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  • 8/11/2019 Who Moved My Cheese.ppt


    Who MovedMy Cheese?

    Based on a book by SpencerJohnson, M.D.

    Adapted by Tracy L. Chenoweth

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    The Story of Who Moved MyCheese?

    Once, long ago in a land far away, therelived four little mice who ran though amaze looking for cheese to nourish themand make them happy.

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    Let us meet our cast of


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  • 8/11/2019 Who Moved My Cheese.ppt


    Every day the mice would spend time inthe maze looking for their own special cheese.

    Sniff and Scurry were not quite as smartas Hem and Haw, but they had very goodinstincts. They worked hard each daysearching for the cheese that they liked


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    Hem and Haw had slightly bigger brains

    filled with many beliefs and emotions. Hem and Haw would search each day forthe cheese in which they believed wouldmake them feel happy and successful.

    Every morning, each mouse would put ontheir little jogging suits and running shoes,leave their little homes, and would race outinto the maze looking for their favoritecheese.

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    The maze was a labyrinth of corridors andchambers, some containing delicious

    cheese. But there were also dark cornersand blind alleys leading nowhere. It wasan easy place for anyone to get lost.

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    However, for those who found their way,

    the maze held secrets that let them enjoya better life.

    Sniff and Scurry used simple trial-and-

    error methods to find cheese. They randown one corridor, and if it proved empty,the turned and ran down another. Theyremembered the corridors that held nocheese and quickly went into new areas.

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    Sniff would smell outthe general direction

    of the cheese, usinghis great nose.

    Scurry would raceahead. They got lost,as you might expect,went off in the wrongdirection and often

    bumped into walls. But after a while theywould find their way.

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    Hem and Haw also used theirability to think and learn fromtheir past experiences.

    However, they relied on theircomplex brains to developmore sophisticated methods offinding cheese.

    Sometimes they did well, butother times their morepowerful beliefs and emotionstook over and clouded the waythey looked at things. It madelife in the maze morecomplicated and challenging.

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    Nonetheless, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Hawall discovered, in their own way, what theywere looking for.

    They each found their own kind of cheeseone day at the end of one of the corridorsin Cheese Station C.

    Every morning after that, the mice dressedin their running gear and headed over to

    Cheese Station C. It wasnt long beforethey each established their own routine.

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    In the beginning, Hem and Haw also racedtoward Cheese Station C every morning to

    enjoy the tasty new morsels that awaitedthem.

    But after a while, a different routine set infor Hem and Haw.

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    Hem and Haw awoke each day a littlelater, dressed a little slower, and walked to

    Cheese Station C. After all, they knewwhere the Cheese was now and how toget there.

    As soon as Hem and Haw arrived atCheese Station C each morning, theysettled in and made themselves at home.They hung up their jogging suits, put awaytheir running shoes and put on theirslippers. They were becoming verycomfortable, now that they had found theCheese.

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    This is great, Hem said. Theresenough Cheese here to last us forever.Hem and Haw felt very happy andsuccessful, and thought they were nowsecure.

    It wasnt long before Hem and Hawregarded the Cheese they found atCheese Station C as t h e i r cheese. Itwas such a large store of Cheese thatthey eventually moved their homes tobe closer to it, and built a social lifearound it.

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    To make themselves feel more athome, Hem and Haw decorated thewalls with sayings and even drewpictures of Cheese around themwhich made them smile. One read:

    Having Cheese Makes YouHappy .

    Sometimes, Hem and Haw wouldtake their friends by to see their pile ofCheese at Cheese Station C, andpoint to it with pride, saying, Prettynice Cheese, huh?

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    This went on for quite some time. After a while Hems and Haws confidence grew

    into the arrogance of success. Soon theybecame so comfortable they didnt even noticewhat was happening.

    As time when on, Sniff and Scurry continuedtheir routine. They arrived early each morningand sniffed and scratched and scurried aroundCheese Station C, inspecting the area to see if

    there had been any changes from the daybefore. Then they would sit down and nibble onthe cheese.

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    One morning Sniff and Scurry arrived atCheese Station C and discovered therewas NO cheese.

    They werent surprised. Since Sniff andScurry had noticed the supply of cheesehad been getting smaller every day, theywere prepared for the inevitable and knewinstinctively what to do.



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    Sniff and Scurry looked at each other,removed the running shoes they had tied

    together and hung conveniently aroundtheir necks, put them on their feet andlaced them up. Sniff and Scurry did not

    overanalyze things. To Sniff and Scurry the answer was

    simple. The situation at Cheese Station C

    had changed, so Sniff and Scurry decidedto change. They both looked out into the maze.

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    Sniff lifted his nose, sniffed, and nodded toScurry, who took off running though the

    maze, while Sniff followed as fast as hecould. They were quickly off in search of New

    Cheese. Later that same day, Hem and Haw

    arrived at Cheese Station C. They had notbeen paying attention to the smallchanges that had been taking place eachday, so they took it for granted theirCheese would be there.

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    Hem and Haw were unprepared for whatthey found.

    What! No Cheese? Hem yelled. Hecontinued yelling, No Cheese? NoCheese? as though if he shouted loudenough someone would put it back.

    Who moved my Cheese? he hollered. Finally, he put his hands on his hips, his

    face turned red, and he screamed a thetop of his voice, IT IS NOT FAIR!

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    Haw just shook his head in disbelief. He,too, had counted on finding Cheese at

    Cheese Station C. He stood there for along time, frozen with shock. He was justnot ready for this.

    Hem was yelling something, but Hawdidnt want to hear it. He didnt want todeal with what was facing him, so he justtuned everything out.

    Finding Cheese wasnt easy, and it meanta great deal more to Hem and Haw than

    just having enough of it to eat every day.

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    Finding Cheese was Hem and Haws way ofgetting what they thought they needed to be

    happy. They had their own ideas of whatCheese meant to them, depending on their taste. For some, finding Cheese was having material

    things. For others it was enjoying good health,or developing a spiritual sense of well-being.

    For Haw, Cheese just meant feeling safe, havinga loving family someday, and living in a cozycottage on Cheddar Lane.

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    To Hem, Cheese was becoming A BigCheese in charge of others and owning a

    big house atop Mozzarella Hill. Because Cheese was important to them

    Hem and Haw spent a long time trying todecide what to do. All they could think ofwas to keep looking around Cheese-lessCheese Station C to see if the Cheesewas really gone.

    While Sniff and Scurry had quickly movedon, Hem and Haw continued to hem andhaw.

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    Hem and Haw ranted and raved at theinjustice of it all. Haw started to get

    depressed. What would happen if theCheese wasnt there tomorrow? He hadmade future plans based on this Cheese.

    Hem and Haw could not believe it. Howcould this have happened? No one hadwarned them. It wasnt right. It was notthe way things were supposed to be.

    Hem and Haw went home that nighthungry and discouraged. But before theyleft, Haw wrote on the wall:

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    The More ImportantYour Cheese Is ToYou, The More YouWant To Hold On

    To It.

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    The next day Hem and Haw left theirhomes, and returned to Cheese Station Cagain, where they still expected,somehow, to find t h e i r Cheese.

    The situation hadnt changed; the Cheese

    was no longer there. Hem and Haw didnot know what to do, they just stood there,immobilized like to small statues.

    Haw shut his eyes as tight as he could andput his hands over his ears. He justwanted to shut out everything.

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    Hem analyzed the situation over and overagain. Why did they do this to me? hedemanded. Whats really going on here?

    Finally, Haw opened his eyes, lookedaround and said, By the way, where are

    Sniff and Scurry? Do you think they knowsomething we dont? Hem scoffed, What would they know? Hem continued, They are just simple

    mice. They just respond to what happens.Were smarter mice. We should be able tofigure this out.

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    I know we are smarter, Haw said, butwe dont seem to be acting smarter at the

    moment. Things are changing aroundhere, Hem. Maybe we need to changeand do things differently.

    Why should we change? Hem asked.Were special. This sort of thing shouldnot happen to us. Or if it does, we shouldat least get some benefits.

    Why should we get benefits? Haw asked. Because were entitled to our Cheese,

    Hem claimed.

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    We did not cause this problem, Hemsaid.

    Haw suggested, Maybe we should stopanalyzing the situation so much and justget going and find some New Cheese.

    Oh no, Hem argued. Im going to get tothe bottom of this.

    While Hem and Haw were still trying todecide what to do, Sniff and Scurry were

    already well on their way. They wentfarther into the maze, up and downcorridors, looking for cheese in everyCheese Station they could find.

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    Sniff and Scurry didnt thing of anything else butfinding New Cheese.

    It took a long time and a great deal of scurryingand sniffing, but Sniff and Scurry made it to aplace in the maze in which they had neverventured before.

    Sniff and Scurry made it to Cheese Station N.They squealed with delight. They found whatthey had been looking for; a great supply of NewCheese.

    They could hardly believe their eyes. It was thebiggest store of cheese the mice had ever seen.

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  • 8/11/2019 Who Moved My Cheese.ppt


    Hem and Haw were feeling the effects oftheir situation.

    They were becoming frustrated and angryand began to blame one another for thesituation they were in.

    They each imagined Sniff and Scurryfinding New Cheese and enjoying itwithout their friends Hem and Haw.

    Out of total frustration, Haw yelled, Letsgo, lets go find New Cheese.

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    No, Hem quickly responded. I like ithere. Its comfortable. Its what I know.Besides its dangerous out there.

    No it isnt, Haw argued. Weve runthrough many parts of the maze before,and we can do it again.

    Im getting too old for that, Hem said. Iam going to stay right here until they putmy Cheese back.

    In total sadness, Haw decided that hemust be the one to begin looking for NewCheese, or else both would perish.

  • 8/11/2019 Who Moved My Cheese.ppt


    How do yousuppose the story


  • 8/11/2019 Who Moved My Cheese.ppt


    Sniff Scurry

    Hem Haw

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