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Page 1: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.


The New SIAMS evaluation schedule

Page 2: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

New Inspection April 13 Odd one out

Page 3: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

Key Questions: The ‘So What’ Inspection and why

How distinctive and effective is the school as a Church of England School?

How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all the learners?

What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?

How effective is the religious education?

How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?

Page 4: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

What happens ?

SIAS and Ofsted decoupled Every 5 years for Good and Outstanding Every 3 years for ‘satisfactory’ One weeks notice : So still a SIB

Page 5: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

We want to reduce role of government/State but we have get some things right first!

Define essential knowledge: an irreducible core that pupils should learn.

Improve the quality of teachers

Improve the academic offer to pupils form poorer homes

A slimmed down National Curriculum. Expert panel review published, awaiting detail

Higher entry requirements to ITT

Ebacc :RE has been too successful meaning not enough taking History and Geography.

Page 6: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

How does Ofsted define Spiritual development ?

Pupils’ spiritual development is shown by their: beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform

their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values

sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible

use of imagination and creativity in their learning

willingness to reflect on their experiences.

Page 7: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

New areas New areas Added emphasisAdded emphasis

• Overall Effectiveness section

• Supplementary guidance on Methodist and Anglican tradition and practice

• More aspects of RE in a VC school

• Achievement issue

Distinctive characteristics of worship

Governors’ role in Christian vision and strategic planning

Focus on the teaching of Christianity

Explicitly Christian understanding of shared human values

So What's new ?

Page 8: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

Christian Character and Pupil achievement

Page 9: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

Christian Character and pupil achievement

Worship>worthship >equally valued in the eyes of God >self esteem>pupil achievement

Perseverance as Christian value> resilience in learning

A Christian understanding of achievement leading to a different way to judge others achievements

Spiritual development linked to pupil achievement through progression in opportunities for creativity empathy and reflection as opposed to just provision and promotion ( supported by materials produced by Kathyrn Wright or the ‘Rickett Grids’ from SW)

Page 10: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

Christian Character and pupil achievement

Creating a Christian culture of taking risks in learning through an assurance of forgiveness, acceptance and Christian love.

Christian love as a secure basis for achievement and in giving confidence in learning.

Page 11: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

What's Changed Collective Worship

To develop and understanding of Jesus Christ and respond to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Theological basis Key elements : Gathering, engagement,

respond, sending out Centrality of prayer

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What's Changed : RE

Just RE Statement of entitlement

Page 13: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

What's Changed: Leadership and Management

Christian Vision to include standards Future leadership of church schools: more

clarity Recognition of Chaplaincy and pastoral

support of the church

Page 14: WHAT SCHOOL CHAPLAINS NEED TO KNOW The New SIAMS evaluation schedule.

The Toolkit issue

No fixed way Summary document Series of self

evaluation tools

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