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Page 1: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?


Page 2: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?



& HEREDITYTable of Contents


How do organisms of the same species end up looking different?

How do people get their traits?

Page 3: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?

Every living thing on Earth

is made up of cells! The

type of cells you get

determine what you are!

Page 4: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?

THE HISTORY OF CELLS• 1665- Robert Hooke- creates the 1st

microscope. (up to 30x) Discovered dead “cells” & gave cells their name.

• 1675- Anton van Leeuwenhoek- improves microscope. (up to 300x) Discovered live cells in pond water.

• Bacteria discovered soon after (thru cow milk!) which led to medicine/vaccines for animals & people!

Page 5: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?

CELL THEORYCell (w.w)- smallest unit of life.

Cell Theory

Cells are the building blocks of all living things. (all living things are made of cells)

All life processes take place in cells. (energy in food is released, growth & reproduction, removal of waste)

New cells come from existing cells. (all living things begin as 1 cell & divide from there. Cell division causes you to grow)

Page 6: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?

TYPES OF CELLS2 Types of Multicellular Cells

1. Animal

2. Plant

Page 7: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?

PARTS OF A CELLPlant/Animal Cell Parts

Organelle(w.w)- structures found inside cells that perform specific jobs.

Cytoplasm(w.w)- clear jelly-ish substance that holds organelles in place

Nucleus(w.w)- The boss/directs cell activities

DNA(w.w)- provides info to Nucleus about every function of life. Genetic code bound into chromosomes. Made of sugar/phosphate base & nucleotides. ACTG

Chromosome (w.w)- contains genetic code of DNA describing everything about you!...or whatever creature we find out you are...dun dun dunnnn... I hope one of you wrote this down! Hehehe!

Nuclear membrane(w.w)-gel-ish substance around/protecting nucleus

Mitochondria(w.w)-Power house. All energy from food/water produced here.

Respiration(w.w)- allows plants/animals to complete all cell/life activities.

Cell membrane(w.w)- holds cell together. Anything coming/going passes thru.

Vacuole(w.w)- stores nutrients/waste


Plant Cells Only

Cell wall(w.w)- stiff outer layer that surrounds/protects cells & give them their shape.

Chloroplasts(w.w)-makes plant food (sugar) thru photosynthesis. Found mostly in plant leaves Chlorophyll (w.w)-

inside chloroplasts- the stuff that makes plants green! Traps Sunlight!

Do your Word Wall last!

Page 8: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?


1. Why was the invention of the microscope important? (3 pts)

2. What is a cell? What are the 3 parts to cell theory? (4 pts)

3. Create a Venn diagram/table. List 3 similarities of a plant/animal cell and 2 differences. (5 pts)

Create Cell Activity ~ 50 points

Need: candy/crafts/paper plates/glue/pen

In Notebook; Labs & Activities: Cell Lab: You & partner’s name

Create list of your cells parts & the material you will be representing them with. Make sure you & your partners name is on the back of the paper plate.

Create your plant/animal cell using the materials you selected. LABEL THE PARTS!

Page 9: What do the Plants/Animals in the photo hav e in common?


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