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Disqualifying Disqualifying QuestionsQuestions

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Apr 2 webinar on Disqualifying Questions 6 disqualifying questions to be prepared to answer at an interview from the viewpoint of a recruiter.

Free Watermark Webinar on Disqualifying Interview Questions, Apr 2 at 10am, with no pre-registration, 30 minutes.

1 - Go to http://www.slideshare.net/jamestreed, single click on Webinar on Disqualifying Questions

2 – At start time, dial the following number: 610-214-0200 Access Code: 799044#

3 – Put your phone on mute using *6 when you are not talking

The conf call service is provided by FreeConferenceCall.com. There is no catch. There are no advertisements to listen to, no hidden fees, no sales pitches, and no surprises. Only normal long distance charges by each caller's carrier apply. There will be no bill or charges from FreeConferenceCall.com for this service.

James 940-395-8757 [email protected]


Careers in Motion - webinarCareers in Motion - webinar

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Watermark's job group meets every Tues morning 8am-10am, Watermark tower floor 3, 7450 LBJ in Dallas. Always Free with no pre-registration.

Career Assessments with Fred Johnson at every meeting and then 2 weeks later, www.MyCareerAssessmentsOnline.com

Pajama webinars, just 30 minutes, watch http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3705077

Apr 9 THE BIG 3 PLUS: Networking, Interviews, Resumes PLUS www.careerDFW.org, 9-11am, Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ in Dallas. Send email to [email protected] if you plan to attend.

May 7 How to use Social Networking Tools to get a job. Our speaker will talk about Twitter, Facebook, and other key Social Networking tools. 9-11 noon at the Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ in Dallas.

May 14 Denise Marcinski of the Cooper Clinic and MAKE OVERS THAT GET JOBS will be covered, http://empoweredbychoice.com. 9-11am at the Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ in Dallas.

June 11 CEO, Terri Maxwell will show you how to max your job search with passion in her talk called, Succeed on Purpose. 9-11am at the Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ in Dallas. http://succeedonpurpose.com/company-overview.aspx

July 9 Recruiter, Mitch Byers talks about how to Max Your Competencies and Interview Skills. 9 to 11am, Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ. http://www.interviewrx.com/

Aug 13 Keep On Keeping On, Wendell Hall talks about how to stay motivated in your job search and Fred Johnson talks about how to Make People Like You, 9-11am, Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ in Dallas.

Sept 17 Author, Kathy Light uses her job coaching skills to present, "Why you Rock". 9-11am, Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ. www.kathylight.com

Oct 15 Resume workshop, bring your resume and a thick skin.

Nov 12: Entrepreneur, Tim Wackel, one of the most popular biz speakers talks about Sell Myself, Are You Crazy? 9-11am, Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ. http://www.timwackel.com/index.aspx

Dec 10 Motivational Speaker, Debbie Gore and Job Networking, 9-11am, Watermark tower, 7540 LBJ, http://www.recipeforlife.biz

Careers in Motion

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- Sign-up as Explorer, registration key is CECIM


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60 Second Job Prep60 Second Job Prep

1 - Whether you are young or old, just be sharp, enthusiastic, energetic, happy.

2 - Get fit and trim.

3 - Collect potential questions and write out short answers – keep this forever.

4 - Make your resume simple, easy to read, replacing statements like, hardworking, 15 years experience, with objective statements that hit hard and prove your skills and abilities, using numbers and dollars.  If you want a job as a Tax Accountant, put those words in several places.  Put down accomplishments not job duties on the resume and remember you don't need your boss' approval for what you say.

5 - Put your resume on Monster and Careerbuilder and edit it daily, yes daily, so people will see that it's fresh.  Carefully word your title in Monster, something like Joe Green, Tax Account.

6 - Make it easy for people to contact you with only one phone, don't screen calls and use a short, simple, professional email address.

7 - Networking is king for getting a job.  Read, "How to make people like you in 90 seconds" by Boothman

8 – Use recruiters, but don’t lose your common sense.

9 – Don’t lose your common sense and do things like give strangers your social security number

10 – Be proud of who you are and what you have done and get in a good mood prior to interviews.

11 – Rely on God.

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Increasing your chances of getting the job are pretty simple if you’re well prepared for your next interview.

If you’re ready to answer some of the most common questions, you’re a step ahead of your competition.

Here are six questions that will help prepare you and get you closer to getting that dream job.

Disqualifying Questions – Fred JohnsonDisqualifying Questions – Fred Johnson

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Disqualifying Questions – Fred JohnsonDisqualifying Questions – Fred Johnson

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1. Why don’t you tell me about yourself?

2. What are your greatest strengths?

3. Tell me about your weaknesses?

4. What are you looking for in terms of salary?

5. Why did you leave your last job?

6. Why you? What do you bring to this job that no one else does?

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Disqualifying Questions – Fred JohnsonDisqualifying Questions – Fred Johnson

[email protected] it easy to contact you!

Do your homework and be well prepared for your next interview.

If you can answer these six questions easily, you’re on your way to the job of your dreams.

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Disqualifying QuestionsDisqualifying Questions

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Fred at [email protected]

Dana at [email protected]

James at [email protected]

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