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Page 1: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

What is Timothy Hay and Does Your Pet Need it?

Burgess Excel

Page 2: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

If you have a pet rabbit, guinea pig or chinchilla, chances are you have heard of Timothy Hay. But, do you know what it is? Have you ever wondered if your pet needs it? Timothy Hay actually has an interesting

history and it is very beneficial to the health of these animals and other true


Page 3: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

What it is and Where it Comes From

Timothy Hay is dried Timothy Grass, which is native to many parts of Europe. In the wild it can grow to between 48 and 150 centimetres tall! The leaves typically grow to be about 40 centimetres long. The grass also has a flowerhead with

pink stamen. Timothy Grass is very resistant to cold temperatures and usually grows in heavy soil, but it can

also survive in dry and sandy soils.

When the grass is dried to form Timothy Hay, it keeps its green colour and should smell fresh. It looks much like

other types of hay and should be in long strands.

Page 4: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

Timothy Hay and Your Pet’s Health

The biggest reason you should be feeding Timothy Hay to your rabbit, guinea pig or chinchilla is that it is extremely beneficial to his health. This hay is very rich in fibre, which will help your furry friend’s digestive system function the way it should. As your

pet eats Timothy Hay, the fibre passes through his intestines and helps other food

pass through properly.

Page 5: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

True herbivores are used to being able to graze on grasses and hays almost constantly when they live in the wild. This

constant intake of fibre means their digestive systems have become dependent on fibre, and feeding your pet

Timothy Hay will fill this need.

If your pet doesn’t get enough fibre in his diet, he may exhibit symptoms like stomach problems, digestive

blockages or loose stools. But, you can keep your pet healthy by making sure Timothy Hay is the main

component of his diet.

Page 6: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

This food is also low in protein and calcium, which is beneficial to your pet’s overall health.

Timothy Hay offers a wealth of dental benefits for true herbivores. Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas all have teeth that grow constantly, unless the animal chews on something that will help grind them down and keep them a

healthy length. Timothy Hay is perfect for this.

Page 7: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

When an herbivore doesn’t have enough material to chew on to keep his teeth

healthy, they will grow too much and he will develop a disease called malocclusion.

The disease harms the inside of the animals mouth and could make it

impossible for him to eat, which can cause further problems and even death.

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How to Add Timothy Hay to Your Pet’s Diet

Most experts suggest that rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and other true herbivores eat a diet

that is made up mostly of Timothy Hay. The health benefits from the hay can’t be beat, and

most of these animals love this food. In fact, providing enough Timothy Hay will not only keep your pet healthy, but will also give him

proper stimulation and encourage him to forage as he would in the wild. This mental stimulation

will help keep your pet healthy and happy.

Page 9: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

You should always make sure your pet has plenty of fresh hay in his cage. If he eats all of the hay,

add more. Try feeding the hay to your pet in different ways to give him some stimulation and

to foster his foraging skills. For example, you could put hay inside a basket, cardboard tube,

in a hutch or in various places in your pet’s cage. Another tip is to hide other foods and

treats under the hay, so your pet will dig around and forage for different kinds of food.

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Experts suggest that Timothy Hay makes up the majority of your pet’s diet, but it should

be supplemented with other foods. Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas love leafy green vegetables and special treats

you can buy from your pet store. Of course, your pet always needs access to

fresh water.

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If your pet doesn’t seem to be eating the Timothy Hay you provide, check to make sure the hay is

fresh, smells sweet and is green and soft. Believe it or not, there is a lot that goes into

preparing perfect Timothy Hay for pets, including considerations for growing conditions, cutting times and even packaging. When you

provide the best Timothy Hay possible, your pet will love it and you won’t have any problems

adding it to his diet.

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To keep the hay fresh and ready for your pet, keep it in a very dry place, do not

handle it too much and do not store it in direct sunlight. When stored and handled properly, your rabbit, or other pet, will be more attracted to and more likely to eat

the Timothy Hay you provide.

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Timothy Hay is an extremely nutritious food that should make up the majority of your rabbit’s, guinea pig’s or chinchilla’s diet. The high fibre

content will benefit your pet’s overall, dental and even mental health. Most true herbivores love Timothy Hay, so keep a constant supply of the

food coming and your pet will stay happy. 

Visit The Excel Feeding Plan for more information - http://www.burgesspetcare.co.uk/excelfeedingplan/about-the-feeding-plan.html

Page 14: What is timothy hay and does your pet need it?

 Visit The Excel Feeding Plan for more

information - http://www.burgesspetcare.co.uk/excelfeedingplan/about-the-feeding-plan.html

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