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Page 1: WHAT to do in Mindo

Casa Divina • [email protected] • tel (593-9) 0509626 / 593-9-1725874



What to do in Mindo?

Page 2: WHAT to do in Mindo


There are a variety of activities to choose from during your stay atCasa Divina Lodge. We can help you plan any of the following activities: Mindo Ropes & Canopy Zipline Tour A great way to see the canopy level of the cloudforest. This is a VERY fun activity for the whole family. You are safely secured in harness and pullet and sent o� over the tree top over a 10 cable zipline course. Please note that zip line guides are experienced natural-ist guides but speak little English. If you would like a bilingual guide please inquire. Beautifully forested hiking trails. Hummingbird observation area. Activities for non-zipliners as well. Local, family-run business. $10 per person. The tour takes about 1 1/2 hours. Walking distancefrom the lodge about 1 mile uphill (20-30min hike) Great views of theMindo Valley and birdwatching. We can hire a car for $7 each way. Waterfall Nambillo Nice hike out of Mindo into the Cloudforest. About 4 miles each way.Uphill on the way up. Many birdwatching guides take this trail. At theend of the hike take a refreshing dip into the Nambillo River. Rock jumping, slide, wading pools. There is no food or water up there. We can packyou a sack lunch if you wish. Local, family-run business.

$5 per person. We can a hire a car for you for $12 each way. Cable Car/ Waterfall Sanctuary The cable car is another way to get into the forest. It is along the same road as the Waterfall Nambillo, but about a mile or so before the Waterfall Nambillo entrance. You can ride across from mountain top to mountain top in a motor-powered basket, locally referred to as the "Tarabita". On the other side is a hike to the Waterfall Sanctuary, or a series of �ve, small waterfalls. These waterfalls are more for looking at and dipping your feet in, than for swimming. There is no food or water up there. We can packyou a sack lunch if you wish. Wear appropriate footwear as the trail can be narrow and sometimes slippery and/or muddy.

$5 per person. About a 5 hour excursion leaving Casa Divina Lodge on foot andhiking back to the lodge. We can hire a car for you one way for $10.

Molly BrownCasa Divina Lodgewww.mindocasadivina.comcell: +593-90509626o�ce:1 650 843 9164skype: mkbinmindo

What to do in Mindo?

Page 3: WHAT to do in Mindo


Canyoning This is another adventure sport mixed with naturalist hiking. Take a 30 minute car ride to the trail head. Then a 30 minute hike up to the Cascada el Corazon. Experi-enced guides then harness you up and assist you in rappelling down a series of 3 waterfalls (18m,15m and 12m). Please note that the canyoning guides speak little English, if you would like a bilingual guide please inquire. Climbers and adventure-seekers love the thrill of being inside the waterfall. Tour starts from Casa Divina Lodge and takes about 4 hours. Transportation included. Local, family-run business.

1 person: $352 people: $503 people: $654 people: $805 people: $1156 people: $130

Innertubing Take a ride down to the Mindo River, one of the �ve rivers in the valley. Innertubes are tied together to form a "boat". The ride is short, about 20 min, but exciting and invigorating. A great way to see the river and the riparian zone. Transportation included. Local, family-run business.

1-4 people: $40 trip total5 or more people: $9 per person1 hour trip (transportation, put-in, river ride, take out)

Horseback Riding See the Mindo Valley on horseback! It's a good way to get around toany of the places you want to see, or just go for a ride on any ofMindo's long tree-lined roads. Tour includes Spanish-speaking guide and starts at Casa Divina Lodge. $24 for 2 hours per horse$10 per hour after 2 hours per horse

Molly BrownCasa Divina Lodgewww.mindocasadivina.comcell: +593-90509626o�ce:1 650 843 9164skype: mkbinmindo

What to do in Mindo?

Page 4: WHAT to do in Mindo


Molly BrownCasa Divina Lodgewww.mindocasadivina.comcell: +593-90509626o�ce:1 650 843 9164skype: mkbinmindo

What to do in Mindo?

Butter�y Farm Marisposas de Mindo is a family-run butter�y farm that has been working for over 10 years in the area. They o�er a beautiful �ight room to observe local species, as well as informative tour where you can watch metamorphosis in action. The restaurant has good food. Nice place to sit and relax. $5 per person, walking distance from the lodge about 1 mile each way. Nice, �at walk along the river. Round trip walking both ways 1 1/2 to 3 hours. Or we can hire a car for $7 each way. Orchid Garden A hobby-turned-tourist-attraction. Visit an impressive collection of over 200 local, wild orchid species. These epiphytes (plants that live in trees and have aerated roots) are hard to see in their natural environment because of their small size and distance from the ground. A tour around the small, cozy garden will make you appreciate this incredibly evolved plant family. Local, family-run business. $2 per person. Tip recommended. 20-30 minute tour. Walking distance from the lodge to town. Less than a mile. Just a few blocks from the center of town. We can hire a car for $3 each way. A Day at Cunuco Cunoco is a collection of haciendas about 3 miles outside of the town of Mindo. It's a nice place to spend the day. They have a nice spot to hang out on the river, horseback riding and you can even �sh your own lunch at the tilapia pools (it's not as easy as you think!) Even if you're not up for �shing, don't miss the fried tilapia prepared in the restaurant. It's outstanding and even better washed down with a pitcher of fresh-squeezed lemonade. It's a beautiful walk out there, although you might want to arrange a pick-up because the way back feels a lot longer! $5 entrance fee per person$10 each way in car

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Molly BrownCasa Divina Lodgewww.mindocasadivina.comcell: +593-90509626o�ce:1 650 843 9164skype: mkbinmindo

What to do in Mindo?

Birdwatching / Guided Hikes: Mindo is known around the world for its incredible biodiversity. Birdwatching is a great way to get out and appreciate what the cloud forest has to o�er. Not only will you see spectacular birds you can tell your friends and family about, but you will also see an amazing variety of plants and learn about the history of the Mindo Valley. You can choose from a morning walk on one of many trails in the Mindo area or an all-day hike that will �ll up your bird list. You will most likely see birds like toucans, quetzals, tanagers and hummingbirds.Take a night hike and listen to the frogs, watch the �re�ies dance, observe insects and maybe spot an armadillo! Efrain is our chief guide at Casa Divina Lodge. He has been guiding in Mindo, and all over Ecuador, for over 15 years. A typical trip out with Efrain might include a short history of Mindo, plant identi�cation, and of course, bird watching at it's best. When Efrain is busy, we will book your tour with another of the many talented local, English-speaking, naturalist guides that work in Mindo.

Early Morning Hike from 6am-9am (prime birdwatching time): $70 (groupfee up to 6)

All Day Birdwatching Adventure 6am-2pm: $80 (group fee up to 6)

Night Hike 8pm-9pm: $25(group fee up to 6)

Cock-of-the-Rock Lek (a lek is a place where mating rituals are displayed). There are several di�erent locations in the Mindo area where you can observe a Cock-of-the-Rock Lek.

The Cock-of-the-Rock is a remarkable bird that conveniently returns to the same location at the same time everyday making it very easy and enjoyable to observe. The brightly-colored male displays a mating ritual alongside many other compet-ing males in a set location until a female arrives and chooses her mate for theday. The sounds, colors, movements and energy are so impressive that instead of describing it we recommend you experience it up close and personal. Please avoid wearing bright colors (it is distracting to the birds) pictures maybe taken with NO FLASH, long pants and long shirt recommended. No loud voices, noises or sudden movements as these birds are extremely sensitive.

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Molly BrownCasa Divina Lodgewww.mindocasadivina.comcell: +593-90509626o�ce:1 650 843 9164skype: mkbinmindo

What to do in Mindo?

* Refugio Paz de Las Aves (1.700 m. 5.577 ft.) The Paz de Las Aves Refuge is outside of the Mindo Valley about 1 hour in car. Run by two local brothers working to conserve the surrounding forest and the wildlife found within it. This is an early departure (4:45am) because of the hour drive. First o� is the Cock-of -the-Rock Lek observation. Then o� to an observation platform where you might spot Black-Chinned Mountain Tanager, Blue-Winged Moun-tain Tanager, Toucan Barbet and Crimson-Rumped Toucanet. Continue on to observe the Giant Yellow-Breasted, and Moustached Antpittas. Downhill, uphill hiking on foot trails. Co�ee and late morning breakfast at Paz de Las Aves observation deck, hummingbird observation at feeders. Catch the Velvet-Purple Coronet, Violet-Tailed Sylph, Bu�-Tailed Coronet and many more Humming-bird species.

*(If you choose the Oil Bird Cave tour addition) Continue on in vehicle for 1 hour to Chontal to visit the Oil Bird Cave. These birds are named for the oil they provided to the native communities in the area that used to hunt them. They roost in an underground cave and you can observe 50 individuals at a time in this surreal setting. Return to Casa Divina. 4:45am Early morning departure from Casa Divina Lodge 9:00am Country Breakfast at Paz de las Aves Reserve12:00pm Return Casa Divina Lodge (Oilbird tour returns at 4pm)

Cock-of-the-Rock San Tadeo

This is an early morning outing that starts at 5am with a 30 minute car ride followed by a 30 minute hike to get to the observation area. The hike is slightly inclined, but not strenuous. Observation of the lek usually lasts around 1 hour. On the hike back to the road, you will observe other local species like tanagers, woodpeckers, �ycatchers. Return back to Casa Divina Lodge for breakfast at 9am.Transportation included. Early morning departure: 5am- 9am return

1 person: $140 (Oilbird tour $35 extra)2 people: $160 (Oilbird tour $45 extra)3 people: $180 (Oilbird tour $55 extra)

4 people: $220 (Oilbird tour $75 extra)5 people: $240 (Oilbird tour $95 extra)6 people: $260 (Oilbird tour $115 extra)

1 person: $1202 people: $1303 people: $140

4 people: $1605 people: $1706 people: $180

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Molly BrownCasa Divina Lodgewww.mindocasadivina.comcell: +593-90509626o�ce:1 650 843 9164skype: mkbinmindo

What to do in Mindo?

Yanacocha-Tandayapa-Eco Route 5:00am Breakfast at Casa Divina Lodge . 2 1/2 hour drive up to Yanacocha Reserve. 8:00am Start tour through Yanacocha Reserve (3.700 m. 11.155 ft.)to see species like Black Breasted Pu�eg, Sword-billed, Bu�-Winged Starfronlet, Great Sapphirewing and Gorgeted Sunangel Hum mingbirds, Scarlet-Bellied and Hooded Mountain Tanagers, Bar-bellied Woodpecker. 2:00pm Continue on through Tandayapa/Santa Rosa (2300 m. 7.546 ft. )where you will get a chance to spot the Plate-billed Moutain Toucan, Toucan Barbet, Blue Winged Mountain Tananger, Grass-Green Tananger, Turquoise Jay. In this area we will see lower-elevation hummingbirds as well. Then down to the eco route to Mindo and Casa Divina Lodge. Sack Lunch included. Transportation included. 4:00pm Return to Casa Divina Lodge

Mindo-Nambillo Waterfall 6:00am Breakfast6:30am Leave for hike along Nambillo Waterfall road. Starting at 1200m hiking up to 1400m. Hike, photographs, observation. Possible sightings are Chestnut-Manibled Toucan, Choco Toucan, Pale-Mandibled Aracari, Golden-Headed Quetzal, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Blue-Necked Tananger, among others. Sack Lunch included. Transportation not included.2:00 pm Return to Casa Divina Lodge

1 person: $2402 people: $2603 people: $280

4 people: $4405 people: $4606 people: $485

1 person: $1152 people: $1253 people: $135

4 people: $1905 people: $2006 people: $210

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Molly BrownCasa Divina Lodgewww.mindocasadivina.comcell: +593-90509626o�ce:1 650 843 9164skype: mkbinmindo

What to do in Mindo?

Rio Silanche-Milpe 5:00am Depart for Rio Silanche-Milpe. Packed breakfast provided6:30am Arrive at Rio Silanche Reserve. ( R.Silanche 300-350 m. 984-1.148 ft.) Beautiful views and bird sightings from a 13 eter viewing platform. Possible sightings are Choco Trogon, Western White-Tailed Trogon, Lineated Woodpecker, White-Bearded Manakin, Purple-Throated Fruitcrow, Blue-Headed Parrot. Continue on to Milpe (1100 m. 3609 ft.) where you may see Club- Winged Manakin, Rufous Motmot, Green-Crowned Woodnymph among other species. A perfect tour for birders and photographers alike. Transportation included.2:00pm Return to Casa Divina Lodge. Lunch at Casa Divina Lodge. End of Tour

1 person: $1552 people: $1703 people: $185

4 people: $2805 people: $2956 people: $310

1 person: $1552 people: $1703 people: $185

4 people: $2805 people: $2956 people: $310

Umbrella Bird Reserve - Milpe

4:30am Depart from Casa Divina Lodge for an hour drive to a small town outside of San Miguel de los Bancos (1100m. 3609ft.) to see the Long Wattled Umbrella Bird. The Long Wattled Umbrella Bird can be found in the cloud forest of Ecuador. It is currently endangered due to destuction of its habitat and its large size, making it easy to hunt. The name comes from the impressively long wattle on the neck of the males and can measure up to 45 centimeters. Males also have a beautiful large crest of hair-like feathers expanding over the bill which looks like an umbrella. This bird is usually silent, except during mating displays when the males make a low-frequency booming call that can be heard from up to 1km away.8:30am Breakfast at Umbrella Bird Reserve11:00am Arrive at Milpe Reserve (1100 m. 3609 ft.) where you may see Club-Winged Manakin, Rufous Motmot, Green-Crowned Woodnymph among other species.2:00pm Return to Casa Divina Lodge. Lunch at Casa Divina Lodge. End of tour.

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