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What Did I Learn From Media 301??

Rachel Chadwick

What I am going to take from this Class…

When I first found out this class was all about famous writers I was beyond excited. I love writing and expressing how I feel about things but in order to do so I have had to get over a major bump in the road. I am dyslexic so when I write something I am usually too embarrassed to have people acknowledge it because I tend to get words and sentences messed up. After learning about a decade of journalist, I now tell myself I can get over any obstacle. Being a journalist requires you to have an outgoing personality and be creative which is me to a tee.

Journalism is a form of expression like dancing, singing, or writing poems. It doesn’t have to be a profession, you can do it in your spare time or for a living. Journalism is the process of taking a small quote given and turning it into a news breaking story. Journalist must also stay up to date with current events with laws given and subjects to avoid.


Life of a Journalist

Journalists interview sources and review records to assemble, collect, and report information and explore the implications of the facts. Journalism inform and educate.

Journalist are always on the go and always have something they are working on. When they have a interview with a story, they are in the car on the way rehearsing their questions and key points they want to remember.

Journalist are never satisfied with their work until the tweak it over and over till they know it is their best.

Journalism is a way of life and the way you see things.

Why is Journalism Important?

Journalism is important to the world because it is current and relevant.  People watch television and read magazines, even browse the internet and have no idea that without journalism there would be no information. Journalist keep the world informed with activities and take place.

My Favorite Journalist



Key Points to be a excellent Journalist:

You need to be inquisitive

You must never get frustrated to the point you want to give up because there is always a way to make your work better.

Quoting facts as they are, not rewording them

Looking for articles everywhere in every circumstance.

Work well with others

Be willing to go the distance no matter what it might be

Be able to keep your opinion out of articles when it requires you to. Not being biased

Time management

Ways to Appreciate Journalism




Ancient Events

Penny Press

Internet Articles

Thank you for a great semester!!

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