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  • Our greatest activity- the tomatina*


  • Slick audiovisuals and great logistics*



    This is our welcome in our website HOLA and it is an introduction to our wold. What could you find on it??Our services: what we do?? We work as event management services for Spanish companies and as DMC too for foreing agencies and corporatesYou will find some clients testimonias and some case studies. These are not only the workd that we have done until now, these are only some samples about what we can do, we use to work a la carte, we adapt to our client needs or requests. Our added valued?? In which question we are different from other DMCs? You can see it in our home page. Our main difference is the intranet. Why?? This is a private space only for you. In case you confirm a group with us, inmediately with the confirmation you will receive a username and password, which conduct you to a private space only for you (no visible for other users), where you will find all the relevant and updated information for your group. How does it look like?? This is how will look your private space. You will find downloads with a summary of all documents for your group (quote, proforma, programme, contract ) and a document with an updated status of your reservation, menus. Message box: where you will find all the instructions and last actions in your groupComments a box only for you, where you will send us your commentsetc, this comments will apparece in the message box, once you will push the botton send. This is a way to keep all our correspondence in only one place. Of course, as this is an internet space, it is accesible for any part of the world, that means, if you are out of the office with other group or in a trip, and you receive an urgent call from your client, you will reach all the information that you need to answer him/her or contact us in only 2 steps. As DMC we have 4 different brach of business: Sport events based basically in Football groups and tickets for FC Barcelona and Motor events like F1 (in Valencia and Barcelona) and Moto GP (in Valencia, Barcelona and Xerez). For football, we can offer tickets directly from BARCA, and depending of the arrival of the group, we can offer a nice programme (1 or 2 days duration depending on flights), where the guest could taste the flavour of Barcelona and at the same time enjoy with the best football team of the world. As well for football, we offer the possibility for clubs for football stages in Spain using the main clubs and special hotels/resorts installations, all of them full equipped for this kind of events. Of course, if the stage is for kids or young categories, we can support the programme with cultural activities and in our team, we have the asesoramiento of a dietis for the special meal requirements for this special football players. For Motor sport in all our destinations, we can help you with the best rates for hotels, tickets, as for as suggestions for dinners, private receptions, transfers and special activities related with the GP as social programme for groups.We addapt to our client needs. Our strong point : the incentives. Our added value point for our company. When we receive the request for an incentive, we send you a detailed form in order to know as much as possible about the group: age, budget, caracteristic, company branch area, objetive in this case, we work as a marketing company, so you could show the most attractive and adecuate proporsal for your client. We like making an study about the group, what they want, what they have done in the past and which were the results.. After this exhaustic investigation, we elaborate a tailor-made programme and activities for the group. An example: the next shot!!CASE STUDY: this was a Swedish client (170 pax), that would like to do a re-make of a famouse Swedish film from the 60s, where a group of Swedish people come to Spain for first time and make some activities and visit some different places in Spain. For this Spanish programme in Mallorca we offer a Tomatina Festival (a throw tomato party, that takes place in Bunyol the last weekend of August), where this group could take out all teh stress acumalated during the whole year, a regatta, where we split the group in small team to create strong nudes in the teams with this activity we find a swedish restaurant and bar next to the hotel for the final party and just before the departure, the swedish will find pepes bodega a famous bar which appear in the film and very well known in Sweden. Apart of the Spot Events and Incentives, we have a branch in our company dedicated exclusively to audio-visuals. With this support, we can organize any size conference in any place in fact, the last conference that we have set up, it was for a well-known laboratory inside a Turquishe Goleta .Per our experience, we can set up an up-scale events in different locations and according to the client needs. We can arrange from a simple beamer and screen until a modern back projection in LCD screens. Also, per our design department, we can offer you different possibilities for logo desing, banners, stands, stages, or designed a full conference according to a conductor fill or themed event In our web site and linkedin profile, you will find some different clients testimonials and recomendations