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Page 1: Welcome letter: A call for national political unity ......our Moorish estates through the bonds of our Moorish consanguinity, political national unity and ... political central governing

1 The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States;

United Res Publica of Morocco, Embassy/Consulate Headquarters, c/o 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware near [19802]

URPOM-1003 -11/2020

Welcome letter: A call for national political unity

Claiming Our Moorish Estates through an Inter-Political

Moorish Governing Body

Pacta Sunt Servanda - Agreements must be kept

Salus populi suprema lex - the safety of the people is the supreme


Purpose for the Call to National Political Unity

We the People, The Imperial Parliament Council of United Res Publica of Morocco is the

assembly vehicle used to navigate the various Moorish body politics/states into one inter-

political central governing body for the restoration of our Moroccan Imperial Government

structure and therefore to position ourselves politically so as to exercise the sovereign power

once controlled by the former Moorish Emperors/Sultans, Beys,Deys, Caliphs, Emirs/Amirs,

Pashas/Bashaws and Grand Wizirs/Viziers pursuant to previous structure of ancient governments


Importance of National Political Unity by researching how our ancestors established

centralized governing bodies

Through sound jurisprudence research and study [Iroquois Confederacy Great Law of Peace,

Camp Holmes Treaty of 1836] of how our ancestors established centralized governing bodies,

the Imperial Parliament Council of United Res Publica of Morocco concluded in order to

achieve the enforcement of postliminium, a principle applied in public international law (Law of

Nations), we must facilitate a national registry of nationalized Moors (permanent Moorish

population), allegiance and a national constitution representing principles of national unity

amongst the various Moorish body politics.

We, the Moors of varying body politics whom remain divided and separated will remain weak,

vulnerable and lack the power of reconnection to enforce the treaties. But, if we unite as one

central governing body, we will be able to re-establish a government structure to enforce the

treaties and restore our diplomatic ties with the treaty nations and international relations with

other nations of the world. These political moves would put us in a stronger position to reclaim

our Moorish estates through the bonds of our Moorish consanguinity, political national unity and

national constitution formed amongst ourselves.

The Various Moorish Body Politics

The Moorish body politics are free societies in their own Moorish land joining together to form

an alliance amongst ourselves collectively with commandments, obligations, stipulations,

judgments and liabilities to limit the delegated power of the officials elected by the people of

varying Moorish societies/communities/clans/tribes.

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Page 2: Welcome letter: A call for national political unity ......our Moorish estates through the bonds of our Moorish consanguinity, political national unity and ... political central governing

2 The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States;

United Res Publica of Morocco, Embassy/Consulate Headquarters, c/o 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware near [19802]

URPOM-1003 -11/2020

The Exercise of the Free Will of the People of the Land as the Source of Political


Legitimacy is the permission of the people for the government to do something on behalf of the

people. The idea of legitimacy shows that the basis and foundation of the government come from

the public support is the only source of governmental power. Election is very important in the

process of legitimacy. A government that holds elections gains legitimacy because the citizens

trust in the government body whom they elect. Election contributes to provide justification for

the existence of a government, thus consolidates Her legitimacy. In addition, election encourages

citizens to participate in politics and help a government to obtain the active consent of people.

A Constitution is a principle instrument to obtain legitimacy. Being a set of rules which lays

down a framework in which government and political activity are conducted, Her legitimization

function can be analyzed on two sides. First, constitution is almost a prerequisite for a state to be

recognized by other states, where the external legitimacy comes from. Secondly, constitution can

be used to promote respect and compliance among the domestic population, thus building up

internal legitimacy.

Assemblies (councils) can be a tool to build legitimacy. Assembly enacts legislation, act as a

representative body, She forces the government to respond to popular demand. Assembly is a

linkage between the government and the public; She is also a communication channel to support

as well as maintain ruling legitimate authority. The assembly encourages the public to the

government as rightful and legitimate. Political power is legitimate only when it is exercised in

accordance with a constitution.

Forming an Inter-Political Constitution - A Moorish national constitution would constitute

the national political unity for the Moors

An Inter-political constitution will be formed from our Moorish political states by sending

representatives elected by the Moorish-Moroccan people or by supreme authority who will

exercise collectively the sovereign power and authority that the Moorish Deys, Beys,

Emirs/Amirs, Caliphs, Pashas/Bashaws and Grand Wazirs/Viziers operated in unity with

Emperors/Sultans once exercised before the dismantling of our Moorish government and the

usurpation of our Moorish sovereignty.

When the sovereign power of an empire or kingdom that ruled over a host of kingdoms in their

territorial domiciles diminish, the kingdoms/nations result to self-determination and autonomy

power amongst themselves.

When Moorish Emperors relinquished their sovereign power over the Moorish kingdoms in the

territorial domiciles they once conquered and controlled, we, the Moors, have a right to govern

amongst ourselves and form an inter-political assembly/caucus with an inter-political

constitution that would act or assert the sovereign power that the Moroccan/Moorish Emperors

once claimed. The inter-political constitution will be the structured governmental body that

regulates authority over all the Moorish political body politics/states by the structured language

in the inter-political instrument.

The excerpt below is from The Laws of Nations by Emer de Vattel: Book I Of Nations

considered in themselves; Chapter III - Of the Constitution of a State, and the Duties and

Rights of the Nation in this respect

We have seen already that every political society must necessarily establish a public

authority, to regulate their common affairs, - to prescribe to each individual the conduct he

ought to observe with a view to the public welfare, - and to possess the means of procuring

Page 3: Welcome letter: A call for national political unity ......our Moorish estates through the bonds of our Moorish consanguinity, political national unity and ... political central governing

3 The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States;

United Res Publica of Morocco, Embassy/Consulate Headquarters, c/o 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware near [19802]

URPOM-1003 -11/2020

obedience. This authority essentially belongs to the body of the society; but it may be exercised

in a variety of ways; and every society has a right to choose that mode which suits it best.

The fundamental regulation that determines the manner in which the public authority is

to be executed, is what forms the constitution of the state. In this is seen the form in which the

nation acts in quality of a body-politic, - how and by whom the people are to be governed, - and

what are the rights and duties of the governors. This constitution is in fact nothing more than

the establishment of the order in which a nation proposes to labour in common for obtaining

those advantages with a view to which the political society was established.

The perfection of a state, and its aptitude to attain the ends of society, must then

depend on its constitution: consequencely the most important concern of a nation that forms a

political society, and its first and most essential duty towards itself, is to chuse the best

constitution possible, and that most suitable to its circumstances. When it makes this choice, it

lays the foundation of its own preservation, safety, perfection, and happiness: - it cannot take

too much care in placing these on a solid basis.

National Sovereignty and a National Constitution

The International Community of Sovereign Nations requires as a principle of law that the ruling

concept of sovereignty is based on a nation's ability to defend Herself, regulate commerce,

domestically and internationally for the benefit of the nationals who are a part of the population

of that nation, enter into contracts with nations by treaty and have government to government

relationships under diplomatic affairs and have a census of the population of the people of that


The Meaning of the Seal of the United Res Publica of Morocco

The seal is the national symbol that shows our political states coming together to form an inter-

political central governing body under the Moroccan Empire flag, and the seal will give notice to

the political states of the international world governments that we, the Moors, are all a part of the

Moroccan Empire pursuant to consanguinity title rights.

Call to National Political Unity

We the People, The Imperial Parliament Council of United Res Publica of Morocco welcome all

Moorish societies/communities/clans/tribes to participate and enroll to become a part of this

national government as a free sovereign pursuant to Article 99 of the Great Binding Law of

Peace – “The rites and festivals of each nation shall remain undisturbed and shall continue as

before because they were given by the people of old times as useful and necessary for the good of


We delivered this letter on the 7th

day of November in the year two thousand and twenty, in the

Moorish Year of one thousand four hundred and forty-two, and in the obedience to the

constitution of the civilized Moorish Nations-Great Binding Law of Peace, we certify this letter,

by affixing the seal here.

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