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What is “The Marketer’s Manifesto”?! 3

The Marketer’s Manifesto:! 5

Paralysis of Overanalysis ! 7

The Ugly Side of Marketing! 8

Separate Yourself From The Dummies...! 9

Micro Marketing! 10

Simple Competitive Analysis! 12

The Big Problem.! 16

How you can set yourself up to “do it right” the first time.! 19

Reaching New Leads! 22

Next Steps ! 23

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What is “The Marketer’s Manifesto”?

The Marketer’s Manifesto is designed to open your eyes.

Open your eyes to the possibilities of taking your business and income to the level that you deserve.

Open your eyes to the potentially business destroying mistakes you’re making, including the ones you don’t know about.

Open your eyes to the mistakes that million dollar companies are making and how you can sneak right past them by following the simple, proven steps to achieving success with whatever business you choose.

My name is Ross Goldberg and this is the space where I normally talk about being a disabled veteran or a gang leader (sometimes both).

What I don’t normally talk about is that I studied marketing and psychology in college. While I didn’t graduate with a degree, I was close. What I learned in college gave me the ability to move abnormally quickly when it came to developing my online business.

Six years ago, I started selling memory foam mattresses online and went into a coma two weeks later. After 10 days of being comatose, I awoke to find that I couldn’t move my legs. I regained enough feeling to move my legs in a few days and in a few months, I was lucky enough to be able to walk again.

After a few weeks of intensive rehab, I was able to return home and find my first $1,000 profit from the web.

This showed me that I needed to spend my time and energy increasing my knowledge and expertise online. I had to figure out absolutely everything related to having a business that was based entirely on the possibilities that the internet provided.

I dove in face first and taught myself everything from web design to search engine optimization. I spent thousands of hours learning anything you could imagine about making money online.

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I would never recommend that you should do what I did, but it gave me a massive, abnormal amount of knowledge about how the web really works and an insight into online marketing that I don’t believe anybody else can match.

In the short six years I’ve been online, I’ve:

Gotten my websites (and my clients sites) to rank for incredibly competitive terms with hundreds of millions of competing pages in Google. I was able to get some of those rankings in a few short weeks.

I spent 6 months as VP of Marketing for a little company named “StomperNet”. I also wrote them a sales letter that brought in millions of dollars in sales.

I’ve spoken to audiences of hundreds of people to share the massive amount of knowledge I have about reaching your customers online.

I went through a two year period where I released a new product, course, or software program each and every month (sometimes more than one).

Most importantly, I’ve built a network of some of the most amazing marketers on the planet. Not only internet marketing gurus, but a bunch of other markets, too. I have friends that operate in real estate training, fitness, and nearly every popular niche you can sell products and training programs in.

In my dealings with these big gurus, I realized a common thread between them and my students.

Most are missing key pieces of having a successful business that uses the web.

All except a few are missing the simplest steps to massive growth when it comes to any business that is using the web to attract more prospects.

I’m going to assume that you’re also missing some of these key things.

Small businesses that are looking to attract new street traffic from the web. Internet only businesses that only take orders form their websites. Authors that need to get their books out and read. Speakers that want to book more events and get more sales. The list goes on and on...

You are a Marketer. Period.

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Whether you have a small company that consists of just you or you and a few staff members or you own a large company with 100+ employees, you have to have the mind of a marketer.

The Marketer’s Manifesto:

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If you follow the Manifesto, you’ll do better and profit more from your business.

Why are these simple things so important?

With giants like Amazon and Wal-Mart out there, how else do you plan to compete?

By holding your staff and yourself to higher standards, you will not only create a business you can be proud of, you’ll create a growing group of customers that love doing business with you.

Seth Godin says “All Marketers Are Liars”. I want you to stand up right now and say “I’m not a liar, I’m better than that and so are my customers”.

If your products are less than amazing, you need to go back to the drawing board today and figure out why.

Amazing products that truly help people aren’t hard to sell.

Take a second and think about your customers. Which of their pains are you able to cure? What does your company do to improve their lives?

That’s your message. That’s exactly what’s going to sell your products.

If it’s painful to order something from your company, figure out why and fix it. You want your customers to be so happy about their purchase from you that they tell their friends about it. If you leave things broken, you can bet that your customers will tell everyone how much it sucks to buy something from you. They’re a lot more likely to share the bad experiences than the good ones, which is why you have to make their experience so good that you stand out in their minds.

Always be prepared to learn. Learn about your customers. Learn about how to better reach them. Learn more about your products, so you know them so well that your knowledge has people impressed with everything you have to say about them.

If it’s that simple, why don’t more people do these things automatically? The main reason is that it’s easier to be dishonest and lazy.

The other reason is overanalysis...

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Paralysis of Overanalysis

The single biggest “action stopper” is over analysis. This applies to everyone.

“Action will always outperform the act of standing still.”

The easiest way to defeat the paralysis is to layout tasks in a logical format.

Take a sheet of paper and draw a vertical line down the center of the page.

On the left, put the tasks in the order that each needs to be completed to reach your goal.

In the second column, put who is responsible and the due date for each task (even if your name is the only one that ends up on the page).

Most importantly, cross off each task when it’s completed.

When you get stuck:

Search YouTube for tutorials on technical tasks that are giving you trouble OR outsource them entirely.

Refer back to your worksheet and add to it if you find a step you didn’t think of before and either do them or find someone who can.

Keep a file of every worksheet you create and before you know it, you’ll have standards set for your business that you can always refer back to. This will also change how you train others to do what needs to be done for your company. Imagine being able to replace yourself by hiring someone to do the things you can’t stand doing.

Finally, reach out to a mentor or advisor. If you don’t have one, create a group of equals that you can refer your questions to. The web has officially gone “social”, there’s no need for you to fight through tasks on your own. I guarantee there are hundreds of people who have faced the same tasks that are giving you trouble today and can help you get through them much faster.

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The Ugly Side of Marketing

I’m a Marketer. I’ve designed my business to cover as many aspects of what my prospects need as possible. I’m a software developer and I have programs created that make other Marketer’s lives easier. I’m a service provider who works with those that have active, profitable businesses and get them top ranking in the search engines.

I’m also a trainer/coach/author/information marketer. My best selling E-book sold over 11,000 copies over the years and has the lowest refund rate of any product of its kind (under 2%). I transformed that into a book that has made me a best-selling author.

Being in the “internet marketing” niche has always been interesting. I’ve personally considered leaving it numerous times over the years and many of my closest friends have given up on it.

Recently, there’s been a merging of “business opportunity” with “internet marketing” and it’s disgusting.

Push button crap, “make a million in a mere moment with no work at all” garbage that is hurting people.

I don’t know about you, but a website installer, or article submitter, or spam posting software program will never make or break my business. More importantly, I’ll never believe that someone made $187,349.14 in 2 days from using one of these crappy pieces of software.

50 - 60% refund rates are becoming common, nearly a standard. Even worse, 20 - 30% of people will never open the product at all. What that means is that these idiots have as little as 10% of the people that bought their product that are able to use it or get measurable results from it. Those numbers are gross and insulting.

I get emails, messages on Facebook and even text messages every day asking if I’m going to get in on this new launch that has this gigantic EPC (earnings per click) and will make me millions if I simply promote the newest rotten product to my loyal customers.

These “Marketers” paid huge copywriting fees to sell smoking piles of bullsh*t.

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They add 3 or more upsells to increase the amounts of money they make.

They also throw in a downsell to each upsell.

They lie, cheat, and deceive to get paid.

The product delivery process is nearly always broken.

The content is never complete at the point of sale.

Once the product is done, it sucks.

They devalue the product they just sold to someone to get them to purchase the next level upsell and make their brand new customers feel terrible about buying from them.

Once they complete their mega launch, they whore off their new customers for affiliate product sales. I’ve seen this take less than a day with some of them.

Follow their lead if you want to convince your customers that you’re a jerk and an idiot.

Separate Yourself From The Dummies...

Everything you do in your business should benefit those that buy what you sell.

There’s a very thin line between enhancing profits and alienating your customers.

The one thing these people aren’t paying attention to is that their customers aren’t stupid. They won’t buy from them again.

Every customer I personally disappoint loses me hundreds of dollars in lifetime customer value and I won’t ever take steps to increase anybody’s earnings per click on one of my products if it alienates customers.

No matter what you sell, it’s your job to sell it. If you have the “best” anything, you need to make sure your prospect knows that they need to get it from you. However, don’t ever cross into questionable sales tactics, fake scarcity, or unfinished products. Your prospects won’t buy for those reasons, they’ll buy in

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spite of them. Respect people and expect the most from them and you’ll get the customers you want to work with.

Ethical upselling gives customers options to purchase things that will help them get what they want faster or easier. If you have a training program, create a software that makes the learning come easier or the tasks they need to do take less time. If you sell a book, upsell to a video or audio series. It’s not rocket surgery.

I feel dirty if someone tries to sell me garbage, but I never feel dirty when I order lunch at McDonald’s and you bet your ass that they’re going to try to suck as many dollars out of my wallet as they can. I feel good about buying Apple products (I have more than $10,000 worth of them). Take a look at Apple, Amazon, or McDonald’s. None of those companies use shady sales tactics and they’re making plenty of money. Your customers should feel good about buying from you, too.

Micro Marketing

Most marketing gurus teach that you should build micro niche websites.

They recommend that you follow this strategy because it is easier to enter markets with less competition.

What they don’t tell you is that most of the markets with money will have plenty of competition before you enter them.

Creating a training program for people that want to have weddings in Hawaii should be very easy, but it will also result in very few sales.

Selling ipod nano gem encrusted cases will probably make you a few sales, but how many people are really searching for something like that? Not many.

Most importantly, do these gurus do what they teach? NO!

They go into the largest markets online because that’s where the money is.

Even though they are trying to help you with advice that makes some sense, they’re hurting you.

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By avoiding the larger markets, you’ll never make real money. You need to be where the money is.

A real Marketer doesn’t fear competition.

A real Marketer analyzes what the competition is doing to reveal the holes in their marketing.

The things they aren’t doing shows you the exact route to take to infiltrate their market and take over.

Do they have service complaints? Give the best possible service. Help your customer realize that you’re the best option for the products they need to purchase.

Go through their sales process. Do they have logical upsells and cross-sells? If not, you know what you can create or find to increase your profits before entering their marketplace.

Are they using the social side of the web to increase their market share? If not, you easily gain attention of the public by making your presence known on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.

The idea of being able to figure out what your competition is doing is easier than it sounds, so let’s go through a simple process to figure out exactly how the competition is marketing their websites:

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Simple Competitive Analysis

Here’s the easiest way to analyze what your competition is doing.

Step 1: Search the most logical keyword term to apply to what you’re considering doing in your business. Let’s use “offline consulting” as an example.

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Step 3: Go to Yahoo.com and do a search for “site:http://url.com”. This will open up Yahoo’s Site Explorer.

Analyze where they are marketing their site and how they’re doing it. This will show you if they’re using Adwords, simply building links, or taking advantage of social sites to increase their following.

Pay specific attention to the exact sites they’re using to market or build links.

Is it an article directory?

Is it a press release website?

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Is it a video directory?

Are they paying for ads?

Is it simple link placement on the page somewhere?

Where is the link?

Is it a banner or text?

Step 4: Type their web address into Google in quotes: “http://url.com”

This gives you a deeper look into how they’re marketing. You can see they’re using Viddler and forum profiles to market their website. By now you’ll have exposed their marketing strategy and you can take the necessary steps to outdo them.

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We’ll be going over the different things you need to do a bit later in this Manifesto.

The Big Problem.

In the beginning, I told you that even if your business is gigantic, you’re still missing a ton of opportunity for profit.

I am going to tell you the story of two millionaires I know that are leaving money on the table:

The massively SMALL guru:

This guy’s business is built around live events. He uses those events to sell his numerous training programs.

He has a well designed sales funnel that starts with completely free or low cost ($97 - $197) events to get people in. His funnel ends with higher end events and a very high end mastermind style membership program.

He has an affiliate program that is built around having people feel like they’re a part of his company (which is smart).

His main systems work, but he’s failing to attract enough of an audience to make his events as profitable as they should be.

He’s had his staff revert to calling people on the phone to get them to attend his numerous events.

I personally care about this guy, so I pulled him aside and made him an offer I’d never make to “just anybody”.

He hired me to market his event on the web, so I targeted a ridiculous term and hit number #2 in Google for it in a matter of a few weeks.

He was disappointed to find that very few sales came from the web.

I told him plainly: “You didn’t hire me to make the page convert, that was your job.”

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I happen to be very good friends with one of the best copywriters on the planet, so I turned to him and said:

“Pay my friend’s expensive fees and I’ll take the letter he creates and turn it into a template you can use for every event you put on.”

“All you’ll have to do is fill in the blanks for each event and you’ll be able to get a lot more sales from the internet or even direct mail.”

His simple response was: “Nope.”

While he is making plenty of money from his business, his lead source is slowly drying up and he’s not willing to invest a small amount back into his company to increase his lead flow.

The Simple Man

We all fall into routines that we’re comfortable with and they become comfortable because we get good at the tasks we focus on.

This man’s business is based on events and direct mail. He’s got an infomercial in the works and is excited about using a new way to attract leads.

Yet, his website is pretty terrible.

Amazingly, his reputation online is one of the best I’ve ever seen for someone in his position.

You see, he’s hired numerous “Internet Marketers” and put them on his payroll with the goal of booking him more events or getting his web presence in line and making him money.

The people he hired all sucked. They either didn’t do their jobs at all or did them so badly that they never created any results.

He and I met and discussed me and my team setting it all up for him. I warned him that something this big would not come cheap...

He must have had sticker shock, because we spent DAYS discussing the finer

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details of my proposal.

He couldn’t grasp the concept of letting go and having someone run the web side of his business to finally get it up and running.

He’d also been screwed out of more than $200,000 by the other Marketers that claimed they would do the same things I was offering to do for him.

Finally, my team re-analyzed the situation and were able to reduce his risk (and cost) and he finally hired us to put together his first true online sales system with an affiliate program.

They both focused on a single system for their products and their marketing processes.

Many of those with very successful businesses refuse to spend their profits on increasing results (copywriters, etc...)

Others become their own worst enemy.

There is ONE really smart Marketer I know that does it right:

He’s currently in 14 different markets with information products, e-commerce businesses, and different software programs.

He’s gotten to a point of finding the “best of the best” and publishes their products through his business.

He tests endlessly to find new ways to reach prospects and build lists in each market he operates in.

He’s doing 8 figures and I strongly believe he’ll hit 9 figures soon...

You’ll notice that I’m not mentioning any names here and that’s mostly because it’s not necessary for me to “name and shame” people that I truly do care about or hype up this smart marketer. They’re happy with where their businesses are.

If you want MORE, keep reading.

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This is most definitely a simplification of some very complex processes. Let’s break down each piece.

How do you perfect your sales system? You set it up right to start with:

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The most important piece is to split test. You’ve heard it before, but to set up your sales system the right way, you have to let your target audience tell you the right way to do it.

It doesn’t matter if you write your own sales copy or pay some huge amount to the best copywriter alive, you still have to test it.

No matter how smart you or your team may be, you will never get it 100% right if you simply guess at what will sell with your audience. Even if you’re getting a 5% sales conversion rate or a 50% opt-in rate, you’ll never know if it could be better if you’re not testing.

Test your offer, your headline, colors, graphics, order buttons, and purchase sequences to be sure you are getting the best possible results from your sales process.

Make sure you send a minimum 1,000 visitors to a set of pages before testing something new. In fact, try to send a minimum of 5,000 before making changes.

I’m not the best copywriter on earth, but I can tell you that your main thought process should be WIIFM or “What’s In It For Me” when it comes to selling.


I can’t tell you how many people I see trying to sell a product in an email. This makes absolutely no sense and will cost you a ton of money.

What you should be doing in an email is selling the “click”. Get someone to go through your process to the next step. Let the Squeeze or Capture Page do its job and convert them to the next step. Let the sales copy sell the front end product, not the email. Let your upsells and cross-sells sell themselves.

If you do this, your results will show it.

Product delivery is a very important step, develop your delivery system to be easy to figure out and help your customers consume what you’ve sold them.

Your followup sequences need to push consumption first. Once you get your customer to use what they’ve bought from you, it’s a great time to offer affiliate products, add-ons, or cross sells into the sequence.

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Reaching New Leads

Next, let’s consider what traffic strategies we can use:

Pretty ugly, right?

I’m not going to go through each one in detail. Take a look at the options, I’m sure you’re using plenty of those (if you’re not, you should be and if you are, you can always do more).

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SEO (search engine optimization) is not as tough as some would try to get you to believe. Build as many links as you can using as many different strategies as possible. If you’re already doing article marketing, forum profiles, or blog comments, you should really consider switching it up and adding videos, blog networks, and press releases.

Once you get a link from a website to yours, each following link you get from that same website carries less value. Use as many different link building strategies as you can and you’ll improve your search engine rankings.

Direct Mail is as simple as taking your online sales process and turning it into a piece of paper you can send to clients. Use a low cost DVD or CD to get your customers’ addresses.

Social marketing is not the same as any other kind of marketing. Don’t be the dummy that goes onto facebook and tells everyone to “Buy my stuff, buy my stuff!” Think of social selling as being at a party. You have to get people interested in you and what you do before you spam them with a sales pitch.

I used to refuse to pay for traffic, but now that I’m getting all of my sales systems in order, I’m excited to use Adwords, Banners, and every other tactic I can. As long as I turn a profit, I’m going after every single prospect I can find.

Can you use software to market your business? Of course you can. In a recent test, I gave away a free piece of software, but required a registration inside of the software itself. It generated nearly 800 fresh leads with a cost of roughly $200.

A book is the single most powerful proof of authority in any market and the best business card you could ever hand to a prospect. While I don’t recommend making a business out of writing books, they are one of the best lead generators on earth. Be sure to include some form of reference to a capture page on the back cover of your book, as most people will never open it or read it.

So, what do you do once you’ve figured out what traffic strategies you want to use and have created your perfect sales system?

Next Steps

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Once you get one sales system humming, it’s time to move onto next steps. This doesn’t mean that you should bail on your previous system, keep it rolling and producing for you.

There are 3 simple things you can do next:

1. Create or add another product. Once you one sequence perfected, add another sequence. Be sure to add promotional copy for the new product into your followup sequences for your other products to have some hands off sales and keep your customers buying from you.

2. Go Vertical. Take a close look at the problems your product solves. Can it be applied to a different market? This method is cool because it takes a lot of the work required to create a new product out of the equation. You can simply recreate your current product or realign it to work for a slightly different audience.

A training product for one market (how to market a chiropractor’s office, for example) might work well for another (plastic surgeons, perhaps). Take a good look at how you can retarget your marketing for another set of prospects.

3. Publish someone else’s stuff. While I’m sure you’re amazing at what you do, there are others that are just as good or better. Reach out to them and see what you can do to work with them and attack your market together. It’s much better to have half of something than 100% of nothing.

You’ll notice that I’m talking about information marketing above, but you can apply this to services, e-commerce, or any other type of business just as easily.

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Most e-commerce stores are based upon a shopping cart script, but that isn’t the only way to sell physical products on the web.

Think about this:

• Setup a catch-all domain name like “funproducts.com”.

• Instead of setting up a shopping cart, create a single page that focuses on a single product.

• If someone purchases that product, send them a specific email sequence that helps them consume the product, then remind them of how great the product was.

• Once that sequence is completed, have them begin a 3 email promotional sequence for a complimentary product.

• Once you’re done with the first sequence, begin another one.

• Once they purchase another product, have them switched to a new list that restarts the same process.

If you follow the steps I’ve just laid out, you’d get far more product sales and increase engagement with your customers, too.

You’ll also get extra benefits of having strong on-page SEO value and the ability to sell any kind of product you want via this single domain name.

While there is a ton of truly actionable information in this report, there’s no way I could go over everything in 20 short pages.

There will always be new tactics and strategies that you can use to get more leads, get more sales, and produce more income.

I have a secret.

I want to change the way you figure out how to reach more prospects.

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I’ve reached out to some of my closest marketing buddies to be a part of a process that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. These are people that are also disgusted by current trends and know how to help you do better, faster.

By downloading and reading this report, you’ve become a part of an incredible case study and I want to share the results with you. We're going to show you what we've done to reach as many people as possible in 6 days with no joint venture partners. You could call this an "Organic Launch".

Visit this page and sign up for notice of the moment we release the case study video showing exactly how we shared this report with thousands upon thousands of people in less than 7 days.

You’ll find out exactly what we did to reach so many people so quickly.

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