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Page 1: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117

The Field trip Leader must complete this Fieldwork Assessment Form. This provides a mechanism for: capturing emergency contact details; aiding the organisation of supplies and equipment; ensuring relevant risk assessment and control strategies have been considered and are in place; and documenting approval. An electronic copy of the form and all approvals will be retained in a fieldwork register by each participating element’s administration area.

Take the completed form with you on the field trip

FIELD TRIP PROJECT TITLE: Water/sediment sample collection at Mon Repos


STATUS: ☐ Staff☒ PG / Hons Student (Fred Leusch and Jason Van de Merwe)

FIELDTRIP DETAILS 1. At Attachment 1, add a map detailing all work areas and camp sites.2. Fieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual (located in the

Boating and Diving Team Place intranet site) and submit additional activity-specific documents. 3. Describe the principal work methods and any hazardous equipment that will be used in the space below. If additional space is

required, then place this information after the map.

DATES: At Attachment 2, add an itinerary/accommodation details (including flight itinerary if applicable). Include contact numbers for land owners/local National Parks & Wildlife centre where applicable.

Date & time of departure 26/2/16 9am

Date & time of return 28/2/16 6pm


Name Contact Number/s Schedule (as discussed with Call-In Contact)

Fred Leusch <number redacted> Call/text at 17:00 each day (+/- 1 hour), and upon return to Gold Coast campus


Call in the following order until contact is established:1. Element Contact (select your element): ☒ARI Nadine Painter 0434 171 636 ☐ EFRI ☐ ENV 2. GU Security: (07) 3735 7777 (N) / (07) 5552 7777 (GC)

Note: Phone numbers for Element Contacts can be found in the Emergency Response Procedures (Appendix 1)

PARTICIPANT EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Include every participant’s next of kin (add more rows to table if necessary)

Participant Participant Contact No

Status Date of first aid training

Emergency Contact Name/s

Emergency Contact Phone Number/s

Hannah Allan <no. redacted> FL/D/F/Proj 11/2/16 <name redacted> <no. redacted>

Sophie Doell <no. redacted> PG (hons)/F 9/11/15 <name redacted> <no. redacted>

Status*: FL = Field trip leader; NL = New FL§; S = University Staff; PG = Postgraduate; Proj = Project Student; D = Driver; VM = Vessel Master; F = Qualified first aider, i.e. holds ‘Provide First Aid’ certificate; V† = Volunteer; O = Other (participant from another organisation with own insurance)*All participants must submit a Medical Information form (Appendix 1);§ This person will be a future FL on this project; †If V, submit a Volunteer form also (Appendix 2)

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

The field site for this project is at Mon Repos (near Bundaberg), which will be reached from the Gold Coast by car. Two water samples will be taken from the wetlands behind Mon Repos campsite. Samples will be collected at on foot (without significantly entering the water) using containers. Ten sediment samples will also be collected at 1m depth from the beach area of Mon Repos during mid tide. It is anticipated that there will be two trips to Mon Repos during this project.

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Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117


Vehicle (make, model, type) Subaru Forester 1998Registration Number 307-TKUDo all nominated drivers hold a valid licence? (Y/N) YIf vehicle is a 4WD, have all nominated drivers completed basic 4WD training? (Y/N) N/A


Device NumberMobile number of Field trip leader (if different to above) <no. redacted>Satellite phone N/AEmergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) N/APersonal locating beacon (PLB) N/AOther (e.g. radio) N/A

IN-FIELD EMERGENCY PROCEDUREDescribe the in-field emergency response / procedures

List of ALL GU Equipment Taken on Fieldtrip:


Appendix 1, Medical Information FormAppendix 2, Volunteer Staff Member Registration FormAppendix 3, Checklist: Typical Safety Equipment / ProvisionsAppendix 4, Checklist: Potential Hazards (includes first aid instructions for bites / stings)Appendix 5, Checklist: Fieldtrip Leader

Inappropriate behaviour by staff and students is covered in the following policy documents available from http://policies.griffith.edu.au/by-title/a-z-of-all-policies

Staff: Code of Conduct Students: Student Misconduct Policy and Student Misconduct Procedures

Fieldwork Emergency Response Procedures

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Perform first aid using first aid kit if required, call 000, and inform call-in and emergency contacts. If less severe, drive to Bundaberg Hospital (~16km/20min).

Directions to hospital from sample site are: Head East on Mon Repos/Grange Rd, left at Potters Rd, right at Bargara and follow to hospital (271 Bourbong St, Bundaberg QLD 4670). Hospital number: (07) 4150 2222.

Shovel , 3x eskies, 6 cooler bags

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Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117

Risk Assessment Matrix

Table of Risk RatingField Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

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Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117




No injuries


First Aid treatment


Medical treatment


Serious or extensive injuries


Death or large number of serious injuries

Almost Certain Low Medium High High Extreme

Likely Low Medium Medium High High

Possible Low Low Medium Medium High

Unlikely Low Low Low Medium Medium

Rare Low Low Low Low Medium


Likelihood ratingThe number of times within a specified period in which a risk may occur either as a consequence of business operations or through failure of operating systems, policies or procedures.

Rating Description Occurrence ProbabilityAlmost Certain Expected to occur in most circumstances Multiple / 12 months > 80%

Likely Strong possibility of occurrence Within 12 months 61% – 80%

Possible May occur occasionally Within 5 years 31% – 60%

Unlikely Not expected to occur but may happen Within 10 years 5% – 30%

Rare May only occur in exceptional circumstances >10 years < 5%

Table of Management Action

Risk Score What should I do?Extreme Immediate action required

High Action plan required, senior management attention needed

Medium Specific monitoring or procedures required, management responsibility must be specified

Low Manage through routine procedures. Unlikely to need specific application of resources

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 5: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117

Detailed Risk Assessment of Field Operations

Refer to ARI/ENV Risk Registers for guidance in completing risk assessment.Refer to Risk Assessment Matrix for descriptors.

Hazard Initial Likelihood

Initial Consequence

Initial Risk Control Measures Controlled

LikelihoodControlled Consequence

Controlled Risk

Vehicle accident Possible



Drivers must operate vehicles lawfully, be vigilant of other drivers and drive in a defensive and responsible manner. Ensure all personnel are wearing seat belts correctly. Ensure good visibility for oncoming traffic with lights on. Drive to road conditions and take regular rest stops (15 minutes for every 2 hours). Have comprehensive insurance.




Motor vehicle breakdown due to improper maintenance




Vehicle should be regularly serviced and maintenance records keptVehicle checklist to be completed by driver before tripParticularly check oil & water and condition of tyres & spares




Slips, trips and falls Possible



Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the conditions.Be vigilant when working in slippery/muddy/wet/unstable conditionsWear head torches to aid in avoidance of obstacles while working at night.




Muscular strain or other injury from lifting / carrying luggage




Safe lifting practices using aids where possible. Carrying as minimum load as possible. Carrying in pairs where possible.




Sunburn/dehydration/ heatstroke




PPE: Wear protective clothing/ sunscreen/ hatCarry sufficient waterCheck weather conditions before departing & monitor during trip




Theft from accommodation Possible



Only carry necessary valuables on public transport and secure valuables so cannot be easily takenAvoid high risk areas




Cuts/abrasions/bruising Likely



Wear protective clothing & footwearFirst aid kit and training




Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 6: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117Bites/ stings/ allergic reactions due to insects/ ticks/other biting organisms and stinging plants



High PPE: Wear protective clothing and insect repellent.

Record any allergies before trip, those members with allergies to inform others & take precautions as per medical advice.First aid kit & training● TICK ALERT - all fieldworkers in riparian areas to check each other for ticks at the end of the day.Tick bites can have long term health consequences. If anyone is bitten, remove tick with sharp tipped forceps and keep tick, placing in plastic bag from first aid kit. Record date and time on bag and freeze on return to GU. . Treat bite with antiseptic such as Betadine and make sure it is reported as an incident in GSafe.




Illness or allergic reaction to water containing toxic substances




Notification of relevant immunisations (eg. Tetanus/ Hepatitis).PPE: protective clothing/ gloves / eye protection; if needed full face shieldDisinfectant hand-wash




Dangerous organisms: venomous snakes/spiders; venomous marine creatures/ spines; non-venomous bites




Review known local hazardous organisms (e.g. snakes)Wear appropriate protective clothing. Walk with diligence. Make all personnel aware of the closest emergency medical location (hospital, doctor’s surgery etc.).First aid kit and training: include compression bandages




Add as many additional rows as necessary

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 7: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117


Field trip leader

Emailing this document to the Risk Assessment Reviewer indicates that you understand your responsibilities as outlined in the Guide to Field Trips for Elements in the Environmental Sciences, Part 1: Research Activities, and this document. It is also understood that any amendments to the Detailed Risk Assessment of Field Operations will be completed to the satisfaction of the Risk Assessment Reviewer.

Risk Assessment Reviewer

Is the fieldwork risk assessment and control complete? ☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, indicate why:

Are the control measures appropriate for the hazards identified? ☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, what additional control measures are required?

Assessed by Risk Assessment Reviewer: <David Camp> on <24 Feb 2016>

Following review, email this document to the HDR Supervisor; cc Field trip leader, HoS/DHoS, and admin staff in the research element and School

PhD / Honours Supervisor

Your agreement acknowledges you have understood the risks and control measures, and consent to your HDR student’s participation in the fieldtrip.

Email your approval to the HoS/DHoS-ENV; cc Field trip leader, Risk Assessment Reviewer, and admin staff in the research element and School

HoS or nominee

Email your approval and the attached Fieldwork Assessment Form to the Field trip leader, Risk Assessment Reviewer, HDR Supervisor, and administrative staff responsible for maintaining electronic/hard copies in the research element and School

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 8: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117Attachment 1. Map detailing all work areas & campsites

Samples taken from surrounding wetland area and beach areaAccommodation is at Mon Repos Conservation area Research Centre

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Samples to be taken along beach

Water samples to be taken from wetlands/lagoon

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Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117Attachment 2. Itinerary/accommodation details

Include flight itinerary if applicable. Include contact numbers for land owners/local National Parks & Wildlife centre where applicable.

Dates Friday 26/02/16- Sunday 28/02/16 Leave GC at 9am, ETA 3pm at Mon Repos Two nights camping at Mon Repos Conservation area Research Centre Site exploration Friday afternoon and Saturday morning Water sampling Saturday morning Sand sampling Saturday afternoon/evening Sunday morning pack up and complete any unfinished sampling Depart Mon Repos at 12pm, ETA at GC 6pm.

Accommodation and Research Station contact details.Accommodation will be within the Mon Repos research centre. Camping style accommodation is available where participants will bring their own tents and sleeping equipment. Full kitchen, bathroom, laboratory, and office facilities are available in two permanent structures at the location. This is also available for shelter in case of large storm events.

Address: Mon Repos Conservation Park, Mon Repos Road, Bundaberg, QLD.Telephone: 07 4159 2628

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 10: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117Appendix 1. Medical Information for Fieldwork Activities Form

All participants undertaking official Griffith University fieldwork activities have an obligation to work safely in the field, taking reasonable care to protect their own health and safety, and that of any other Field Trip participants.

This Medical Information Form should be completed and submitted to the Field Trip Leader whenever a field trip participant has a medical condition that may;

require specific considerations in order to facilitate their participation in the Field Trip, or require specific medical treatment under certain circumstances, or impact their capacity to safely perform their allocated tasks.

All Medical Information for Fieldwork Activities forms are treated with an appropriate degree of security and confidentiality.

Note: regular participants in fieldwork need not complete a new form for each trip. However, they must complete a new form whenever their medical circumstances change.

NAME:Hannah Allan


STATUS: Volunteer ☐ Griffith University Staff ☐

Griffith University Student ☒

staff / student ID number



Describe any medical condition that could incapacitate you in a field situation and/or require expert medical attention? Specify appropriate first aid treatment procedures.



Do you have any allergies or reactions to drugs (this includes natural therapies)? Yes ☐ No ☒


Do you have any specific dietary considerations? Yes ☐ No ☒


Do you have any specific requirements in order to facilitate your participation in this activity?Eg: access to assistive technology, physical access to the environment, mobility assistance Yes ☐ No ☒



Date of last tetanus toxoid booster (immunisation is voluntary): October 2010

Detail any other matters or circumstances that may affect your participation in a field trip;



I, Hannah Allan , declare that the answers to the above questions are true, that I have not withheld any relevant information, and that I consider myself appropriately fit to participate in the specified fieldwork activities.

I understand that the University reserves the right to decline or limit participation in fieldwork activities by any person on medical grounds.

Signed: Date: 19/02/2016

Appendix 2. Volunteer Staff Member Registration FormField Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

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Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117


Volunteer DetailsFamily Name: Given Names:

(in full)

Title: Miss(e.g. Dr/Ms/Mr/Mrs/Miss)

Gender:☐M ☐ F

Date of Birth:

Home Address:State: Postcode:

Mailing Address: As aboveState: Postcode:

Telephone: ( ) Mobile:Next of Kin DetailsName: Contact Number:Type of Work to be Undertaken:Organisational Area: Section: Initial Campus:Supervisor’s Name:Supervisor’s Position Title: Ext.:Period of Voluntary Work: From: To:Details of work undertaken on a voluntary basis:Collecting water samples from wetlands of Mon Repos and collecting/storing sand samples from Mon Repos beach.

Will this work require contact with children and young people? ☐ Yes ☒ NoIf YES, depending on the nature of contact, there may be a requirement for a positive “Working with Children Check” (Blue Card), and an awareness and commitment to their well-being. Should the volunteer staff member already hold a current Blue Card, they are to sign the Authorisation Form for the Commission for Children and Young People to provide the following information to the nominated authorised person at Griffith University:

- the current status of a Blue Card application; - the validity of a Blue Card; and - any changes to the status of a Blue Card application.

APPROVAL (all signatures are required)

Signature of Volunteer:Date:Signature of Supervisor:Date:University and Volunteer Staff Relationship:The University appreciates the contribution to its work made by people who act as volunteer staff members. There are some aspects of the relationship of volunteer staff members to the University which should be clear to all parties involved. These are set out below:1. This volunteer staff member appointment is subject to the Griffith University Act 1998 or to any other Queensland Legislation

amending or in substitution of the Act and to the Statutes, Rules of Griffith University and Resolutions of the Council of the University from time to time in force.

2. The term of appointment of a volunteer staff member is normally up to one month’s duration.3. The volunteer staff member will act responsibly in the use, maintenance and custody of all University resources, and will

observe the normal practices of the University.4. The volunteer staff member will be covered by the University’s Voluntary Personal Accident Policy and Public Liability Policy,

during the period of voluntary work.5. The University would appreciate timely advice if a volunteer staff member wishes to conclude his/her arrangement with the

University. The University retains the right to end volunteer staff arrangements.

Send this completed form to CARMS, Bray Centre (N54_2.40).The School/Element Secretary is to retain a copy of this form also.

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 12: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117Appendix 3. Checklist: Typical Safety Equipment / Provisions

Note: The following table is designed to be a prompt to assist planning for field trips. It is not to be used as a definitive list for every fieldtrip.

Generic Items Check (Y/N) Specific Items Check (Y/N)PPE Vehicle (off road & remote)Hats Y Spare tyres YSunscreen Y Tools YLong sleeved shirts Y Recovery equipment (e.g. winch) NWaders N Spare fuel NGaters N Spare battery NSteel capped boots N GPS YPFD N First aid kit Y

Fire extinguisher N

Camping BoatingTents (1 and 4man) Y Weather information NTorch Y Boating Safety Equipment NPortable generator N Charts NMatches NFirst aid kit Y DivingCompass Y Diving equipment N

Weather information NDive Site information N

Food / Water Maps/Charts NDrinking water (no. litres) N (on site)Food (3 days) Y Communication


Documentation Satellite phone NFieldwork risk assessment form Y Radio NList of emergency contacts Y Mobile phone YItinerary Y Maps / charts NAccommodation phone numbers Y

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 13: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117Appendix 4. Checklist: Potential Hazards

Note: The following table is designed to be a prompt to assist identification of possible hazards. It is not to be used as a definitive list for every fieldtrip.

Hazard Check (Y/N) Hazard Check (Y/N)Vehicles / Equipment Working EnvironmentVehicles Y Working at heights NBoating N Working at altitude NFuel N Working on site NEquipment N Working adjacent to roads NPPE N Working in streams N

Working outdoors - sunburn YWorking outdoors - dehydration Y

Travel / Access Working outdoors - cold NTravel mode en route to site Y Working in/under water NDriver fatigue YAccess (to property, etc.) Y Climate / Natural Disaster

Rain YStorm / Lightning / Wind N

Dangers to Field Team Flood NLocal violence N Snow NHold-up N Heat / Cold YFire arms / weapons N Fire N

Waves / Current N

Food / Water AnimalsFood poisoning N Attacks by large animals NContaminated food N Bites / stings (re link below) YLack of water N

For bites and stings, refer to fact sheet prepared by St John Ambulance Australia:http://stjohn.org.au/assets/uploads/fact%20sheets/english/FS_bites_table.pdf

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

Page 14: Web viewFieldtrip Leaders involved in diving activities shall refer to the Diving Safety Policy and Procedures Manual ... (including flight itinerary if applicable)

Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117Appendix 5. Checklist: Field trip leader

Has the Call-in Contact been notified and understand their role? ☒ Yes ☐ No

Has the Call-in Contact a copy of this fieldwork risk assessment? ☒ Yes ☐ No

Has the Call-in Contact been supplied any other pertinent information? ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

If HDR students are participating, have all supervisors been notified? ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

List name/s of all HDR supervisor/s here:

Fred Leusch, Jason van de Merwe

Have all participants supplied emergency contact (next of kin) details? ☒ Yes ☐ No

Have all participants filled in the Medical Information form (Appendix 2)? ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

Have all volunteers filled in the Volunteer Registration form (Appendix 3)? ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

Have all participants received a copy of this fieldwork risk assessment? ☒ Yes ☐ No

Have all participants acknowledged reading & understanding the FWRA? ☒ Yes ☐ No

International Trips

Has the smartraveller website been checked for travel warnings? ☐ Yes ☐ No

It is recommend that you register your travel plans on smartraveller.gov.au so that you can be contacted in the event of an emergency, including natural disasters, civil unrest or family matters. The site also has comprehensive travel tips, up-to-date country information, and travel warnings for dangerous countries. The University’s Travel Policy states that travel will not be approved to areas under current DFAT warnings, 'Do not travel' or 'Reconsider your need to travel' or if insurance cover is not available, unless specific approval is provided by the Academic Provost for academic staff and students or the Vice President (Corporate Services) for general staff.

Travel doctors and advice can be found on the following link for vaccinations, etc.: http://www.traveldoctor.com.au/

The following Griffith University webpage provides an access point for vaccinations, health alerts and fact sheets for travellers: https://intranet.secure.griffith.edu.au/security-safety-emergency/health-safety/hazard-identification-risk-assessment-control/specific-risks-m-z

Briefing by Fieldtrip Leader

Types of hazards ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

Safety controls ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

Communication devices ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

Call-in procedures ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

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Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form RARN: 16/117

Version Record (admin use only)The table must be updated when changes to the main document occur.

Version No. Issue Date Nature of amendment AuthorV0.0

Field Assessment Form, v7.0, 25 November 2015. Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside the Griffith University context.

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