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Page 1: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes

You Stronger

Ali Kloska

WRD 110

“Sometimes bad things have to happen

before good things can.”

—Becca Fitzpatrick

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Why Do Bad Things Have to

Happen? I went through a really

long stage of low self-esteem and just overall awkwardness

Switching high schools from a school I knew everyone to one I knew no one.

Lost a lot of people in a 4 year period (friend’s dad, my cousin, my grandpa, and a school-mate)

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… They Make Us Who We Are

Senior Christian Awakening


◦ Listened to a witness talk about

how the lows in our lives help to

make who we are today.

I would be nowhere near who I am

today without everything I went


◦ Being positive about as much as

I can (you never know when it

could all end)

◦ Don’t sweat the small stuff! It

isn’t worth the time.

◦ My high school gave me the

ability to be who I wanted to be,

and improved my confidence


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The First Time I Discussed My

Shift At my AMAZING Christian Awakening

Retreat with my small group

◦ Discussed it at the end of the weekend after

hearing everyone’s life-changing stories

• Small group was very encouraging and

agreed with my opinion that bad things

happen to make us stronger people

They realized it in their own lives as well

Became a long discussion topic

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Spreading What I Had Learned:

Retreat Letters Retreat letters to people I hadn’t

talked to in a while

◦ I tried to compare what I had been

through to some of the things they had

been through, and used examples from

my retreat

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Peer’s Response: Retreat

Letters A few people were receptive and

came back from retreat and wanted to

talk to me more about what I had


Some still haven’t said anything, I like

to think I helped them get through

something they were going through


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Spreading What I Had Learned:

When someone is going through

a hard time Telling people everything is going to

work out in the end

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

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Peer’s Response: When

someone is going through a hard

time Most of the people I try to express this

to do not want to hear it while they are

going through whatever their problem


◦ They occasionally come to the realization

this is true

…and they occasionally do not

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Spreading What I Had Learned:

Through my actions I really do try to take everyday as if it

were my last, no regrets.

When I get stressed about something,

I usually have an easy time realizing

that it isn’t as big of a deal as I

originally thought.


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Peer’s Response: My actions

Several friends have told me to tell my

experiences to other people, and have

suggested I speak at retreats

I’ve been told multiple times that I am

too positive

◦ I take this as a compliment… obviously

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My Response To My Position

Shift I believe that with some practice, I can

help other people realize that although life seems really bad, they are going to get through it and become a stronger, better person because of what they have gone through

I think my techniques could use a little work◦ I need to be more understanding that people

are not going to agree with me the majority of the time

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In Closing…

Everything really is going to work out

in the end. Period.

◦ No matter how long it seems to be taking,

or how bad the situation is. YOU WILL


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