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  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation

    This report is solely for the use of Client personnel. No part of it may be circulated,

    quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the Client organization without priorwritten approval from IBM. This material was used by IBM during an oralpresentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.

    March 07, 2011

    Air ProductsPlan/Product Supply Strategic DesignS&OP Transformation

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation



    Why S&OP?2

    S&OP Leading Practices3

    Common S&OP Challenges4

    Customer Experiences- Leading Consumer Electronics OEM- Leading Pharmanutritional Manufacturer



  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Efficient Sales & Operations Planning enables integrated supply chainplanning

    Sales &Operations


    Demand Management MT Supply Planning ST Supply Planning SCM Execution (out of scope)

    2. Demand Planning

    6. InventoryDeployment

    Short Term (days/weeks)


    1. Marketing and Sales Planning

    3. Network Planning

    Planned stocktransfers for allmaterial types



    All stocked materials Multiple replenishment


    All plants, storagelocations

    Constraints included

    Medium Term (weeks/months)

    All materials included(FG, Raw, etc)

    Produced and procured



    C o l l a b o r a t i o n C

    ol l a b or a t i on


    Sales Forecast Sales Forecast

    Production Capabilities

    Packing Schedules

    Distribution Capabilities Replenishment

    Orders Supply


    Mtl Purchase


    Order History

    Sales Forecast LT Business plans, promotions schedules, pricing, POS, etc.

    Supply Limitations

    FG Purchase Orders

    Suppliers Suppliers Customers Procure Manufacture Deliver Source

    Strategic Planning

    Business Unit Plans and Budgets

    Short Term (days/weeks)


    4. Factory Planning5. Factory Scheduling


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation

    A cohesive S&OP process increases enterprise performance byimpacting key business drivers





    Capital Employed

    Capital Employed

    Asset Utilization

    Asset Utilization

    Reduce cost of goods sold Reduce distribution costs

    Reduce cost of goods sold

    Reduce distribution costs

    Shorten cash to cash cycle times Reduce inventory levels

    Shorten cash to cash cycle times Reduce inventory levels

    Increase in Return on CapitalEmployed (ROCE)

    Impact on Business Drivers

    Increase fill rates / consistency

    Increase fill rates / consistency

    Improve sales and product planning

    Net Income

    Net Income






  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation

    IBM has identified several keys to success from our experience inhelping clients develop and implement S&OP

    Make S&OP the decision process that participants do notwant to miss through executive sponsorship across theorganization.

    Strike a balance between lead times and plan accuracy,allowing for realistic and timely issue resolution.

    Have S&OP participants spending the majority of theirtime in analysis and not laboring to extract data intospreadsheets.

    Focus S&OP on forward-looking issue identification andresolution, not simple performance reporting and reflection

    Ensure the established S&OP process is achieving itsobjectives through KPIs and continuous improvement.

    Comprehensive adoption of new processes, systems,and roles & responsibilities




    World ClassS&OP

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    7/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    Most companies usually share same common challenges whenimplementing S&OP


    Lack of collaboration between suppliers, customers, and any 3PLsInability to provide accurate forecastsInability to integrate financial data into the S&OP processInability to determine capacity plansLack of cross functional representation in the processS&OP meeting not focused on decision makingPlanning groups not based on common resource requirementsNo standardized reporting format, decreasing the ability to comprehend and analyze theinformationNo bottom-up issue identification and recommendation developmentLack of communication on issues, alternatives, and recommendations prior to the S&OPmeetingsExisting business plans not aligned with recommendationsLack of understanding on financial implications and service trade-offs for allrecommendationsInability to measure the effectiveness of past actions takenInability to identify and commit to actions required to meet resource requirements

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    8/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    Many of these S&OP challenges are similar to the ones that AirProducts currently faces


    Common S&OP ChallengesLack of collaboration between suppliers, customers, andany 3PLsInability to provide accurate forecasts

    Inability to integrate financial data into the S&OP process

    Inability to determine capacity plans

    Existing business plans not aligned with recommendations

    S&OP meeting not focused on decision making

    Planning groups not based on common resource requirementsNo standardized reporting format, decreasing the ability tocomprehend and analyze the informationLack of cross functional representation in the process

    No bottom-up issue identification and recommendationdevelopmentLack of communication on issues, alternatives, andrecommendations prior to the S&OP meetingsLack of understanding on financial implications andservice trade-offs for all recommendationsInability to measure the effectiveness of past actions taken

    Inability to identify and commit to actions required to

    meet resource requirements

    Air Products S&OP ChallengesLack of a collaboration platform (with suppliers,customers, and internally)Inability to provide accurate forecasts

    Inability to reconcile the financial plan with the S&OP plan

    Inability to account for all supply capabilityconstraints/capacity plans in the supply planning process

    No global intelligence gathering method or tool

    Current S&OP process is only informational, not adecision making processProcess does not require the provision of BI information

    Inability to manage S&OP processes by exception

    Lack of communication between S&OP team and

    Sales/MarketingLack of guidance provided to sales as to what BI isrequired/value addedLack of a consistent business intelligence process acrossbusiness groupsLack of sufficient simulation/modeling capabilities to aidedecision makingLimited flexibility in statistical forecasting capabilities

    Lack of a structured process to identify and resolve gapsin S&OP plans

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    9/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    This report is solely for the use of Client personnel. No part of it may be circulated,

    quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the Client organization without priorwritten approval from IBM. This material was used by IBM during an oralpresentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.

    Leading Consumer Electronics OEM S&OPProcess Transformation Case Study

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    10/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    Case Study Background: North American Consumer Electronics OEM


    Consumer ElectronicsPlasma & LCD TVs

    Digital Still Cameras

    Digital Camcorders

    DVD players


    Business ProductsLaptops


    Fax machines


    Industrial ComponentsSemiconductors

    Optical drives

    Appliance motors

    Telecom components

    This North American Consumer Electronics manufacturer is a subsidiary of one of the worldslargest electronics companies ($80 billion in annual sales). It contributes over $8 billion inannual sales and is a leader in the North American electronics market. Likewise, it competesin several segments of the electronics space, including consumer electronics, businessproducts, and industrial components.

    A sampling of NA Consumer Electronics OEM current product offerings:

    Source: Hoovers

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    11/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    A sample of some of the issues that the aforementioned NAConsumer Electronics OEM addressed across S&OP are



    Company viewed as an unreliable supplier by the retail channelsRetail channels seeking more flexibility in a very competitive environment; noforecast locks and instant upside/downside ordersHigh inventory levels in the channels, market share and cash flow resulting fromfew fast moving productsUnreliable ATP performance to customers


    Company lacked a formalized/streamlined S&OP process--missing formalmeeting structures/cadence, no clear meeting output, and no well defined rolesand responsibilitiesCompany had no formal equivalent to the to-be Monthly/Quarterly ExecutiveS&OP Meeting, the weekly S&OP meeting, or the weekly SCM demand andsupply meetingsExisting S&OP meetings were not focused on developing strategic operationalplans and countermeasures

    Enabling Processes

    No periodic review of operational performance to the annual business plantargetsLack of defined supply and demand thresholds to dictate issues to escalate toS&OP team (exception management)No formal or standardized reportingCompany did not utilize statistical forecastingInability to determine financial implications for what-if scenarios on the fly

    No collaboration process with key channel partners

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    12/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    Implemented collaborative Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process thatsupported VMI, CPFR, and non-VMI, non-CPFR fulfillment processes.

    Developed a new organizational structure

    Defined operational metrics and event management (exception management)

    Improved factory reliability and upside flexibility to become a reliable supplier

    Developed forecasting competency (statistical forecasting, promotions, demandshaping, etc.)

    Provided an integrated set of SCM tools to support process and organizationalchanges

    Enhanced channel partner/customer segmentation and product categorizationstrategy

    The client built a wide range of supply chain tools and capabilitieswhich supported a more integrated and efficient S&OP process


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    13/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    S&OP meetings play a distinct role in synchronizing processes toensure that operations are in line to achieve business plan targets

    Monthly S&OPWeekly S&OP

    Key Activities


    Scope & Timing


    Review demand and supplyexceptions and issues

    Evaluate execution and

    effectiveness ofcountermeasures

    13-week forecast

    Product category Weekly

    PCM Demand Analyst Supply Analyst

    Align Operational Plan toBusiness Plan

    Identify key countermeasures

    to close gap betweenOperational & Business Plans

    13-week forecast

    Product category Monthly

    PCM National Marketing Mgr Demand Analyst Supply Analyst

    Evaluate operationalperformance vs. Business Plan

    Approve countermeasures

    from the Monthly S&OPMeeting

    13-week forecast 3-month macro forecast

    All product categories

    Monthly, after MonthlyS&OP Meeting

    Management: Sales, P&M,SCM, Business Management

    Finance (quarterly) PCMs (as needed)

    Sales and Operations Planning Meetings

    K e y

    M e e

    t i n g

    A t t r i

    b u

    t e s

    Monthly / QuarterlyExecutive S&OP

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    14/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    A process transformation was required to deliver a leading S&OPsolution


    CPFR Tool


    Channel Partner

    Load POS datainto CPFR tool

    Extract PCEC ATP from CPFRtool and load intoback-end system

    Create SalesForecast

    and load intoCPFR tool

    Sales repreviews POSand creates

    sales forecast inCPFR tool

    Process newdata loads

    and preparefor weekly


    Conduct weeklycollaboration call

    Enter collaboratedsales forecast into

    CPFR tool


    sales forecast


    forecast andload it intoCPFR tool

    Extract partnerpurchase forecast

    and load it intoplanning systems

    Conduct internalreview of partner

    purchase forecast

    Process partnerpurchase plan for

    internal reviewProcess factory

    ATP and createdestination

    breakdown byplant

    Create ATP andload it into CPFRtool for partner to


    Repeat cycle

    Monday ThursdayWednesdayTuesday Friday Monday

    Prior CPFR Process

    G1 Lack of statisticalforecasting

    G3No collaboration onsell-in/purchaseforecast

    G4Lack of best-in-class metrics

    G2No collaboration onevents and promotions

    CPFR Tool


    Channel Partner

    Load POS datainto CPFR tool

    Extract PCEC ATP from CPFRtool and load intoback-end system

    Create sell-through, sell-in/purchase,

    inventory, andpromotions

    forecasts andload into

    CPFR tool

    Review POSdata, inventory

    levels, andPCEC

    promotion data

    Process newdata loads andprepare for sell-


    Conduct weeklysell-through

    forecastcollaboration call

    Identify and handleexceptions

    Agree on sell-through forecast,

    promotions,inventory levels

    Enter collaboratedsell-through

    forecast into CPFRtool

    Create s-i/purchase forecastbased on agreedupon s-t FC andload it into CPFR


    Extract partnerpurchase forecast

    and load it intoplanning systems

    Placereplenishmentorder based on

    agreed uponpurchase forecast

    Execute againstchannel partners


    Create ATPagainst purchaseforecast, based

    on domainproduct plan

    Repeat cycle

    Monday ThursdayWednesdayTuesday Friday

    New Weekly CPFR Process

    Generatestatistical sell-

    through and sell-in forecasts andload into CPFR


    Conduct weeklysell-in/purchase

    forecastcollaboration call

    Identify and handleexceptions

    Agree on sell-in/purchase forecast

    Enter collaboratedpurchase forecast

    into CPFR tool

    Processes Defined/Redesigned: CPFR S&OP Goal Setting Demand Planning Supply Planning

    Allocation and Order Processing

    Process GapsIdentified


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    15/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    The solution architecture integrated and supported the end-to-endsupply chain management system seamlessly


    Order Entry


    Order Promising Replenishment Forecasting Promotions


    Stat Forecast

    Collaborative Forecast

    Finalized Forecast

    Replenishment Plan

    Publish Forecast



    Material Movements

    Purchase Order

    Sales Order w/ ATP

    Purchase Order

    Sales Order w/ ATP



    SNP* ATP*

    ERP ICH*

    Publish Plan

    Promotion Information

    BW = Business Information Warehouse CRM = Customer Relationship Management ICH = Inventory Collaboration Hub

    = within our scope of implementation

    DP = Demand Planning SNP = Supply Network Planning ATP = Available to Promise ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning and Execution

    = outside of our scope of implementation

    Web Access


    Existing SAP Functionality

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    16/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    Key solutions were developed and significant benefits were realized

    Capabilities BuiltImplemented collaboration tools to support full CPFR processBuilt custom logic for demand prioritizationEnabled capability for use of POS data in demand managementDeveloped robust reports to support the S&OP processEnabled CTM for constrained based procurement and allocation planning

    Enabled allocation check for both "monthly" and "weekly" modelsBuilt capability for allocation check in a poolDeveloped ability for release of unconsumed allocation to pool

    Benefits AchievedInventory reduction: $36M over 3 years

    Operational cost savings: $5M over 3 years

    Improved forecasting consistency and accuracy


    VICS Award 2008 Qualitative Customer Service PartneringVICS CPFR Implementation ExcellenceBest Buy Company, Inc. and Best Buy Sourcing Office Asia

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation

    This report is solely for the use of Client personnel. No part of it may be circulated,

    quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the Client organization without priorwritten approval from IBM. This material was used by IBM during an oralpresentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.

    Leading Pharma-Nutritional Manufacturer S&OP Financial Integration & TechnologyEnablement Case Study

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    18/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    A global leader in infant and children's nutrition with strong global presence. The company wasfounded more than 100 years ago and has been committed from its very beginning toearning the trust of parents and health care professionals by offering scientific evidence of thebenefits of their products.

    Case Study Background: Leading Pharmanutritional Manufacturer

    Annual Turnover USD 2 Billion

    World wide locations 229 Globally

    Manufacturing sites 10 PlantsTotal SKUs 1500, world wide

    Employees 6000

    SAP Applications Scope

    SAP GTS 7.2,GRC 5.0

    SAP SRM 7.0

    SAP SCM 5.0:

    DP, SNP,PP/DS,SNC 5.0

    SAP PI 7.0

    SAP BI 7.0


    SAP Portal 7.0




    Applications)SAP ECC 6.0:



  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins

    19/26 2011 IBM Corporation

    This Leading Pharmanutritional Manufacturer faced a number ofS&OP related issues

    High cost, fluctuating price, and limited shelf life a of key raw materialingredient - Driving sporadic surges in the production volumes, and henceincreased inventory holding

    Inflexible system infrastructure not able to adapt to the demands of a changingmarket

    Limited technical and process integration Functional silos working from their own set of numbers Limited visibility into end-to-end planning process Disjoint planning between Demand, Supply and Finance

    Lengthy cycle for S&OP meetings preparation - 2 Weeks for executingplanning cycle, updating the KPIs, and operational reports Non-standard, manual reporting based on data extracted from multiple source systems

    Manual process for unit to dollar conversion

    Limited capability to execute integrated what -if planning scenarios


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation

    S&OP. 2

    S&OP SupplyReview

    Sales and Operat ions Plann ing

    Statistical Forecast

    Sales Forecast

    Marketing Forecast

    Meeting Minutes

    S&OP. 5

    Global S&OP(Quarterly)

    Forecast Accuracy

    Forecast Bias

    Forecast Stability

    S&OP Inputs (From APO)

    S&OP. 1

    S&OP DemandReview

    S&OP. 3


    S&OP. 4

    ExecutiveS&OP Meeting

    S&OP Inputs (From BI)

    Capacity Utilization

    Planned Orders / PRs

    Final Demand Plan

    DIOH vs. Target

    Resource Utilization

    Projected Stock Outs

    Final Demand Plan

    Supply > Demand

    Supply < Demand

    Dashboard Report

    DP/SNP reports (asappropriate)

    S&OP Plan

    Team Issues


    Executive DashboardReport

    DP/SNP Reports

    S&OP Plan

    X-Category Issues


    Global S&OPDashboard Report

    Financial Plan

    Changes to demandplan in APO

    Final Demand Plan

    Projected Sales Unit to$ conversion (BPC)

    Changes to Supply planin APO

    What if Analysis

    Proj. Inventory Unit to $conversion (BPC)

    Meeting Minutes

    Changes to:

    Demand in APO/DP

    Supply Plan in APO

    Meeting Minutes

    Executives Decisions

    Team Action Items

    Change to Demand/Supply

    I n p u t s

    O u t p u t s

    Executives Decisions

    Financial Impacts

    Supply Plan in APO

    Change to Demand/Supply

    Non System ActivityS&OP Outputs (to APO)

    The client designed an S&OP process enabled by SAP

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation

    S & O P F i n a n c

    i a l

    I n t e g r a

    t i o n


    The solution architecture integrated the planning, reporting, andfinance areas for complete S&OP financial integration

    R e p o r t i n


    E x e c u

    t i o n

    P l a n n

    i n g

    F i n a n c e

    Business Intelligence (BI)

    Business Objects (BOBJ)

    Advance Planning & Optimizer (APO)

    ECC 6.0


    Demand Planning (DP)Supply Network Planning(SNP)


    -S&OP (Volumes)-KPI-Operational

    Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

    Core Interface

    Master & Transaction Data

    Constrained Production Plan




    Sales OrderHistory

    Business Planning &


    ECC Report

    ConsolidationFinancial Planning / BudgetFinancial Supply Chain


    Demand and Supply Data

    FSCM Reports (Dollarized)


    R e p o r t i n


    E x e c u

    t i o n

    P l a n n

    i n g

    F i n a n c e

    Business Intelligence (BI)

    Business Objects (BOBJ)

    Advance Planning & Optimizer (APO)

    ECC 6.0


    Demand Planning (DP)Supply Network Planning(SNP)


    -S&OP (Volumes)-KPI-Operational

    Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

    Core Interface

    Master & Transaction Data

    Constrained Production Plan




    Sales OrderHistory

    Business Planning &


    ECC Report

    ConsolidationFinancial Planning / BudgetFinancial Supply Chain


    Demand and Supply Data

    FSCM Reports (Dollarized)


    R e p o r t i n


    E x e c u

    t i o n

    P l a n n

    i n g

    F i n a n c e

    Business Intelligence (BI)

    Business Objects (BOBJ)

    Advance Planning & Optimizer (APO)

    ECC 6.0


    Demand Planning (DP)Supply Network Planning(SNP)


    -S&OP (Volumes)-KPI-Operational

    Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

    Core Interface

    Master & Transaction Data

    Constrained Production Plan




    Sales OrderHistory

    Business Planning &


    ECC Report

    ConsolidationFinancial Planning / BudgetFinancial Supply Chain


    Demand and Supply Data

    FSCM Reports (Dollarized)


    Business Intelligence (BI)

    Business Objects (BOBJ)

    Advance Planning & Optimizer (APO)

    ECC 6.0


    Demand Planning (DP)Supply Network Planning(SNP)


    -S&OP (Volumes)-KPI-Operational

    Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

    Core Interface

    Master & Transaction Data

    Constrained Production Plan




    Sales OrderHistory

    Business Planning &


    ECC Report

    ConsolidationFinancial Planning / BudgetFinancial Supply Chain


    Demand and Supply Data

    FSCM Reports (Dollarized)


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


    2011 IBM Corporation


    Order/Shipment HistoryProduction Actuals


    Price/Cost DataOther financial



    Sales Data


    Generate Demand& Supply Plan

    Generate InitialFinancial Plan


    Use Unit plans toValidate / adjust the

    financial Plan (dollarizethe plans)


    BI / BOBJ


    BI / BOBJ


    BI / BOBJ


    BI / BOBJ


    BI / BOBJ


    Financial PlanDemand &

    Supply Plan Actuals



    The solution architecture enabled a process synchronize the operationaand financial plans

  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


  • 8/13/2019 Western ghat Regoins


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