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Welcome Aboardhttps://www.cnic.navy.mil/rota2013 - 2014 Naval Station Rota, Spain

Page 2: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

40 Fully Equipped


,smoordeB owT dna enO

ettenehctiK & moor gniviL

.tnemtrapA yrevE ni ecarreT etavirP

tseroF eniP a morf ssorcA detacoL

.hcaeB eht morf sretem 001 ylno dna

.noitnettA dezilanosreP rof hguone llamS

.secivreS eht lla rof hguone egraL

d,edulcni raC ,setar ALT

,looP gnimmiwS ,APS ,tuohguorht IFIW

.mooR gniteeM ,tnaruatseR ,raB-éfaC

Pet Friendly.


Avda de la Diputación s/n


Tel (34)956 846 103

Fax (34)956 846 102

E: [email protected]


Page 3: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Welcome to U.S. Naval Station Rota, Spain, the “Gateway to the Mediterranean.” NAVSTA Rota is located on Basé Naval de Rota, a Spanish Naval Base on the southwest coast of the beautiful country of Spain, adjacent the cities of Rota and El Puerto de Santa Maria. A tour of duty here offers a variety of things to see and experience as this area is a won-derful place to live and work. Being stationed here also gives you the unique opportunity to share the Spanish culture with your family and friends.

Whether you are assigned to the command or tenant commands aboard NAVSTA Rota, you are part of an exciting team. We are a vibrant, multi-service Naval installation with a clear focus on one common goal: providing the best operational and logistic sup-SRUW�WR�WKH�ZDU¿�JKWHU��EH�WKH\�1DY\��$LU�)RUFH��$UP\��Marine Corps or our allies.

Our Spanish hosts and neighbors are warm and friendly. Learning the language and culture will en-rich your time here, and you’ll leave Spain with many friends and fond memories of what could be your greatest tour. Whether you come here with your fam-ily or you are single, there are countless opportunities for travel, education and personal and professional growth.

Life in Spain is different than what you are used to in the States, and you will be faced with some unique challenges. That’s one of the reasons we are glad to provide this guide: to answer many of the questions you may have about your new home, as well as to aid in a smooth transition here.

We encourage you to take early and frequent con-WDFW�ZLWK�\RXU�VSRQVRU�DV�KH�RU�VKH�FDQ�¿�QG�DQVZHUV�to your detailed questions and walk you through the WUDQVLWLRQ�SURFHVV���$GGLWLRQDOO\��\RX�FDQ�¿�QG�RXW�quite a bit about the base on our website, http://www.cnic.navy.mil/rota, at the Military Installations database, http://www.militaryonesource.mil or by YLVLWLQJ�RXU�)DFHERRN�SDJH�DW�http://www.facebook.com/USNavalStationRota.

40 Fully Equipped


,smoordeB owT dna enO

ettenehctiK & moor gniviL

.tnemtrapA yrevE ni ecarreT etavirP

tseroF eniP a morf ssorcA detacoL

.hcaeB eht morf sretem 001 ylno dna

.noitnettA dezilanosreP rof hguone llamS

.secivreS eht lla rof hguone egraL

d,edulcni raC ,setar ALT

,looP gnimmiwS ,APS ,tuohguorht IFIW

.mooR gniteeM ,tnaruatseR ,raB-éfaC

Pet Friendly.


Avda de la Diputación s/n


Tel (34)956 846 103

Fax (34)956 846 102

E: [email protected]


About Naval Station Rota 5)RUFH�3URWHFWLRQ�� � �����Tenant Commands 9Preparing to Transfer 17Passports/Visas 18Medical Requirements 19What Should I Bring? 20Personal Property 21Pets 23Driving in Spain 28Traveling to Rota 33Temporary Housing 34&KHFNLQJ�,Q� � ��������������Housing 38Getting Settled 401DY\�&ROOHJH�2I¿�FH�������������������On-base Schools 422II�EDVH�6FKRROV�� ��������������Civilian Employment 48)OHHW�DQG�)DPLO\�6XSSRUW� �����MWR 50Shopping 57

Table of Contents

Note: To dial Rota commercially from the U.S. you must dial 011-34-956-82-XXXX. To dial DSN enter 314-727-XXXX.


Page 4: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Spain has changed more in the last three decades than perhaps any other European country. It has shed its rural, developing image for one that is booming with tourism, construction and people who are proud of their traditions and progress.

Visitors who are most readily accepted are those who embrace the Spanish culture. Spaniards tend to be more conservative in their dress, and they rarely eat or drink while walking. Blending in means dress-ing more formally and becoming accustomed to later hours for eating and shopping.

A big difference in Spain is when they eat, which is later than in the United States. Lunch hits its prime between 2 - 4 p.m. Dinner may start at 8:30 p.m., but reaches its peak as late as 11 p.m., especially on weekends.

When ordering, don’t be surprised to get the entire ¿�VK��RU�WKH�HQWLUH�VKULPS��OHJV�DQG�KHDG�VWLOO�DWWDFKHG��WKRXJK�¿�OHWV�FDQ�EH�IRXQG���6HDIRRG�LV�DOZD\V�VHUYHG�in its shell, unless fried or in a sauce. If you prefer a ¿�OHW��EH�VXUH�WR�RUGHU�LW�WKDW�ZD\���0RVW�PHDOV�FRPH�with bread and a small ‘tapa’ or appetizer - often olives or marinated vegetables.

Eating etiquette varies from place to place. In

Spain, for instance, locals rarely eat with their hands. Pizza is cut with a knife and fork and eaten in bites, rather than slice-by-slice. Spaniards also don’t mind elbows on the table - but they do mind when someone yawns and stretches while dining.

Tipping is expected in Spain, but there is no hard-and-fast rule. Typically, 10 percent is adequate.

Ventas are usually small, family-owned establish-ments that once served as a place for traders to eat. Now, they are simply a casual, family-style place to GLQH���$�0HVRQ��ZKLFK�PHDQV�³LQQ�´�WHQGV�WR�EH�UXVWLF���,I�WKH�ZRUG�³EDU´�LV�RQ�WKH�VLJQ��WKDW�PHDQV�WDSDV��DS�petizers) are likely served with the local brew, while the ZRUG�³UHVWDXUDQW´�LQ�WKH�QDPH�XVXDOO\�LQGLFDWHV�WKDW�WKLV�LV�D�¿�QH�GLQLQJ�H[SHULHQFH��

Though Spanish is the spoken language in Andalu-FLD��LW�LV�VSRNHQ�ZLWK�D�GLIIHUHQW�DFFHQW�WKDQ�LQ�0H[LFR�and other, more familiar Spanish-speaking regions.

The best advice is to learn at least some Span-ish before coming to Rota. Though you can get by without the language, locals are usually more patient with someone who attempts to speak in Spanish. Not knowing the language deprives you of truly integrating into this friendly, intimate culture.


*UHHWLQJ�IURP�7KH�0D\RU�It is a pleasure to welcome you

WR�(O�3XHUWR�GH�6DQWD�0DUtD�During its long history El Puer-

WR�GH�6DQWD�0DUtD�KDV�EHHQ��DQG�still is, a city open to visitors and wears its hospitality with pride.

This city is adorned with activi-ties, natural and environmental resources, archaeology and monuments, cultural and leisure and above all its people. The people of El Puerto de Santa

0DULD�ZKRP�,�DP�SURXG�WR�UHSUHVHQW��ZLOO�PDNH�\RX�IHHO�at home with their mannerisms.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay in this city DQG�\RXU�DGYHQWXUH�LQ�(O�3XHUWR�GH�6DQWD�0DULD�ZLOO�EH�unforgettable. Enrique Moresco García Mayor of El Puerto de Santa Maria

Greetings from El Puerto de Santa Maria

Greetings from RotaWe would like to introduce you

to our city, Rota, a welcoming city that deserves to be enjoyed. It is centrally located and has every-thing you might need. The naval base is also located within easy walking distance of the city center.

With a population of 29,000 Rota is a clean and very safe city with one of the lowest crime rates in the province.

From the tourist point of view, walk along its beaches, see the historical monuments, natural areas and enjoy its wide range of leisure activities including many bars, pubs, GLVFRWKHTXHV��GDQFH�FOXEV���SL]]HULDV��EXUJHUV�DQG�UHV�taurants of all kinds. And for everyday life, there are shops of all kinds including big and small supermarkets and well equipped workshops for vehicle repair.

%XW�5RWD�LV�HYHQ�PRUH��:H�ZRXOG�OLNH�\RX�WR�¿�QG�WKDW�LW�is the perfect place to live. Welcome to our city! We hope you have a very nice stay with us. Maria Eva Corrales Caballero Mayor of Rota


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Today the economy of Spain is the fifth largest in Europe, however, Spain faced a financial crisis beginning in 2008 which continues today. The fi-nancial crisis has left many unemployed. Spain’s currency, like most of Europe, is the Euro.

Unemployment in Spain is typically near the top of EU member nations and is higher than in the U.S.


Rota was established in 1953, following the signing of an agreement for facilities use between the United States and Kingdom of Spain. The agreement required two years of surveys, negoti-ations and planning which led to ground breaking on the base in 1955.

Rota Naval Base was constructed under the technical supervision of the Navy’s Bureau of Yards and Docks. Some 10,000 concrete tet-rapods, resembling large jacks, were carefully placed to provide a seawall to protect a large artificial harbor.

Naval Station Rota is located on the Bay of Ca-diz between the towns of Rota and El Puerto de

Santa Maria. Four entry gates - Rota, Jerez de la Frontera, El Puerto and Fuentebravia - are oper-ated by Spanish security forces. Security inside the base is provided by both Spanish and U.S. Navy security teams.

The Commander, Naval Activities (COM-NAVACT) Spain is headquartered in Rota and serves as the area coordinator for all U.S. Naval Activities ashore in Spain and Portugal. COM-NAVACT Spain also serves as the commanding officer of Naval Station Rota. The commander reports directly to Commander, Navy Region Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia, located in Naples, Italy.

Naval Station Rota and its more than 35 ten-ant commands comprise approximately 3,000 Americans within a 25-mile area. Of those, nearly 1,300 are active duty representing all services; 1,700 are family members and 400 are U.S. civil-ian employees. There is a projected increase of approximately 1,200 Sailors and 1,600 depen-dents in the coming years due to four Aegis de-stroyers homeporting in Rota. Additionally, there are some 300 U.S. military retirees in the area.

The U.S. Navy is responsible for maintaining the station’s infrastructure, including a 670-acre airfield, three active piers, 400 facilities and ap-proximately 375 family housing units.

Naval Station Rota provides support for U.S. and NATO ships, supports the safe and efficient movement of U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force flights and passengers, and provides cargo, fuel and ammunition to units in the region.


about naval station rota

Naval Station Rota’s Mission


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

NAVSTA Rota is the only base in the European theater capable of supporting Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) post-deployment wash-downs. The base port also offers secure, pier-side mainte-nance and backload facilities. Naval Station Rota also supports ARG turnovers and hosts Sailors and Marines from visiting afloat units.

The base provides quality of life support to Morón Air Base and National Support Elements in Madrid and Valencia, Spain and Lisbon, Portu-gal. Rota also supports ongoing operations in the European theater of operations.

Known as the “Gateway to the Mediterranean,” Naval Station Rota is strategically located near the Strait of Gibraltar and is halfway between the United States and Southwest Asia. The 6,100-acre Spanish-owned installation provides vital support to units transiting in or through the theater.

NAVSTA Rota, known as Basé Naval de Rota in Spanish, is owned by the Spanish and command-ed by a Spanish admiral. U.S. personnel are guests and should behave as such. That said, the U.S. and Spanish navies work well together and share many facilities under the guidance of the Agreement on Defense Cooperation (ADC).

Living and working overseas carries its own ex-tra force protection considerations beyond those that have become a part of daily life in the U.S.

Violent crime is rare in Andalucia, though petty crime is more common than similar sized towns in the U.S. Visitors are encouraged to use com-mon sense by watching out for strangers, keep-ing items out of sight in vehicles and protecting purses and wallets.

Commander, U.S. Naval Activities Spain is responsible for the force protection of all DoD

the rota base community

Force protection


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Page 11: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

ood, economic and with the best services while house hunting in the area!

hen you need to catch an early flight from Jerez.

cradle of flamenco, horses, wines...


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members, including tenant activities and depart-ments throughout Spain and Portugal.

As part of your overseas screening, you and your family members must complete Level I force protection training. Newly arriving personnel will receive a refresher brief during the Intercultural Relations course (ICR), as well as a local law en-forcement brief. These informative briefs are open to spouses, DoD civilians and their spouses. They will address issues concerning travel both in and out of Spain.

The 725th Air Mobility Squadron provides en route support for Air Mobility Command (AMC) strategic, theater and contract aircraft transiting Naval Station Rota, Spain. They perform aircraft generation, launch and recovery actions, operate an Air Mobility Control Center, Aerospace Ground Equipment Flight and a Forward Supply Location. They also manage AMC missions and aircrew operations, provide technical expertise to Navy/Spanish contractors on transportation issues and support DoD, NATO and higher headquarter task-ings.

Tenant commands in rota725th Air Mobility Squadron


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

The 521st Air Mobility Operations Group pro-vides combat-ready Airmen who safely and effec-tively perform aircraft maintenance, execute aerial port operations and provide command and control for operational requirements of the Defense Trans-SRUWDWLRQ�6\VWHP���7KH�JURXS�LV�WKH�SUHPLHU�¿�[HG�en route air mobility operations group.

The mission of CTF 65 is to exercise com-mand and control responsibility and authority for assigned surface combatants to execute ballistic missile defense, maritime domain awareness, ex-panded maritime interdiction operations, sea lanes of communication enforcement, force protection, theater security cooperation activities and other assigned missions.

The mission of CTF 68 is to exercise tactical control and functional component command over assigned forces for the direction, control and ap-proval of movements, maneuvers and operations necessary to accomplish Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet missions and tasks.

Commander, task force 65 (CTF 65)

Commander, Task Force 68 (CTF 68)


521st Air Mobility Operations Group (AMOG)

Page 13: Welcome Aboard

Distance from HOTEL CARIBE

Rota Naval Base .90 miles Beach .35 miles Town Center .40 miles Airport (Jerez de la Frontera) 18.64 miles Railway (Pto. Santa Maria) 15.53 miles Harbour (Rota) .61 miles



Serving since 1968 to meet your needs and to makethis Hotel your first home in Spain.

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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO




Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 8

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 8, Detachment Rota

Defense Service Office North


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

ordnance as directed by Commander, Task Force SIX EIGHT. Additionally, the command provides platoons to Special Operation Command Europe, supports U.S. Secret Service and Department of State tasking in Europe and provides Force Protec-tion diving and other routine diving and demolition services as required.

The Marine Corps FAST Company provides short-term augmentation for installations and ships or vital naval assets when threat conditions have been elevated beyond the capabilities of the permanent security forces. They also con-duct deterrence/presence operations as approved by Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe. The company is comprised of two FAST platoons and a headquarters element.

The MSCREP supports the Commander, MSC Europe, in managing port operations of dry cargo and aviation and diesel fuel at Naval Station Rota, as well as coordinating bunkering, husbanding ser-vices and force protection for multiple MSC ships and port locations throughout Europe and Africa.


U.S. Naval Hospital Rota provides health services for all active duty personnel, retirees, DoD civilians and contract employees and family members in the Rota community. In addition to

U.S. Naval Hospital Rota, Spain

Military Sealift Command, Eu-rope Representative (MSCREP), Rota, Spain

Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST) Company, Europe


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in-patient and out-patient services, ancillary health services include laboratory, pharmacy and radiol-ogy. Outpatient clinics provide primary care with specialty support in aviation medicine, dental, in-ternal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, optometry, orthopedics, pediatrics, psychiatry, family practice, physical therapy and surgery. With more than 250 health care professionals supporting your commu-nity facility, the hospital staff strives daily to provide the best health care in the world.

Emergency services are available 24/7. Please call 727-3305 or 727-3560 for further information.

The dental services directorate provides dental services to active duty personnel and their com-mand-sponsored family members. Other eligible EHQH¿�FLDULHV�DUH�SURYLGHG�EDVLF�SUHYHQWLYH��URXWLQH�and restorative care. DoD civilians are charged an itemized fee. Retirees and their family members may be provided treatment on a space-available basis.

To obtain a referral for specialty dental care, ac-tive duty personnel and their family members must ¿�UVW�EH�H[DPLQHG�WR�LGHQWLI\�DOO�UHTXLUHG�GHQWDO�treatment. Orthodontic (braces) and prosthodontic (crowns, bridges, dentures) treatment is sometimes limited and based on the severity of need and panel recommendations.


Naval Facilities EngineeringCommand (NAVFAC) Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia, Public Works Department Rota


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

PWD Rota provides a single point of contact for tenants aboard to contact in the event of a facility issue. The trouble desk numbers are 727-2347 and 727-2348.

Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center (NAVSUP FLC) Rota provides logistics and EXVLQHVV�VXSSRUW�VHUYLFHV�WR�À�HHW��LQVWDOODWLRQ�DQG�other service components throughout Europe and $IULFD��VHUYLQJ�DV�WKH�SRLQW�RI�HQWU\�SRLQW�RI�GHSDU�WXUH��32(�32'��VKLSSLQJ�DQG�UHFHLYLQJ�DJHQW�IRU�material from the United States via the East Coast. 6HUYLFHV�LQFOXGH��VXSSO\�FKDLQ�PDQDJHPHQW��PDWH�rial handling equipment support for intermodal RSHUDWLRQV��FRQWUDFWLQJ��KD]DUGRXV�PDWHULDO�PDQ�DJHPHQW��KRXVHKROG�JRRGV�DQG�YHKLFOH�SURFHVVLQJ�and postal operations.

3URYLGHV�FRPPDQG��FRQWURO��FRPPXQLFDWLRQV��computers and telephone services to Naval Sta-

WLRQ�5RWD��LWV�WHQDQW�FRPPDQGV��'HSDUWPHQW�RI�Defense customers throughout Spain and Portugal and others as directed.



The Naval Station has one U.S. Army veteri-narian whose primary mission is food inspection.

Personnel Support Activity Europe, Detachment Rota (PSD)

Regional Legal Service Office (RLSO)

Veterinary Treatment Facility, Rota

Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station (NCTAMS) ATLANTIC, Detachment Rota

Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center (NAVSUP FLC) sigonella-Rota


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Routine pet care is a secondary function, which is provided within time and equipment limitations. 7KH�VXUURXQGLQJ�DUHD�KDV�VHYHUDO�TXDOL¿�HG�YHW�erinarians, and a list is available at the Veterinary Clinic.

Upon receiving orders, you should immediately begin the process of overseas screening for you and your family. This typically includes a detailed review of your civilian and military medical records, PHGLFDO�H[DPLQDWLRQV��LQRFXODWLRQV�DQG�DQ�LQWHU�view with a command representative. Details can EH�IRXQG�LQ�231$9,167��������'���<RXU�FRP�mand’s administrative department will have details RQ�WKLV�SURFHVV��VR�FRQWDFW�WKHP�DV�VRRQ�DV�SRV�sible.

The Department of the Navy (DON) requires early coordination of early intervention, special education and related services for children with GLVDELOLWLHV�ZKR�DUH�DWWHQGLQJ��RU�HOLJLEOH�WR�DW�tend, Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS). The EFM Program evolved to include WKH�LGHQWL¿�FDWLRQ�DQG�HQUROOPHQW�RI�DOO�IDPLO\�members with special needs (i.e. asthma, attention GH¿�FLW�GLVRUGHU��VOHHS�DSQLD��SV\FKRORJLFDO��HWF���

at overseas (OCONUS) and continental United States (CONUS) locations. It is DON policy to ensure Navy families with EFMs are only assigned to areas where their EFM medical and educational needs can be met.

The EFM program is a tool for detailers to place WKH�VHUYLFH�PHPEHU�LQ�DQ�DUHD�WR�VXLW�WKH�HGXFD�tional and medical needs of the dependents while HQVXULQJ�WKH�VHUYLFH�PHPEHU�FDQ�DFFRPSOLVK�FD�reer progression and promotions. Families already enrolled in EFMP must update their EFMP status with their primary care provider 12 months prior to QHJRWLDWLQJ�IRU�RUGHUV��3(56��������,I�\RXU�IDPLO\�member is a category III or higher, her or she will not be sent overseas (OCONUS). Please advise the command sponsor if there are any special educations or medical needs. If a family member is a category I or II, the sponsor should contact the EFMP installation coordinator prior to arriving aboard Naval Station Rota, Spain.

6HUYLFH�PHPEHUV�UHTXHVWLQJ�RYHUVHDV�DVVLJQ�ment with an EFM category III dependent(s) will still be sent overseas without their dependent(s) as long as the service member passes his or her overseas screening. Please talk to the command sponsor, detailer, chain of command and primary care provider during the overseas screening process if there are any issues with the overseas VFUHHQLQJ�DQG�()0�LGHQWL¿�FDWLRQ���+DYH�\RXU�VSRQ�

Preparing for TransferOverseas Screening

Exceptional Family Member (EFM) Program


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sor notify the EFMP installation coordinator imme-diately if any EFM issues should arise. Reference OPNAVINST 1754.2D, MILPERSMAN 1300-700 or BUMEDINST 1300.2A for more information.

Your sponsor will offer all necessary assistance to make your move as smooth as possible. Spon-sors typically help with making temporary lodging arrangements, answering questions and providing useful information for your transition overseas.

It is your responsibility, however, to communi-cate with your sponsor to let him or her know your needs and arrival date. If you do not know who \RXU�VSRQVRU�LV��FDOO�WKH�1$967$�$GPLQ�2I¿�FH�DW�DSN 727-3129.

Military members of the U.S. Armed Forces do not require passports, but they are strongly recom-mended. They may enter and depart Spanish ter-ritory without passports upon presentation of DoD orders and military I.D. card (DD-2). However, travel to Gibraltar and other locations in Europe and Africa requires a passport.

Members of the civilian component and all fam-ily members, regardless of age, assigned to Spain PXVW�EH�LQ�SRVVHVVLRQ�RI�D�YDOLG�RI¿�FLDO��³QR�IHH´�passport. There is no need to obtain a Spanish visa. No-fee passports are guaranteed to be valid ZKLOH�WUDYHOLQJ�RQ�RI¿�FLDO�RUGHUV�only. For this reason, family members or civilians planning to make private/personal trips are highly encouraged to obtain a tourist passport.


NATO personnel are required to have a no-fee passport prior to arrival in Spain when assigned to duty in Valencia or Madrid because of duty require-ments. The Spanish government requires an NIE number to rent housing, open checking accounts, hook up utilities and live on the economy. All personnel assigned to NATO/NSE must live out in town at these locations.

You may be required to hand over your pass-port when you spend the night at a hotel or hostel anywhere in Europe, though most hotels will be happy making a photocopy of your passport. This is standard practice, and it is required to show a picture I.D. If you apply for a tourist passport or renew your passport while in Spain, you must pres-HQW�DQ�RULJLQDO�ELUWK�FHUWL¿�FDWH��RU�QDWXUDOL]DWLRQ�FHUWL¿�FDWH��LQ�RUGHU�WR�DSSO\���,W�JHQHUDOO\�WDNHV�IRXU�to six weeks to receive your passport.

In order to allow members of the civilian compo-nent and dependents to stay in Spain for the dura-tion of their tour of duty, or for the duration of their sponsor’s tour of duty in the case of dependents, all passports must be processed for a special vali-dation stamp through Spanish Immigrations. This YDOLGDWLRQ�VWDPS�DXWKRUL]HV�WKH�PHPEHU�RI�WKH�FL�vilian component or dependent to stay in Spain for a period of three years, or until termination of their DVVLJQPHQW�WR�6SDLQ��ZKLFKHYHU�RFFXUV�¿�UVW��7KH�validation stamp will normally be entered in the no-fee passport. However if a no-fee passport it is not

ENTRADA (Entry) Stamp




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available, it will be entered in the tourist passport. To ensure a smooth and timely processing of

validation stamps, passports must be turned in to the Pass and I.D. section of the Naval Station Se-curity Department in Bldg. 3262 during the check-in process. This process takes from 7 - 10 working days.

Family members of military personnel: regular no-fee passport (visa not required); copy of spon-sor’s assignment orders; DoD family member I.D. card.

Family member of military/civilian component PHPEHUV��RI¿�FLDO�QR�IHH�SDVVSRUW��YLVD�QRW�UH�quired); copy of sponsor’s assignment orders; DoD IDPLO\�PHPEHU�,�'��FDUG��FHUWL¿�FDWH�SURYLQJ�WKHLU�status as a family member issued by a U.S. Per-sonnel Center (see Foreign Clearance Guide DoD 4500.54-G for Spain).

Note: If the family name of a minor dependent is different, proper adoption papers, custody docu-PHQW�RU�FHUWL¿�FDWH�RI�UHODWLRQVKLS�WR�VSRQVRU�LV�required.

A power of attorney may be useful or necessary, especially if the service member will be absent from home for extended periods of time. A power RI�DWWRUQH\�PD\�EH�WDLORUHG�DQG�OLPLWHG�WR�¿�W�\RXU�particular needs, enabling the grantee (usually the spouse or a trusted friend) to act on behalf of the service member. 7KH�OHJDO�RI¿�FH�UHFRPPHQGV�REWDLQLQJ�D�SRZHU�RI�DWWRUQH\�SULRU�WR�DUULYLQJ�LQ�6SDLQ�

If you need a power of attorney before transfer-ring or deploying, contact the Legal Assistance Of-¿�FH�DW������������$OO�QRWDUL]DWLRQV�UHTXLUH�SUHVHQ�WDWLRQ�RI�WZR�IRUPV�RI�LGHQWL¿�FDWLRQ�

You and your family members are required to undergo overseas medical/dental screening within 30 days of receiving orders to an overseas loca-tion. Screening forms are NAVMED 1300.1 series

and DD Form 2807-1. Detailed guidance on the screening process is found in BUMEDINST 1300.2 series. The screening must be completed at your current command.

During the screening, inform the medical screen-er of any chronic health problems requiring long-WHUP�RU�VSHFLDOL]HG�WUHDWPHQW���7KLV�LQIRUPDWLRQ�LV�essential to determine whether the overseas medi-cal treatment facility has the capability of provid-ing follow-up care for these conditions. Failure to divulge this information can adversely impact your health and the wellbeing of your family members, if the required follow-up care is not available. Ad-ditionally, such failure may result in the early return of your family members at your expense and may

medical requirements

needed documents

power of attorney


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

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Start to feel at home in Spain right from the moment you arrive.Banco Popular is at your disposal at the U.S. Naval Station.! /"En#í$ue%"&/n."Tel"'56"()*"*+4.Welcome.









AF REV. Base ROTA 90x130 chica.pdf 1 17/04/13 11:54

subject you to charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

If you are pregnant, you must arrive at your ultimate duty station prior to your 29th week of pregnancy. If you are more than 29 weeks preg-nant, you and your newborn must be screened at your current command for overseas suitability six weeks after delivery. If you or your family member has recently been hospitalized, a complete medi-cal/dental record of all examinations and treatment pertaining to the hospitalization must be provided to the screening physician. If there are any ques-tions on the availability of medical care at Rota, the VFUHHQLQJ�PHGLFDO�GHQWDO�RI¿�FHU�VKRXOG�FRQWDFW�WKH�2YHUVHDV�6FUHHQLQJ�2I¿�FH��8�6��1DYDO�+RVSLWDO��5RWD�DW�'61����������RU�FRPPHUFLDO��������������������

For you and your family’s health protection, certain immunizations are required. These are to be received at your command prior to detachment as part of your overseas screening process. Please speak with your overseas screening coordinator to ensure you have all the vaccinations necessary prior to arriving in Spain.

Relocating costs money, much of it up front. Though you will be reimbursed for many of these H[SHQVHV��SODQ�RQ�VDYLQJ�EHWZHHQ��������DQG��������IRU�WKH�PRYH��)RU�PDQ\��WKDW�PHDQV�VWDUWLQJ�a savings account early. Some anticipated costs are: traveling expenses such as meals, drinks, sou-venirs, magazines, luggage storage and handling, tips, taxi fares, etc.; vacation costs of any sightsee-ing trips, hotels, meals, entertainment, etc. while on leave; rental car fees, both prior to leaving the States and upon your arrival in Spain; dining out expenses while waiting for temporary or permanent housing; rent deposits, usually one month’s rent; ¿�UVW�PRQWK¶V�UHQW��DGYDQFH�SD\�LV�DQ�RSWLRQ�EXW�WKDW�will mean another debt); purchase of vehicle if you GLG�QRW�VKLS�RQH�RU�QHHG�D�VHFRQG��LQVXUDQFH��PRVW�companies require a year’s premium up front); car

UHJLVWUDWLRQ�IHHV��WHOHSKRQH�KRRN�XS�FKDUJH��RQ�base hook-up is free, but off-base fees can exceed �������UHQWHU¶V�LQVXUDQFH�LV�UHFRPPHQGHG�IRU�DOO�personnel, including those living in government quarters, accompanied and unaccompanied.

In general, expect rooms to be small, both on and off base, with narrow doorways and scarce storage, so select your household items carefully before shipping. King-size beds, for instance, will greatly limit available housing selections.

Assignment to government quarters typically takes approximately two weeks. Finding a home in WKH�FRPPXQLW\�W\SLFDOO\�WDNHV�OHVV�WKDQ����GD\V��unless you arrive during July and August, which FDQ�H[WHQG�WKH�SURFHVV�EH\RQG����GD\V���7KH�+RXVLQJ�2I¿�FH�6HUYLFH�&HQWHU��+6&��SURYLGHV�complimentary house-hunting transportation and can arrange temporary housing during the interim - XVXDOO\�DW�WKH�1DY\�/RGJH��1DY\�*DWHZD\�,QQV�DQG�Suites or at an off base hotel.

0HDQZKLOH��WKH�+6&�ZLOO�KHOS�QHJRWLDWH�UHQWDO�contracts and explain lease agreements. Whether you will live on- or off-base, loaner furniture is DYDLODEOH�IRU�D�PD[LPXP�RI����GD\V�ZKLOH�\RX�DUH�waiting for your household goods shipment to ar-rive or after they have been shipped to your next duty station. This includes items such as beds,

After the game hang out and have a BBQ. We are all set for a great after party!

immunizations for spain

preparing financially

What should i bring?


Page 23: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

chest of drawers, couch/loveseat, coffee and side tables, kitchen table and chairs.

6KRXOG�\RX�PRYH�WR�EDVH�TXDUWHUV�DQG�¿�QG�you have too much furniture, active duty military are entitled to a one-time shipment of the excess back to CONUS within 15 calendar days of receiv-ing household goods, this does not apply to DoD civilians. This pertains to furniture only and not cartons containing books, clothes or other mis-cellaneous items. The excess furniture will be packed, crated and shipped to Norfolk, Va. for non-temporary storage.

You are strongly discouraged from shipping DSSOLDQFHV�WR�5RWD��VLQFH�WKH�KRXVLQJ�RI¿�FH�ZLOO�provide loaner appliances for both on- and off-base homes for your entire tour, free of charge. This includes dishwashers, refrigerators, stoves, chest freezers, washers and dryers.

Base housing offers American Forces Network (AFN) via a cable TV system that is compatible with American NTSC television signals. On-base residents can request to install an antenna ca-pable of receiving Spanish TV signals, but this will require a European or multi-system television that is compatible with the European PAL signals. If you anticipate living off-base, you will need to pur-chase a European or multi-system television if you would like to view Spanish TV channels. Off-base residents can also receive AFN channels if they purchase an AFN decoder and compatible satellite dish. The cost of the equipment and installation are the responsibility of the resident.

If you collect alcoholic beverages (wines/li-quors), it is suggested they be left in storage in the States. The Spanish Government will not allow

alcohol purchased outside Spain to be shipped back. Wine shipments purchased in Spain may be shipped back to the U.S. Attempting to ship or transport Cuban cigars back to the States carries a huge and prohibitive U.S. Customs tariff - usually tens of thousands of dollars per cigar.

On-base current is 110 volts/60 cycles and pres-ents no problem for American appliances. Power supplied off base is 220 volts/50 cycles. Transform-ers are available at the Housing Service Center’s Self-Help Store for off base residents. Transform-ers are also available for purchase at the Navy Exchange. Note: Transformers do not convert the hertz (Hz), so clocks and other devices that are set for a U.S. 60 Hz cycle will not function properly even when transformed. Look for 50 - 60 Hz on the label.

When selecting other optional appliances to bring to Spain, it may be better to wait and see what your requirements are when you arrive. Appliances us-ing 220 volts can be purchased at the Navy Ex-change, from people who are leaving or from stores out in town.

Per article 45 of the Agreement on Defense Cooperation (ADC) between the Kingdom of Spain and United States, personal effects, household goods and one vehicle intended for the exclusive use of the member and their dependents must be imported within six months of the date of their initial arrival in country to be considered free of all types of Spanish duties.

On/Off Base Electrical Current

importation time framePersonal property


Page 24: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

It will take approximately 50 - 60 days to receive your personal property from the East Coast of the United States and 60 - 70 from the West. Ship-ments from Hawaii, Guam and Japan can take 120 - 130 days.

Based on your PCS orders, branch of service, rank and command assigned, the type of ship-ments you are eligible for may include the follow-ing:

- Automobile or motorcycle (One per military member on orders to Spain). It must be shipped through your closest Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). If your choice is shipping a motorcycle, do not ship it in your HHGs shipment. Note: If as-signed to NATO units, contact your NSE for spe-FL¿�F�GHWDLOV�RQ�\RXU�PRWRUF\FOH�LPSRUWDWLRQ��RQO\�NATO personnel are allowed to import two duty free vehicles).

- Personal property to CONUS (designated loca-tion due to overseas assignment).

- Household goods to Rota.- Personal property to non-temporary storage

(authorized for the length of your overseas assign-ment, coordinate with your origin Transportation 2I¿�FH��

- Express (unaccompanied baggage) shipment (limited in weight depending on the branch of ser-vice, your rank and number of dependents).

- Professional books, papers and equipment (for military only). When coordinated and approved E\�\RXU�RULJLQ�7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ�2I¿�FH�D�PD[LPXP�amount of 500 pounds can be declared for your Spouse Pro-gear (S-PRO).

The express (unaccompanied baggage) ship-ment should consist of items you will need imme-diately upon arrival in Rota. Ship these items as soon as possible to ensure they arrive before you do. This shipment usually arrives before the main personal property shipment.

Some of the things you may want to include: linens, pillows, baby furniture, toaster, radio, iron/ironing board, vacuum cleaner and bags, hair dryer, coat hangers, area rugs, common household tools, kitchenware, toys, uniforms, extra clothes �ZLQWHU�VXPPHU���À�DVKOLJKW��KRW�SODWH��FRROHU��raincoats and umbrellas, mechanical alarm clock. Transit time from the West Coast is approximately 40 days and from the East Coast approximately 30 days. Be sure you do not exceed your unaccom-panied baggage weight limit. You may be liable for excess weight costs.

As provided by the Spanish government, ship-SLQJ�RI�SULYDWH�¿�UHDUPV�WR�6SDLQ�LV�DXWKRUL]HG�RQO\�to active duty military personnel in pay grades of E-5 and above and DoD civilian employees with HTXLYDOHQW�JUDGHV���:KHQ�VKLSSLQJ�¿�UHDUPV��EH�VXUH�WR�KDYH�WKHP�VSHFL¿�FDOO\�GHVFULEHG�RQ�\RXU�DD-1299 (Personal Property Shipping application) and on the shipping inventory that packers will prepare, including make, model, caliber and serial number. They must be properly located in the crate or box number of your shipment.

2QFH�LQ�6SDLQ��¿�UHDUPV�PXVW�EH�UHJLVWHUHG�ZLWK�the Naval Station Rota Security Department. Fire-arms must be stored in the Security Department armory for the duration of the tour. NAVSTA Rota’s security armory is the only authorized storage facil-LW\�RI�¿�UHDUPV�DERDUG�WKH�LQVWDOODWLRQ���$OO�¿�UHDUPV�must be registered with Spanish military or Guardia &LYLO�¿�UHDUPV�UHJLVWUDUV���0HPEHUV�PXVW�DOVR�DSSO\�for a weapons ownership document or “Guia de Pertenencia” upon arrival.

7KH�W\SHV�DQG�TXDQWLWLHV�RI�¿�UHDUPV�WKDW�HOLJLEOH�personnel may ship to Spain are limited to the

household goods shipment express (unaccompanied baggage/ub) shipment



Page 25: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

following:- Handguns (maximum): one��%LJ�JDPH�ULÀ�HV��PD[LPXP���¿�YH��6KRWJXQV������FDO��ULÀ�HV��PD[LPXP���VL[- High powered pellet guns and cross bows or

combination thereof (maximum): 12��3HOOHW�ULÀ�HV�SLVWROV��VHPLDXWRPDWLF�¿�ULQJ��PD[L�


VKRXOG�FRQVLGHU�OHDYLQJ�¿�UHDUPV�LQ�VWRUDJH�LQ�WKH�U.S., as there are no public gun ranges in the local area. Hunters must obtain licenses (in Spanish) and permission from landowners before shooting RQ�SULYDWH�SURSHUW\�LQ�6SDLQ��ZKLFK�FDQ�EH�GLI¿�FXOW�to obtain.

1RWH��,I�DVVLJQHG�WR�1$72�XQLWV��FRQWDFW�\RXU�16(�IRU�VSHFL¿�F�GHWDLOV�RQ�\RXU�¿�UHDUPV�LPSRUWD�tion (NATO personnel must request importation DSSURYDO�LQ�DGYDQFH�RWKHUZLVH�\RXU�¿�UHDUPV�PD\�not be registered).



SHW�RZQHUV�FDQQRW�OHDYH�WKHLU�SHWV�RXWGRRUV�IXOO�time out of consideration for neighbors. Dog run enclosures are prohibited in housing areas.




Page 26: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Prior to bringing a pet to Spain, it is highly advis-able to research costs associated with shipping a pet back to the United States or other international destination from Spain when the time comes for your PCS. Individuals moving to Spain are re-sponsible for the cost of shipping their pet. This expense is not reimbursable. In addition, commer-cial airline regulations have become increasingly stringent with regard to pet travel to include barring VSHFL¿�F�EUHHGV�IRU�SDUW�RI�WKH�\HDU�GXH�WR�KRW�DQG�cold weather. Keep these factors in mind when considering a pet while in Spain.

During your stay in Spain you will be required to comply with Spanish law regarding care of animals. This includes registering your pet’s microchip with the Spanish tracking system, which can be done at the Veterinary Clinic on-base or any Spanish vet-erinary clinic for a nominal fee. You are required to keep a proof of vaccination and microchip with you at all times when walking your dog off base. Other requirements, such as muzzling and leash, may only apply based on where you live or travel within Spain with your dog.

Southern Spain enjoys a temperate climate year-round. Consequently, there are some para-VLWHV�WKDW�À�RXULVK�LQ�WKLV�UHJLRQ�WKDW�\RX�PD\�QRW�be aware of back in the States. In order to provide optimal protection for your dog, Rota Veterinary Services recommends monthly use of a topical À�HD�DQG�WLFN�SUHYHQWDWLYH��VSHFL¿�FDOO\�$GYDQWL[�,,���This medication can be purchased at the Veteri-nary Clinic. This is the only topical medication that SURYLGHV�SURYHQ�SURWHFWLRQ�DJDLQVW�VDQG�À�LHV�WKDW�transmit the potentially fatal disease Leishmania-sis. For cats the recommended topical medication LV�5HYROXWLRQ���3HWV�VKRXOG�UHPDLQ�RQ�À�HD�WLFN�DQG�heartworm prevention year-round in Spain. The 9HWHULQDU\�&OLQLF�FDQ�DQVZHU�\RXU�VSHFL¿�F�TXHV�tions regarding parasite control upon arrival.

1$967$�5RWD�GRHV�QRW�KDYH�D�SHW�ERDUGLQJ�kennel on base. There are limited facilities avail-able in the surrounding area off-base. The Veteri-nary Clinic maintains a list of kennel facilities and SHWVLWWHUV��%H�DZDUH�WKDW�LW�FDQ�EH�GLI¿�FXOW�WR�¿�QG�a kennel that can accommodate large dogs for boarding. It is important to locate an acceptable facility and secure your reservation well in advance if you require boarding for your pet.

Certain breeds of dogs are considered “dan-JHURXV�DQLPDOV´�XQGHU�6SDQLVK�/DZ���������7KLV�label applies to all dogs of the breed, regardless of past behavior or temperament. Dangerous dogs in Spain include the following breeds and cross breeds: Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, $PHULFDQ�6WDIIRUGVKLUH�7HUULHU��5RWWZHLOHU��'REHU�PDQ�3LQVFKHU��$UJHQWLQR�'RJR��)LOD�%ULVLOHLUR��7RVD�,QD�DQG�$NLWD�,QX�

In addition, due to increased security measures on base, German Shepherds, Chow Chows, Boxers, any wolf hybrid and any dog with these breeds in their lineage (crosses) are also considered danger-RXV�GRJV���$Q\�RWKHU�GRJ�WKDW�GHPRQVWUDWHV�DQ�DJ�gressive character, or has been involved in an attack DJDLQVW�SHRSOH�RU�RWKHU�DQLPDOV�DQG�RU�LV�GHVLJQDWHG�DV�SRWHQWLDOO\�GDQJHURXV�E\�&201$9$&763$,1��his designee, or appropriate Spanish government of-¿�FLDOV��LV�DOVR�FRQVLGHUHG�D�³GDQJHURXV�DQLPDO�´�

$OO�PHPEHUV�RI�WKH�IRUFH�RU�FLYLOLDQ�FRPSRQHQW�VWD�tioned in Spain who maintain a potentially dangerous animal, regardless of whether they live on or off base, must comply with Spanish registration procedures. The following rules summarize the Spanish law as it pertains to owners of dangerous animals:

����/LFHQVH���$OO�RZQHUV�RI�SRWHQWLDOO\�GDQJHURXV�dogs must obtain a license for such an animal from the local city hall within 30 days of arriving in Spain. Failure to obtain a license within the time prescribed will result in the impoundment of the animal and its SRWHQWLDO�GHVWUXFWLRQ���$�OLFHQVH�ZLOO�EH�YDOLG�IRU�D�SHULRG�RI�¿�YH�\HDUV���2ZQHUV�RI�SRWHQWLDOO\�GDQJHURXV�animals residing on-base shall present a copy of their license to Security. In order to obtain a license, the applicant owner must complete the following require-ments:

a. The applicant must be over 18 years old.b. The applicant must not have been convicted of

a crime or have been administratively sanctioned for past violations mentioned in pertinent Spanish law.

c. Have the requisite physical strength to control the animal when walked; dangerous dogs must be leashed and muzzled at all times while in public.

d. Pass a psychological examination from a quali-¿�HG�SURYLGHU��VHYHUDO�FLYLOLDQ�FOLQLFV�LQ�5RWD�SURYLGH�this service).

dangerous dogs

CIRCUMFERENCE: Circumferences around the snout, one in below the eye base.

EYE LINE: Distance from one inch below the eye base to behind the ears (where neck circumference intersects).

LENGTH: Distance from the tip of the nose to one inch below the eye base.

NECK CIRCUMFERENCE: Circumference around neck; behind the ears.

HEIGHT: Snout height should be measure when mouth is comfortably open.

WIDTH: Snout width at the widest part.


Page 27: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Page 28: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

e. Obtain civil liability insurance.(2) Once registered, the owner will need to carry

the animal’s identity card and registration documents on their person at all times when the pet is in public.

Interpreters working in the Naval Station Security Department can assist owners of dangerous animals with the registration process. Call 956-82-3225 or 956-82-3246 for assistance.

As soon you know where you’re moving to, start researching pet entry requirements. Travel to Spain is primarily accomplished using commercial carriers. (QVXUH�\RXU�WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ�RI¿FH�NQRZV�\RX¶UH�VKLS-ping pets to Spain, so they may help make reserva-tions with your airline for you or direct you to the place to make reservations. Airlines charge fees for shipping pets, and this expense is not reimbursable.

Additionally, know that several airlines impose pet embargoes, and will not accept pets when tempera-ture limits are exceeded during any part of your itiner-ary. Please work closely with your transportation RI¿FH�WR�DYRLG�DQ\�SUREOHPV�ZKLOH�WUDYHOLQJ�ZLWK�\RXU�pet. Ultimately, travel arrangements for your pet are your responsibility.


��3HWV�DUH�GH¿QHG�DV�GRJV�DQG�FDWV�RQO\�- Pets must be at least three months of age when

entering Spain.

- All vaccinations should be given to your pet at least 30 days or more prior to moving.


��(DFK�SHW�PXVW�KDYH�D�FHUWL¿FDWH�RI�KHDOWK�IRU�WKH�European Union, signed by any veterinarian accred-ited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under the Veterinary National Accreditation Program (VNAP). 2QFH�FRPSOHWHG��WKH�FHUWL¿FDWH�PXVW�EH�HQGRUVHG�E\�DQ�RI¿FLDO�YHWHULQDULDQ�HPSOR\HG�E\�WKH�9HWHULQDU\�Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Veterinarians employed by the U.S. military DUH�FRQVLGHUHG�RI¿FLDO�YHWHULQDULDQV��DQG�D�FHUWL¿-cate signed by a military veterinarian does not need APHIS endorsement.


��3DUWV�9��9,�RU�9,,�RI�WKH�FHUWL¿FDWH�DUH�QRW�UH-quired for animals traveling to Spain from the United States or Canada.

- There is no quarantine requirement for entry into Spain.

- Check with your local veterinarian and the veteri-narian in the country you’re moving to, prior to your arrival.

Pet owners are responsible for complying with all required documentation, immunizations and border clearance requirements and should be pre-

requirements for pet entry to spain

general pet travel information


Page 29: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

Page 30: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

pared to pay any necessary fees to obtain them. All animals are subject to examination by the

Customs’ veterinarian at the Spanish port of entry (usually Madrid Barajas airport). Clearance of animals may be delayed after working hours and on weekends.

The passenger must provide an International Air Transport Association (IATA) approved container for the pet. It must be large enough for the animal to stand up, turn around and lie down with normal posture and body movements (some commercial airlines simply require that the animal “be comfort-able,” so again, it is wise to check on the particular requirements of the airline you are booked on).

Mark “LIVE ANIMAL” on the container, clearly indicating your name, address, destination and the animal’s name. Include your sponsor’s local phone number on the container and a note in English and Spanish stating whether or not the pet is friendly with strangers.

Refer to the individual commercial carrier web-VLWH�DQG�ZRUN�GLUHFWO\�ZLWK�WKH�DLUOLQH�WR�FODULI\�À�LJKW�eligibility requirements for your pet.

The maximum weight accepted as excess baggage, container and pet weight combined, is ���SRXQGV�IRU�FRPPHUFLDO�DLUOLQH�À�LJKWV�DQG�����SRXQGV�RQ�WKH�$0&�3DWULRW�([SUHVV�À�LJKWV�

Once you arrive and settle in, you may begin planning some trips with your pet. Traveling with your pet within Spain and the rest of Europe, either by land, air or sea, requires a European Pet Passport. This travel document can be purchased at Rota Veterinary Services on base, or at any off-base Spanish veterinary clinic. Be sure to bring your pet passport to all of your veterinary appoint-ments both on and off base in order to update the document at every visit.

Non-domestic pets or exotic pets are not au-thorized in family housing. They include, but are not limited to snakes and other reptiles, chick-ens, ducks, monkeys, ferrets, rats and tarantulas. Hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs are allowed. If renting on the economy, check with the landlord.

All active duty military personnel and DoD civil-ian employees in receipt of permanent change of station (PCS) orders to Spain are entitled to import one POV, free from all Spanish duties and taxes. If your spouse is also military active duty or a DoD ci-vilian coming to Spain on separate PCS orders, he/she is also entitled to import one POV into Spain under the same tax exempt conditions.

In addition, members of the force and the civil-ian component may purchase and maintain one European Union manufactured vehicle, acquired in

Spain, free from Spanish Value Added Tax (VAT). )DPLO\�PHPEHUV�RI�HOLJLEOH�SHUVRQQHO�����\HDUV�RI�age and over, in possession of a Spanish driver’s license, may also own and maintain one European Union manufactured vehicle, acquired in Spain, free from the VAT. There are several new car deal-ers in the area which cater to Americans.

In deciding whether to ship your vehicle, keep in mind that many of Spain’s roadways are narrow and parking is often tight. If your vehicle is small, it should blend in - but full-size pickups, large sport utility vehicles and other large vehicles can be a hindrance while traveling off base or while driving through the older, narrow roadways of many cities. Parking in such tight quarters can result in dings and scratches.

Vehicles arriving directly from the United States with a current stateside registration and license SODWHV�DUH�LVVXHG�D����GD\�LPSRUW�SHUPLW��UHIHUUHG�to as a “conduce”) by Spanish Customs, which will legalize the operation of the vehicle in Spain while a Spanish registration is processed. Vehicles with either expired “conduces,” no registration docu-ment, expired or invalid registrations or expired plates will not be released to their owners, nor op-erated until Spanish registration is obtained. Like-wise, the vehicle will not be released to personnel without a Spanish translation of a valid stateside driver’s license or an International Driver’s License. Spanish translations are available through the Se-curity Department’s Pass and I.D. section.

Your vehicle must have a license plate, not the dealer plate, in order to ship it here. If you are moving from another overseas installation and no longer possess your license plate you must request a new plate. If you purchased a new vehicle or previously relinquished your license plate you must obtain a license plate to drive the vehicle here in Spain. It can take two to four weeks for you to

exotic pets

shipping vehicles to spaindriving in spain


Page 31: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardOThe Best Deal On A New Set Of Wheels Waits For You In Rota, Spain


• If you bring your vehicle or motorcycle from the States to Rota on your orders, you must wait 3 YEARS for your PCS orders to purchase for stateside delivery.

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Page 32: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

be issued a European license plate. Please con-tact your motor vehicle facility in the state of your vehicle registration to obtain a license plate prior to arriving in Spain.

Personnel driving their POV to Spain in the execution of their PCS transfer from another Eu-ropean country must report to the Security Depart-ment Vehicle Registration Section with their vehicle within 48 hours of their arrival to the Naval Station for processing of Spanish registration.

POVs must meet the minimum standards of exterior appearance that are considered accept-able in the military and civilian community. The importation of a vehicle with body or motor struc-WXUH�PRGL¿�FDWLRQV�E\�RWKHU�WKDQ�WKH�PDQXIDFWXUHU�is prohibited.

Service for American and foreign vehicles is limited by the availability of parts. The Navy Exchange garage offers auto repair service but carries a limited selection of ignition parts, plugs, RLO��DLU�DQG�JDV�¿�OWHUV��KRVHV��EDWWHULHV��WLUHV��VKRFN�DEVRUEHUV��PXIÀ�HUV��HOHFWULFDO�V\VWHP�FRPSRQHQWV�and accessories. Important items and spare parts for your POV should be purchased in advance and included in your household goods shipment.

Vehicle inspections, to comply with Spanish motor vehicle regulations, are required to register a motor vehicle in Spain. Vehicle inspections are conducted at the NEX Autoport by appointment.


Booster Seats: Children up to 18 months and 28 pounds or less must use a rear-facing seat. Children 9 months to 4 years old and 20 - 40 pounds must use a forward-facing seat. Children 3 - 12 years old and 33 - 80 pounds must use a booster seat and cushion.

It is prohibited to travel with a 12-year-old child in the front seat of vehicles unless they are taller than 53 inches. Children less than 12 years old and 53 inches or shorter must use a retention de-vice adapted to their height and weight.

3HU�6SDQLVK�UHJXODWLRQV��WKH�LQVWDOODWLRQ�RI�GDUN�plastic coating or other material on front windshield and/or front side passenger windows to simulate VPRNHG�FRORUHG�JODVV�LV�SURKLELWHG�LQ�6SDLQ���$V�D�result, owners of vehicles in this situation will be RI¿�FLDOO\�ZDUQHG�E\�WKH�1(;�,79�VDIHW\�LQVSHFWRUV�that their vehicle does not meet Spanish safety cri-teria and the inspector will recommend they have the plastic coating removed. Window tinting of rear windshield and rear side windows is permissible only when approved plastic coats are used and installed by professionals.

When you arrive in Spain, it is important that you contact the Vehicle Processing Center (VPC) off base, Avenida de la Libertad 32 in Rota, at 956-81-������WR�FKHFN�WKH�VKLSPHQW�RI�\RXU�YHKLFOH����$OO�YHKLFOHV�PXVW�EH�SLFNHG�XS�QR�ODWHU�WKDQ����GD\V�IURP�WKH�GDWH�RI�UHFHLSW�RI�QRWL¿�FDWLRQ�WKDW�\RXU�vehicle has arrived.

By agreement with the Spanish government, U.S. military, DoD civilian employees and their family members assigned to Spain on PCS orders must be in possession of a Spanish driver’s license to either operate or register a vehicle in Spain.

To obtain a Spanish driver’s license, you must be 18 years of age or older, and possess a valid stateside driver’s license. The international driver permit, military driver’s license or any type of temporary license is not acceptable to apply for a Spanish driver’s license.

Family members in possession of a valid driver’s license, but not yet 18 years of age, are not eligible for a Spanish driver’s license and cannot drive.

Spain requires proof of two years minimum of motorcycle driving experience prior to issuing a full PRWRUF\FOH�OLFHQVH��VR�PDNH�VXUH�WKDW�\RXU�VWDWH�side driver’s license has been endorsed for mo-torcycle operations for two or more years, or have written evidence that you have had a motorcycle license for more than two years, prior to your trans-fer. If your U.S. driver’s license with motorcycle endorsement was issued less than two years ago,

driver’s licenses

Vehicle modifications

vehicle pick-up procedure


Page 33: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO





US Military price starting from


US Military price starting from


US Military price starting from


Prices are valid at the time of print. Manufacturers reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice.


Factory pricing - save thousands vs. U.S. MSRP

Page 34: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

you will obtain a Spanish driver’s license valid to operate motorcycles with no more than 50cc.

Prior to applying for a Spanish driver’s license, applicants must satisfactorily pass a written test RQ�6SDQLVK�WUDI¿�F�ODZV�DQG�VLJQV���6HFXULW\�'H�partment personnel administer this test during the week that you and your family members attend the ,QWHUFXOWXUDO�5HODWLRQV��,&5��FODVV���,W�WDNHV�DS�proximately two weeks to get the Spanish license once the paperwork is submitted to Security. In the meantime, you and your family members may drive OHJDOO\�LQ�6SDLQ�E\�REWDLQLQJ�DQ�RI¿�FLDO�6SDQLVK�translation of your stateside driver’s license from WKH�6HFXULW\�'HSDUWPHQW�3DVV�DQG�,�'��6HFWLRQ�LQ�Bldg. 3262, at no cost to you.

9HKLFOH�RZQHUV�PXVW�KDYH�D�WKLUG�SDUW\�OLDELOLW\�insurance policy with the following coverage to HLWKHU�RSHUDWH�RU�UHJLVWHU�D�YHKLFOH��ERGLO\�LQMXU\��OL�DELOLW\�PLQLPXP�RI�¼��������SHU�DFFLGHQW�DQG�SURS�erty damage minimum of €150,000 per accident. To prove compliance with Spanish compulsory insurance laws, personnel holding POV insurance DFTXLUHG�LQ�RU�RXWVLGH�RI�6SDLQ�PXVW�KDYH�DQ�,Q�WHUQDWLRQDO�&HUWL¿�FDWH�RI�9HKLFOH�,QVXUDQFH��JUHHQ�card).

If you wish to retain your current insurance, contact your agent before you move to Spain and request a green card. You can also buy POV insurance from legally established Spanish or U.S. companies in Spain after your arrival. It could cost between $400 and $1,000 for third party liability DQG�DV�PXFK�DV��������IRU�IXOO�FRYHUDJH��GHSHQG�ing on the type of vehicle, age of driver, etc.

The green card is the only acceptable proof of compliance with Spanish compulsory insurance requirements. Therefore, the vehicle registration section will not accept any other document as proof RI�LQVXUDQFH�IRU�YHKLFOH�UHJLVWUDWLRQ�RU�UH�UHJLVWUD�tion purposes. Green cards are readily available from most international insurance agencies. They will email you the forms once you have established the policy with the required coverage.

The same regulations regarding importation, UHJLVWUDWLRQ�DQG�RSHUDWLRQ�RI�329V�DSSOLHV�WR�PR�torcycles. A motorcycle is considered your POV. You will not be allowed to import another vehicle unless you and your spouse are both active duty PLOLWDU\�RU�'R'�FLYLOLDQ�FRPSRQHQW�RQ�3&6�RUGHUV�to Rota.

Any small motorbike or scooter exceeding ��FF�HQJLQH�GLVSODFHPHQW�LV�FRQVLGHUHG�WR�EH�D�POV. Per Spanish law, motorcycles cannot be shipped as or with household goods. They must EH�VKLSSHG�VHSDUDWHO\�DV�D�329���0RWRFURVV�PR�torcycles are not considered POVs (if they remain

RII�URDG����7KH\�FDQ�EH�LPSRUWHG�WR�6SDLQ�ZLWK�your household goods. Possession of this type of YHKLFOH��IRU�RII�URDG�XVH�RQO\��ZLOO�QRW�FRXQW�DJDLQVW�the vehicle limitation.


Note: If assigned to NATO units, contact your 16(�IRU�VSHFL¿�F�GHWDLOV�RQ�\RXU�PRWRUF\FOH�LPSRU�tation.

Motorcycles with U.S. specs are authorized to SDVV�WKH�,79�RQ�EDVH��1(;���JDV�VWDWLRQ���6SDQLVK�motorcycles or with European specs must pass the periodic ITV off base, in a Spanish ITV station.

5HJDUGOHVV�RI�FXUUHQW�'R'�UHJXODWLRQV�FRQFHUQ�ing shipping of mopeds, there are no provisions, customs clearances or registration procedures XQGHU�6SDQLVK�ODZ�SHUPLWWLQJ�LPSRUWDWLRQ�RI�PR�peds (50cc or less engine displacement) to Spain. Mopeds bought in Spain that were taken to the States may be brought back, provided you have WKH�RULJLQDO�6SDQLVK�&HUWL¿�FDWH�RI�5HJLVWUDWLRQ��&HUWL¿�FDGR�GH�&LFORPRWRU����6SDQLVK�PDQXIDFWXUHG�mopeds may be purchased upon arrival in Spain from any authorized distributor off base.



automobile insurance


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

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Mandatory insurance for mopeds often costs more than car insurance. Check with your insurer for details.

Mopeds must pass an annual or bi-annual safety inspection (depending on age of the vehicle), known as ITV. This inspection is mandatory if a moped is to be used on or off base. While the ITV location at the Navy Exchange gas station can conduct auto and U.S. motorcycle ITV inspections, moped ITVs are conducted off base only. Call the vehicle registration section of Security Department at 727-2318 for schedules.

If you are in possession of a Spanish driver’s li-cense, you will be able to drive in all countries that are members of the European Union (EU). Driving outside the EU will require an International Driv-ing Permit, normally valid for one year. It may be obtained from the American Automobile Associa-tion (AAA) in the States, from any Royal Automo-ELOH�&OXE�2I¿�FH�LQ�6SDLQ�RU�IURP�WKH�6SDQLVK�7UDI¿�F�Bureau in Cadiz.

*HW�UHDG\�DQG�UHVW�XS�IRU�D�ORQJ�À�LJKW�RYHUVHDV���Making connections, clearing customs, tracking luggage – all become arduous when crunched into a couple days.

*RRG�SUHSDUDWLRQ�ZLOO�PDNH�WKH�À�LJKW�HDVLHU���(QVXUH�DOO�OXJJDJH�KDV�LGHQWL¿�FDWLRQ�WDJV��EXW�GR�not use rate/rank or any other military markers). If traveling with infants or young children, bring extra diapers and toys to keep them occupied.

To help avoid jet lag, drink plenty of water during WKH�À�LJKW�DQG�DYRLG�DOFRKRO��ZKLFK�GHK\GUDWHV�\RX��Bring a sweater or something warm to wear during


The majority of incoming personnel will take Pa-WULRW�([SUHVV��&$7�%��À�LJKWV�IRU�SHUPDQHQW�FKDQJH�of station and temporarily additional duty personnel

Traveling to Rota

driving in europe

the flight


Page 36: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

from the continental United States to the various bases around the world.

Once the service member completes his/her passenger reservation request through their local 36'�RI¿�FH��WKH�UHTXHVW�LV�VHQW�WR�WKH�1DY\�3DV�VHQJHU�7UDYHO�2I¿�FH�ZKHUH�WKH�PRGH�RI�WUDYHO�ZLOO�be determined.


Stops along the Patriot Express route are 1$967$�1RUIRON��1$967$�5RWD��1DYDO�$LU�6WD�WLRQ�6LJRQHOOD��1DYDO�6XSSRUW�$FWLYLW\�%DKUDLQ�DQG�&DPS�/HPRQQLHU��'MLERXWL�




and Suites or approved commercial facilities. 5RWD¶V�+RXVLQJ�6HUYLFH�&HQWHU�KDV�D�OLPLWHG�





navy gateway inns and suites

Temporary housing


Page 37: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO


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cover and pillowcase

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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

bath. Also available are 96 single rooms featuring one twin bed, desk, lounge chair, dresser, color television, in-room safe, free Wi-Fi, free laundry, free in-room coffee service, refrigerator, micro-wave, iron and ironing board, shared bath. Daily housekeeping service is provided for all rooms. For further information, you may call our 24-hour IURQW�GHVN�DW������������)RU�RI¿FLDO�RU�VSDFH�D�lodging reservations log on to http://www.DoD-lodging.net/ or call 1-877-NAVY-BED.

Managed by the Navy Exchange, the facil-ity consists of 48 non-smoking rooms equipped with the following: two queen beds, telephone, air conditioning, color television, kitchenette, refrigera-tor, stove, microwave and private bath. The Navy Lodge offers two handicapped rooms. These ac-commodations are subject to availability. To make reservations, please call 1-800-NAVY-INN or DSN 727-6243. Limited pet friendly rooms are avail-able. Please check for availability when making reservations.

Personnel with accompanying command-spon-sored family members may be eligible for 30 days of incoming TLA. Families are required to stay at the Navy Lodge. If space is not available, a state-ment of non-availability must be obtained from the Navy Lodge before making arrangements for ac-commodations in a community TLA facility. A list of approved community TLA facilities, along with the agreed upon TLA rate, is available at the Housing Service Center.

Unaccompanied personnel ranks E-5 and above, are required to stay at the Navy Gateway Inns and Suites. If space is not available, your second choice will be the Navy Lodge. The Navy Lodge will provide a statement of non-availability to stay in a hotel on the econmony if they have no rooms available.

<RXU�¿UVW�WZR�VWRSV�ZKHQ�DUULYLQJ�RQ�EDVH�should be with Security’s Pass and I.D. section (to receive the Spanish I.D. cards required to get on/off base) and PSD. You will need your orders, records and passports.

During your check-in procedures at PSD, make sure that you ask the personnel specialist about your pay and travel entitlement (OHA, COLA, MIHA, TLA, DLA and Travel Pay/Per Diem). In most cases, you will be required to provide sup-porting documents, such as a lodging receipt (ev-ery 10 days for TLA claims). Entitlements such as MIHA, TLA and OHA are not automatically credited to your pay (LES) and must be claimed separately

by the sponsor. Information about other PSD ser-vices will be provided during ICR. PSD’s customer service number is 727-3023.

Urinalysis: All new PCS arrivals assigned to shore-based commands in Rota have 72 hours to FKHFN�LQ�ZLWK�WKH�FKLHI�PDVWHU�DW�DUPV�RI¿FH�DQG�the urinalysis program coordinator.

Check in at Security: All sponsors and depen-dents must check-in with Security. Sponsors and dependents 10 years of age and older will be is-sued Spanish TEI (Spanish I.D.) card.

Both, Spanish I.D. card and military/depen-dent I.D. card must be shown to Spanish sentries when entering/exiting the base and when entering the Navy Exchange/Commissary and other U.S. Forces facilities where items exempt from Spanish duties and taxes are sold.

For initial check-in with Security, you will need:1. No fee passports for all dependents and

civilian employees. Passports will be held by Se-curity to be validated by Spanish immigration for the length of your tour in Spain (maximum three years). You may pick up your passports two weeks later with the Spanish validation stamp on it.

2. Military/dependent I.D. cards and command check-in sheet (page 13 from PSD for dependents; receive upon arrival in Spain)

3. Current permanent stateside driver’s license for translation into Spanish, so that you can oper-ate a vehicle until your regular Spanish license is processed.

Location: Building 3262Telephone: 727-1605/1610/1609

$�1,(��IRUHLJQHU�LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ�QXPEHU��LV�UH-quired for many different reasons such as: renting a house, Spanish bank accounts, utilities hook

navy lodge

temporary lodging allowance

check-in aboard naval station rota



Page 39: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

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Page 40: Welcome Aboard

Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

up, registering a Spanish second-hand vehicle, contracts for cell phones or Internet at home. This number is assigned to all requestors by Spanish National Police. For NIE requests, proceed to the Security Department, Bldg. 3262, with the following documents:

- Passport.- Military/dependent I.D. card. - Spanish I.D. card. The process takes from 7 - 10 working days.

Applications may be submitted at the Housing Service Center (HSC) or prior to arrival using the Housing Early Application Tool (HEAT) applica-tion, which can be found at http://www.cnic.navy.mil/HEAT. HEAT allows the HSC to place the service member on the waiting list. HEAT does not give priority on the waiting list. If an applica-tion is submitted within 30 days of arriving, the member’s effective date on the waiting list is the date of detachment from the last permanent duty VWDWLRQ���$SSOLFDQWV�QHHG�WR�EH�FRQ¿UPHG�XSRQ�arrival. Applications are available at the HSC and must be submitted with a copy of the PCS orders, detaching endorsement and a copy of the record of emergency data (page 2) and page 13, command sponsorship.

$OO�LQFRPLQJ�RI¿FHU�DQG�HQOLVWHG�SHUVRQQHO�RQ�accompanied tours have the option to reside on-base in family housing or to secure a private lease on the economy. If personnel desire to reside in family housing and appropriate quarters are not available upon your arrival, you will be placed on

a waiting list. When a unit becomes available, personnel will receive a government-funded move from their off-base residence to family housing on base.

On-base homes are limited due to several reno-vation projects. The Las Palmeras site contains ����WZR��WKUHH�DQG�IRXU�EHGURRP�KRPHV�IRU�RI¿FHUV�and enlisted personnel. The houses are single story Spanish-style duplex homes (connected at the carports) and single-story detached homes. All the homes have undergone several renovation and improvement projects since being built in the early 1960s. All on-base homes have central heat and air conditioning, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer and fenced yards. The electri-cal system aboard the Naval Station, including on-base housing, is 110-volts/60 cycle. Telephone and Internet service is available. While the homes do provide some storage, it is limited. Additionally, there are no facilities aboard the Naval Station for storing excess furnishings.

Unaccompanied housing (UH) facilities are centrally located in the industrial area of NAVSTA Rota within easy walking distance to MWR, Navy Exchange/Commissary, U.S. Naval Hospital, Gal-ley and Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) facilities. Military personnel in pay grades E-4 and below on unaccompanied orders, whether shore-based or sea-based, are required to live in UH upon arrival to Rota.

UH residents are housed in modules. Each module is comprised of two separate bedrooms, each approximately 120 sq. ft., separated by a shared bath and kitchen area. They are equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, stackable washer and dryer and two-burner cook top. There are

housingapplying for on-base family housing

unaccompanied housing

on-base family housing


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

no storage facilities on base for excess personal items.

- All E-5 and above will reside off base. Check with your command upon arrival to deter-

mine eligibility to live off base.

All personnel who reside off base, whether tem-porarily or permanently, must process through the Housing Service Center. Within walking distance of the local beaches are apartments, chalets with EDOFRQLHV�DQG�GHWDFKHG�KRPHV�ZLWK�¿UHSODFHV�DQG�courtyards. Some areas other than Rota where housing can be found are El Puerto de Santa Ma-ria, San Lucar and Chipiona. Living in one of these communities might provide greater privacy and more space.

The HSC counselors will assist in locating resi-dence on the economy by:

- Providing a list of approved houses/apart-ments.

- Providing daily “house-hunting” trips (be ad-vised the HSC does not provide car seats).

- Negotiating rental contracts.- Explaining the lease agreements. The Hous-

ing Service Center provides a showing service to help locate off-base housing.

Facebook can be a tool for familiarizing yourself with the area and types of homes available, but please understand that the Housing Service Cen-ter has no control over any of the listings posted there. Many entities that post listings online are not legitimate. In order to protect your interests at all times, and as part of our procedures, you are strongly recommended to avoid making any com-

mitments on properties prior to your arrival. This can be something as simple as asking a property manager, realator or landlord to hold a property for you. Verbal agreements are binding in Spain, and you can be held monetarily liable for any requests you make.

Housing’s Self-Help Store is located in the housing area. Items offered for temporary loan to accompanied personnel residing on-base include: GHKXPLGL¿HU��ODZQ�PRZHUV��KHGJH�WULPPHUV��ZHHG�

off-base housingself-help store



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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

eaters, garden tools and tillers. Off-base resi-dents, whether accompanied or not, can borrow transformers for small appliances such as a coffee PDNHU��¿�UH�DODUPV�DQG�FDUERQ�PRQR[LGH�GHWHFWRUV�for their entire tour.

For all personnel residing off base, the HSC will provide loaner appliances free for your entire tour. This includes dishwashers, refrigerators, stoves, chest freezers, washers, dryers and portable air conditioners. All appliances are 220 volts/60 hertz and compatible with the commercial electrical service off base. No transformers are needed for these items.

Orientation to Rota and Spain is relatively easy through the help of the ICR course. Hosted by the Commander, U.S. Naval Activities, Spain and the Fleet and Family Service Center, the four-day ICR course provides newly reporting members and their families with information about the base and its surrounding areas. The course also offers the RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�H[SORUH�WKH�WRZQ�RI�5RWD��H[SHULHQFH�a market and enjoy a Spanish meal during the ICR ¿�HOG�WULS���

The ICR course is normally held every two ZHHNV�GXULQJ�WKH�\HDU�ZLWK�WKH�H[FHSWLRQ�RI�-XO\�and August when the course is offered weekly. The course is normally held on Monday - Thursday H[FHSW�ZKHQ�0RQGD\�LV�DQ�$PHULFDQ�KROLGD\��WKHQ�the course is Tuesday - Friday. Class begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.

Uniform of the day is required for military per-sonnel on classroom days and appropriate civil-LDQ�DWWLUH�RQ�WKH�GD\�RI�WKH�¿�HOG�WULS���&RPIRUWDEOH�ZDONLQJ�VKRHV�DUH�UHFRPPHQGHG�IRU�WKH�¿�HOG�WULS���Spouses are encouraged to attend; the FFSC reim-burses for child care for younger children.


Bldg. 3230, located on base. Packages up to 70 pounds and 130 inches in length and girth combined can be sent through this MPO. Average timeframe of 7-10 days for USPS Priority packages and First Class letters to arrive to and from the United States. 7KH�SRVW�RI¿�FH�DOVR�SURYLGHV�D�YDULHW\�RI�VSHFLDO�VHUYLFHV��([SUHVV��5HJLVWHUHG��&HUWL¿�HG��,QVXUHG��5HWXUQ�5HFHLSW��'HOLYHU\�&RQ¿�UPDWLRQ�DQG�0RQH\�2UGHUV���MXVW�DV�WKH�8�6��3RVWDO�6HUYLFH���'R�QRW�use “Rota” or “Spain” on any incoming or outgo-ing mail. This will require the mail to be routed via the international mail system and will subject the package to international customs duty. The following DUH�H[DPSOHV�RI�D�IHZ�LWHPV�WKDW�FDQQRW�EH�PDLOHG��hazardous matter, controlled substances, weapons of any kind, perishable items, alcoholic beverages, aerosols of any type, lighters, Cuban cigars and hookah pipes. All mail is screened via X-ray ma-chines, and customs forms are considered signed RI¿�FLDO�GRFXPHQWV��

Navy Federal Credit Union is the only U.S. bank on base; in addition, Navy Federal has three ATMs on base. Checks from U.S. banks are accepted DW�WKH�1DY\�([FKDQJH�DQG�&RPPLVVDU\��DQG�\RX�can cash personal or government checks at PSD’s FDVK�FDJH��IRU�8�6��GROODUV�RQO\����

NAVSTA Rota has a no-fee shuttle bus ser-vices provide by Public Works Department. The bus does a round robin throughout the installation with stops at designated locations including family KRXVLQJ���$OO�8�6��,�'��FDUGKROGHUV��PLOLWDU\��GHSHQ�GHQW�DQG�FRQWUDFW�SHUVRQQHO��PD\�ULGH�WKH�EXV��

2II�VWDWLRQ�ORFDO�FRPPHUFLDO�WUDQVSRUW��EXV��WD[L��WUDLQ��LV�UHDGLO\�DYDLODEOH�RXWVLGH�WKH�JDWHV���7D[L�fees are pre-set or metered so be sure you under-stand the fare before departing. Tickets for train travel can be purchased at the Puerto train station.

Partial Full Tour Furnishingsbanking and credit cards

postal matters

public transportation

getting settled in spainintercultural relations (ICR)


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navy college office

central texas college

embry-riddle aeronautical university

university of maryland university college

university of oklahoma

schoolsdavid glasgow farragut (DGF) elementary middle and high schools


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Hand carried transcripts will be accepted by the elementary and middle/high schools only until RI¿�FLDO�WUDQVFULSWV�DUH�IRUZDUGHG�IURP�WKH�SUHYL�RXV�VFKRRO���5HFRUGV�RI�WKH�FKLOGUHQ�RQ�,QGLYLGXDO�Educational Programs (IEP) must be hand carried by the parents.













Middle/High school

elementary school


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Naval Station Rota, Spain Welcome AboardO

programs are offered, with competitions arranged with host nation and international schools in the area, as well as other DoDDS schools in England, Germany and Italy.

For more information on DGF Middle/High School, visit the school’s website at http://www.rota-hs.eu.dodea.edu/.

Documents needed to register new students include:

- A copy of sponsor’s orders for each student.- Sponsor’s I.D. card.- Full address of sponsor’s command.- Student’s school records from his or her last

school, along with report card(s) and transcripts.��$OO�NLQGHUJDUWHQ�DQG�¿�UVW�JUDGH�VWXGHQWV�ZLOO�

QHHG�WKHLU�ELUWK�FHUWL¿�FDWH�RU�SDVVSRUW�- For active duty: DoDDS form 803 from PSD

Rota, listing family members that are command-sponsored.

- For DoD civilians: memorandum from Human 5HVRXUFHV�2I¿�FH��FHUWLI\LQJ�FRPPDQG�VSRQVRUHG�family members.

- Emergency contact other than spouse (name and telephone number).

- Immunizations DS form 122.



- Measles, Mumps and Rubella: Two doses required.

- Hepatitis A: two doses required.- Hepatitis B: three doses required.��+DHPRSKLOXV�LQÀ�XHQ]DH�W\SH�%��+LE��+LE�

HepB): two to four doses.

- Varicella/Chicken Pox: If no evidence of immu-nity, two doses required.

$�FHUWL¿�FDWH�RI�YDFFLQDWLRQ�IURP�WKH�:RUOG�+HDOWK�Organization, properly signed and authorized by D�PHGLFDO�RI¿�FHU�RU�SULYDWH�SK\VLFLDQ�LV�UHTXLUHG���7KLV�FHUWL¿�FDWH�VKRXOG�EH�NHSW�LQ�\RXU�SRVVHVVLRQ�at all times as evidence of immunization.

EDIS is a multidisciplinary team offering diag-nostic screenings, evaluations and treatments for children. The multidisciplinary team consists of a clinical child psychologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech/language pathologist and early childhood Special Educator. For more LQIRUPDWLRQ�RQ�(',6�VHUYLFHV��FDOO����������

Families may opt to utilize various private and public Spanish schools.

The process of enrolling students in the Spanish public or government subsidized school system is based on points, where you live, your income and family members, if any, already enrolled in that school. Bear in mind that when it comes to these types of schools, you cannot choose. The point system will determine the school your child will at-tend. Like in the States, these schools are paid for by the government, so you do not have to pay any tuition, but you will be responsible for getting your kids to and from school (no buses).

If you live on base, the location of your house determines what school in Rota or El Puerto de Santa Maria your child will be in. Off-base resi-dents will go to public school in the city in which they reside in.

If you choose a private school, there are three in El Puerto de Santa Maria, four in Jerez de la Fron-tera and none in Rota. The tuition fees for these schools are paid by the families. School transpor-tation is normally available from Rota to Jerez de la Frontera and El Puerto de Santa Maria.

Paperwork for enrollment must be submitted in March for primary school (6 years old and above) DQG�LQIDQW�HGXFDWLRQ�VHFRQG�F\FOH��������\HDUV�ROG����April is the enrollment month for infant education ¿�UVW�F\FOH��������\HDUV�ROG����,W�LV�LPSRUWDQW�WR�JR�with someone who can speak Spanish. You must FKHFN�WKH�VFKRRO�EXOOHWLQ�ERDUG�WR�VHH�WKH�RI¿�FLDO�admission list. You may download the application from http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/ or pick it up at FFSC where assistance will be pro-vided to complete the form.

If you are coming to Rota during summer, you will have to wait until the beginning of September to initiate the enrollment process as they take the summer off. If you come during the school year, your child will be registered with the school that

registering new students Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS)

Off-base schools

immunizations required for DoDDS


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has a spot available. The age of your child makes a great difference in how he or she will adapt to the learning material and unfamiliar environment.

,W�LV�QRW�DV�YLWDO�IRU�\RXQJHU�FKLOGUHQ�WR�EH�ÀXHQW�in Spanish, as they often pick it up faster and, ulti-mately learn both languages at the same time.

2OGHU�FKLOGUHQ�QRW�DOUHDG\�ÀXHQW�LQ�6SDQLVK�will often need a tutor to help them through their Spanish-taught curriculum.

Since all courses are taught in Spanish, family support is vital for student success.

For more information about registering your kids in Spanish schools, contact FFSC. They will help you through the process.

In general, opportunities for family member employment on the Naval Station are limited. Most available jobs are clerical or sales related. How-ever, opportunities do arise according to the needs of the various commands.

7KH�+XPDQ�5HVRXUFHV�2I¿FH��+52���ORFDWHG�LQ�Bldg. 1, provides appropriated fund personnel ser-vices for the Naval Station, tenant commands and other U.S. Naval commands in Spain and Portugal.

0DQ\�RI�WKH�MREV�DYDLODEOH�RQ�WKH�EDVH�DUH�¿OOHG�through the HRO. Visit the Human Resources 2I¿FH�WR�VHH�FXUUHQW�YDFDQFLHV�DQG�REWDLQ�DQ\�necessary forms and other application information. Current job listings are also posted in the base newspaper, The Coastline. Family members of military and civilian employees are generally those who are eligible for consideration for those jobs.

Family members who have previously worked for the federal government and who may have ‘sta-tus’ or be ‘eligible for reinstatement’ should check with HRO. Applicants wishing to be considered for current job openings prior to arrival at Rota may submit an application/résumé up to 30 days before the sponsor’s arrival.

It is important for individuals to check other base employers. The Navy Exchange and the Morale, Welfare and Recreation Department have separate QRQ�DSSURSULDWHG�IXQG��1$)��SHUVRQQHO�RI¿FHV�and administer their own hiring programs. Family PHPEHUV�VKRXOG�FRQWDFW�WKH�SHUVRQQHO�RI¿FHV�DW�these activities if interested in employment. MWR Employment opportunities are also listed on the Naval Station Rota MWR website at http://www.rotamwr.com. Navy Exchange employment op-portunities can be found at http://www.NavyEx-change.jobs.

Other employers of family members are Navy Federal Credit Union and Navy College. Also, David Glasgow Farragut Schools hire substitute teachers and educational aides. Copies of college transcripts are required for substitute teaching. Original transcripts are required for full-time teach-LQJ�SRVLWLRQV���4XDOL¿HG�WHDFKHUV�VHHNLQJ�SRVLWLRQV�should visit the schools upon arrival to Rota.

Off-base employment is not available for most Americans. Spanish labor laws and the Agreement RQ�'HIHQVH�&RRSHUDWLRQ��$'&��PDNH�RII�EDVH�employment infeasible.

In accordance COMNAVACTSPAININST 1740.1J, individuals interested in establishing a home-based business aboard Naval Station Rota must apply for a home-based business license WKURXJK�WKH�5HJLRQ�/HJDO�6HUYLFH�2I¿FH��5/62����The application must be submitted to RLSO prior to conducting any business aboard NAVSTA Rota or operating a business from government assigned quarters.

Home-based business owners may not use the 1$9683�)/&�VKLSSLQJ�DQG�UHFHLYLQJ�RI¿FH�DV�D�means to transport products; business owners VKRXOG�XWLOL]H�WKH�0LOLWDU\�3RVW�2I¿FH��%OGJ����������Per COMNAVACTSPAININST 1740.1J, individuals DUH�SURKLELWHG�IURP�XVLQJ�WKH�)OHHW�3RVW�2I¿FH�IRU�any business or commercial purpose. Individuals and/or their businesses may not use the FPO to transmit items for resale, receive supplies or any RWKHU�SUR¿W�PDNLQJ�SXUSRVH�

7KH�)OHHW�DQG�)DPLO\�6XSSRUW�&HQWHU��))6&��LV�your link to information and quality of life enrich-PHQW���7HOHSKRQH�H[WHQVLRQV�DUH�����������������Services are geared for everyone, whether single or married. Programs are organized into two cat-egories: Counseling and Advocacy Services and Work/Family Life Services. These include:

Deployment Support Program: FFSC provides a variety of services for deploying individuals, commands and their families - pre-deployment, mid-deployment and post-deployment.

Family Advocacy Program: Counselors pro-vide case management, safety/risk assessment, treatment of child abuse and neglect and spouse/partner abuse.

Financial counseling: FFSC has a full range of financial education programs. Counseling ser-vices are offered on basic budgeting, debt, check-book or credit management and general savings and investment strategies.

Information and Referral: The FFSC provides information and referral on topics such as base services, local maps, counseling, traveling, volun-teering, sponsoring and more.

New Parent Support Program: The New Par-ent Support specialist provides home visitation services for expectant families and families with young children focusing on nurturing parenting.

Professional Clinical Counseling/Crisis Inter-vention: FFSC has a staff of professional coun-selors who are credentialed to provide confidential clinical services, which include individual, marital

civilian employment

home-based businesses

quality of life programsfleet and family support center


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and family counseling. The FFSC staff develop and provide life skills training and enhancement programs for issues such as anger management, parenting skills and assertive communication

Sexual Assault Response Program: The Sexual Assault Response Program manages the base sexual assault prevention, intervention and support program.

The FFSC provides welcome aboard packages to personnel arriving in Rota. Information on mili-tary installations worldwide is available through the Military Installations/Plan My Move website. The information is updated quarterly. The website ad-dress http://www.militaryinstallations.DoD.mil.

Spouse Employment Assistance Program (SEAP): SEAP is designed to provide employ-ment assistance to military and civilian family members. It offers skill-building programs and workshops to help participants with career plan-ning,

Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP): TAMP is mandated by DoD to assist service members in their transition from military to civilian life. A major component of TAMP is the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) seminar, which provides transitioning members with infor-mation about the services and benefits for which they might be eligible and for.

The Religious Ministries Department offers a comprehensive command religious program in-cluding divine services, counseling, Bible studies, youth activities, Christian education and fellowship events. Weekly CCD, RCIA, Children’s Church, Club Beyond (youth ministry), Men’s group, Bible studies and more provide adult and youth religious education. Sacramental preparation and reception is available with individual Chaplains. Our choirs, community relations events, Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) and other activities provide volunteer service opportunities.



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Child care is provided during most Chapel ser-vices for infants and preschool age children.

The Chapel also provides referrals for other faith groups. Please contact the Chapel at 727-2161 for more information about these services.

Naval Station Rota’s Gateway Galley, located in Bldg. 38, is an accredited 5-star dining facility, serving approximately 1,000 meals a day to perma-nently assigned and transient active duty personnel plus their dependents. The galley serves a wide range of meals, including special meals celebrating heritages across the world.

Base policy does not allow the use of the base galley facility by dependents unless they are escorted by their active duty sponsor Monday - Friday. The base galley is open to all authorized personnel, including sponsored dependents, U.S. civilians and retirees on Saturday and Sunday, and RQ�VSHFL¿�F�VSHFLDO�HYHQW�PHDO�GDWHV�

http://www.rotamwr.com/Rota’s MWR programs are some of the finest

in the Navy. MWR offers a myriad of programs for the whole family and are available for personal

assistance. Aquatics Center features an indoor 25-meter

heated pool with hours exclusively for lap swim-ming, water aerobics swimming lessons and more. Call 727-2129.

The Child Development Center provides for full-time child care needs from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday, for children from 6 weeks to 5 years old. Spanish immersion classes are avail-able for children from ages 3 - 5. Hourly care is space-available for all ages. Call 727-1100.

Gravity Teen Center is a Boys & Girls Club of America (BGCA) and 4-H based after school pro-gram that provides seventh through 12th-graders a place to learn and hang out with their peers. Food, games, dances, trips and social events round out the activities. Video games, big screen TV/DVD, Internet access, pool table, ping pong, foosball, computer lab and lounge all supplement the pro-vided club opportunities. For more information call 727-4721.

Expeditions MWR Traveler houses both the Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) and Navy Outdoor Recreation (NOR) where all your sight-seeing, travel and outdoor pursuits can be met. ITT offers more than 100 tours each year to mul-tiple historical destinations within Spain, as well DV�WULSV�WR�IXWERO�PDWFKHV��EXOO¿�JKWV��ERGHJDV�DQG�

galley services

morale, welfare and Recreation (MWR)


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ROTA_AD.indd 1 3/28/13 3:18 PM

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train move swim


Equipped for serious weight trainingMeet the friendly local people at our socials and in the gym

We are open 7:00 to 23:00 most days of the yearOnly 9 miles from the base

Calle Desconsuelo, s/n 11408 Jerez de la Frontera Cádiz. España

Perfect place to train,

better place to enjoy

dance play relax

Golf: The 18-hole golf course is 6,500 yards in length, and covers more than 200 acres. The pro shop assists with golf lessons, rental clubs and equipment sales. Practice your game on the driv-ing and chipping range and the putting green. Call 727-2260.

The Housing Pool is an outdoor facility open from Memorial Day through Labor Day for recre-ational swimming and water slides. It is located in the housing area. Call 727-4882.

La Plaza offers food and beverages with televi-sions, pool tables, darts, gift shop and a sit-down restaurant. Call 727-1995.

Liberty is the single Sailor’s source for leisure activities, trips, tournaments, recreational games and more. Includes Internet-enabled computers and free Wi-Fi Internet access and mini-theater with Bose surround sound. Call 727-2527.

The Library offers thousands of books, maga-]LQHV�DQG�QHZVSDSHUV��SOXV�¿UVW�FRPH��¿UVW�VHUYH�Internet access, children’s story hour, summer reading program, DVDs and CDs. Call 727-2418.

Navy Outdoor Recreation provides opportuni-ties to actively participate in outdoor adventure pursuits, while emphasizing skills development, environmental awareness and personal empower-ment through adventure. Available gear includes: backpacking/camping equipment, bike rentals and more. Call 727-3101.

Pinz, MWR’s Bowling Center, offers 12 modern lanes, with a pro shop and ball and shoe rentals. Also available are free lessons, professional ball cleaning, leagues, parties and more. Call 727-2112.

Pizza Villa is an American-style pizza and Italian specialties restaurant for dine in or delivery. Patio dining and children’s playground are available. Call 727-3213.

School Age Care (SAC) provides before and after school care for children kindergarten through sixth grade that complements, rather than dupli-cates the school. Day care is also available during school vacations. Activities include arts and crafts, FXOWXUDO�SURJUDPV��GD\�FDPSV��¿HOG�WULSV��VSRUWV��science and more. SAC utilizes Boys & Girls Club of America (BGCA) and 4-H as curriculum guide-lines. Call 727-2839.

Sports programs offer a wide variety of team and individual sports, including softball, basketball, YROOH\EDOO��ÀDJ�IRRWEDOO��VRFFHU��JROI��ERZOLQJ��UXQ-ning, triathlons, cycling and more. Call 727-1916.

The Gateway Auditorium (indoor theater) offers current movie releases in digital surround sound. Additionally, Rota is home to the only operational Drive-In in the Navy. Drive-in movies are heard in FM stereo. Call 727-2328.

Youth Sports: Organized team activities to improve athletic and motor skills, along with self-esteem. Team sports are offered year-round and


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include baseball, soccer, flag football and basket-ball. Individual sports clinics are offered during summer and winter break. Minimal costs are involved. Call 727-4781.

AFN Rota provides radio and television pro-gramming from the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.

General broadcast radio operates 24 hours a day and features Naval Station information, local DJ shows, most music formats, news, sporting events and talk shows. The frequency is stereo FM 102.5. They also control the base information channel.

The American Red Cross provides active duty military, eligible civilians and family members veri-fication of illness or death of loved ones. Verifica-tion is required to obtain emergency travel orders through the military. Financial assistance is also provided for travel in emergency situations for ac-tive duty military and their family members.

Classes in CPR, first aid and baby-sitting are available, as well as an active volunteer program. The American Red Cross provides emergency services 24 hours a day. Located in Bldg. 522, call 727-2333.

The Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society �10&56��SURYLGHV�¿QDQFLDO�DVVLVWDQFH�WR�DFWLYH�and retired personnel and their family members in times of emergency. First month’s rent and deposit is a common request for newcomers to Rota as personnel must have the money available before WKH\�FDQ�VLJQ�WKHLU�OHDVH���,I�\RX�¿QG�\RX�KDYH�D�¿QDQFLDO�QHHG�ZKHQ�\RX�DUULYH��SOHDVH�VWRS�E\�WKH�10&56�RI¿FH�RU�FDOO����������IRU�DVVLVWDQFH���

In addition to the financial assistance, NMCRS has a variety of other programs including: budget counseling to help families make ends meet; a thrift shop which sells secondhand clothing and household goods; a Budget for Baby class with a baby layette provided to attendees; and a gro-cery coupon program to help the community save money. In addition a NMCRS visiting nurse, co-ordinated through the hospital, is also available to assist with home visits and education and training for our community.


Rota’s main Navy Exchange complex, which

opened in 2007, is centrally located on the base. The Navy Exchange carries clothing for the entire family, giftware, shoes, books and magazines, DVDs and CDs, uniforms, electronics, furniture, sporting goods, jewelry and housewares. Ad-ditionally, contract vendors in the NEX complex include a floral shop, barber shop and beauty sa-lon, optometrist, photo studio, Subway sandwich shop and Cafe Andalucia. Call 727-2391 for more information.

Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream is located near the Rota gate. Call 727-2151. The Runway Cafe is the only dining facility open 24 hours daily. It is located in the air terminal. The air terminal KFC/Taco Bell is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Call 727-3138.


Rota’s commissary, offers nearly 10,000 gro-cery and miscellaneous items and has a full-service deli/bakery. Rotisserie chicken, Panini sandwiches, several hot foods, deli meat and cheese trays and self service fruit and vegetable salad bar are available. Call 727-2580.

As with all overseas commissaries, they ac-cept coupons up to six months past the expiration date as well as the new Rewards Card coupon program.

Though the commissary stocks most everything needed, off-base supermarkets, or “supermer-cados,” are plentiful and provide a rich selection of local and international food items. Some of the freshest produce and fish can be found there and their hours are typically from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. every day but Sunday. Special features may include a full aisle of various olive oils and wine selections. These in-town stores also carry many European products not found in American super-markets.

Shopping at supermercados means you need to learn how to read product labels in Spanish; however, it is easy to accomplish. In the Rota area, the main supermercados are Mercadona, Carrefour, Champions and Supersol.

The El Paseo mall in nearby El Puerto de Santa Maria has a Carrefour with products similar to a Walmart or Target, in addition to its grocery section. There are several other supermarkets in town as well as stores of all types.

Most neighborhoods also have a “mom-and-pop” grocer. These are the places to find fresh fruit and vegetables, not to mention friendly conversation, and perhaps a sample of the day’s melon or ham (‘jamon’). Find one, patronize it and you’re sure to make a friend or two.

american forces network radio and television

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

American Red Cross Rota

ShoppingNavy Exchange


Shopping Off Base


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RamsteinKindsbacher Str. 47

66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach

Tel: 06371 61 39 90

GermanyKaiserslauternKaiserstrasse 1

67661 Kaiserslautern

Tel: 0631 351 90 40

HeidelbergTel: 06371 613 9936

Email: HD@


WiesbadenLudwig-Wolker-Str. 14

55252 Mainz-Kastel

Tel: 06134 567 80

SpangdahlemIm Kreuzgarten 1 A

54529 Spangdahlem

Tel: 06565 93 69 90

AvianoVia Pordenone 48D

33081 Aviano (PN)

Tel: 0434 676 613

Italy SpainNaplesTel: 0434 676 613

Email: Naples@


SigonellaTel: 0434 676 613

Email: Sig@


VicenzaViale Della Pace 254

36100 Vicenza (VI)

Tel: 0444 91 09 38

RotaPlaza Del Triunfo 611520 Rota (Cadiz)Tel: 956 840 201



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