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Page 1: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


What’s newin Doctrine

Page 2: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Doctrine Book

Page 3: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


First official publishedDoctrine documentation

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Doctrine 1.1

Page 5: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Doctrine 2.0

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Doctrine 1.1

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1.x Evolution

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Stability, bugs, features

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Zero failing test cases

Page 10: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Dozens of new test cases adding more

code coverage

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Fine tuned API

Page 12: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Improved HydrationPerformance

Page 13: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Hydrate largerresult sets in less time

Page 14: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Re-written documentation

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Misc. Features

Page 16: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


New configuration options

Page 17: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Better custommutator and accessor


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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Enhanced fromArray()and


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Page 20: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


$userData = array( 'username' => 'jwage', 'password' => 'changeme', 'Groups' => array( array( '_identifier' => 1, ), array( '_identifier' => 2 ), array( 'name' => 'New Group' ) ));

$user = new User();$user->fromArray($userData);

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Generate phpDocproperty tags

Page 22: What's New In Doctrine

/** * BaseUser * * This class has been auto-generated by the Doctrine ORM Framework * * @property string $username * @property string $password * * @package ##PACKAGE## * @subpackage ##SUBPACKAGE## * @author ##NAME## <##EMAIL##> * @version SVN: $Id: Builder.php 5441 2009-01-30 22:58:43Z jwage $ */abstract class BaseUser extends Doctrine_Record{ public function setTableDefinition() { $this->setTableName('user'); $this->hasColumn('username', 'string', 255, array('type' => 'string', 'length' => '255')); $this->hasColumn('password', 'string', 255, array('type' => 'string', 'length' => '255')); }}

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Page 23: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Used for IDEautocomplete, etc.

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com



Page 25: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


General improvementsall around to make

things more intuitive

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Brand New Diff tool

Page 27: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Generate migration classes

Page 28: What's New In Doctrine

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By comparing twoDoctrine schemas

Page 29: What's New In Doctrine

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Automate deploymentof database changes

Page 30: What's New In Doctrine

User: columns: username: string(255) password: string(255)

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From Schema

Page 31: What's New In Doctrine

User: columns: username: string(255) password: string(255) email_address: string(255)

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To Schema

Page 32: What's New In Doctrine

$from = 'schema/from.yml';$to = 'schema/to.yml';$migrationsDir = 'migrations';$diff = new Doctrine_Migration_Diff($from, $to, $migrationsDir);$changes = $diff->generateChanges();


What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Generating Changes

Array( [created_columns] => Array ( [user] => Array ( [email_address] => Array ( [type] => string [length] => 255 )



Page 33: What's New In Doctrine

$from = 'schema/from.yml';$to = 'schema/to.yml';$migrationsDir = 'migrations';$diff = new Doctrine_Migration_Diff($from, $to, $migrationsDir);$diff->generateMigrationClasses();

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Generating Classes

Page 34: What's New In Doctrine

// migrations/1239913213_version1.php

class Version1 extends Doctrine_Migration_Base{ public function up() { $this->addColumn('user', 'email_address', 'string', '255', array('email' => '1')); }

public function down() { $this->removeColumn('user', 'email_address'); }}

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Generating Classes

Page 35: What's New In Doctrine

$migration = new Doctrine_Migration('migrations');$migration->migrate();

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Migrating ChangesMigrate from version 0 to version 1

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Migrating up executes up() methods

Migrating down executes down() methods

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$migration = new Doctrine_Migration('migrations');$migration->migrate(0);

Reversing ChangesMigrate from version 1 to version 0

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New DataHydration


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Flat, rectangularresult set

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Faster to execute

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Harder to work with

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Can contain duplicate data

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Like normal SQLresult set

Page 45: What's New In Doctrine

$q = Doctrine::getTable('User') ->createQuery('u') ->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers p');

$results = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_SCALAR);


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Scalar Example

Page 46: What's New In Doctrine

Array( [0] => Array ( [u_id] => 1 [u_username] => jwage [u_password] => changeme [u_email_address] => [email protected] [p_id] => 1 [p_user_id] => 1 [p_phonenumber] => 16155139185 )

[1] => Array ( [u_id] => 1 [u_username] => jwage [u_password] => changeme [u_email_address] => [email protected] [p_id] => 2 [p_user_id] => 1 [p_phonenumber] => 14159925468 )

) What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Scalar Example

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Single Scalar

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Sub-type of Scalar

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Returns singlescalar value

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Useful for retrievingsingle value for

aggregate/calculated results

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Very fastNo need to hydrate


Page 52: What's New In Doctrine

$q = Doctrine::getTable('User') ->createQuery('u') ->select('COUNT(p.id) as num_phonenumbers') ->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers p');

$results = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR);

echo $results; // 2

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Single Scalar Example

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Doctrine 2.0

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PHP 5.3

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Performance increases from 5.3

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Test suite runs20% faster

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And uses 30%less memory

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Page 59: What's New In Doctrine

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Simplified thepublic API

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Heavily influencedby JPA, Java Hibernate

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Smaller footprint

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Un-necessaryclutter removed

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Page 64: What's New In Doctrine

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class User extends Doctrine_Record{ public function setTableDefinition() { $this->hasColumn('id', 'integer', null, array( 'primary' => true, 'auto_increment' => true ));

$this->hasColumn('username', 'string', 255); }}

No need to extendDoctrine 1

/** * @DoctrineEntity * @DoctrineTable(name="user") */class User{ /** * @DoctrineId * @DoctrineColumn(type="integer") * @DoctrineGeneratedValue(strategy="auto") */ public $id;

/** * @DoctrineColumn(type="varchar", length=255) */ public $username;}

Doctrine 2

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No more crazy cyclic references

Page 66: What's New In Doctrine

User Object( [id] => [username] => jwage)

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print_r() your objects

$user = new User();$user->username = 'jwage';print_r($user);

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Positive effects of removing the base

class all around

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No more shared identitymap across connections

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Code de-coupled

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3 Main Packages

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Page 75: What's New In Doctrine

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Use Doctrine DBALseparate from the ORM

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Easier to extend and override things

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Better support formultiple databases

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Sequences, schemasand catalogs

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$config = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();$eventManager = new \Doctrine\Common\EventManager();$connectionOptions = array( 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'path' => 'database.sqlite');$em = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create($connectionOptions, $config, $eventManager);

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Simplified connectioninformation

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No more DSN nightmares

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Connection informationspecified as arrays

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Removed oldattribute system

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Replaced with simplerstring based system

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Real Native SQL support

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Driver BasedMeta Data

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/** * @DoctrineEntity * @DoctrineTable(name="user") */class User{ /** * @DoctrineId * @DoctrineColumn(type="integer") * @DoctrineGeneratedValue(strategy="auto") */ public $id;

/** * @DoctrineColumn(type="varchar", length=255) */ public $username;}

PHP Annotations

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PHP Codeclass User{ public $id, $username;}

$metadata = new ClassMetadata('User');

$metadata->mapField(array( 'fieldName' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'id' => true));


$metadata->mapField(array( 'fieldName' => 'username', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255));

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User: properties: id: id: true type: integer idGenerator: auto username: type: varchar length: 255

class User{ public $id, $username;}

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Write your own driver

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Query CacheCache final SQL that is parsed from DQL

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Metadata CacheCache the parsing of meta data

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Result CacheCache the results of your queries

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Single TableOne table per hierarchy

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Class TableOne table per class

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Concrete TableOne table per concrete class

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Switched to phpUnit

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Better mock testing

Page 101: What's New In Doctrine

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Easy to run tests against multiple DBMS

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What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Code de-coupled soit is easier to test

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New Features

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New DQL Parser

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Hand written

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Constructs AST

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PHP Class namesdirectly represent

DQL language

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Every DQL featurehas a class to handle


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Easy to maintainEasy to add new features

Easy to use

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Final SQL can beeasily and effectively


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Not practical to parseevery time

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CustomColumn Types

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Add your own data types

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Types are OOP classes

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Easy to extendor add new types

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Extend DQL

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DQL parser canbe extended

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Add your ownDQL functions

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First releasein September

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Stable - 2010’ ?

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What is next?

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Publishing of firstDoctrine book

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Write more documentation

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Publish more books

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Doctrine communityextension repository

Symfony has Plugins


Doctrine has Extensions

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Default DBALand ORM in PEAR2?

De-facto standard?

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It is up to you! :)

Page 134: What's New In Doctrine

You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine and Open-Source or for training, consulting, application development, or business related

questions at [email protected]

What’s new in Doctrine www.doctrine-project.org www.sensiolabs.com


Jonathan H. [email protected]+1 415 992 5468

sensiolabs.com | doctrine-project.org | sympalphp.org | jwage.com


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