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Charles H. Hackley, Muskegon’s philanthropist and entrepreneur—whose gifts and services to Muskegon made it possible the transition from a lumber town to a city of diverse industry—was a product of the lumber era and owed his fortune to the lumber industry.

Charles was born January 3, 1837, in Michigan City, Indiana. He was the eldest of five children, with two brothers and two sisters. While he was still an infant, his family relocated to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he received his education. His family was of modest means, and Charles went to school and worked for equal amounts of time. At the age of fifteen, Charles left school to work for his father, a road contractor. He and the crew of which he was in charge did all of the repairs and maintenance of twenty miles of plank road. Charles was only sixteen.

His father had often been unable to find work as a carpenter and soon he heard of the many jobs available in Michigan in the lumber industry. After going to Muskegon and working for a year, he wrote to Charles, suggesting he join him.


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Charles arrived in Muskegon on the schooner Challenge—having worked his passage across Lake Michigan in 1856. He was employed that same day by the firm of Durkee, Truesdell & Co. as a laborer. The agreement with Charles was that he would be paid for the value of his services. When he received his pay, it was $22 a month —above average for the time. Shortly, his pay increased to $25 per month.

In the fall, the mill shut down as the supply of wood was exhausted. Charles was able to get work with that firm again as a scaler, where he was making $30 per month. He spent that winter in the woods learning about Michigan’s timberland and its commercial possibilities as well as the various jobs in the forest.

Returning to Muskegon in the spring, Charles had such a good reputation that the company made him the foreman in charge of the crews that cleared the mill and piled the lumber as it came from the saws.

In 1857, a general business depression hit the United States and Muskegon was no exception. The mills were closed and logging was mostly stopped. Charles’ employer had recognized his abilities and suggested he improve himself by getting some business training. Charles then returned to Kenosha, where he enrolled in the business college. It was understood that when he returned to Muskegon, he’d have a job in the office as a bookkeeper. Charles completed his studies and returned to Muskegon only to find the company had been unable to survive the depression. The property was purchased by Gideon Truesdell. Charles was hired by Mr. Truesdell for $30 per month.

This experience taught Charles early on that ownership held no more hazard than being an employee—his real future depended upon his going into business for himself.

In the spring of 1859, Charles—then 22 years old—persuaded his father and Mr. Truesdell to join him in purchasing the mill property of Pomeroy & Holmes Co. which had failed. The firm of J.H. Hackley formed. After two years of success, the mill expanded by purchasing the Wing mill. Charles kept the books for the two mills as well as the records for Mr. Truesdell.

Throughout this time period, Charles gained substantial knowledge of the working of a mill as well as the business of lumbering. He, too, perceived the expanding market possibilities with the westward expansion of the country. He realized that Michigan lumber would be an important part of this expansion.

Charles started purchasing many of the other mills in the area, either as a partner or as the outright owner. In 1874, James McGordon had bought out Charles’ father’s share of the mill, subsequently forming the Hackley & McGordon firm. That same year, a new mill replaced the old Hackley & Sons mill which had then been dismantled. The new mill cost $85,000.00.


The Hackley & McGordon mill soon burned up and was not rebuilt. Mr. McGordon purchased a share in the firm of Hackley & Sons, and the firm of C.H. Hackley & Co. was created. After Charles’ brother passed away, Thomas Hume bought into the company. Mr. Hume had been working for Charles as a bookkeeper prior to this purchase. This was the beginning of the Hackley & Hume Company, which was known to lumbermen in Michigan as well as the rest of the United States. The two men continued as partners until Charles’ death.

The firm of Hackley & Hume soon became one of the largest firms—not only in Michigan—in the entire country. The firm cut an average of 30,000,000 feet of lumber each year, as well as 8,000,000 pieces of lath. It was not until the last stand of pine had been cut in 1894 that the firm ceased operations.

By the time the late 1880’s arrived, the forests of Michigan were nearly gone, and there were no more trees left to be cut. Muskegon—with a population of 24,000—was entirely dependent upon the lumber industry and the forty-seven sawmills around Muskegon Lake.

Further, in 1891, a fire swept across Muskegon, the principal business district was destroyed as a result. Many mill owners did not rebuild after the fire and some were accused of arson. Two years later, a financial panic swept across the country, which would only further depress Muskegon’s economy. Thousands of the homes in Muskegon were empty, and hundreds were taken over by the state for the non-payment of taxes. Many people felt helpless.



As early as 1879—several years before the fall of the economy —Charles and the other lumber mill owners and community leaders could see that revitalization was necessary.

Support was given to many of the new lumber related businesses in Muskegon. The group of lumber barons and the community leaders who were working to attract new business called themselves the Muskegon Board of Trade. By 1893, the group became known to the city as the Chamber of Commerce.

Additionally, the mill owners became active in Muskegon’s political scene. In fact, for the first twenty years that mayors were being elected in Muskegon, almost half were lumbermen or at least associated with its industry. Charles ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 1873 and 1877 but served as alderman and city treasurer.

Charles became active in the political scene of the city. Although he had an unsuccessful run for mayor in 1873 and 1877, he did serve as alderman and city treasurer. He’d also been elected to the Muskegon school board in 1877. In 1892, he was made president of the board, a position he held until his death.



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Charles used his fortune for the betterment of Muskegon with a long list of remarkable gifts. Some of these gifts include the Hackley Public Library, Hackley Art Gallery, Hackley Hospital, and many more. In total, his gifts had a value of $6,000,000—an enormous sum.

In the late 1890’s, Charles began experiencing health problems. To receive his treatments, he would travel to Salt Lake City—they seemed to help his condition. Despite his illness, Charles went to work every day. Charles even reported to work two days prior to his death. February 10, 1905, Charles died of an aneurysm.

Charles Hackley made many accomplishments throughout his life. These accomplishments are well remembered in Muskegon—the town where he gained his fortune. Mr. Hackley is an ever present thought due to his many gifts to the city and his beautiful home, which is now on the State and National Historic Registers.


Charles always felt that education was of most importance—a belief he supported in his gift of $30,000 in 1892 to build a manual training school. Here young people could learn how to make a living with their hands rather than in business or in clerical employment.

By 1897, the school had reached its completion. Charles gave $5,000 each year for instructors’ pay and endowed the school with a $100,000 trust fund, the income from which was to be used in paying future salaries.

By 1900, the rate of enrollment had outgrown the new school. A separate building had to be built—as well as two additions to the original structure. Charles spent more than $200,000 in the building the school, equipping it, and its rather large endowment fund.

Schools weren’t his only interest—giving freely of his wealth for the betterment of the city in which he made his millions. Much of his belief was founded upon Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth. Like the other entrepreneurs of the time, Charles felt his wealth should be used not only to correct hardship and misfortune, but it should be used for the benefit of people who had the desire to better themselves.

In an interview, Charles Hackley said, “A rich man—to a great extent—owes his fortune to the public… To a certain extent, I agree with Mr. Carnegie…that is is a crime to die rich.”



In 1887, Charles Hackley purchased two lots in the city of Muskegon. He then sold one of the lots—which sat adjacent to the other—to friend and business partner Thomas Hume.

The two men hired an architect from Grand Rapids named David Hopkins, who designed and built their homes and carriage barn.

The houses reached completion in 1889, and the men moved in with their families. Thomas and his wife Margaret had a family of seven, whereas Charles and his wife Julia had only two children. The differences are very evident in the houses. The Hackley Mansion had been built as a show place, while the Hume house served the purpose of a family home.

Tours available May through October12:00-4:00 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday

Adults $3 • Kids 12 & Under Free

484 W. Webster Ave. Muskegon, MI 49440


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