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1. The method 2

2. The power of intention 5

3. From stagnation to flow 8

4. Resonant leadership 10

5. Principles for energetic guardianship 12

6. The energetic toolkit 15

7. ECOintention in 8 steps 19

8. Summary of ECOintention results 24

9. Results of research 25

You can find this illustrated text on our website www.ecointention.com. Section ‘What is ECOintention?’

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What is ECOintention?

by Hans Andeweg

‚Connect ancient wisdom and modern science in

practical techniques.‘

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What is ECOintention?

1. The method

ECOintention is perceiving, interpreting and improving the (life) energy in organizations and ecosystems. It

is a method to bring healthy energy and flow back into organizations and ecosystems. Center for

ECOintention has been successfully applying this approach for more than 25 years in numerous projects.

ECOintention is a profession that you can learn during the four-year vocational training to become an

ECOintention Practitioner.

Pereiving energy

Everything radiates energy; a person, an animal, a tree, the ground and vegetation. Even a building has

radiance. In people we call this energy their aura. The amount of energetic radiance is a way of measuring

health and vitality. In a building the radiance influences the living and working environments and the health

of all. This radiance is a result of the amount of life energy in an organism or building.

All the ancient cultures had a name for Life energy: Ch’i, prana, mana etc. According to the ancient Chinese

Ch’i is the universal life energy that streams through all of creation. This energy is present everywhere. It is

the energy with a thousand names. All of matter is composed of and soaked in Ch’i.

Modern science confirms this ancient wisdom. Quantum mechanics discovered that the atom is made up of

99,999999999999% empty space. This is filled with life energy. Science calls it Zero Point Energy. It turns

out that the remaining 0,000000000001% of matter is not made up of fixed particles but of energy.

Everything is energy and energy radiates.

Everyone can perceive radiance and life energy. It doesn’t require any special gift. The only condition is that

you are relaxed inside. There are many ways to achieve this; sit down for a moment, breathing exercises,

meditation etc. ECOintention uses relaxation exercises from Intuitive Development.

You can perceive life energy and radiance with your hands, dowsing rods or a pendulum. You can also feel it

in your body or in the feeling a building or place has. Center for ECOintention has developed a method to

compare and check different people’s energetic perceptions. This is based on Huna, ancient wisdom from


'Imagination is more important than knowledge' - Albert Einstein

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Interpreting energy

Alongside more traditional measurements, energetic readings give you a deeper insight into the current

condition of an organization or ecosystem. Due to their subtle nature, energetic changes always precede

biological changes. Problems in an organization can be picked up much earlier at the energetic level.

Energetic blockages reduce productivity and cause misunderstanding on the work floor. Good energy puts

in place the right conditions and makes sure that luck is on your side.

Center for ECOintention has developed energetic scales and parameters to assess the health and vitality of

organizations and ecosystems. There are energetic values for the amount of life energy, blockages, stress,

grounding and self-organization. These values are depicted in charts. In this way they can be compared

with the target values of a healthy organization and the development of an ECOintention project can be


Previously existing scales are also used, such as the Bovis scale to assess vitality. This was developed by the

Frenchman André Bovis. At the beginning of the previous century he and his research team dowsed the

vitality of food in a project for the French government

'An atom is made up of 99,99999999% empty space filled with life energy.'

Improving energy

ECOintention is unique. There is no other method that both brings back healthy energy and flow into an

organization and at the same time coaches the client. This holistic approach makes awareness-raising and

change processes happen more quickly and the impact last longer. Improving the energy happens in three


1 - Balancing phase: this is the process of bringing the energy up to the target values. All energetic values

are tracked in graphics so you can follow the whole process.

2 - Stabilization phase: the energy in the organization is optimal. Clients often notice in this phase that a

calmness returns to the organization.

3 - Continuation phase: the energy has been deeply anchored. The benefits can now be harvested. In this

phase we step back and you take over the energetic guardianship.

Everything is energy and everything has a unique individual vibration. ECOintention strengthens the

vibration of a project using energetic items that vibrate in a similar way. This is the principle of resonance.

Every item has a specific effect. One increases the energy, another one dissolves blockages, for example. An

ECOintention Practitioner knows the way these work and applies them with consciousness, commitment

and care.

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You are coached as a client throughout the whole project. You learn about how your organization functions

energetically, and how to steward the energy and provide direction with your intention. Transforming

stagnation in the organization and old patterns in yourself are important parts of the work. This is called

resonant leadership. It’s based on the principles of energetic guardianship.

The principles of energetic guardianship are

1 Inner Peace You can only work with energy if you are relaxed inside.

2 Consciousness of the whole You can only charge something energetically if you are

conscious of its boundaries.

3 Feeling for what’s going on By giving the system and everything in it positive attention

you charge it up energetically.

4 Subject matter expertise Before you direct energy, you formulate realistic goals.

5 Identify, affirm and visualize goals You focus your intention on these goals and imagine that

they have been realized.

6 Process past pain What is holding you back from the past and is standing in

the way of you fulfilling your dream?

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2. The power of intention

An organization and an ecosystem can be compared to an organism. It is a dynamic living whole that

develops itself and is continually in interaction with its environment. ECOintention uses the metaphor of

the wheel to describe the power of intention in this context.

The wheel and ist guardian

Every organism, every organization and every natural area can be compared to a wheel. The wheel has a

Guardian; you as the creative force in your life, or the leader of the organization, the manager, the director

- in our language, the Guardian. The foundation for health and vitality is a harmonious balance between the

Guardian and their wheel. In our world today this is often disturbed.

Organizations are breaking down, hyperventilating and/or getting stuck ECOintention restores the balance.

It brings the Guardian back into the hub of their wheel and at the same time strengthens the vitality and

self-organizing ability of the organization. The coherence and flow, the alignment between vision, policy

and implementation, all increase.

A well-functioning whole

In a well functioning organization the Guardian sits in the hub of the wheel. In the hub everything comes

together. This is where you have the overview of the whole and hold the reins. You care about the work

and have a feeling for what’s going on. Your most important job is to listen so that your colleagues feel

heard and seen. Grounded in your inner peace you give your wheel attention and energy. Your wheel is

given direction by you being clear about your goals and being convinced that you can achieve them. Subject

matter expertise helps you to formulate realistic goals.

A good wheel is full of vitality and largely self-organizing. Your colleagues are in the right roles and know

what they have to do. It is a coherent whole, based on teamwork; one plus one makes three. There is clear

communication; a quick word is enough and problems are solved rapidly and easily. The organization is

agile and reacts adequately to developments in the world and in the market. The future seems to be more

with you than against you.

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Forces in the wheel

IIn the wheel two forces are at work. The most well-known one is the centrifugal force that pushes

everything outwards. This force is based on physical-chemical energy and functions explosively. It is the

masculine power (Yang) that is connected with reason. It is the physical force that functions in the outside

world, in matter.

You connect with this force by directing your attention outside yourself into the material world

The other force is centripetal, pulling everything towards the center. This force uses life energy and is

generative and vitalizing. It is the feminine force (Yin), connected with your intuition. This force functions in

the inner world, in the world of your mind.

You connect with this force by directing your attention inside, to your feelings and thoughts

The wheel will reach its goal if the Guardian is in the hub and these two forces exist in dynamic balance.

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Development is faltering

In modern society your attention is continually being pulled outwards by the media and by events in the

world. The emphasis is on growth and expansion. In that way you are more connected to the centrifugal

action force than the centripetal formative force.

The result is that you end up on the outside of your wheel. You find yourself on the treadmill, where you

lose sight of the whole, where you feel like you are being lived and where time flies. Eventually you lose

your balance and get dizzy. Misunderstandings occur and progress falters. Instead of everything unfolding

gracefully it all gets tangled up. Burn out! Wheels are disturbed in their balance by the increasing electro

smog of mobile phones, Wi-Fi, digital television etc..

Mind over matter

How do you bring your wheel back into balance? According to ancient Chinese wisdom the formative force

is based on Ch’i, life energy, and is connected with our mental world, with mind and information. Formative

force comes from the connection between life energy and information. You generate life energy by giving

something attention. Information means directing that energy with your intention towards a specific goal.

In the wheel, the formative force is represented by a blue spiral that turns to the left. This is the cycle of

creation in which thoughts and ideas condense into subtle and gross forms and connect with matter in the

hub of the wheel. The invisible thought forms then take on a visible tangible form. A life form emerges

from the relationship between the formative force and matter. This life form grows and develops in the

external world. This is where the expansive force dominates. In the wheel this is represented by the red

spiral turning to the right.

What is important to remember however is “mind over matter” – the mind is more powerful than matter.

The formative force is stronger than the material expansive force because the material form always

emerges from the thought. Never the other way round!!

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3. From stagnation to flow - from chaos to coherence

According to ancient Chinese wisdom, the formative force, the mental force, is stronger than the material

force. It is the creative power that underpins all manifestations in 3-D reality. This is confirmed by science.

From quantum mechanics we know that everything is light energy and that matter takes on fixed form

through our fixed convictions.

How can you make use of this in your own life and in running an organization? The wheel unfolds in time; it

comes from the past, is in the present and goes to the future. The left turning formative force is connected

with the future. The right turning expansive force is connected with the past. It is this that pushes the

wheel forwards. Action is reaction. Cause and effect.

Science and our everyday life are based on this expansive force. We have learned that everything is a result

of events in the past. The future is open, it is uncertain. Life is like a coin balancing on its side - it could go

either way, but it’s almost impossible to influence which way it falls. It’s certainly not possible if we’re

talking about living systems and organizations. Dreams are delusions. That’s what most of us think.

Co-creating the future

Deception? It would be if we were only focused on the expansive force. Then we are driven from the past

into the future and everything is determined by what happened yesterday. However things are very

different if we involve the formative force. This generative, creative force is connected with the future. By

using this force we can co-create our future. At that moment our dreams become reality.

The fact that future goals influence events in the present isn’t that strange. The future is always influencing

our lives; if I have to give an important lecture in two days time then today I am already preparing for it. But

how do you co-create your own future?

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Directing your intention

You can co-create your own future by directing your intention. In other words, by imagining a goal that you

want to achieve and then affirming it. Affirming literally means securing. If you can clearly see your goal in

your mind’s eye and then go on to affirm it, is like throwing a rope into the future with an anchor attached

to it.

Every time you repeat the affirmation the rope gets stronger and the anchor becomes more fixed. Once the

anchor is well and truly fixed the left turning formative force can reel in the rope. That’s how things happen

to you that you envisioned in the future. In this way, the Guardian of an organization or ecosystem pulls the

wheel forward towards the goal that they imagined.

Mind Moves Matter

To summarize it we could say that the past pushes and the future pulls. The latter is related to an inner

process. By directing your attention inside, you connect to the formative force in your wheel. The wheel

really gets going once you connect to it from your heart. In that moment you are sending the whole thing

positive attention or life energy.

With your intention, using your goal and imagination, you direct the energy. That’s how you can get fate on

your side. You create the future through your thoughts. With your wheel you go on a journey to experience

how these dreams become reality. Mind Moves Matter!

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4. Resonant leadership

Life energy creates the conditions. Your goals and intentions give it direction.

ECOintention coaching is based on resonant leadership. You learn to work with attention and intention.

That is how you bring good energy into the organization and realize your goals. To be able to apply this

effectively in any organizational ecosystem, Center for ECOintention has developed the principles for

energetic guardianship. These are an application based on resonance.

What is resonance?

You are in resonance with something or someone if together you are on the same wavelength. There’s a

click, a flow. It’s great to work together in that way because you feel that you are complementing and

strengthening each other. Then one plus one makes three. It is not just a figure of speech to say you are on

the same wavelength – you actually are. Everything is energy, including material, and energy vibrates. Each

octave corresponds to a phase on a spectrum of density from the most subtle energy to matter. You could

call matter “solidified vibration”. Light is actually extremely diluted sound.

An unique vibration

Every organism, every organization, every enterprise and ecosystem have a unique vibration. This vibration

can be strengthened through resonance by coming into contact with another force that has a similar

vibration. If you take two identical tuning forks and you strike one of them and then dampen it you will still

hear the tone because the tuning fork that wasn’t struck is vibrating in resonance.

Using resonance you can create a big impact with relatively little force. This has to do with timing. You can

get a swing to go really high by repeatedly giving it a small push just at the right moment. A gentle wind can

make a big suspension bridge “swing” by blowing up against it with a specific regularity. Disappointing

results, stagnation, stress and low levels of vitality come about if an organization is not connected to its

own unique vibration. Using the principles for energetic guardianship you can strengthen its unique

vibration in a simple manner.

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The organization-field

You start by tuning into the field of your organization, which we call the Organization-field. In Bert

Hellinger’s family constellations Family Fields are used. There are also organizational constellations. These

provide insights into how well an organization is functioning. The Organization-field is a kind of memory or

script in which everything that happened in the past is recorded. It contains scenarios for solving problems

as well as for future plans. By connecting to the Organization-field from your inner stillness you can align

the organization energetically and strengthen its unique vibration.





Attention and intention

How do you do it? You tune into the Organization-field by imagining the organization. You literally bring it

into your mind’s eye. The more your image matches reality the stronger the resonance will be and the

better the connection you will have with the field. When you then go on to connect to this image from your

heart, you are sending positive attention or life energy to the whole. You strengthen its unique vibration

and you align the organization well energetically. After that you direct your intention to the goals that you

want to realize. That is how you influence the direction the organization develops. Resonant leadership is a

combination of attention and intention.







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5. Principles for energetic guardianship

Using the principles for energetic guardianship you are able to work with attention and intention more

effectively and consciously.

1 - Inner peace

You can only work with energy if you are relaxed inside

When you achieve inner stillness your brainwaves slowdown. You enter into a relaxed state of awareness.

Your rational mind runs quietly in the background while your intuition is activated. This is necessary for you

to be able to connect to the Organization-field. Inner peace can be achieved in many ways; sit down for a

moment, breathing exercises, praying, meditation etc. Everyone can do this in their own way. The time it

takes to create inner peace is more than earned back by the free time you get in return. Good energy in the

organization increases coherence and synchronicity. The inner world and outer world merge together. You

don’t need to spend your time chasing things up or dealing with emergencies. That’s why you end up

gaining time.

2 - Consciousness of the whole

You can only charge something energetically if you know its boundaries

Consciousness of the whole starts with defining the boundaries. These boundaries could for example be the

exterior walls of your house, the fence around a field, the edge of a woodland, the borders of an

organization’s property with the buildings on it. In your mind’s eye you scan those boundaries or you use a

map and connect with it. When you define your organization or ecosystem in this way you connect to it

through resonance. In this way it’s not only possible to give energy but you also receive information about

the condition of the organization as a whole and the parts that it is composed of. You can check this

intuitive information by listening to your gut-feeling. Does it give you a good or a bad feeling?

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3 - Feeling for what is going on

By giving this bounded system positive attention you recharge everything that is in it with life energy

Having a feeling for what’s going on is equivalent to giving something attention. In practice it means being

present, showing your face regularly in the workplace and asking “how’s it going?”. The feeling of being

heard affirms people and in many cases is by itself enough to solve certain problems. Attention is life

energy. By giving something attention you are charging it energetically. It doesn’t matter what size it is.

Anything that you can embrace with your heart and hold in your awareness can be energetically recharged.

4 - Subject matter expertise

Before you can direct energy you need realistic goals

Intellect and intuition, reason and feeling, complement each other. You can’t have one without the other. A

vague feeling for what is going on can sometimes be understood and explained using your reason. Our

expertise anchors our consciousness in matter and a sober understanding makes sure that we set realistic

goals. Our reason works out the plan and tells us if the goal is achievable. You can see how working

successfully with life energy is intrinsically connected to expertise and specialist knowledge.

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5 - Affirming and visualizing goals

You direct your intention to these goals and imagine that they have been realized

The future can be influenced. What happens to you is to a large extent in your own hands. You can have

good or bad luck. How do you create good luck? With your attention you energetically charged the whole.

With your intention you set the direction. You direct your intention to a goal that you want to reach. You

affirm this goal. By affirming it, you strengthen it and anchor it.

So with an affirmation you strengthen something that you would like to have or achieve. If you have your

goal clearly in your mind’s eye and you go on to affirm it, it is like throwing a rope into the future with an

anchor attached to it. Every time you repeat the affirmation the rope gets stronger and the anchor

becomes more fixed. Once the anchor is well and truly fixed, the left turning formative force (attention +

intention) can reel in the rope. That’s how things happen to you that you envisioned in the future, creating

your own good luck and realizing your goals.

6 - Process past pain

What from your past is holding you back and standing in the way of you fulfilling your dream?

It turns out that what you affirm for the future resonates with events from your or your organization’s past

that haven’t yet been processed. Often you’ll encounter these first as problems before your dream

becomes reality. ECOintention coaching helps you to become aware of and transform these old blockages.

You can leave your bad luck behind and move on to the good luck.

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6. Energetic toolkit

An ECOintention Practitioner uses an energetic toolkit to connect organizations and ecosystems to good

energy. Below you can read about some elements of this toolkit along with a few other ECOintention


Tools in the energetic toolkit include for example: flower of life, shri-yantra, mandela, music, colors, crystals

and Bach flower remedies. Each one has a specific energetic impact. An ECOintention Practitioner is

familiar with these various impacts and applies them consciously. The ability to carry out an energetic

balancing with heart and soul is critical for the result. The work should never feel routine but should always

be a living ritual.

The energetic toolkit includes harmonizers that dissolve blockages and stress, for example the shri-yantra

symbol. There are also transformers, such as the flower of life, which help the project to connect better to

its own source of knowledge and experience. Informers, such as colors, music and Bach flower remedies,

increase the self-organization. Grounders improve the grounding of the project. Petrified wood is a good

example. Energizers increase the life energy. You can do that for example with positive attention, an

orgone beamer or Reiki. The effect that each intervention has is tracked using energetic measurements.

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Golden mean

The Golden Mean can be found in the physical form of plants, animals and people, in growth processes and

in the cycles of the stock market, in an atom and in our solar system. This universal measure has been

applied to building pyramids, Greek temples, pagodas and cathedrals. Leonardo da Vinci and other artists

use the Golden Mean in their work to create harmony and beauty.

In nature everything develops rhythmically and with certain proportions. The Golden Mean plays an

important role in that. It is the universal measure. ECOintention works with it. An ECOintention Practitioner

balances with consciousness, commitment and care. Every balancing project is unique. It is carried out with

the rhythm and measure that the project requires.

Crop circles

Crop circles have been appearing worldwide for more than forty years. There is overwhelming scientific

evidence that most of them are not made by people. The complexity of crop circles is fascinating, the

wealth of their various shapes inexhaustible. Every year new ones appear. The biggest in 2001 had 409

circles and was more than 200 m wide.

ECOintention works with the energy of crop circles. This energy is very pure and has a strong harmonizing

and transforming effect. In the third year of the training participants choose their own crop circle. This is

explored in a variety of ways. It takes two months to integrate crop circle energy into your own energy so

that you can work with it.

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Projective geometry

Goethe’s metamorphosis of the plant and many energetic perceptions can be scientifically confirmed using

projective geometry. This geometry describes the shapes and growth processes of plants. With the

centripetal and centrifugal forces (blue and red respectively) there emerges a lemniscate formative force

that works at different levels of the plant.

According to projective geometry a plant is made up of intersection points, lines and planes. An

ECOintention Practitioner can perceive these energetically. These drawings come from the book “The plant

between sun and earth” by Adams and Wicher, a standard work on projective geometry. The colored orbs

are open intersections above the plant. These can be perceived energetically with your hands.


Many natural shapes like a cauliflower or fern are made up of repetitions of simple patterns, also known as

fractals. The Frenchmen Mandelbrot discovered that fractals were the foundation of most shapes in nature.

Using a computer you can simulate the growth of trees and the erosion of mountains with fractals. We can

even create fractal landscapes that reflect nature.

Repeating a simple pattern can have a big effect. According to fractal science it’s possible that the beating

of a butterfly’s wing could eventually create a storm. In the same way, repeating positive information at

just the right time can eventually have an enormous positive impact. In this case quality is more important

than quantity. ECOintention works with fractals.

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Fractal flowers

By endlessly repeating simple patterns called fractals, complex images can emerge. These fractal flowers

below were created by a computer. In nature simple foundational principles generally underpin

complicated patterns and forms. This is also true for blockages and stress in an organization. The cause is

often a simple event that through repetition became complicated and confusing.

There is no point in emphasizing blockages and stress. They just get tougher and bigger. ECOintention can

reduce blockages and stress quickly at a large scale. The underlying pattern is brought to the surface. Once

the Guardian has become aware of this core pattern, sustainable change can occur.

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7. ECOintention in 8 steps

Below you will find a short description of the different steps that an ECOintention project goes through. An

ECOintention project varies from 7 to12 months depending on the size and complexity of the project. How

long the energy stays at its ideal levels depends on the attention and intention of the Guardian..





1 – Energetic scan

After the first intake meeting the ECOintention Practitioner completes an energetic scan of the organization

or ecosystem. This will reveal the vitality of the project, whether the Guardian’s goals are achievable and

how much time it will take to get the project aligned energetically. For this scan (and the balancing

interventions later on) the ECOintention practitioner uses a map. Via the map they are able to establish an

intuitive connection with the morphic field of the project. This field contains the project’s blueprint. This is

also accessed during family and organizational constellations. The researcher Rupert Sheldrake describes

morphic fields in his books. He provides a scientific explanation for family constellations and our ability to

work energetically at a distance via a map. The scan takes place at three levels:

Concept level

This is the level where the vision, mission, resulting goals and the strategy of the organization are

determined. It is from this level that the organization is lead. You can see this as the organization’s head

where the thinking is based.


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Realization level

This is the workplace or the operational level. This is the place of action and turnover. At this level words

are turned into deeds. Here ideas are implemented and transformed into products and services. It is similar

to the stomach. In an ecosystem it’s the location where the life processes take place.


Middle level

This is the level where internal and external communication happen, the interaction inside the organization

as well as with other organizations and its operating environment. It can be compared to the heart, to

feeling. It is also about branding and public relations. Blockages or low-energy at this level can often lead to

miscommunication and misunderstanding.


2 – Meeting with the client

Graphics with the energetic data from the scan provide information about blockages, stress, healthy life

energy and the self-organization of the project. The data is compared to the target values of a healthy and

self-organizing organization or ecosystem. In this way the client gets an immediate insight into the state of

the whole system. The scan also shows to what extent their goals can be achieved using ECOintention. The

next step is a proposal and an outline of the costs. Once agreement is reached with the client the balancing

project can start


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3 – Making a holon

Before the ECOintention Practitioner can test for a balancing, they shrink the project map and create a

holon around it. A holon is an energetic resonance box. It is how the project’s healthy vibration can be


4 – Testing for a balancing

Using the holon and their intuition, the ECOintention Practitioner establishes contact with the project. They

“ask” the project what it needs to strengthen its own healthy vibration. Everything is energy and everything

has its own unique vibration. The ECOintention Practitioner strengthens the unique vibration of the project

using things that have a similar vibration. The Practitioner offers a number of different things from their

energetic toolkit such as colors, crystals, music, mandalas, symbols, Bach flower remedies, homeopathy etc.

In this way they can remove blockages, harmonize stress, add healthy life energy and increase the project’s

self-organizing capacity.

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5 – Balancing

A balancing consists of a number of steps that are carried out several times per week. Depending on the

results of the latest scan, colors, mandalas, music, symbols, Bach flower remedies or other energetic

interventions are used. The ECOintention Practitioner places each energetic item in a specific position on

the holon. This takes a lot of practice and experience. This is how they connect the project’s energetic fields

and the specific energetic intervention with each other. At that moment the transfer of energy and

information takes place.

The ECOintention Practitioner improves the vitality of the project with their balancing. During the balancing

the Guardian concentrates on their affirmations. In this way they give the energy direction. This unique

collaboration improves the speed and quality of the developments.

6 – Coaching the guardian

Every 9 to 14 days the project is tested for new balancing with an energetic scan. The scan shows whether

the energetic values are increasing and the project improving. The results of the new scan are presented in

a chart and sent with a report to the Guardian.

The ECOintention Coach visits the project every 4 to 6 weeks. A meeting to assess progress is held with the

Guardian and energetic check-ups are carried out. Where necessary the affirmations are amended and

heavily stressed areas can receive healing on location. The Guardian is coached using the resonant

leadership principles so that once the process is completed they can manage the energy themselves.

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7 - ECOintention in 3 phases


After 4 to 8 months the energetic target values of a healthy organization are reached. The time needed is

dependent on the size and complexity of the project. This is the end of the balancing phase.


The stabilizing phase comes next. The energy of the project is maintained at the target levels. In this way all

the parts of the project get the time they need to absorb and integrate the energy. A lot of changes can

happen in the project during this phase. It is important that the ECOintention Practitioner stays in touch

with the project and the Guardian.


After 3 to 6 months the stabilization phase moves into the continuation phase. The energy is now well

anchored throughout the whole project. All elements are well aligned. The ECOintention Practitioner steps

back and the client takes over full stewardship of the project. After a while they can request an energetic

check-up scan. Where necessary some short balancing interventions can be carried out.

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8. Summary of ECOintention results

The client’s goals determine the ECOintention results. In most of the projects the goals are realized. Due to

a broad diversity of goals many different results are achieved.

Results that have been achieved include:

• Increasing assignments and revenue

• Improved organization and collaboration

• Higher profit and better results

• More free time and inner relaxation for the Guardian

• Healthier staff, animals, trees and plants

• Better harvest and quality of product

• Increased biodiversity

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9. Results of research

Results after four years of research

Managers and guardians have more time to themselves, are more relaxed and more effective at realizing

their goals. There’s improved organization, communication, productivity and finances in organizations. This

is what a four-year research project showed about the effects of ECOintention. The research was carried

out in 2014, 2008, 2007 and 2005 in projects run by the third and fourth year trainees in the vocational

program to become an ECOintention Practitioner.

Healthy finances

In order to research the impact of ECOintention the Guardians were given a questionnaire with 11

statements about their well-being and the condition of their organization or project, at the start of the

project, and after 4, 8 and 12 months. For example: “I have time for myself”, “I achieve my goals”, “My

organization’s finances are healthy”. The Guardians assigned each statement a score of 1 to 7 depending on

to what extent they agreed with the statement. In this way their opinions at the start and at the end of the

project could be compared.

Significant results

The 2014 research showed that for all statements the score increased compared to the beginning of the

ECOintention project. For 67% of the statements the increase was statistically significant. In 2005, 2007 and

2008 there were similar results.

The 4-year research shows that managers and Guardians experience improvements in a large number of

areas for themselves and their organizations / ecosystems at the end of an ECOintention process. They

have more time to themselves, are more relaxed, have greater self-confidence, feel healthier and are

better at achieving their goals. In their organization or project, they experience improved organization and

communication. In general things get better rather than worse. Productivity increases and finances


Question T1








I have time for myself. 3,5 3,9 4,5 4,7

I am relaxed. 3,9 4,6 4,9 5,1

The organization is achieving its goals. 3,5 4,1 5,0 4,6

Communication with the outside world. 4,1 4,4 4,8 5,1

Financial health of the organization. 3,3 3,5 4,2 4,2

I feel self-confident. 5,0 5,3 5,7 5,7

Communication in the organization. 4,4 4,5 5,0 5,1

Luck is on my side. 4,5 4,4 5,4 4,9

The organization of the enterprise. 4,4 4,2 5,1 4,8

I’m at the hub of my organization. 5,3 5,2 5,7 5,4

I’m healthy. 5,3 5,3 5,7 5,4

Table with ECOintention results in 2014: there were 31 Guardians who completed the questionnaire at all

four moments in the process. Green means a higher and red means a lower score than the initial

measurement. Figures in bold represent a statistically significant change. The scale was 1 (poor) to 7 (very


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Broad diversity of projects

There were 57 Guardians involved in the 2014 research (e.g. managers, leaders of organizations, wardens

of land). They represented 49 very different projects, For example an energy company, a research Institute,

a bank, a political party, a magazine, a publisher, a camping site, a beekeeper, educational institutions,

agricultural organizations, natural areas, estates and public parks.

The third and fourth year trainees practised ECOintention on the project for a year. They made energetic

interventions on average three times a week, on their own or together with another trainee. In order to

bring the energy and flow back into their projects they used the resonance of different energetic items.

Every 6 to 8 weeks they visited their projects to check up on the energy on location and to have a coaching

conversation with the Guardian about the project’s development. Center for ECOintention supervised all

the projects. The research is being continued in 2015.

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