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Welcome to Bringing the WORLD to the CLASSROOM:

Using Technology to Build Global Environments

Kimberly P. Sanderlin

Candace P. Heckstall

1) While you wait for us to get started, please take our QUICK starter survey!

2 Ways to Access: Link: http://bit.ly/WVpresurveyOR QR Code:

2) Join our session’s EMODO group using the following link:

8e28mbThis will give access to the PowerPoint and all discussed resources

3) Check out our mock China culture kit to get ideas for globalization in the classroom

Sanderlin: Twitter: @Tchnkids08WeChat: Tchnkids09

Heckstall: WeChat: cpheckstall

Who’s your presenter?

Name: Kimberly Perry Sanderlin Career: Educator- 8th VSN English/Language Arts at The Academy at Lincoln (3rd year)- Previous: Jackson Middle (2007-2014)CEO/Co-Founder: SynergyEd Consulting Group Hobbies: Reading, Unit development, Cooking/Eating, Global Education development, and TRAVELING

Sanderlin's Summer Experience

- UNC World View's Global Teacher Leader Institute

- UNC-Chapel Hill

- Focus: global issues, exploring leadership strategies, and planning ways to implement global education in the classroom

- Carolina Navigators Curriculum Development

- Chapel Hill, NC - Focus: Collaborating with other

educators from around the state to develop lesson plans to accompany Carolina Navigator’s culture kits

- NC Global Badge Training

- Raleigh, NC - Focus: Training on how

to successful attain NC Global Educator badging

Sanderlin’s Summer Experience 2015

Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad 2015- Location: China- Duration: 1 month- Focus: Cultural Immersion

(Education, History, and Language)

This summer’s experiences caused me to ask myself: How well have I GLOBALIZED my classroom?

Who’s your presenter?Name: Candace P. HeckstallCareer: Educator- K-5 ESOL Teacher at Murphey Traditional Academy (3rd Year)• Previous: K-5 ESOL Teacher,

WSFCS (3 Years)Hobbies: Learning new languages, Global Education, traveling, painting, jewelry design, music, and creating kirie, or Japanese papercutting designs

Heckstall's Summer Experience

- UNC World View's Global Teacher Leader Institute

- UNC-Chapel Hill

- Focus: global issues, exploring leadership strategies, and planning ways to implement global education in the classroom

- Primary Source & Showa Women's Institute

- Boston, Massachusetts- Focus: Exploring Nature &

Culture in Japan: Nature's role in and impact on Japanese history and culture; reverence, respect for nature

Heckstall's Summer Experience (2015)

Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad


• Shanghai, Suzhou, and Beijing, China

• One month• Immersion:

Cultural, Language, Education

How well have I GLOBALIZED my classroom?Take the GLOBALIZATION QUIZ!- If you’ve already completed the quiz, use this time to explore one of the “While You Wait” sites on your QUICK SCAN CHART (at your desks)

2 Ways to Access: 1) http://bit.ly/WVpresurvey2) QR Code:

What the survey looks like…It looks like so….

How well have I GLOBALIZED my classroom?Take the GLOBALIZATION QUIZ!- If you’ve already completed the quiz, use this time to explore one of the “While You Wait” sites on your QUICK SCAN CHART (at your desks)

2 Ways to Access: 1) http://bit.ly/WVpresurvey2) QR Code:

Don’t worry… We’ll go over survey results at the end

Why teach GLOBALLY?

“Today's digitally connected world presents challenges and opportunities never before seen. To be successful in the workplace tomorrow, students must know how to interactively collaborate with peers locally as well as globally.”

- Bob LenzExecutive Director, Buck Institute for Education, Novato, CA

Global teaching…

- is STANDARDS based- makes you a more globally-

aware citizen- develops learners into

globally-aware citizens - teaches learners SIMILARITIES

& DIFFERENCES between cultures

Global Teaching is Required- NC Professional Teaching Standards How WE are judged as educators Teachers make instruction relevant to

students. Teachers incorporate 21st century life skills into their teaching deliberately, strategically, and broadly. These skills include leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skills, self-direction, and social responsibility. Teachers help their students understand the relationship between the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and 21st century

content which includes global awareness; financial, economic,

business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; and health awareness

Standard 3 Teachers Know the Content They Teach

Source: ncpublicschools.org

Global Teaching is Standards-Supported- Common Core & Essential StandardsHow are LEARNERS evaluated

- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.9Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topicsin order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.

Example: Poetry Unit - Comparing Matsuo Basho’s Famous observation/nature HAIKU toRobert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening… also about observations/nature

Matsuo Bashōan ancient pond / a frog jumps in / the splash of water [1686]

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningBY ROBERT FROSTWhose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farmhouse nearBetween the woods and frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shakeTo ask if there is some mistake.The only other sound’s the sweepOf easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.

TPS break: *TodaysMeet- How did you GLOBALIZE a OR - How can you GLOBALIZE an lesson?

Around the World in 60 Seconds! (#1)

Directions: Work with your tablemates to identify these world-famous landmarks!

Name of the place and the COUNTRY!

No tech to help you!You have 60 seconds!

When you’re finished, bring the index cards up to the front!

Team with the most correct landmarks wins a prize!Winners announced at the end! :)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

5 Steps to Global Competency in the Classroom

Step #1: Find out what CULTURES are represented in the class Cultural Survey - Who are YOU culturally?- What are traditions in your family?- Have you ever lived in another country?- Do you speak any languages other than English?

Why?- Shows me who the EXPERTS are in the classroom use

their expertise in future units (EMPOWERMENT & EFFICIENCY)

- Helps to develop a culture of belonging - Information helps with future cultural connections

Share em’ out!


are in the



Identify and utilize FREE Resources & Local Globalization Training - Carolina Navigators: FREE culture kit

"rental" to classrooms in North Carolina - Use survey results to determine GLOBAL



Determine GLOBAL LEARNING goals for the year & where they fit best in your pacing - Each group of learners is different

from year-to-year; as such, students’ global competencies will be different each year

- Use survey results to determine GLOBAL LEARNING GOALS

Get students prepared for CULTURAL LEARNING - Unit 1: What’s TRENDING? Unit*What’s Trending unit can be found on the EQuIP Call To Action Exemplar lessons site - Inspired by the yearly Google Zeitgeist video, this unit teaches RESEARCH skills through a global lens

Why?- Gives TONS of options for GLOBAL research and

exemplars- Great way to assess learners’ global competency

zeit·geist tsītˌɡīst,ˈzītˌɡīst/

nounthe defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time."the story captured the zeitgeist of the late 1960s"


Capture and Keep Learners’ INTEREST - Choose topics of interest AND those with

which students can connect- Example: Lesson 1 of my LOST IN

TRANSLATION unit for this year deals with CULTURAL INFERENCES To better understand the Eastern interpretation

of this “Obama-Mao” shirt, see the blog below: https://coopershappyfuntimeinchina.wordpress.com/2012/07/09/westerners-in-china/


Practice: Let’s see how easy globalization can be as we explore the extended perspective of this iconic event/image

What do you see?- What stands out the MOST to you and why?


How to use it- Great way to empower many Asian students

Click to see related BBC article

The swastika (also known as the hakenkreuz, gammadion cross, cross cramponnée, or tetraskelion) (as a character: 卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious symbol that generally takes the form of an equilateral cross, with its four legs bent at 90 degrees.[1][2] It is considered to be a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, andJainism and dates back to before the 2nd century BC.[3] It continues to be commonly used as a religious symbol in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and neopaganreligions (likeRodnovery).[3]

Source: Wikipedia

How do YOU get started?

1. Decide on your depth of Global Learning for 2016-17

2. Decide on BEST FIT within units of study

3. Make your plan - Start on it now Use the

handout provided - Keep it simple: Start with your first

unit in mind*Start with WHAT and WHO you know!

Around the World in 60 Seconds! (#2)

Directions: Work with your tablemates to identify these world-famous landmarks!

Name of the place and the COUNTRY!

No tech to help you!You have 60 seconds!

When you’re finished, bring the index cards up to the front!

Team with the most correct landmarks wins a prize!Winners announced at the end! :)

1. 2.



What have you learned?

1. What did you learn? What do you plan to use in your classroom this year?

- Please share in the GROUP discussion posted in Edmodo 2. Please take a moment to complete our Post Survey. This will allow us to improve future presentations

Questions???Future Questions or Concerns: - Globalization - Kenan Fellows: http://kenanfellows.org/ (Class of 2013) - Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad:

https://sites.google.com/a/uncg.edu/china2015/home- CEO/Co-founder, SynergyEd Consulting Group:


My Contact: Kimberly P. Sanderlin, Educator 8th VSN English/Language ArtsThe Academy at Lincoln [email protected] Response: [email protected]: Tchnkids08 WeChat: Tchnkids08

Questions???Future Questions or Concerns: - Global Resources: http://murpheyglobalresources.weebly.com- Travel/Study Abroad Opportunities for Educators:


My Contact: Candace P. Heckstall, ESOL Educator K-5 English as a Second LanguageMurphey Traditional [email protected]: cpheckstall

Around the World in 60 Seconds!


1. Abu Simbel, Egypt (The Temple of Ramesses II)

2. Eiffel Tower, France

3. Machu Picchu, Peru

4. Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai

5. Pearl TV Tower, Shanghai, China


1. Tower Bridge, London, England

2. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

3. Terracotta Soldiers, China

4. Great Wall of China

5. Table Mountain, South Africa

Global Guru? Then Pursue NC Global Badge!

For more information, visit the NCDPI website

Contact: Helga Fasciano

Local Resources for Your Global Classroom!

Thanks for your time & contributions!

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