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Welcome to JABS HelpThe following topics are available on this page: Introduction to JABSNavigating in JABS (Frames Environment)Imaging URL InstallationHow to use helpPrinting help topics

Introduction to JABS The Judicial Access Browser System (JABS) uses a Web browser to display information stored on the Judicial Information System (JIS) mainframe computer . Benefits of using JABS:

Streamlined logon process.≠Uses a browser's "point and click" navigation, not JIS commands.≠Displaying information in natural language, not codes.≠Displaying information from both JIS, SCOMIS, and Odyssey in one place.≠

JABS currently displays the following types of JIS, SCOMIS, and Odyssey information for superior courts and courts of limited jurisdiction:

Statewide individual case histories≠Statewide domestic violence≠Domestic, parentage, or dependency cases involving DV or children≠Civil cases involving DV or unlawful harassment petitions≠Convictions of DV or sex related crimes≠Pending criminal cases involving DV or sex related crimes≠Case summary≠Charge or violation summary≠Case participants≠Case eTicket≠Statewide family relationships≠Statewide protection order history for an individual≠Protection order history associated with a specific case≠Statewide warrant information and status≠Statewide FTA information and status≠Case FTA information and status≠Proceedings information by case and person≠


Navigating in JABS (Frames Environment)JABS is a frames environment. The top frame displays a list of cases. The bottom frame displays the details for a selected case.

Increase or decrease the size of a frame by:≠

1. Hovering the mouse over the horizontal line splitting the screen until a double arrowappears.2. Click and drag the mouse up or down to move the bottom frame (moves like a windowshade).

Summary information regarding the first case on the list appears by default when the list of ≠hearings first displays.

≠ The current case highlights in yellow.

≠ Cases already viewed during the session highlight in purple.

≠ Click on a case to select it. Details for the selected case display in the bottom frame below


the blue tabs.

Imaging URL Installation

Users using imaging software can install the JABS Case Link Enhancement. After installation, the case number appears as a hyperlink on the following JABS tabs: Case Summary, Case Docket, FTAs, Case Orders, Case Proceedings, and Case Participants. Clicking a document hyperlink on these tabs executes the user's local imaging system with the case number to display scanned images for the specified case number.

Click the Imaging URL link at the bottom of the sign on screen to enter the location of the local court's imaging application.


Accessing JABS using JABSLink Web address (URL):

1. Open your Web browser application (e.g., Internet Explorer).

2. Type https://jabslink.courts.wa.gov/JabsWeb/pages/logon.jsp in the browser’saddress bar.

3. Click Go or press <Enter>.Result : The JABS sign on page displays in the same browser window.

Quick Add this page to your Favorites on the browser’s toolbar.



4. Sign into JABS as shown above.

Result: If sign on is successful, the JABS Case Number Search page displays. The navigation menu on the left allows you to:

≠#Perform a Case Number Search (formatted to match your court level, however you may choose another court outside your default court level using the Court drop down menu. ).

≠ Perform a Person Search.≠ View Your Calendar of hearings for the day.

Last updated: 08/23/2016


Logon to JABSThe Judicial Access Browser System (JABS) logon page is used to log into JABS. Your RACF ID and password are used to log into the JABS System. If you have multiple RACF IDs, one should be designated as a default logon. Court Id, User Id, and Passwords created in the Judicial Information System (JIS) Main Menu also may be used to access different courts.

Navigation from one text box to the next may be accomplished by using the Tab key or by clicking inside the desired text box. Text may be entered as capitals, lower case, or both. RACF ID passwords are case specific.

Logon to JABSType your RACF User Id and Password into the text boxes and hit enter or the OK button.


Change Role/CourtIf you need to change your role or the court you are logged into JABS with, click the "Change Role/Court" button in the top navigation field. It will take you back to the Logon screen and allow you to either select a new role or log in as another court.


Logoff of JABSUsing the following steps to logoff ensures that the system resources used by JABS are released. Releasing system resources reduces network load and improves response time for others on the network.

Click the Logoff link on the displayed page.



Last updated: 2009-05-14


System Availability: Judicial InformationSystem (JIS) and JABSMonday Through FridayJIS/JABS is available from 6:00 A.M. until 3:00 A.M. the next morning. The system is down from 3:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M.

Saturday and SundayJIS/JABS is available 24 hours per day on weekends unless maintenance is scheduled to be performed.

Maintenance WeekendsSystems are selectively down the second weekend of the month for maintenance from 5:00 P.M. Saturday until midnight.

HolidaysAvailable hours on holidays are the same as weekdays.

NoticeSystem availability notices and changes to schedules are posted on the AOC public website.

Last updated: 2016-08-23


Case Number SearchCase Number Search will appear immediately after signing on. The Court selection will default to the court the user selected at signon.

To select another court:

Select the arrow on the Court drop down menu1.

Highlight and select the desired court2.

Type a case number in the Case Number field3.

Click Perform Case Search4.

Note:The Case Number format is determined by the Court ID used on the JABS sign on page.Courts of Limited Jurisdiction:

The first text box requires the case number.The second text box is for the Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) code. This field is optional.The third text box is for the case type code. This field is optional.


Superior Courts: Type the SCOMIS Case Number without dashes or Odyssey Case Number without dashes.

Result:Individual Case HistoryA Case Participant Selection page appears if there is more than one participant on the case, other than State of Washington, with an Individual Case History. Click to select a participant's name. The Individual Case History for the selected participant displays in the top frame.

The Individual Case History automatically displays in the top frame when there is only one participant on the case. The message "No data has been found for your request. Press Continue." appears when the selected participant has no Individual Case History.

Note:The case number requested is highlighted when the Individual Case History (ICH) screen opens.



Last Updated: 2015-10-29


Person SearchThe Person Search link displays an Individual Case History (ICH) . The ICH displays all non-restricted case types filed in the statewide database for Name Code Type IN (Individual) persons or Well Identified Persons (WIP).. A Case Type Code of PR after the case number identifies a case as a parking ticket. A defendant’s name on parking cases is not a truly identified person under JIS Person Business Rules . Using Person Search will not find or display parking cases by defendant name. Only the case being searched displays in the ICH frame when searching by parking case number. This is because a new PR Name Code is created whenever a parking defendant is added to a case in JIS.

Step 1:If necessary, click the Person Search link in the left navigation area of JABS.

Step 2:Type the individual's name in the Name field.

Note:Enter the name as follows:

Recommended practice:Less is more on most cases, so entering Last Name, First Initial may be sufficient for locating the correct person. Typing too much information will limit the results to only those names spelled the same way the request was typed. If the name spelling in JIS is different, it will not appear in the search results.Exception - Common names (e.g. Smith) should have the First Name listed as the JABS Person Search is limited to 100 return result items . If the spelling of the First Name is not clear, enter the first few letters or other Personal Identifiers as listed in Optional Step 3.

Step 3 (Optional):Type additional identifying information in the Personal Identifiers section to narrow the search.


Note:A person search may be conducted without a name by using one of the following personal identifiers:≠ Driver's License Number (DL#)≠ Washington State ID (SID#)≠ Juvenile Number (JUV#)≠ Department of Corrections Number (DOC#)

Step 4:Click the Perform Person Search button.

Result:The Person Search Results page displays.

Step 5 (Optional):Click the down arrow of the drop-down text box in the Personal Identifier column to view personal identification numbers that have been recorded in JIS,

Step 6:Click the Cases link preceding an individual's name.

Result:The Individual Case History page displays for the selected individual.


Note:The JABS Search Results screen is limited to 100 search result name records. If a common Last Name is searched, without any additional Name or Identifier information, the following message may appear at the top of the Person Search Results screen:

Click the Person Search hyperlink and re-enter the Search Criteria using more information (see Recommended Practice section of Step 2 above).

Last Updated: 2012-2-29


View My CalendarThe following topics are available on this page:

Using the View My Calendar FeatureNavigation Tips for Reviewing a List of HeadingsParking

The JABS Calendar View link display hearings scheduled in JIS by courts of limited jurisdiction. Hearings scheduled in superior court matters using SCOMIS and Odyssey do not display in the JABS Calendar View.

View My Calendar : Displays hearings scheduled for the current day for the judicial officer logged into JABS. The hearings sort by date, time, hearings scheduled, and then alphabetically by defendant name.

Select Another Calendar : Displays hearings scheduled for a selected date. Selection options include Judge, Room, Time Start and Time End. Results report proceedings that are Scheduled, Held, Not Held, or all hearings if viewing a past calendar.

Directions for Using the View My Calendar Feature:Step 1:Click View My Calendar from the navigation menu on the left.


Result: Today’s list of hearings displays.

Navigation Tips for Reviewing a List of Hearings:JABS is a “frames” environment. The top frame displays a list of cases. The bottom frame displays the details for a selected case.

Expand or condense frames:≠

Hover your mouse over the horizontal line splitting the screen until a double arrow appears.


Click and drag the mouse up or down to move the bottom frame (moves like a window shade).



Summary information regarding the first case on the list appears by default when the list of hearings first displays.

Click on a case in the Calendar View frame to select it. Details for the selected case display in the bottom half of the screen below the blue tabs.

The current case highlights in yellow in the Calendar View frame. ≠

Cases previously viewed during the session highlight in purple.≠

To deselect previously viewed hearings, right-click on a hearing and a message will appear allowing the user to clear the history. If OK is selected in the pop-up, "Clear link history for case," the color will turn form purple back to gray.

To reset all hearings to gray, click PF5 or right click away from the list of hearings and select Refresh.

All hearings may be printed by clicking away from the list of hearings and selecting Print.≠

Parking:Mitigation or contested hearings for parking tickets set in JIS display in the Calendar View in JABS. A Case Type Code of PR after the case number identifies a case as a parking ticket. Since the defendant’s name is not a truly identified person under JIS Person Business Rules , Person Search will not find or display cases by defendant name. Only the case being searched displays in the Individual Case History (ICH) frame when searching by parking case number. This is because a new PR Name Code is created whenever a parking defendant is added


to a case in JIS. Selecting a parking case in the top frame of the Calendar View displays only the following tabs for case information:

Case Summary: Person-related data (DOB, Order Type, Warrant Status and FTA Status) does not display.


Case DocketqCase ProceedingsqCase ParticipantsqeTicketq

Last updated: 2012-04-03


Select Another CalendarJABS users from the courts of limited jurisdiction can display a list of scheduled hearings. Selection criteria include:

Date of hearing.≠Name of the judicial officer.≠Room number.≠Start and end time.≠Sort order (by Defendant Name, or Case Number, or Hearing Type).≠Display Proceedings (Hearings Scheduled, Held, Not Held, or All).≠

Courts of limited jurisdiction that assign hearings to a room, rather than to a particular judge, will have the ability to display hearings based on the room assigned and the date.

Courts that schedule hearings to a room only require Calendar Search criteria by room.≠Courts that schedule hearings to a judicial officer only require Calendar Search criteria by judicial officer only.

Courts that schedule to both a judicial officer and a room allow Calendar Search criteria by judicial officer or by room.

Using the Select Another Calendar feature:Step 1:Click Select Another Calendar from the navigation menu on the left,

Result :The calendar search page displays and defaults to today’s date.

Step 2: Type a date in the Select Date field or use the calendar to select a date. Click the right arrow on the calendar to advance to a future month and select a date.


Step 3:To displaying hearings by room number, go to the Change Room field and select the Room Number from the drop-down menu.

Step 4:To displaying hearings by judicial officer, go to the Change Judge field and select a judicial officer from the drop-down menu.

Note:The list of judicial officers and courtrooms in the drop down menu includes only those that are effective as of the day the user signs onto JABS. They ARE NOT calculated on the date selected from the calendar.

Step 5:Time Start defaults to 8:00am and ends at midnight. Enter a time in the Time Start and Time End fields to display different times.

Step 6:The default setting sorts hearings by date, then by time, and then by an alpha sort by defendant name. Other sort order options are available using the radio buttons under Sort Order.

Step 7:


Hearings display based on the selection criteria (listed above). By default, Calendar Search selects Results for the default to Scheduled under Display Proceedings because all future hearings are set to Scheduled in JIS.

Past calendar dates are affected by hearing status updates made on the Hearings Held (HRH) screen in JIS. When searching for viewing past dates, use the radio buttons under Display Proceedings to select selection options include Held, Not Held, or All.

Step 8:Select Get the Calendar . The hearings are sorted by date, time, and then the Sort Order selected in Step 6.

Result :The list of hearings scheduled to the judicial officer for that day displays.

Navigating Through a List of Hearings:JABS is a "frames" environment. The top frame displays a list of cases. The bottom frame displays the details for a selected case.

Increase or decrease the size of a frame by hovering the mouse over the horizontal line that splits the screen until a double arrow appears. Click and drag the mouse up or down to change size of the frame.


When the list of hearings first displays, the bottom frame defaults to details for the first case on the list.

Click on a case in the Calendar View frame to select it. Details for the selected case display in the bottom frame below the blue tabs.

The current case highlights in yellow in the Calendar View frame. ≠

Cases previously viewed highlight in purple. To deselect previously viewed hearings, right-click on a hearing and a message will appear allowing the user to clear the history. If OK is selected in the pop-up, "Clear link history for case," the color will turn form purple back to gray.

To reset all hearings to gray, click PF5 or right click away from the list of hearings and select Refresh.

All hearings may be printed by clicking away from the list of hearings and selecting Print.≠


Last updated: 2012-2-22


- Person ICH TabThe following topics are available on this page:

General Information regarding the ICHView Individual Case History InformationCase SelectionCase Status AreaSealed CasesArchived or Non-JIS CasesRestricted CasesAlias NamesOdyssey Codes on the ICH

General Information regarding the ICHThe Person ICH tab displays ALL non-restricted JIS cases statewide for a Name Code Type IN (Individual) and Odyssey Well-Identified Parties (WIP), regardless of the individual's case participant type. Cases include:

Adult and juvenile felony and misdemeanor criminal charges.≠Infractions.≠Dissolutions/modifications with children.≠Parentage cases after entry of a parentage order..≠Dependencies.≠Domestic violence-related civil cases.≠Antiharassment civil cases.≠

The Person ICH tab displays Parking cases when searching by parking case number. Superior court restricted cases are included in the case listing if a user has JIS or Odyssey security to display restricted case types (some Case Types 3 and 5, and Case Type 7).

Quick Tip:Rollover Help is used in JABS to provide code definitions. Hover the cursor over a code, without clicking, to display the description for the code.

Individual Case History displays in one of two ways:

On the top half of the screen.1.Under the Person ICH tab in the bottom half of the screen.2.


View Individual Case History informationThe Individual Case History displays in the top frame as the result of a Case Number Search or Person Search for Individual (IN) persons, or as a result of a Case Number Search for parking cases.

Note: Active Protection Orders and Warrants will appear on the ICH in red text.

Participant Types appear under the Party column. For quick identification, the Defendant (DEF in JIS and WIPDEF in Odyssey) Participant Type Code appears in black text. All other Participant Type Codes appear in plum-colored text. Note: WIP refers to Well Identified Parties in cases out of Odyssey courts. WIP participants are the equivalent of an IN person type in JIS. The Individual Case History displays as a tab in the bottom frame as the result of Calendar View search. Click the Person ICH tab to view the Individual Case History .


Case SelectionClick an element of the case (e.g., Party, Case Number, Short Title, etc.) to select it. The case currently in view highlights in yellow. Details for the selected case display in the bottom frame below the blue tabs. Cases previously viewed highlight in purple.


Case Status AreaCase Status Codes appear to the right of each case. To view the description of each code, hover the mouse over the code.

Column DescriptionDV Case is or is not domestic violence-relatedJg Finding or judgment for each charge or violationO Protection order statusCD Case StatusW Warrant statusF FTA statusC Collection statusBAL Balance

Sealed CasesSealed cases appear first on the Individual Case History frame, beginning with **Start of Sealed Cases** and ending with **End of Sealed Cases** . Only the case number, court ID, and short title of the charge(s) display. The security settings of a JIS user's authorization record control access to this information.


Archived or Non-JIS CasesAn asterisk (*) appears in the case status area if a case has been archived. A pound sign (#) appears in the case status area if the case was imported from a non-JIS court.

Restricted CasesRestricted case type information displays if allowed by the security settings of a JIS user's authorization record. There is no indication on the Individual Case History that the record contains restricted case information.

Alias NamesAlias names (if any) appear to the right of the True Name field. Click the drop-down arrow to see the full list of Alias names associated to the True Name .

Odyssey Codes on the ICHWhile the majority of the codes appearing on the Individual Case History (ICH) are JIS codes, Odyssey does contain some codes unique to the program. In addition to the tables below, the hover feature will also display the description of the code.


Warrant Status Codes

Code DescriptionBI Issued Bench WarrantAI Issued Warrant of Arrest

PO Order of Warrant for Apprehension/Pick Up

BOI Ordered and Issued Bench WarrantAOI Ordered and Issued Warrant of ArrestBO Ordered Bench WarrantAO Ordered Warrant of ArrestBQ Quashed Bench WarrantAQ Quashed Warrant of Arrest

PR Returned from Warrant for Apprehension/Pick Up

BR Sheriff's Return of Bench Warrant

BQR Sheriff's Return of Quashed Bench Warrant

AQR Sheriff's Return of Quashed Warrant of Arrest

AR Sheriff's Return of Warrant of Arrest

Case Status Codes

Code DescriptionACT ActiveCLP Collaborative Law ProcessCMPL Completed/Re-CompletedDIV DiversionARB In ArbitrationMED In MediationAPP On AppealCON On Continued ProsecutionSTY On Discretionary Review/StayWAR On WarrantRAPP Return from AppealRARB Return from ArbitrationRCLP Return from Collaborative Law Process


RCON Return from Continued ProsecutionRSTY Return from Discretionary Review/StayRDIV Return from DiversionRMED Return from MediationRWAR Return from Warrant

Last Updated 08/23/2016


- Case Docket TabThe Case Docket tab displays activity on a case, such as case filings, accounts receivable information, hearings scheduled and held, FTA and warrant action, orders, and plea/sentencing judgments. In JIS, actions taken on almost all JIS screens create automatic docket entries, while in SCOMIS, docket entries that appear are created with a docket code. In Odyssey, Events are created using a combination of docket codes and automatic entries from other case related tabs. This tab displays the same information from the Case Docket Update (CDK) screen in JIS, the Docket section in SCOMIS, and the Event Tab in Odyssey. The oldest docket entry displays first. The images below show the CDK screen from JIS and the corresponding Case Docket tab from JABS:

Case Docket Update (CDK) screen from JIS:


Case Docket tab from JABS:

Note: The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F works in JABS. Using Ctrl-F can narrow the search within the docket for certain words or phrases.

JABS Link EnhancementThe case number appears as a hyperlink on the Case Docket tab if the court has installed the JABS Case Link Enhancement. Clicking a document hyperlink executes the court's local imaging system with the case number to display scanned images for the specified case number. See eService Answer 2128 for additional information.

Last Updated: 08/23/2016


- Case DVI TabDVI Tab Functionality≠Categories≠Domestic Violence Inquiry - Restricted Cases≠Sealed Cases≠

The DVI tab displays information about cases involving protection orders filed in both superior and courts of limited jurisdiction statewide for participants involved in a selected case. Other tabs containing information on statewide orders and criminal history are the Person Orders tab and the Individual Case History (ICH) tab.

DVI Tab FunctionalityThe radio button for the case selected on the top screen will be preselected in the DVI tab. If the case at the top does not appear on the DVI tab, no button will be selected. By selecting a different radio button, the DVI Information for the selected case will appear in the DVI tab. Participant names appear as hyperlinks on the DVI tab. Click the hyperlink to view that Participant's Individual Case History (ICH) .

CategoriesThe DVI tab displays four categories of statewide cases filed in superior court and courts of limited jurisdiction.

1. Domestic, Parentage, Dependency Cases with DV, and Children.

Domestic cases involving children or domestic cases with an issued protection order.≠Parentage cases with an order issued establishing parentage.≠Dependency cases.≠

Note:The security settings of a JIS user's authorization record control access to information.

2. Civil Cases with DV, Anti-Harassment, or Sexual Assault Petitions.

All petitions for domestic violence, unlawful harassment, sexual assault, stalking, or protection ≠



3. Convictions of DV or Sex-Related Crimes.

Criminal or juvenile offender cases having convictions of domestic violence or sex-related crimes including all Courts of Limited Jurisdiction and Superior Court statewide and local JIS Law table variations of 9a.64.020, 9.68a and variations of sections of 9a.44, and having a finding of guilty. This includes findings of:

Code Description

G GuiltyGV Guilty - DV Pled and ProvedGD Guilty Deferred Prosecution RevokedGO Guilty Other Deferral Revoked

GR Guilty - DV Pled and Proved Revoked Deferral

GY Guilty with Youth in Vehicle

GZ Guilty with Youth in Vehicle Deferral/Deferred Prosecution Revoked

AS Awaiting Sentence GuiltyNS Not Guilty by reason of InsanityBF Bail Forfeiture

4. Pending Criminal Cases of DV or Sex-Related Crimes .

Pending criminal or juvenile offender cases involving domestic violence or sex-related crimes including all Courts of Limited Jurisdiction and Superior Court statewide and local JIS Law table variations of 9a.64.020, 9.68a and variations of sections of 9a.44, and having a finding of:

Blank (no finding yet recorded in JIS or SCOMIS)Pending (P)Deferred Prosecution (DP)

Domestic Violence Inquiry - Restricted CasesRestricted case information only displays for the court in which the case was filed, and only for court personnel who have been granted security access to restricted case types. JABS includes a reference to restricted cased on the DVI screen, when applicable.Example:


Sealed CasesSealed cases meeting Domestic Violence Inquiry selection criteria display in the appropriate category with the word "Sealed" in the Orders column. The security settings of a JIS user's authorization record control access to information available on the DVI screen. When access is not authorized, all case-related tabs display the following message:

Last updated: 2012-6-8


- Case eTicket TabJABS displays the traffic infraction tickets filed electronically in courts of limited jurisdiction. The Summary tab summarizes the specifics of the case. When the eTicket tab is selected, the eTicket will open in the existing frame. The Violator's copy of the eTicket and any attachments provided by the officer can be located in the Attachments section of the Summary tab.

Step 1:Click the eTicket tab.

Result: The eTicket displays.


The eTicket view defaults to a smaller view. Increase the size of the eTicket clicking the + sign that appears when the cursor hovers over the window..

Use the scroll bars on the side and the bottom of the window to move forward and backward between the pages of the eTicket image.

Use the print icon that appears when the cursor hovers over the image to print a copy of the ticket, if necessary.

Note:If the selected case was not filed as an eTicket (using ETP to file or connect the eTicket to the JIS case) then the following message will appear when the eTicket Tab is accessed:


Step 2:Click the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the window to close the image and return to JABS.

Last updated: 2012-4-9


- Case FTAs TabViewing Case FTAs≠FTA Status Codes≠Collection Status≠

The Case FTAs tab (Failure to Appear or Respond) displays current FTA status and prior FTA activity for the case selected in the top frame (highlighted in yellow)

Viewing Case FTAsThe Case FTA tab applies only to cases filed in courts of limited jurisdiction. The Case FTA tab does not display when a superior court case is selected.

The case number appears as a hyperlink on the Case FTAs tab if the court has installed the JABS Case Link Enhancement. Clicking a document hyperlink executes the court's local imaging system with the case number to display scanned images for the specified case number. See eService Answer - Viewing Scanned Images in JABS (#2128) for additional information.


The message No FTAs found for this case displays if the case has:

No FTA activity.≠Been archived.≠Been imported from a non-JIS court (e.g., Seattle Municipal).≠

Note:This page lists only ordered or issued FTA information for a person, and collections information about the case and person for whom the FTA is issued. This page does NOT list all collections information for a person. The person may have additional financial obligations or other cases in collections.

FTA Status CodesThe FTA Status Code for a case appears under the F column in the Individual Case History.

A FTA AdjudicatedI IssuedO OrderedM Warrant activity on Superior Court case with multiple

defendantsN Past Activity (includes FTA canceled; quashed, expired,

served, or canceled before issuance).

* Archived Case (does NOT indicate past FTA activity on archived case).

# Imported from Non-JIS CourtBlank No FTA activity

Collection StatusCollection status displays if the case is selected for JIS collections processing, or has been assigned to a collection agent.

Last updated: 2012-2-22


- Case Orders TabViewing Case Orders≠Protection Order Status Codes≠Display Order Detail Information≠Odyssey Protection Orders≠

The Case Orders tab displays all protection orders recorded in JIS and Odyssey for the case selected in the top frame (highlighted yellow). All active orders will appear in bold and red at the top of the list of orders and others will appear chronologically below.

Viewing Case OrdersTo view case-based protection orders:1. Perform a Person Search. This displays the Individual Case History page in the top frame. Click on a case to select. Click the Case Orders tab in the bottom frame to display protection orders entered in the selected case.


2. Perform a Calendar Search. This displays a list of hearings in the top frame. Click on a case to select. Click the Case Orders tab in the bottom frame to display protection orders entered in the selected case.


The case number appears as a hyperlink on the Case Orders tab if the court has installed the JABS Case Link Enhancement. Clicking a document hyperlink executes the court's local imaging system with the case number to display scanned images for the specified case number. See eService Answer - Viewing Scanned Images in JABS (#2128) for additional information.

Protection Order Status CodesThe Protection Order Status Code for a case appears under the O column in the Individual Case History.

A ActiveD DeniedE ExpiredT Terminated

The case order status is determined by an order's current status and the date of the order, as follows:

An order in Active status will not display a date in the Exp/Term/Deny Date field. ≠An order in Active status will appear in bold and red, and appear at the top of the list of orders.

JIS will currently not allow entry of a future termination date. Prior to this change, JIS would allow entry of orders with future termination dates. An order entered into JIS prior to this change with a future termination date displays the order expiration date.


An order with a current or past termination or denied date displays that date in the Exp/Term/Deny Date field.

An order with an expiration date and a termination date displays the termination date in the Exp/Term/Deny Date field.

A denied order displays a date in the Exp/Term/Deny Date field.≠

Display Order Detail InformationDetailed information regarding a protection order is available (parties named in the order, who is protected/restrained, and the expiration/termination date) for each order. To display additional information:

Step 1:Click the Order Description link.

Result:The Order Detail Information page displays.

Step 2:Click Back in the tabbed portion of the frame to return to Case Orders .

Odyssey Protection OrdersOn the Case Order tab, the Order filed date is the Odyssey Order issued date.


Last updated: 03/09/2016


- Case Participants TabThe Case Participants tab displays all current and past participants for the case that has been selected in the top frame (highlighted yellow) in order of participant type and sequence number. . Alias names associated with a participant do not display in Case Participants results. Attorneys for superior court cases, or any non-major parties added in SCOMIS or Odyssey, do not display. Access the SCOMIS Name Screen on the JIS mainframe or the Parties Tab in Odyssey to view these parties.

Note: Odyssey case participants will be identified as Well Identified Parties and will have the WIP designation after them.

The case number appears as a hyperlink on the Case Participants tab if the court has installed the JABS Case Link Enhancement. Clicking a document hyperlink executes the court's local imaging system with the case number to display scanned images for the specified case number. See eService Answer - Viewing Scanned Images in JABS (#2128) for additional information.


Last updated: 08/23/2016


- Case Plea / Sentencing TabThe Plea / Sentencing tab provides a view to a Case's Sentencing information for the case selected in the top frame. For Superior Court cases using SCOMIS, the sentence information entered on the SCOMIS Sentence screen displays. For Superior Courts using Odyssey, the information entered on the Disposition Tab displays. On Courts of Limited Jurisdiction cases, the Plea and Sentence information entered on the JIS Plea/Sentence (PLS) screen displays.

Directions for using the Case Plea/Sent tab:Step 1:Select a hearing or case displayed in the top frame. The bottom frame displays the Summary tab.

Step 2:Click the Case Plea/Sent tab.

Result:The Sentence information or the Plea and Sentence information for the selected case displays.


Sentence information is extracted from the SCOMIS Sentence screen.


Odyssey Courts

Sentence information is extracted from the Odyssey Dispositions Tab.

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Plea and Sentence information is extracted from the Plea/Sentence (PLS) screen in JIS when a CLJ case is selected.


For more information about the SCOMIS Sentence screen, see the JIS Online Manual page Criminal/Juvenile Offender Case Resolution and Completion. For more information about the CLJ Plea/Sentencing screen, see the JIS Online Manual page Plea/Sentence (Courts of Limited Jurisdiction). For more information about the Odyssey Disposition Tab, see the Odyssey Online Manual page Dispositions Detail.

Last updated: 08/23/2016


- Case Proceedings TabThe Case Proceedings tab displays a list all past and future hearings for a selected case (highlighted yellow). To access the Proceedings tab: 1. Perform a Person Search. This displays the Individual Case History in the top frame. Click on a case to select. Click the Proceedings tab in the bottom frame to display past and future hearings set in the selected case. 2. Perform a Calendar Search. This displays a list of hearings in the top frame. Click on a case to select. Click the Proceedings tab in the bottom frame to display past and future hearings set in the selected case.

The case number appears as a hyperlink on the Case Proceedings tab if the court has installed the JABS Case Link Enhancement. Clicking a document hyperlink executes the court's local imaging system with the case number to display scanned images for the specified case number.See eService Answer - Viewing Scanned Images in JABS (#2128) for additional information.

Display Case Proceedings Detail InformationTo display specific information about a hearing (e.g., judge, courtroom, superior court estimated proceeding time):


Step 1:Click a hyperlink under Hearing .

Result:The Proceeding Detail Information page displays.

Step 2:Click the blue Back button in the Proceeding Detail Information frame to return to the Case Proceedings tab.

Last updated: 2012-2-17


- Case Summary TabThe following topics are available on this page:

General Information under the Summary TabViolation Information for Courts of Limited JurisdictionOfficer's Report and Links to Supporting Documents for eTicketsCharge Information for Criminal and Juvenile Offender Cases (Superior Court)Links to RCWPerson Comment (PCMT) Section

General Information under the Summary TabIndividual’s role in the case.≠Party's Address≠Cause of Action≠ Law Enforcement Agency (in courts of limited jurisdiction only).≠Case Type.≠Court name where the case was filed (Filed In).≠Order Type.≠Warrant Status.≠FTA Status (in courts of limited jurisdiction only).≠Case Disposition.≠

If the case originated from a Superior Court that has implemented Odyssey, both the Odyssey case number and the SCOMIS case number will appear at the top of the Summary tab.


The case number appears as a hyperlink on the Case Summary tab if the court has installed the JABS Case Link Enhancement. Clicking a document hyperlink executes the court's local imaging system with the case number to display scanned images for the specified case number. See eService Answer - Viewing Scanned Images in JABS (#2128) for additional information.

Violation Information for Courts of Limited JurisdictionThe following information displays below the general information in cases filed in the courts of limited jurisdiction:

Violation Date and Location.≠Original eTicket Violations.≠JIS Case Violations (Active Charges).≠Link to RCW statute.≠Officer's Report.≠ Domestic violence indicator.≠Arraignment date (if an arraignment has been filed).≠Finding or judgment narrative.≠

Original eTicket Violations

If there is an electronic ticket attached to the case, the ticket amount displays in the Original Bail field. If the case was filed with a paper ticket, the message See Paper Ticket displays.


JIS Case Violations

Displays active charges.

Officer’s Report and Links to Supporting Documents for eTickets:The Officer’s Report section on the Summary tab contains information added to the ticket by the officer. Separate affidavits or other reports (SMD affidavit, collision report, etc.) associated with a ticket that are filed by the officer and the Violator's copy of the eTicket are viewable in the Attachments section.

Click on the desired attachment to view. It opens in a separate browser window. Close the window to return to JABS.

Charge Information for Criminal and Juvenile Offender Cases (Superior Court)The following information displays below the general information for Criminal (Case Type 1) and Juvenile Offender (Case Type 8) cases filed in superior court:

Violation count number (Count).≠ RCW/Code.≠Descriptive title of the violation from the SCOMIS Law Table (Charge Description).≠ Link to the RCW statute.≠Charge Result Code from the SCOMIS Charge screen (Result).≠Domestic violence indicator (DV Related). In an Odyssey court, DV flag will display Yes for a

criminal case if RCW 10.99 is included or in a non-criminal case, if the DV flag is added.≠

Violation Date.≠For Odyssey courts, charges that are dropped will not display on the ICH or the Case

Summary tab.≠


Links to RCWClick the RCW link to view the statute from the legislative Web site.

Person Comment (PCMT) SectionThe Person Comment (PCMT) section is used by all court levels to record specific types of comments related to a person. Pursuant to EHB 1943, effective 7/24/2015, all trial courts are to track a person's home detention violations. Person Comment information includes:


TypeThe code which describes the type of comment. Refer to the online code manual Person Comment Types for a complete list of valid codes.

Comment The text associated with the comment displays in this area.

User The initials of the court user that entered or last updated the comment.

Court The initials of the court that entered or last updated the comment.

Updated The date the comment was entered or last updated.


Person Name The Person Name associated with that comment

AKAThis column displays an "A" if the Person Comment is associated with an AKA. If an "A" does not appear, the Person Comment is associated with the person's True Name.

IN# Displays the IN number associated with the Person Name linked to the comment.

JUV# Displays the JUV number associated with the Person Name linked to the comment.


Last updated: 08/23/2016


- Case Warrants TabThe Case Warrants tab was previously available to display current warrant status and prior warrant activity for the case selected in the top frame (highlighted in yellow). The Case Warrants tab has been removed from JABS. All warrant activity can now be viewed on the Person Warrants tab.

Superior Court CasesWarrant information is extracted from the SCOMIS case Docket based on warrant Docket Codes. The message No Warrants Found displays if the selected case has no warrant Docket Codes entered in SCOMIS.

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction CasesThe message No Warrants Found displays if the selected case has:

No warrant activity.≠Been archived.≠Been imported from a non-JIS court (e.g., Seattle Municipal).≠

Display Warrant Detail Information pageTo display additional warrant information (e.g., bail description, bail amount, date served, date returned, SCOMIS docket text):

Step 1:Click on a link under Status to select a warrant.



The Warrant Detail Information page displays.

Step 2:Click the Back button in the tabbed portion of the page to return to the Case Warrants tab.

Last updated: 2012-2-17


- Person Assessment TabThe Person Assessment tab displays the Adult Risk Assessment Reports generated for the Individual (IN) person selected during a Person or Case search, or selected in the top frame (highlighted in yellow) on the Calendar View.

Note:The tab will only be visible if you have been given access to the Assessments authority code in JIS. For more information on the settings required to see the Person Assessments tab see the Required JIS Security Profile Value Settings section of the JABS User Tasks page.

Directions for using the Assessment tab:Step 1:Select a hearing or case displayed in the top frame. The bottom frame displays the Summary tab.

Step 2:Click the Person Assessment tab.

Result:The list of Adult Static Risk Assessment (ASRA) reports completed for the selected person displays.

Step 3:Click a hyperlink under Assessment Date to view a completed report. The report will appear in a separate window.


If no assessments have been completed for the person or case selected the following message will appear.

For more information about the Adult Static Risk Assessment reports that appear on this tab, see the Adult Static Risk Assessment (ASRA) page on the Washington Courts web site.

Last updated: 2012-4-4


- Person DOL TabThe DOL PDF tab provides a view to an Individual (IN) Abstract Driving Record. This information is electronically transmitted from the Department of Licensing (DOL).

Directions for using the DOL tab:

Step 1:Select a hearing or case displayed in the top frame. The bottom frame displays the Summary tab.

Step 2:Click the Person DOL PDF tab to view DOL information in a PDF format..

Result: The Abstract Driving Record in DOL PDF format displays for the person. The number of pages in the PDF displays in red letters at the top of the screen.

Note:When a JIS Person Record does not include driver license information, a


DOL search is completed based on the person name and date of birth. If a Washington license has been issued the Department of Licensing (DOL) returns the Abstract for the new license that is displayed in JABS with a notation of new license information.When a JIS Person Record does not include driver license information or date of birth (e.g., an organization record), a DOL search is not requested and JABS displays the message, “No Request Made to DOL.”When a Washington license is purged due to name change or other reason and a new license has been issued, JABS displays the new license Abstract along with the purged license number for the individual. When a JIS Person Record includes an out-of-state driver’s license, a DOL search is completed based on the person name and date of birth. If a Washington license has been issued, JABS displays the Washington Abstract information along with the out-of-state license number for the person. If no Washington license has been issued, JABS displays the message, “NO RECORD ON FILE.”

***Select Person for DOL SearchWhen selecting the DOL tab, if a JIS Person Record does not have a Washington State Driver's License or has one that has been purged, the system will search the DOL database using the name and date of birth. A list of possible results will be returned, select the desired Abstract of Driving Record by clicking the hyperlink.


- Person Family Relations TabThe Family Relations tab displays relationship information recorded for a JIS Individual (IN) or Odyssey Well Identified Party (WIP), including relationships recorded for Alias names associated to an IN record or WIP .

Both courts of limited jurisdiction and superior courts using SCOMIS enter family relationships for participants in protection order cases initiated in JIS. Superior Courts using Odyssey enter family relationships in Odyssey and those relationships for copied to JIS Juvenile departments enter family relationships for participants in referrals filed using the JIS Person Database. Juvenile departments also add Resides With and Responsible Person types of relationships for these participants.

Note:Family relationship information entered by juvenile departments does not display for superior courts or courts of limited jurisdiction.


Last updated: 08/23/2016


- Person FTAs TabThe Person FTAs tab (Failure to Appear or Respond) displays a statewide list of all ordered or issued FTAs for a person . The FTA information applies only to courts of limited jurisdiction.

Note:This page lists only ordered or issued FTA information for a person, and collections information about the case and person for whom the FTA is issued. This page does NOT list all collections information for a person. The person may have additional financial obligations or other cases in collections.

The message No FTAs found for this person displays if the person has no ordered or issued FTAs recorded in JIS. Collection status displays if the case is selected for JIS collections processing, or has been assigned to a collection agent.

Last updated: 2012-2-22


- Person Orders TabTo ensure that conflicting orders are not issued, the Person Orders tab displays all protection orders recorded in JIS for a person statewide. Protection orders entered in JIS for cases in court jurisdictions in Washington will display here.

Display Additional Order DetailDetailed information regarding a protection order is available (parties named in the order, who is protected/restrained, and the expiration/termination/denied date of the order) for each order. Active orders will appear in bold and red at the top of the list of orders and others will appear chronologically below. To display this additional information:

Step 1:Click on a link under Order Description to select an order.

Result:The Order Detail Information page displays.

Step 2:Click the Back button in the tabbed portion of the page to return to Person Orders.


Last updated: 08/23/2016


- Person Proceedings TabThe Person Proceedings tab displays a statewide list of future and past hearings for an Individual (IN). Future proceedings display in the first section. The sort order is by date and time, with the soonest hearing at the top of the list.Past proceedings display in the next section. The sort order is by date and time, with the most recent hearing at the top of the list.

Display Proceedings Detail InformationAdditional information for a hearing may be available (e.g., judge, courtroom, superior court estimated proceeding time). To display additional hearing information:

Step 1:Click the Hearing link.


Result:The Proceeding Detail Information page displays.

Step 2:Click the blue Back button in the tabbed portion of the page to return to the Person Proceedings tab.

Last updated: 2015-12-11


- Person Warrants TabThe Warrants tab displays the current warrant status and prior warrant activity for an individual.

Warrant Status CodesThe Warrant Code for a case appears under the W column in the Individual Case History. If the warrant is active, the code I will appear in red and bold . All active warrants appear in red and bold at the top of the list of orders. All other orders will appear chronologically.


Code DefinitionI IssuedO OrderedM Warrant activity on Superior Court case with multiple

defendantsN Past Activity (includes warrant recalled, quashed, expired,

served, or canceled before issuance).

* Archived Case (does NOT indicate past warrant activity on archived case).

# Imported from Non-JIS Court

Odyssey cases

Code DefinitionI Issued

O Ordered M Warrant activity on Superior Court case with multiple

defendants N Past Activity (Includes FTA canceled, warrant recalled,

quashed, expired, served, or canceled before issuance.BI Issued Bench Warrant AI Issued Warrant of ArrestPO Order of Warrant for Apprehension/Pick-upBOI Ordered and Issued Bench WarrantAOI Ordered and Issued Warrant of ArrestBO Ordered Bench Warrant


AO Ordered Warrant of ArrestBQ Quashed Bench WarrantAQ Quashed Warrant of ArrestPR Returned from Warrant for Apprehension/Pick-upBR Sheriff's Return of Bench Warrant

BQR Sheriff's Return of Quashed Bench WarrantAQR Sheriff's Return of Quashed Warrant of ArrestAR Sheriff's Return of Warrant of Arrest* Archived Case (does NOT indicate past FTA or warrant

activity on archived case)# Imported from Non-JIS Court

Superior Court CasesWarrant information from Superior Courts using SCOMIS is extracted from the case Docket based on warrant Docket Codes. Warrant information from courts using Odyssey is extracted from the Warrants Tab. The message No Warrants Found displays if the selected case has no warrant Docket Codes entered in SCOMIS.

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction CasesThe message No Warrants Found displays if the selected case has:

No warrant activity.≠Been archived.≠Been imported from a non-JIS court (e.g., Seattle Municipal).≠

Display Warrant Detail Information pageTo display additional warrant information (e.g., bail description, bail amount, date served, date returned, SCOMIS docket text):

Step 1:Click on a link under Status to select a warrant.


Result:The Warrant Detail Information page displays.

Step 2:Click the Back button in the tabbed portion of the page to return to the Warrants tab.

Last updated: 2012-2-22


Banner LogoThe Judicial Information System logo located in the banner provides a link that displays the JABS logon page. Display of the logon page automatically logs the user off and releases the previous session's resources.

Last Updated: 2009-05-15



Roll Over HelpThe cursor image changes to include a question mark when additional information is available for an item pointed to by the cursor.

When the cursor changes to include a question mark, allow the cursor to rest on the item for a moment to display roll over help.

Last updated: 2009-05-15


JIS Court IDs and DescriptionsThe three character JIS court IDs and descriptions are available at JIS Court IDs. This link opens a separate browser window which may be re-sized and moved. To exit, close the separate browser window.

Last updated: 2012-2-16


Search JABS HelpA keyword search may be used to locate information in JABS Help.

Step 1:Click the Search tab in the wide gray bar at the top of the page.

Step 2:Type the desired keyword or keywords in the Type in the word(s) to search for: field.

Hint: To search for exact wording, put quotation marks around the words or phrase.

Step 3:Press Enter .

Result:JABS Help topics that contain the keyword or keywords are listed.

Last Updated: 2016-08-23


Printing JABS PagesWeb browsers are frequently updated. As a result, functionality which existed in a previous version may no longer exist or may have changed in the updated version.

Print Help TopicsJABS Help opens in a frame environment on a Web page. The table of contents appears in the left frame and the selected content appears in the right frame. To print the complete content of a JABS Help page without the table of contents, follow these steps.

Step 1:Display the page. Click File from the browser's menu, or right click the page, then click Print Preview .Note :The right click feature will not work on the Calendar View portion of JABS.

Step 2:On the Print Preview menu, click the down arrow to the right of As laid out on screen to display the options. Select All frames individually .


Step 3:Click Print from the Print Preview .

Last updated: 2009-05-15


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