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SKS : 03

CODE : HKT 4006

Lecturer :Prof.Dr.HMoch.Bakri,SH.M



Imam Koeswahyono,SHMH

Iwan Permadi,SH.MH.SE

Patricia Audrey,S.H.MH.

LESSON PLAN & SYLLABUS• Purpose : provide comprehensive knowledge concerning positive land

law, that include :

definition, national law policy, the history of UUPA, Adat law influence, principle, land’s right, conversion enquiry, transition law and its sanction, so that student will get sufficient understanding in positive land law.

• Definition of land, politic, administration & law

• The history of UUPA, principle & its purpose

• Adat Law Definition & Influence, Ulayat right, Social Function of Land

• Land Reform

• Nationality principle, MHN in ipso facto

• Agrarian or Land Law System

• Land Procurement for Development

• Land Registration System

• Right of Ownership, Right of Cultivation, Right to Use Building, Right of Use, Right of Lease

• Security Right

LESSON PLAN• Conversion of Land’s right : western & Indonesian

right• Right of management• Transition law & Sanction

NOTES: 1. T1 will conducted after the 5th meeting

2. UTS will conducted after the 8th meeting 3. T-2 will conducted after the 12th meeting 4. UAS will conducted after the 15th meeting

Literature• AP Parlindungan.,1993., Komentar Atas UUPA, Cet VII,CV

Mandar Maju, Bandung• Boedi Harsono.,2005., Hukum Agraria Indonesia Sejarah

Pembentukan UUPA dan Pelaksanaannya Jilid 1 Hukum Tanah Nasional, Edisi Revisi, Cet ke 11, Djambatan, Jakarta

• Boedi Harsono.,2003., Menuju Peyempurnaan Hukum Tanah Nasional Dlm Hub dg TAP MPR RI IX/MPR/ 2001, Univ Trisakti Press, Jakarta

• Iman Soetiknjo.,1983., Politik Agraria Nasional Hubungan Manusia dg Tanah Berdasarkan Pancasi-la,Cet.1 Gadjah Mada Univ Press, Yogyakarta

• JB Daliyo dkk (Eds)1992., Hukum Agraria I Buku Panduan Mahasiswa, PT Prenhallindo & Aptik, Jakarta

• Muchsin & Imam Koeswahyono.,(Soimin,Editor),2007., Hukum Agraria Dalam Perspektif Sejarah, Cet I, Refika Aditama, Bandung

• Oloan Sitorus & HM Zaki Sierrad., 2006., Hukum Agraria Indonesia Konsep Dasar & Implementasi, Mitra Kebijakan Tanah Indonesia, Yogyakarta.

What’s the meaning of Agrarian Term• Ager (Latin): field, village, region, state land

• Agger : retainer dike, protector, dike, rubble land, hill (SMP Tjondronegoro, G Wiradi, 2002: 1-4)

• KUBI 1994 farming issue, farm owning issue

• Black’s Law Dictionary: agrarian laws refers to set of legal rules that purpose conduct wide distribution of land in its acqusition and ownership (Arie Sukanti dkk, 2005: 1)

• Historical Study: UU Solon 594 BC Seisachtheia (harmonize an equal relationship between land user)

• In Law No.5/1960 refer to art 33 (3) - Land art 1 (4) - water art 1 (5) jo 47 - Natural wealth art 1 (2) - Space element art 48

Conclusion : Agrarian Law divide into :a. wide(B A RA +Ka) b. narrow ( Land Law )

Two Parts of Land Law (E Utrecht)

• Administration Land Law: regulates tenures over natural reseources. Agrarian, society/common interest

• Private Land Law :regulates subject and object legal relation

• Indonesia’s Land Law Development Outline :• Indigenous Folk Law• Land West Law :BW Book II Land’s right, &Guarantee

Rights, Book III: purchase BooK IV expiration Conclusion : Dualistic


Principal Provision

Supplementary Provision

Indigenous Adat Law

West Land LawDualism

Inter group Land Law

Administration Land Law

Swapraja Land Law

Conclusion of Land Law in Terms of Legal Pluralism

• West Land Law ( Liberal-Individualistic): source: a.Written Book II: Eigendom (art 571), Opstal (art 711) Erfpacht (art 720), Gebruik (art 818),III: trade (Ps 1457-1458), leasing art 1588-1600, IV Acquisitive Verjaring,BW (Psl 610-1955, 1963), b. Unwritten (ancient Nederland customary law before BW 1848), Agrarisch Wet 1870, Agrarisch Besluit 1870 /118(administrative law)

• Adat Land Law: a. written created by netherland government Swapraja government b. unwritten: applied for Inlanders

• Indonesia Land Right not regulated in west land law• Made by Swapraja Gov : applied in DIY, Solo, East Sumatra• Made by Netherland Gov: Agrarisch Eigendom right S 1872/117

& S 1873-38 Grond Vervreemdings verbod S 1875-179• Regulated in art 62 RR 1854 art 51 IS• Ulayat Right, Huta (Tapanuli), Negari (Minangkabau)• Anggaduh Kagungan Dalem Right (Javaneese terms)(DIY + Solo)• Apanage Stelsel: Land’s right distribution from king to family• Gogolan Land/ Pekulen/ Kelakeran (Minahasa)/ Pusako

(Minangkabau) (Communal Bezitrecht) : open forest land, cannot transferred

Land division based on art 1 Agrarisch Besluit

• Swadaya Land based on S 1915-474 : swapraja gov authorize to give swapraja land with western right

• Domein State Land: a.Vrijlandsdomein b.Onvrijlandsdomein

• Eigendom Rights Land• Erfpacht Right Land, Opstal, Gebruik• Adat Land Right• Domein Verklaring Function: a. as a legal basis to give land to European,

Far Easr with Erfpacht right, b. Evidence need (reverseable• Inggris (Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles) “Land rente” Lord Tenant

DOMEIN TS RAFFLES Theory• 1816 Netherlands Netherlands colonies• 1830 van den Bosch Cultuur Stelsel


• Land Law Outline before the establishment of UUPA• Adat Land Law 7 pillars of Adat Law van Vollenhoven:• 1. Rechtsgemeenschappen (territorial, genealogy, mix)

• 2. Ulayat right• 3. Adat Rechtskringen• 4. Agreement as legal action in concrito• 5. abstracto legal construction is unrecognizable• 6. Makes sensory perception the basis of legal catagories &

distinction/ “right in rem & right in per-sonam is unrecognizable• 7.Nature of family composition: patrilineal, matrilineal, parental• Character of Law: written & unwritten folk law• Type: individual right of ownership, communal, Agrarisch

Eigendom (Ps 15 Ay (7) IS),Grant Sultan, Grant Deli, Concession Right , Vorstenlanden, Andarbe, Anggaduh dsb.

• West Land Legal Conception• Conception: liberal individualistic• Perception: all land “Res Nullius” Occupatie


• Dasar: Burgerlijk Wetboek (KUH Perdata) Buku II (Benda), Buku III (Perjanjian) & S 1834 No.27 ( Overschrijvings Ordonnantie) Over-schrijvings Ambtenaar (Pejabat Baliknama)

• (Intergentiel recht) naar personele en zakelijke verschillende rechtsstelsels en rechtsnormen principle land has its own status, un interfere with rights subject law

• Grond vervreemdingsverbod S 1875 No.179/ restriction of land alienation indigenous to non indigenousno way

• Swapraja Land Law autonomy of government due to political contract with colonial people has “ Anggaduh Right”

• Important Term !! Art 62 RR 1854 (3 article) Art 51 IS 1925 1870 No.55 (Agrarisch Wet)

• AW Koninklijk Besluit Agrarisch Besluit (1870 No.118) Art 1 “Domein Verklaring”/ Domein Statement Principle

• Type of Right: Eigendom (570 BW), Erfpacht (720 BW), Opstal (711 BW), Suyling Opstal = Erfpacht

An Efforts to Adjustment of Land law From Colonial Law to National land law System• Argumentation: different philosophy basis West =

Adat• Juridical Argument: Law dualism Uncertainty• Social & Economy Argument: inequality structure• Pragmatic Arguments: create new law/ modifies• Policy Option: modifies old regulation (7):• a.Perdikan village elimination• B. Vorstenlanden Conversion right elimination• c.Partikelir Land Elimination• d. Land Estate Order• e.Canon & Cijns• f.Restriction of Legal Occupation• g.Change Agricultural Land Sharing Agreement• NATIONAL LAND LAW UNIFICATION• Based on : Adat Law: Conception, principle, institution,

regulation system Prismatik Law (Legal Pluralism)

BASIC AGRARIAN LAW No.5 Year of 1960 As A Indonesia’s National Agrarian Law

• Philosophical Basis: Pancasila ; Constitutional Basis: Art 33 (3) UUD Religious Communalistic

• Legal Basis : Adat Law ( Prismatic Law): national & state interest, Indonesian socialism, regulation in UUPA, elements based on religion law

• Purpose : 2 a. create agrarian law unification• Basis: b. create land’s right & guarantee right • through conversion • UUPA Purpose: a. remove land law dualism b. Land Right & guarantee right unification by conversion c. put the legal basis for the development of land law development; principle

of national land law, nationality, social function, equity & justice, land order, environment conservation, kinship & mutual relationship, horizontal separation, public law character

• Land Law Source: a. written b. unwritten

Basic Principle of National Land Law of Indonesia

• A.Religiosity Principle consider religiosity principle art 1&49

• B.Nationality Principle give priority to national interest art 9,20,55

• C.Democracy Principle equality of gender, race, religion and region art 4,9

• D.Equality, restriction, justice Principle-low lncome/level economy society especially farmer, art 11,12

• E.Open & Certainty Principle farmer art 11,13,19

• F.Strategic Natural Resources Principle optimal, strategic sustainable Art 13, 14

• G. Fair & Civilized Humanity Principle dispute settlement

The Right to Control over Land Resource Based on Indonesia’s National Law

• A.Definition : legal relation that provide subject authority upon object

• B. Characteristic: have public and private law• C. Scope: land law, water& mining law, fishery law,labour

mastery law & space elements• D. hierarchy• 1. nation right (art 1)• 2. nation occupation right (art 2)• 3. Ulayat right (art 3)• 4. individual right divide into : a. Original land’s right / primary: HM, HGB,HGU,HPk, HPL b. Derivative land’s right/ secondary :HGB,Hpk,HSw,HUBHs,HGd

• Right of Ownership• Legal Basis: Art 20-27,50 (1),56, Conversion Art I, II, VII• Characteristic : strongest, fullest, inheritance• Subject: WNI (individual) & Indonesia Legal Entity (PP 38/ 1963)• Character & Type: ought to/must be registered , possible to

transfer, waqaf, release, guarantee

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