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Page 1: What You Need To Build Cool Enterprise Applications With JSF

What You Need for Building Cool Enterprise Applications with JSF

Max KatzExadelOct. 4, 2011

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Max KatzSenior Systems Engineer

JSF, RichFaces, Java EE consulting, and training

Developer Relations for Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder (http://gotiggr.com)

>[email protected]>@maxkatz>mkblog.exadel.com

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Exadel is a global software engineering company

Founded in 1998, headquarters in San Francisco Bay Area

7 Development offices in Europe

400+ employees

[Munich, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Minsk, Homeyl, Kharkov, Donetsk]

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The Plan Is Simple

1) Ajax features in JSF 2

2) The new RichFaces 4 – or what you need to build cool enterprise applications with JSF

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JavaServer Faces™ (JSF) is the standard component-based user interface (UI)

framework for the Java EE (5 & 6) platform

JSF 1.2 Java EE 5

JSF 2 Java EE 6

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JSF 2 is a major upgrade over JSF 1.x

Many features, ideas taken from projects such as Seam,

RichFaces, and others

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● Facelets

● Composite components

● Implicit navigation

● GET support

◦ h:link, h:button

● Resource loading

JSF 2 new features

● New scopes

◦ Flash, View, custom

● Configuration via annotations

● Bean Validation support

● Basic Ajax

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JSF 2 <f:ajax>

● Very basic Ajax functionality

● Greatly inspired by RichFaces 3 <a4j:support> tag

● Ajax in JSF in 3 easy steps:

1. Sending an Ajax request

2.Partial view processing

3.Partial view rendering

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<h:form> <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/> <h:commandButton> <f:ajax event="click" execute="@form" listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" render="out1 out2"/> </h:commandButton></h:form>

<h:form> <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/> <h:commandButton> <f:ajax event="click" execute="@form" listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" render="out1 out2"/> </h:commandButton></h:form>




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<h:form> <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/> <h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selected}"> <f:selectItems value="#{bean.items}"/> <f:ajax event="change" execute="@form" listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" render="@form"/> </h:commandButton></h:form>

<h:form> <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/> <h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selected}"> <f:selectItems value="#{bean.items}"/> <f:ajax event="change" execute="@form" listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" render="@form"/> </h:commandButton></h:form>




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Attribute Value

eventEvent on which to fire the Ajax request


@all@this (default)@form@noneid'sEL


@all@this@form@none (default)id's EL

Important <f:ajax> attributes

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That's good, but that's all you get.

Where do you get rich components and more?

A rich component framework is still(?) needed to build real-world

Ajax applications.

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RichFaces 4 is a lightweight, open source framework for


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RichFaces 4 – rich JSF framework

UI components

a4j:* tag library (core)

rich:* tag library (UI)

Components' JavaScript API


Client-side validation (Bean Validation based)

CDK – Component Development Kit

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100% built on top of JSF2, just extends functionality in


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JavaScript is now entirely based on the popular jQuery


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All components are reviewed for consistency, usability

Redesigned following semantic HTML principles

Server-side and client-side performance optimization

Strict code clean-up and review

RichFaces 4 is a lot faster, consistent,and optimized

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New client-side validation based on Bean Validation

(JSR 303)

Quickly and easily validate input on the client

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New, and easy to use CDK (Component Development Kit),

allows quickly to build your own custom rich components

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Pick your server:

Tomcat 6/7, Resin, JBoss AS 6/7, GlassFish 3.x, WebLogic

[any server where JSF 2 application can be deployed]

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Deploy and run in the cloud:

Google App Engine Amazon EC2, CloudBees, OpenShift

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Pick JSF implementations you like:

Mojarra or MyFaces

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Run in any browser

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Pick your favorite tooling:

JBoss Tools, IntelliJ, NetBeans

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Easy to start. Zero-configuration, just drop RichFaces into the


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RichFaces versions

Version JSF 1.1 JSF 1.2 JSF 2

RichFaces 3.1.x •RichFaces 3.3.3* • •RichFaces 4 •* Note: RichFaces 3.3.3 has basic JSF 2 support

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RichFaces history

2005: started by Alexander Smirnov

2005-2007: Developed by Exadel Ajax4jsf - open source, free RichFaces - commercial

2007: JBoss takes over

Exadel team continues to develop the framework, project is known as RichFaces

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Let's see what cool components, and features you get with RichFaces...

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RichFaces <a4j:ajax>

● 100% based on standard <f:ajax>

● Just replace f: with a4j: and get exactly the same functionality

● But, you get extra features...

<h:commandButton> <f:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/></h:commandButton>

<h:commandButton> <f:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/></h:commandButton>

<h:commandButton> <a4j:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/></h:commandButton>

<h:commandButton> <a4j:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/></h:commandButton>

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Feature/Attribute Description

onbeginJavaScript to execute before Ajax request

onbeforedomupdateJavaScript to execute after response comes back but before DOM update

oncomplete JavaScript to execute after DOM update

bypassUpdatesAllows to skip JSF phases when validating

limitRender Turns off all auto-rendered panels

status Status to display during Ajax request

Ajax queue Advanced RichFaces client queue

<a4j:ajax> attributes

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Components to send Ajax request● <a4j:ajax>

● <a4j:commandButton>

● <a4j:commandLink>

● <a4j:jsFunction>

● <a4j:poll>

● <a4j:push>

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<a4j:commandButton/Link> – button and link with built-in Ajax behavior

<a4j:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.action}" render="output" />

<a4j:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.action}" render="output" />

<a4j:commandLink value="Save" action="#{bean.action}" render="output" />

<a4j:commandLink value="Save" action="#{bean.action}" render="output" />

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<h:form> <h:inputText> <h:selectOneMenu> <h:commandButton> <f:ajax execute="@form"/> </h:commandButton><h:form>

<h:form> <h:inputText> <h:selectOneMenu> <h:commandButton> <f:ajax execute="@form"/> </h:commandButton><h:form>

<h:form> <h:inputText> <h:selectOneMenu> <a4j:commandButton/><h:form>

<h:form> <h:inputText> <h:selectOneMenu> <a4j:commandButton/><h:form>

Need to set execute=”@form”(or execute=”id1 id2”)

RichFaces defaultvalue for button/linkexecute=”@form”

When using standard JSF button:

When using RichFaces button:

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<table> ... <td onmouseover="update('yellow')"/> ...</table>

<h:form> <a4j:jsFunction name="update" action="#{bean.change}" render="..."> <a4j:param value="param1" assignTo="#{bean.color}"/> </a4j:jsFunction></h:form>

<table> ... <td onmouseover="update('yellow')"/> ...</table>

<h:form> <a4j:jsFunction name="update" action="#{bean.change}" render="..."> <a4j:param value="param1" assignTo="#{bean.color}"/> </a4j:jsFunction></h:form>

<a4j:jsFunction> – fire Ajax request from any JavaScript function, HTML event

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<h:commandButton action="#{bean.change}"> <a4j:ajax render="id"/></h:commandButton>

<h:commandButton action="#{bean.change}"> <a4j:ajax render="id"/></h:commandButton>

If you had to pick just one Ajax control, you would want <a4j:jsFunction>

<h:commandButton onclick="sendAjax();"/>

<a4j:jsFunction name="sendAjax" action="#{bean.change}" render="id"/>

<h:commandButton onclick="sendAjax();"/>

<a4j:jsFunction name="sendAjax" action="#{bean.change}" render="id"/>

Is the same as:

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<a4j:poll> – periodically send an Ajax request

<a4j:poll interval="1000" action="#{bean.count}"

render="output" enabled="#{bean.pollEnabled}" />

<h:panelGrid id="output">...</h:panelGrid>

<a4j:poll interval="1000" action="#{bean.count}"

render="output" enabled="#{bean.pollEnabled}" />

<h:panelGrid id="output">...</h:panelGrid>

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● Server-side events are pushed to client using Comet or WebSockets.

● Implemented using Atmosphere

● Provides excellent integration with EE containers, and advanced messaging services

<a4j:push address="topic@chat" ondataavailable="alert(event.rf.data)" />

<a4j:push address="topic@chat" ondataavailable="alert(event.rf.data)" />

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Advanced rendering features

● <a4j:outputPanel>

● limitRender attribute

● render=”{bean.renderList}”

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<a4j:outputPanel> – auto rendered panel

<a4j:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.save}"><a4j:commandButton value="Edit" action="#{bean.edit}">

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:panelGrid> ... </h:panelGrid></a4j:outputPanel>

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <rich:dataTable> ... </rich:dataTable></a4j:outputPanel>

<a4j:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.save}"><a4j:commandButton value="Edit" action="#{bean.edit}">

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:panelGrid> ... </h:panelGrid></a4j:outputPanel>

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <rich:dataTable> ... </rich:dataTable></a4j:outputPanel>

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Turning off auto rendered panels

<a4j:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.save}"><a4j:commandButton value="Edit" action="#{bean.edit}" render="edit" limitRender="true">

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:panelGrid> ... </h:panelGrid></a4j:outputPanel><h:panelGrid id="edit"> <rich:dataTable> ... </rich:dataTable></h:panelGrid>

<a4j:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.save}"><a4j:commandButton value="Edit" action="#{bean.edit}" render="edit" limitRender="true">

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:panelGrid> ... </h:panelGrid></a4j:outputPanel><h:panelGrid id="edit"> <rich:dataTable> ... </rich:dataTable></h:panelGrid>

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1) Ajax request sent

2) Component id's to be rendered resolved

3) Component id's are rendered into the page

4) 2nd Ajax request is sent. In this request the components (resolved in step 2 are sent with request) will be rendered

1) Ajax request sent

2) Component id's to be rendered resolved

3) Component id's are rendered

JSF RichFaces

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Advanced execute features

● <a4j:region>

● bypassUpdates attribute

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<a4j:region> – defining execute region declaratively

<h:form> <a4j:region> <h:inputText /> <h:inputText /> <h:selectOneMenu /> <a4j:commandButton /> <a4j:region></h:form>

<h:form> <a4j:region> <h:inputText /> <h:inputText /> <h:selectOneMenu /> <a4j:commandButton /> <a4j:region></h:form>

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Skipping phases when validating

<h:inputText id="name" value="#{bean.name}"/> <a4j:ajax event="blur" bypassUpdates="true"/></h:inputText><rich:message for="name"/>

<h:inputText id="name" value="#{bean.name}"/> <a4j:ajax event="blur" bypassUpdates="true"/></h:inputText><rich:message for="name"/>

1.Restore View2.Apply Request Values3.Process Validation4.Update Model5.Invoke Application6.Render Response

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Even more advanced features and tags● JavaScript callbacks

● Queue

● <a4j:status>

● <a4j:param>

● <a4j:log>

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Easily use JavaScript callbacks during Ajax request

<a4j:commandLink value="Link" onbegin="ajaxOnBegin()" onbeforedomupdate="ajaxOnBeforeDomUpdate()" oncomplete="ajaxOnComplete()"></a4j:commandLink>

<a4j:commandLink value="Link" onbegin="ajaxOnBegin()" onbeforedomupdate="ajaxOnBeforeDomUpdate()" oncomplete="ajaxOnComplete()"></a4j:commandLink>

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JSF 2 queue

● JSF 2 has very basic queue functionality

● Events are queued and fired one at a time

● Only one request is processed on the server at a time

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<a4j:queue> – “combining” events from the same component

While a request is executing on the server, all requests from button A or button B will be combined (merged) if the last event in the queue is of the same type.

<a4j:queue />...<a4j:commandButton id="buttonA" value="Button A"/><a4j:commandButton id="buttonB" value="Button B"/>

<a4j:queue />...<a4j:commandButton id="buttonA" value="Button A"/><a4j:commandButton id="buttonB" value="Button B"/>

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<a4j:queue> – “combining” events from different components

<a4j:queue /><a4j:commandButton id="buttonA" value="Button A"> <a4j:attachdQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/></a4j:commandButton><a4j:commandButton id="buttonB" value="Button B"> <a4j:attachdQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/></a4j:commandButton>

<a4j:queue /><a4j:commandButton id="buttonA" value="Button A"> <a4j:attachdQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/></a4j:commandButton><a4j:commandButton id="buttonB" value="Button B"> <a4j:attachdQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/></a4j:commandButton>

While a request is executing on the server, all requests from button A or button B will be combined (merged).

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<a4j:queue> – setting request delay allows “waiting” for requests from same component in order to merge events

<a4j:queue requestDelay="1000"/>

<a4j:commandButton id="buttonA" value="Button A"> <a4j:attachdQueue requestDelay="2000"/></a4j:commandButton>

<a4j:commandButton id="buttonB" value="Button B"/>

<a4j:queue requestDelay="1000"/>

<a4j:commandButton id="buttonA" value="Button A"> <a4j:attachdQueue requestDelay="2000"/></a4j:commandButton>

<a4j:commandButton id="buttonB" value="Button B"/>

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<a4j:queue> – ignoring “stale” responses

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000 ingoreDupResponses="true"/>

<h:inputText value="#{bean.state}"> <a4j:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{bean.load}" render="states"/></h:inputText>

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000 ingoreDupResponses="true"/>

<h:inputText value="#{bean.state}"> <a4j:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{bean.load}" render="states"/></h:inputText>

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<a4j:status> – Ajax request status

<a4j:status name="ajaxStatus"> <f:facet name="start"> <h:graphicImage value="ajaxStatus.jpg"/> </f:facet></a4j:status>

<h:form> <a4j:commandButton status="ajaxStatus"/></h:form>

<a4j:status name="ajaxStatus"> <f:facet name="start"> <h:graphicImage value="ajaxStatus.jpg"/> </f:facet></a4j:status>

<h:form> <a4j:commandButton status="ajaxStatus"/></h:form>

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<a4j:param> - like <f:param>, but simpler as it also assigns the value to a bean property automatically

<a4j:commandButton value="Save"> <a4j:param value="1009" assignTo="#{bean.product}"/></a4j:commandButton>

<a4j:commandButton value="Save"> <a4j:param value="1009" assignTo="#{bean.product}"/></a4j:commandButton>

public class Bean { private String product; public void setProduct (String product) {...}}

public class Bean { private String product; public void setProduct (String product) {...}}

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Another great feature is that <a4j:param> value can contain any JavaScript expression or JavaScript function, when noEscape="true"

<a4j:param name="width" value="(jQuery(window).width()/2)" assignTo="#{bean.screenWidth}" noEscape="true" />

<a4j:param name="width" value="(jQuery(window).width()/2)" assignTo="#{bean.screenWidth}" noEscape="true" />

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<a4j:log> – Ajax request/response information, logging

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RichFaces UI components

● Output, panels

● Input

● Menu

● Data iteration

● Tree

● Drag and drop

● Client side validation

● Miscellaneous

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More rich output, panels

● rich:panel

● rich:togglePanel

● rich:popupPanel

● rich:collapsiblePanel

● rich:toolTip

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<rich:popupPanel> can be modal and non-modal

<rich:popupPanel modal="false"> <f:facet name="header"> Edit User </f:facet> ... ...</rich:popupPanel>

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More rich input

● rich:inputNumberSpinner

● rich:inplaceSelect

● rich:select

● rich:fileUpload

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rich:dataTable withrich:collapsibleSubTable


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RichFaces data iteration components support partial updates





To render from outside the table:render="tableId@header"render="tableId@body"render="tableId@footer"

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Deciding what rows/cell to update in run-time



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New collapsible sub table component

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<rich:dataTable> supports column and row spanning

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<rich:extendedDataTable> provides lazy loading, column resizing, reorder and more

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More rich data iteration● a4j:repeat

● rich:extendedDataTable

● rich:collapsibleSubTable

● rich:list

◦ list | ordered | definition

● rich:dataGrid

● rich:column

◦ Column and row spanning

◦ Filtering, sorting

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Drag and drop

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Many RichFaces components provide client-side JavaScript API

Method name Description

getTop() Return the top co-ordinate for the position of the pop-up panel.

getLeft() Return the left co-ordinate for the position of the pop-up panel.

moveTo(top,left) Move the pop-up panel to the co-ordinates specified with the top and left parameters.

resize(width,height) Resize the pop-up panel to the size specified with the width and height parameters.

show() Show the pop-up panel.

hide() Hide the pop-up panel.

<rich:popupPanel> JavaScript API

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Invoking component JavaScript API using #{rich:component(id)} function

<input type="button" onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.show();"

value="Open" />

<rich:popupPanel id="popup"> <h:outputLink value="#"

onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.hide(); return false;">

<h:outputText value="Close"/> </h:outputLink></rich:popupPanel>

<input type="button" onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.show();"

value="Open" />

<rich:popupPanel id="popup"> <h:outputLink value="#"

onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.hide(); return false;">

<h:outputText value="Close"/> </h:outputLink></rich:popupPanel>

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Invoking component JavaScript API using <rich:componentControl> component

<h:outputLink value="#"> <h:outputText value="Open" /> <rich:componentControl event="click" target="popup" operation="show" /></h:outputLink>

<rich:popupPanel header="RichFaces" id="popup"> <h:outputLink value="#"> <h:outputText value="Close" /> <rich:componentControl event="click" target="popup" operation="hide" /> </h:outputLink></rich:popupPanel>

<h:outputLink value="#"> <h:outputText value="Open" /> <rich:componentControl event="click" target="popup" operation="show" /></h:outputLink>

<rich:popupPanel header="RichFaces" id="popup"> <h:outputLink value="#"> <h:outputText value="Close" /> <rich:componentControl event="click" target="popup" operation="hide" /> </h:outputLink></rich:popupPanel>

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<rich:accordion id="c"> <rich:accordionItem header="New York" name="nyc"> <h:outputText value="You selected New York"/> </rich:accordionItem> <rich:accordionItem header="San Francisco" name="sf"> <h:outputText value="You selected San Francisco"/> </rich:accordionItem> ...</rich:accordion>

<rich:accordion id="c"> <rich:accordionItem header="New York" name="nyc"> <h:outputText value="You selected New York"/> </rich:accordionItem> <rich:accordionItem header="San Francisco" name="sf"> <h:outputText value="You selected San Francisco"/> </rich:accordionItem> ...</rich:accordion>

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<input type="button" value="New York City" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('nyc')"/><input type="button" value="San Francisco" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('sf')"/><input type="button" value="Los Angeles" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('la')"/>

<input type="button" value="New York City" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('nyc')"/><input type="button" value="San Francisco" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('sf')"/><input type="button" value="Los Angeles" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('la')"/>

<input type="button" value="First" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@first')"/><input type="button" value="Next" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@next')"/><input type="button" value="Previous" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@prev')"/><input type="button" value="Last" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@last')"/>

<input type="button" value="First" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@first')"/><input type="button" value="Next" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@next')"/><input type="button" value="Previous" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@prev')"/><input type="button" value="Last" onclick="#{rich:component('c')}.switchToItem('@last')"/>

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RichFaces client functions

Function Description

rich:client(id) Returns component client id

rich:element(id) Returns DOM element

rich:component(id)Returns RichFaces client component instance to call JS API method

rich:isUserInRole(role) Returns if the user has specified role

rich:findComponent(id)Returns component instance for given short id

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Standard Java EE security with #{rich:isUserInRole(role)} function

<rich:panel header="Admin panel" rendered="#{rich:isUserInRole('admin')}"> Very sensitive information</rich:panel>

<rich:panel header="User panel"> General information</rich:panel>

<rich:panel header="Admin panel" rendered="#{rich:isUserInRole('admin')}"> Very sensitive information</rich:panel>

<rich:panel header="User panel"> General information</rich:panel>

● Calls facesContext.getExternalContext.getUserInRole(role)

● What's good is that security roles can be defined anywhere

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Client-side validation based on Bean Validation

(JSR 303)

New in RichFaces 4

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Bean Validation (JSR 303)

JSF 2 has support for Bean Validation (validation done on server)

public class Bean { @Pattern(regexp="...") private String email;}

public class Bean { @Pattern(regexp="...") private String email;}

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{bean.email}"> <a4j:ajax event="blur"/></h:inputText><rich:message for="email"/>

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{bean.email}"> <a4j:ajax event="blur"/></h:inputText><rich:message for="email"/>


JSF page:

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Client-Validation Based on Bean ValidationValidation is performed on the client. If no client implementation available, validation automatically falls back to standard, server validation

public class Bean { @Pattern(regexp="...") private String email;}

public class Bean { @Pattern(regexp="...") private String email;}

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{bean.email}"> <rich:validator /></h:inputText><rich:message for="email"/>

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{bean.email}"> <rich:validator /></h:inputText><rich:message for="email"/>


JSF page:

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Object validation with <rich:graphValidator>

<rich:graphValidator value="#{bean}" id="crossField"> <h:inputText value="#{bean.password1}"/> <h:inputText value="#{bean.password2}"/> <rich:message for="email" for="crossField"/></rich:graphValidator>

<rich:graphValidator value="#{bean}" id="crossField"> <h:inputText value="#{bean.password1}"/> <h:inputText value="#{bean.password2}"/> <rich:message for="email" for="crossField"/></rich:graphValidator>

@Size(min=5,max=15)private String password1;@Size(min=5,max=15)private String password2;

@AssertTrue(message="Passwords don't match")public boolean checkPassword() { return password1.equals(password1);}

@Size(min=5,max=15)private String password1;@Size(min=5,max=15)private String password2;

@AssertTrue(message="Passwords don't match")public boolean checkPassword() { return password1.equals(password1);}

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Rich miscellaneous

● <rich:componentControl>

● <rich:hashParam>

● <rich:jQuery>

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● Allows to call JS API on a component in declarative fashion

<h:outputLink id="openLink" value="#"><h:outputText value="Open" /><rich:componentControl event="click"

operation="show" target="popup" /></h:outputLink>

<rich:popupPanel id="popup">... </rich:popupPanel>

<h:outputLink id="openLink" value="#"><h:outputText value="Open" /><rich:componentControl event="click"

operation="show" target="popup" /></h:outputLink>

<rich:popupPanel id="popup">... </rich:popupPanel>

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<rich:hashParam> - creates JavaScript hash, can be passed to another client function.

<h:commandButton value="Show popup"> <rich:componentControl target="pp" operation="show"> <rich:hashParam> <f:param name="width" value="500" /> <f:param name="height" value="300" /> <f:param name="minWidth" value="300" /> <f:param name="minHeight" value="150" /> </rich:hashParam> </rich:componentControl></h:commandButton

<h:commandButton value="Show popup"> <rich:componentControl target="pp" operation="show"> <rich:hashParam> <f:param name="width" value="500" /> <f:param name="height" value="300" /> <f:param name="minWidth" value="300" /> <f:param name="minHeight" value="150" /> </rich:hashParam> </rich:componentControl></h:commandButton

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Using jQuery with <rich:jQuery>

<input type="button" id=" value="Update panel"/><rich:jQuery selector="#changeButton" event="click" query="$('#nycInfo .rf-p-hdr').text('New York City'); $('.rf-p-b').css('color', 'blue');" />

<input type="button" id=" value="Update panel"/><rich:jQuery selector="#changeButton" event="click" query="$('#nycInfo .rf-p-hdr').text('New York City'); $('.rf-p-b').css('color', 'blue');" />

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Using jQuery when page rendered to create zebra-like styling for table

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<style> .even-row { background-color: #FCFFFE; } .odd-row { background-color: #ECF3FE; }</style>

<rich:dataTable id="gamesTable"> // columns</rich:dataTable>

<rich:jQuery selector="#gamesTable tr:odd" query="addClass('odd-row')" /><rich:jQuery selector="#gamesTable tr:even" query="addClass('even-row')" />

<style> .even-row { background-color: #FCFFFE; } .odd-row { background-color: #ECF3FE; }</style>

<rich:dataTable id="gamesTable"> // columns</rich:dataTable>

<rich:jQuery selector="#gamesTable tr:odd" query="addClass('odd-row')" /><rich:jQuery selector="#gamesTable tr:even" query="addClass('even-row')" />

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Invoking <rich:jQuery> as a regular JavaScript function

<h:graphicImage width="100" value="/images/venice.png" onmouseover="larger(this, {})" onmouseout="normal(this, {})" />

<rich:jQuery name="larger" query="animate({width:'241px'})" /><rich:jQuery name="normal" query="animate({width:'100px'})"/>

<h:graphicImage width="100" value="/images/venice.png" onmouseover="larger(this, {})" onmouseout="normal(this, {})" />

<rich:jQuery name="larger" query="animate({width:'241px'})" /><rich:jQuery name="normal" query="animate({width:'100px'})"/>

with mouse over

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● Lightweight extension on top of CSS

● Change look and feel of all rich component with a few minor changes

● Can be applied to standard JSF and HTML tags as well

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Ready-to-use skins

● classic

● wine

● blueSky

● ruby

● emeraldTown

● deepMarine

● plain

● japanCherry

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>ruby</param-value></context-param>

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>ruby</param-value></context-param>

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RichFaces Skin file


generalBackgroundColor=#f1f1f1generalTextColor=#000000generalSizeFont=11pxgeneralFamilyFont=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif



generalBackgroundColor=#f1f1f1generalTextColor=#000000generalSizeFont=11pxgeneralFamilyFont=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif


Page 94: What You Need To Build Cool Enterprise Applications With JSF


● Modify existing or create your own

● Change skins in runtime

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>myCoolSkin</param-value></context-param>

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>myCoolSkin</param-value></context-param>

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>#{bean.skin}</param-value></context-param>

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>#{bean.skin}</param-value></context-param>

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Overwriting Skin CSS<style>.rf-p-hdr { color: … font-size: … font-weight: … font-family: …}</style><rich:panel>...</rich:panel>

<style>.rf-p-hdr { color: … font-size: … font-weight: … font-family: …}</style><rich:panel>...</rich:panel>

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Overwriting Skin CSS<style>.rf-p-hdr { // overwrite skin CSS properties}.specialHeader { // define custom CSS for specific panel}</style>

<rich:panel id="panel1">... <rich:panel><rich:panel id="panel2" headerClass="specialHeader">... <rich:panel>

<style>.rf-p-hdr { // overwrite skin CSS properties}.specialHeader { // define custom CSS for specific panel}</style>

<rich:panel id="panel1">... <rich:panel><rich:panel id="panel2" headerClass="specialHeader">... <rich:panel>

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Skinning standard JSF tags and HTML tags

<h:button style="background-color: '#{richSkin.tableBackgroundColor}'"/>

<h:button style="background-color: '#{richSkin.tableBackgroundColor}'"/>

Apply to each control:

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Skinning standard JSF tags and HTML tags automatically

<context-param> <param-name> org.richfaces.enableControlSkinning </param-name> <param-value>true</param-value></context-param>

<context-param> <param-name> org.richfaces.enableControlSkinning </param-name> <param-value>true</param-value></context-param>

Apply to all standard controls (JSF and HTML):

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Skinning standard JSF tags and HTML tags only when special CSS class is applied to parent container

<context-param> <param-name> org.richfaces.enableControlSkinningClasses </param-name> <param-value>true</param-value></context-param>

<context-param> <param-name> org.richfaces.enableControlSkinningClasses </param-name> <param-value>true</param-value></context-param>

<div class="rfs-ctn"> <h:outputText /> <h:inputText /> <h:commandButton /></div>

<div class="rfs-ctn"> <h:outputText /> <h:inputText /> <h:commandButton /></div>

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Where can I try the new RichFaces 4?


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RichFaces 4.1 (Late 2011)

Mobile support

New components: Pick list Ordering list Rich text editor

Page 102: What You Need To Build Cool Enterprise Applications With JSF

How can we help with RichFaces

● Web development with RichFaces

● Version 3 to 4 migration

● Performance tune-up

● Custom component


● On-site training

Training Days

JSF 1.2, 2 1-2

RichFaces 3, 4 1-2

JSF and RichFaces 2-3

RichFaces 3 to 4 1-2

Page 103: What You Need To Build Cool Enterprise Applications With JSF


Rich, flexible, robust, and proven enterprise-level framework to JSF 2

Page 104: What You Need To Build Cool Enterprise Applications With JSF

Tiggr is a Web-based mobile apps builder.

Super fast, and easy to build mobile Web and native apps

Build your mobile app at http://gotiggr.com

Page 105: What You Need To Build Cool Enterprise Applications With JSF

Export or build the app as mobile Web or generate native app (for Android, iOS)

Page 106: What You Need To Build Cool Enterprise Applications With JSF

>[email protected]>@maxkatz>mkblog.exadel.com

Build your mobile app in the cloud: http://gotiggr.com

Thank you!How to get in touch with me:

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