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Page 1: Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project.

Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project

Page 2: Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project.

Project objectives

• To improve the productivity and sustainability of land use systems in the Nyando, Yala, and Nzoia river basins through adoption of an integrated ecosystem management approach

i) Support on- and off-farm conservation strategies

ii) improve the capacity of local communities and institutions to identify, formulate and implement integrated management activities

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Project sites

• The project is implemented in 10 blocks - measuring 10 km x 10 km

• Activities are on-going in 2 blocks, Lower Nyando and Lower Yala.

• Sensitization has been completed for the remaining blocks

• Baseline information has been collected for Yala and Nzoia basins and Lower and Middle Nyando.

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Current activities

• Community mobilization and empowering (KARI)• Tree nurseries on-farm & in the communities (10

nurseries in Lower Nyando & Yala – KARI & ICRAF )• Survey on biophysical parameters (On-going in

Middle Nyando - ICRAF)• Survey on socio-economic issues (On-going in

Upper Nyando - ICRAF)• Tree-screening trials (45 trials in Lower Nyando

and 110 in Lower Yala- ICRAF)• Woodlots• Rehabilitation of degraded areas (Lower Nyando:

Kowala 1 & 2, Kalacha, Kokoto - ICRAF)• Rehabilitation of ponds & dams (KARI)

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Kowala Environmental Rehabilitation group

Page 10: Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project.

Current activities - Kowala

• Rehabilitation of a degraded area – this site was launched late 2006

• 10,000 tree seedlings have been planted this year

• Various activities for restoration of nutrient depleted soils

• Supporting nursery establishment & management

• Second group has been formed and an second degraded area identified

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Kokoto Rehabilitation site

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Kokoto Rehabilitation site

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Current activities - Kokoto

• Rehabilitation of a degraded area – this site was launched late 2006

• 8,000 tree seedlings have been planted this year –

• Individual nursery with a farmer – promotion of indigenous species: Croton spp., Acacia spp., Grevillea spp. etc

• FOKO received funding for nursery establishment & de-silting of the dam

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Current activities - Kalacha

• Rehabilitation of a degraded area – this is the oldest rehabilitation site of the project

• 10,000 tree seedlings have been planted this year

• Soil cover has increased from less than 20% to more than 80%

• Harvesting grass for livestock

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Results so far

• In-depth baseline survey completed – biophysical and socio economic

• Rehabilitation of severely degraded areas

• Establishment of screening trials for indigenous trees on farmers’ fields

• Engagement of the local communities in these activities

• Promotion of indigenous trees for rehabilitation – more than 30,000 tree seedlings planted this year

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• Very high survival rate of tree seedlings planted (more than 80%)

• Soil cover has increased from less than 20% to more than 80% for the degraded areas

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