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Week 5: At a glance

1. Key Points

2. Deep Dive: The Detox Diet and Its Plateaus

3. Reality Check: Achieving Your Happy Weight

4. Appendix

a. 8 Ways to Boost your Metabolism

b. Five Stealth Forces in Weight Loss

c. Fat: More than Just a Lump of Lard

d. Typical and Not-So-Typical American


e. Supplements for Success

5. Things to Remember



5 When it doesn’t seem to be working


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● A Plateau is 4 straight weeks of no change in weight, size, or body fat

● Plateaus happen – do not be alarmed; do not become discouraged

● When you hit a Plateau, keep the faith, and up your exercise

● You are what you eat / absorb!

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The Detox Diet and Its Plateaus

1. After dieting, many people reach a plateau where they stop losing weight. The body is

actually re-adjusting after weight loss and exercise, and muscle is replacing body fat.

2. The definition of a “plateau” is for 4 consecutive weeks:

a. No weight loss;

b. No body fat loss;

c. No loss in inches.

3. You do not need to weigh yourself daily. Weigh yourself about once every 3 weeks.

4. The best scale to use is one that measures body fat.

5. When do reach a plateau, it is important that you:

a. Continue to fill out your daily journal;

b. Don’t cut back or change your supplements;

c. Step up your exercise, depending on how you feel;

d. Cut back or cut out coffee and other caffeinated drinks;

e. Don’t go to a “juice only” diet.

6. Toxins are stored in body fat. When you lose body fat while dieting and exercising, these

toxins are released into the body and can interfere with reaching your weight management


7. A detox diet is a great way to help the body get rid of toxins, or “clean house,” and help the

liver and the body be more efficient.

8. A detox diet should be a “plant diet,” including anti-oxidants such as fresh fruits and


9. Eat organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Organic foods have 6 times the level of

anti-oxidants as processed foods.

10. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw whenever possible. Lightly steamed vegetables are

a good way to retain the anti-oxidants.

11. Use olive oil on your salad instead of regular salad dressing.

12. Meats should include chicken, turkey and fish. Stay away from beef, lamb, and pork. Also stay

away from beans and nuts.

13. You can go to a detox diet at any time, not only when you have reached a plateau.

14. Maintain a detox diet for 1 week only, no longer, and no more than 3-4 times a year.

15. A detox diet is not recommended for children. It’s okay for teenagers 13-14 years old.

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Plateau: A true plateau is for 4 consecutive weeks having: NO WEIGHT LOSS; NO INCHES LOST;

NO BODY FAT LOST. Make sure you are staying on the entire system!

How to deal with plateaus:

1. Continuing writing down foods in Daily Journal. Do this for at least 4-5 months until it

becomes a habit and you have reached you goal weight. If you are in a plateau writing

down your foods will help you from letting things slowly creep back into your diet.

2. Make sure you continuing to take your supplements.

Use them until you achieve your goals, then move to maintenance program, using them


3. Increase exercise by adding more cross training œ aerobics and strength training. Increase

the number of days a week you work out or the length of time you work out.

❖ Personal trainer or TransitionsLifestyle.com to design exercise program

❖ Keep it up a notch! Try higher intervals or intensity

❖ 30 to 60 seconds of speed like a sprinter

❖ If you are used to a level 2 or 3 on the cardio machine, ramp it up to 4 or 5

for a minute, catch your breath, and repeat

❖ If you’re accustomed to level 5 incline on your treadmill, go to level 10 for

5 minutes then bring it back down and repeat

❖ Make sure that you are strength training: 8-12 reps

4. Detox diet. A detox diet is recommended seasonally. Fat holds toxins and detoxing releases

these toxins.

Some have food sensitivity that causes bloating & weight gain. The highest suspects are:

Grains (wheat); Dairy; Sugar Simple steps to 7-day detox.

5. Take Inventory- What was your original reason WHY you wanted to lose weight and what it

is going to take to make it to the finish line?

Medication; Stress; Lack of Sleep; etc.


• Having a plateau is not staying the same weight for several weeks if you continue to lose

inches and body fat!

• Do not be married to your scale this can cause frustration!

• Transitions is not a diet. You should be eating low GI for life!

Don’t give up! It takes years to gain the weight. You can’t expect dramatic weight loss in a few

weeks. Losing weight the right way by improving your eating habits; strengthening your body;

gradually boosting your metabolism & exercise takes time.

Transitions is not a diet. It is a way of life!

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Reality Check: Achieving Your Happy Weight

1. Do you believe that once you reach a certain size or weight, you’ll be happy?

When you say to yourself, “I’ll be happy when I reach _____ pounds,” one of two outcomes

can occur. The first is that you never reach that weight and are, therefore, never happy. The

second outcome is that you reach that magical weight and realize after a while that is has

absolutely nothing to do with your happiness.

What I want you to fully understand is that your excess weight is usually a symptom of

something else. If you address only the symptom (Your weight), you’ll never permanently

solve anything. However, if you identify and deal with the underlying problem or issue,

you’ll not only be a happier individual, you’ll be much more likely to care for yourself in

such a way that your weight will no longer be a struggle.

2. Do you frequently look for a shortcut or an easier way to achieve what you want?

Dedication, commitment, and effort are needed to accomplish anything worthwhile. You

need to work hard if you want to achieve success when it comes to raising your family and

succeeding in your career. The same goes for maintaining a successful, loving relationship.

Hard work is required to accomplish most anything worthwhile. Losing weight and taking care

of you is no exception.

When you are counting on your health, fitness, and weight loss goals to be accomplished by

the latest fad, you are really looking for something to take the place of hard work and difficult

choices. The easy way out will always look tempting when stacked up against hard work.

3. Do you frequently use excuses to get yourself out of doing what it takes to reach your


“I don’t have time.” “I don’t like to sweat.” “I feel claustrophobic when I’m out of breath.”

“The rest of my family would never eat that.” “Then I’d have to shower before I go to work.”

“I have to travel a lot in my line of work.” “My shins hurt when I do that.” “I have asthma.” “I

get a rash when I do that.” “Then what do I do with all those sweaty clothes?” “I’ll start

Monday.” “I’ll start the first of the year.” “I’ll focus o the next year.”

So many people just want to talk about making a change. But when it comes right down to

doing the hard work or making the tough decisions, they prefer to offer excuses as to why

they continue living their lives just as they are. Don’t be a victim of your own excuses... If you

have excuses, you’re not ready, plain and simple.

4. Are you often impatient with slow results?

Who isn’t? But it still never ceases to amaze me how someone can gain weight over a period

of, say, twenty or thirty years and expect dramatic weight loss results in a week or two. It just

doesn’t work that way! Losing weight the right way - through strengthening your body,

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gradually boosting your metabolism with exercise, and improving your eating habits---takes

time. Powerful results in any area of your life are always best accomplished over time in

small increments.

5. Do you consider giving up when you experience minor setbacks?

Many people I know use setbacks to let themselves off the hook consciously and

unconsciously. You will experience setbacks everyone does. The best way to look at

setbacks is to see them as challenges and natural part of progress. Challenges add meaning

to your life and represent opportunities for you to grow. If you overcome your setbacks and

reach your goals despite of them, you have shown true strength, character, discipline, and

determination. Your ultimate sense of accomplishment will be that much greater.

6. Do you often procrastinate?

We’ve all been guilty of procrastination at one time or another. However if this is a frequent

pattern of behavior for you, it will have to be broken if you want results and you want them

to last.

Let’s be honest: Procrastination is often really fear masked by laziness. Anytime you want

something or say that you want, and you either don’t take the proper steps to accomplish it

or you act in direct opposition to it, you’re being lazy as well as afraid. You may be afraid of

failure, afraid of change, afraid of success, afraid of the unknown. For that matter, anything

that holds you back can be directly traced back to the feeling of fear. It’s time to break our

personal cycle of PROCRASTINATION.

7. Are you afraid of disappointing others?

Whether you realize it or not, the fact that you’re taking care of yourself will affect other

people in your life. Some will be thrilled, others won’t be so thrilled; but if you’re overly

concerned about disappointing someone else, you’re wide open to failing in your efforts.

There are at least three emotions that can come into play here: guilt, fear of disapproval, and

fear that a relationship will be damaged or lost. These emotions can cause havoc on your new

lifestyle changes.

If you feel at least bit guilty about taking the time to exercise, eating healthy foods, or doing

things for your overall health and happiness, I have one thing to say: GET OVER IT! Caring

about yourself and doing good things for yourself is not only your right, it’s your


8. Beware of the Friendly Enemies…

The reactions of those close to you, such as your significant other, friends, relatives,

colleagues, and acquaintances, may range from enthusiastic support to mild jealousy to

outright sabotage. Efforts to sabotage you may be voiced as concern or attempts to make

you feel guilty or uncomfortable. Sometimes these attempts are unconscious and sometimes


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“Have a little of this.” “Let’s go out for a few drinks.” “You want some of this.” “Come on,

what you mean you don’t want seconds.” “I made it especially for you.” “It won’t hurt you

just this once.” “You’re looking too thin.” “I think you’re just doing this to get attention from

other people.” “What do you mean you have to exercise?” “You can skip it just this once.

Come on, we’ll have fun.” “You gotten so boring since you started this health kick.”

My advice is that before you are too far along with your life style Transition; get those close to

you on board. Explain to them what it means to you to accomplish your goals and then ask

them for their encouragement and support. They may even be inspired to do it with you.

9. Are you afraid of change?

Change takes you from your comfort zone into the unknown. Change usually requires you to

overcome fear; and while it’s not always an easy thing to overcome, once you do, your life

will change, and change for the better.

Fear of change can be paralyzing. It can freeze you in your tracks and delay you from getting

what you want and deserve to have in your life.

Holding on to extra weight may often serve as a person’s unconscious anesthetic against

stress, hurt, disappointment, pain, failure, and (sadly) even success, love, and romantic

attention from potential suitors.

It keeps many on the sidelines of life.

10. Are you an emotional eater?

Do you eat to comfort yourself in stressful situations? Do you eat due to boredom and/or

loneliness? Do you eat due to problems or turmoil in your life? Do you eat due to something’s

(or someone) in your life?

Emotional Eating is invariably tied to one or more other areas of your life: stress at home or at

the workplace, boredom or depression, loneliness or disappointment, fear of failure or of

success, or deep- seated reasons stemming from emotional trauma that has resulted in an

extreme lack of self- love and self-esteem.

By eliminating emotional eating, you will not only achieve true weight loss success but will

also be giving yourself a life filled with more health and fulfilment that you could ever

imagine. But keep in mind that it has taken you a lifetime to weave threads of over eating

into your life, so it will take more than a little time to unravel them as well.

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Weight Loss: 8 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

The Elusive Metabolism Boost

Boosting the metabolism is the holy grail of weight watchers everywhere, but how fast your body burns calories depends on several factors. Some people inherit a speedy metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting. And for most people, metabolism slows steadily after age 40. Although you can't control your age, gender, or genetics, there are other ways to get a boost. Read on for 10 ways to rev up.

Build Muscle

Our bodies constantly burn calories, even when we're doing

nothing. This resting metabolic rate is much higher in people

with more muscle. Every pound of muscle uses about 6

calories a day just to sustain itself, while each pound of fat

burns only 2 calories daily. That small difference can add up

over time. In addition, after a bout of resistance training,

muscles are activated all over your body, increasing your

average daily metabolic rate.

Kick Your Workout Up a Notch

Aerobic exercise may not build big muscles, but it can rev up your metabolism in the hours after a workout. The key is to push yourself. High-intensity exercise delivers a bigger, longer increase in resting metabolic rate than low- or moderate workouts. To get the benefits, try a more intense class at the gym or include short bursts of jogging during your regular walk.

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Drink More Water

The body needs water to process calories. If you are even mildly dehydrated, your metabolism may slow down. In one study, adults who drank eight or more glasses of water a day burned more calories than those who drank four. To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or other unsweetened beverage before every meal and snack. In addition, try munching on fresh fruits and vegetables, which are full of fluid, rather than pretzels or chips.

Eat More Often

Eating more really can help you lose weight -- eating more often, that is. When you eat large meals with many hours in between, you train your metabolism to slow down. Having a small meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours keeps your metabolism cranking, so you burn more calories over the course of a day. Several studies have also shown that people who snack regularly eat less at meal time.

Spice Up Your Meals

Spicy foods contain chemical compounds that kick the metabolism

into high gear. Eating a tablespoon of chopped red or green chili

pepper can temporarily boost your metabolic rate by 23 percent.

Some studies suggest the effect only lasts about half an hour, but if

you eat spicy foods often, the benefits may add up. For a quick boost,

spice up pasta dishes, chili, and stews with red-pepper flakes.

Eat More Protein

The body burns up to twice as many calories digesting protein as

it uses for fat or carbohydrates. Although you want to eat a

balanced diet, replacing some carbs with lean, protein-rich foods

can jump-start the metabolism at mealtime. Healthy sources of

protein include lean beef and pork, fish, white meat chicken, tofu,

nuts, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

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Drink Green Tea

Drinking green tea or oolong tea offers the combined benefits of

caffeine and catechins, substances shown to rev up the

metabolism for a couple hours. Research suggests drinking two to

four cups of either tea may push the body to burn an extra 50

calories each day. That adds up to 5 pounds of weight loss in a


Avoid Crash Diets

Crash diets -- those involving eating fewer than 1,000 calories a day -- are disastrous for anyone hoping to quicken their metabolism. Although these diets may help you drop pounds (at the expense of good nutrition), a high percentage of the loss comes from muscle. The lower your muscle mass, the slower your metabolism. The final result is a body that burns far fewer calories (and gains weight faster) than the one you had before the diet.

Best Bets

The impact of different foods and drinks on the metabolism is small compared to what you need

for sustained weight loss. Your best bet for creating a mean calorie-burning machine is to build

muscle and stay active. The more you move during the day, the more calories you burn. And

remember: working out in the morning has the benefit of revving up your metabolism for hours.

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Five Stealth Forces in Weight Loss By Sora Song, from Psychology Today Magazine, Jul/Aug 2008

Scientists are zeroing in on the unexpected ways molecular forces—including genes and

viruses—impact your weight. In the process, they're upending the conventional wisdom on just

what makes a successful diet.

The field of weight loss is like the ancient fable about the blind men and the elephant. Each man

investigates a different part of the animal and reports back, only to discover their findings are

bafflingly incompatible.

The various findings by public-health experts, physicians, psychologists, geneticists, molecular

biologists, and nutritionists are about as similar as an elephant's tusk is to its tail. Some say

obesity is largely predetermined by our genes and biology; others attribute it to an

overabundance of fries, soda, and screen-sucking; still others think we're fat because of viral

infection, insulin, or the metabolic conditions we encountered in the womb. "Everyone

subscribes to their own little theory," says Robert Berkowitz, medical director of the Center for

Weight and Eating Disorders at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

But within this fractured tableau, a few patterns now stand out clearly. A consensus is emerging

that the conventional wisdom—eat less, exercise more—is inadequate at best. A quick look at

our collective waistline makes it painfully clear the old equation— calories in minus calories out

equals weight change—is fundamentally flawed. Research shows not every calorie is created

equal, and different bodies use calories in different ways. We're programmed to hang onto the

fat we have, and some people are predisposed to create and carry more fat than others. Diet and

exercise help, but in the end the solution will inevitably be more complicated than pushing away

the plate and going for a walk. "It's not as simple as 'You're fat because you're lazy,'" says Nikhil

Dhurandhar, an associate professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge.

"Willpower is not a prerogative of thin people. It's distributed equally."

Science may still be years away from giving us a miracle formula for fat-loss. Until then, it's up to

us, one paunchy individual at a time, to shed our extra flab. It's easier said than done, especially

since we may have been doing it wrong all this time. But the newest, most unexpected findings

from the front lines of diet research may yet help tip the scales in your favor.

Evolution: Your Body Wants You to be Fat

If you've ever tried to lose weight—be it 5 pounds or 50—you don't need to be told the human

body resists weight change. We're each born with a predetermined set point—a weight range

that typically spans about 10 to 20 pounds—and the further we push our weight away from it,

the more intensely the body fights its way back. Hence the yo-yo effect: You diet and lose weight,

only to gain it all back once you stop your diet. The culprit isn't lack of willpower, it's evolution.

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The command center for the body's weight-management system resides in the hypothalamus—

and it's calibrated to favor the preservation, rather than the elimination, of fat. That's

accomplished through the hormone leptin, a crucial player in the brain's weight-management

circuitry. Leptin is produced by the body's fat cells and signals the brain to regulate appetite and

satiety—and, therefore, weight. If you lose body fat and leptin, it triggers hunger and the urge to

eat; if you gain fat and increase leptin, you eat less. The more leptin your body produces, the

leaner you tend to be; the less leptin you make, the higher your set point and the fatter you stay.

Voila, the secret to set-point maintenance.

But things don't always go according to plan. The regulatory system can go awry: Some people

produce too little leptin; others become desensitized to it. And when obese people lose weight,

their leptin levels plummet along with their metabolism. The body becomes more efficient at

using fuel and conserving fat, which makes it tough to keep the weight off. Obese dieters' bodies

go into a state of chronic hunger, a feeling Rudolph Leibel, an obesity researcher at Columbia

University, compares to thirst. "Some people might be able to tolerate chronic thirst, but the

majority couldn't stand it," says Leibel. "Is that a behavioral problem—a lack of willpower? I don't

think so."

Then what is it? In short, DNA. How the body maintains its regulatory mechanism may be largely

under the influence of genes. According to some researchers, 70 percent of variation in people's

weight may come from defects on genes, and many of those genes act on a common hunger-

satiety pathway in the hypothalamus. One such gene is the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R),

which communicates with leptin and triggers a feeling of fullness. When MC4R malfunctions, it

causes overeating and obesity in animals and humans. Researchers estimate 6 percent of obese

children and adults can trace their condition to a genetic defect that interferes with MC4R. But

genes aren't destiny. When MC4R is disabled in mice, it causes overeating and obesity—unless

they're allowed to exercise early on. In the end, weight is the result of a subtle dance between

genes and environment.

Exercise: Why the Evening Walk Isn't Enough

The government has long espoused moderate daily exercise—of the evening-walk or take-the-

stairs variety—but that may not do much to budge the needle on the scale. A 150-pound person

burns only 150 calories on a half-hour walk, the equivalent of two apples. It's good for the heart,

less so for the gut.

"Radical changes are necessary," says Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist at Harvard Medical School

and author of Waistland. "People don't lose weight by choosing the small fries or taking a little

walk every other day." Barrett suggests taking a cue from the members of the National Weight

Control Registry (NWCR), a self-selected group of more than 5,000 successful weight-losers who

have shed an average of 66 pounds and kept it off 5.5 years. Some registry members lost weight

using low-carb diets; some went low-fat; others eliminated refined foods. Some did it on their

own; others relied on counseling. But when it came to keeping weight off over the long term,

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they had one thing in common: vigorous exercise for at least an hour most days of the week.

Most also participated in at least one other activity or sport. "People in the NWCR exercise a lot,"

says Barrett. She estimates they burn an extra 2,800 calories a week.

That said, not everyone can lose 66 pounds and not everyone needs to. The goal shouldn't be

getting thin, but getting healthy. It's enough to whittle your weight down to the low end of your

set range, says Jeffrey Friedman, a geneticist at Rockefeller University. Losing even 10 pounds

vastly decreases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. The point is to not

give up just because you don't look like a swimsuit model. "We focus on appearance because

that's what everyone notices," says Friedman.

"If there were no stigma, we wouldn't be worried about an unachievable goal. We'd just be

worried about our health."

The Womb: Go Ahead, Blame Your Mother

The negotiation between your genes and the environment begins on day one. Your optimal

weight, writ by genes, appears to get edited early on by conditions even before birth, inside the

womb. If a woman has high blood-sugar levels while she's pregnant, her children are more likely

to be overweight or obese, according to a study of almost 10,000 mother-child pairs.

Maternal diabetes may influence a child's obesity risk through a process called metabolic

imprinting, says Teresa Hillier, an endocrinologist with Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health

Research and the study's lead author. The mother's high blood sugar may mean the baby in the

womb gets overfed, possibly pre-programming it for obesity. Even mothers whose blood sugar

was at the upper end of the normal range had elevated risks of having overweight babies. The

good news is that high blood sugar during pregnancy, known as gestational diabetes, is entirely

avoidable: Children born to women who sought treatment for diabetes during pregnancy ended

up no fatter than their peers.

The implication is clear: Weight may be established very early on, and obesity largely passed from

mother to child. Numerous studies in both animals and humans have shown that a mother's

obesity directly increases her child's risk for weight gain.

The best advice for moms-to-be: Get fit before you get pregnant. You'll reduce your risk of

complications during pregnancy and increase your chances of having a normal-weight child. But if

you think you're still at risk for gestational diabetes, make sure you get screened for

hyperglycemia during pregnancy. If your blood sugar is high, talk to your doctor about treating it

by modifying your diet and exercise. If that doesn't work, your doctor may prescribe insulin.

Insulin: The Great Diet Bake-Off

It's the $64,000 question: Which diets work? A yearlong government-funded study comparing

Atkins, the Zone, Ornish, and LEARN (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitudes, Relationships and Nutrition,

based on the U.S. government's food pyramid) found all four work more or less, leading to short-

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term modest weight loss in overweight women. People on Atkins lost the most weight—an

average of about 10 pounds—while participants on the other diets lost between 3.5 to 5.7

pounds on average.

Not exactly huge numbers. It got people wondering: Isn't there a better way to diet? Two months

later another study seemed to offer an answer. The paper compared two groups of adults: those

who, after eating, secreted high levels of insulin, a hormone that sweeps blood sugar out of the

bloodstream and promotes its storage as fat, and those who secreted less. Within each group,

half were put on a low-fat diet and half on a low-glycemic-load diet.

On average, the low-insulin-secreting group fared the same on both diets, losing nearly 10

pounds in the first six months—but they gained about half of it back by the end of the 18-month

study. The high-insulin group didn't do as well on the low-fat plan, losing about 4.5 pounds, and

gaining back more than half by the end.

But the most successful were the high-insulin-secretors on the low-glycemic-load diet. They lost

nearly 13 pounds and kept it off. Their diet was designed to mitigate swings in blood sugar by

replacing easily digested simple carbs—white bread, potatoes, fruit juice, cookies, and other

refined foods—with vegetables, low-sugar fruits, and legumes.

Why were they so successful? The hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas, is like a

natural appetite suppressant. It's released when blood sugar rises, and it signals the brain that it's

time to stop eating. When blood sugar and insulin drop too quickly, the brain takes it as a signal

that it's time to feed, and so people feel hungry again sooner after eating—leading to overeating

and weight gain.

How does your own insulin response measure up? Only a blood test can tell you for sure, but in

general, low-secretors tend to be pear-shaped, carrying excess fat around the hips; high-secretors

are apple-shaped, storing flab around the midsection.

The study's authors say it's too soon to give specific diet advice based on their findings, but

health experts agree that regardless of your body shape, you'd do well to reduce or eliminate

simple sugars and refined foods, like cookies, candy, and sugary sodas. Don't eliminate carbs

altogether—even low-glycemic-load dieters got 40 percent of their calories from carbohydrates.

Just replace easily digestible carbs with complex ones like fibrous veggies and fruits, brown rice,

and whole grains.

Germs: Is Obesity Contagious?

What if your fat is caused not by diet or genes, but by germs—say, a virus? It sounds like a sci-fi

horror movie, but research suggests some dimension of the obesity epidemic may be attributable

to infection by common viruses, says Dhurandhar.

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The idea of "infectobesity" came to him 20 years ago when he was a young doctor treating

obesity in Bombay. He discovered that a local avian virus, SMAM-1, caused chickens to die,

sickened with organ damage but also, strangely, with lots of abdominal fat.

In experiments, Dhurandhar found that SMAM-1-infected chickens became obese on the same

diet as uninfected ones, which stayed svelte. He also found that nearly one in five overweight

humans in his Bombay clinic showed antibodies—proving prior infection—and that they were

about 33 pounds heavier than those never exposed.

He later moved to the U.S. and onto a bona fide human virus, adenovirus 36 (AD-36). In the lab,

every species of animal

Dhurandhar infected with the virus became obese—chickens got fat, mice got fat, even rhesus

monkeys at the zoo that picked up the virus from the environment suddenly gained 15 percent of

their body weight upon exposure.

The virus naturally infects 15 percent to 17 percent of the human population, says Dhurandhar,

and is present in 30 percent of obese people—even nonobese people who have it have higher

BMIs than their uninfected peers. "Even within that group, they were fatter," says Dhurandhar.

"It could mean that's how they'll stay, or it could mean they were pre-obese."

For people who want to know whether they're infected, a Richmond, Virginia, company called

Obetech offers an AD-36 antibody test. Although there's no way to rid your body of the virus,

what the test can give you is a warning flag: If you find out you're infected, you can start eating

healthfully and exercising now to try to stave off obesity later.

In his latest studies, Dhurandhar has isolated a gene that, when blocked from expressing itself,

seems to turn off the virus's fattening power. Stem cells extracted from fat cells and then

exposed to AD-36 reliably blossom into fat cells—but when stem cells are exposed to an AD-36

virus with the key gene inhibited, the stems cells don't differentiate. The gene appears to be

necessary and sufficient to trigger AD-36-related obesity, and the goal is to use the research to

create a sort of obesity vaccine.

Researchers have discovered 10 microbes so far that trigger obesity—seven of them viruses. It

may be a long shot, but for people struggling desperately to be thin, even the possibility of an

alternative cause of obesity offers some solace. "They feel better knowing there may be

something beyond them that could be responsible," says Dhurandhar. "The thought that there

could be something besides what they've heard all their lives—that they are greedy and lazy—



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Donuts • White Flour - When mixed with water makes paste. Donuts have little to no fiber and have

big amounts of sugar.

• Sugar - Destroys B vitamins, which feed our nervous system and help keep us calm.

• Hydrogenated Oil --The hydrogenation process was developed in 1912 to harden soap. The food industry uses this process to develop hydrogenated oil to prolong the shelf life of foods. This fake fat or hydrogenated oil can cause lesions inside the arteries, which impairs cell function. As this happens over time, cholesterol and calcium will stick to the damaged areas of the arteries thus leading to blockage and hardening of the arteries.

Coffee Processed coffee beans are acidic and also destroy friendly bacteria. Creamer Substitute - Several Hydrogenated Oils (fake fats) cause cholesterol build up inside our arteries. Nutra-Sweet or Aspartame When heated to high temperatures, the wood alcohol Aspartame is converted by enzymes into formaldehyde. It can potentially become a neurotoxin that passes the blood brain barrier, which may cause health challenges. Cheese Burger More white flour which makes paste. Processed cheese is made with hydrogenated oils. Hamburger meat - Our cattle are fed antibiotics and steroids, so we really don t know which meats are safe to consume anymore. French Fries Potatoes fried in more hydrogenated oil, causing more lesions inside the arteries. Cola Drink Phosphoric acid in sodas will leach out and chelate the calcium in our bodies. When the body is acidic, it robs calcium from the bones to neutralize the acid. The first bone it draws from is the jaw bone, a non-- weight bearing bone. The sugars in soda will increase acidity. Canned Foods Loaded with preservatives. If you can’t pronounce the words on the label don’t eat it. Because these may be foreign chemicals your body may not know what to do with them.

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Ice Cream All American comfort food! Most commercial ice cream is made with over 300 different chemicals, one being Diethyl Glucol used in anti-freeze & paint removers. Cookies More white flour, hydrogenated oil and sugar. Pasteurized Milk When milk is pasteurized to kill the bacteria, it becomes an inorganic form of calcium. It is not fully assimilated by the body and calcium deposits tend to form from too little calcium in the diet. Milk is also mucus forming. If you fed pasteurized milk t o a baby cow for 30 days, it would die. We consume the most dairy in the world, but we have the highest rate of osteoporosis.

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Fresh Raw Fruits

• High in fiber and loaded with antioxidants like vitamin C and bioflavonoids

• Contains a high water content –– we are 70 percent water and need food that contains water to hydrate our body

• Contains natural sugar, which is a good source of energy

• A great source of phytochemicals, which are nutrients that may help fight against certain disorders

• Loaded with enzymes

• When eaten raw, 30 percent of the digestion process is done in the body by the food –– cooking food over 110 degrees F, destroys the living enzymes that the body must use for digestion, robbing the body of energy.

Fresh Raw Vegetables

• Carbohydrates that are high in antioxidants, phytochemicals and fiber.

• Dark green vegetables will help to alkalinize the body and are a great source of calcium.

• Low in calories and sugar.

• Eat at least two large salads per day and two to three more servings of fresh vegetables either steamed or stir fried in good oil like olive oil.

• Don’t overcook them to ensure the body receives most of the vitamin content.

When we eat this way, our small intestines and villi will be free to absorb the nutrients

and the colon will eliminate properly.

You have heard the saying, “We are what we eat.”

In this case, I say,

“We are what we absorb.”

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Supplements for Success

Transitions Supplements are to support and expedite your success with your new lifestyle.

Depending upon your individual challenges we have a customized approach to support

supplementation. Listen to the audio below to hear about our supplements for success to

identify your needs and desired results. Contact us with any questions you may have or to

schedule a free consultation. As with any supplement you should contact your doctor to discuss

any health issues or current medications that you are taking to ensure that you are clear for the

program and or any supplements for success.

Transitions™ Thermochrome contains Advantra Z, Hoodia, Green tea and other powerful

ingredients to boost your energy, help control hunger and lose unwanted pounds.

Is Taming Hunger Your Issue?

There are many supplements on the market that claim to be using

high quality ingredients. Transitions™ Thermochrome with Advantra

Z® and South African Hoodia Gordonii has the proof to back up those

claims. We use only the highest quality ingredients including the only

patented Citrus aurantium extract (Advantra Z®) for weight loss and

physical performance on the market today. We also ensure that every

batch of Hoodia gordonii that goes into our product is tested by

alchemists and that the chromatography is reviewed for complete plant compounds providing

the highest levels of performance. Transitions Thermochrome is a very unique blend of herbs,

extracts and vitamins that promise to provide you with calorie burning (thermogenesis), fat

burning (lipolysis), and appetite suppression all in one product. Typically when you restrict

calories/intake, your body stops working as hard and your metabolism slows down. Transitions™

Thermochrome allows you to restrict calories while maintaining your metabolism and increasing

the burning of body fat for fuel.

Transitions™ CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

Do You Have Stubborn Belly Fat?

CLA was first identified in 1978. Dr. Michael Pariza was studying beef

extract at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as part of his cancer

research. What he found was unexpected. Dr. Pariza’s initial research

suggested two important possibilities. First, that CLA helps reduce

body fat, and second, that it helps maintain lean muscle tissue. These

initial findings attracted great interest, and a surge of scientific studies

and research followed. Transitions™ Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Caffeine Free is ideal for

those who have lost weight or are losing weight and want the extra support to keep it off.

Transitions™ CLA Caffeine Free contains natural ingredients that can help redistribute fat to fat

burning muscle tissue to assist in promoting lean muscle mass and decreasing the amount of fat

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stored in your body. CLA has also been shown to enhance fat breakdown (lipolysis) within the

muscle tissue and create more lean muscle.*

Transitions™ Fat Conversion Inhibitor

Do You Have Strong Cravings?

Transitions™ Fat Conversion Inhibitor (FCI) takes multifaceted

approach to promoting healthy weight management. It works with

natural, herbal ingredients to inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat

in the body, assist in maintaining normal blood sugar levels and helps

to control appetite. FCI is a novel combination of ingredients which

support weight loss and fat usage. It contains Garcinia cambogia

which helps to inhibit the sugar-to-fat conversion process in the

body's cells. This promotes effective burning of calories, which further promotes weight loss for

those individuals looking to reap the most benefits from a healthy, active lifestyle. Garcinia

cambogia promotes healthy serotonin levels which aids in regulating appetite. Transitions FCI

contains Gymnema sylvestre, a natural herb helps to maintain blood sugar levels. Chromium, an

essential trace mineral, works to promote normal glucose uptake by the cells. This process aids in

the maintenance of blood sugar levels, which ultimately helps maintain energy levels and

decreases food cravings.*

Transitions™ Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor

Are You A Carb Addict?

Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor (CAI) does just what its name

implies. In the weight loss game, carbohydrates can really pack on

the pounds. When you work towards your weight loss and healthy

lifestyle goals, CAI works as hard as you. It inhibits the enzymes that

normally breakdown starch into glucose within the small intestine.

This product uses a calculated approach to affect the utilization of

carbohydrates once they enter the body. As a result, the absorption

of glucose from carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, potatoes,

rice and pasta is inhibited. The active ingredient, wheat amylase inhibitor, delivers the advantage

of maximum effectiveness in small amounts. This gives you an advantage by minimizing the

effects of surplus carbohydrates that are waiting to be converted into fat within the body. CAI

helps make eating healthy and living the Transitions Lifestyle a reality!*

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Transitions™ Thyroid Support Formula

Have You YoYo Dieted and or Have Issues With Your Metabolism?

The thyroid gland is responsible for controlling weight, body

temperature, heart rate, alertness, and mood. The thyroid gland is

the body’s key metabolism regulator. If your thyroid is not working

optimally or is underactive it results in an underactive metabolism

possibly leading to weight gain, fat retention, and a decreased ability

to lose weight no matter how hard you work. Transitions Thyroid

Support Formula does just what its name implies. This product is

designed to address weight loss by promoting healthy thyroid function, increasing thermogenesis

(burning calories for energy), and providing greater cortisol control. Cortisol, a stress-induced

hormone works by taking glycogen out of the muscles and liver and converting it into glucose.

The pancreas then releases insulin which causes the body’s cells to take up the glucose. If the

body does not use the newly acquired glucose for energy then it is deposited in the body’s fat

tissue. Transitions Thyroid Support Formula helps maintain normal levels of cortisol to help

control stress related fat deposition.*

Transitions™ Anti-Stress Formula

So You Have A Lot Of Stress In Your Life?

No matter how well we eat, how often we exercise, or how hard we try

to avoid certain situations, we can't escape stress. Stress affects all of

us. It clouds our mind and compromises our judgment. Stress has

negative effects on our bodies, from neck and back pain to headaches

to an overall diminished sense of well being. Feeding your mind and

boosting your energy level can do wonders in your quest to look good,

feel good and enjoy life. TransitionsTM Anti-Stress Formula Promotes

relaxation without drowsiness, helps stabilize your mood, and is ideal for any adult individual

encountering consistently stressful days or an upcoming stressful event. TransitionsTM Anti-

Stress Formula reduces stress but doesn't make you sleepy. It is specially designed with Siberian

Ginseng and Ashwagandha, which have been shown to boost energy and reduce stress. It may

help to improve your cognitive performance by increasing your mental clarity. It helps the body

adapt to manage stress naturally. TransitionsTM Anti-Stress is perfect for those stressful days or

situations that you can't avoid. In addition to reducing stress it helps to balance your blood sugar

and balance your immune system. So relax, enjoy life, and give your body the gift of Bliss!

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Anti-Stress Formula

Do you find that when you get stressed, even the simple things in life tend to overwhelm you,

causing your heartbeat to speed up and your blood pressure to rise? Bliss™ Anti-Stress Formula is

specially designed with Siberian ginseng and ashwagandha, which have been shown to boost

energy and reduce stress. Bliss helps to promote relaxation without drowsiness and may help to

improve your cognitive performance by increasing your mental clarity. Helps the body to adapt to

stress and maintain healthy levels of both serotonin and dopamine.*

Who Is This Product Designed For?

Transitions™ Anti-Stress would be of great benefit for basically anyone who is or will be having a

stressful day. This product is great for individuals that turn to food as a way to cope with stress

and for those individuals that are overwhelmed or easily stressed by the simple things in life.

Primary Benefits

• Promotes relaxation without drowsiness

• Helps maintain healthy levels of both serotonin and dopamine

• Helps enhance and stabilize mood

• Helps the body adapt to stress naturally

• Increases mental clarity


• L-Theanine

• Rhodiola

• Ashwagandha

• Eleuthero, Siberian Ginseng

• Passion Flower

• Bacopa

What Makes This Product Unique?

No matter how well we eat, how often we exercise, or how hard we try to avoid certain

situations, we can't escape stress. Stress affects all of us. It clouds our mind and compromises our

judgment. Stress has negative effects on our bodies, from neck and back pain to headaches to an

overall diminished sense of well being. Feeding your mind and boosting your energy level can do

wonders in your quest to look good, feel good and enjoy life. BlissTM Anti-Stress Formula

Promotes relaxation without drowsiness, helps stabilize your mood, and is ideal for any adult

individual encountering consistently stressful days or an upcoming stressful event.

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BlissTM Anti-Stress Formula reduces stress but doesn't make you sleepy. It is specially designed

with Siberian Ginseng and Ashwagandha, which have been shown to boost energy and reduce

stress. It may help to improve your cognitive performance by increasing your mental clarity. It

helps the body adapt to manage stress naturally. BlissTM is perfect for those stressful days or

situations that you can't avoid. In addition to reducing stress it helps to balance your blood sugar

and balance your immune system. So relax, enjoy life, and give your body the gift of Bliss!

How should I take this product?

Take two per day. The customer may take one pill or both at one time depending on his/her


How does it work?

BlissTM is comprised of several stress-reducing herbs. These herbs work together to help reduce

overall stress.

How does it relax without making you tired?

The Eleuthero or Siberian Ginseng and the Ashwaganadha are natural stimulants. They reduce

your stress levels but aren't formulated to make you sleepy. Ginseng acts similar to caffeine but

doesn't make you jittery and won't make you crash.

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Thyroid Support Formula

Who Is This Product Designed For?

Transitions™ Anti-Stress would be of great benefit for basically anyone who is or will be having a

stressful day. This product is great for individuals that turn to food as a way to cope with stress

and for those individuals that are overwhelmed or easily stressed by the simple things in life.

Primary Benefits:

• Promotes lipolysis (breakdown of fat) and thermogenesis (burning of fat)

• Provides metabolic support

• Increases the retention of lean body mass

• Helps maintain overall body composition

• Promotes optimal body composition

• Helps maintain healthy levels of cortisol

• Supports healthy weight management by promoting normal stress responses which

helps control overeating (helps control stress-induced appetite)

• Helps promote healthy thyroid function

• Helps maintain normal/healthy production of thyroid hormones

• Promotes healthy levels of thyroid hormones

• Supplies essential nutrients required for healthy thyroid function

• Helps the body adapt to stress

• Helps enhance and stabilize mood


• ForsLean® (Coleus forskohlii) - 500 mg daily (10% forskolin)

• SensorilTrim® (Withania somnifera) - 250 mg daily

• Guggul - 40 mg (98% guggulsterones)

• Selenium - 110 mcg

• Iodine - 150 mcg

Serving Instructions

• Take one capsule before each meal: breakfast and lunch

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What Makes This Product Unique?

The thyroid gland is responsible for controlling weight, body temperature, heart rate, alertness

and mood. The thyroid gland is the body’s key metabolism regulator. If your thyroid is not

working optimally or is underactive, it results in an underactive metabolism possibly leading to

weight gain, fat retention and a decreased ability to lose weight no matter how hard you work.

Transitions™ Thyroid Support Formula does just what its name implies. This product is designed

to address weight loss by promoting healthy thyroid function, increasing thermogenesis (burning

calories for energy) and providing greater cortisol control. Cortisol, a stress-induced hormone,

works by taking glycogen out of the muscles and liver and converting it into glucose. The

pancreas then releases insulin which causes the body’s cells to take up the glucose. If the body

does not use the newly acquired glucose for energy, then it is deposited in the body’s fat tissue.

Transitions Thyroid Support Formula helps maintain normal levels of cortisol to help control

stress related fat deposition.

Transitions Thyroid Support Formula is a unique blend of five scientifically-supported ingredients

designed to promote and maintain normal and healthy thyroid function while supporting your

metabolism and helping to maintain a normal release of the stress hormone cortisol, for optimal

weight loss. ForsLean® one of the key ingredients, has been shown to promote normal levels of

the enzymes responsible for lipolysis and promote the normal release of thyroid hormones,

resulting in healthy fat breakdown and metabolic rate. SensorilTrim® helps manage the effects of

stress on the body, resulting in less fat deposition. Guggul and selenium have been shown to

promote thyroid function, and guggul also promotes normal iodine uptake by the thyroid.

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Thermochrome with Advantra Z and South African Hoodia gordonii

Who Is This Product Designed For?

Individuals who want to become healthier by slimming down and thereby reducing their risks for

weight-related health conditions should use this product.

Primary Benefits:

• Increases energy

• Helps to alleviate occasional fatigue

• Promotes thermogenesis and lipolysis

• Promotes weight loss

• May suppress appetite

• Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels

• Contains key ingredients that support normal metabolic functions


• Green Tea Extract

• Aurantium

• Vitamin C

• Vitamin B6

• Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

• Magnesium

• Chromium

• Guarana Seed

• Hoodia gordonii

Hoodia, a member of the milkweed family, is a succulent plant resembling a cactus.

This genus comes in a variety of species and is native to South Africa. It was

originally used by the San people (bushmen) of southern Africa to improve energy

while alleviating hunger and thirst during times of food scarcity or while on hunting

expeditions. Hoodia gordonii is a relatively rare plant which takes 5-7 years to


• Advantra Z® Citrus Aurantium

Advantra Z® is the only patented Citrus aurantium extract for weight loss and

physical performance on the market today. Citrus Aurantium, also known as Bitter

Orange extract, is most commonly used to help control appetite and to support

normal digestion. Citrus Aurantium comes from a flowering, fruit-bearing

evergreen tree native to tropical Asia. However, it is now widely cultivated in the

Mediterranean region and elsewhere. The small, unripened fruits are a traditional

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flavoring in the liqueur Curacao, and the peel, fresh or dried, promotes a healthy

digestive tract. Research shows that Advantra Z supports beta-3 cell receptors with

minimal impact on alpha 1,2 and beta 1,2 receptors which means Advantra Z

promotes a healthy metabolic rate (thermogenesis) without affecting heart rate or

blood pressure unlike ma huang/ephedra. It helps the body to build lean muscle,

helps increase physical performance by making fat available for energy and

stimulates weight loss by promoting thermogenesis.

Serving Instructions

• Take 2 tablets with breakfast and 2 with lunch. Some individuals may choose to

decrease serving to 1 tablet twice a day if current serving size is uncomfortable

What Makes This Product Unique?

We use only the highest quality ingredients including the only patented Citrus aurantium extract

(Advantra Z®) for weight loss and physical performance on the market today. We also ensure that

every batch of Hoodia gordonii that goes into our product is tested by chemists and that the

chromatography is reviewed for complete plant compounds providing the highest levels of

performance. Transitions Thermochrome is a unique blend of herbs, extracts and vitamins that

promises to provide you with calorie burning (thermogenesis), fat burning (lipolysis) and appetite

suppression all in one product. Typically when you restrict calories/intake, your body stops

working as hard and your metabolism slows down. Transitions™ Thermochrome allows you to

restrict calories while maintaining your metabolism and increasing the burning of body fat for


Thermochrome™ stimulates thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the production of heat generated

from the burning of consumed and stored fat, which helps to support what is called brown fat, or

brown adipose tissue. Brown fat produces heat by burning a high amount of calories.

Thermochrome is a unique, proprietary formula that combines the proven sciences of

thermogenics and the support of metabolic functions. Thermochrome can be used as an

alternative to other formerly ephedra-based products, to help control appetite and promote the

burning of calories. Thermochrome also has Advantra Z which may help control your appetite.*

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can being overweight adversely affect my health?

Being overweight may soon overtake smoking as the leading cause of preventable deaths in the

United States, according to the U.S. Surgeon General. There is an estimated 97 million Americans

that are classified as being overweight or obese. Each year, an estimated 300,000 people die

prematurely due to being overweight; only smoking-related deaths are higher. Obesity takes

many lives, even though it is a highly preventable form of disease.

How can you reduce your weight and stay at an optimal weight?

There are three major ways to effectively reduce your weight: Begin an exercise program, adjust

your lifestyle and watch your diet.

What steps do I need to take to adjust my lifestyle?

The first step to adjusting your lifestyle is to develop a dietary plan that works for you as an

individual. To incorporate exercise in your life, you should choose activities that you find

enjoyable and exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes at least three times a week. Also, set

reasonable goals, and give yourself rewards when you achieve them.

Is it harmful to be a yo-yo dieter?

Yes, it is harmful because it sends your body into defense mode. Defense mode slows the body’s

basal metabolic rate to stop your body from starving. When you have a slower than normal basal

metabolic rate, it becomes much harder to lose weight. The key is to have a consistent lifestyle

that incorporates nutrition with supplements and exercise, such as Transitions Lifestyle System®.*

Is it harmful to use appetite suppressants?

Appetite suppressants are designed for individuals that have easily triggered appetites.

Individuals that eat when they smell food, get bored or are emotional eaters benefit the most

from appetite suppressants. Appetite suppressants will prevent you from getting hungry at

inappropriate times of the day and will assist you in your weight loss efforts by preventing some

of the mindless or excessive eating that may be preventing you from reaching your weight loss


What is Hoodia Gordonii?

Hoodia gordonii looks like a cactus but is actually a succulent from the Kalahari Desert in South

Africa. People from the area have been using hoodia for centuries to help with hunger. Hoodia

works by tricking your brain into thinking you have eaten, making you feel full.

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How long will it take for Hoodia Gordonii to work?

Hoodia may work right away or it may take a few weeks to have an effect on your appetite.

How do I know this is real Hoodia?

Market America has the Certification of Analysis, as well as the complete chromatography, for

every batch of Hoodia used to manufacture our supplement. The Certification of Analysis

ensures that the product is actual Hoodia gordonii from South Africa and the chromatography

ensures that the plant material has not been stripped of any of its properties and contains all

plant constituents.

What if I feel jittery? What do I do?

If you feel jittery, you can cut back to a half serving until you become accustomed to the product.

You can also take the product with food and make sure to avoid any other sources of caffeine to

reduce any jittery feeling.

Will I feel jittery?

If you are used to drinking coffee or drinks with caffeine, then you should not feel jittery. If you

are sensitive to caffeine you should probably start this product at a half serving and see how you


If I am sensitive to caffeine can I take this?

Yes. You can still take this product if you are sensitive to caffeine. You may not be able to take

more than a half serving until your body gets accustomed to the product. You can also take a half

serving just once a day if you need to cut back on the caffeine more dramatically.

Are there any contraindications or warnings I should be aware of when taking Thermochrome?

Do not exceed the recommended serving size. If you are currently taking monoamine oxidase

inhibitors (MAOIs), you should not take this product. If you have high blood pressure,

cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension (Graves Disease) or liver disease, you should not

take this product. If you are taking any other prescription medication or have an ongoing medical

condition, you should consult your physician before using this product. Women who are pregnant

or nursing should not use this product. Keep out of reach of children.

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• 90 to 95 percent absorbable

• Drink on an empty stomach

• Five minute delivery time

• Delivered to the small intestine with no dilution

• No binders, fillers or coatings

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The Science of Isotonic-Capable Supplements

One reason that makes nutraMetrix® different from other brands is our isotonic-capable nutritional supplements, including nutraMetrix OPC-3. OPC-3, a powerful blend of antioxidants, promotes cardiovascular health and helps maintain healthy blood glucose levels. Isotonic-capable nutritional supplements are simply the most effective means of delivering the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients the body needs daily. Unlike traditional tablets that must first dissolve in the stomach before absorption can begin, isotonic supplements do not require digestion. Isotonic nutrients pass quickly through the stomach and are absorbed efficiently via the small intestine. So instead of waiting some 40 minutes for digestion and dilution from stomach acid juices to occur, nutraMetrix isotonic-capable supplements are absorbed very rapidly. With isotonic-capable supplements, you and your health professional can decide which combination of nutraMetrix products, targeting various areas of your body, will best promote your optimal health.

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Health Survey

This Health Awareness Survey is an effort to gather information through a series of questions designed to indicate areas of need concerning lifestyle, health and diet. Please complete this survey in its entirely and return it at your earliest convenience. Your efforts will allow us to help people achieve optimal health. You have our assurance that we will treat any information you supply on this survey with complete confidentiality. Your specific information will be used only to provide you with the results of your Healthy Awareness Survey and will not be sold, forward, or revealed in any way to any outside source. Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ______________________ Zip Code: __________ Phone Number: _____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Age: ______ Gender: _______ When would be the best time to contact you? ___________

1. Do you take vitamins of any kind? Ο Yes Ο No Ο Sometimes

2. Do you currently take any nutritional or herbal supplements? Ο Yes Ο No Ο Sometimes

3. Are you familiar with antioxidants? Ο Yes Ο No Ο Sometimes

4. Do you know how antioxidants can benefit Ο Yes Ο No Ο Sometimes

your health and well-being?

5. Are you familiar with free radicals? Ο Yes Ο No Ο Sometimes

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6. Are you concerned about any of the below health issues? Please mark any responses that

apply to you, a family member, relative, or a friend.

Self | Spouse | Relative | Friend

Acid Reflux/Heartburn Ο Ο Ο Ο


Allergies/Hay Fever Ο Ο Ο Ο

Alzheimer’s Ο Ο Ο Ο


Artery/Vein Health Ο Ο Ο Ο

Arthritis Inflammation Ο Ο Ο Ο

Asthma/Bronchitis Ο Ο Ο Ο

Autism Spectrum Ο Ο Ο Ο

Blood Pressure Ο Ο Ο Ο

Blood Sugar/Low Ο Ο Ο Ο

Bone Density Ο Ο Ο Ο

Bruising/Cracking Skin Ο Ο Ο Ο

Cancer Risk Ο Ο Ο Ο

Carpal Tunnel Pain Ο Ο Ο Ο

Cataracts/Glaucoma Ο Ο Ο Ο

Cholesterol Levels Ο Ο Ο Ο

Frequent Infection/Colds Ο Ο Ο Ο

Circulation Ο Ο Ο Ο

Constipation Ο Ο Ο Ο

Crohn’s Disease Ο Ο Ο Ο

Depression Ο Ο Ο Ο

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Diabetes Ο Ο Ο Ο

Digestive System Ο Ο Ο Ο

Fat Formation/Cellulitis Ο Ο Ο Ο

Fibromyalgia Ο Ο Ο Ο

Frequent Fatigue/Energy Ο Ο Ο Ο

Graves Disease Ο Ο Ο Ο

Gout/Uric Acid Levels Ο Ο Ο Ο

Headaches/Migraines Ο Ο Ο Ο

Hemorrhoids Ο Ο Ο Ο

Immune deficiency Ο Ο Ο Ο

Irritable Bowel Symptom Ο Ο Ο Ο

Joint Flexibility Ο Ο Ο Ο

Liver Function Ο Ο Ο Ο

Lupus Ο Ο Ο Ο

Multiple Sclerosis Ο Ο Ο Ο

Macular Degeneration Ο Ο Ο Ο

Memory/Concentration Ο Ο Ο Ο

Menopause/PMS/Cramps Ο Ο Ο Ο

Muscle Pain/Cramps Ο Ο Ο Ο

Muscular Coordination Ο Ο Ο Ο

Parkinson’s Ο Ο Ο Ο

Premature Aging Ο Ο Ο Ο

Prostate Health Ο Ο Ο Ο

Psoriasis/Eczema Ο Ο Ο Ο

Sinus Infection Ο Ο Ο Ο

Sleeping Disorder Ο Ο Ο Ο

Sports Injuries Ο Ο Ο Ο

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Respiratory Inflammation Ο Ο Ο Ο

Rheumatoid Arthritis Ο Ο Ο Ο

Ulcers ______________ Ο Ο Ο Ο

Varicose Veins Ο Ο Ο Ο

Vertigo (Dizziness) Ο Ο Ο Ο

Weight Gain Ο Ο Ο Ο

Wrinkles & Fine Lines Ο Ο Ο Ο

Other_______________ Ο Ο Ο Ο

7. Did you know that more than 60 medical conditions can be Ο Yes Ο No

associated with free radicals and their effects on our bodies?

8. Would you like to receive FREE information about natural Ο Yes Ο No ways to improve your health, reduce free radical damage, slow down or reverse the aging process and give you more energy?

9. What health benefits would you like to receive from a nutritional supplement program?



10. Would you be willing to try a natural health product that Ο Yes Ο No many doctors are now prescribing instead of drugs and medications that could address these concerns?

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Things to Remember

● A Plateau is 4 straight weeks of no change in weight, size, or body fat

● Plateaus happen – do not be alarmed; do not become discouraged

● When you hit a Plateau, keep the faith, and up your exercise

● You are what you eat / absorb!

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