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Page 1: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

Welcome to our class!!

Page 2: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.


guessing game

I have some

letters which are

disordered. You

have to arrange

them into the

right word.

Economic Reforms

Page 3: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

Unit 7 :

Part A :

Page 4: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.


Page 5: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

1.What can you see in the picture?

2. Do you think that the people in this picture lead a rich or a poor life?

3. What, in your opinion, should be done to improve the situation?

Page 6: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

Vocabulary• measure ['meʒə] (n):

• initiate [i'ni∫iit] (v):

• agriculture ['ægrikʌlt∫ə] (n)

Page 7: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

Vocabulary• eliminate [i'limineit] (v):

• intervention[,intə'ven∫n] (n):

• reaffirm ['ri:ə'fə:m] (v):

• domestic [də'mestik] (a):

Page 8: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

The Prime Minister reaffirms that the government is introducing good measures for this problem.






Page 9: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

• Match the words in column A with column B




Page 10: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.


1. National Congress

2.Enterprises Law

3. substantial

4. stagnant

5. inflation

6. renovation

7. dissolve

8. government subsidies

9. dominate

10. government commitment

a. trì trệ

b. Luật Doanh Nghiệp

c. Quốc Hội

d. lớn, đáng kể

e. lạm phát

g. sự bao cấp của chính phủ

h. sự đổi mới

i. tan rã

k. Sự cam kết của chính phủ

l. Chi phối, thống trị

Page 11: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.



2Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

Page 12: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

Statements:1. Economic reform is the most important measure to

be taken to promote the development of a country.

2. Doi Moi was initiated by the Vietnamese Government in 1986

3. Before Doi Moi, inflation was present in all branches of the national economy

4. To make Doi Moi to be successful, the Government shifted only economic priority from heavy industry to three major economic programmes

5. The Land Law and the Enterprises Law have encouraged both domestic and foreign private investment







Page 13: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

Answer the following questions

1. When and by whom was Doi Moi officially initiated?

In December 1986, at the Sixth National Congress and by the Vietnamese Communist Party.

2. What was the aim of Doi Moi?

To restructure the economy of Vietnam and

to raise the living standards of the people.




Page 14: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

3. Name the renovation measures the Government introduced to implement Doi Moi:

Eliminating government subsidies; shifting economic priority from heavy industry to three major economic programmes: production of food, production of consumer goods & production of exports; opening trade relations with all countries & encouraging foreign & domestic private investment.

4. How was Vietnam changed since Doi Moi?

Our country has undergone some subtantial changes:

5. What do we believe?

We believe that with strong of our Party & Government to Doi Moi, we will gain greater achievements & build a better life for our people

Page 15: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

After you read:

Scan the passage and make brief notes of the following points:

Page 16: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.



Before Doi Moi The Government’s Renovation Measures Since Doi Moi

The Government’s Renovation Measures

Economy: ………...

………………………. living standards:




& inflation in every

Eliminated ……………………………………………..Shifted ………………….……………………………..……………………………..…………………………….. Reduced ……………….……………………………..Opened ………………………………………………..……………………………..Encouraged …………………………………………..

Productivity and agricultural exports : …………………………. Farmers : …………..………………………… Workers : …………………………. Children:………………………………….…………………….

under- developed



schools & hospitals

government subsidies.

economic priority from heavy industry to three major economic programmes.

state intervention in business trade relations with all countries in the world.

foreign and domestic investment

constantly increased enjoyed land use rights

worked harder enjoyed education and training.

Page 17: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

→ Learn the new words

→ Make a summary about Vietnam before Doi Moi and since Doi Moi.

→ Prepare for the speaking lesson.


Page 18: Welcome to our class!! CCOONMIE FERROMS guessing game I have some letters which are disordered. You have to arrange them into the right word. Economic.

Thanks for your attention!!!

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