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Page 1: Wedding Bells Ch3

Willow, “I knew Paddington wouldn’t mind if we borrowed the bone phone.”Nemo, “I still don’t understand anything he said. Is common language that difficult to grasp?”Willow, “I think it’s neat that he speaks simlish instead of English. Gives more character.”

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Hoop, “So who are we using this thing on?”PT, “I say Lorin since she deserves to come back. Plus it was part of the plan to save her. The least we could do is save her from death.”Willow, “Sounds good.”

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Nemo, “I’ll do the honors.”

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Nemo, “Hello? Grim we want Lorin back. How much? Uh, hey guys, how much DO we have?”

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Willow, “We should have at least $20,000.”PT, “Not quite. We have to consider that we are on a lot and have a house with furnishings so…”

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Nemo, “Well we can just pay him whatever is in the bank. Hear that Grim? Whatever is in the bank!”

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Nemo, “Alright Lorin is… back.”

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Hoop, “And who says simselves are rich?”

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Willow, “This is bad. I didn’t think we would be this broke.”Lorin, “Hi guys. Just want to say how much I’m upset with you. A zombie? Seriously?”

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PT, “Perhaps if we checked our funds. That way we could at least have known to get jobs to better this situation.”Nemo, “Work? What good simself works?”

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Willow, “One that isn’t a doppelganger!”Nemo, “I’m not a doppelganger!”

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PT, “Let’s stop fighting and get down to business. Lorin do you remember anything? Before you died?”Lorin, “Not a whole lot. I just remember being captured and someone talking about… I don’t remember. I feel like a lot of things are missing. Important details.”

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Nemo, “You mentioned going to Malcolm’s Estate, but it isn’t there anymore. Any connection?”Lorin, “I barely remember that part. I just remember a lot of bricks before choking.”

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Willow, “Hmm… villains typically have ritzy living places. Or just something that generally stands out. Maybe it’s a simple matter of finding the best looking place in the hood.”

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Nemo, “Hey! That’s right. Villains tend to have an eye for real estate. I know just such a place not far from here. Let’s go!”

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Short Travel Screen Later

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Nemo, “Just look at this place! Prime real estate if I ever saw it.”

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Willow, “This pre-built house that came with a stuff pack?”Nemo, “So? What counts is that it is big, attention getting, and prime real estate. Which means it has high potential for villain hideout.”

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PT, “You sure about this? You were wrong about me.”

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Nemo, “If I’m wrong, then at least it is one less place to investigate.”Hoop, “In a hood with three sub-hoods mind you.”

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Willow, “Maybe it’d be easier if we just cross out who we know lives where first. That way we know for sure which places to investigate.”Nemo, “We’re already here! Let’s at least check. Could be a lucky break. You guys never know.”

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PT, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to check while we are here. Would seem like a waste to have made the trip for nothing.”Nemo, “That’s the spirit! Let’s investigate!”

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Ding Dong

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BB, “Mornin! Can I help you, friend?”Nemo, “No sorry. Wrong house.”

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BB, “Sure about that?”Nemo, “Yes. Fairly sure.”

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Hoop, “Well?”Nemo, “So I was wrong.”

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Lorin, “Let’s go with Willow’s plan: cross check who we know lives where.”

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Page 31: Wedding Bells Ch3

Having discovered a body in the charred remains of the House of Fallen Leaves, Logan is distraught knowing that her mother is dead. Her dearly beloved fiance’, Vincent attempts to comfort her in this time of need. Let’s join them now…

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Vincent, “Shall we call of the wedding?”

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Logan, “No. I won’t let this tragedy ruin our happy day at the altar. We’ve already put it off for a year now. No more waiting. “

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Logan, “Vincent.”Vincent, “Yes?”

Logan, “Thanks for being here.”


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