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Page 1: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What has happened in your lifetime?

Page 2: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2000

• Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything

• George Bush wins election to be the next US president against Al Gore

• Tiger Woods becomes youngest golfer to win a Grand Slam in golf.

• "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire“ is published

Page 3: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2001

• 9/11• US begins “war on terrorism”• Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy

begins• First iPod is released• Wikipedia goes online

Page 4: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2002

• Department of Homeland Security created

• Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City, Utah

• The Mars Odyssey finds signs of huge water ice deposits on the planet Mars

• Kelly Clarkson wins the first season of American Idol

• Anaheim Angels won the World Series

Page 5: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2003

• Lance Armstrong wins 5th Tour de France

• French fries temporarily become “freedom fries”

• Arnold Schwarzenegger elected governor of California

• Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates over on reentry over Texas killing all 7 astronauts aboard

• Apple launches iTunes

Page 6: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2004

• George Bush wins second term as President

• Facebook is launched• Martha Stewart convicted of insider

trading and sent to jail• Summer Olympics held in Athens,


Page 7: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2005

• Hurricane Katrina strikes southeast United States

• Disneyland celebrates 50th anniversary• Lance Armstrong wins 7th Tour de France• H5N1 (bird flu) outbreak worldwide• XBox 360 is released

Page 8: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2006

• Winter Olympics held in Turin, Italy• Wii released in North America• iTunes sells its 1 billionth song• Pluto is downgraded to a dwarf planet• Italy wins world cup

Page 9: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2007

• Nancy Pelosi elected first female speaker of Congress

• Apple introduces iPhone and iTouch

• The Final Harry Potter book is published “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”

• Barry Bonds breaks all time home run record

Page 10: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2008

• Subprime mortgage scandal is uncovered and housing market crashes

• Fidel Castro steps down as Cuba’s president after almost 50 years in office

• Barak Obama elected next US president

• Summer Olympics in Beijing, China

Page 11: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2009

• H1N1 (swine flu) a global epidemic• Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett die• The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st

century, lasting up to 6 minutes and 38.8 seconds, occurs over parts of Asia and the Pacific Ocean

Page 12: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2010

• Winter Olympics held in Vancouver, Canada• Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) passed

and signed into law• BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster

destroys the Gulf Coast• Spain wins World Cup

Page 13: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2011

• 9.0 earthquake hits off the coast of Japan triggering a tsunami, damaging the Fukushima power plant. 16,000 died, 6,000 injuries, 3,000 missing

• Osama bin Laden killed by Navy Seals• Arab Spring – middle east countries

rise up against their governments• Occupy Wall Street movement begins• Prince William and Kate Middleton


Page 14: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2012

• Gunman opens fire at midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises”

• Summer Olympics held in London, England• “Curiosity Rover” successfully lands on Mars• Hurricane Sandy hits east coast• Obama is reelected president• Space Shuttle Endeavor arrives at LA Science

Museum• Neil Armstrong and Sally Ride, both pioneering

astronauts, die• Whitney Houston dies

Page 15: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2013

• Lance Armstrong admits to taking steroids during his Tour de France wins

• Boston Marathon bombings occur• Edward Snowden leaks NSA documents• Playstation4 and Xbox One released• Google Glass is released to a few select people

to test

Page 16: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2014

• Let it Go becomes a sensation• Winter Olympics held in Sochi, Russia• Tens of millions of people became

obsessed with the game 2048• Germany won the world cup• Ice Bucket Challenge swept the globe• Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel

Peace Prize becoming the youngest winner ever at 17 years old

Page 17: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

What happened in the year:2015

• 8th grade DANCE!!!

#flashbackfriday• Friday, June 12, 2015, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm• There will be food, drinks, activities, and raffle prizes

KaraokeCandy Station

Photo Booth


Page 18: What has happened in your lifetime?. What happened in the year: 2000 Y2K computer bug concern comes and goes without doing anything George Bush wins election.

Personalize Your Summer 2015

Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe

• Lathrop Intermediate School proudly presents different Summer Programs here on the Spartans campus this summer.

• There are two programs for students from 6th – 8th grades – Summer Bridge– Engage 360

Summer School 2015


7th Grade AVID Science

8th Grade AVID Math

6th Grade Transition Program

Engage 360

6th – 8th Grades

Bridge Program: See Mr. Raya for more details

See Mr. Chris for more info

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