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Page 1: Who should attend September 4, 2015cosmo.mcgill.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/169966_Flyer_McGill.pdf · AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick Gold, BHP Billiton, De Beers, Newmont, Vale, and

Registration Deadline - September 4, 2015

Send registrations to: Laura Johnson

Meetings & Membership Department 12999 E Adam Aircraft Cir.

Englewood, CO 80112Tel: 303-948-4222 - Fax: 303-979-3461

E-mail: [email protected] online: www.smenet.org


❏ Members: $2,400 USD (Excluding taxes)

❏ Non-members: $2,800 USD (Excluding taxes)

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Card Number: __________________________________

Expiry Date: _____ / _____ Amount $: _______________

Name on Card: _________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________

Registration includes course notes, lunch, and morning and afternoon tea.

Participation in this course may be a valid activity towards continuing professional development with up to 26 contact hours. Participants receive a Certificate of Completion.

Notification of Cancellation received in writing up to September 4, 2015 (minimum of 10 working days before the course) will incur a 20% cancellation fee. No refund will be made after this time. An alternative participant may be nominated.

Who should attend


Venue DetailsMcGill University Department of Mining and Materials Engineering 3450 University Street Frank Dawson Adams Building, Room 126 Montreal Quebec Canada H3A [email protected]

Logistics Lectures are given from 9 AM (refreshments at 8:30 AM) to 5 PM with two 15 minute coffee breaks and a 1 hour lunch break.

COSMO – Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory Mining Engineering - http://cosmo.mcgill.ca



This course is designed for mining engineers, project managers, mine geologists and financial analysts who are involved in feasibility studies, development or oper-ations and are interested in new technologies related to optimal decision-making and risk management.

Participants are not required to have prior background on the course topic.

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos is currently the Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development and Optimization under Uncertainty and Director of the COSMO – Stochastic Mine Plan-ning Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Previously he was Pro-fessor and Director of the Bryan Research Centre, University of Queensland, Australia. He holds a PhD in Stochastic Modelling from École Polytech-nique, Montreal, and a MSc from the University of Alberta, Edmonton. He has been working on risk management, risk-based optimization in open pit mine design, and production scheduling in mining complexes. Roussos has worked with Newmont Mining Co., Denver, and SGI Ltd, Montreal. He has taught short courses and worked in Australia, North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, South Africa and Japan. He serves as a “CIM Distinguished Lecturer” for 2015-2016.

URL: http://people.mcgill.ca/roussos.dimitrakopoulos/

Ryan Goodfellow is currently a research fellow for COSMO – Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory at McGill University, where he received a PhD in Mining and Materials Engineering; he also holds a BEng in Mining Engineering from the same University. His research focuses on developing advanced models and concepts for the integrated optimization of mining complexes with uncertainty and develop-ing computationally efficient solution methods, while his expertise include major industrial applications in Au, Cu and Ni laterite deposits. Ryan represents the next generation of mining professionals, its up-to-date smart computing technologies and innovative thinking.

Brian Lambert is currently a senior consultant with Minemax, leading their North American office in Denver, CO. His consulting experience spans a variety of indus-tries and operational problem domains. He earned his Ph.D. in Mineral and Ener-gy Economics (Operations Research) from the Colorado School of Mines, an M.S. in Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a B.A. in General Physics from the University of California, Los Angeles. His graduate research and publications focus on applied integer optimization, under the advisement of Prof Alexandra Newman.

COSMO - Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory, a global centre for leading-edge research and graduate education in “orebody modelling and strategic mine planning with uncertainty”, is supported by AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick Gold, BHP Billiton, De Beers, Newmont, Vale,

and Canada Research Chairs Program, NSERC, CFI.

Optimization and Risk Management in Strategic Mine Planning:Unearthing material value

in mining complexes

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos and Ryan Goodfellow, McGill University, Canada

Brian Lambert Minemax, USA

September 21-23, 2015Montreal QC, Canada

Professional DeveloPment series 2015Strategic riSk Quantification and ManageMent

for ore reServeS and Mine Planning

Page 2: Who should attend September 4, 2015cosmo.mcgill.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/169966_Flyer_McGill.pdf · AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick Gold, BHP Billiton, De Beers, Newmont, Vale, and

Content and Objectives Course Outline

The 2010 AusIMM Spectrum Series Vol. 17: “Advances in Orebody Modeling and Strategic Mine Planning I: Old and New Dimensions in a Changing World” is included with the course materials

PLEASE NOTE it is strongly recommended that participants bring a laptop

Cut-off Grade Estimation” is included with the course materials

Growing volatility and uncertainty in global metal markets highlight the need to focus on new technologies that can unveil significant value and reliability to the performance of mining operations.

This three-day course explores the foundations of strategic mine planning and stresses the new generation of applied technologies related to: (a) simultaneous optimization of integrated mining and processing operations, and (b) orebody risk management with new stochastic mine planning optimization developments.

Emphasis is placed on the applications pertinent to the feasibility, design, development and strategic planning stages of mining ven-tures, as well as in the financial optimization of relevant aspects of operations and production.

Computer workshops introduce participants to the practical as-pects of the technologies taught in lectures. New public domain software and commercial training software will be used to provide a solid foundation for the concepts introduced.

Participants will:

Master the underlying foundations used by any modern com-mercial mine planning software by linking the science of opti-mization with strategic mine planning, including pit and phase design, production scheduling, cut-off grade optimization and stockpile management

Discover modern modelling concepts that integrate alternate processes, waste dump design and CAPEXs, and why these mod-els can help to unlock hidden value in an operation

Understand how to harness the power of quantified orebody risk and market uncertainty to understand the upside potential and downside risk in ore reserve estima-tion, mine planning and design, and min-eral project valuation

Learn about the new stochastic mine planning framework for life-of-business optimization with real industry examples and diverse applications

Participate in hands-on computer work-shops using real case studies


The importance of optimization science in strategic mine planning and how this differs from conventional “optimi-zation” by design iteration

Quantifying uncertainty in strategic planning to create opportunities for increased and shelter investment and maximizes profits

Foundation Concepts and Techniques

Ultimate pit limits and phase design

Life-of-mine production schedule optimization

Cut-off grade optimization and the role of stockpiles

Limits of conventional approaches

Advanced Concepts and Techniques

The need for integrated optimization models to uncover potential

Theory of constraints and its applicability to strategic mine planning and uncertainty

Alternative process modelling for optimizing multi-pit min-ing complexes and their downstream processes

Waste dump modelling and optimization strategies

Capital expenditure modelling to optimize the design of planned bottlenecks and options for upgrading existing processes

Quantifying Orebody Uncertainty and New Stochastic Mine Planning Technologies

Breaking down silos: the impor-tance of understanding the dis-tinction between estimation and simulation techniques for geo-logical modelling

An introduction to stochastic optimization methods and why they uncover additional value

The stochastic mine planning framework

Practice of Simulations for Risk Modelling in Mining

Uncertainty in pit design and production scheduling with simulated orebodies

Stochastic pit limits are larger and pushback design with grade uncertainty

Risk based optimal design for sublevel open stoping

Stochastic production scheduling application and compari-son to conventional scheduling

Stochastic optimization for LOM planning with joint metal (supply) and market (demand) uncertainty

Product quality management and production scheduling with simulated deposits

Simultaneous optimization of mining complexes from pit to port with geological uncertainty – stockpile and blend-ing optimization, processing options and capital expenditure options.

Computer Workshops

Mine design and production scheduling essentials – using ex-isting commercial strategic mine planning packages for pit design, production scheduling and cut-off grade optimiza-tion

Strategic scheduling techniques for accurately modelling equipment usage, simultaneously scheduling waste dumps, and determining the optimal selection and timing of capital expenditure allocations.

Risk quantification in existing designs and choosing a robust design

Stochastic production scheduling in a copper deposit

Aspects of simultaneous optimization of a copper-gold min-ing complex

An intuitive introduction to Monte Carlo simulations and risk assessment

Optimization and Risk Management in Strategic Mine Planning: Unearthing material value in mining complexes

Stochastic Mine Planning:Less risk and higher rewards!

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