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All the essential info you need in one little book to fuel your new fitter life style!

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What’s going on inside





Page 2: What's Going on Inside?

Introduction We all know that what goes on inside our bodies will affect what happens on the outside and start to show. That’s why it’s equally as important to look after the parts of your body that you can’t see, as well as the parts that you can.

In this e-book, you’ll find some great information on your metabolism, what your heart rate says about you, and other useful facts that are handy to know, helping you look after every part of you for a happy and healthy lifestyle.


Romford: First Floor, 1-5 High Street, Market Place, Romford, Essex RM1 1JU

T 01708 749444 E [email protected] © 2012 by Go30 Romford. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of the Editor of Go30. Views expressed in this magazine are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of Go30 unless specifically stated. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all information published, the Editor, Art Director, Staff cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions.

3 Understanding your metabolism

4 What your pulse says about you

4 Say goodbye to cellulite

5 Healthy eating


Multi Award Winning Company

Page 3: What's Going on Inside?

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Understanding your metabolismAccording to the Fitness Industry Association (FIA) only 12% of the UK’s adult population use a gym! Despite the enormous publicity persuading us to exercise more, the fact remains that most of us don’t really like gyms.We’ve all heard about how ‘slow’ or ‘fast’ a metabolism can be and that by speeding it up, we may be able to help shift those unwanted pounds, but what does metabolism actually mean?When we eat, the food is converted into energy. This, along with the chemical processes within the body that make this happen, is called our metabolism. It can be split into three components:Basal Metabolism – 60-65% of the calories that we eat each day are used simply keeping us alive and supporting basic body functions.Physical Activity – 25% of the calories are used up by movement and physical activity.

Thermic Effect of Food – about 10% of the calories we eat are used processing the food consumed.The rate at which the body burns calories is its metabolic rate and it differs from personto person. Someone that consumes 2,500 calories per day and burns 2,500 calories per day will maintain at a stable weight. Another person who consumes 2,500 calories per day but burns only 2,000 calories will gain weight at a rate of about 1lb per week. So this explains why there really are ‘lucky’ people with a high metabolic rate that seem to get away with eating all of the chocolate and cakes that they want and not gain a single pound, whereas others seem to have to watch every grape to avoid gaining weight! It does however provide hope to those who have tried every diet going and haven’t found anything that works

for them. Factors that affect the metabolic rate are age, gender, body composition (muscle versus fat), activity level and other medical factors.After the age of 30, the metabolism may slow down. Don’t panic, read on...Metabolism is to an extent, determined by genetics, but you can increase your basal metabolism by building muscle. That’s why men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women. Completing the Go30 circuit three times a week allows the body to build more muscle whilst it burns body fat, increasing the overall metabolic rate. Try to make sure you drink two litres of water each day to prevent dehydration which in turn makes the body’s metabolism less efficient.

According to the Fitness Industry Association (FIA) only 12% of the UK adult

population use a gym!Despite the enormous

publicity given to persuading us to exercise

more, the fact remains that most of us don’t

like gyms.

Page 4: What's Going on Inside?

Your pulse or heart rate, can tell your instructor a great deal about your fitness level. When your instructor checks your pulse during your induction, she is checking what is called your Resting Heart Rate.

The best time to check this is first thing in the morning even before you get out of bed, but as this isn’t practical, it can be taken at the gym before you exercise.That’s why your instructor will check your pulse rate during your induction (first visit) and at regular intervals thereafter. Your instructor can also calculate the optimum pulse rate for you whilst exercising to ensure that you gain the maximum benefits.

Resting heart rate could be anything from 60 beats per minute (BPM) or above, but most people’s will be in the low 80’s when they first come to us.The resting heart rate tells us how often your heart has to beat to pump sufficient blood and oxygen around the body. As your exercise programme begins to work, your heart which is a muscle, will get stronger and pump more blood around the body with each beat. We call this the stroke volume. As stroke volume increases, the heart doesn’t need to beat as often so your resting heart rate will slow down.Once you see this happening it means that your heart muscle is growing stronger and you’re getting fitter. Most membersfind that their resting heart rate has lowered by about 10 BPM over the first two to three months at Go30.

Your Instructor will also want to calculate a training heart rate (THR), the ideal heart rate for you during exercise. To calculate your THR, she will first need to know your Maximal Heart Rate (Max HR) – the maximum heart rate you would achieve if you pushed yourself to the limit.Clearly that wouldn’t be a wise thing to do, so we predict your Max HR instead. This is done by simply deducting your age from the number, 220. So if you’re 35 years old, we would predict that you would have a Max HR of 185BPM.Once your instructor knows what your Max HR is, she’ll decide THR by calculating a percentage of your Max HR and if she thinks that you are healthy, she will calculate a THR, 55 per cent of your Max HR in a 35 year old for example would be 55 per cent of 185BPM, or 102BPM.There is just one more heart rate to consider. As it would be difficult to keep your pulse at exactly your THR whilst exercising, your Instructor will calculate a Heart Rate Training zone for you. This is done quite simply by deducting and adding 10 per cent from your THR.In the example to the right, your Training Zone would therefore be minus and plus 10 per cent of 102BPM, in other words 92BPMto 112BPM





What your pulse says about you

Many, many of our members report a significant reduction in cellulite within only weeks of commencing their program and that’s because exercise improves lymphatic circulation.

Lymphatic circulation is often ignored when the effects of exercise are discussed. We all know that blood circulation is important and is improved when we exercise, but so is the lymph system. Lymph is the waste

material left behind by the blood. It leaks from out from cells and is increased by pollution, poor diet, smoking, chemicals and fizzy drinks, etc.

The body has its own system of tiny vessels called capillaries to help assist the removal of lymph. When too much lymph is produced, the system becomes clogged and can cause us to retain excess fluid. The result is

cellulite – lumpy skin deposits that can look unsightly when we strip off in the sun.

Now for the good news. Your Instructor will recommend exercises that will stimulate the circulation in your problem areas and help you with any necessary dietary changes. Plenty of water will help too, so expect to say goodbye to cellulite!

Say goodbye to cellulite

Page 5: What's Going on Inside?

For brilliant results, combine healthy eating and exercise, it’s simple!Fact – Eating a healthy balanced diet should be fun & enjoyable, not hard work, boring, tasteless or any of the other words commonly thrown around. Eating is one of life’s necessities, so let’s put the myths to bed and get the facts right and enjoy our food!

A balanced diet and regular physical activity are the building blocks for good health. Poor eating habits and little physical activity, can lead to weight gain and health problems. By eating correctly and keeping active, you can stay at, or reach a healthy weight and look terrific at any age.

Reaching your health and lifestyle goals are far more achievable if you combine a healthy eating plan with regular exercise, making sure that whatever exercise intensity you choose, the healthy eating plan that you follow will give you all of the energy that your body will need to work efficiently.

Fact 1: Healthy food is not boring! Newsflash – there’s more to eating a healthy diet than living on lettuce and carrot sticks! Fact – All foods can be eaten as part of a healthy diet; the key is getting the balance right!

Fact 2: Healthy food doesn’t need to be hard work! Whether you’re at work, at home or eating out with friends, you don’t have to make a special effort to find healthy foods to enjoy. Fact – healthy foods are readily available everywhere you go, it’s just knowing what to chose and grabbing it!

Fact 3: Healthy food isn’t a gimmick; it actually affects your health! Changes in junk food advertising have recently come into place, and they’re not there to make things difficult or to annoy you, they’re there to help protect the health and well being of the population. Fact – What we choose to put into our bodies affects us not only now, but in the future, and can have both short and long-term effects on our health! Diet may impact on our appearance, feelings, and concentration, general health and well-being.

Fact 4: Healthy foods don’t have to cost more Newsflash – you don’t need to buy expensive food products to eat a healthy diet. Often foods labelled as ’super foods’, ‘pro-biotic’ etc come with a higher price tag, but by simply choosing a variety of foods, this ensures that your body will get all of the goodness that it needs!

Fact 5: Eat healthy and save money! A piece of toast or piece of fruit often costs less

than a packet of crisps or bar of chocolate, and making your own sandwich isn’t only cheaper for you but it’s also much more nutritious! Think about making sensible choices when out and about or even preparing your own!

What is a healthy eating plan?

A healthy eating plan is one that; emphasises fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lowfat milk and low- fat dairy products, includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts, is low in

saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

We are all probably aware of how we can achieve a healthier lifestyle and find it difficult incorporating this into

our demanding lives. There are however a few basic measures that

can be easily introduced into our already busy lives. Two keys to a healthy

diet are eating the right amount of food depending on how active you are, and

eating a wide range of foods to make sure that you’re getting a well balanced diet. Each

week try one of the following steps to kick-start your healthy eating lifestyle:

• Eat at least five portions of different fruit and vegetables every day

• Base meals on starchy foods, including wholegrain pasta, rice, cereals and pulses such as beans, peas and lentils. These should make up about one-third of your diet

• Eat a variety of protein foods, such as, fish, quorn, low fat dairy products, lentils/pulses

• Grill, bake, poach, boil, steam, dry-fry or microwave food, instead of frying or roasting in oil.

• Ditch the junk and takeaways

• Limit high in sugar fizzy drinks, packaged desserts and confectionary.

• Watch how much salt you’re currently eating. Reduce packaged savoury snacks and ready meals. Drink eight to ten glasses of fluid a day and more if you exercise.

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Page 6: What's Going on Inside?

When will you fit in your 30 minute workout? ❝I have seen your adverts for months and have not been brave enough to come in and find out more❞ Marion

❝I have cut out the adverts for the last 14 weeks and put them by the kettle as a constant reminder that I must do something about it and have a look. Now I am here you are all really lovely people and I wish I had popped in a long time ago, instead of collecting the newspaper cuttings in the kitchen❞ Mary

❝Do not just think about it; come on down girls❞ Aleisha

❝It’s really friendly, you do not get ignored and you really are treated like a real person, actually more like a VIP to be honest!❞ Sharon

❝I thought that it would be really hard work and something that I couldn’t ever get the chance do. How wrong was I!❞ Joan

❝I was really scared to just walk through the door. Call it women’s intuition or how scared I was, but now making the move, it’s been the best thing that has ever happened to me.❞ Dawn

❝I have never been to a gym in my life before. GO30 isn’t like a gym, it’s a place that I really enjoy coming to.❞ Nicola

❝I do not know why I was so worried about coming to the gym, especially now that I have found Go30!❞ Janet

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Apart from the benefit of being just 30 minutes of your time, GO30 pride themselves on their many other positive aspects that not only make GO30 unique, but also help you to achieve your own personal goals in a fun and friendly atmosphere.Attentive and supportive staff members ensure that your visit is safe, enjoyable and actually works for you

Ladies only facilities and all ages and abilities

No mirrors, No lycra and No loud music all help to give GO30 a unique atmosphere that our members enjoy

A workout that is easy and fun working at your pace with the benefit of high quality air resistance equipment

Your own personal program designed to work for you

Results guaranteed from fantastic inch loss, to weight reduction

Excellent customer service highlighted by our customer promise

Progressive Results ensures that you continually get fitter, slimmer and stronger, and we regularly assess your needs and goals.

Easy to use appointment system means no waiting around and less interruption to your day

Free healthy eating advice to compliment a new healthy lifestyle

01708 749444

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