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Welcome toWatson Innovation Day

Lauri SaftDirector, Partner RecruitmentIBM Watson Ecosystem

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The Watson Ecosystem is about you, and this Watson Innovation Day is for you

Here’s what we hope you get out of today:

• Inspire you with a clearer understanding of how IBM Watson can propel your business to a new level

• Help shape the vision for your Watson cognitive application with an actionable success criteria

• Equip you with a pragmatic sense for the process to build a Watson application and the enabling technology that is available to you

• Give you a tangible feel for how IBM will partner with you, from inception through go-to-market and beyond to help you make money

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What’s in it for you in the IBM Watson Ecosystem partnership?

• Growth through new revenue opportunities and reach to new clients

• Branding your cognitive application; “Powered by Watson”

• Build a competitive edge to disrupt your market

• Align with IBM Watson Research as we move build the cognitive era

• Collaborative IBM/Partner presentations at industry & IBM customer events

• Define a new industry standard

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Time Agenda Speaker

8:00am – 8:30am Registration / Breakfast / Networking

8:30a-9:30am IBM Watson Level Set: What is Watson / Cognitive computing, What does the Ecosystem have to offer you? Where is IBM taking Watson in the future?

Lauri SaftDirector, IBM Watson Partner Recruiting

9:30am - 10:15am Getting Ready for Watson – How to Evaluate the Business and Technical Synergy and Chart Your Course for a Watson Cognitive Application

Jodie SasseDirector, IBM Watson Partner Engagement

10:15am - 10:30am


10:30am - 11:00pm

Our Journey with WatsonJeff CohenCo-Founder, WellTok

11:00am – 11:45am Getting Started with Watson: An Overview of the “Powered by Watson” Development Process with the Watson Developer Cloud

Sridhar SudarsanCTO, IBM Watson Ecosystem

11:45am – 12:00pm

Wrap up: Where Do I Go From Here?Lauri Saft

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Lunch and Networking Chicago room

1:00pm – 3:00pm1:1 Consultations with IBM Watson ExecutivesHands on “Work with Watson” Sessions with IBM Watson Technologists

Breakout rooms


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What is Watson andCognitive Computing?

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On February 14, 2011

made history

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Watson is ushering in a new era of computing

TabulatingSystems Era

ProgrammableSystems Era

CognitiveSystems Era

1900 1950 2011

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Watson has opened up a world of new possibilities

















2880 cores

Single user system

2-3 sentences input

5+ days to retrain

Wikipedia, general corpus

Single Power 750, 240% faster

1000s of users

20 pages of input

< Day to ingest and train

Medical corpus

Watson cloud service

Millions of users

Dialog chaining

Few hours

Broad industry corpus

s sp





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2013 recap

Watson Engagement

Advisor - May 21st

�Watson Engagement Advisor announced

�Cross-industry and cross-geography play

January April July October

First Two Commercial


February 8th

First 2 healthcare products were announced with MSK and WellPoint


Watson Ecosystem

November 14th�Watson Ecosystem

announced�Driving innovation and

fostering new possibilities

Watson Healthcare Update – Oct. 18�MD Anderson launches Expert Oncology Advisor powered by Watson�Watson used to bridge clinical practice and medical research

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Watson has the potential to transform how industries and individuals interact and make every day decisions. Watson helps make individuals, enterprises and society smarter by

engaging the collective knowledge and insight of the market.

IBM is investing in Watson’s future – January, 2014 announce

• IBM Watson Group•2000+ professionals•$1B+ invested over next few years•New Watson HQ – NY (Silicon Alley)•New Watson Offerings•$100M equity investment in the Watson


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Understands natural language and human style communication

Adapts and learnsfrom training, interaction, and outcomes

Generates and evaluates evidence-based hypothesis

1 2


Watson combines transformational capabilities to deliver a new world experience

Watson understands me.

Watson engages me.

Watson learns and improves over time.

Watson helps me discover.

Watson establishes trust.

Watson has endless capacity for insight.

Watson operates in a timely fashion.

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Watson makes sense of natural language, like:

Welch ran this?

“If leadership is an art then surely Jack Welch has proved himself a master painter during his tenure at GE.”

Person Organization

L. Gerstner IBM

J. Welch GE

W. Gates Microsoft

Structured Data Unstructured Data

Understanding language is critical to 21st century computing

• Noses that run and feet that smell?

• Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?

• How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?

• How can a house burn up as it burns down?

• Why do we fill in a form by filling it out?

• How does an alarm go off by going on?

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Deep natural language processing is NOT keyword search

� Watson is not about rules-based search or speech processing

� Traditional systems use keyword and synonym matching to find documents

� Expert systems need rules to demonstrate expertise

� These systems trade off precision for accuracy outside of what they are programmed to recognize

� Cognitive systems, like humans, know how to apply context, fill in the gaps, resolve ambiguity and uncertainty, and accurately interpret language

Keyword search and expert systems are

not able to recognize the subtleties,

idiosyncrasies, and ambiguities inherent in common human


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Answering complex questions requires more than keyword evidence



In May



In May



in Portugal

In May, Gary arrived in India

after he celebrated his

anniversary in Portugal






In May 1898 Portugal celebrated

the 400th anniversary of this

explorer’’’’s arrival in India

This evidence suggests “Gary” is the answer BUT the system must learn that keyword matching may be

weak relative to other types of evidence

arrived in

arrival in


Keyword ““““Hit””””

Reference Text


Weak evidenceRed Text

Question: Supporting Evidence:

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Watson leverages multiple algorithms to perform deeper analysis

27th May


Vasco da


landed in







DateMatch Stronger evidence can be

much harder to find and score…

� Search far and wide

� Explore many hypotheses

� Find judge evidence

� Many inference algorithms

On the 27th of May 1498, Vasco

da Gama landed in Kappad


400th anniversary


May 1898


In May 1898 Portugal celebrated the

400th anniversary of this explorer’’’’s arrival in India.




Temporal Reasoning

Reference Text


Statistical Paraphrasing

GeoSpatial Reasoning

Question: Supporting Evidence:

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What is the IBM Watson Ecosystem?

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Enhance customer / member / Enhance customer / member / Enhance customer / member / Enhance customer / member /

citizen / patients experiencecitizen / patients experiencecitizen / patients experiencecitizen / patients experience

Watson Developer Cloud delivers the tools, methodologies, software developer kits and API(s) for App Partners to build the next generation of cognitive applications.

Watson Talent

Hub bridges App Partnersresource gaps by providing a marketplace for critical cognitive, big data, UI, and mobility skills.

IBM Watson Ecosystem – a community of complementary, interconnected partners

Watson Content

Store provides sources of free and fee based

content including public, subscribed and












Watson Watson Watson Watson

Developer Developer Developer Developer




& Tools

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A community for ongoing dialogue, collaboration & interaction

� Developer Q&A Forum: DeveloperWorks

� Active forums and blogs

� https://www.ibmdw.net/watson/

� Engagement with IBM Watson technologists and other SME’s

� “Office Hours” on the dW forum12-1pm EST through April 14, 2014

� Watson “Tech Talks” web conferences –coming in Q2, 2014

� Growing social dialogue

� Twitter: @IBMWatson

� LinkedIn: Watson Advocates Group

� Facebook: facebook.com/ibmwatson

� In process

� Single community with tools, tips, tricks, ideas and conversation

� Meet-ups and hangouts with Cognitive business & tech leaders

� Content, Interaction, and events

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• Work with a handful of partners in target industries (healthcare, retail, travel & transportation)• Harden platform & tools• Refine content ingestion • Build scalable approach to the broader partner marketplace

2Q 2014

• First “Powered by Watson” cognitive application partners commercialize products and bring to market

• Expand content partnerships for general domain and industry specific content stores• Talent partnerships expanded to meet needs of new partners and new markets

2H 2014

• Expansion into English speaking international markets• Streamlined self-service tools deployed through Watson Experience Manager• Additional Watson capabilities/services brought online for Ecosystem Partners

1H 2015

• Developer Cloud opened to a broaderpartner marketplace

The Partner Ecosystem will expand aggressively each quarter

1H 2014

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A clearing house of unique and varying sources of data –general knowledge, industry specific content, and subject

matter expertise – from a variety of sources.

The Watson Content Store offers fuel for apps

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• Fuel your application with a variety of content

•Easily access multiple sources•Quickly get value from content

Content Providers

•Distribute via a new channel•Generate revenue•Control price & use•Gain insight into adoption


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Healthcare Example using IBM Watson Content Store


Types of Content

• Content Store: General, Domain Specific

• App: Partner Specific, Client Specific

Content Models

• Subscription

• Transaction

• Other

MedInsights Procedures

MMG Best Practices

Domain Content

Partner App

Client & Partner Content

Healthcare Platform

General Content

Watson Healthcare Cloud

MidWest Medical


Excel Physicians Practice

MedInsights powered by IBM Watson

Watson Platform

Medical Journals

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IBM Watson works with talent partners to make their skills available in the Watson Talent Hub to assist Development Partners

Watson SMEs provide input and coaching to the Talent Partners

Talent Partners develop Watson-validated talent

Talent Partners build individual landing pages

Talent Partners engage App

Partners to learn about their needs

Talent Partner receive project

requests from App Partners

App Partners agree to terms and provide

basic information

App Providers gain access to

Watson-validated talent





Watson hosts a Talent Hub within the Experience


App Partners find Talent Partner landing pages through WEM

Talent Hub

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Talent groups follow the cognitive application development lifecycle. NLP and AI skills are not required to launch a “Powered by Watson app

Content Management

User Experience Design

Cross-Platform / Web


Front-end Development

Web Crawling &

Content Scraping

Web Scripting


User Experience

User Interface Web Framework Libraries


Talent Groups

Specialty Fields

Talent groups launching in 2Q 2014

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Access to talent is simplified and streamlined

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Talent validation will evolve into a formal Certification Program

Content Management

Situational Exam

Watson Fundamentals

Multiple Choice

User Experience

Situational ExamFront-end Development

Situational Exam

Content CollectionContent Curation


Recurring feeds

UI/UX DesignVisualCopy

Cross-platform Application Development

Mobile Application Development


Broad-based knowledge of Watson

Talent Partner Qualified Talent

Level II: Demonstrated domain expertise as it relates to Watson

Level I: Demonstrated general domain expertise and understanding of Watson

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Take the Watson Developer Challenge:

• Opportunity for Mobile Developers to create the next great cognitive mobile app –announced at Mobile World Congress by Ginni Rometty

• Finalists get access to Watson for one business week to prototype their Watson instance and mobile app

• The top 5 prototypes present live to IBM Executives

• Winners join the Watson Ecosystem and get access to IBM Interactive design Services

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Contest OverviewSubmissions: 2/26/2014 – 4/15/2014Finalist selection: 4/28Prototyping Period: 4/28 – 5/20Winners Announced: 5/31

• Submission phase: Applicant submit their application concepts.

• Judging is based on:

• Target market that is clearly defined

• Compelling use case for Watson

• Can be delivered via mobile

• Access to data to provide insight (English prose in text form)

• Existing customer base

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1:1 business and technical consultations are available today from 1-3pm. Sign up at registration desk.

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Getting Ready for WatsonEvaluating the Business and Technical Synergy and Charting Your Course

Jodie SasseProgram Director, EngagementsIBM Watson Ecosystem

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How do I start my journey with IBM Watson?

1.What is the business value to the “Powered by Watson”

application you intend to build?

2.Does the application draw upon the unique characteristics

and capabilities of a cognitive offering?

3.Has the content that will fuel the application been

identified and can it be secured/licensed for the intended use?

Have a question and answer interaction pattern, with questions posed in natural language

Seek answers and insights from a defined content repository comprised largely of unstructured data

Need transparency and supporting

evidence for confidence weighted responses to questions and queries

The best use cases must…..

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• Ownership / Access to content • Form - unstructured• Format – ingestible

• Use case alignment w/technology

• Leverages cognitive strengths

• Market potential • Market impact (disruptive)

• Exec sponsorship• Priority capability• Resource commitment

• Anchor client potential

• Installed base

Requirements for rapid success

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What do I get as an IBM Watson Ecosystem Application Partner?

� Use of the Watson Developer Cloud, including: �Watson Experience Manger and other tooling

�API to access the QA service to Watson

�Documentation and tutorials

�Workspace to enrich Watson with content

�Workspace to train and test your application

�Customizable user interface to embed into your application

�Guidelines on using Watson elements in the application

� Upload content into the Watson Content Store or source through Ecosystem partners

� Access to a network of partners, customers, content and talent

� Support from a collaborative community of IBM technical, marketing and sales resources

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� Work with IBM team to solidify use case strategy

� Define business case & content strategy

� Access the Watson Dev Cloud through tools and API

� Build the prototype solution

� Socialize in market

� Build a commercial application, enrich, train and test application

� Final testing before product release

� Execute on Go to Market

� Deploy the product “Powered by Watson”

� Expand usage in future releases

Planning your Watson application roadmap in 12 – 16 weeks

• Align use case with rapid start criteria

� Sign up IBM PartnerWorld

� Submit Ecosystem application

Ready Engage Prototype Build Deploy

Go-to-Market Plan and Execute

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1. Explore use case for Watson business and technical alignment

2. Submit Watson Ecosystem application https://ibm.biz/watsonecosystemapply

3. Join the IBM PartnerWorld community at http://www.ibm.com/PartnerWorld

Step 1: Ready Phase

Ready Engage Prototype Build Deploy

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� Access the Watson Developer Cloud

� Enrich Watson : Acquire, Upload, Ingest, Deploy content using the Watson Experience Manager

� Create application prototype with Watson as a component

� Identify and begin acquiring content

� Create user experience mockups

� Develop Q&A pairs

� Test

� Socialize prototype with client base

Phase 2: Prototype

Ready Engage Prototype Build Deploy

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� Capture market requirements through advanced discussions with early clients

� Create a minimum viable product “Powered by Watson”

� Continue to refine the architecture, design for interaction and integration patterns with Watson

� Sign beta clients

� Develop application Iteratively:

� Enrich Watson further with content

� Train Watson using Subject Matter Experts

� Test functionally and non-functionally

� Plan for go-to-market (sales, support, marketing)

� Formalize content strategy

Phase 3: Build

Ready Engage Prototype Build Deploy

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� Prepare for commercialization, launch and other go-to-market activities

� Plan for application rollout with initial set of users

� Set up support, system usage metrics, and other parameters for application monitoring

� Execute on plan to expand users, application functionality and content

� Based on market feedback and usage, iteratively plan and build out scenario(s) further and more broadly

Phase 4: Deploy

Ready Engage Prototype Build Deploy

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What is the cost to be part of the IBM Watson Ecosystem?

Application Partners

IBM Developer Cloud

Engage, Prototype, Build Phase: Free

Deploy phase : Revenue share

Deploy phase,: Application Hosting thru Softlayer Optional) Contracted and billed separately

IBM Watson Content Store

• Free to upload own data• Content available via Content Store with standard

terms: Free and Fee

IBM Watson Talent Hub

• Certified talent resources: Fee based determined by talent provider

Content Partners

• Free to upload and process content on the IBM Watson Content Store

• Revenue share for content used

Talent Partners

• Free participation (qualified) in IBM Watson Talent Hub• Revenue share for talent services provided

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Getting Started with WatsonAn Overview of the Watson Development Process

Sridhar SudarsanChief Technical OfficerIBM Watson Ecosystem

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Access Watson Developer Cloudusing Watson Experience Manager

Develop app

“Powered by


using APIs

Enrich Watsonwith content

Train Watson using tools and experts

Test app

functional and


Deploy application

The process for building your “Powered by Watson” app

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Access Watson Developer Cloudusing Watson Experience Manager

Develop app

“Powered by


using APIs

Enrich Watsonwith content

Train Watson using tools and experts

Test appfunctional andnon-functional

Deploy application

The process for building your “Powered by Watson” app

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Design and Develop “Powered by Watson”apps using the QA API

1. Design interaction and integration patterns with Watson and implement proof points as necessary

2. Establish the architecture with Watson and other components

3. Implement and model solution to scale as a product with customization

Key points

Access Watson Developer Cloud

using Watson Experience Manager

Develop app “Powered by Watson”using APIs





Watson using tools

and experts

Test app

functional and




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Application powered by Watson using QAAPI

Pose Natural language question

Communicates with Watson using


Get response

Optionally, further apply Watson response

and/or other metadata

An example solution pattern used with Watson

• Design a solution with Watson as a key component

• Model the interaction patterns with Watson

• Create user experience mockups for the solution

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Guidelines for interaction patterns with Watson

Use the following guidelines when evaluating the suitability of a specific solution:

•Tips for the “Ask” service

•Answers must be found in the content resources ingested in Watson •Answers must be explicit in the content; Watson cannot synthesize answers•Answers must be discrete – Watson cannot combine information from various documents or create an answer that is a deduction from passages it finds (future)•Questions must not require Watson to make judgments

•Descriptive questions

•Questions can be approximately one to three sentences long•Questions should require answers of a small paragraph (about three sentences or less)

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Watson works with different types of interactions

Question Type Description Example

Factoid( only supported question capability in

Jeopardy )

Simple fact regarding time, location, reference, quantity

Q: What fees are charged with XXX fund?

Descriptive Description about a topicQ: How are Roth and traditional IRAs different?

Yes /NoSimple one response answers

Q: Are Roth IRA contributions tax deductible?

Procedural – How ToHow to question that returns list of steps

Q: How do I plan for college education?

Procedural –Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting questionsQ: Why did I have a fee charged on my brokerage?

Definition Definition of industry terms Q: What is a 529 plan?

Training on each type of question enables Watson to provide a high quality experience for each user

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Using the QAAPI with Watson

� Integrate and Interact with Watson from Mobile or other Self Care Apps using a RESTful API

� Response, confidence evidence and other response metadata can be manipulated, enriched and used part of a conversation; or to a component in the system downstream for further processing

Configure parameters,

including Basic Auth using

the user id and password

for Watson Developer

Cloud, POST question;

Receive question, obtain

response JSON

Return JSON response

and authentication token

Receive response from


Send response to user or

further processing

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Integration with Watson – Sample JSON request / response




Answer #1

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Access the Watson Developer Cloud using the Watson Experience Manager (WEM)

With Watson Experience Manager:

• Developers can use APIs to access Watson and test “Powered by Watson” apps

• Data Scientists can manage their content used to enrich Watson

• User experience developers can customize or create user interaction models with Watson

• Domain experts can train and test their “Powered by Watson” apps

WEM provides a role based set of tools for SME, Watson administrators, and Domain Experts

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� Administration

� Manage User Roles

� View Usage Reports

� Configuration

� Configure, Style, & Theme out of the box UI

� Define confidence threshold

Watson Experience Manager – Configuration

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Enrich Watsonwith content

1. Enrich Watson with relevant content to fuel the applications

2. Use Watson Experience Manager to upload, ingest, deploy content

3. Leverage the Watson Content Store to acquire public, subscribed or enterprise content

Key points

Access Watson Developer Cloud

using Watson Experience Manager

Develop app

“Powered by

Watson”using APIs

Enrich Watsonwith content


Watson using tools

and experts

Test app

functional and




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Proprietary Content







Public Domain & Social

IBM Watson


Application Partners

Source Prepare



Select Content

Build Apps w/API’s


App Users

Unstructured Data From Enterprise Apps

CRM eComm

Workforce HR





Domain Specific Content Providers

Email, Collaboration,

Open Data


End Users

The content journey



Watson Content Store

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Content guidelines in detail

� IBM Watson requires a knowledge database (corpus) that contains information from which to formulate correct answers

� Content ingested into IBM Watson means that content is processed by the system such that correct segments of data can be quickly retrieved

� Content can come from a variety of sources and will have to be physically made available

� Content requires a level of cleansing and curation for Watson to be effective

Proprietary Content







Public Domain & Social


Unstructured Data From Enterprise Apps

CRM eComm

Workforce HR





Domain Specific Content Providers

Email, Collaboration,

Open Data


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Content ingestion – Supported contentTypes of Unstructured Data that can be Ingested in Watson


� Websites

� Domain Independent Content

� FAQ pages

� Forums

� Product Descriptions

� Product Catalog Export

� Product Reviews

� Social Network Extracts

�Microsoft Word

� Operational Runbook’s

� Policies & Procedures

� Contracts & Agreements

� Terms & Conditions


– Product Manuals

– Financial Reports (sans graphs)

– Analyst Research

– User Guides

– Troubleshooting Guide

– Terms & Conditions

– Setup & Configuration Guides

– Magazines & Journals

� Text

– Extracted Interaction Logs from CRM, Trouble Ticket, Care, Media Asset Management applications

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� Understand graphics (images, videos, sound …)

� Ingest directly from a structured data source (Database, Datawarehouse)

� There are architectural patterns and capabilities in Watson to be able to integrate with structured data sources

�Nested tabular data

�Call data records, sensor logs, meter data, etc.

What Watson cannot ingest yet ….

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What Works?

Documents that are relevant to the use case under consideration

Understanding the validity of documents & frequency of changes

Well formed semantics – titles, sections, headings, sub-headings

What Does Not?

Access to glossary, abbreviations would be helpful and preferred

If HTML – removing headers, footers, sidebars improves responses

Corpus contain answers to the intended questions

Scanned Docs (OCR), Charts, Non-English, Password Protected, Noisy Chat Logs

Nested Tables; Image right document with no descriptions; Log & Sensor Data

Mismatch in the content ingested and the questions end users are asking

General guidance on content selection

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Content crawling & curation – Items to consider

�Content Acquisition

� Crawling

� Integration with ECM/KMS/DMS systems

� Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

�Content Curation

� Cleansing, Preparation, Aggregation & Enrichment

�Content Lifecycle Management

� Stale content

� Refreshing content

�Content Metadata, Licenses & Attribution

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Content crawling & curation – Example content

� Based on this content one might be interested in understanding the following.

� Various domain (medical health in this case) terms or concepts such as diseases, symptoms (headache, sore throat etc.), associated health conditions (asthma, diabetes etc.), vaccinations etc.

� Concepts or terms expressed in different ways (flu Vs. influenza, running nose Vs. cold etc.)

� Timing in terms of when the disease is more prevalent during a given year.

� Statistics in terms of how many people were affected over the years.

� Locations and other geo references made in the document with respect to the concepts or terms.

� Co-references or relationships or associated side effects with other health conditions (Guillain–Barré Syndrome, chronic lung disease etc.), vaccination options etc.

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� Based on this content one might be interested in understanding the following.

� Various domain (telecom in this case) terms or concepts such as equipment types (gateway, router, receiver), problems (connection issues, no audio etc.), associated conditions (correct cabling, receiver configuration, etc.), abbreviations etc.

� Concepts or terms expressed in different ways (receiver Vs STB Vs DVR, router Vs gateway etc.)

� Timing in terms of when a particular problem is more prevalent post service install & activation

� Statistics in terms of how many people were affected over the years.

� Locations and other geo references made in the document with respect to the concepts or terms.

� Co-references or relationships or associated service problems with other conditions or issues (DVR Recording & Memory Capacity, Data Features & Connectivity etc.), upgrades, value added options etc.

Content crawling & curation – Example content

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Watson Experience Manager – Corpus management

� Content:

� Content Upload & Management – Not an ECM tool

� View Ingested Corpus

� Allows for on-demand corpus pre-processing & ingestionNumber of

Docs Ingested

as Corpus

View Ingested

Document &


Tag Each


Ingest into

Corpus on-


Upload &



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Train Watsonwith tools and experts

1. Watson is a cognitive system that is trained by experts and users and learns over time

2. Watson Experience Manager allows domain experts to provide training data like question and answer pairs

3. Watson is trained iteratively – follows a cycle of collecting realistic training data, running training experiments, testing, error analysis.

Key points

Access Watson Developer Cloud

using Watson Experience Manager

Develop app

“Powered by

Watson”using APIs

Enrich Watsonwith content

Train Watson using tools and experts

Test app

functional and




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� Training:

� Allow SME’s to enter & manage “Question & Answer” pairs

� Review & Approve Q&A Pairs

� Forms the basis for training data to help train Watson

� Goal is to build a representative set that enables Watson to understand the domain's language characteristics

Drive towards a


Approve, Edit,

Add Comments

Sample Q&A

Pair Instance

Watson Experience Manager – Create Q&A pairs to help train Watson

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� Suite of tools for training and testing Watson

� Test, train, and improve the accuracy of the system

� SDK and a set of extensions points to develop tools to add to the platform



Error Analysis

Key tools & capabilities – Watson common tooling platform

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Test “Powered by Watson” apps (Functional and non-functional)

1. Watson Experience Manager offers ways to test the responses from Watson

2. Testing is an iterative process to improve responses; and test integration with Watson

3. In addition to functional tests, plan to perform stress tests based on user ramps, and other non functional tests.

Key points

Access Watson Developer Cloud

using Watson Experience Manager

Develop app

“Powered by

Watson”using APIs





Watson using tools

and experts

Test app

functional andnon-functional



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Watson Experience Manager – Testing

� Testing

� Test system by asking questions



Confidence of

the response

Evidence -

where the


passage was


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Deploy “Powered by Watson”applications

1. Roll out the application using the production topology

2. Set up support teams and processes for handling user queries

3. Establish a set of metrics to be collected, with tools to support the process.

Key points

Access Watson Developer Cloud

using Watson Experience Manager

Develop app

“Powered by

Watson”using APIs

Enrich Watsonwith content


Watson using tools

and experts

Test app

functional and




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Deploying your “Powered by Watson” solution

• Rollout iteratively

•Create a rollout plan with the user base

•Size the system based on peak and scaled usage, failover and availability requirements and response times

•Establish SLAs and other metrics needed from the Watson Developer Cloud

•Determine any additional security provision needed

•Promote the powered by Watson application to the production zone in the Watson Developer Cloud

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Summary - 3 key takeaways



3Committed to partner success. New business unit, HQ in NY,

brings together research, development, service and go-to-market and features Innovation Hub with incubator, client solutions center and design lab

Consider the possible interaction patterns when designing your Watson app to create the optimal user experience (including factoids, descriptive, Yes/No, procedural, procedural troubleshooting and definitions).

The Watson Experience Manager (WEM), provides a platform to upload content, train Watson with question and answer pairs, and

test the system by asking questions.

The process for building a Watson app involves an iterative process of integrating Watson capabilities using the QAAPI, uploading content, training Watson, and testing the application for the appropriate response.

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Wrap up: Where Do I Go From Here?

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Where do I go from here?







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