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“What do you stand for?”

“What do you stand for?”

We asked twelve people:

“What do you – or does your business –stand for?”


People use Sugru all over the world to fix, improve and make a hundred and one different things. Making stuff work better and longer for you isn't just a way of keeping things out of landfill, it allows us as consumers to feel truly empowered and will go some way in unlocking a world of creative potential.”

Jane ni Dhulchaointigh

Founder, Sugru


“Twitter stands for the open and free expression

of ideas and information instantly, without


And I work at Twitter because I share this

passion: I thrive on discovering and absorbing

information and ideas and freely exchanging it

with others. The world benefits from having such

a platform as Twitter to foster common

understanding and action.”

Karen Wickre

Editorial Director, Twitter

San Francisco

“I hope that my businesses and what I do underline the importance of labors of love.

I want my work to be remembered as something that came from the heart, with the right intentions, never purely about profits, but more about doing what’s right.”

Tina Roth Eisenberg



“The word ‘independent’ runs through Rough Trade like a stick of rock.

We celebrate independent thinking, creativity and self-expression. We also operate independently from standard retail protocol, for example, working with artists and labels directly. Overall, our independent approach ensures we faithfully represent the artists we champion, which in turn engenders trusted loyalty from our customers.

Rough Trade: an independent retailer for independent minds.”

Stephen Godfroy

Director, Rough Trade


“My husband and I share the same value system and that’s love and relationships. When you enter our building, you can tell people really like and admire each other. Because my husband and I have a strong relationship and deep affection for each other and our staff, becoming a Duartianis like becoming part of our extended family.

The measure of a healthy culture is when the employees, after spending workdays together, still enjoy playing together on the weekend. Many employees have met their best friends at Duarte.”

Nancy Duarte

CEO, Duarte

Mountain View

“1) Investing in change: alignment of the investment of my time, energy, money, words and actions. The change I'm invested in is the career and financial success of women;

2) Being a catalyst for action;

3) Mentoring: opening doors and expanding opportunities. Being supportive, direct, empowering and transparent. Mentoring those who will make the same investment in others.”

Kelly Hoey

Strategist, Speaker, Startup Advisor

New York


Each of us stands in a spot in the world only you stand in, it's a function of your history and experiences, visions and hopes. And this matters because it is the source of ideas. Ideas fuel our economy. But right now, only a small set are seen because we ask people to first fit in to organizations where they have to conform.

When we celebrate onlyness, we unlock the potential inherent in each of us.”

Nilofer Merchant

Author, Speaker

Silicon Valley & Paris

“I, and all of us at Leon, are committed to feeding the human spirit. To be well-beings and make it easy for others to do the same.”

John Vincent

Co-founder, Leon Restaurants


“To me the role of business is to make the world a better place – for everyone.

I stand for inspirational leadership and the unreasonable power of creativity.”

Kevin Roberts

Executive Chairman, Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide

New York

“My business Stillworks stands for 'Calm Success'. Or is it 'Successfully Calm?' (it's kinda in the name: Still... works).

By reducing stress we not only feel better but think and do better too.

The world needs to calm down and would get a lot more done if it did.”

Michael Townsend Williams

Founder, Stillworks

Bradford on Avon

“We have one simple aim: to get more people drinking better beer.

We stand for: 1) Learning - you make more informed buying decisions when you know a bit more; 2) Discovery - it's our job to put things in front of you that you wouldn't normally try/ buy; 3) Adventure - it has to be fun, but now and again you need to be uncomfortable; 4) Community -because a beer shared with friends always tastes better.”

Matt Lane

Founder, BeerBods


“Unusual, fun and extraordinary.

Never boring.


Loic Le Meur*


San Francisco

*Loic answered the question via Twitter.

“What fuels me is helping others (people &organisations) find their own fuel, getting them fired up about their businesses and their work lives, nailing what it is they do and what they stand for.

I don’t want to play by the rules; I like to look at the world of business and work differently, shining light away from the status quo to illuminate new ways of thinking and doing.”

Ian Sanders

Creative Consultant, Business Storyteller


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