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Page 1: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies


Page 2: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

1 Your body is comprised of an incredible amount of water, 95% to be more precise! Because of this, you can see why it would be important to constantly replenish your body with water throughout the day. Water can keep your mouth moist and wash away foods and sugars that are consumed during your day preventing them from sitting on the teeth for too long. This can cause damage and discoloration.

Page 3: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

2This next teeth whitening remedy may not be the

favorite as unfortunately, sometimes it is the things that we love most that can be the most detrimental to

our health or our smile. Any type of soda contains sugars and acids that can break down the enamel of your teeth causing more damage than just yellowing.

Tea and coffee are better, but can cause severe discoloration or yellowing of the teeth. What if you

need the energy? Instead, at the very least, limit your intake, or drink them through a straw to help bypass

direct contact with your pearly whites. If you really want the energy, think about taking vitamins or

eating foods that contain them.

Page 4: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

3Just like coffee and tea, the dark wine gets deep into the tooth enamel, causing discoloration. While it may not be quite as proper to drink through a straw as the previously mentioned beverages (unless youʼre at home), limiting your intake can help keep your smile look whiter.

Page 5: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

A pear orapple a day 4

Another teeth whitening home remedy should be as simple as what you choose for a snack. Not only can

an apple or pear a day keeps the doctor away, but apples and pears can be beneficial to your oral

health and the whiteness of your smile as well. Foods like these that help your body produce more saliva which can help cleanse bacteria

and stains from your teeth.

Page 6: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

As mentioned in a previous post, hydrogen peroxide is a component in many over the counter teeth whitening agents. It can be diluted and used like a mouth rinse to help whiten teeth. This result has proven effective for many, but it usually takes a bit longer to see results than other teeth whitening solutions.

5 Hydrogen Peroxide

Page 7: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

6Dark fruits can have the same effect on the whiteness of teeth as red wine. Berries especially black berries, cranberries, and blueberries can all have a staining

effect on the teeth if consumed in large quantities on a regular basis. They are good for your overall

health though, so we do not recommend omitting them from your diet completely.

Page 8: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

Just like coffee and tea, the dark wine gets deep into the tooth enamel, causing discoloration. While it may not be quite as proper to drink through a straw as the previously mentioned beverages (unless youʼre at home), limiting your intake can help keep your smile look whiter.

It is no secret that tobacco products are very bad for your overall health, but they are also very bad for your oral health and the whiteness of your smile. Tobacco products can lead to periodontal disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer, making teeth whitening the last thing on your mind. If you use tobacco products and really want a beautiful white smile, the best thing you can do is quit.

bye toBACCO7

Page 9: Whiten Teeth with Ten Remedies

8While many have good results with over the counter

teeth whitening solutions like whitening strips, they can also cause sensitivity. If you think this would be a

good option for you, make sure that you donʼt already have sensitive teeth and that you wipe off

any gel that may come in contact with your gum tissue.

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9If you cannot afford in office professional teeth whitening, Lincoln Family Dentistry offers a take home solution! Custom trays are made just for you, fitting your teeth perfectly. We send you home with the trays and professional level teeth whitening gel. This is a better solution, especially for patients with sensitive teeth.

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10Oil pullingOil pulling is another solution for at home teeth

whitening. Not only is oil pulling shown to “pull” the bacteria off of your teeth making for a healthier

mouth, but many also state that their teeth are whiter as a result. So, get yourself

some coconut oil and try it out yourself!

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