9 Mananho10 shyaothananam11 anheus12 Mazdai13 khshathrem14-cha15 Ahurai16 a17 yim18 drigubyo19 dadat20 vastarem21.

Like1 the-great3 lord2, so-even4 the-priest5 by-means-of7 the-Law-immutable6-alone6, may-dedicate20

unto17 Ahura16 Mazda13 the-gift9 of-the-deeds11 of-the-Good8 Mind10 performed during-his life-time12, and15 the-authority14 which18 protects21 the-poor19.

As stated above, the numbers in superscript in the Avestan version correspond to those in the English translation and the words in italics are inserted to give the translated paragraph a syntactic structure. In this translation, the institution of the priesthood in our religion is given legitimacy. The dastur is declared as one who can offer the “gift of the deeds”, just as the great Lord can. This is a very important revelation. To those who might question as to why we even need a dastur to intercede between us and the Lord, this is the answer!

Now consider another translation of the same prayer I came across:

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“Ahura Mazda is the one and only savior of our physical and spiritual existence. The unique gift of the Vohu Manah is for those who perform selfless deeds in the name of Ahura Mazda. Ahura Mazda’s Creative Benevolent Power comes to those who help others who are in need.”

Does this translation in any way convey to us what an authentic word for word translation as provided by B.T. Anklesaria above does? The priest or dastur is not even mentioned, leave alone giving legitimacy to the institution of priesthood in our religion! This then, is what I mean by “extemporaneous free form paraphrasing”. While the above translation may sound uplifting, the contextual true meaning of the prayer is completely missing. I have most assiduously and painstakingly avoided such random paraphrasing in my compilation, resulting in a recitable prayer in simple English which accurately reflects the essence and words of the Avestan text.

Those of you, like me, who might consider reciting our most holy prayers in English will eventually come in direct conflict and scorn by those who are dogmatic about reciting our prayers in Avestan only. They do not care how low our population numbers are or even if we disappear completely! The version of our religion as practiced by them is ossified and turgid, incomprehensible even to them! They will go down fighting for the “purity” of our sacred texts in Avestan, convinced they have saved the Mazdayasni religion from pretentious revisionists!

Those who take that dogged stance are missing the point completely. Any language is just a means of communication established by humans to convey their thought processes. The English language is a repository of the most sacred texts of Christianity, translated of course, first from Greek and later from Latin. English can also be used to transmit a lot of pornography! Does that make English a holy or an unholy language? Neither, of course. In fact, the Bible is freely translated into the language of the country of worship wherever churches exist. Nobody in the Christian liturgical hierarchy complains about the “defilement” of the Bible translated for praying in a language other than Latin!

The same can be said of all other major religions. Perhaps, Zoroastrianism is not a major religion anymore? Alas! Summarizing, a language can be used to communicate whatever one person needs to communicate with another. So in that context, Avestan is just a language spoken in Zoroaster’s time, which does not necessarily impart any spiritual pretense to it. It is ingrained in us since childhood that prayers must be uttered in our “original” Avestan language, regardless of whether anyone understands it or not, which almost all of us do not. Just how ingrained? On the death of a dear relative recently, I uttered our Ashem Vohu prayer in the ear of the deceased as is our common practice, in English as follows:

“The Excellent Law Immutable is prosperity; it is uprightness; happiness to those who give happiness to others.”

Below is the word by word translation from Avestan to English as per B.T. Anklesaria’s The Holy Gathas of Zarathustra:

Ashem1 vohu2 vahistem3 asti4; usta5 asti6; usta7 ahmai8 hyat9 Ashai10 vahistai11 Ashem12.

The-excellent3 Law-immutable1 is4 prosperity2; it-is6 uprightness5; the-Law-immutable12 is weal7 for-him8 who9 is for-the-excellent11-Law-immutable10.

I have rephrased the second line: “the-Law-immutable12 is weal7 for-him8 who9 is for-the-excellent11-Law-immutable10” to read “happiness to those who give happiness to others”, which phrase also appears in the B.T. Anklesaria publication.

However, my eldest son who was born and had his navjote in New York was quite upset and called my recitation “asinine”. I did not argue with him or get upset, maybe he will read what I have to say here and reconsider his position. This incident, however, vividly illustrates how ingrained is our belief of reciting our prayers in Avestan, even though my eldest son (as well as my second son) was not born or had his navjote in Bombay, India, by which I mean to imply that he was not subjected to any proscribing influences from childhood on.

Also, over a period of time, liturgical texts get enmeshed with rituals and their purpose gets lost or muddled up. A case in point, why is the first Gatha, Ahunavaiti, recited at the pydast ceremony of the dead? If you read the text of the Gatha below, you will see that there in nothing in the language of Ahunavaiti Gatha that refers to homage to

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dead persons. It is about meditation, revelation and laying down the primary tenets of our religion. In the same token, the entire Vendidad is recited as a prayer. The Vendidad is a book of laws, just like the constitution of the United States! It goes so far in detail so as to proscribe punishment by a given number of lashes to a man who caresses the thigh of a menstruating woman! Is that a prayer?

There are even those who will try to convince you, as they did me, that even if you don’t understand a word of what you are praying, you will be the recipient of “holy vibrations” from such a recitation! There are no “holy vibrations” to be derived from muttering aimlessly things you have no clue about. This is as implied clearly by Zarathustra himself, in the composition of Ha 43, known as Usta Ahmai (The hymn of happiness), which is the first Ha of the Ustavaiti Gatha, and which is even considered the first hymn to be composed by Zarathustra. B.T. Anklesaria states in his commentaries as follows:

“We further see that the teachings met with in this Ha are very rational. The merit of the prayers laid down in our religion is that prayers do not consist, in mere mumbling of words, the meaning of which is not understood by persons offering them. Real prayers are the feelings of gratitude, thanks, praise, wonder and admiration, which arise unto us on accepting all the bountiful and beneficent gifts of Ahura Mazda. In the Zarathustrian religion, there is no asking for gifts of any kind for it is laid down that as you sow so shall you reap”.

Feelings of gratitude, thanks, praise, wonder and admiration can only arise if one understands what one is praying about. These feelings are not mental switches that one can turn on at will! I strongly believe that the decline of our community is not due to the oft repeated cliché of intermarriage between cousins, not accepting non-Zoroastrians into our religion, even barring Parsi women (and their offspring) who have married outside the community from our temples (though that is a big factor) and the like, but because of a real lack of understanding of what our prayers convey.

It is my most fervent wish that in my lifetime, one day some enterprising dasturs, or even laymen for that matter, will recite the Gathas and all other prayers in English, thereby keeping the attendant congregation alert and listening, perhaps even reciting along with the priests, instead of just nodding their heads in assumed piety or worse dozing, something that would make our Zoroaster turn in his grave.

I am open to any and all suggestions. There may be some among you with a better command of English than me, especially someone with a degree in English lit or semantics, who would want to better rephrase what I have stated. If so, I would urge them to read the translation of B.T. Anklesaria along with the translations of Guthrie, D.J. Irani, Mobed F. Azargoshasb, Insler and Humbach-Ichaporia, all of which, along with this compilation, I have made available on zoroastrians.net, courtesy of Yazdi Tantra. The suggestions should hew closely not only to the essence of what is to be rephrased or reinterpreted, but even the words must match the original translations from Avestan to English. In order to illustrate what I mean by words matching, consider the first line of stanza 3, Ha 31: “In order that I may cause all men to choose aright, O Ahura Mazda, with the tongue of Thy mouth”. Now “tongue of Thy mouth” can be easily rephrased as “advice coming from Thee in person” and would make perfect sense too, however in the original Avestan, the words “hizva” and “aonho” occur which mean tongue and mouth resp. Hence, using those words, i.e. “tongue” and “mouth”, preserves the authenticity of the original Avestan composition.

You can reach me at: [email protected].

So, enjoy. Recitation of the Gathas now is no longer a drudge, time consuming and to be done with as quickly as possible. Remember, these are actual prayers to be recited in English instead of in Avestan and are not intended to be cliff notes! The entire history of Iran in Zarathustra’s time along with the names of the tribes and person existing then is laid out before you. It should make for interesting reading in of itself, even for non-Zoroastrians, prayer notwithstanding.


The Avestan words:

Asha refers to righteousness/truth/justice.

Vohu Manah is translated as the Good Mind.

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Spenta Mainyu is the good beneficent spirit.

Angra Mainyu is the evil spirit or the devil.

Armaiti is translated as Perfect Devotion or Mother Earth or Love according to the context.

The Law Immutable or Ashem Vohu prayer at times is referred to as the Law Divine or the Good Mind.

Ratu refers to high priest or divine king.

Druj refers to deceit or those who are deceitful.

Sarosha refers to Obedience/Inspiration.

With the exception of Ahunavaiti Gatha, which is named after the Ahuna Vairya prayer (Yasna 27, not a part of the Gathas), the names of the Gathas reflect the first word(s) of the first hymn within them, e.g. Ha 28 of the Ahunavati Gatha is named the Ahya Yasa Ha as in the verse: We worship the Ahya Yasa Ha.*1 Havani maybe a Yazata or Yazad or Angel presiding over the second watch or gah/geh of each day between sunrise to midday, i.e., 12 noon.

*2Savanh Visya is the guardian angel of the village or town, perhaps a Yazata.

*3 In Ha 28, stanza 1, reference is made to the “soul of the Universe”. In Zoroastrianism, everything has a soul, i.e. humans, animals, plants etc. So the Universe also has a soul. In the Gathas, the word “gao” represents “the soul”. As the ordinary meaning of “gao” happens to be “gav”, “gospend” (animal), other translators of the Gathas have erringly translated this word as “the soul of the animal”, or the “bovine creation” or “the soul of the cow”. In the Vedas, “goratma” is used with the exact meaning of “geus urvan” which means the “soul of the universe”. Therefore, the supplications of Zarathustra happen to be for something whereby he may be able to satisfy the entire soul of the Universe and everything contained in it, not just one particular animal like the cow.

*4 In Ha 29, stanza 5, the “soul of the revolving Universe” refers to the Avestan word Geus-urvan. B. T. Anklesaria has translated the Avestan word “azyao” as “revolving”. Assuming the translation to be authentic, would Zarathustra have known that the Earth was round and orbiting the sun, way, way before Copernicus or Galileo? Food for thought!

*5 In Ha 32, stanza 3, a reference is made to the “seventh part of the earth”. The old Aryan worship, instituted by the Devas (deities), was spread over the seventh region or part of the world, at the time when Zarathustra wanted to replace it by Mazda worship.*6 In Ha 32, stanza 14, Durasha refers to Haoma Durasha, which is a highly intoxicating drink derived from the plant Haoma. The nomads during Zarathustra’s time would imbibe same and kill cattle for beef with glee inflicting pain on them, which Zarathustra railed against.*7In Ha 53, stanza 2, Frashaoshtra ‘Spitamide’ is not the same person as Frashaoshtra ‘Hvogva’. They are two different personages, and it is somewhat difficult to find a description of Frashaoshtra ‘Spitamide’ from the Avestan literature.*8In Ha 53, stanza 4, the middle Persian tradition suggests that the Vahishtoishti Gatha was composed by the prophet on the occasion of the marriage of his youngest daughter Pourchista with Jamaspa Hvogva. Yet, strangely enough, the name of Jamaspa is not mentioned in the Gatha. To justify tradition, it can only be surmised that the name of the bridegroom is passed over in silence for apotropaic (intended to ward off evil) or similar reasons.*9Yasna 54 – Conclusion. Thought not part of the Gathas, the ‘A Airyema Ishiyo’ prayer is recited at the end of the Gatha hymns after Yasna 53. It is also recited as a prayer generally in communal gatherings.

Jimmy Wadia

New York

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GATHA 1 - AHUNAVATI (Yasna Has 28 to 34)

KHUSNUMAN (Rejoicing and Propitiation)

Propitiation unto Thou Oh Ahura Mazda!

(Ashem Vohu): The Excellent Law Immutable is prosperity; it is uprightness; happiness to those who give happiness to others.

In the name of God.

May the eminent glory of the prospering Lord Ahura Mazda increase!

May the holy fravahars come in the gahs of the Gathas, in the Ahunavat gah, Ustavat gah, Spentomat gah, Vohukhshathra gah and the Vahistoisti gah!

I am repentant having turned away from all sins; having expressed repentance three times and

having begged pardon with all my heart for those sins pertaining to thoughts, words and deeds, for

those pertaining to the body and to the soul, for those pertaining to the material world or to the

spiritual, which may have arisen from me, or may have originated through me by means of all the evil

thoughts harbored by me, all the evil words spoken by me, all the evil deeds done my me in my

earthly existence; I am repentant who have turned away from sins.

Propitiation be of Ahura Mazda, scorn be of Angra Mainyu. Such is the foremost desire of the

performers of good deeds. I worship the Law Immutable.

Ashem Vohu (To be recited three times).

I, the worshipper of the Omniscient, who am a Mazdayasni Zoroastrian and an opponent of the creed of the Deva, and a follower of the creed of Ahura Mazda, make a solemn declaration for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the holy *1Havani, the Lord of the Law Immutable, and also for the worship, praise, propitiation, and celebration of the holy *2Savanh Visya, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

Just as the chief Lord may ordain unto me, thus the holy learned priest may ordain propitiation by means of the Law Immutable itself for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed, and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

We worship the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord; we worship the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas possessing good authority and good knowledge. We worship the holy and beneficent Gathas possessing authority over the seasons; we worship the holy Ahunavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Ustavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Spentamainyu Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vohukhshathra Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vahistoisti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the good, brave and beneficent fravahars of the holy.

The Ahunavar (Yatha Ahu Vairyo prayer) protects the body. (Recite three times).

(Yatha Ahu Vairyo): Like the great Lord, so even the priest by means of the Law Immutable alone, may dedicate unto Ahura Mazda the gift of the deeds of the Good Mind performed during his lifetime, and the authority which protects the poor.

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Yasna Ha 28 - Ahya Yasa

The Good Thought, Good Word and Good Deed of Holy Zarathustra.

May the Immortal Beneficent Beings accept the sacred hymns.

Obeisance unto you, O Sacred Hymns!

 1.  With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the *3soul of the Universe. (Recite twice).

2. I who go around Thee, O Omniscient Lord, with the Good Mind,

To gain for me the rewards of the two lives, corporeal and spiritual

In accordance with the Law Divine, whereby Thou may give prosperity to those who aspire to it.

3. I who compose for Thee hymns, O Order Divine, I hereby invite Asha, the Good Mind and Ahura Mazda to respond to my hymns.

May the invincible might of Ahura Mazda, the Good Mind and Asha

Enable Perfect Devotion in me for the fulfillment of my wish.

4. And I who entirely dedicate my soul to the Mansions of Songs and Praise by means of the Good Mind,

So that Ahura Mazda may reward me for my good works.

I hereby firmly resolve to perform Good Deeds in accordance with the intent of the Law Immutable, as long as I have the ability to do so.

5. O Law Divine, when shall I see and perceive Thee and the Good Mind with intuition

At the throne of the Almighty Lord Omniscient?

May we by means of the Good Words of this Incantation make true believers of the deceitful and doubters.

6. I invite Thee O Ahura Mazda along with the Good Mind so that Thou may give me long life which is the gift of the Law Divine

May Thou grant as a wish the gift of utterances sublime, thereby giving vigorous support, O Omniscient Lord

To Zarathustra and unto my followers whereby we can repel the malice of the malignant.

7. Give Thou, O Law Divine, that reward which results from having a Good Mind;

Give Thou, O Perfect Devotion, vigor unto Vishtaspa and to me;

And may Thou, O Omniscient, give power unto me whereby I may enable my believers to listen to Thy sacred texts.

8. Thee, O Most Excellent, who is the best associate of men by means of the Law Divine

I seek lovingly for me and the manly leader Frashaoshtra,

And also for those of the Good Mind to whom Thou wouldst give forever Thy association.

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9. With these Laws Divine, O Lord Omniscient, we will not displease Thee or disrespect Thy teachings;

May Thou, who are of swift movement and the giver of vigor to the Dominion of Might comprising those who are capable of exercising good authority, show no disfavor on those who worship Thee.

May I be the one who will join the believers in Thy worship with prayers.

10. Then, O Thou who knows those gifts that result from the Law Divine and the Good Mind

May Thou, O Omniscient Lord, grant them to me and to my disciples,

So that I may know that the symphonious hymns of love chanted unto Thee are not in vain.

11. Teach unto me the way by means of which I can guard forever the principles of the Law Immutable and the Good Mind

Teach me, O Omniscient Lord, with Thy Spiritual Words and through Thy own voice

How the foremost existence, when deceit and its forces shall be destroyed and the rule of truth and good thinking shall reign in the world, shall come into being.

12. With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the *3soul of the Universe. (Recite twice).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite 4 times).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Ahya Yasa Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer): And among the existing ones we worship those men and women whose best achievement Ahura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 29 - Khshmavya Geus-Urvam

1. Unto the Maker of the Universe did the *3soul of the Universe wail: “For whom have Thou created me? Who fashioned me?”

I have been invaded by anger and robber malignant, the destroyer and the thief;

There is for me no pastor other than Thee; therefore do Thou declare unto me a good herdsman, who will take care of me?

2. Then the Maker of the Universe asked Asha: “Who would be the Ratu of Thy Universe?

When will Thou give the *3soul of the Universe a ruler with pasture, who will nourish her diligently?

Which lord would Thou give her for happiness, who can repel the anger of the deceitful?”

3. Unto the Maker of the Universe, Mazda along with Asha replied: “There is no Ratu available who, without causing pain, would rescue the truthful living in the Universe;

I, Mazda, do not know as to who would be able to help and rescue the propitiators of truth, and enable them to achieve respectful treatment;

But among the existing ones, that one alone is most powerful who supplicates to the Angels, and they in return respond to him by accepting his invitation.”

4. Then Asha proclaimed: “O Lord Ahura, the Omniscient Mazda, Thou are the greatest Judge and Diviner of events;

And Thou alone can judge the events that were performed by the Devas and by men in the material existence;

Thou are the discerning Lord, so may it be unto us as Thou wishes!”

5. The Maker of the Universe replied: “If that is so, then both myself and the *4soul of the revolving Universe, render homage unto Thou, Lord Ahura with uplifted hands,

May we approach Thee, Omniscient Mazda, with questions that are ambiguous?

Would there be no destruction to an industrious man leading a true life, if he were living in the midst of the wicked?”

6. Then replied Ahura Mazda Omniscient, the Learned, with the breadth of wisdom: “There is not found either a temporal lord or a spiritual chief who exists in accordance with Law Immutable;

But, I, who am Ahura Mazda, would not have created the Universe and its inhabitants, if I had not known the remedy for the harm resulting from the evil spirit;

Therefore, in reality, thou, the *3soul of the Universe are so created by me for the benefit of the honest worker.”

7. I, Ahura Mazda, gave this Mathra of prosperity for the Universe by means of the Law Immutable, and rejoicing for the enlightened by means of revelation.

Zarathustra asks: “Who is thine, O Good Mind!

Who would give to mortals the voice for these two, the laymen and the enlightened, for the beneficence of mankind?”

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He, Zarathustra, alone will listen to the teachings of Ahura Mazda, Asha and the Good Mind and who will make known their fame when He is made the prophet.

He, Zarathustra, alone, can seek the remedy to vanquish evil and give revelations to the inhabitants of this Universe and thus, we will endow his words with eloquence and sweetness.”

9. And then, the *3soul of the Universe wailed: “What is the use of appointing, in these adverse times, a leader who is not a ruler of men?

What is the use of a lecturer who has neither courage nor might?

When will a powerful ruler of men come to help him with strong hands?”

10. “I, the *3soul of the Universe, beg of Thee and Asha, to grant to both Zarathustra and his followers,

Strength and power by means of the Good Mind whereby prosperity and joy of living can be attained,

As for me, O Mazda, I have recognized Thee as the progenitor of Zarathustra, our savior.”

11. “I, the *3soul of the Universe ask Thee, when will Asha, the Good Mind and Power approach me?

O Mazda, Thou gives me immense joy for the great work Thou does for me.

O Ahura, come to me now and give me Thy munificence.”

12. With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the *3soul of the Universe. (Recite twice).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite 4 times)

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Khshmavya Geus-Urvam Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievement Ahura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 30 - At ta vakhshya

1. Therefore will I announce to the willing inquirers, even to those who are knowledgeable about the Law Immutable,

Two eminent gifts which are verily for the wise: the praise of Lord Ahura Mazda and the adoration of Asha,

Which gifts would give them joy usually experienced by the luminous Beneficent Immortal Beings.

2. Do you listen with your ears, do you see with the best inspiring divine Thought?

Do you follow the creed of your own choice, every man for himself?

Each man should think and act for himself and should instruct himself through the sages who existed before the magnificent events of the Revelation of God.

3. Thus in the beginning, did these two spirits, who are twin: the Good and the Evil,

In thoughts and in words and in deeds as they proclaimed themselves,

And out of these two, those of good knowledge chose aright, those of evil knowledge did not.

4. These two spirits invisible, Spenta the beneficent and Angra the maleficent, first came together in the very beginning of existence.

Spenta commenced the work of establishing life, and Angra the denial of life, which process will continue as long as the Universe exists.

The worst existence will be for the wicked, whereas the saint will have the benefit of the Good Mind.

5. Of these two spirits, Angra chose the worst deed,

Spenta chose the best deeds and wore as garment the firmament which is studded with radiant stones.

And those who would rejoice in the glory of Ahura Mazda by means of good deeds, chose the Law Immutable.

6. Of these two spirits, the Deva worshippers did not discern right.

And when we discussed their choice with them, they responded with controversy.

They chose as creed the worst mental state, whereby they accompanied anger and despoiled the spiritual life of men.

7. And unto him who possessed Power, Good Mind and the Law Immutable came

Armaiti, the *3soul of the Universe giving total Perfect Devotion and the vigor of the heavens;

May Armaiti give unto Thee the same joy as when Thou, Ahura Mazda, were the First to come with the creation of the Universe.

8. And so, when the despoilers of the Universe get their just punishment,

Then, O Mazda Ahura, the Good Mind will secure Power for Thee,

And hand over the deceitful to Asha.

9. And so may we be those who will make this spiritual life ever progressing,

And be one with the Omniscient and bearers of harmony by means of the Law Immutable,

So that our thoughts will be full of wisdom.

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10. Then indeed, will the evil doers of destruction be vanquished,

When those who deserve a good name will swiftly join the abode of the Good Mind,

Of the Omniscient and of the Law Immutable.

11. Therefore, do ye learn these two beliefs which the Omniscient gave to men: prosperity and adversity,

The wicked shall suffer injury and adversity for eternity,

The righteous shall have power by which they will enjoy prosperity and happiness forever.

12. With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the *3soul of the Universe. (Recite twice).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite 4 times).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the At ta vakhshya Ha

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 31 - Ta Ve Urvata

1. Unto you learners do we announce these doctrines and admonitions so far uncommunicated,

Unheeded by those who follow the precepts of the deceitful who distort the substance of the holy law,

But most acceptable to those who are devoted to Mazda.

2. I hereby communicate to you all these doctrines of the most excellent ultimate truths;

Then to you all do I come, as the one appointed by Ahura Mazda as your spiritual Lord,

I approach you, both believers and non-believers, with these teachings so that you may lead a life conforming to the divine Law Immutable.

3. In order that I may cause all men to choose aright O Ahura Mazda, with the tongue of Thy mouth,

Tell us what joy Thou will give us all, believers and non-believers alike, by means of Fire and Asha?

What reward shall be given to the good and what retribution shall be given to the bad?

4. Since Asha and other Mazda Ahuras may be worthy of our adoration,

O Good Reward and Perfect Devotion, I pray with the Best Mind,

To grant us the forceful vigor by whose blow we may vanquish the Druj.

5. Do Thou tell me, for my discernment, what is cleansed by the divine Law Immutable,

So that I may know the benefit to be acquired by having a Good Mind?

O Lord Omniscient, tell me what will happen in the future and what will not, so that I may understand.

6. May the best power be for Him who is the Omniscient Sage, who would reveal unto me,

The real holy verses which leads to good health and immortality,

Such that would develop by means of having a Good Mind.

7. The one who first conceived these blissful conditions mingled with the bright lights of heavenly objects,

Through which Thou supports the excellent thoughts produced by the wisdom of the Law Immutable,

Thou, who are ever the same and one who increases the joy of the spirit, O Lord Omniscient.

8. Then, did I conceive Thee in my mind, as worthy of worship and the foremost in existence, O Mazda,

When I received Thee in my eyes as the Father of the Good Mind,

The real propagator of the Law Divine and the Lord of existence through Thy actions.

9. In Thee was perfect devotion, in Thee O Maker of the Universe, was wisdom Divine;

Thou did lay down the path of free will for her, the *3soul of the Universe,

Whereby she might choose either the industrious worker or the one who is not

10. Of these two then, she choose for herself the industrious worker,

The righteous worshipper, follower of the Law Divine and increaser of the Good Mind;

Is Davas, the non-industrious worker, not destined to receive any benefit accruing from the Good Mind?

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11. When Thou, O Mazda, first created our bodies and minds,

And our purposes by means of Thy Good Mind, when Thou gave life,

And deeds and doctrines, whereby men who exercise their faculties of choice might develop convictions.

12. That place, where the truthful and deceitful, the wise and the unwise,

Bring utterances with their hearts and conscience,

And where in the spiritual realm, the obedient Perfect Devotion asks for an account!

13. O Mazda, Thou along with Asha, keeps a watch with Thy gleaming eyes,

Over all these men who ask questions which are either evident or with reservation,

Over those officials who impose great penance for a trifling offense.

14. Of Thee I ask about these conditions in the present or in the future,

Namely, what rewards shall be apportioned to the righteous, and what retribution shall be apportioned to the wicked

As ordained according to their thoughts, words and deeds, O Mazda?

15. I ask this much: What is the retribution granted to those who enable the dominion of the Druj,

The evil doer who does not consider it a great sin to inflict unhappiness,

To the industrious worker who is without malice towards cattle and man?

16. This much do I ask: The well-disposed man, who may strive,

Towards the wellbeing of the house or the country or the district by means of the divine Law,

When and by what deeds would he be worthy of Thee, O Mazda Ahura?

17. Of the two, Spenta Mainyush and Angra Mainyush, whom does the righteous or the wicked prefer the greater?

Let the wise speak to the wise; let not the unwise deceive;

Teach us, O Mazda Ahura, the commands of the Good Mind.

18. May none of you, then, listen to the incantations and precepts of the deceitful,

Who will surely sacrifice the house, street, land and country

To spoliation and pestilence; do you, therefore, overthrow them with a blow?

19. Hearken to me, the sage Zarathustra, who would listen and set his mind on the Law divine

For both the existences, corporeal and spiritual, and who is fluent in words, having a tongue of free will and straightforward utterances,

Who will grant justice to the disputants by means of Thy pure fire, O Mazda.

20. Whoever tries to deceive the righteous, his future will be full of tears,

Accompanied by a long duration in hell, with evil food and subject to woeful imprecations,

And his conduct will lead him by his own deeds to the spiritual existence of the wicked.

21. Mazda Ahura the leader, from the resources of His innate glory shall grant

Health, Immortality, Asha and Power,

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To whomsoever is His friend in spirit and deed.

22. Evident are these to the well-disposed and learned men alike, that by means of the Good Mind,

Whosoever conforms to the Law divine through Power, Word and Work,

Will be Thy messenger and will most effectively carry out Thy mandates, O Ahura Mazda.

23. With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the *3soul of the Universe. (Recite twice).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite 4 times).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Ta Ve Urvata Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 32 - Akhyacha khaetus

1. The kinsman, with his colleague, begged Ahura Mazda for His adulation,

And the Devas, with their egoistic bent of mind, asked Ahura Mazda for friendship,

They proclaimed: “May we be Thy Messengers, restraining those who are hostile to Thee?”

2. Unto them did Mazda Ahura, in communion with the Good Mind,

With authority reply, in a loud but friendly tone:

“We love your beneficent, good Devotion. May she, Armaiti, the Perfect Devotion, be ours.”

3. “But all you Devas are all the seed of the Evil Mind;

He who adores your lies and irreverence is a wily scoffer,

And because of your hateful actions, you have become notorious in this *5seventh part of the earth.”

4. “Since you incite those men of the worst knowledge

Who are said to be beloved of the Devas and who are hinderers of the Good Mind,

Destroyers of the Divine Wisdom of Ahura Mazda and of the divine Law Immutable.”

5. “By so doing, you defrauded mankind of good life and immortal progress;

And when the Evil Spirit with the Evil Mind spoke unto you Devas

With evil words, that enabled you to make the wicked powerful.”

6. “You have strived to win over those supposedly famous sinners;

Oh Ahura, Reckoner of the Living, Thou alone, in communion with the Good Mind knows whether or not these sinners will prevail on this earth,

And of this I am sure, that in Thy realm Thou shall proclaim the divine Law Immutable, O Mazda.”

7. Of these sinners, none are neither wise nor venerable in strength

They strength they possess is one of brute force, for which they may be famed to be made of shining metal!

Thou, Ahura Mazda, knows best those who are the most worthless.

8. Of these sinners, Yima too, son of Vivahvant, is famed

For exhorting our men to slaughter animals immoderately and be sated with their flesh;

I concur with Thy separation from Yima, which is very legitimate, O Mazda.

9. Dusasti, by his pronouncements, destroyed the words which are the wisdom of life;

He deprived me of my wish of possessing the bright being of the Good Mind

With these words emanating from my spirit, O Mazda, I complain to Thee and to the Law Divine.

10. Mana destroyed the effect of my words and declared it the vilest thing to worship

The Earth and the Sun or even to see them with his own eyes and gives rewards to wicked persons,

And who destroyed the pasture lands and inflicted a blow to the righteous.

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11. These wicked persons destroyed my luster. Through consultations with the Drujists

They acquired the knowledge to disinherit righteous men and women of their lawful possessions;

They would hurt pious persons possessing the Best Mind, O Mazda!

12. These evil doers through their false pronouncements, hindered men and women from performing the best of actions;

Ahura Mazda declared them sinners, those who destroy the luster and brightness of the World by shining a false light;

Through these sinners, the Grehmas prevented the Karapans from following the path of righteousness and delivered them to the sovereignty and deceit of the Ishas.

13. By means of the sovereignty and deceit of the Ishas, Grehma slept in the abode of the worst mind;

He injured this spiritual life of ours and in his wicked desire, complained about the people

Who profess the message of Thy sacred words, but his deceit will prevent him from attaining Asha.

14. Grehma shackled the laws of the Kavaya too,

And denied them of their luster forever when they extended their help to the wicked;

And when Grehma announced the world to be fit for destruction, he waited and wailed unto *6Durasha for help in doing so.

15. Grehma, with the aid of the Karapans and the Kavis, destroyed righteous men on behalf of

Those rulers, in whose knowledge of life there is no discipline;

With the help of Asha, those righteous men will be borne to the abode of the Good Mind.

16. The best person is one who constantly acquires knowledge for the wide intelligence of the good;

O Omniscient and ruling Lord, of Thee I am quite certain, that Thou will protect me from the hurt of the wicked

By giving me the ability to proclaim sharp pungent words from my mouth.

17. With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the soul*1 of the Universe. (Recite twice).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite 4 times).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Akhyacha khaetus Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 33 - Yathais itha

1. In accordance with the laws of the foremost existence when deceit and its forces shall be destroyed and the rule of truth and good thinking shall reign in the world,

The final judgment thus shall bring to realization the most just actions for the deceitful as well as for the truthful man,

And also for the man who cannot discriminate between false and just actions.

2. Those who will do harm to the deceitful, either by word or deed

Or by the labor of their hands or who shall enlighten the thoughts of the living to goodness,

Prepare themselves as eligible for being selected in Ahura Mazda’s love.

3. He who is either the best relative or herdsman for the good of men and cattle

Or companion or deliverer of the world with energy, O Ahura,

He will therefore be the pastor of Asha and of the Good Mind.

4. I, who condemn non attentiveness and sinful mentality towards Thee,

And opposition from the family and the deceit of the community,

And the slanderers of the devotees and the worst misleaders of the world.

5. I, who invoke for assistance to mankind Thy all mighty Sarosha,

Who is the giver of long life and the realm of the Good Mind,

And the righteous paths wherein Ahura Mazda, along with Asha dwells.

6. I am Thy righteous invoker in harmony with Asha and therefore I am the offspring from the Best Spirit;

Hence, I am allied with this divine thought which will enable me to carry out my pastoral duties,

Therefore, I long for Thy vision and counsel, O Ahura Mazda!

7. Do Thou come to me, O Mazda, personally and with Thy divine vision,

Together with Asha and the Good Mind, whereby I am made known to all adherents.

Let the brilliant offerings of reverential prayers be manifest to all.

8. Do Thou make known to me Thy intentions whereby I may go with the Good Mind to Thy worship, O Mazda?

By my hymns of praise, do Thou give me the force of Thy immortality

And the cup of all happiness in accordance with Asha?

9. Because of the immensely developing endeavors that I make, O Mazda, may that spirit

Bring through me, accompanied by the Best Thought and powerful understanding

That association whereby all souls are in harmony.

10. All the noble generations in existence which verily were, and which are,

And which will be, do Thou allot your blessings to them according to Thy wish, O Mazda?

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Do Thou strengthen their material life with happiness, by means of the Good Mind, by Power, and by the holy Order?

11. May Ahura Mazda the Almighty and Perfect Devotion

And Asha bestowing material happiness, and the Good Mind and Power

Hear me, pardon me if there is any lapse of effort on my part.

12. Rise up to me and give me the courage and willingness to serve Thee, O Ahura,

Through the good offering of my invocations,

Bestow me with impetuous force in accordance with the Law Immutable, grant me symmetry of body through the Good Mind.

13. Initiate me in those of Thy perspectives concerning acclaim and far sightedness,

That which is the reward of the Good Mind in Thy realm, O Ahura!

Do Thou, O radiant Perfect Devotion, announce to me the rules of the Law Immutable?

14. Therefore, does Zarathustra dedicate even his own life,

And his Good Mind as the first offering to Mazda

As well as the Obedience and Power of his deeds and words through Asha.

15. With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the *3soul of the Universe. (Recite twice).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite 4 times).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Yathais itha Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 34 - Ya Shyaothana

1. By whichever action, by whichever word, by whichever worship, O Mazda,

Thou didst receive for Thyself immortality, truth, and the Kingdom of All Progress,

Let these very actions, words and worship be gifted by us to Thee in the very greatest number, O Ahura!

2. As all these deeds, speeches, hymns and the good spirit are dedicated to Thee by the good mind

And by the actions of the worshipful man whose soul associates with Asha,

May we approach Thee, O Ahura Mazda, praising Thee and singing Thy songs?

3. So may we, with reverence, dedicate to Thee, O Ahura and to Asha, as votive offering,

All that exists materially in Thy kingdom, which are propagated by means of the Good Mind?

To all those who devote themselves gratefully to Ahura Mazda, they possess might.

4. Thus do us, in alliance with Asha, long for Thy Fire bright, O Ahura!

Enduring and strong, and which is a manifest help to those who praise it,

But harms those who oppose it and causes them to flee, O Mazda!

5. What is Thy Kingdom? What is Thy wish O Mazda, so that by my deeds I may accompany Thee

And nourish Thy saintliness through Asha and the Good Mind?

For Thou, we have contradicted all the Devas and men of barbarous speech.

6. If now, Thou truthfully be with Asha and with the Good Mind, O Mazda,

Then do Thou give me that knowledge about all the aspects of this spiritual life,

So that I may return to adore, praise and stay with Thee?

7. Where art Thy adorers, those who know the powerful words of the Good Mind,

Who make even immoral decrees and painful legacies disappear, O Mazda?

We know not anyone other than Thee and Your Divine Law, do Thou therefore, save us?

8. With their vile deeds, the Deavas frighten us and cause many to abandon them

The man of superior strength is nearer in accordance with Thy enjoinment if he afflicts retribution on the Deavas, O Mazda!

The Good Mind is farthest from him who does not contemplate Asha.

9. Those who knew about the devoted brilliant Perfect Devotion of Thine, O Mazda,

And deserted her through their misdeeds in ignorance of the Good Divine Knowledge,

Are confused barbarians who broke away from the path of Asha.

10. Those who are wise speak through the Good Mind, which is the inward essence of happiness.

They are aware of the close connection between the brilliant Perfect Devotion and Asha,

And all this is revealed in Thy kingdom, O Ahura Mazda!

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11. Thus did Perfect Devotion increase the power and bestow courage on Thy two creations which are Health and Immortality,

Through the kingdom of the Good Mind and the Law divine.

Thou Ahura Mazda is opposed to the Deavas, but devoid of contempt unto them.

12. What is Thy command? What dost Thou wish? What necessary praise and adoration do Thou desire?

Reveal this to us so that Thy devotees who follow your directives may be bestowed with rewards, O Mazda!

Do Thou, through the Law Divine, teach us the very paths of the Good Mind?

13. That path of the Good Mind of which Thou spoke to me and that which is well paved by Asha, O Ahura,

On which the spirits of the future Saviors progress and are rewarded with abundant joy,

That joy which Thou give to the wise, O Mazda!

14. That eminent reward of joy, indeed, is given to the wise in their corporeal existence, O Mazda,

By means of the Good Mind; this reward is gained even by those who work in this revolving earth

By propagating the divine Law with the proper understanding of Your Thought, O Ahura!

15. Then do Thou, O Mazda, declare unto me the best Words and Deeds?

I implore and pray to Thee by praising the Good Mind and the Law divine.

Do You, O Ahura, give me by Thy command and at Thy will the real progressive and spiritual life?

16. With obeisance I pray, with hands uplifted, for this wish of being blessed by the beneficent spirit who would give me the wisdom of the Good Mind,

And the reward for Good Deeds performed by leading a righteous life

Wherewith I can rejoice the *3soul of the Universe. (Recite twice).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite 4 times).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Ya Shyaothana Ha.

We worship the holy Ahunavaiti Gatha, which is the lord of the Law Immutable

We worship the hymn of the Ahunavaiti gatha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

(To be recited mentally):

May the Omniscient Lord, who is the master and the conferrer of prosperity, bestow power, virtue and foreknowledge of the good Mazdayasni religion, upon us men and our descendants, upon the species of the descendants of man, upon all the good sharers of the Universe

(To be recited aloud):

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite twice).

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I praise the worship, adoration, strength and power of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

Ashem Vohu.

Ahmai-Raescha; Hazangarem; Jasa Me Avanghe Mazda; Kerfeh-Mozd. (Recite).

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GATHA 2 - USTAVAITI (Yasna Has 43 to 46)

KHUSNUMAN (Rejoicing and Propitiation)

Propitiation unto Thou Oh Ahura Mazda!

(Ashem Vohu): The Excellent Law Immutable is prosperity; it is uprightness; happiness to those who give happiness to others.

In the name of God.

May the eminent glory of the prospering Lord Ahura Mazda increase!

May the holy souls come in the gahs of the Gathas, in the Ahunavat gah, Ustavat gah, Spentomat gah, Vohukhshathra gah and the Vahistoisti gah!

I am repentant having turned away from all sins; having expressed repentance three times and

having begged pardon with all my heart for those sins pertaining to thoughts, words and deeds, for

those pertaining to the body and to the soul, for those pertaining to the material world or to the

spiritual, which may have arisen from me, or may have originated through me by means of all the evil

thoughts harbored by me, all the evil words spoken by me, all the evil deeds done my me in my

earthly existence; I am repentant who have turned away from sins.

Propitiation be of Ahura Mazda, scorn be of Angra Mainyu. Such is the foremost desire of the

performers of good deeds. I worship the Law Immutable.

Ashem Vohu (Recite three times).

I, the worshipper of the Omniscient, who am a Mazdayasni Zoroastrian and an opponent of the creed of the Deva, and a follower of the creed of Ahura Mazda, make a solemn declaration for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the holy *1Havani, the Lord of the Law Immutable, and also for the worship, praise, propitiation, and celebration of the holy *2Savanh Visya, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

Just as the chief Lord may ordain unto me, thus the holy learned priest may ordain propitiation by means of the Law Immutable itself for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed, and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

We worship the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord; we worship the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas possessing good authority and good knowledge. We worship the holy and beneficent Gathas possessing authority over the seasons; we worship the holy Ahunavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Ustavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Spentamainyu Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vohukhshathra Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vahistoisti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the good, brave and beneficent souls of the holy.

The Ahunavar (Yatha Ahu Vairyo prayer) protects the body. (Recite three times).

(Yatha Ahu Vairyo): Like the great Lord, so even the priest by means of the Law Immutable alone, may dedicate unto Ahura Mazda the gift of the deeds of the Good Mind performed during his lifetime, and the authority which protects the poor.

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Yasna Ha 43 - Usta Ahmai

Obeisance unto you, O Sacred Hymns!

1. Happiness unto him who gives happiness to others,

May the Omniscient Lord, ruling at will, grant power and ability;

Verily of Thee I desire the Law Immutable to sustain;

Give me through Perfect Devotion that reward which is acquired by following the path of

Asha, which is the essence of the Good Mind. (Recite twice).

2. And thus unto him may the best reward of bliss be given through the Good Mind;

Do Thou proclaim, Oh most beneficent spirit Omniscient,

That Thou giveth through the Law Immutable

And temperance by means of the Good Mind

The joy of a long life forever?

3. Thus may the better man approach me,

Who can teach us the upright ways of beneficence,

Of this material existence and also of the spiritual,

And lift us to the real abodes wherein dwells the Lord that rules,

Who is fortunate, of good wisdom and beneficent, like Thee, Oh Mazda Omniscient!

4. Thus did I conceive Thee as mighty and beneficent, Oh Mazda Omniscient,

When with Thy hands Thou gave

Rewards to the holy and retribution to the wicked on the day of the final judgement,

With the heat of Thy fire of immense luminosity,

I realized all these when the strength of the Good Mind came to me.

5. I thought of Thee as beneficent, Oh Mazda Ahura, Lord Omniscient,

When I saw Thee as the first in existence in the beginning of this world,

And Thou gave them according to their deeds and words,

Retribution to the wicked and good reward to the virtuous,

By Thy good judgement at the end of our lives.

6. At the end of existence, Thou wilt return, Oh beneficent spirit Mazda,

With power and with Good Mind,

And Perfect Devotion, by whose deeds our material lives will prosper by means of the Law Immutable,

And the commandments will be given to us of Thy wisdom,

For Thou art whom no one is able to deceive.

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7. I thought of Thou as beneficent, Oh Mazda Ahura,

When the Good Mind completely came to me,

And asked me: “Who art thou? Whose art thou?

Do you have the ability to put into practice this new religion that I am about to give you

In your corporeal existence?”

8. I replied: "Firstly, I am Zarathushtra,

I wish to cause torment to the evil-doer,

And give holy delight to the virtuous,

Give me that power during my existence

As long as I praise and compose divine hymns for Thee, Oh Omniscient!”

9. I thought of Thou as beneficent, Oh Omniscient Lord,

When the Good Mind encircled me;

And asked me: “Whom do you wish to serve?”

I replied: “I wish to offer obeisance to the Fire of Ahura Mazda

And strive to maintain holiness by devout worship.”

10. As reward for such devout worship,

May Thou give me the Law Immutable

And Perfect Devotion, so that,

Thou may ask me questions which would encourage me to develop

A fruitful and industrious mind with a firm resolve.

11. I thought of Thou as beneficent, Oh Omniscient Lord,

When the Good Mind encircled me;

When I became wise by means of Thy good words.

Even though I find it difficult to attract men to Thy teachings,

I believe that the wisdom Thou have imparted to me is the best and I promise to follow it faithfully.

12. Thou wish for me is to attain holiness perfectly and completely,

But Thou has not yet revealed unto me wisdom I have not heard of and therefore, ignorant of;

Because of my devotion to Thee,

Inspiration came to me as a reward,

Which would enable me to bestow gifts to the virtuous and punish the wicked.

13. I thought of Thou as beneficent, Oh Omniscient Lord,

When the Good Mind encircled me;

In order to achieve my objectives, give me

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A long life which Thou has never given to any person before,

And the best of life that a person can attain in Thy kingdom.

14. Thou art the possessor of all knowledge, and as my friend Thou can give

Unto me Thy joy, which is enough for me, Oh Omniscient!

By means of Thy power along with the Law Immutable,

My wish is to create a group of leaders in prayer

Who will recite Thy sacred texts.

15. I thought of Thou as beneficent, Oh Omniscient Lord,

When the Good Mind encircled me;

And made me realize that intellectual attainment can only be achieved by silent devotion.

May not man be a great satisfier of the deceitful,

Thus, have Thy saints keep all evil doers at bay.

16. Oh Lord Omniscient, thus, I Zarathustra,

Choose Thou as my guiding spirit, as will whosoever seeks Thy beneficence.

May our earthly existence be full and strong with vitality,

May our Earth forever remain in the bright and healthy light of the Sun,

May our Earth give us rewards through the Good Mind in accordance with our deeds.

17. Happiness unto him who gives happiness to others,

May the Omniscient Lord, ruling at will, grant power and ability;

Verily of Thee I desire the Law Immutable to sustain;

Give me through Perfect Devotion that reward which is acquired by following the path of

Asha, which is the essence of the Good Mind. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Usta Ahmai (The Hymn of Happiness) Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 44 - Tat thwa peresa

1. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

How can I render obeisance unto Thee?

One like Thee may teach a friend like me, O Mazda,

So that Thou may invite us lovingly through Asha

Whereby the Good Mind may come to us.

2. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

What is the best existence in life?

How can a person seek such an existence?

What are the benefits to be derived from such an existence?

And how does one achieve such best existence?

3. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Who was the father of Asha?

Who created the sky and the bright stars?

Who, other than Thou, causes the moon to wax and wane?

I wish to know all of the above and more, Oh Mazda!

4. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Who supports the sky to prevent it from falling?

Who sustains the waters and the plants?

Who yoked the two swift ones, thunder and lightning, to the wind and to the clouds?

Who is the giver of the Good Mind?

5. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Who is the creator of the luminous bodies and the dark spaces?

Who is the creator of sleep and hunger?

Who is the organizer of dawn, noon and night?

All of which remind Thy worshipper of Thy purpose.

6. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Is it true that:

Perfect Devotion helps the progress of the Law Immutable?

      Was this blissful Earth created by Thee with the aid of the Good Mind?

For whom has Thou created this revolving and bountiful Earth?

7. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

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Who molded the Earth with power?

Who, by guidance, rendered the son reverent for the father?

I come near Thee with these various questions,

To help me discern Thee as the Bountiful Spirit, Creator of all, O Mazda!

8. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

What should I do in order to praise Thy revelation?

What should I do to attain the word of God by means of the Good Mind?

I want to know through the Law Immutable that which is most perfect in life and existence;

I want to know these things because I consider knowledge of such good for my soul.

9. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

How may I purify my untainted character?

Who is the generous man of Thy kingdom who may direct me so?

One who would be with a forward vision like Thee due to sublime rule,

Always abiding with Asha and the Good Mind.

10. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Of all existing things, Thy revelation is the best

Which when accompanied by Asha enhances my wealth and sovereignty.

May this revelation give me the sacred words of Perfect Devotion,

So that by my deeds I may increase my wisdom and attain to my desire, if that be Thy will, O Mazda!

11. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Is it possible for Perfect Devotion to depart from those

To whom Thy revelation will be declared?

I was the first to make Thee known unto men,

I look with dislike of the spirit all others who have no devotion to Thee.

12. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Those of whom I ask, who is truthful or deceitful?

Who is the deceitful person and towards whom is such a person inclined?

Is it the deceitful who oppose Thy benefits to me?

Wherefore, should not those deceitful persons be considered evil doers themselves?

13. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

How can we banish the Druj?

Those persons, who are fraught with disobedience, falsehood and inattention to the dictates of the Law Immutable?

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Those who neither follow the bright shining path of Asha

Nor do they love the company of the Good Mind?

14. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

How can we deliver the Druj in the two hands of Asha?

That we may smite it down by reciting Thy holy words,

In order to frustrate the followers of evil and prevent them from doing evil deeds?

Let me attempt to reach these charlatans and ambiguous speakers, O Mazda!

15. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

If Thou rules with Asha and defends it,

When the wise men of the future assemble, as is decreed, to defend Asha,

Of which Thou knows best, Oh Mazda,

Which mighty man may Thou produce to lead them and from where would that person come from?

16. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Who will destroy the enemy with the aid of Thy words which defends the holy?

Do Thou openly appoint me as a discerning Pontiff in both the corporeal and spiritual lives,

So that holy inspiration by means of the Good Mind may dawn on me,

And also to anyone else whom Thou wishes to, Oh Mazda?

17. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Upon your invitation, how shall I promote my covenant with Thee, Oh Mazda?

And when will my word be followed by all

To obtain all prosperity and immortality for me till the end of time,

By means of Thy teachings, as I am Thy chief charioteer on account of my piousness?

18. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

How may I gain that prize by means of Asha,

Of ten vigorous mares with a stallion and a camel,

Since I have pledged to spread Thy sacred words and devote all my prosperity,

And immortality to Thee, Oh Mazda?

19. That which I ask Thee tell me soon, Oh Ahura!

Whosoever gives not the reward to the worthy,

To the man who is the speaker of truth,

I am aware of the punishment that would be received by him on the day of judgement,

But tell me, what punishment would he receive in his present corporeal life?

20. However, had the Devas been good rulers, Oh Mazda,

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Then I ask Thee, would they have granted authority and power to

The Karaps and the Usikhs who have given the Earth to spoliation,

And would they have enabled the Kavas to grow in celebrity,

In spite of them having prevented the Earth from being full of pasture?

21. Happiness unto him who gives happiness to others,

May the Omniscient Lord, ruling at will, grant power and ability;

Verily of Thee I desire the Law Immutable to sustain;

Give me through Perfect Devotion that reward which is acquired by following the path of

Asha, which is the essence of the Good Mind. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Tat thwa peresa Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 45 - At Fravakhshya

1. Thus will I speak forth, do you now hear, and do you now listen

And you who are in attendance from near and far lands,

You verily know it immensely and clearly that,

May not the deceitful teacher again destroy spiritual life

Since he who is wicked, renegade of tongue, has sinful beliefs.

2. Thus will I announce the two spirits which have existed since the dawn of creation, Spenta Mainyush the beneficent and Angra Mainyush the malfeasant,

Of which two, Spenta Mainyush thus spoke to Angra Mainyush;

Neither our spirits nor our speech, neither our intelligence nor our creed,

Neither our utterance nor our deed,

Neither our intuition nor our souls, are in agreement with each other.

3. Thus will I announce the first commandment of this life

Which the knowing Ahura Mazda declared unto me:

Whoever of you who will be inattentive to His sacred Word,

As I do esteem and declare it,

Will meet with woe at the end of life.

4. Thus will I announce the supreme goal of this life, the truth which I have realized through Asha:

The laws of life have been ordained by Mazda, in conformity with the Law Immutable,

He is the Father of the Good Mind

And His daughter is Perfect Devotion who performs good deeds;

Ahura sees all and can never be deceived.

5. Thus will I announce what the Most Beneficent declared unto me,

The Word which is the best to be heard by mortals:

“Those of you who shall give obedience and regard to this Lord of mine,

Will attain perfection and immortality,

And reach Ahura Mazda by means of the deeds achieved through the Good Spirit.”

6. Thus will I announce the one who is the greatest of all:

I, who am a generous propitiator offering praise with the Law Immutable,

May the Beneficent Spirit Omniscient Lord hear me,

In Whose glory I have taken counsel of the Good Mind as to how I should adore Thee,

May He, through the Good Mind, teach me the best divine wisdom.

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7. Whatever favors the worshippers expect

Who verily were and yet still to come

In Immortality where the soul of the holy will glide with vigor thus overthrowing wicked men;

The destiny of the holy and the wicked is ordained

By the Omniscient Lord through His rule.

8. Upon Him would I rain down our hymns of salute

Since now I have clearly seen Him in my eyes

As the possessor of good Spirit, of good Deed and of good Word;

I have also realized that the Omnipotent Lord always follows Asha,

So let us render homage unto Him in the celestial abode.

9. Him would I gladden with our Good Mind,

Who has shown us those creations that are holy and those that are wicked;

May Mazda Ahura restrain the wicked with power

So that the prosperity of our animals and men may increase,

Through Asha together with the divine Wisdom of the Good Mind.

10. Him would I adore with our prayers of Perfect Devotion,

Mazda Ahura, who is celebrated in the sacred texts,

Since by His Asha and Good Mind, He organized

In His kingdom All Perfection and Immortality,

Giving us vigor and ability to do good things in our existence.

11. Whoever, therefore, in the future scorns the Devas

And the mortals who deny Thee,

Whosoever reveres Thee, O Omniscient Lord

To him, O Mazda, shalt Thou be a Friend, Brother or Father,

As his protecting savior and shalt trust him with the holy faith of a sovereign.

12. Happiness unto him who gives happiness to others,

May the Omniscient Lord, ruling at will, grant power and ability;

Verily of Thee I desire the Law Immutable to sustain;

Give me through Perfect Devotion that reward which is acquired by following the path of

Asha, which is the essence of the Good Mind. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the At Fravakhshya Ha (The Sermon).

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):

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And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 46 - Kam nemoi zam

1. To which land can I go and in which direction shall I turn?

My friends and relatives have deserted me.

Those who are with the deceitful please me not

Nor those who are the wicked despots ruling over the country.

Tell me, Oh Ahura Mazda, how can I rejoice Thee?

2. I am aware of the facts that prevent me from attaining my wish, O Mazda!

It is only because I have a few animals and even fewer followers.

To Thee I complain, see to it, Oh Ahura!

I am desirous of the joy which only a friend can derive from a friend.

Grant me the wisdom of the Law Immutable and the benefits of the Good Mind.

3. When O Mazda, those with divine wisdom

Come forward to uphold the spiritual life of Asha,

Those who are the future saviors who will revel in the revelation?

To whose help will come the wisdom of the Good Mind?

For me, indeed, who has chosen Thee, Oh Ahura, for inspiration.

4. Thus do the deceitful benefit from restraining the acts of Asha,

Which promotes the wellbeing of animals in the land.

A vile tyrant is imperfect owing to his own misdeeds,

And whoever will strike him and go against his rule, Oh Mazda,

That person shall attain the intelligence which will lead him to a good understanding of the animal life.

5. Any of Thou beings, ruling and living, who respects a holy man approaching with prayers,

One who recognizes the value of faithfulness or of friends,

One who inspires the deceitful with uprightness,

May that discerning being recognize that holy man as his relative,

May he defeat the deceitful for aspiring to be deserving of praise, Oh Mazda Ahura!

6. Any man who does not show eagerness to defeat the evil doers,

That man certainly will go to the abodes of the Druj.

He who is an aider and abettor of the deceitful, is himself deceitful,

He who considers the truthful to be his friends, is himself truthful,

These are Thy Laws since the dawn of creation, O Ahura.

7. O Mazda, have you appointed a guardian for one like me

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To protect me against violence from the wicked?

Unless he be someone of divine power like Thee possessing Thy Fire and Good Mind

Working together to defend Asha, Oh Ahura!

Do Thou inspire me with a Revelation?

8. He who shall oppose my actions with violence,

May he not excite my ire by his violent deeds.

I shall return such deeds of his by being hostile to him,

To his person whereby restraining him from good life,

And subject him to a life of sorrow, Oh Mazda!

9. Who is my benefactor who first attends to me?

So that I may teach him to consider Thee as our beneficent holy Lord

With Thy Law Immutable

About which the Shaper of the Universe spoke,

And with Thy Good Mind.

10. Whoever, man or woman, Oh Mazda Ahura,

Would give me what Thou knows to be the best of spiritual life,

Which are devotion through Asha and Power by means of the Good Mind,

I would lead them to adore Thee,

And rescue them all at the Bridge of Inquiry upon the end of their existence.

11. The Karapans and the Kavayas unite forces,

To imperil human spiritual life with their sinful deeds,

Their souls and their creeds will lament at the end of their existence

When they approach the Bridge of Inquiry

They will not be able to cross it and plunge into the deepest hell.

12. By means of Asha, the descendants and grandsons

Of the very mighty Tura and Fryana will be victorious,

And they will promote with vigor the benefits of Perfect Devotion;

Thou will unite them with the Good Mind

And lead them to the path of joy, O Ahura Mazda.

13. Amongst men, those who approach Spitama Zarathustra with grace,

Then they are noble men who deserve to be celebrated,

Therefore Ahura Mazda will give them a good spiritual life,

And the Good Mind will increase their prosperity;

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Such men can claim to be good associates of Thee, O Asha.

14. Who is Thy true friend, Oh Zarathustra,

Who so wishes to be renowned for the great gift of promoting the creed of Mazda?

Indeed, it is the mighty Kava Vishtaspa himself;

O Ahura, those who qualify to enter Thy heavenly abode,

To them I, Zarathustra, will teach the words of the Good Mind.

15. O ye clansmen of Haechataspa and of Spitama lineages, to you I say:

Those among you who are purified and those who are unholy,

Your holiness can be restored by doing the deeds

As declared by the first principles of Ahura, namely the Law Immutable

And the path of Asha.

16. Do come to me, the messenger of the Lord, Oh Frashaoshtra of the Havogva clan.

To you we wish happiness in life,

Follow the path of Perfect Devotion by means of Asha

And the Good Mind

Whereby you can aspire to join Ahura Mazda in His chosen abode.

17. As I chant in measured words and speak to you

In poetic language, Oh sage Jamaspa Hvogva,

I praise you for your goodwill and attention.

Mazda Ahura, who can discern between the holy and the unholy,

Believe in Him as the giver of bountiful beneficence with the aid of the Law Immutable.

18. He who brings happiness unto me, I bequeath to him the best

Of my wealth of Good Mind.

He who brings me torment, unto him I will give torment in return.

Oh Mazda, I being the fulfiller of your wish with Asha,

Such is the inspiration I have from Thee which guides my intellect and thought.

19. He who shall verily perform with Asha

The wish that is foremost in the mind of Zarathustra,

For him shall be the reward of a spiritual life more superior than his corporeal life,

With all that is known spiritually as acquired in our earthly existence,

Do reveal Yourself to me, Oh Mazda, the Most Knowing.

20. Happiness unto him who gives happiness to others,

May the Omniscient Lord, ruling at will, grant power and ability;

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Verily of Thee I desire the Law Immutable to sustain;

Give me through Perfect Devotion that reward which is acquired by following the path of

Asha, which is the essence of the Good Mind. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Kam nemoi zam Ha.

We worship the holy Ustavaiti gatha, which is the lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the hymn of the Ustavaiti gatha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

(To be recited mentally):

May the Omniscient Lord, who is the master and the conferrer of prosperity, bestow power, virtue and foreknowledge of the good Mazdayasni religion, upon us men and our descendants, upon the species of the descendants of man, upon all the good sharers of the Universe.

(To be recited aloud):

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite twice).

I praise the worship, adoration, strength and power of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

Ashem Vohu.

Ahmai-Raescha; Hazangarem; Jasa Me Avanghe Mazda; Kerfeh-Mozd. (Recite).

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GATHA 3 – SPENTA MAINYU (Yasna Has 47 to 50)

KHUSNUMAN (Rejoicing and Propitiation)

Propitiation unto Thou Oh Ahura Mazda!

(Ashem Vohu): The Excellent Law Immutable is prosperity; it is uprightness; happiness to those who give happiness to others.

In the name of God.

May the eminent glory of the prospering Lord Ahura Mazda increase!

May the holy fravahars come in the gahs of the Gathas, in the Ahunavat gah, Ustavat gah, Spentomat gah, Vohukhshathra gah and the Vahistoisti gah!

I am repentant having turned away from all sins; having expressed repentance three times and having begged pardon with all my heart for those sins pertaining to thoughts, words and deeds, for those pertaining to the body and to the soul, for those pertaining to the material world or to the spiritual, which may have arisen from me, or may have originated through me by means of all the evil thoughts harbored by me, all the evil words spoken by me, all the evil deeds done my me in my earthly existence; I am repentant who have turned away from sins.

Propitiation be of Ahura Mazda, scorn be of Angra Mainyu. Such is the foremost desire of the performers of good deeds. I worship the Law Immutable.

Ashem Vohu (Recite three times).

I, the worshipper of the Omniscient, who am a Mazdayasni Zoroastrian and an opponent of the creed of the Deva, and a follower of the creed of Ahura Mazda, make a solemn declaration for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the holy *1Havani, the Lord of the Law Immutable, and also for the worship, praise, propitiation, and celebration of the holy *2Savanh Visya, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

Just as the chief Lord may ordain unto me, thus the holy learned priest may ordain propitiation by means of the Law Immutable itself for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed, and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

We worship the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord; we worship the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas possessing good authority and good knowledge. We worship the holy and beneficent Gathas possessing authority over the seasons; we worship the holy Ahunavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Ustavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Spentamainyu Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vohukhshathra Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vahistoisti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the good, brave and beneficent fravahars of the holy.

The Ahunavar (Yatha Ahu Vairo prayer) protects the body. (Recite three times).

(Yatha Ahu Vairyo): Like the great Lord, so even the priest by means of the Law Immutable alone, may dedicate unto Ahura Mazda the gift of the deeds of the Good Mind performed during his lifetime, and the authority which protects the poor.

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Yasna Ha 47 - Spenta Mainyu

Obeisance unto you, O Sacred Hymns!

1. May the Omniscient Lord give unto man

The two blessings of Perfection and Immortal Progress with the Law divine,

By means of the Radiant Spirit and the best thought

And deed and word in this world by means of Perfect Devotion. (Recite twice).

2. The best work of this Radiant spirit, he fulfils

Through his words by his own tongue through the mouth of the Good Mind

And by actions through the two hands as guided by Perfect Devotion,

And accompanied by unique wisdom.

3. Of this Spirit Thou art the Radiant Being

Who created this universe full of delight for the sake of mankind,

And gave us food to enjoy through this bountiful Earth

When Thou conferred with the Good Mind, O Mazda!

4. With this Radiant Spirit the deceitful Dregvats who rule are wounded

But not the sustainers of the Law Divine, O Mazda!

Let man be desirous of preserving the Law Divine

And be fully capable of vanquishing the deceitful.

5. And those things which verily are the best,

You give to the sustainers of the Law Divine by means of the Radiant Spirit, O Omniscient Lord!

Against your wishes, the Dregvat allots favor to the deceitful

By his deeds residing in his sinful mind.

6. By means of Fire by this Radiant Spirit of Thine, O Omniscient Lord,

Thou gives good judgement to the disputants Ashavan and Dregvat

By means of Perfect Devotion and the Law Immutable

That which makes many seekers believers indeed.

7. May the Omniscient Lord give unto man

The two blessings of Perfection and Immortal Progress with the Law divine,

By means of the Radiant Spirit and the best thought

And deed and word in this world by means of Perfect Devotion. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times)

We worship the Spenta Mainyu Ha.

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(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):

And among the existing ones we worship                                                                                    those men and women whose best achievement Ahura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 48 - Yezi adais

1. If man is destined to vanquish the Druj by means of the Law Immutable,

That which is deceitful will be openly declared

By both the Devas and men, till the end of time

And then devotion for Thee, Oh Ahura, will increase and prove beneficial to all.

2. Tell me what Thou art the knower of, Ahura?

Will I be successful in my struggles to attain what I desire?

Is it possible for the righteous to vanquish the deceitful, O Mazda?

Such an action, verily, is known to be the best of existence.

3. Such instructions that Thou give to the wise and knowing

That teaches us to vanquish the evil and the wicked by means of the Law Immutable

Through Your mystic speeches, understood only by the wise and beneficent

One like Thee, who exhorts us by the wisdom of the Good Mind.

4. Whoever will devote his mind for the betterment of mankind or otherwise, Oh Mazda,

He who will conduct himself with good thoughts, words and deeds

Shall in the end experience joys through his beliefs

And shall attain to Thy wisdom and intelligence, is not that true?

5. May the good rulers have sway, may not evil rulers govern us.

May we be governed by the deeds of good reason, Oh Perfect Devotion!

From birth, the best type of life for a person is one of purification and holiness.

May we respect animals who work for us to nourish the earth and provide us with food.

6. For unto us the earth will give good dwelling and fill our lives with vigor and strength,

The earth is the lofty one created by the Good Mind;

For her, the Omniscient Lord grew plants by means of the Law Immutable

In the beginning of our existence.

7. May you advance against the wrathful and smite jealousy;

Those of you who wish to know the Good Mind

And the path to Asha through which the beneficent man is allied with our Lord,

Therefore, I would assign such a righteous man’s dwelling in Thy abode, Oh Lord!

8. What is the wealth of Thy good kingdom, Oh Omniscient?

What is Thy reward for me, Oh Lord?

Which of Thy workers, who promote public welfare through the Law Immutable shall I seek?

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I, who am the promoter of the deeds of the good spirit.

9. I am very certain that Thou art a ruler through Asha,

But when may I know over what and whom you rule, Oh Mazda?

Is it over those that strictly follow the path of the Good Mind?

May Thou let the future saviors know on my behalf what their rewards might be.

10. When will I meet those men, Oh Omniscient,

Who will remove the impurity of this power

Of vileness through which the Karapans cause acute pain?

How can I curb the desire of the wicked rulers of the provinces?

11. When will Asha with Perfect Devotion come with Power, Oh Mazda,

To nourish our earth with abundant pasture?

Who will give us tranquility from the cruel and wicked ones?

Unto whom will the wisdom of the Good Mind come?

12. Indeed, those future saviors of the country,

Who with Good Mind and divine Wisdom

Will bring about order with the aid of Thy words, Oh Mazda,

They are the ones destined to be the opponents of Wrathfulness.

13. May the Omniscient Lord give unto man

The two blessings of Perfection and Immortal Progress with the Law divine,

By means of the Radiant Spirit and the best thought

And deed and word in this world by means of Perfect Devotion. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times)

We worship the Yezi adais Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):

And among the existing ones we worship                                                                                 those men and women whose best achievement Ahura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 49 - At ma yava

1. Was ever Bendva, the greatest among the Devas,

Who is ever busy trying to work his evil on me, the greatest for me?

I, who give joy to the malicious through Asha, Oh Mazda, do come to me with a good and beneficial gift:

Do frustrate Bendva in his vile efforts with the Good Mind.

2. Similar to Bendva is his vile hypocrite teacher who tries to injure me

By pretending to honor me with Asha;

Neither did he experience in his life the beneficent Perfect Devotion,

Nor did he inquire by means of the Good Mind, Oh Mazda!

3. And thus for our wellbeing Thou has given, Oh Mazda,

The holy Law Immutable which helps us to discern falsehood and destroy it;

That leadership of the Good Mind I revere,

All the allies of the wicked do I frustrate.

4. Whoever, with vile knowledge, increases anger and jealousy

With their own tongues are people who are idlers among the diligent;

The deceitful, whose wish is not with the righteous workers,

They will harm our creed by delivering it to the deceitful Devas.

5. Thus he will give praises and invocation to Thou, Oh Mazda,

Who leads the creed with the Good Mind

And Perfect Devotion capable of distinguishing good from evil in accordance with the Law Immutable,

And he who will lead all Thy followers in Thy Kingdom, Oh Ahura!

6. Unto Thee and to Asha I raise forth my voice to request, Oh Mazda,

That which is Thy Wisdom, by means of Thy Good Mind,

To choose that which is right, so that we may celebrate

The creed which Thou has given us, Oh Ahura!

7. Hear O Good Mind, listen to me, Oh Mazda!

I beseech Asha, please hear me, Oh Ahura!

Who will be my companion, who will be my kinsman lawfully?

Who, by following Thy laws, will give to me and my followers a good reputation?

8. May you give unto Frashaoshtra the most delightful leadership of the Law,

And to me the leadership that I do ask of Thee, Oh Mazda Ahura,

Which leads to Thy good kingdom;

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Forever may we be most beloved of Thee.

9. Let the diligent one, who is created for beneficence, listen to Thy commands;

Let not him who is a speaker of the truth have any communion with the Drujists;

May the carriage of our creed be yoked,

To the harness of the valiant sage Jamaspa along with Asha.

10. In Thee I confide for guarding, Oh Mazda,

The Good Mind and the souls of the holy and the adorations,

Which enable us to worship with perfect devotion and praise Thee,

Who art Immortal and Wise, the ruler of our vast kingdom.

11. The deceitful rulers are men of evil deeds and vile utterances,

They are bad of character, possessing evil thoughts and are full of falsehood;

At the end of their existence, their souls come to meet them with foul food,

And are consigned to the evil Dominion of the Druj, where veritably their dwelling will be.

12. What help would I, Zarathustra, your invoker, get from Thee through Asha?

What help would Thou give me as your worshipper through the Good Mind,

I, who pledge to propitiate Thee with hymns, Oh Mazda Ahura,

Entreating for that which is the best of Thy reward?

13. May the Omniscient Lord give unto man

The two blessings of Perfection and Immortal Progress with the Law divine,

By means of the Radiant Spirit and the best thought

And deed and word in this world by means of the Perfect Devotion. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times)

We worship the At ma yava Ha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):

And among the existing ones we worship                                                                                  those men and women whose best achievement Ahura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

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Yasna Ha 50 - Kat moi urva

1. From whom shall my soul seek help?

Who is known to be the male protector of myself and my cattle,

Other than Asha and other than Thee, Oh Mazda Ahura,

Who are honored and invoked, and other than the Best Thought?

2. How, Oh Mazda, can one seek for the bounteous universe

And have it full of pasture for people to live in?

Those person living in heavenly mansions and leading a righteous life in accordance with the Law Immutable,

Do Thou gift those persons to me as my followers?

3. Thus, Oh Mazda, the Law Immutable rules

Over the universe organized by Power and the Good Mind

And through their vigor as reward,

The deceitful Dregvat must give up his share of the universe to us.

4. Thus will I worship and praise Thee, Oh Mazda Ahura,

With the Law Immutable and Best Thought

And with Power by means of which the ruler is established on the path of righteousness;

Facing the devout, I wish to be heard in the house of song.

5. Thou are sufficient, Oh Mazda Ahura,

When with Asha Thou approaches the reciter of Thy sacred words,

With clear and manifest help

Which Thou gives with Thy own hands resulting in happiness for us all.

6. Who sustains the words of Thy sacred texts

With Asha, with obeisance, none other than Your friend Zarathustra, Oh Mazda!

May Thee give me wisdom of the tongue,

To enable me to proclaim Thy tenets with the help of the Good Mind.

7. Then I will yoke unto Thee your fleetest horses

Who will praise and lead Thee to wide paths of victories,

Those powerful horses, which are Asha and the Good Mind, Oh Mazda,

With whom Thou shall travel, may Thou be for me and help me.

8. With these verses which have flown forth of your praise

I will encircle Thee with hands upstretched, Oh Mazda!

I shall approach Thee with Asha and bow to Thee in worship,

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With the reverence of a zestful person and with the skill of good thought.

9. I shall return to Thee, praising Thee with Yasnas,

With Asha and with deeds by means of the Good Mind, Oh Mazda!

As long as I rule prosperously and at will,

Till then, I would long for and seek Thee, the generous giver.

10. Then with these directives and deeds,

And that which is acquired with the help of the Good Mind,

The bright celestial lights of the sky, the regulator of days, the Sun

I dedicate to Thee in Your praise with the Law Immutable, Oh Mazda Ahura!

11. Till then, Oh Mazda, may I increase and promote Your praise,

Which I can and will with the aid of Asha?

Oh, giver of life, thriving with the Good Mind

Such is my foremost wish as a worker for the people.

12. May the Omniscient Lord give unto man

The two blessings of Perfection and Immortal Progress with the Law divine,

By means of the Radiant Spirit and the best thought

And deed and word in this world by means of the Perfect Devotion. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times)

We worship the Kat moi urva Ha.

We worship the holy Spenta Mainyu gatha, which is the lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the hymn of the Spenta Mainyu gatha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

(To be recited mentally):

May the Omniscient Lord, who is the master and the conferrer of prosperity, bestow power, virtue and foreknowledge of the good Mazdayasni religion, upon us men and our descendants, upon the species of the descendants of man, upon all the good sharers of the Universe

(To be recited aloud):

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite twice).

I praise the worship, adoration, strength and power of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

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Ashem Vohu.

Ahmai-Raescha; Hazangarem; Jasa Me Avanghe Mazda; Kerfeh-Mozd. (Recite).

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KHUSNUMAN (Rejoicing and Propitiation)

Propitiation unto Thou Oh Ahura Mazda!

(Ashem Vohu): The Excellent Law Immutable is prosperity; it is uprightness; happiness to those who give happiness to others.

In the name of God.

May the eminent glory of the prospering Lord Ahura Mazda increase!

May the holy fravahars come in the gahs of the Gathas, in the Ahunavat gah, Ustavat gah, Spentomat gah, Vohukhshathra gah and the Vahistoisti gah!

I am repentant having turned away from all sins; having expressed repentance three times and having begged pardon with all my heart for those sins pertaining to thoughts, words and deeds, for those pertaining to the body and to the soul, for those pertaining to the material world or to the spiritual, which may have arisen from me, or may have originated through me by means of all the evil thoughts harbored by me, all the evil words spoken by me, all the evil deeds done my me in my earthly existence; I am repentant who have turned away from sins.

Propitiation be of Ahura Mazda, scorn be of Angra Mainyu. Such is the foremost desire of the performers of good deeds. I worship the Law Immutable.

Ashem Vohu (Recite three times).

I, the worshipper of the Omniscient, who am a Mazdayasni Zoroastrian and an opponent of the creed of the Deva, and a follower of the creed of Ahura Mazda, make a solemn declaration for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the holy *1Havani, the Lord of the Law Immutable, and also for the worship, praise, propitiation, and celebration of the holy *2Savanh Visya, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

Just as the chief Lord may ordain unto me, thus the holy learned priest may ordain propitiation by means of the Law Immutable itself for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed, and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

We worship the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord; we worship the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas possessing good authority and good knowledge. We worship the holy and beneficent Gathas possessing authority over the seasons; we worship the holy Ahunavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Ustavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Spentamainyu Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vohukhshathra Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vahistoisti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the good, brave and beneficent fravahars of the holy.

The Ahunavar (Yatha Ahu Vairo prayer) protects the body. (Recite three times).

(Yatha Ahu Vairyo): Like the great Lord, so even the priest by means of the Law Immutable alone, may dedicate unto Ahura Mazda the gift of the deeds of the Good Mind performed during his lifetime, and the authority which protects the poor.

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Yasna Ha 51 - Vohu khshathrem

Obeisance unto you, O Sacred Hymns!

1. The righteous government that allots wealth equitably is most powerful

By its devoted actions and worship of the Law divine;

O Omniscient, may the best be showered upon me and my followers. (Recite twice).

2. The best of Thee and of the Law divine, O Omniscient Lord, and thine too, O Perfect Thoughtfulness,

Bestow on me so I can have dominion over my will.

O Good Mind, Grant me the power to perform homage.

3. Let them come together to Your invitation all those who perform good deeds;

Thou, the sovereign with utterances of good thought spoken through Thy tongue;

Thou art the first demonstrator of good deeds and good words, O Mazda!

4. Where is the perfect leadership of the upholders of the Revelation? Where stands grace?

Where are those that seek the splendor of the Law divine? Where is the beneficent Perfect Devotion?

Where is the Best Mind? Where is Thy kingdom, O Omniscient?

5. I ask such questions so that I may understand the universe with the Law divine;

The herdsman, by means of good deeds and wisdom achieved through prayer,

In reverence to Thou who, exercising power bestows the right rewards for the just.

6. He who is the Best gives the good and bestows same unto His chosen man;

The one with that power is Ahura Mazda; the worst state will be reserved for the sinner,

And He will not grant him a good abode even in the last days of his life.

7. Thou, who created the universe and the waters and the plants, give unto me

Immortal progress and perfection,

Strength, preservation and speech through the Good Mind, O most beneficent spirit Mazda!

8. Then indeed I shall say to Thee, because a man should say it to the One who knows,

That pain is for the wicked, and happiness is for the upholder of the Law divine;

He verily is delighted by divine speech who speaks to the wise, O Omniscient.

9. Thou renders judgement to the two disputants, the good and the bad, by means of Thy shining Fire, O Omniscient!

Thou gives the disputants a sign in their two lives, corporeal and spiritual, by molten metal,

To destroy the wicked and empower the righteous.

10. But Mana, who speaks in a barbarous manner, unlike the divine speech of the wise, O Omniscient,

He is the deceitful progeny of the family of the injurer, those who are of fraudulent knowledge;

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For me, I invoke the Law divine, with the good reward proceeding from Thee.

11. Who is the chosen man for Spitama Zarathustra, O Omniscient,

Who is conversant with the divine Law, truth and perfect devotion?

Who is the conspicuous sublime being of the Good Mind for me, the magian?

12. Those two, the Kaviyan and the Vaep, did not gratify this Zarathustra Spitama when,

As Thy messenger he crossed their bridge in winter and was offered neither food nor raiment;

He, Zarathustra, is the one whom the Odras and wanderers with their triumphant strength impede.

13. Those who are upright indeed lay waste to the careers of the deceitful,

Whose soul frets over the shining Chinvat Bridge of punishment at the end of his existence,

Owing to his own deeds and words through which he has strayed from the path of the Law divine.

14. Nor is the friendship of the Karapan with his gifts of pasture enough,

He hurts the animal kingdom from afar with his deeds and doctrines of immoderate slaughter

Which in the end leads him to the abode of the Druj.

15. This is the reward which Zarathustra promised to his fellow magians:

The house of songs and praise, the abode where the Lord Omniscient dwells,

Who will give the prize of the Good Mind and Law divine, whose benefits can be seen by one and all.

16. Kava Vishtaspa, by means of the authority of the religious,

And following the steps of the Good Mind, attained to that sagacity which

The Beneficent Omniscient Lord discerned with the Law divine, to tell us about the universal good.

17. Frashaoshtra Hvogva bestowed unto me the bright spiritual person, his daughter,

The lovely damsel, with knowledge of the good Revelation; may the sovereign Lord

Give her unto me in marriage at my request as reward for following the path of Asha.

18. The sage Jamaspa Hvogva chose by means of the Law divine that wisdom which is derived by the acquisition of the Good Mind;

Give unto me that which is Thy joy as reward, O Lord Omniscient,

That authority, which comes from the acquisition of the Good Mind.

19. My first cousin, Maidyomaha Spitama, may Thou bless him,

As the seeker of spiritual life, well versed in the Revelation,

Whom the Omniscient called the munificent owing to his good deeds in the material life.

20. All above persons are my companions, who with their support, give me power;

We are adorers, the seekers of delight, who give homage to the Omniscient,

Of the Law divine, which is the word of the Good Mind, through which perfect devotion is achieved.

21. He is the pure man of perfect devotion, who through meditation, words and deeds,

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Is well versed with the Radiant Law Divine, the Revelation, and authority by means of the Good Mind,

I beg Thee, may Thy give such a man a good reward, Lord Omniscient.

22. Him, who derives excellence from the Law divine of the Omniscient Lord,

Knows by my adoration, and those who were and are,

I adore them by declaring aloud their names and embracing them with love.

23. The righteous government that allots wealth equitably is most powerful

By its devoted actions and worship of the Law divine.

O Omniscient, may the best be showered upon me and my followers. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times)

We worship the Vohu khshathrem Ha.

We worship the holy Vohu Khshathra gatha, which is the lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the hymn of the Vohu Khshathra gatha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

(To be recited mentally):

May the Omniscient Lord, who is the master and the conferrer of prosperity, bestow power, virtue and foreknowledge of the good Mazdayasni religion, upon us men and our descendants, upon the species of the descendants of man, upon all the good sharers of the Universe

(To be recited aloud):

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite twice).

I praise the worship, adoration, strength and power of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

Ashem Vohu.

Ahmai-Raescha; Hazangarem; Jasa Me Avanghe Mazda; Kerfeh-Mozd. (Recite).

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GATHA 5 – VAHISTOISTI (Yasna Has 53)

KHUSNUMAN (Rejoicing and Propitiation)

Propitiation unto Thou Oh Ahura Mazda!

(Ashem Vohu): The Excellent Law Immutable is prosperity; it is uprightness; happiness to those who give happiness to others.

In the name of God.

May the eminent glory of the prospering Lord Ahura Mazda increase!

May the holy fravahars come in the gahs of the Gathas, in the Ahunavat gah, Ustavat gah, Spentomat gah, Vohukhshathra gah and the Vahistoisti gah!

I am repentant having turned away from all sins; having expressed repentance three times and having begged pardon with all my heart for those sins pertaining to thoughts, words and deeds, for those pertaining to the body and to the soul, for those pertaining to the material world or to the spiritual, which may have arisen from me, or may have originated through me by means of all the evil thoughts harbored by me, all the evil words spoken by me, all the evil deeds done my me in my earthly existence; I am repentant who have turned away from sins.

Propitiation be of Ahura Mazda, scorn be of Angra Mainyu. Such is the foremost desire of the performers of good deeds. I worship the Law Immutable.

Ashem Vohu (Recite three times).

I, the worshipper of the Omniscient, who am a Mazdayasni Zoroastrian and an opponent of the creed of the Deva, and a follower of the creed of Ahura Mazda, make a solemn declaration for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the holy *1Havani, the Lord of the Law Immutable, and also for the worship, praise, propitiation, and celebration of the holy *2Savanh Visya, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

Just as the chief Lord may ordain unto me, thus the holy learned priest may ordain propitiation by means of the Law Immutable itself for the worship, praise, propitiation and celebration of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed, and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

We worship the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord; we worship the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas possessing good authority and good knowledge. We worship the holy and beneficent Gathas possessing authority over the seasons; we worship the holy Ahunavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Ustavaiti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Spentamainyu Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vohukhshathra Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable; we worship the holy Vahistoisti Gatha, the Lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the good, brave and beneficent fravahars of the holy.

The Ahunavar (Yatha Ahu Vairo prayer) protects the body. (Recite three times).

(Yatha Ahu Vairyo): Like the great Lord, so even the priest by means of the Law Immutable alone, may dedicate unto Ahura Mazda the gift of the deeds of the Good Mind performed during his lifetime, and the authority which protects the poor.

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Yasna Ha 53 – Vahistoisti

Obeisance unto you, O Sacred Hymns!

1. Zarathustra Spitama’s best wish will be celebrated,

When Ahura Mazda may grant him the rewards

In conformity with the Law divine, a good spiritual life unto eternity,

And those who injured and hurt him, will accept the words and deeds of the Good Religion. (Recite twice).

2. And thus may they, Kava Vishtaspa the Zoroastrian and *7Frashaoshtra Spitamide,

With mind, words and deeds, go unto His divine Wisdom,

Conferrer of the right path according to the Religion which Ahura will give to the future benefactors,

May they engross themselves in the reception and adoration of Mazda.

3. O thou, Pouruchista, scion of the clans of Haechataspa and Spitama,

Adorer and youngest daughter of Zarathustra,

May the Lord give thee as husband a follower of the Good Mind, of the Law Immutable and of Mazda,

Therefore, greet thy husband with thy willingness most pure and pour on him the nectar of devotion.

4. *8Him indeed, will I, Pouruchista Haechataspa, emulate and accept as husband who is destined

To take the place of my father, one who is ordained to be the lord and companion of the laborers;

I, who am a holy woman of Good Mind, celebrated worth and a determined nature,

May the Lord Omniscient appoint me to serve holy men and the good religion for all eternity.

5. Words of advice, do I say, to all brides

And to you bridegrooms, and these my words do ye attend to;

Being well versed in the Revelations, do you know Him, who is the spiritual leader of the Good Mind?

May you treat each other with love in accordance with the Law divine, then surely the reward of a happy life shall be yours.

6. Thus then, in truth, oh men as well as women,

Do you hinder the Druj, the deceiver, out to destroy us

Just as a charioteer reins in his horses?

Those who worship the Druj, attain to evil tastes, unhappiness and their health is threatened

By the deceitful who are bent on imperiling the spiritual life and distorting the Righteous Path.

7. And thus, the power for retaliating against the deceitful will be yours,

So long as you toil without wages and are devoted to your good work of hindering evil,

Moving backward and forward with alertness, ever mindful of the deceitful who spread their ruin and destruction.

Do you recognize this power, for if you do not, your existence may end in woe?

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8. Hereby indeed, may all those who possess the seed of evil within themselves be ruined,

And all these evil scoffers must be censored;

By means of such wise actions may men and women achieve peace and happiness;

May the Lord of our two existences, corporeal and spiritual, arise, and may he soon be the greatest dispenser of both death and delight.

9. Those of the evil faith, whose bodies are full of sin, rule over us in human form,

And subvert and destroy the Law Immutable;

Where is the Ashva Ahuro, the holy Lord who would deprive them of freedom and life?

That, O Mazda, is Thy kingdom wherein you give to the poor the better in life if they are righteous.

10. Zarathustra Spitama’s best wish will be celebrated,

When Ahura Mazda may grant him the rewards

In conformity with the Law divine, a good spiritual life unto eternity,

And those who injured and hurt him, will accept the words and deeds of the Good Religion. (Recite twice).

Ashem Vohu (Recite 3 times).

We worship the Vahistoisti Ha.

We worship the holy Vahistoisti gatha, which is the lord of the Law Immutable.

We worship the hymn of the Vahistoisti gatha.

(Yenghe Hatam Prayer):And among the existing ones we worshipthose men and women whose best achievementAhura Mazda was cognizant of through Asha and by my adoration.

(To be recited mentally):

May the Omniscient Lord, who is the master and the conferrer of prosperity, bestow power, virtue and foreknowledge of the good Mazdayasni religion, upon us men and our descendants, upon the species of the descendants of man, upon all the good sharers of the Universe

(To be recited aloud):

Yatha Ahu Vairyo (Recite twice).

I praise the worship, adoration, strength and power of the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda, the Omniscient Lord and of the immortal and beneficent Amesha Spentas, of the Ahunavaiti Gatha, Ustavaiti Gatha, Spentamainyu Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha, Vahistoisti Gatha, among the holy Gathas that have jurisdiction over the beneficent seasons; of the victorious and strong fravahars of the holy; of the fravahars of those of the excellent creed and of the fravahars of the next of kin of Zarathustra.

Ashem Vohu.

Ahmai-Raescha; Hazangarem; Jasa Me Avanghe Mazda; Kerfeh-Mozd. (Recite).

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*9Yasna 54 – Conclusion

A Airyema Ishiyo

1. Let the vigorous people

Come to the support of the men and women of Zarathustra,

To the support of Good Thought,

Following the creed that will deserve a prize worthy of being chosen by Thee.

I ask for the invigorating reward of truth, which Mazda Ahura has created.

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