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Presentation prepared by Family First Pediatrics

As your new baby begins to develop, it’s important to know the milestones he or she will experience.

From newborn to 12 months, your baby will progress quickly.

If you notice your baby doesn’t hit these milestones it’s important to talk to your Oviedo pediatrician about it.


Sleeps most of the time, newborns are typically alert 1 out

of every 10 hours.

Eats at least 7-8 times per day, but may drop some weight

initially due to post-delivery fluid loss.

Reflex movements are strong and hands are kept fisted.

Roots for breast and stops sucking when distracted.

Frequent diaper changes.

Head is wobbly.

1 Month

•Brings hands within range of eyes and mouth.

•Moves head from side to side while lying on stomach.

•Eyes focus 8-12 inches away and will wander, occasionally


•Hearing is fully mature and recognizes some sounds,

potentially turning toward familiar sounds and voices.

2 Months

•Can briefly calm themselves (may bring hands to mouth and

suck on hand).

•Begins to follow things with eyes and recognize people at a

distance. Pays attention to faces and begins to smile at people


•Coos, makes gurgling sounds.

•Begins to act bored and can become fussy if activity doesn’t


•Can keep head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy.

•Makes smoother movement with arms and legs.

4 Months

•Likes to play with people and might cry when play stops.

•Begins to babble with expression and copies sounds they hear.

•Copies some movements and facial expressions as well.

•Responds to affection.

•Uses hands and eyes together, such as seeing a toy and reaching

for it.

•Pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface, pushes up

to elbows when lying on stomach, and might be able to roll over

from tummy to back.

6 Months

•Plays with toes.

•Helps hold the bottle during feeding and opens mouth for


•Explores objects through mouthing and banging them. Can

shake a rattle and move toys from one hand to another.

•Pulls up to a sitting position on their own if you grasp their

hands, bounces when held in a standing position, and can sit

with little support.

•Imitates familiar actions you perform, such as talking. Starts

stringing vowels together when babbling and likes taking turns

making sounds with parents.

•Responds to own name and knows familiar faces from strangers.

•Shows curiosity about things and tries to get things that are out

of reach.

•More expressive, laughing and squealing with delight or

screaming if annoyed.

9 Months

•Weight gain slows; bowel and bladder become more regular.

•Is able to crawl, pull self to standing position, and sit for long

periods of time.

•Can grasp objects between the tip of the thumb and index finger

and points to things with finger.

•Feeds self with fingers.

•Has separation anxiety from parents.

•Is developing depth perception.

•Understands that objects continue to exist, even when not


•Responds to simple commands such as “no” and copies simple

gestures such as waving bye.

•Plays interactive games such as peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake

12 Months

•Puts objects into a container and takes them out and lets go of

objects voluntarily.

•Tries to imitate scribbling.

•Pull themselves to stand and walks using furniture or with one

hand held. Might walk a few steps without support.

•Cooperates with dressing by offering a foot or an arm.

•Responds to music with body motion.

•Tries to accomplish simple goals (seeing and then crawling to a


•Babbles with inflection but it sometimes “sounds like” talking,

likely says first word during this time.

•Recognizes family members’ names and shows affection to

familiar adults.

•Respond to another’s distress by showing distress or crying

•Raises arms when she wants to be picked up.

•Looks at correct picture when the image is named.

•Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair,

dialing phone, etc).

•Shows preferences for toys and people.

•Begins testing parental responses to behavior.

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