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  • An introduction

    We all seek it. We all want to know.

    We have that inner desire for advice and guidance to be someone desirable to the world.

    Many seek out those we consider well educated on a subject. Many seek out astrologers and therapists

    yet still walk away unfulfilled. The continual sale of how-to books and magazines on self-help and professional counseling indicate that most are no more confident than those that have gone before us.

    The atheist or agnostic may show interest in the influence of stars, luck or self-confidence.

    But for the believer in Christ, we know that there is one Source. This is the only Source

    we turn to for answers to life and our inner self.

    This short booklet is a reminder that as a believer and child of God, you and I can shed the

    covering of inadequacy, fear, uncertainty and helplessness.

    The world may spend money on programs, seminars and in-depth studies that may or may not

    seem to help; or some may run to friends for their personal opinions.

    As His child, I do not run to God for His advice, but I come to Him asking for His will.

    We often are afraid to release our life and give it to Him, but it is His to do with as He desires.

    When we choose to follow Christ, we deny self. We choose willingly.

    This is a faith that is strong enough to wait for His answers, to wait for His will,

    to wait for Him to work all things together for our good.

    This is Who I Am In Jesus.

    I trust Him with my life.

    He gives and takes away.

    For I have learned to be content in all things.

    Wishing you a life that is filled with His purpose,

    -Jo Wilmer

    M Words and the Christian Woman

  • Facing all this life has to throw at us can be overwhelming at times.

    We question why and lose focus on the strength that lies within. It is in these times that we must rememberwho we are in Jesus. For it is not in our strength that we can overcome and endure the

    hardships that come our way, but it is only through His strength.

    Has God left your side? Never. Have His promises failed you? Never, dear friend.

    For the believer, He has promised, I will never leave you. (Heb. 13:5) Our faith does not grow on the flowered path or road without obstacles.

    Each trial is simply a stepping stone and never a stumbling block.

    As we overcome each rock on the path our faith is strengthened and we are drawn closer to Jesus.

  • How often we forget to just be still. How can He work within us if we do not take time to

    be alone with Him in prayer? Just sitting in silence and dwelling on His purpose for our life is how we put all

    in perspective with His purpose in mind, not ours.

  • As we stumble upon the rocks on our path of life, we have the Source of all comfort to turn to.

    He is the God of all comfort! How I love this verse.

    Who I am in Jesus will not be shaken by the influences of the outside world.

    Disappointment, depression, despair and doubt can attempt to cripple our life, our heart and our walk.

    But we must remember Christ is the WAY. When we come and focus on Him instead of the trouble, we have

    come the right way. It is in and through Him that we find the way through the trial, for it is in Him that

    everything in life finds fulfillment.

    As hard as it seems, IT is possible to be thankful for the valley, for it is there that we see His

    comfort and feel His loving arms hold us up.

  • Consider Him...

    When our smooth path begins to twist and turn, when we begin to lose our footing, consider Him.

    Each day we strive to walk closer to Christ. For if we do not walk closer, we find ourselves losing our balance

    and heading for a fall.

    Yes, while the sun is still shining and we are strolling through the lovely green valley, stay close to Him.

    For when the trials do come, we do not want to faint and fall, but we desire to bring glory,

    honor and praise to Jesus! So dear friend, consider Him.

  • Thank God for the trials. Really?

    Is this an impossibility? In my flesh, it is. But in who I am in Jesus, it is possible. His Word teaches us that we are to count it all joy when trials come, and then we are told to give thanks

    in all situations. Are we actually expected to do such a thing?

    You will find that as the trial passes, and you look back on your experience, you will see His hand.

    For nothing happens in our life that does not pass by His eyes first. If He allows it it is for a purpose.

    We may not see it at this moment, but if you allow Him to work in your life,

    He will use it to further His kingdom and message of salvation to others in need. .

    In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessaonians 5:18) Giving thanks always for all things. (Ephesians 5:20)

    In this flesh, it is difficult to give Him thanks when we are hurting and in despair.

    But oh dear friend, He loves us so, and His desire is that we trust that He will take care and provide for us.

    Read Matthew 29: 31.

    Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

    But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

    This brings to mind the old hymn, Trust and Obey. Trust and obey, for there is no other way. This is what God desires of us, to trust and obey. All that touches our lives is either planned or permitted

    by a heavenly Father. May we trust Him and thank Him that He will care and provide for our need.

  • Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits. Psalm 68:19 When we are discouraged and realize that there is a valley up ahead, may we stop and take time to count our

    blessings. Write them down, name them one by one. Yes, our blessings will outnumber our burdens.

    As we learn to give thanks in all things and fully trust in Jesus, we can then be used to help lighten the burden of

    another who is headed into the valley.

    I leave you with this passage from the book of Philippians 1: 3-6

    I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all

    making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;

    being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform

    it until the day of Jesus Christ:

    All for Him dear friend, all for Him.

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