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Page 1: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-


1997 Economic Census

Wholesale Trade

Geographic Area Series

1997Issued March 2000


U.S. Department of CommerceEconomics and Statistics Administration


Page 2: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Many persons participated in the variousactivities of the 1997 Economic Census forthe Wholesale trade sector.

Service Sector Statistics Division preparedthis report. Bobby E. Russell, AssistantChief for Census Programs, was respon-sible for the overall planning, manage-ment, and coordination. Planning andimplementation were under the directionof Donna L. Hambric, Chief, WholesaleCensus Branch, and John R. Trimble,Chief, Services Sector Statistics DivisionRedesign Team, assisted by Steven L.Barron and Scott P. Handmaker. Primarystaff assistance was provided by John L.Vignali, Gary E. Swenson, Karen K.Sigmon, Pamela Palmer, Keith Fuller,G. Brian Wilson, Peter J. Martin,Dennis R. Johnson, Chris Hickerson,Rob Meyer, Shannon Prell, and LauraKnowles.

Mathematical and statistical techniques, aswell as the coverage operations were pro-vided by Carl A. Konschnik, AssistantChief for Research and Methodology,assisted by Carol S. King, Chief, Statisti-cal Methods Branch, and Jock R. Black,Chief, Program Research and DevelopmentBranch, with staff assistance from MariaC. Cruz and David L. Kinyon.

The Economic Planning and CoordinationDivision provided overall planning andreview of many operations and the com-puter processing procedures. Shirin A.Ahmed, Assistant Chief for Post-CollectionProcessing, was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-lytical software. Design and specificationswere prepared under the supervision ofDennis L. Shoemaker, Chief, CensusProcessing Branch, assisted by John D.Ward. Primary staff assistance was pro-vided by Sonya P. Curcio, Richard W.Graham, and Cheryl E. Merkle. TheEconomic Product Team, with primarycontributions from Andrew W. Hait andJennifer E. Lins, was responsible for thedevelopment of the system to disseminate1997 Economic Census products.

The staff of the National Processing Center,Judith N. Petty, Chief, performed mailoutpreparation and receipt operations, clericaland analytical review activities, and dataentry.

The Geography Division staff developedgeographic coding procedures and associ-ated computer programs.

The Economic Statistical Methods and Pro-gramming Division, Charles P. PautlerJr., Chief, developed and coordinated thecomputer processing systems. Martin S.Harahush, Assistant Chief for Quinquen-nial Programs, was responsible for designand implementation of the computersystems. Robert S. Jewett, and BarbaraL. Lambert provided special computerprogramming. William C. Wester, Chief,Services Branch, assisted by Robert A.Hill, Dennis P. Kelly, and Jeffrey S.Rosen, supervised the preparation of thecomputer programs. Additional program-ming assistance was provided by DonellD. Barnes, Daniel C. Collier, Gilbert J.Flodine, David Hiller, Leatrice D.Hines, William D. McClain, Jay L.Norris, Sarah J. Presley, and Michael A.Sendelbach.

Computer Services Division, Debra D.Williams, Chief, performed the computerprocessing.

The staff of the Administrative and Cus-tomer Services Division, Walter C. Odom,Chief, performed publication planning,design, composition, editorial review, andprinting planning and procurement forpublications, Internet products, and reportforms. Bernadette J. Gayle providedpublication coordination and editing.

Special acknowledgment is also due themany businesses whose cooperation hascontributed to the publication of thesedata.


Page 3: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-


1997 Economic Census

Wholesale Trade

Geographic Area Series

1997Issued March 2000


U.S. Department of CommerceWilliam M. Daley,

SecretaryRobert L. Mallett,

Deputy Secretary

Economicsand Statistics

AdministrationRobert J. Shapiro,Under Secretary for

Economic Affairs

U.S. CENSUS BUREAUKenneth Prewitt,


Page 4: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Paula J. Schneider,Principal Associate Directorfor Programs

Frederick T. Knickerbocker,Associate Directorfor Economic Programs

Thomas L. Mesenbourg,Assistant Directorfor Economic Programs

Carole A. Ambler,Chief, Service SectorStatistics Division




Economicsand StatisticsAdministration

Robert J. Shapiro,Under Secretaryfor Economic Affairs


Kenneth Prewitt,Director

William G. Barron,Deputy Director

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Introduction to the Economic Census 1...........................

Wholesale Trade 5.............................................


1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997 7....................

2. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records andEstimation for the State: 1997 20...........................

3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997 25...........

4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records andEstimation for Metropolitan Areas: 1997 58..................

5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997 71....................

6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records andEstimation for Counties: 1997 127...........................

7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997 152......................

8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records andEstimation for Places: 1997 213.............................


A. Explanation of Terms A–1....................................

B. NAICS Codes, Titles, and Descriptions B–1....................

C. Coverage and Methodology C–1..............................

D. Geographic Notes D–1......................................

E. Metropolitan Areas E–1......................................

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI iiiU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

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Introduction to the Economic Census


The economic census is the major source of facts aboutthe structure and functioning of the Nation’s economy. Itprovides essential information for government, business,industry, and the general public. Title 13 of the UnitedStates Code (Sections 131, 191, and 224) directs the Cen-sus Bureau to take the economic census every 5 years,covering years ending in 2 and 7.

The economic census furnishes an important part of theframework for such composite measures as the grossdomestic product estimates, input/output measures, pro-duction and price indexes, and other statistical series thatmeasure short-term changes in economic conditions. Spe-cific uses of economic census data include the following:

• Policymaking agencies of the Federal Government usethe data to monitor economic activity and assess theeffectiveness of policies.

• State and local governments use the data to assessbusiness activities and tax bases within their jurisdic-tions and to develop programs to attract business.

• Trade associations study trends in their own and com-peting industries, which allows them to keep their mem-bers informed of market changes.

• Individual businesses use the data to locate potentialmarkets and to analyze their own production and salesperformance relative to industry or area averages.


Data from the 1997 Economic Census are published pri-marily on the basis of the North American Industry Classi-fication System (NAICS), unlike earlier censuses, whichwere published according to the Standard Industrial Classi-fication (SIC) system. NAICS is in the process of beingadopted in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Mosteconomic census reports cover one of the following NAICSsectors:

21 Mining22 Utilities23 Construction31-33 Manufacturing42 Wholesale Trade44-45 Retail Trade48-49 Transportation and Warehousing51 Information

52 Finance and Insurance53 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical

Services55 Management of Companies and Enterprises56 Administrative and Support and Waste

Management and Remediation Services61 Educational Services62 Health Care and Social Assistance71 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation72 Accommodation and Foodservices81 Other Services (except Public Administration)

(Not listed above are the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, andHunting sector (NAICS 11), partially covered by the censusof agriculture conducted by the U.S. Department of Agri-culture, and the Public Administration sector (NAICS 92),covered by the census of governments conducted by theCensus Bureau.)

The 20 NAICS sectors are subdivided into 96 subsectors(three-digit codes), 313 industry groups (four-digit codes),and, as implemented in the United States, 1170 industries(five- and six-digit codes).


While many of the individual NAICS industries corre-spond directly to industries as defined under the SIC sys-tem, most of the higher level groupings do not. Particularcare should be taken in comparing data for retail trade,wholesale trade, and manufacturing, which are sectortitles used in both NAICS and SIC, but cover somewhat dif-ferent groups of industries. The industry definitions dis-cuss the relationships between NAICS and SIC industries.Where changes are significant, it will not be possible toconstruct time series that include data for points bothbefore and after 1997.

For 1997, data for auxiliary establishments (those func-tioning primarily to manage, service, or support the activi-ties of their company’s operating establishments, such asa central administrative office or warehouse) will not beincluded in the sector-specific reports. These data will bepublished separately.


Accurate and complete information on the physicallocation of each establishment is required to tabulate thecensus data for the states, metropolitan areas (MAs), coun-ties, parishes, and corporate municipalities including cit-ies, towns, villages, and boroughs. Respondents were


U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census

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required to report their physical location (street address,municipality, county, and state) if it differed from theirmailing address. For establishments not surveyed by mail(and those single-establishment companies that did notprovide acceptable information on physical location), loca-tion information from Internal Revenue Service tax formsis used as a basis for coding.


The economic census is conducted on an establishmentbasis. A company operating at more than one location isrequired to file a separate report for each store, factory,shop, or other location. Each establishment is assigned aseparate industry classification based on its primary activ-ity and not that of its parent company.


All dollar values presented are expressed in current dol-lars; i.e., 1997 data are expressed in 1997 dollars, and1992 data, in 1992 dollars. Consequently, when makingcomparisons with prior years, users of the data shouldconsider the changes in prices that have occurred.

All dollar values are shown in thousands of dollars.


Reports in Print and Electronic Media

All results of the 1997 Economic Census are availableon the Census Bureau Internet site (www.census.gov) andon compact discs (CD-ROM) for sale by the Census Bureau.Unlike previous censuses, only selected highlights arepublished in printed reports. For more information, includ-ing a description of electronic and printed reports beingissued, see the Internet site, or write to U.S. CensusBureau, Washington, DC 20233-8300, or call CustomerServices at 301-457-4100.

Special Tabulations

Special tabulations of data collected in the 1997 Eco-nomic Census may be obtained, depending on availabilityof time and personnel, in electronic or tabular form. Thedata will be summaries subject to the same rules prohibit-ing disclosure of confidential information (including name,address, kind of business, or other data for individualbusiness establishments or companies) that govern theregular publications.

Special tabulations are prepared on a cost basis. Arequest for a cost estimate, as well as exact specificationson the type and format of the data to be provided, shouldbe directed to the Chief of the division named below, U.S.Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233-8300. To discuss aspecial tabulation before submitting specifications, callthe appropriate division:

Manufacturing and Construction Division 301-457-4673Service Sector Statistics Division 301-457-2668


The economic census has been taken as an integratedprogram at 5-year intervals since 1967 and before that for1954, 1958, and 1963. Prior to that time, individual com-ponents of the economic census were taken separately atvarying intervals.

The economic census traces its beginnings to the 1810Decennial Census, when questions on manufacturing wereincluded with those for population. Coverage of economicactivities was expanded for the 1840 Decennial Censusand subsequent censuses to include mining and somecommercial activities. The 1905 Manufactures Census wasthe first time a census was taken apart from the regulardecennial population census. Censuses covering retail andwholesale trade and construction industries were added in1930, as were some covering service trades in 1933. Cen-suses of construction, manufacturing, and the other busi-ness service censuses were suspended during World WarII.

The 1954 Economic Census was the first census to befully integrated: providing comparable census data acrosseconomic sectors, using consistent time periods, con-cepts, definitions, classifications, and reporting units. Itwas the first census to be taken by mail, using lists offirms provided by the administrative records of other Fed-eral agencies. Since 1963, administrative records alsohave been used to provide basic statistics for very smallfirms, reducing or eliminating the need to send them cen-sus questionnaires.

The range of industries covered in the economic cen-suses expanded between 1967 and 1992. The census ofconstruction industries began on a regular basis in 1967,and the scope of service industries, introduced in 1933,was broadened in 1967, 1977, and 1987. While a fewtransportation industries were covered as early as 1963, itwas not until 1992 that the census broadened to includeall of transportation, communications, and utilities. Alsonew for 1992 was coverage of financial, insurance, andreal estate industries. With these additions, the economiccensus and the separate census of governments and cen-sus of agriculture collectively covered roughly 98 percentof all economic activity.

Printed statistical reports from the 1992 and earliercensuses provide historical figures for the study of long-term time series and are available in some large libraries.All of the census reports printed since 1967 are still avail-able for sale on microfiche from the Census Bureau.CD-ROMs issued from the 1987 and 1992 Economic Cen-suses contain databases including nearly all data pub-lished in print, plus additional statistics, such as ZIP Codestatistics, published only on CD-ROM.


U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census

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More information about the scope, coverage, classifica-tion system, data items, and publications for each of theeconomic censuses and related surveys is published in theGuide to the 1997 Economic Census and Related Statisticsat www.census.gov/econguide. More information on themethodology, procedures, and history of the censuses willbe published in the History of the 1997 Economic Censusat www.census.gov/econ/www/history.html.


The following abbreviations and symbols are used withthe 1997 Economic Census data:

A Standard error of 100 percent or more.D Withheld to avoid disclosing data of individual

companies; data are included in higher leveltotals.

F Exceeds 100 percent because data includeestablishments with payroll exceeding rev-enue.

N Not available or not comparable.Q Revenue not collected at this level of detail for

multiestablishment firms.S Withheld because estimates did not meet

publication standards.

V Represents less than 50 vehicles or .05percent.

X Not applicable.Y Disclosure withheld because of insufficient

coverage of merchandise lines.Z Less than half the unit shown.a 0 to 19 employees.b 20 to 99 employees.c 100 to 249 employees.e 250 to 499 employees.f 500 to 999 employees.g 1,000 to 2,499 employees.h 2,500 to 4,999 employees.i 5,000 to 9,999 employees.j 10,000 to 24,999 employees.k 25,000 to 49,999 employees.l 50,000 to 99,999 employees.m 100,000 employees or more.p 10 to 19 percent estimated.q 20 to 29 percent estimated.r Revised.s Sampling error exceeds 40 percent.nec Not elsewhere classified.nsk Not specified by kind.– Represents zero (page image/print only).(CC) Consolidated city.(IC) Independent city.


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Wholesale Trade


The Wholesale Trade sector (sector 42) comprises estab-lishments engaged in wholesaling merchandise, generallywithout transformation, and rendering services incidentalto the sale of merchandise.

The wholesaling process is an intermediate step in thedistribution of merchandise. Wholesalers are organized tosell or arrange the purchase or sale of (a) goods for resale(i.e., goods sold to other wholesalers or retailers), (b) capi-tal or durable nonconsumer goods, and (c) raw and inter-mediate materials and supplies used in production.

Wholesalers sell merchandise to other businesses andnormally operate from a warehouse or office. These ware-houses and offices are characterized by having little or nodisplay of merchandise. In addition, neither the design northe location of the premises is intended to solicit walk-intraffic. Wholesalers do not normally use advertisingdirected to the general public. Customers are generallyreached initially via telephone, in-person marketing, or byspecialized advertising that may include Internet andother electronic means. Follow-up orders are eithervendor-initiated or client-initiated, generally based on pre-vious sales, and typically exhibit strong ties between sell-ers and buyers. In fact, transactions are often conductedbetween wholesalers and clients that have long-standingbusiness relationships.

This sector comprises three main types of wholesalers:those that sell goods on their own account, those that sellgoods manufactured by a parent company in the UnitedStates, and those that arrange sales and purchases forothers for a commission or fee.

1. Wholesale merchants, distributors, jobbers, drop ship-pers, import/export merchants, terminal grain eleva-tors, country grain elevators, and farm product assem-blers sell goods on their own account. Theseestablishments typically maintain their own ware-house, where they receive and handle goods for theircustomers. They also may operate as drop shippers oroffices taking orders from customers and having thegoods shipped directly from the supplier. Establish-ments operating exclusively in this manner will notmaintain any inventory. Goods are generally soldwithout transformation, but may include integralfunctions, such as sorting, packaging, labeling, andother marketing services.

2. Manufacturers sales branches and offices primarilysell products manufactured or mined in the UnitedStates by their parent company.

3. Agents and brokers, commission merchants,import/export agents and brokers, auction compa-nies, and manufacturers’ agents arrange for the pur-chase or sale of goods owned by others or purchasedon a commission basis. Agents and brokers operatefrom offices and do not own or handle the goods theysell. Auction companies and commission merchantshandle goods on a consignment basis but do not ownthe goods.

Although wholesaling normally denotes sales in largevolumes, durable nonconsumer goods may be sold insingle units. Sales of capital or durable nonconsumergoods used in the production of goods and services, suchas farm machinery, medium and heavy duty trucks, andindustrial machinery, are always included in wholesaletrade.


A list of products that provide statistics on sector 42follows.

Geographic area reports. A separate report containingdata for establishments with payroll is published for eachstate, the District of Columbia, and the United States. Eachreport presents general statistics for establishments withpayroll, on number of establishments, sales, payroll,employment, operating expenses, and inventories. At thestate level, data also are presented separately for the fol-lowing types of wholesale operations: merchant wholesal-ers; manufacturers’ sales branches and offices; andagents, brokers, commission merchants, and auction com-panies. Less type-of-operation detail is shown below thestate level. For states, MAs, and counties and places with200 wholesale establishments or more, statistics are pre-sented by kind of business. Greater kind-of-business detailis shown for larger areas. In addition, data are shown forall places with 2,500 inhabitants or more and all counties(with no kind-of-business detail).

Commodity line sales report. This report presents dataon major categories of commodities sold by wholesalekinds of business for the United States. Tables presentdata for each kind of business and show, for each com-modity line, the number of establishments handling theline and their sales of the line; the percentage of totalsales of the kind of business accounted for by each of thelines carried; and for establishments actually handling aspecific line, the percentage of total sales represented bysales of that line. Summary statistics also are provided for


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the broad commodity line categories, including counts ofestablishments and the amount and percentage of the linesold by various kinds of wholesale businesses.

Establishment and firm size (including legal form oforganization) report. This report presents data forestablishments with payroll, based on size of establish-ment, size of company or firm, and legal form of organiza-tion. Establishment statistics are presented by sales sizeand by employment size; statistics for firms by sales size(including concentration by largest firms), by employmentsize, and by number of establishments operated (singleunits and multiunits). Statistics are presented by kind ofbusiness on the number of establishments, sales, payroll,operating expense, inventories and employment for theUnited States.

Miscellaneous subjects report. This report containsdata by kind of business on employment by principalactivity; sales by class of customer; inventory valuationmethods; commissions and gross selling value of businessconducted for others by agents and brokers; grossmargins, gross profits, and their components; and onpetroleum bulk stations and terminals. Data are presentedfor the United States as a whole and for petroleum bulkstations and terminals at the state level.


The level of geographic detail varies by report. Datamay be presented for:

1. The United States as a whole.

2. States and the District of Columbia.

3. Consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSAs)and primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs)defined by the Office of Management and Budget(OMB) as of June 30, 1997. A CMSA is an area used tofacilitate the presentation and analysis of data forlarge concentrations of metropolitan populations. Itincludes two or more contiguous PMSAs which have apopulation of at least 1,000,000 (according to the1990 Census of Population or subsequent specialcensus) and which meet specific criteria of urbancharacter and of social and economic integration.

4. Metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) defined by theOMB as of June 30, 1997. An MSA is an integratedeconomic and social unit with a population nucleus ofat least 50,000 inhabitants (according to the 1990Census of Population or subsequent special census).Each MSA consists of one or more counties meetingstandards of metropolitan character; in New England,cities and towns rather than counties are the compo-nent geographic units.

5. Areas within the state outside metropolitan areas(MAs).

6. Counties and county equivalents defined as of January1, 1997. Counties are the primary divisions of states,except in Louisiana where they are called parishes andin Alaska where they are called boroughs and censusareas. Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia haveone place or more that is independent of any countyorganization and constitutes primary divisions of theirstates. These places are treated as counties and asplaces.

7. Consolidated cities defined as of January 1, 1997.Consolidated cities are consolidated governmentswhich consist of separately incorporated municipali-ties.

8. Municipalities of 2,500 inhabitants or more defined asof January 1, 1997. These are areas of significantpopulation incorporated as a city, borough, village, ortown according to the 1990 Census of Population orsubsequent special census. For the economic census,boroughs and census areas in Alaska and boroughs inNew York are not included in this category.

9. Special economic urban areas (SEUAs), which includetownships in Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania,and towns in New York, Wisconsin, and the six NewEngland states with 10,000 inhabitants or more(according to the 1990 Census of Population or subse-quent special census).


The 1997 Economic Census is the first census topresent data based on the new North American IndustryClassification System (NAICS). Previous census data werepresented based on the Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) system developed some 60 years ago. Due to thischange, comparability between census years may belimited. Comparative statistics will be included as part ofthe Core Business Statistics Reports.


In accordance with Federal law governing censusreports, (Title 13 of the United States Code), no data arepublished that would disclose the operations of an indi-vidual establishment or business. However, the number ofestablishments in a kind-of-business classification is notconsidered a disclosure; therefore, this information maybe released even though other information is withheld.


The Census Bureau conducts annual surveys on thewholesale trade. These surveys, while providing more fre-quent observations, yield less kind-of-business and geo-graphic detail than the economic census. In addition, theCounty Business Patterns program offers annual statisticson the number of establishments, employment, and pay-roll classified by industry within each county.


U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census

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Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 3 173............. 18 445 224 1 012 079 234 057 36 520 2 143 273 1 321 189 1 426 695

Wholesaler distributors and jobbers 2 690..... 12 891 787 824 763 192 028 30 718 1 691 276 1 098 499 1 179 614Importers 30............................ 150 863 11 089 2 806 395 25 618 31 797 24 858Exporters 25............................ 268 559 9 326 1 991 194 17 543 17 448 16 405Own brand importer~marketers 6......... 17 416 1 191 284 32 2 967 3 987 4 125Country grain elevators 29................ 316 647 3 844 845 165 13 430 25 426 22 772Assemblers of farm products, exceptcountry grain elevators 15............... 280 461 13 872 3 113 518 56 916 35 889 43 004

Sales branches (with stock) 140............ 2 382 654 103 179 21 984 2 833 233 173 105 837 133 634Sales offices (without stock) 43............ 576 979 21 260 5 813 508 48 235 – –Auction companies 17.................... 693 606 4 867 1 085 617 18 299 389 340Brokers 59.............................. 343 800 5 466 1 040 160 10 211 176 110Commission merchants 31................ 122 041 2 665 722 95 6 092 1 530 1 553Manufacturers’ agents 88................. 400 411 10 557 2 346 285 19 513 211 280

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1 989........ 7 217 633 545 343 128 203 19 046 1 088 994 760 057 780 374

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 268..................... 1 404 910 82 373 19 335 3 087 169 989 115 136 121 759

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 87.......................... 1 042 932 36 648 8 434 1 386 80 365 52 563 55 210

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 87........................ 1 042 932 36 648 8 434 1 386 80 365 52 563 55 210

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 45. 627 738 6 802 1 695 422 28 011 5 164 6 7274211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 33............. 399 876 28 944 6 542 919 50 849 45 689 45 588

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 74.......................... 196 743 23 410 5 706 880 48 465 39 448 41 875

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 74........................ 196 743 23 410 5 706 880 48 465 39 448 41 875

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 20. 69 435 7 087 1 722 260 13 206 11 379 12 263

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 50............... 108 226 13 823 3 566 564 31 734 26 139 27 666

4211203 Petroleum products marketingequipment whsle 4............. 19 082 2 500 418 56 3 525 1 930 1 946

42113 Tire & tube whsle 20................. D D D e D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 20............... D D D e D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 87... D D D e D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 87. D D D e D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 98... 601 922 31 446 8 035 998 76 429 35 127 37 13442121 Furniture whsle 62................... 458 166 23 720 6 330 711 57 304 26 765 28 354421210 Furniture whsle 62................. 458 166 23 720 6 330 711 57 304 26 765 28 3544212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 35...................... 391 822 14 249 3 965 333 39 405 23 757 24 2784212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 27...................... 66 344 9 471 2 365 378 17 899 3 008 4 076

42122 Home furnishings whsle 36........... 143 756 7 726 1 705 287 19 125 8 362 8 780421220 Home furnishings whsle 36......... 143 756 7 726 1 705 287 19 125 8 362 8 7804212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, &

curtains whsle 10............... D D D b D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 9......... 33 333 2 268 504 71 5 295 2 391 2 6774212204 Other home furnishings whsle 13.. D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 146............................ 1 133 095 50 116 13 333 1 790 99 018 89 321 85 650

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 87..................... 986 167 36 580 10 415 1 253 73 562 75 369 70 689

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 87.............. 986 167 36 580 10 415 1 253 73 562 75 369 70 689

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 28..... 290 815 8 819 3 946 187 18 983 15 904 17 2524213102 Lumber with yard whsle 30........ 220 557 13 191 3 258 595 24 970 41 597 34 9614213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 29............ 474 795 14 570 3 211 471 29 609 17 868 18 476

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 25.................. 55 250 4 463 1 234 259 9 979 5 710 6 270

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 25................ 55 250 4 463 1 234 259 9 979 5 710 6 270

4213201 Brick, block, tile, clay/cementsewer pipe whsle 12............ 11 958 1 694 365 84 3 735 1 904 2 080

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle 9.... D D D c D D D4213203 Cement, lime, & related

products whsle 4.............. D D D b D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 8.......................... 46 907 3 718 535 91 5 621 2 786 3 478

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 8................. 46 907 3 718 535 91 5 621 2 786 3 478

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 8............... 46 907 3 718 535 91 5 621 2 786 3 478

42139 Other construction materials whsle 26.. 44 771 5 355 1 149 187 9 856 5 456 5 213421390 Other construction materials

whsle 26........................ 44 771 5 355 1 149 187 9 856 5 456 5 2134213902 Other construction materials

whsle 22...................... 40 008 4 250 892 138 7 987 5 072 4 856

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 7U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

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Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 200................... 790 977 74 984 17 491 2 421 139 951 41 117 44 440

42142 Office equipment whsle 54............ 69 010 15 727 3 388 540 27 711 6 365 7 153421420 Office equipment whsle 54.......... 69 010 15 727 3 388 540 27 711 6 365 7 153

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 48....... 187 467 19 927 5 245 531 36 025 4 924 5 761

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 48..... 187 467 19 927 5 245 531 36 025 4 924 5 761

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 42............. D D D e D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 32...... 169 341 17 146 4 646 452 30 622 3 228 3 861

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 29. 49 161 5 818 1 311 207 11 148 3 413 3 895421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 29........................ 49 161 5 818 1 311 207 11 148 3 413 3 8954214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 16............... 40 643 4 155 889 137 7 987 2 585 3 1024214402 Store machines & equipment

whsle 13...................... 8 518 1 663 422 70 3 161 828 793

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 45....... 404 905 21 619 4 780 806 43 804 22 149 22 883

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 45..... 404 905 21 619 4 780 806 43 804 22 149 22 883

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 42............... D D D f D D D

42146 Ophthalmic goods whsle 8........... 5 886 1 275 458 54 2 691 258 281421460 Ophthalmic goods whsle 8......... 5 886 1 275 458 54 2 691 258 281

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 16................... 74 548 10 618 2 309 283 18 572 4 008 4 467

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 16................. 74 548 10 618 2 309 283 18 572 4 008 4 467

4214901 Religious & school supplieswhsle 3...................... D D D b D D D

4214902 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 13............... D D D e D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 57............................ D D D f D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 56..... D D D f D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 56... D D D f D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 47................. 251 852 21 851 4 731 678 45 300 22 265 22 62942151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 37................... 190 355 17 690 4 089 588 38 287 22 265 22 62942151012 Ferrous metal sales offices 10... 61 497 4 161 642 90 7 013 – –4215102 Nonferrous metal service

centers & sales offices 9....... D D D c D D D42151021 Nonferrous metal service

centers 7................... D D D b D D D

42152 Coal & other mineral & ore whsle 1... D D D a D D D421520 Coal & other mineral & ore whsle 1. D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 157............... 414 717 39 105 9 927 1 318 65 339 35 214 35 60642161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 62...... 280 742 17 280 4 151 555 28 739 26 760 24 886421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 62........................ 280 742 17 280 4 151 555 28 739 26 760 24 886

42162 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 9.................. D D D b D D D

421620 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 9................ D D D b D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 86.......................... D D D f D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 86........................ D D D f D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 54............... 78 116 15 548 4 315 510 25 108 4 085 6 253

4216902 Electronic parts (excludingcommunications equipment)whsle 32...................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 142......... 287 168 30 419 6 914 1 033 54 463 41 587 37 981

42171 Hardware whsle 51.................. 102 879 13 799 3 083 398 21 774 16 180 11 813421710 Hardware whsle 51................ 102 879 13 799 3 083 398 21 774 16 180 11 813

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 21........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 21...... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 49....... 101 853 8 672 1 993 331 18 449 15 423 14 956

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 49................. 101 853 8 672 1 993 331 18 449 15 423 14 956

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplieswhsle 21.......................... D D D c D D D

421740 Refrigeration equipment &supplies whsle 21................. D D D c D D D

8 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 14: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 586............................ 1 550 887 158 475 35 365 5 289 296 129 325 407 339 378

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 52.......................... 345 319 30 764 6 208 740 55 940 86 079 102 208

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 52........................ 345 319 30 764 6 208 740 55 940 86 079 102 208

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 147................. 451 085 36 358 8 225 1 422 64 566 155 444 145 738

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 147............... 451 085 36 358 8 225 1 422 64 566 155 444 145 738

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 117................ D D D g D D D

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 22............ 44 026 3 748 844 166 6 642 10 036 9 749

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 8............. D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 211.......................... 401 572 49 444 11 721 1 598 92 610 47 975 52 536

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 211........................ 401 572 49 444 11 721 1 598 92 610 47 975 52 536

4218301 Food~processing machinery &equipment whsle 4............. 23 281 1 112 287 19 1 512 389 525

4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power) machinery & equipmentwhsle 22...................... 26 904 4 639 1 075 145 7 950 2 429 2 689

42183022 Hydraulic & pneumatic parts,accessories, & supplieswhsle 17.................... 19 351 3 188 705 97 4 954 1 668 1 856

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 53. 86 809 9 390 2 055 329 18 168 9 525 10 091

4218304 Metalworking machinery &equipment whsle 18............. 24 351 3 305 744 121 6 413 2 276 2 553

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 37...................... 111 438 16 299 3 854 522 29 530 20 345 20 181

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 49. 80 840 9 633 2 267 289 19 514 8 294 11 665

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 28............. 47 949 5 066 1 439 173 9 523 4 717 4 832

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 111........... 267 300 28 564 6 211 975 54 972 26 750 29 082421840 Industrial supplies whsle 111......... 267 300 28 564 6 211 975 54 972 26 750 29 0824218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 15...................... 35 222 4 177 905 153 7 062 3 846 4 1184218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 22............... 60 571 5 308 1 318 155 10 905 8 510 9 7944218403 Welding supplies whsle 35........ 68 863 8 828 1 832 334 18 077 5 442 5 3884218404 Industrial containers & supplies

whsle 6...................... 25 091 1 402 321 36 2 348 623 6734218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 7.... 27 108 2 107 504 73 4 031 2 390 2 8914218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 26. 50 445 6 742 1 331 224 12 549 5 939 6 218

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 47................... 67 406 10 826 2 493 468 23 171 6 330 6 834

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 47............... 67 406 10 826 2 493 468 23 171 6 330 6 834

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 13... 16 680 2 870 702 160 7 224 1 775 2 291

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 12............... 20 038 3 814 788 125 6 043 1 841 1 733

4218503 Laundry & dry~cleaningequipment & supplies whsle 5... 12 520 1 582 364 72 3 942 1 303 1 144

4218504 Other service establishmentequipment & supplies whsle 17... 18 168 2 560 639 111 5 962 1 411 1 666

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies(exc motor vehicle) whsle 18......... 18 205 2 519 507 86 4 870 2 829 2 980

421860 Transportation equipment &supplies (exc motor vehicle)whsle 18........................ 18 205 2 519 507 86 4 870 2 829 2 980

4218602 Marine machinery, equipment, &supplies whsle 10............... 13 671 1 840 392 63 3 515 1 776 1 894

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 335... D D D g D D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 36................... 52 018 3 653 799 164 7 811 6 589 6 818421910 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 36................. 52 018 3 653 799 164 7 811 6 589 6 818

42192 Toy & hobby goods & supplieswhsle 13.......................... 10 280 1 147 306 62 3 682 2 311 2 059

421920 Toy & hobby goods & supplieswhsle 13........................ 10 280 1 147 306 62 3 682 2 311 2 059

42193 Recyclable material whsle 80......... D D D f D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 80....... D D D f D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 48..................... D D D f D D D42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 28................ D D D e D D D

42193012 Iron & steel scrap processors(not using power processingequip) 20.................... 18 272 2 597 577 146 6 659 253 228

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 26. 69 635 7 143 1 637 331 15 022 4 654 4 799

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 9U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 15: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whslemCon.

42194 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 15..... 9 117 832 196 33 2 041 1 168 1 235

421940 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 15... 9 117 832 196 33 2 041 1 168 1 235

4219401 Jewelry, watch, diamonds,precious stone, & silverwarewhsle 15...................... 9 117 832 196 33 2 041 1 168 1 235

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 191.......................... D D D g D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 191.................. D D D g D D D

4219902 Forest products (except lumber)whsle 135...................... 366 825 18 182 4 258 766 53 736 18 425 19 592

4219904 Prerecorded media whsle 5...... D D D b D D D42199041 Compact discs/prerecorded

audio tapes, & phonographrecords whsle 5............. D D D b D D D

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 16............. 17 807 2 029 450 105 4 070 761 785

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 21..... 83 636 4 490 1 085 169 12 684 3 370 3 563

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1 184..... 11 227 591 466 736 105 854 17 474 1 054 279 561 132 646 321

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 96......... 212 457 26 079 6 987 919 44 909 17 672 17 41242211 Printing & writing paper whsle 7...... D D D b D D D422110 Printing & writing paper whsle 7.... D D D b D D D

42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 51... D D D e D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 51. D D D e D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 38.......................... 124 738 14 148 4 148 460 22 741 10 835 10 518

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 38........................ 124 738 14 148 4 148 460 22 741 10 835 10 518

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 39.... 688 286 14 208 3 376 583 35 552 80 138 102 42742221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 39.. 688 286 14 208 3 376 583 35 552 80 138 102 427422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 39........................ 688 286 14 208 3 376 583 35 552 80 138 102 4274222101 General~line drugs whsle 18...... 661 750 9 881 2 200 392 26 080 77 891 99 6134222102 Specialty~line drug,

pharmaceutical, cosmetic, &toiletries whsle 21.............. 26 536 4 327 1 176 191 9 472 2 247 2 814

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 70. 234 875 12 759 3 022 576 32 460 19 141 25 07742231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 36.................... 165 641 6 326 1 483 248 15 680 9 648 10 765422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 36.................. 165 641 6 326 1 483 248 15 680 9 648 10 7654223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 26......... 150 776 5 530 1 290 205 12 952 8 076 9 1614223102 Notions & other dry goods

whsle 10...................... 14 865 796 193 43 2 728 1 572 1 604

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishingswhsle 20.......................... 58 190 5 657 1 370 269 14 761 8 887 13 611

422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing &furnishings whsle 20.............. 58 190 5 657 1 370 269 14 761 8 887 13 611

42233 Women’s, children’s, & infants’clothing & accessories whsle 12...... D D D b D D D

422330 Women’s, children’s, & infants’clothing & accessories whsle 12.... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 306..... 3 687 033 186 793 41 752 6 393 388 087 135 878 159 78642241 General~line grocery whsle 22......... 1 093 614 36 884 8 873 1 121 79 572 48 890 50 387422410 General~line grocery whsle 22....... 1 093 614 36 884 8 873 1 121 79 572 48 890 50 3874224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 20...................... D D D g D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 33....... 567 808 31 775 6 942 977 61 738 28 092 37 350422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 33..... 567 808 31 775 6 942 977 61 738 28 092 37 350

42243 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 19................... 47 365 5 424 948 267 11 584 1 009 1 106

422430 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 19................. 47 365 5 424 948 267 11 584 1 009 1 106

4224302 Dairy product (except raw milk)whsle 18...................... D D D e D D D

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 23..... 308 872 5 948 1 362 159 16 547 2 556 2 045422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 23... 308 872 5 948 1 362 159 16 547 2 556 2 0454224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 23........... 308 872 5 948 1 362 159 16 547 2 556 2 045

42245 Confectionery whsle 29............... D D D e D D D422450 Confectionery whsle 29............. D D D e D D D

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 29.............. 67 701 3 509 619 219 8 479 1 378 1 264422460 Fish & seafood whsle 29............ 67 701 3 509 619 219 8 479 1 378 1 264

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 24........ 444 923 16 467 1 868 341 37 808 4 737 17 664422470 Meat & meat product whsle 24...... 444 923 16 467 1 868 341 37 808 4 737 17 664

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 27....... 83 149 5 970 1 556 258 14 067 585 622422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 27..... 83 149 5 970 1 556 258 14 067 585 622

10 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 16: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4224 Grocery & related products whslemCon.

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 100.......................... D D D h D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 100........................ D D D h D D D

4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 12.... D D D c D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 48............. 422 975 47 238 10 926 1 790 90 558 11 127 11 7674224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 22. 472 712 17 718 4 799 618 39 866 33 456 33 501

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 109..... 2 067 775 28 581 5 764 1 421 97 785 81 450 86 93842251 Grain & field bean whsle 45........... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386422510 Grain & field bean whsle 45......... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386

42252 Livestock whsle 32................... 603 133 7 594 1 398 698 18 557 3 245 4 402422520 Livestock whsle 32................. 603 133 7 594 1 398 698 18 557 3 245 4 402

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 32.......................... 979 963 13 087 2 879 427 56 010 41 502 49 150

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 32........................ 979 963 13 087 2 879 427 56 010 41 502 49 150

4225904 Cotton whsle 22................. 967 585 11 811 2 640 344 53 430 40 555 48 110

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 100..... 267 936 20 989 4 890 708 42 968 18 578 24 03042261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 20................... 161 535 6 487 1 626 261 14 221 10 407 15 062422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 20................. 161 535 6 487 1 626 261 14 221 10 407 15 062

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 80.......................... 106 401 14 502 3 264 447 28 747 8 171 8 968

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 80........................ 106 401 14 502 3 264 447 28 747 8 171 8 968

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 73...................... 98 420 13 405 3 003 404 25 833 7 520 8 381

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 194............................ 2 248 663 68 692 15 403 2 318 183 499 79 413 93 441

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 156. 1 890 939 59 614 13 456 1 986 156 569 72 648 86 429422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 156..................... 1 890 939 59 614 13 456 1 986 156 569 72 648 86 4294227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 149......... 1 719 018 54 523 12 377 1 841 138 518 64 011 77 76742271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 133............... 835 405 31 032 7 310 1 338 101 143 25 293 25 29942271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 16............... 883 613 23 491 5 067 503 37 375 38 718 52 4684227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 7.......... 171 921 5 091 1 079 145 18 051 8 637 8 662

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 38..... 357 724 9 078 1 947 332 26 930 6 765 7 012

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 38... 357 724 9 078 1 947 332 26 930 6 765 7 012

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 54.................... 584 628 40 835 9 247 1 485 86 574 22 282 21 713

42281 Beer & ale whsle 49.................. 379 437 37 046 8 347 1 340 71 598 20 378 20 098422810 Beer & ale whsle 49................ 379 437 37 046 8 347 1 340 71 598 20 378 20 098

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 5.......................... 205 191 3 789 900 145 14 976 1 904 1 615

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 5........................ 205 191 3 789 900 145 14 976 1 904 1 615

4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev(licensed operation) whsle 4.... D D D b D D D

4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholicbeverage (State operated)whsle 1...................... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 216............................ 1 235 938 67 800 15 413 3 071 142 445 106 580 115 497

42291 Farm supplies whsle 74.............. 384 803 20 779 4 303 816 43 862 34 958 40 524422910 Farm supplies whsle 74............ 384 803 20 779 4 303 816 43 862 34 958 40 5244229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 42... 116 294 6 544 1 385 330 14 030 10 710 12 8764229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 32.................. 268 509 14 235 2 918 486 29 832 24 248 27 648

42292 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 11.......................... 42 368 5 037 1 235 325 13 195 3 129 3 303

422920 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 11........................ 42 368 5 037 1 235 325 13 195 3 129 3 303

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 29................... 68 641 6 409 1 623 334 13 713 12 756 14 575

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 29................. 68 641 6 409 1 623 334 13 713 12 756 14 575

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 25... 676 461 27 922 6 507 1 180 55 862 47 947 49 148422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 25. 676 461 27 922 6 507 1 180 55 862 47 947 49 148

42295 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 14.... D D D b D D D422950 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 14.. D D D b D D D4229501 Paint, varnish, & supplies

whsle 14...................... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 11U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 17: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhslemCon.

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 63.................... D D D e D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 63.................. D D D e D D D

4229901 Art goods whsle 14.............. 8 522 1 461 308 87 3 227 1 646 1 7434229902 General merchandise

(nondurable goods) whsle 14..... D D D b D D D4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 34. D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2 795........ 13 925 733 864 085 201 067 32 022 1 807 750 1 213 046 1 290 778

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1 793........ 5 271 392 494 999 114 924 17 645 957 261 709 988 728 212

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 259..................... D D D h D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 84.......................... D D D g D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 84........................ D D D g D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 43. D D D c D D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 32............. D D D f D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 69.......................... 125 724 18 341 4 448 687 36 229 26 548 27 899

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 69........................ 125 724 18 341 4 448 687 36 229 26 548 27 899

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 19. D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 46............... D D D e D D D

4211203 Petroleum products marketingequipment whsle 4............. 19 082 2 500 418 56 3 525 1 930 1 946

42113 Tire & tube whsle 19................. D D D e D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 19............... D D D e D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 87... D D D e D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 87. D D D e D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 80... D D D f D D D42121 Furniture whsle 51................... 132 365 17 634 4 520 644 31 721 12 997 14 153421210 Furniture whsle 51................. 132 365 17 634 4 520 644 31 721 12 997 14 1534212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 27...................... D D D e D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 24...................... D D D e D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 29........... D D D c D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 29......... D D D c D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 9......... 33 333 2 268 504 71 5 295 2 391 2 6774212204 Other home furnishings whsle 9.. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 126............................ 725 484 44 982 12 267 1 660 82 136 84 762 80 939

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 83..................... D D D g D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 83.............. D D D g D D D

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 26..... D D D c D D D4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 30........ 220 557 13 191 3 258 595 24 970 41 597 34 9614213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 27............ D D D e D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 17.................. D D D c D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 17................ D D D c D D D

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle 8.... D D D c D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 7................. D D D b D D D

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 7............... D D D b D D D

42139 Other construction materials whsle 19.. D D D c D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 19........................ D D D c D D D4213902 Other construction materials

whsle 15...................... D D D c D D D

12 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 18: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 174................... 672 550 65 978 14 892 2 222 121 056 39 937 43 224

42142 Office equipment whsle 47............ D D D f D D D421420 Office equipment whsle 47.......... D D D f D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 43....... D D D e D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 43..... D D D e D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 37............. D D D e D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 28...... D D D e D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 21. D D D c D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 21........................ D D D c D D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 11............... 26 324 3 731 811 125 6 557 2 585 3 102

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 42....... 404 303 21 431 4 743 802 43 432 22 148 22 883

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 42..... 404 303 21 431 4 743 802 43 432 22 148 22 883

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 39............... D D D f D D D

42146 Ophthalmic goods whsle 6........... D D D b D D D421460 Ophthalmic goods whsle 6......... D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 15................... D D D e D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 15................. D D D e D D D

4214902 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 13............... D D D e D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 48............................ 214 317 23 013 4 954 720 47 274 23 628 23 980

42151 Metal service centers & offices 48..... 214 317 23 013 4 954 720 47 274 23 628 23 980421510 Metal service centers & offices 48... 214 317 23 013 4 954 720 47 274 23 628 23 9804215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 41................. D D D f D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 35................... D D D f D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 119............... 280 254 32 147 7 746 1 178 55 309 32 773 33 09642161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 39...... 164 901 13 329 3 142 473 22 872 24 683 22 777421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 39........................ 164 901 13 329 3 142 473 22 872 24 683 22 777

42162 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 9.................. D D D b D D D

421620 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 9................ D D D b D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 71.......................... D D D f D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 71........................ D D D f D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 42............... D D D e D D D

4216902 Electronic parts (excludingcommunications equipment)whsle 29...................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 129......... D D D f D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 47.................. 84 486 13 230 2 940 381 20 496 15 580 11 113421710 Hardware whsle 47................ 84 486 13 230 2 940 381 20 496 15 580 11 113

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 16........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 16...... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 46....... D D D e D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 46................. D D D e D D D

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplieswhsle 20.......................... D D D c D D D

421740 Refrigeration equipment &supplies whsle 20................. D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 13U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 19: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 544............................ 1 455 312 152 034 33 770 5 117 284 521 320 630 334 744

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 51.......................... D D D f D D D

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 51........................ D D D f D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 145................. D D D g D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 145............... D D D g D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 116................ D D D g D D D

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 21............ D D D c D D D

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 8............. D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 185.......................... 344 602 45 227 10 659 1 507 85 220 44 952 49 700

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 185........................ 344 602 45 227 10 659 1 507 85 220 44 952 49 700

4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power) machinery & equipmentwhsle 22...................... 26 904 4 639 1 075 145 7 950 2 429 2 689

42183022 Hydraulic & pneumatic parts,accessories, & supplieswhsle 17.................... 19 351 3 188 705 97 4 954 1 668 1 856

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 51. D D D e D D D

4218304 Metalworking machinery &equipment whsle 17............. D D D c D D D

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 34...................... D D D f D D D

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 36. 61 235 7 283 1 682 230 15 212 5 783 9 330

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 23............. D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 101........... 242 281 27 563 5 941 926 53 280 26 200 28 471421840 Industrial supplies whsle 101......... 242 281 27 563 5 941 926 53 280 26 200 28 4714218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 15...................... 35 222 4 177 905 153 7 062 3 846 4 1184218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 21............... D D D c D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 30........ D D D e D D D4218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 6.... D D D b D D D4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 25. D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 44................... 63 266 10 480 2 406 453 22 146 6 248 6 761

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 44............... 63 266 10 480 2 406 453 22 146 6 248 6 761

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 12... D D D c D D D

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 12............... 20 038 3 814 788 125 6 043 1 841 1 733

4218503 Laundry & dry~cleaningequipment & supplies whsle 5... 12 520 1 582 364 72 3 942 1 303 1 144

4218504 Other service establishmentequipment & supplies whsle 15... D D D b D D D

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies(exc motor vehicle) whsle 18......... 18 205 2 519 507 86 4 870 2 829 2 980

421860 Transportation equipment &supplies (exc motor vehicle)whsle 18........................ 18 205 2 519 507 86 4 870 2 829 2 980

4218602 Marine machinery, equipment, &supplies whsle 10............... 13 671 1 840 392 63 3 515 1 776 1 894

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 314... 652 099 51 082 11 803 2 258 127 781 48 564 49 47342191 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 29................... D D D c D D D421910 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 29................. D D D c D D D

42192 Toy & hobby goods & supplieswhsle 13.......................... 10 280 1 147 306 62 3 682 2 311 2 059

421920 Toy & hobby goods & supplieswhsle 13........................ 10 280 1 147 306 62 3 682 2 311 2 059

42193 Recyclable material whsle 78......... D D D f D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 78....... D D D f D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 47..................... D D D f D D D42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 27................ D D D e D D D

42193012 Iron & steel scrap processors(not using power processingequip) 20.................... 18 272 2 597 577 146 6 659 253 228

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 26. 69 635 7 143 1 637 331 15 022 4 654 4 799

14 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 20: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whslemCon.

42194 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 15..... 9 117 832 196 33 2 041 1 168 1 235

421940 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 15... 9 117 832 196 33 2 041 1 168 1 235

4219401 Jewelry, watch, diamonds,precious stone, & silverwarewhsle 15...................... 9 117 832 196 33 2 041 1 168 1 235

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 179.......................... D D D g D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 179.................. D D D g D D D

4219902 Forest products (except lumber)whsle 130...................... D D D f D D D

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 16............. 17 807 2 029 450 105 4 070 761 785

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 17..... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1 002..... 8 654 341 369 086 86 143 14 377 850 489 503 058 562 566

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 85......... 172 425 24 770 6 654 877 41 859 17 051 16 84342211 Printing & writing paper whsle 7...... D D D b D D D422110 Printing & writing paper whsle 7.... D D D b D D D

42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 46... D D D e D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 46. D D D e D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 32.......................... 91 841 13 411 3 963 435 20 728 10 214 9 949

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 32........................ 91 841 13 411 3 963 435 20 728 10 214 9 949

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 35.... 682 845 13 841 3 284 572 34 983 79 755 102 03242221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 35.. 682 845 13 841 3 284 572 34 983 79 755 102 032422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 35........................ 682 845 13 841 3 284 572 34 983 79 755 102 0324222101 General~line drugs whsle 18...... 661 750 9 881 2 200 392 26 080 77 891 99 6134222102 Specialty~line drug,

pharmaceutical, cosmetic, &toiletries whsle 17.............. 21 095 3 960 1 084 180 8 903 1 864 2 419

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 55. 132 424 11 205 2 649 519 27 259 15 244 20 84342231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 27.................... 76 042 5 280 1 246 210 11 822 6 201 7 029422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 27.................. 76 042 5 280 1 246 210 11 822 6 201 7 0294223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 20......... D D D c D D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishingswhsle 17.......................... D D D e D D D

422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing &furnishings whsle 17.............. D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 236..... 2 538 297 126 794 30 440 4 552 266 894 124 184 134 89742241 General~line grocery whsle 18......... D D D g D D D422410 General~line grocery whsle 18....... D D D g D D D4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 16...................... D D D g D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 25....... D D D f D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 25..... D D D f D D D

42243 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 11................... D D D b D D D

422430 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 11................. D D D b D D D

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 18..... D D D c D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 18... D D D c D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 18........... D D D c D D D

42245 Confectionery whsle 25............... 24 290 2 891 708 161 5 870 1 556 1 615422450 Confectionery whsle 25............. 24 290 2 891 708 161 5 870 1 556 1 615

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 28.............. D D D c D D D422460 Fish & seafood whsle 28............ D D D c D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 21........ D D D e D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 21...... D D D e D D D

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 25....... D D D e D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 25..... D D D e D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 65.......................... D D D g D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 65........................ D D D g D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 27............. 138 040 17 237 4 080 714 35 338 5 561 5 5584224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 15. D D D f D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 15U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 21: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 89..... 1 808 562 25 944 5 227 1 009 91 300 81 122 86 66342251 Grain & field bean whsle 45........... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386422510 Grain & field bean whsle 45......... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386

42252 Livestock whsle 18................... 384 943 5 146 914 306 12 555 2 917 4 127422520 Livestock whsle 18................. 384 943 5 146 914 306 12 555 2 917 4 127

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 26.......................... 938 940 12 898 2 826 407 55 527 41 502 49 150

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 26........................ 938 940 12 898 2 826 407 55 527 41 502 49 150

4225904 Cotton whsle 17................. D D D e D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 86..... 149 634 17 861 4 071 630 35 359 11 446 12 06542261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 15................... D D D c D D D422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 15................. D D D c D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 71.......................... D D D e D D D

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 71........................ D D D e D D D

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 64...................... D D D e D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 165............................ 1 465 894 44 176 10 153 1 784 143 350 49 525 56 386

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 133. 1 240 231 35 652 8 342 1 472 117 869 43 151 49 505422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 133..................... 1 240 231 35 652 8 342 1 472 117 869 43 151 49 5054227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 127......... D D D g D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 121............... D D D g D D D42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 6............... D D D b D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 6.......... D D D c D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 32..... 225 663 8 524 1 811 312 25 481 6 374 6 881

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 32... 225 663 8 524 1 811 312 25 481 6 374 6 881

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 51.................... D D D g D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 49.................. 379 437 37 046 8 347 1 340 71 598 20 378 20 098422810 Beer & ale whsle 49................ 379 437 37 046 8 347 1 340 71 598 20 378 20 098

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 2........................ D D D c D D D

4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholicbeverage (State operated)whsle 1...................... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 200............................ D D D h D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 68.............. 352 204 19 994 4 129 791 42 022 31 833 37 193422910 Farm supplies whsle 68............ 352 204 19 994 4 129 791 42 022 31 833 37 1934229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 39... D D D e D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 29.................. D D D e D D D

42292 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 7.......................... D D D e D D D

422920 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 7........................ D D D e D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 29................... 68 641 6 409 1 623 334 13 713 12 756 14 575

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 29................. 68 641 6 409 1 623 334 13 713 12 756 14 575

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 24... D D D g D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 24. D D D g D D D

42295 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 13.... D D D b D D D422950 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 13.. D D D b D D D4229501 Paint, varnish, & supplies

whsle 13...................... D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 59.................... D D D e D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 59.................. D D D e D D D

4229901 Art goods whsle 13.............. D D D b D D D4229902 General merchandise

(nondurable goods) whsle 13..... D D D b D D D4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 32. D D D c D D D

16 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 22: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






MISSISSIPPImCon.Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 183.. 2 959 633 124 439 27 797 3 341 281 408 105 837 133 634

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 86........ 1 078 291 36 130 9 875 861 96 836 48 658 50 715

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 4... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2................. D D D b D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 13............................ 395 491 4 672 1 019 122 15 970 4 559 4 711

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &wood panel whsle 1............ D D D b D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 7................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 9................... 89 588 7 328 2 157 137 14 995 1 059 1 056

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 4....... D D D c D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 4..... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 6..... D D D b D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 6... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 23............... 60 122 4 449 1 546 90 6 319 2 440 2 50942161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 11...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 11........................ D D D b D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 12.......................... D D D b D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 12........................ D D D b D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 12............... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 2......... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 22............................ 29 913 3 640 904 116 6 855 3 601 3 479

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 12.......................... 18 757 2 368 560 57 4 332 2 847 2 681

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 12........................ 18 757 2 368 560 57 4 332 2 847 2 681

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 10. D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 97..... 1 881 342 88 309 17 922 2 480 184 572 57 179 82 919

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 6......... D D D b D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 2.... D D D a D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 6. 41 587 1 159 281 42 4 484 3 897 4 234

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 41..... 862 092 55 825 10 630 1 730 112 976 11 666 24 86542244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2..... D D D a D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2... D D D a D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 2........... D D D a D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 28.......................... 325 291 34 824 7 993 1 244 66 211 7 343 7 824

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 28........................ 325 291 34 824 7 993 1 244 66 211 7 343 7 824

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 21............. 284 935 30 001 6 846 1 076 55 220 5 566 6 209

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 9..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 26............................ 776 159 24 428 5 234 529 40 049 29 888 37 055

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 21. D D D f D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 21..................... D D D f D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 20......... D D D e D D D42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 10............... D D D e D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 1.................... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 17U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 23: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales officesmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 195..... 1 559 858 23 555 5 193 1 157 54 115 2 306 2 283

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 110........ 867 950 14 214 3 404 540 34 897 1 411 1 447

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D c D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 2. D D D c D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 14... 103 591 1 469 403 55 2 982 11 1942121 Furniture whsle 9................... D D D b D D D421210 Furniture whsle 9................. D D D b D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 6...................... D D D a D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 5........... D D D b D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 5......... D D D b D D D4212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, &

curtains whsle 2............... D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 7............................ 12 120 462 47 8 912 – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 17................... 28 839 1 678 442 62 3 900 121 160

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................. D D D a D D D

4214901 Religious & school supplieswhsle 1...................... D D D a D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 15............... 74 341 2 509 635 50 3 711 1 142161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 12...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 12........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 11......... D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 3....... D D D a D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 20............................ 65 662 2 801 691 56 4 753 1 176 1 155

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 14.......................... 38 213 1 849 502 34 3 058 176 155

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 14........................ 38 213 1 849 502 34 3 058 176 155

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 2........... D D D a D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 2......... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 20... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 11.......................... 10 120 513 102 21 1 011 – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 11.................. 10 120 513 102 21 1 011 – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 85..... 691 908 9 341 1 789 617 19 218 895 836

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 5......... D D D a D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 2.... D D D a D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 9. 60 864 395 92 15 717 – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 5.................... D D D a D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 4......... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 29..... 286 644 4 174 682 111 8 217 28 2442249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 7.......................... D D D a D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 7........................ D D D a D D D4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 3.... D D D a D D D

18 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 24: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the State: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchantsmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 20..... 259 213 2 637 537 412 6 485 328 27542252 Livestock whsle 14................... 218 190 2 448 484 392 6 002 328 275422520 Livestock whsle 14................. 218 190 2 448 484 392 6 002 328 275

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 6.......................... 41 023 189 53 20 483 – –

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 6........................ 41 023 189 53 20 483 – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 5..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 6 610 88 16 5 100 – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 10............................ D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 19U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 25: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 2. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation for theState: 1997

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 4.6...................... 3.3 6.1 3.8 – 2.5 .5 .4

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6.6.................. 3.7 8.9 4.8 – .9 .5 .2

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 5.5...................................... 2.1 D D D D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle 3.8....... 1.8 D D – – D D421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle 3.8..... 1.8 D D – – D D4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 4.3.......... 1.9 D D – – D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over 26,000 lb)

whsle 3.1................................ .9 D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle 3.6..... 5.1 5.7 8.0 – – D D421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle 3.6... 5.1 5.7 8.0 – – D D4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

warehouse distributors 4.9................. .5 D D – – – –4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

jobbers 3.5.............................. 9.0 D D – – – –4211203 Petroleum products marketing equipment

whsle –................................ – – – – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –421130 Tire & tube whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 3.4............. .3 D D D D .7 –42121 Furniture whsle 2.7............................ .3 8.9 1.1 D D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2.7.......................... .3 8.9 1.1 D D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture whsle 2.4........ .1 D D D D D D4212102 Office & business furniture whsle 4.4......... 1.9 D D – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle 5.7..................... – D D – – D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 5.7................... – D D – – D D4212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, & curtains

whsle D................................ D – – – – D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 14.3................... – 14.3 – – – – –4212204 Other home furnishings whsle D........... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle 3.8.... 5.1 5.7 7.7 – .5 19.5 –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle 3.2.................................... 5.3 D D D D – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle 3.2.................................. 5.3 D D D D – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 3.1.............. .9 D D – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 3.0................. 17.1 3.0 17.1 – – – –4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, & wood panel

whsle 3.3................................ 2.5 D D D D – –

42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle 7.1.................................... 7.0 D D D D – –

421320 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle 7.1.................................. 7.0 D D D D – –

4213201 Brick, block, tile, clay/cement sewer pipewhsle 27.4................................ 13.6 – – – – – –

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle D............. D D D – – – –4213203 Cement, lime, & related products whsle D... D – – – – – –

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle 3.9.... 1.0 D D – – – –421330 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle 3.9.. 1.0 D D – – – –4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulation material

whsle 3.9................................ 1.0 D D – – – –

42139 Other construction materials whsle 14.3........... 2.7 D D – – – –421390 Other construction materials whsle 14.3......... 2.7 D D – – – –4213902 Other construction materials whsle 12.5....... 3.0 D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle 3.9...................................... 1.5 4.5 1.6 – 1.1 2.0 –

42142 Office equipment whsle 15.9..................... 5.2 D D – – – –421420 Office equipment whsle 15.9................... 5.2 D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle 6.9............................ 2.6 D D D D – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle 6.9........................ 2.6 D D D D – –

4214301 Computer & peripheral equipment whsle D.. D D D – – – –42143012 Computers & peripheral equipment for

end use 6.6............................ 2.3 D D – – – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 2.4.......... 1.3 D D – – – –421440 Other commercial equipment whsle 2.4........ 1.3 D D – – – –4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment & supplies

whsle 1.4................................ .6 2.2 1.0 – – – –4214402 Store machines & equipment whsle 7.2....... 4.2 – – – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle 1.4............................ .5 1.4 .5 – – – –

421450 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle 1.4.......................... .5 1.4 .5 – – – –

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospital supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42146 Ophthalmic goods whsle –.................... – D D – – – –421460 Ophthalmic goods whsle –.................. – D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

20 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 26: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 2. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation for theState: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhslemCon.

42149 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle .1.................................... .4 D D – – D D

421490 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle .1.................................. .4 D D – – D D

4214901 Religious & school supplies whsle D........ D – – – – D D4214902 Other professional equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D 11.5 3.0 D D D D42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D 11.5 3.0 D D – –421510 Metal service centers & offices D............. D 11.5 3.0 D D – –4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices 9.6............................... 4.2 D D – – – –42151011 Ferrous metal service centers 10.5......... 5.0 D D – – – –42151012 Ferrous metal sales offices 7.0............ 2.0 – – – – – –4215102 Nonferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D – – – – – –42151021 Nonferrous metal service centers D...... D – – – – – –

42152 Coal & other mineral & ore whsle D............. D – – – – – –421520 Coal & other mineral & ore whsle D........... D – – – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 14.4........................ 3.1 21.3 3.4 – 4.1 – 1.242161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle 16.4....................... 2.6 27.8 3.3 D D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle 16.4..................... 2.6 27.8 3.3 D D D D

42162 Electrical appliance, television & radio setwhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421620 Electrical appliance, television & radio setwhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D D D – –421690 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D... D D D D D – –4216901 Communications equipment & supplies

whsle 7.4................................ 5.6 D D D D – –4216902 Electronic parts (excluding

communications equipment) whsle D...... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle 5.2.............................. 6.1 D D D D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 8.2............................ 5.5 10.0 6.7 – – – –421710 Hardware whsle 8.2.......................... 5.5 10.0 6.7 – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D D D – – – –

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle .7.......................... 10.9 D D – – D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle .7.............. 10.9 D D – – D D

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplies whsle D..... D D D – – – –421740 Refrigeration equipment & supplies whsle D... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 7.4........ 4.2 7.9 4.4 – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 1.3................... 4.1 D D – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 1.3................. 4.1 D D – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle 10.9. 2.7 D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle 10.9.................................. 2.7 D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle

distributors 34.2........................... 4.0 D D – – – –4218203 Lawn & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 8.7....... 5.0 10.2 5.8 – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 8.7..... 5.0 10.2 5.8 – – – –4218301 Food~processing machinery & equipment

whsle 5.7................................ – – – – – – –4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power)

machinery & equipment whsle 6.0.......... 9.6 6.0 9.6 – – – –42183022 Hydraulic & pneumatic parts,

accessories, & supplies whsle 8.3........ 4.3 8.3 4.3 – – – –4218303 General~purpose industrial machinery &

equipment whsle 16.3...................... 9.9 D D – – – –4218304 Metalworking machinery & equipment

whsle 15.0................................ .3 D D – – – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle .8...... 3.3 D D – – – –4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipeline mach, equip,

& supplies whsle 10.5...................... 5.2 13.9 6.9 D D – –4218307 Other industrial machinery & equipment

whsle 10.5................................ 1.8 D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 21U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 27: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 2. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation for theState: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whslemCon.42184 Industrial supplies whsle 6.0.................... 4.9 6.6 5.4 – – D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 6.0.................. 4.9 6.6 5.4 – – D D4218401 General~line industrial supplies whsle 25.4..... – 25.4 – – – – –4218402 Mechanical power transmission supplies

whsle .6................................ – D D – – – –4218403 Welding supplies whsle .4................. 3.5 D D – – – –4218404 Industrial containers & supplies whsle 18.9..... 3.3 – – – – – –4218405 Industrial valves & fittings (except fluid~

power) whsle –......................... 5.1 D D – – – –4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 3.4........... 16.6 D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle 4.1.................................... 5.6 4.3 5.9 – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle 4.1.................................. 5.6 4.3 5.9 – – – –

4218501 Beauty & barber shop equipment &supplies whsle 2.1........................ 12.6 D D – – – –

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment & supplieswhsle –................................ 3.3 – 3.3 – – – –

4218503 Laundry & dry~cleaning equipment &supplies whsle –........................ – – – – – – –

4218504 Other service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 13.1........................ 5.4 D D – – – –

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies (excmotor vehicle) whsle 43.8....................... 8.6 43.8 8.6 – – – –

421860 Transportation equipment & supplies (excmotor vehicle) whsle 43.8..................... 8.6 43.8 8.6 – – – –

4218602 Marine machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 40.8................................ 4.5 40.8 4.5 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D 13.2 8.7 D D D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle 8.6.................................... 2.6 D D – – – –421910 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle 8.6.................................. 2.6 D D – – – –

42192 Toy & hobby goods & supplies whsle 45.5......... – 45.5 – – – – –421920 Toy & hobby goods & supplies whsle 45.5....... – 45.5 – – – – –

42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle D................. D D D – – – –4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors & dealers D... D D D – – – –42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors (using

power processing equipment) D......... D D D – – – –42193012 Iron & steel scrap processors (not using

power processing equip) 27.7............. 1.2 27.7 1.2 – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle .2.......... 2.3 .2 2.3 – – – –

42194 Jewelry/watch/silverware/precious stone, &precious metal whsle 31.2...................... – 31.2 – – – – –

421940 Jewelry/watch/silverware/precious stone, &precious metal whsle 31.2.................... – 31.2 – – – – –

4219401 Jewelry, watch, diamonds, precious stone,& silverware whsle 31.2.................... – 31.2 – – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D D D 7.5 –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D D D 7.5 –4219902 Forest products (except lumber) whsle 13.1.... 13.0 D D – – – –4219904 Prerecorded media whsle D............... D – – – – – –42199041 Compact discs/prerecorded audio tapes,

& phonograph records whsle D......... D – – – – – –4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safety equipment

whsle 20.0................................ 7.6 20.0 7.6 – – – –4219906 Other durable goods whsle 4.2.............. 3.6 D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3.4.............. 3.1 4.3 3.2 – 3.3 .6 .6

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 4.0.................. 5.7 4.9 7.1 D D D D42211 Printing & writing paper whsle D................ D D D – – – –422110 Printing & writing paper whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle D............ D D D – – – –422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42213 Industrial & personal service paper whsle 3.2..... 1.0 4.3 1.3 – – – –422130 Industrial & personal service paper whsle 3.2... 1.0 4.3 1.3 – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle .6............. .6 .6 .2 D D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle .6........... .6 .6 .2 – – – –422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle .6......... .6 .6 .2 – – – –4222101 General~line drugs whsle .3................ .1 .3 .1 – – – –4222102 Specialty~line drug, pharmaceutical,

cosmetic, & toiletries whsle 8.2............. 12.1 10.4 4.3 – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

22 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 28: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 2. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation for theState: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2

MISSISSIPPImCon.42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 5.5.......... 5.4 9.8 8.5 – 3.1 – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle 2.0. 6.5 4.4 12.5 – – D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle 2.0.................................. 6.5 4.4 12.5 – – D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 1.5.................. 6.3 D D – – D D4223102 Notions & other dry goods whsle 7.7......... 8.8 – – – – – –

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishings whsle 14.3.... .9 D D – – – –422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishings whsle 14.3.. .9 D D – – – –

42233 Women’s, children’s, & infants’ clothing &accessories whsle D......................... D – – – – – –

422330 Women’s, children’s, & infants’ clothing &accessories whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1.5.............. 3.0 2.2 2.2 – 5.9 .6 1.442241 General~line grocery whsle .4.................. 2.3 D D – – – –422410 General~line grocery whsle .4................ 2.3 D D – – – –4224103 Other general~line grocery whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle .5................. – D D – – – –422420 Packaged frozen food whsle .5............... – D D – – – –

42243 Dairy products, (except dried or canned)whsle 6.3.................................... – D D – – – –

422430 Dairy products, (except dried or canned)whsle 6.3.................................. – D D – – – –

4224302 Dairy product (except raw milk) whsle D..... D – – – – – –

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 3.2.............. 3.5 D D D D – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 3.2............ 3.5 D D D D – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle 3.2................................ 3.5 D D D D – –

42245 Confectionery whsle D........................ D 19.9 5.2 – – – –422450 Confectionery whsle D...................... D 19.9 5.2 – – – –

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 21.3....................... 1.7 D D – – – –422460 Fish & seafood whsle 21.3..................... 1.7 D D – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 1.7.................. 1.5 D D – – – –422470 Meat & meat product whsle 1.7................ 1.5 D D – – – –

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 1.7................ 1.0 D D – – – –422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 1.7.............. 1.0 D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – 15.6 D D422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D – 15.6 D D4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle D............. D – – – – D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 1.4....................... 12.7 4.4 7.2 – 15.4 – –4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle .2.......... 1.0 D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 5.7............... 2.3 6.5 2.7 – – – –42251 Grain & field bean whsle 2.3.................... 3.3 2.3 3.3 – – – –422510 Grain & field bean whsle 2.3.................. 3.3 2.3 3.3 – – – –

42252 Livestock whsle 2.2............................ – 3.4 – – – – –422520 Livestock whsle 2.2.......................... – 3.4 – – – – –

42259 Other farm product raw material whsle 9.6........ 3.3 10.0 3.5 – – – –422590 Other farm product raw material whsle 9.6...... 3.3 10.0 3.5 – – – –4225904 Cotton whsle 9.5.......................... 3.3 D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 4.5............... 5.1 8.1 9.2 D D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle 6.1.................................... 4.6 D D – – – –422610 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle 6.1.................................. 4.6 D D – – – –

42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle 2.2....... 5.9 D D – – – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle 2.2..... 5.9 D D – – – –4226902 Other chemical & allied products whsle 2.4... 1.9 D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle 2.7......... 1.2 4.2 1.2 – 1.1 – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals .3.......... – .5 – D D – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals .3........ – .5 – D D – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) .1........................... – D D D D – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) .2.... – D D – – – –42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals (except LP) –... – D D D D – –4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2.5............................. – D D – – – –

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) 15.3....................... 7.2 24.3 7.8 – – – –

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) 15.3..................... 7.2 24.3 7.8 – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle 6.8.. 10.2 D D D D D D42281 Beer & ale whsle 10.4........................... 15.7 10.4 15.7 – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle 10.4......................... 15.7 10.4 15.7 – – – –

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –..... – D D – – – –422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –... – D D – – – –4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev (licensed

operation) whsle D...................... D – – – – – –4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage (State

operated) whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 23U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 29: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 2. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation for theState: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle 5.4......... 4.8 D D D D D D42291 Farm supplies whsle 6.1........................ 2.7 6.6 2.9 – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle 6.1...................... 2.7 6.6 2.9 – – – –4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 16.9............ 7.7 D D – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors 1.4........ .5 D D – – – –

42292 Book, periodical, & newspaper whsle 22.1......... – D D – – – –422920 Book, periodical, & newspaper whsle 22.1....... – D D – – – –

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplieswhsle 13.8.................................... .6 13.8 .6 – – – –

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplieswhsle 13.8.................................. .6 13.8 .6 – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1.0............ 6.8 D D – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1.0.......... 6.8 D D – – – –

42295 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle D.............. D D D – – – –422950 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle D............ D D D – – – –4229501 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –422990 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4229901 Art goods whsle 70.2........................ 8.0 D D – – – –4229902 General merchandise (nondurable goods)

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle D........... D D D – – – –

1Includes sales information obtained from administrative records of other Federal agencies.2Includes sales information which was imputed based on historic company ratios or administrative records, or on industry averages.

24 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 30: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 295............. 992 329 76 197 17 221 2 909 154 169 76 277 79 871

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 187........ 351 002 40 909 9 152 1 392 78 451 53 744 50 476

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 31..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11........................ D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 15... 10 421 1 982 460 88 4 525 1 300 1 337421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 15. 10 421 1 982 460 88 4 525 1 300 1 337

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 9............................ 77 335 3 653 931 115 7 458 27 435 20 122

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 6..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 6.............. D D D b D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 5........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 25................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 10....... D D D b D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 10..... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 15............... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 13......... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 56............................ 113 666 13 567 3 162 441 25 117 10 511 13 787

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 18.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 18........................ D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 19........... 58 734 5 347 1 242 182 10 406 5 407 6 262421840 Industrial supplies whsle 19......... 58 734 5 347 1 242 182 10 406 5 407 6 2624218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 3...................... 17 413 1 609 372 48 2 375 1 323 1 5454218403 Welding supplies whsle 3........ D D D b D D D4218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 3.... 19 211 1 295 285 44 2 463 1 441 1 829

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies(exc motor vehicle) whsle 7......... D D D b D D D

421860 Transportation equipment &supplies (exc motor vehicle)whsle 7........................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 31... D D D e D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 9......... 26 073 3 731 851 174 7 004 3 450 2 962421930 Recyclable material whsle 9....... 26 073 3 731 851 174 7 004 3 450 2 9624219303 Other recyclable material whsle 2. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 9.......................... D D D c D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 9.................. D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 108..... 641 327 35 288 8 069 1 517 75 718 22 533 29 395

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 8......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 52..... 335 645 17 300 3 650 667 40 811 8 327 15 18842242 Packaged frozen food whsle 12....... D D D c D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 12..... D D D c D D D

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 20.............. 56 142 3 058 517 187 7 264 1 128 1 003422460 Fish & seafood whsle 20............ 56 142 3 058 517 187 7 264 1 128 1 003

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3....... D D D b D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 11.......................... D D D e D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 11........................ D D D e D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 5............. D D D e D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 10..... D D D c D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 9.......................... D D D b D D D422690 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 9........................ D D D b D D D4226902 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 7...................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 10............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 5......... D D D b D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 5..... D D D a D D D

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 5... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 25U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 31: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 4.................... 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

42281 Beer & ale whsle 4.................. 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627422810 Beer & ale whsle 4................ 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 14............................ D D D e D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 2... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 2. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 274........ 797 154 69 090 15 497 2 709 140 077 73 233 76 867

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 176........ 336 513 39 407 8 789 1 361 75 426 52 108 48 955

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 31..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11........................ D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 15... 10 421 1 982 460 88 4 525 1 300 1 337421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 15. 10 421 1 982 460 88 4 525 1 300 1 337

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 9............................ 77 335 3 653 931 115 7 458 27 435 20 122

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 6..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 6.............. D D D b D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 5........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 21................... D D D c D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 14............... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 13......... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 53............................ D D D e D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 15.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 15........................ D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 19........... 58 734 5 347 1 242 182 10 406 5 407 6 262421840 Industrial supplies whsle 19......... 58 734 5 347 1 242 182 10 406 5 407 6 2624218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 3...................... 17 413 1 609 372 48 2 375 1 323 1 5454218403 Welding supplies whsle 3........ D D D b D D D4218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 3.... 19 211 1 295 285 44 2 463 1 441 1 829

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies(exc motor vehicle) whsle 7......... D D D b D D D

421860 Transportation equipment &supplies (exc motor vehicle)whsle 7........................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 29... D D D e D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 9......... 26 073 3 731 851 174 7 004 3 450 2 962421930 Recyclable material whsle 9....... 26 073 3 731 851 174 7 004 3 450 2 9624219303 Other recyclable material whsle 2. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 8.......................... D D D c D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 8.................. D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 98..... 460 641 29 683 6 708 1 348 64 651 21 125 27 912

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 47..... D D D f D D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 12....... D D D c D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 12..... D D D c D D D

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 20.............. 56 142 3 058 517 187 7 264 1 128 1 003422460 Fish & seafood whsle 20............ 56 142 3 058 517 187 7 264 1 128 1 003

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3....... D D D b D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 7.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 7........................ D D D c D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 10..... D D D c D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 9.......................... D D D b D D D422690 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 9........................ D D D b D D D4226902 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 7...................... D D D b D D D

26 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 32: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 9............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 5......... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 4.................... 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

42281 Beer & ale whsle 4.................. 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627422810 Beer & ale whsle 4................ 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 13............................ D D D e D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 10.. 182 015 6 375 1 554 181 12 485 2 867 2 883

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3........................ D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 11..... 13 160 732 170 19 1 607 177 121

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 142............. D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 94........ D D D g D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 11..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D c D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 1. D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 11............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 6..................... D D D c D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 6.............. D D D c D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 2........ D D D b D D D4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 2............ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 10......... D D D b D D D

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplieswhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

421740 Refrigeration equipment &supplies whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 21............................ D D D c D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 5.......................... 16 956 2 578 513 58 4 402 2 665 5 041

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 5........................ 16 956 2 578 513 58 4 402 2 665 5 041

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 5........... D D D c D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 5......... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 19... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 3....... D D D b D D D4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 2. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 12.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 12.................. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 27U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 33: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 48..... D D D f D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 6......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 15..... D D D e D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2..... D D D a D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2... D D D a D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 2........... D D D a D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 5.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 5........................ D D D c D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 3............. D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 6............................ 183 865 4 493 969 126 18 504 10 348 10 987

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 6. 183 865 4 493 969 126 18 504 10 348 10 987422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 6..................... 183 865 4 493 969 126 18 504 10 348 10 9874227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 5......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... D D D b D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 1.......... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 11............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 125........ D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 84........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 10..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 10............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 5.............. D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 9......... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 21............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 5........... D D D c D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 5......... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 18... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 3....... D D D b D D D4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 2. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 11.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 11.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 41..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 11..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3........................ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. D D D c D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... D D D c D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... D D D b D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 1.......... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 11............................ D D D b D D D

28 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 34: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






HATTIESBURG, MS MSAmCon.Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 10.. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D

4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &wood panel whsle 1............ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2........................ D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 7..... D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1........................ D D D c D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 1. D D D c D D D


42 Wholesale trade 772............. 5 390 526 363 611 83 747 11 386 693 452 399 613 452 546

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 531........ 2 584 361 206 297 47 424 6 306 393 303 254 879 275 342

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 67..................... D D D g D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 28.......................... D D D f D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 28........................ D D D f D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 11. D D D c D D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 13............. 259 429 17 496 3 847 516 30 557 28 823 28 373

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 24.......................... 80 475 9 340 2 180 325 19 051 12 304 12 809

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 24........................ 80 475 9 340 2 180 325 19 051 12 304 12 809

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 16............... D D D c D D D

4211203 Petroleum products marketingequipment whsle 3............. D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 8................. D D D c D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 8............... D D D c D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 7... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 7. D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 26... D D D e D D D42121 Furniture whsle 15................... D D D c D D D421210 Furniture whsle 15................. D D D c D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 5...................... D D D a D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 10...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 11........... 87 356 3 753 768 103 8 686 2 997 2 988421220 Home furnishings whsle 11......... 87 356 3 753 768 103 8 686 2 997 2 9884212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, &

curtains whsle 3............... D D D a D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 38............................ 243 309 16 406 3 446 519 27 876 20 885 22 139

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 22..................... 174 000 10 424 2 358 354 18 037 15 947 16 285

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 22.............. 174 000 10 424 2 358 354 18 037 15 947 16 285

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 5..... D D D b D D D4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 5........ D D D b D D D4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 12............ 120 382 8 008 1 781 250 13 101 12 870 12 936

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 7................ D D D b D D D

4213203 Cement, lime, & relatedproducts whsle 1.............. D D D a D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 4.......................... 42 977 3 288 421 62 4 714 2 351 3 029

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 4................. 42 977 3 288 421 62 4 714 2 351 3 029

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 4............... 42 977 3 288 421 62 4 714 2 351 3 029

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 29U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 35: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhslemCon.

42139 Other construction materials whsle 5.. D D D b D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 5........................ D D D b D D D4213902 Other construction materials

whsle 5...................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 82................... 615 782 47 953 11 411 1 376 90 789 27 479 30 515

42142 Office equipment whsle 20............ D D D c D D D421420 Office equipment whsle 20.......... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 19....... D D D e D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 19..... D D D e D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 15............. D D D e D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 13...... D D D e D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 12. D D D c D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 12........................ D D D c D D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 8............... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 17....... D D D f D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 17..... D D D f D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 14............... D D D f D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 8................... D D D c D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 8................. D D D c D D D

4214901 Religious & school supplieswhsle 2...................... D D D a D D D

4214902 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6............... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 20............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 20..... D D D c D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 20... D D D c D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 16................. D D D c D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 11................... D D D c D D D42151012 Ferrous metal sales offices 5... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 64............... 240 237 20 482 5 090 634 34 231 15 211 17 09342161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 33...... 161 350 8 422 2 039 265 13 296 10 172 10 063421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 33........................ 161 350 8 422 2 039 265 13 296 10 172 10 063

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 28.......................... D D D e D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 28........................ D D D e D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 17............... 48 959 8 564 2 219 255 13 993 2 298 4 240

4216902 Electronic parts (excludingcommunications equipment)whsle 11...................... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 60......... 154 125 16 081 3 537 498 27 151 17 404 17 006

42171 Hardware whsle 21.................. D D D c D D D421710 Hardware whsle 21................ D D D c D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 12........ D D D b D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 12...... D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 21....... 76 898 6 060 1 380 215 12 043 10 366 9 752

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 21................. 76 898 6 060 1 380 215 12 043 10 366 9 752

30 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 36: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 125............................ 492 842 47 137 10 514 1 298 89 000 101 459 114 743

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 15.......................... 237 670 17 679 3 349 374 32 184 64 863 78 047

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 15........................ 237 670 17 679 3 349 374 32 184 64 863 78 047

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 11................. 29 270 2 630 647 88 4 965 8 163 8 571

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 11............... 29 270 2 630 647 88 4 965 8 163 8 571

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 11................ 29 270 2 630 647 88 4 965 8 163 8 571

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 64.......................... 139 426 16 682 4 128 483 30 987 18 783 18 844

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 64........................ 139 426 16 682 4 128 483 30 987 18 783 18 844

4218301 Food~processing machinery &equipment whsle 3............. D D D a D D D

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 20. 28 910 3 578 801 118 7 413 2 755 2 775

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 14...................... 54 798 7 647 1 808 229 14 624 12 806 12 337

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 14............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 22........... 66 345 7 326 1 723 235 14 272 7 345 7 120421840 Industrial supplies whsle 22......... 66 345 7 326 1 723 235 14 272 7 345 7 1204218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 3............... D D D b D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 8........ D D D b D D D4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 5. 19 764 2 301 547 71 4 388 2 595 2 647

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 11................... D D D c D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 11............... D D D c D D D

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 4... 6 331 951 246 34 1 806 975 1 013

4218503 Laundry & dry~cleaningequipment & supplies whsle 3... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 49... D D D e D D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 8................... D D D b D D D421910 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 8................. D D D b D D D

42193 Recyclable material whsle 16......... 50 792 5 641 1 262 223 13 110 1 944 2 066421930 Recyclable material whsle 16....... 50 792 5 641 1 262 223 13 110 1 944 2 0664219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 4..................... D D D b D D D42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 3................ D D D b D D D

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 11. D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 18.......................... D D D c D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 18.................. D D D c D D D

4219902 Forest products (except lumber)whsle 5...................... 36 123 824 163 29 4 477 3 030 3 020

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 7..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 241..... 2 806 165 157 314 36 323 5 080 300 149 144 734 177 204

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 31......... 100 680 12 418 3 236 383 22 335 8 733 8 32542212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 17... 27 857 3 627 925 137 7 302 2 044 2 093422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 17. 27 857 3 627 925 137 7 302 2 044 2 093

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 11.......................... 52 397 6 922 1 898 197 11 336 4 630 4 068

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 11........................ 52 397 6 922 1 898 197 11 336 4 630 4 068

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 13.... D D D e D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 13.. D D D e D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 13........................ D D D e D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 4...... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 19. 36 479 1 795 450 92 4 317 1 413 1 51142231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 7.................... D D D b D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D4223102 Notions & other dry goods

whsle 3...................... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 31U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 37: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 71..... 1 170 358 78 308 18 074 2 554 141 681 40 272 44 07842241 General~line grocery whsle 8......... D D D f D D D422410 General~line grocery whsle 8....... D D D f D D D4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 8...................... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 10....... 389 558 25 228 5 607 708 45 257 22 202 24 495422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 10..... 389 558 25 228 5 607 708 45 257 22 202 24 495

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 8..... D D D b D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 8... D D D b D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 8........... D D D b D D D

42245 Confectionery whsle 5............... D D D c D D D422450 Confectionery whsle 5............. D D D c D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 6........ D D D c D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 6...... D D D c D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 23.......................... D D D f D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 23........................ D D D f D D D

4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 4.... D D D c D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 8............. D D D f D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 6..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 4................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 36..... D D D e D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 9................... D D D c D D D422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 9................. D D D c D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 27.......................... D D D c D D D

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 27........................ D D D c D D D

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 26...................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 17............................ 448 536 24 713 5 221 556 37 024 21 576 35 384

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 10. D D D f D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 10..................... D D D f D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 9......... D D D f D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 7............... D D D c D D D42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 2............... D D D e D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 1.......... D D D a D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 8.................... D D D e D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 5.......................... 205 191 3 789 900 145 14 976 1 904 1 615

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 5........................ 205 191 3 789 900 145 14 976 1 904 1 615

4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev(licensed operation) whsle 4.... D D D b D D D

4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholicbeverage (State operated)whsle 1...................... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 40............................ D D D f D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 5.............. 32 889 2 095 413 69 3 571 1 746 2 096422910 Farm supplies whsle 5............ 32 889 2 095 413 69 3 571 1 746 2 0964229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 4.................. D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 4... D D D c D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 4. D D D c D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 12.................... D D D b D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 12.................. D D D b D D D

32 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 38: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 632........ 3 988 681 299 150 68 294 9 678 572 700 371 232 417 376

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 449........ 2 152 197 187 809 42 138 5 878 358 712 249 259 268 982

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 62..................... D D D g D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 27.......................... D D D f D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 27........................ D D D f D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 11. D D D c D D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 12............. D D D f D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 21.......................... D D D e D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 21........................ D D D e D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 13............... D D D c D D D

4211203 Petroleum products marketingequipment whsle 3............. D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 7................. D D D c D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 7............... D D D c D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 7... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 7. D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 18... D D D e D D D42121 Furniture whsle 10................... D D D c D D D421210 Furniture whsle 10................. D D D c D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 8...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 8........... D D D c D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 8......... D D D c D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 33............................ D D D f D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 22..................... 174 000 10 424 2 358 354 18 037 15 947 16 285

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 22.............. 174 000 10 424 2 358 354 18 037 15 947 16 285

4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &wood panel whsle 12............ 120 382 8 008 1 781 250 13 101 12 870 12 936

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 4.......................... 42 977 3 288 421 62 4 714 2 351 3 029

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 4................. 42 977 3 288 421 62 4 714 2 351 3 029

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 4............... 42 977 3 288 421 62 4 714 2 351 3 029

42139 Other construction materials whsle 4.. D D D b D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 4........................ D D D b D D D4213902 Other construction materials

whsle 4...................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 69................... 510 255 39 974 9 040 1 209 74 430 27 064 30 100

42142 Office equipment whsle 17............ D D D c D D D421420 Office equipment whsle 17.......... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 16....... D D D c D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 16..... D D D c D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 12............. D D D c D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 10...... D D D c D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 8. D D D b D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 8........................ D D D b D D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 16....... D D D f D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 16..... D D D f D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 13............... D D D f D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D c D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 7................. D D D c D D D

4214902 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6............... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 15............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 15..... D D D c D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 15... D D D c D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 12................. D D D c D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 10................... D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 33U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 39: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4216 Electrical goods whsle 41............... 132 226 15 174 3 412 534 26 556 13 376 15 12142161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 15...... 65 486 5 170 1 223 199 8 502 8 603 8 383421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 15........................ 65 486 5 170 1 223 199 8 502 8 603 8 383

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 23.......................... D D D e D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 23........................ D D D e D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 14............... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 49......... D D D e D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 18.................. D D D c D D D421710 Hardware whsle 18................ D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 18....... D D D c D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 18................. D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 118............................ 468 369 46 116 10 250 1 284 87 703 101 459 114 743

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 15.......................... 237 670 17 679 3 349 374 32 184 64 863 78 047

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 15........................ 237 670 17 679 3 349 374 32 184 64 863 78 047

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 11................. 29 270 2 630 647 88 4 965 8 163 8 571

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 11............... 29 270 2 630 647 88 4 965 8 163 8 571

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 11................ 29 270 2 630 647 88 4 965 8 163 8 571

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 59.......................... D D D e D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 59........................ D D D e D D D

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 19. D D D c D D D

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 13...................... D D D c D D D

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 13............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 21........... D D D c D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 21......... D D D c D D D4218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 2............... D D D b D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 8........ D D D b D D D4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 5. 19 764 2 301 547 71 4 388 2 595 2 647

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 10................... D D D c D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 10............... D D D c D D D

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 3... D D D b D D D

4218503 Laundry & dry~cleaningequipment & supplies whsle 3... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 44... D D D e D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 16......... 50 792 5 641 1 262 223 13 110 1 944 2 066421930 Recyclable material whsle 16....... 50 792 5 641 1 262 223 13 110 1 944 2 0664219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 4..................... D D D b D D D42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 3................ D D D b D D D

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 11. D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 15.......................... D D D c D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 15.................. D D D c D D D

4219902 Forest products (except lumber)whsle 5...................... 36 123 824 163 29 4 477 3 030 3 020

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 3............. D D D b D D D

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 5..... D D D b D D D

34 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 40: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 183..... 1 836 484 111 341 26 156 3 800 213 988 121 973 148 394

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 27......... D D D e D D D42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 15... D D D c D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 15. D D D c D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 9.......................... D D D c D D D

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 9........................ D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 11.... D D D e D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 11.. D D D e D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 11........................ D D D e D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 4...... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 14. D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 47..... 717 451 57 898 13 450 1 848 104 391 35 452 39 70942241 General~line grocery whsle 5......... D D D f D D D422410 General~line grocery whsle 5....... D D D f D D D4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 5...................... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 6....... D D D f D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 6..... D D D f D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 5........ D D D c D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 5...... D D D c D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 13.......................... D D D e D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 13........................ D D D e D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 5............. D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 5..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 3................... D D D a D D D422520 Livestock whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 27..... 64 710 6 282 1 442 197 12 049 4 153 4 19142261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 6................... 39 218 2 858 750 99 5 294 2 462 2 206422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 6................. 39 218 2 858 750 99 5 294 2 462 2 206

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 21.......................... 25 492 3 424 692 98 6 755 1 691 1 985

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 21........................ 25 492 3 424 692 98 6 755 1 691 1 985

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 20...................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 12............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7. D D D c D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 7..................... D D D c D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 7......... D D D c D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 6............... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 5.................... D D D e D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 2........................ D D D c D D D

4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholicbeverage (State operated)whsle 1...................... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 35............................ D D D e D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 4.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 4............ D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 11.................... D D D b D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 11.................. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 35U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 41: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 62.. D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 30........ D D D e D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 5................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 2....... D D D c D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 2..... D D D c D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 11............... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 32..... D D D g D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 13..... 203 637 17 236 4 135 636 31 056 4 793 4 34642249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 8.......................... D D D e D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 8........................ D D D e D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D e D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D e D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... D D D e D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 2......... D D D e D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 78..... D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 52........ D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 8... D D D a D D D42121 Furniture whsle 5................... D D D a D D D421210 Furniture whsle 5................. D D D a D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 3........... D D D a D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 3......... D D D a D D D4212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, &

curtains whsle 2............... D D D a D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 8................... D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................. D D D a D D D

4214901 Religious & school supplieswhsle 1...................... D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 12............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 10...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 10........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 10......... D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 3....... D D D a D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D a D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 5........................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 26..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 11..... 249 270 3 174 489 70 6 234 27 2342249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2........................ D D D a D D D4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 1.... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

36 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 42: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 2 050............. 37 008 218 1 277 488 303 217 36 575 2 572 355 3 061 718 3 185 945

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1 409........ 19 593 876 750 088 174 661 21 381 1 458 412 1 159 044 1 342 731

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 161..................... D D D h D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 39.......................... 8 687 821 44 405 9 599 1 201 72 660 51 052 60 990

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 39........................ 8 687 821 44 405 9 599 1 201 72 660 51 052 60 990

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 18. 1 986 635 8 685 2 126 390 17 702 5 157 5 7584211103 Light truck & van (14,000 lb or

less) whsle 8.................. D D D c D D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 13............. D D D f D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 82.......................... D D D g D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 82........................ D D D g D D D

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 40. D D D f D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 39............... D D D f D D D

4211203 Petroleum products marketingequipment whsle 3............. D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 11................. D D D e D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 11............... D D D e D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 29... D D D c D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 29. D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 73... D D D g D D D42121 Furniture whsle 29................... D D D e D D D421210 Furniture whsle 29................. D D D e D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 16...................... 109 426 8 527 1 726 240 16 889 5 341 5 5574212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 13...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 44........... 287 446 32 868 7 629 1 273 56 587 66 592 57 809421220 Home furnishings whsle 44......... 287 446 32 868 7 629 1 273 56 587 66 592 57 8094212201 Household china, glassware, &

crockery whsle 6.............. D D D b D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 18......... 86 486 11 003 2 468 394 17 973 9 593 13 4764212204 Other home furnishings whsle 15.. 140 620 19 200 4 637 815 34 184 56 512 43 980

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 72............................ D D D g D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 41..................... 433 110 30 684 7 684 875 63 699 45 342 48 767

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 41.............. 433 110 30 684 7 684 875 63 699 45 342 48 767

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 8..... D D D b D D D4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 17........ 235 021 13 375 3 511 455 35 541 22 493 24 3474213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 16............ D D D e D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 11.................. D D D c D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 11................ D D D c D D D

4213201 Brick, block, tile, clay/cementsewer pipe whsle 7............ D D D c D D D

4213203 Cement, lime, & relatedproducts whsle 3.............. D D D b D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 6................. D D D b D D D

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 6............... D D D b D D D

42139 Other construction materials whsle 14.. D D D c D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 14........................ D D D c D D D4213901 Flat glass & other construction

glass whsle 5................. D D D b D D D4213902 Other construction materials

whsle 9...................... D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 217................... 2 625 103 128 190 29 879 3 501 278 386 193 209 360 292

42141 Photographic equipment & supplieswhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

421410 Photographic equipment &supplies whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle 40............ 104 404 22 436 4 782 601 32 503 7 576 8 536421420 Office equipment whsle 40.......... 104 404 22 436 4 782 601 32 503 7 576 8 536

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 57....... 1 946 736 56 016 14 284 1 693 150 998 128 639 282 149

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 57..... 1 946 736 56 016 14 284 1 693 150 998 128 639 282 149

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 50............. D D D g D D D

42143011 Computers & peripheralequipment for resale 19....... D D D f D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 31...... D D D f D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 37U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 43: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whslemCon.

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 35. D D D e D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 35........................ D D D e D D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 22............... 92 077 9 700 1 618 243 16 779 2 310 2 4034214402 Store machines & equipment

whsle 13...................... D D D c D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 69....... D D D f D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 69..... D D D f D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 64............... D D D f D D D

42146 Ophthalmic goods whsle 7........... 56 396 3 721 809 145 8 320 9 016 9 162421460 Ophthalmic goods whsle 7......... 56 396 3 721 809 145 8 320 9 016 9 162

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 54............................ D D D f D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 53..... D D D f D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 53... D D D f D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 47................. D D D f D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 37................... 363 841 25 478 5 726 702 52 044 66 320 66 82142151012 Ferrous metal sales offices 10... D D D b D D D4215102 Nonferrous metal service

centers & sales offices 6....... D D D c D D D42151021 Nonferrous metal service

centers 5................... D D D c D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 169............... 1 031 265 77 297 18 958 2 351 148 440 74 474 76 98042161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 82...... D D D f D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 82........................ D D D f D D D

42162 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 15.................. D D D c D D D

421620 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 15................ D D D c D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 72.......................... D D D g D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 72........................ D D D g D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 38............... D D D f D D D

4216902 Electronic parts (excludingcommunications equipment)whsle 34...................... D D D e D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 125......... 792 114 68 524 17 191 1 876 115 041 83 907 80 511

42171 Hardware whsle 52.................. 480 407 39 667 10 035 1 081 66 048 54 594 51 982421710 Hardware whsle 52................ 480 407 39 667 10 035 1 081 66 048 54 594 51 982

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 24........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 24...... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 33....... 186 301 17 943 4 111 442 28 365 15 164 14 945

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 33................. 186 301 17 943 4 111 442 28 365 15 164 14 945

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplieswhsle 16.......................... D D D c D D D

421740 Refrigeration equipment &supplies whsle 16................. D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 403............................ 2 319 985 198 391 42 931 5 027 345 536 285 353 296 598

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 21.......................... 198 253 19 222 4 928 535 29 545 46 064 47 894

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 21........................ 198 253 19 222 4 928 535 29 545 46 064 47 894

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 45................. 191 200 15 015 3 495 471 29 553 52 225 53 846

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 45............... 191 200 15 015 3 495 471 29 553 52 225 53 846

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 17................ 76 425 4 453 1 032 178 8 017 19 122 23 015

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 23............ 91 047 8 594 2 003 237 16 917 24 033 24 799

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............. 23 728 1 968 460 56 4 619 9 070 6 032

38 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 44: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhslemCon.

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 179.......................... 937 436 91 702 21 020 2 321 164 694 112 818 116 175

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 179........................ 937 436 91 702 21 020 2 321 164 694 112 818 116 175

4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power) machinery & equipmentwhsle 21...................... 67 688 15 034 3 417 399 23 010 9 575 10 737

42183021 Hydraulic & pneumatic pumps& motors whsle 10............ 37 997 7 034 1 619 217 11 688 6 849 7 449

42183022 Hydraulic & pneumatic parts,accessories, & supplieswhsle 11.................... 29 691 8 000 1 798 182 11 322 2 726 3 288

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 59. 222 882 25 801 5 604 577 41 282 25 138 25 429

4218304 Metalworking machinery &equipment whsle 14............. 325 583 6 992 1 515 243 17 760 34 137 30 708

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 43...................... 161 426 25 684 6 421 704 45 131 14 736 15 318

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 4. D D D b D D D

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 33............. 133 294 15 846 3 512 337 32 477 26 830 31 917

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 87........... 705 938 48 066 8 722 1 067 77 352 36 670 40 135421840 Industrial supplies whsle 87......... 705 938 48 066 8 722 1 067 77 352 36 670 40 1354218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 10...................... 26 110 3 641 877 106 5 981 3 317 3 4064218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 15............... 52 276 4 440 947 124 9 538 11 087 11 6644218403 Welding supplies whsle 11........ D D D c D D D4218404 Industrial containers & supplies

whsle 9...................... D D D b D D D4218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 11.... 31 011 5 465 1 294 130 9 871 2 997 3 6834218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 31. D D D e D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 41................... 45 476 6 985 1 825 225 12 459 5 330 5 229

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 41............... 45 476 6 985 1 825 225 12 459 5 330 5 229

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 12............... D D D b D D D

4218504 Other service establishmentequipment & supplies whsle 16... 23 444 3 568 861 103 5 740 3 122 2 947

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies(exc motor vehicle) whsle 30......... 241 682 17 401 2 941 408 31 933 32 246 33 319

421860 Transportation equipment &supplies (exc motor vehicle)whsle 30........................ 241 682 17 401 2 941 408 31 933 32 246 33 319

4218601 Aircraft & aeronauticalequipment & supplies whsle 26... 210 706 14 478 2 379 327 25 736 26 950 24 827

4218602 Marine machinery, equipment, &supplies whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 135... D D D g D D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 24................... D D D e D D D421910 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 24................. D D D e D D D

42193 Recyclable material whsle 37......... 101 885 9 015 2 163 368 22 984 9 877 6 474421930 Recyclable material whsle 37....... 101 885 9 015 2 163 368 22 984 9 877 6 4744219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 12..................... 60 984 5 073 1 232 193 13 736 7 437 3 75342193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 8................ 58 504 4 528 1 093 170 12 648 5 565 2 824

4219302 Recyclable paper & paperboardwhsle 10...................... 19 764 2 273 547 91 5 997 140 162

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 15. 21 137 1 669 384 84 3 251 2 300 2 559

42194 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 23..... D D D c D D D

421940 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 23... D D D c D D D

4219401 Jewelry, watch, diamonds,precious stone, & silverwarewhsle 22...................... D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 46.......................... D D D e D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 46.................. D D D e D D D

4219903 General merchandise (durablegoods) whsle 11................ D D D b D D D

4219904 Prerecorded media whsle 9...... D D D c D D D42199041 Compact discs/prerecorded

audio tapes, & phonographrecords whsle 5............. D D D b D D D

42199042 Prerecorded video tapeswhsle 4.................... D D D b D D D

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 11..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 39U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 45: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 641..... 17 414 342 527 400 128 556 15 194 1 113 943 1 902 674 1 843 214

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 85......... 516 284 43 545 10 368 1 187 84 974 35 620 36 63342211 Printing & writing paper whsle 8...... D D D c D D D422110 Printing & writing paper whsle 8.... D D D c D D D

42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 42... D D D f D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 42. D D D f D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 35.......................... D D D e D D D

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 35........................ D D D e D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 44.... D D D g D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 44.. D D D g D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 44........................ D D D g D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 20...... D D D f D D D4222102 Specialty~line drug,

pharmaceutical, cosmetic, &toiletries whsle 24.............. D D D f D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 52. 2 256 877 60 420 14 089 1 790 126 808 472 103 555 21942231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 13.................... D D D b D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 13.................. D D D b D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 11......... D D D b D D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishingswhsle 16.......................... 1 481 124 42 309 9 999 1 283 83 095 346 236 414 711

422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing &furnishings whsle 16.............. 1 481 124 42 309 9 999 1 283 83 095 346 236 414 711

42233 Women’s, children’s, & infants’clothing & accessories whsle 19...... D D D c D D D

422330 Women’s, children’s, & infants’clothing & accessories whsle 19.... D D D c D D D

42234 Footwear whsle 4................... D D D e D D D422340 Footwear whsle 4................. D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 155..... 5 035 395 171 978 44 599 5 730 323 922 88 710 94 25842241 General~line grocery whsle 20......... 3 074 641 74 219 23 700 3 069 146 241 61 633 62 227422410 General~line grocery whsle 20....... 3 074 641 74 219 23 700 3 069 146 241 61 633 62 2274224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 19...................... D D D h D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 22....... 856 991 19 009 4 245 530 35 054 6 238 14 873422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 22..... 856 991 19 009 4 245 530 35 054 6 238 14 873

42243 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 13................... 33 638 3 184 748 139 6 548 271 287

422430 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 13................. 33 638 3 184 748 139 6 548 271 287

4224302 Dairy product (except raw milk)whsle 13...................... 33 638 3 184 748 139 6 548 271 287

42245 Confectionery whsle 14............... 179 485 17 210 4 133 475 27 133 4 506 4 515422450 Confectionery whsle 14............. 179 485 17 210 4 133 475 27 133 4 506 4 515

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 12........ 188 193 6 589 1 470 231 15 402 3 936 3 750422470 Meat & meat product whsle 12...... 188 193 6 589 1 470 231 15 402 3 936 3 750

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 15....... 128 063 16 251 2 045 282 23 600 772 585422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 15..... 128 063 16 251 2 045 282 23 600 772 585

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 51.......................... 561 096 34 602 8 043 951 68 313 11 203 7 930

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 51........................ 561 096 34 602 8 043 951 68 313 11 203 7 930

4224901 Coffee, tea, & spice whsle 6..... D D D a D D D4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 10.... 78 623 4 128 1 032 174 7 768 1 050 9724224903 Soft drinks whsle 7............. D D D f D D D4224904 Canned goods whsle 4.......... D D D b D D D4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 21. 210 765 3 967 879 118 7 076 1 904 1 364

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 52..... 4 602 068 38 096 7 583 713 73 546 1 097 110 905 08542251 Grain & field bean whsle 12........... D D D c D D D422510 Grain & field bean whsle 12......... D D D c D D D

42252 Livestock whsle 4................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 36.......................... D D D f D D D

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 36........................ D D D f D D D

4225904 Cotton whsle 30................. 3 441 101 33 253 6 515 568 61 559 1 077 382 875 082

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 74..... 366 947 33 341 7 878 914 67 566 25 488 26 46942261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 24................... 66 859 6 226 1 461 214 15 611 4 520 4 580422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 24................. 66 859 6 226 1 461 214 15 611 4 520 4 580

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 50.......................... 300 088 27 115 6 417 700 51 955 20 968 21 889

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 50........................ 300 088 27 115 6 417 700 51 955 20 968 21 889

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 49...................... D D D f D D D

40 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 46: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 44............................ 1 006 896 14 615 3 085 443 34 858 20 137 20 009

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 26. 717 084 9 781 2 188 323 24 253 19 553 19 135422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 26..................... 717 084 9 781 2 188 323 24 253 19 553 19 1354227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 24......... D D D e D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 19............... D D D e D D D42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 5............... D D D b D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 18..... 289 812 4 834 897 120 10 605 584 874

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 18... 289 812 4 834 897 120 10 605 584 874

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 17.................... 250 152 28 491 6 201 778 52 344 22 372 21 744

42281 Beer & ale whsle 10.................. 149 572 19 585 4 103 528 34 428 6 752 6 971422810 Beer & ale whsle 10................ 149 572 19 585 4 103 528 34 428 6 752 6 971

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 7.......................... 100 580 8 906 2 098 250 17 916 15 620 14 773

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 7........................ 100 580 8 906 2 098 250 17 916 15 620 14 773

4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev(licensed operation) whsle 7.... 100 580 8 906 2 098 250 17 916 15 620 14 773

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 118............................ D D D g D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 29.............. 948 121 32 203 7 254 553 64 408 28 394 37 440422910 Farm supplies whsle 29............ 948 121 32 203 7 254 553 64 408 28 394 37 4404229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 4... 14 681 577 122 17 1 418 3 840 3 4274229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 25.................. 933 440 31 626 7 132 536 62 990 24 554 34 013

42292 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 14.......................... D D D e D D D

422920 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 14........................ D D D e D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 14................... D D D c D D D

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 14................. D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 10... 706 910 31 526 9 613 902 122 745 3 083 5 590422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 10. 706 910 31 526 9 613 902 122 745 3 083 5 590

42295 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 13.... 20 528 2 551 757 83 4 978 1 133 1 138422950 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 13.. 20 528 2 551 757 83 4 978 1 133 1 1384229501 Paint, varnish, & supplies

whsle 13...................... 20 528 2 551 757 83 4 978 1 133 1 138

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 38.................... D D D c D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 38.................. D D D c D D D

4229901 Art goods whsle 8.............. D D D b D D D4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 20. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1 611........ 17 978 590 939 685 218 019 27 585 1 857 035 2 709 607 2 838 081

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1 124........ D D D j D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 124..................... D D D g D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 28.......................... D D D f D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 28........................ D D D f D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 13. 96 294 2 422 539 86 7 820 5 131 5 6384211103 Light truck & van (14,000 lb or

less) whsle 4.................. D D D b D D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 11............. D D D f D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 57.......................... D D D g D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 57........................ D D D g D D D

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 30. 160 903 18 826 4 420 772 37 261 36 139 36 189

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 25............... D D D e D D D

4211203 Petroleum products marketingequipment whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 10................. D D D e D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 10............... D D D e D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 29... D D D c D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 29. D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 41U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 47: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 56... 287 840 39 847 9 559 1 599 74 192 72 654 65 51242121 Furniture whsle 19................... 92 503 9 760 2 519 362 21 800 6 062 7 703421210 Furniture whsle 19................. 92 503 9 760 2 519 362 21 800 6 062 7 7034212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 10...................... D D D c D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 9...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 37........... 195 337 30 087 7 040 1 237 52 392 66 592 57 809421220 Home furnishings whsle 37......... 195 337 30 087 7 040 1 237 52 392 66 592 57 8094212203 Floor coverings whsle 15......... D D D e D D D4212204 Other home furnishings whsle 14.. D D D f D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 52............................ D D D f D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 34..................... D D D f D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 34.............. D D D f D D D

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 8..... D D D b D D D4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 14........ D D D e D D D4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 12............ D D D e D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 5................ D D D b D D D

4213201 Brick, block, tile, clay/cementsewer pipe whsle 3............ D D D b D D D

42139 Other construction materials whsle 9.. D D D c D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 9........................ D D D c D D D4213901 Flat glass & other construction

glass whsle 4................. D D D b D D D4213902 Other construction materials

whsle 5...................... D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 177................... 1 949 232 94 880 20 293 2 934 160 989 178 271 344 119

42142 Office equipment whsle 35............ 65 681 16 977 3 216 488 25 384 5 763 6 443421420 Office equipment whsle 35.......... 65 681 16 977 3 216 488 25 384 5 763 6 443

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 46....... D D D g D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 46..... D D D g D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 39............. D D D g D D D

42143011 Computers & peripheralequipment for resale 16....... D D D f D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 23...... D D D e D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 27. D D D e D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 27........................ D D D e D D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 17............... D D D c D D D4214402 Store machines & equipment

whsle 10...................... D D D c D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 55....... D D D f D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 55..... D D D f D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 50............... D D D f D D D

42146 Ophthalmic goods whsle 6........... D D D c D D D421460 Ophthalmic goods whsle 6......... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 39............................ D D D f D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 38..... D D D f D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 38... D D D f D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 34................. D D D f D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 32................... D D D f D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 121............... D D D g D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 46...... D D D f D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 46........................ D D D f D D D

42162 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 14.................. D D D c D D D

421620 Electrical appliance, television &radio set whsle 14................ D D D c D D D

42 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 48: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4216 Electrical goods whslemCon.42169 Other electronic parts & equipment

whsle 61.......................... D D D g D D D421690 Other electronic parts & equipment

whsle 61........................ D D D g D D D4216901 Communications equipment &

supplies whsle 34............... D D D f D D D4216902 Electronic parts (excluding

communications equipment)whsle 27...................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 99......... 593 323 54 065 13 500 1 595 92 627 78 606 75 510

42171 Hardware whsle 43.................. 385 412 36 306 9 273 1 041 60 150 54 454 51 706421710 Hardware whsle 43................ 385 412 36 306 9 273 1 041 60 150 54 454 51 706

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 13........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 13...... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 28....... 141 092 11 206 2 458 330 20 023 14 851 14 688

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 28................. 141 092 11 206 2 458 330 20 023 14 851 14 688

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplieswhsle 15.......................... D D D c D D D

421740 Refrigeration equipment &supplies whsle 15................. D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 333............................ 1 366 303 177 436 37 309 4 431 305 049 220 753 238 222

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 17.......................... D D D e D D D

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 17........................ D D D e D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 42................. D D D e D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 42............... D D D e D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 17................ 76 425 4 453 1 032 178 8 017 19 122 23 015

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 20............ D D D c D D D

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............. 23 728 1 968 460 56 4 619 9 070 6 032

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 143.......................... 509 671 79 667 17 853 1 961 140 158 70 026 77 010

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 143........................ 509 671 79 667 17 853 1 961 140 158 70 026 77 010

4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power) machinery & equipmentwhsle 20...................... D D D e D D D

42183021 Hydraulic & pneumatic pumps& motors whsle 9............ D D D c D D D

42183022 Hydraulic & pneumatic parts,accessories, & supplieswhsle 11.................... 29 691 8 000 1 798 182 11 322 2 726 3 288

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 44. 120 203 19 170 3 869 423 32 115 13 400 13 404

4218304 Metalworking machinery &equipment whsle 9............. D D D b D D D

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 38...................... 155 792 24 616 6 149 681 43 275 14 736 15 283

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 3. D D D b D D D

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 25............. D D D e D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 70........... 259 245 43 018 7 400 941 67 686 29 714 32 786421840 Industrial supplies whsle 70......... 259 245 43 018 7 400 941 67 686 29 714 32 7864218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 10...................... 26 110 3 641 877 106 5 981 3 317 3 4064218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 12............... D D D c D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 10........ D D D c D D D4218404 Industrial containers & supplies

whsle 8...................... 22 824 1 112 163 24 2 126 613 6314218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 9.... D D D c D D D4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 21. D D D e D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 37................... D D D c D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 37............... D D D c D D D

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 12............... D D D b D D D

4218504 Other service establishmentequipment & supplies whsle 12... 18 638 3 335 799 92 5 213 3 050 2 887

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 43U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 49: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhslemCon.

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies(exc motor vehicle) whsle 24......... D D D e D D D

421860 Transportation equipment &supplies (exc motor vehicle)whsle 24........................ D D D e D D D

4218601 Aircraft & aeronauticalequipment & supplies whsle 20... D D D e D D D

4218602 Marine machinery, equipment, &supplies whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 123... D D D g D D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 22................... D D D e D D D421910 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 22................. D D D e D D D

42193 Recyclable material whsle 37......... 101 885 9 015 2 163 368 22 984 9 877 6 474421930 Recyclable material whsle 37....... 101 885 9 015 2 163 368 22 984 9 877 6 4744219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 12..................... 60 984 5 073 1 232 193 13 736 7 437 3 75342193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 8................ 58 504 4 528 1 093 170 12 648 5 565 2 824

4219302 Recyclable paper & paperboardwhsle 10...................... 19 764 2 273 547 91 5 997 140 162

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 15. 21 137 1 669 384 84 3 251 2 300 2 559

42194 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 22..... D D D c D D D

421940 Jewelry/watch/silverware/preciousstone, & precious metal whsle 22... D D D c D D D

4219401 Jewelry, watch, diamonds,precious stone, & silverwarewhsle 21...................... D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 38.......................... D D D e D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 38.................. D D D e D D D

4219904 Prerecorded media whsle 8...... D D D c D D D42199042 Prerecorded video tapes

whsle 4.................... D D D b D D D4219906 Other durable goods whsle 8..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 487..... D D D i D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 69......... D D D g D D D42211 Printing & writing paper whsle 7...... D D D b D D D422110 Printing & writing paper whsle 7.... D D D b D D D

42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 35... D D D f D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 35. D D D f D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 27.......................... D D D e D D D

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 27........................ D D D e D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 39.... D D D g D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 39.. D D D g D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 39........................ D D D g D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 20...... D D D f D D D4222102 Specialty~line drug,

pharmaceutical, cosmetic, &toiletries whsle 19.............. D D D e D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 36. D D D g D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 8.................... D D D b D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 8.................. D D D b D D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishingswhsle 9.......................... D D D f D D D

422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing &furnishings whsle 9.............. D D D f D D D

42233 Women’s, children’s, & infants’clothing & accessories whsle 16...... D D D c D D D

422330 Women’s, children’s, & infants’clothing & accessories whsle 16.... D D D c D D D

42234 Footwear whsle 3................... D D D e D D D422340 Footwear whsle 3................. D D D e D D D

44 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 50: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 101..... 1 729 344 91 911 25 325 2 519 174 091 84 313 89 75842241 General~line grocery whsle 11......... 1 222 462 49 475 17 109 1 272 98 664 61 633 62 227422410 General~line grocery whsle 11....... 1 222 462 49 475 17 109 1 272 98 664 61 633 62 2274224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 10...................... D D D g D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 11....... D D D e D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 11..... D D D e D D D

42245 Confectionery whsle 8............... 56 471 3 417 700 88 6 579 4 502 4 511422450 Confectionery whsle 8............. 56 471 3 417 700 88 6 579 4 502 4 511

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 9........ D D D c D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 9...... D D D c D D D

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 14....... D D D e D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 14..... D D D e D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 31.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 31........................ D D D c D D D

4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 15. 66 871 1 797 415 72 3 604 1 603 1 054

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 42..... 4 560 787 37 671 7 516 679 72 598 1 096 918 905 08442251 Grain & field bean whsle 12........... D D D c D D D422510 Grain & field bean whsle 12......... D D D c D D D

42252 Livestock whsle 2................... D D D a D D D422520 Livestock whsle 2................. D D D a D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 28.......................... 3 415 425 33 069 6 502 561 61 312 1 077 773 875 688

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 28........................ 3 415 425 33 069 6 502 561 61 312 1 077 773 875 688

4225904 Cotton whsle 23................. D D D f D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 53..... 243 378 22 364 5 311 618 47 643 21 925 21 84942261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 18................... D D D c D D D422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 18................. D D D c D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 35.......................... D D D e D D D

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 35........................ D D D e D D D

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 34...................... D D D e D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 33............................ D D D e D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 19. 138 449 7 278 1 591 260 14 519 4 149 4 263422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 19..................... 138 449 7 278 1 591 260 14 519 4 149 4 2634227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 17......... D D D c D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 17............... D D D c D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 14..... D D D b D D D

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 14... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 17.................... 250 152 28 491 6 201 778 52 344 22 372 21 744

42281 Beer & ale whsle 10.................. 149 572 19 585 4 103 528 34 428 6 752 6 971422810 Beer & ale whsle 10................ 149 572 19 585 4 103 528 34 428 6 752 6 971

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 7.......................... 100 580 8 906 2 098 250 17 916 15 620 14 773

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 7........................ 100 580 8 906 2 098 250 17 916 15 620 14 773

4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev(licensed operation) whsle 7.... 100 580 8 906 2 098 250 17 916 15 620 14 773

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 97............................ D D D g D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 22.............. D D D e D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 22............ D D D e D D D4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 4... 14 681 577 122 17 1 418 3 840 3 4274229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 18.................. D D D e D D D

42292 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 12.......................... D D D e D D D

422920 Book, periodical, & newspaperwhsle 12........................ D D D e D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 13................... D D D c D D D

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 13................. D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 8... D D D e D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 8. D D D e D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 45U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 51: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhslemCon.

42295 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 8.... D D D b D D D422950 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle 8.. D D D b D D D4229501 Paint, varnish, & supplies

whsle 8...................... D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 34.................... D D D c D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 34.................. D D D c D D D

4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 19. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 212.. 15 067 727 265 874 67 970 5 993 588 352 346 966 345 093

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 129........ D D D h D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 24..................... 8 238 707 33 803 8 144 673 79 005 65 479 61 262

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 8.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 8........................ D D D c D D D

4211103 Light truck & van (14,000 lb orless) whsle 4.................. D D D c D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 15.......................... D D D e D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 15........................ D D D e D D D

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 6. D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 9............... D D D e D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 17............................ D D D e D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 6..................... D D D c D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 6.............. D D D c D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 6................ D D D b D D D

4213201 Brick, block, tile, clay/cementsewer pipe whsle 4............ D D D b D D D

4213203 Cement, lime, & relatedproducts whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 23................... D D D f D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 11....... D D D e D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 11..... D D D e D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 11............. D D D e D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 8...... D D D e D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 5....... D D D b D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 5..... D D D b D D D

42146 Ophthalmic goods whsle 1........... D D D a D D D421460 Ophthalmic goods whsle 1......... D D D a D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 10............................ 841 432 10 219 3 045 225 23 975 47 131 48 201

42151 Metal service centers & offices 10..... 841 432 10 219 3 045 225 23 975 47 131 48 201421510 Metal service centers & offices 10... 841 432 10 219 3 045 225 23 975 47 131 48 2014215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 8................. D D D b D D D4215102 Nonferrous metal service

centers & sales offices 2....... D D D c D D D42151021 Nonferrous metal service

centers 2................... D D D c D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 16............... D D D c D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 10...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 10........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 7......... D D D c D D D

46 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 52: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales officesmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 29............................ 825 819 14 238 3 933 455 28 413 60 710 56 813

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 9.......................... D D D e D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 9........................ D D D e D D D

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 4. D D D c D D D

4218304 Metalworking machinery &equipment whsle 2............. D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 14........... 436 425 3 583 912 98 7 147 6 956 6 912421840 Industrial supplies whsle 14......... 436 425 3 583 912 98 7 147 6 956 6 9124218404 Industrial containers & supplies

whsle 1...................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 83..... D D D h D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 11......... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 9. D D D f D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 1.................... D D D a D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishingswhsle 6.......................... D D D f D D D

422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing &furnishings whsle 6.............. D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 22..... 1 039 802 48 908 11 239 1 230 92 254 4 387 4 49342242 Packaged frozen food whsle 3....... D D D b D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 14.......................... 409 786 27 632 6 445 707 52 233 1 761 1 825

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 14........................ 409 786 27 632 6 445 707 52 233 1 761 1 825

4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 3.... 58 762 3 528 915 152 6 350 1 006 9304224903 Soft drinks whsle 4............. D D D f D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 15..... D D D e D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 12.......................... D D D c D D D422690 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 12........................ D D D c D D D4226902 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 12...................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 10............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7. 578 635 2 503 597 63 9 734 15 404 14 872422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 7..................... 578 635 2 503 597 63 9 734 15 404 14 8724227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 7......... 578 635 2 503 597 63 9 734 15 404 14 87242271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 5............... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 12............................ D D D f D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 6.............. 795 956 20 228 5 027 255 36 638 2 206 2 274422910 Farm supplies whsle 6............ 795 956 20 228 5 027 255 36 638 2 206 2 2744229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 6.................. 795 956 20 228 5 027 255 36 638 2 206 2 274

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 227..... 3 961 901 71 929 17 228 2 997 126 968 5 145 2 771

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 156........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 13..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 3.......................... D D D e D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 3........................ D D D e D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 3. D D D e D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 10.......................... D D D b D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 10........................ D D D b D D D

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 4. D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 15... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 8................... D D D a D D D421210 Furniture whsle 8................. D D D a D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 5...................... D D D a D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 7........... 92 109 2 781 589 36 4 195 – –421220 Home furnishings whsle 7......... 92 109 2 781 589 36 4 195 – –4212201 Household china, glassware, &

crockery whsle 3.............. D D D a D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 3......... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 47U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 53: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchantsmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 17................... D D D b D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 7. D D D a D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 7........................ D D D a D D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 5............... D D D a D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 9....... 19 263 1 207 312 23 2 732 45 35

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 9..... 19 263 1 207 312 23 2 732 45 35

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 9............... 19 263 1 207 312 23 2 732 45 35

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 5............................ D D D a D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 5..... D D D a D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 5... D D D a D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 5................. D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 32............... D D D c D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 26...... D D D c D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 26........................ D D D c D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 5........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 19......... D D D b D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 8.................. D D D b D D D421710 Hardware whsle 8................ D D D b D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 7........ D D D b D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 7...... D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 3....... D D D b D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 41............................ 127 863 6 717 1 689 141 12 074 3 890 1 563

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 27.......................... D D D b D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 27........................ D D D b D D D

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 11. D D D b D D D

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 7............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 3........... 10 268 1 465 410 28 2 519 – 437421840 Industrial supplies whsle 3......... 10 268 1 465 410 28 2 519 – 437

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies(exc motor vehicle) whsle 5......... D D D a D D D

421860 Transportation equipment &supplies (exc motor vehicle)whsle 5........................ D D D a D D D

4218601 Aircraft & aeronauticalequipment & supplies whsle 5... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 8.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 8.................. D D D a D D D4219906 Other durable goods whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

48 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 54: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchantsmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 71..... D D D g D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 5......... D D D a D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 7. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 4.................... D D D a D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 4.................. D D D a D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 4......... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 32..... 2 266 249 31 159 8 035 1 981 57 577 10 742241 General~line grocery whsle 9......... 1 852 179 24 744 6 591 1 797 47 577 – –422410 General~line grocery whsle 9....... 1 852 179 24 744 6 591 1 797 47 577 – –4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 9...................... 1 852 179 24 744 6 591 1 797 47 577 – –

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 8....... 223 533 3 193 704 97 4 812 1 1422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 8..... 223 533 3 193 704 97 4 812 1 1

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 6........................ D D D b D D D

4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 3.... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 10..... 41 281 425 67 34 948 192 142259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 8.......................... D D D a D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 8........................ D D D a D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 6..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 9............................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 1 886............. 9 756 845 495 796 115 343 19 370 1 115 869 746 224 796 009

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1 128........ 3 225 699 261 529 63 275 9 868 539 204 411 647 415 784

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 154..................... 456 409 41 427 9 898 1 529 81 717 64 630 68 408

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 44.......................... D D D e D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 44........................ D D D e D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 28. D D D b D D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 13............. D D D e D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 40.......................... 110 870 12 943 3 257 500 27 369 25 783 27 606

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 40........................ 110 870 12 943 3 257 500 27 369 25 783 27 606

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 12. D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 27............... D D D e D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 11................. D D D e D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 11............... D D D e D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 59... D D D e D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 59. D D D e D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 61... 434 109 17 977 4 868 591 51 369 28 437 29 64042121 Furniture whsle 43................... 383 240 14 611 4 073 444 42 449 23 432 24 276421210 Furniture whsle 43................. 383 240 14 611 4 073 444 42 449 23 432 24 2764212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 28...................... D D D c D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 15...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 18........... 50 869 3 366 795 147 8 920 5 005 5 364421220 Home furnishings whsle 18......... 50 869 3 366 795 147 8 920 5 005 5 3644212204 Other home furnishings whsle 7.. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 49U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 55: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 83............................ 423 855 20 888 6 812 805 42 715 30 265 32 055

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 50..................... 362 088 15 702 5 531 540 31 804 24 023 25 910

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 50.............. 362 088 15 702 5 531 540 31 804 24 023 25 910

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 19..... 250 027 7 529 3 684 153 15 803 13 797 14 7514213102 Lumber with yard whsle 16........ D D D e D D D4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 15............ D D D c D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 15.................. D D D c D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 15................ D D D c D D D

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle 7.... D D D c D D D4213203 Cement, lime, & related

products whsle 3.............. D D D a D D D

42139 Other construction materials whsle 15.. D D D b D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 15........................ D D D b D D D4213902 Other construction materials

whsle 13...................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 76................... D D D f D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle 24............ 25 209 6 244 1 441 251 10 581 3 458 3 629421420 Office equipment whsle 24.......... 25 209 6 244 1 441 251 10 581 3 458 3 629

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 16....... 33 091 3 267 780 120 5 763 711 809

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 16..... 33 091 3 267 780 120 5 763 711 809

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 15............. D D D c D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 10...... 31 144 2 879 678 92 4 881 623 700

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 13. D D D b D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 13........................ D D D b D D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment &

supplies whsle 7............... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 18....... D D D c D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 18..... D D D c D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 18............... D D D c D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 5................... D D D c D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 5................. D D D c D D D

4214902 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 4............... D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 33............................ 149 061 15 324 3 588 492 29 677 14 186 15 093

42151 Metal service centers & offices 33..... 149 061 15 324 3 588 492 29 677 14 186 15 093421510 Metal service centers & offices 33... 149 061 15 324 3 588 492 29 677 14 186 15 0934215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 29................. D D D e D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 25................... 115 757 12 857 3 005 428 25 868 10 753 11 669

4216 Electrical goods whsle 59............... 140 619 14 202 3 824 552 23 450 18 193 16 47742161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 21...... D D D e D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 21........................ D D D e D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 35.......................... D D D e D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 35........................ D D D e D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 21............... D D D c D D D

4216902 Electronic parts (excludingcommunications equipment)whsle 14...................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 55......... D D D e D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 21.................. 49 355 5 792 1 359 165 9 725 11 168 6 818421710 Hardware whsle 21................ 49 355 5 792 1 359 165 9 725 11 168 6 818

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 6........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 6...... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 19....... 15 004 1 736 412 80 3 869 2 969 3 085

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 19................. 15 004 1 736 412 80 3 869 2 969 3 085

50 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 56: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 375............................ 879 274 88 830 19 754 3 261 167 208 196 908 197 134

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 27.......................... 80 073 8 442 1 900 253 16 110 16 719 17 407

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 27........................ 80 073 8 442 1 900 253 16 110 16 719 17 407

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 128................. 393 083 31 716 7 154 1 259 55 873 135 217 130 895

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 128............... 393 083 31 716 7 154 1 259 55 873 135 217 130 895

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 101................ D D D g D D D

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 22............ 44 026 3 748 844 166 6 642 10 036 9 749

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 121.......................... 226 075 27 490 6 323 956 51 548 27 649 29 554

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 121........................ 226 075 27 490 6 323 956 51 548 27 649 29 554

4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power) machinery & equipmentwhsle 10...................... 13 832 1 864 411 69 3 509 1 478 1 684

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 23. 47 008 4 338 922 162 8 242 6 406 6 947

4218304 Metalworking machinery &equipment whsle 11............. 17 831 2 525 554 101 4 840 1 639 1 844

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 19...................... 50 969 7 533 1 777 257 12 349 7 332 7 599

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 46. 70 109 8 783 2 055 269 18 017 7 410 7 932

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 11............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 63........... 130 737 12 896 2 585 442 26 274 12 228 13 788421840 Industrial supplies whsle 63......... 130 737 12 896 2 585 442 26 274 12 228 13 7884218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 8...................... D D D b D D D4218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 15............... D D D b D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 22........ 38 029 3 818 706 142 8 360 2 793 2 9194218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 14. D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 29................... 43 329 7 478 1 668 326 15 624 3 700 3 990

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 29............... 43 329 7 478 1 668 326 15 624 3 700 3 990

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 5... 7 367 1 754 399 111 4 839 663 818

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 11............... D D D c D D D

4218504 Other service establishmentequipment & supplies whsle 12... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 232... D D D g D D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 19................... 27 795 1 587 354 82 3 861 3 449 3 295421910 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 19................. 27 795 1 587 354 82 3 861 3 449 3 295

42193 Recyclable material whsle 52......... D D D e D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 52....... D D D e D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 37..................... 66 835 8 284 1 877 364 20 921 4 615 4 59442193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 22................ D D D e D D D

42193012 Iron & steel scrap processors(not using power processingequip) 15.................... D D D b D D D

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 11. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 151.......................... D D D f D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 151.................. D D D f D D D

4219902 Forest products (except lumber)whsle 115...................... 301 202 15 198 3 556 669 45 095 13 713 14 820

4219904 Prerecorded media whsle 4...... D D D b D D D42199041 Compact discs/prerecorded

audio tapes, & phonographrecords whsle 4............. D D D b D D D

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 10............. 12 713 1 124 255 55 2 438 296 285

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 12..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 51U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 57: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 758..... 6 531 146 234 267 52 068 9 502 576 665 334 577 380 225

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 44......... 67 234 8 760 2 579 327 14 187 6 646 6 65642212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 25... D D D c D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 25. D D D c D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 17.......................... 48 918 5 721 1 868 193 8 702 5 246 5 371

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 17........................ 48 918 5 721 1 868 193 8 702 5 246 5 371

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 20.... D D D e D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 20.. D D D e D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 20........................ D D D e D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 10...... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 44. 193 195 10 363 2 455 452 26 644 17 107 22 84842231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 27.................... 141 542 5 542 1 322 213 13 274 9 064 10 090422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 27.................. 141 542 5 542 1 322 213 13 274 9 064 10 0904223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 21......... D D D c D D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishingswhsle 11.......................... D D D c D D D

422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing &furnishings whsle 11.............. D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 162..... 1 236 911 66 618 13 932 2 358 145 020 45 140 59 35542241 General~line grocery whsle 12......... 32 557 1 646 453 110 3 369 2 043 2 191422410 General~line grocery whsle 12....... 32 557 1 646 453 110 3 369 2 043 2 191

42243 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 16................... D D D c D D D

422430 Dairy products, (except dried orcanned) whsle 16................. D D D c D D D

4224302 Dairy product (except raw milk)whsle 15...................... D D D c D D D

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 11..... 155 837 3 613 838 103 8 177 923 947422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 11... 155 837 3 613 838 103 8 177 923 9474224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 11........... 155 837 3 613 838 103 8 177 923 947

42245 Confectionery whsle 19............... D D D c D D D422450 Confectionery whsle 19............. D D D c D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 13........ D D D c D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 13...... D D D c D D D

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 14....... D D D c D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 14..... D D D c D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 60.......................... D D D g D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 60........................ D D D g D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 32............. 194 034 22 128 4 971 843 43 601 6 319 7 0494224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 12. D D D f D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 102..... D D D g D D D42251 Grain & field bean whsle 45........... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386422510 Grain & field bean whsle 45......... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386

42252 Livestock whsle 28................... D D D f D D D422520 Livestock whsle 28................. D D D f D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 29.......................... D D D e D D D

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 29........................ D D D e D D D

4225904 Cotton whsle 21................. D D D e D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 48..... 149 422 9 219 2 045 337 20 311 9 813 15 26342261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 9................... 107 546 2 825 674 136 7 749 7 755 12 661422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 9................. 107 546 2 825 674 136 7 749 7 755 12 661

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 39.......................... 41 876 6 394 1 371 201 12 562 2 058 2 602

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 39........................ 41 876 6 394 1 371 201 12 562 2 058 2 602

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 36...................... D D D c D D D

52 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 58: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 159............................ 1 458 987 36 949 8 609 1 528 122 009 45 679 45 187

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 134. 1 243 493 29 405 6 973 1 244 98 406 40 070 39 722422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 134..................... 1 243 493 29 405 6 973 1 244 98 406 40 070 39 7224227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 129......... D D D g D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 117............... D D D g D D D42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 12............... D D D b D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 5.......... D D D b D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 25..... 215 494 7 544 1 636 284 23 603 5 609 5 465

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 25... 215 494 7 544 1 636 284 23 603 5 609 5 465

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 36.................... 204 437 19 630 4 331 728 36 796 9 802 9 687

42281 Beer & ale whsle 36.................. 204 437 19 630 4 331 728 36 796 9 802 9 687422810 Beer & ale whsle 36................ 204 437 19 630 4 331 728 36 796 9 802 9 687

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 143............................ D D D g D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 61.............. 339 396 17 946 3 720 701 37 811 32 614 37 844422910 Farm supplies whsle 61............ 339 396 17 946 3 720 701 37 811 32 614 37 8444229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 39... 113 598 6 318 1 326 313 13 399 10 443 12 6004229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 22.................. 225 798 11 628 2 394 388 24 412 22 171 25 244

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 17................... 55 816 4 090 1 031 229 9 041 11 822 13 447

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 17................. 55 816 4 090 1 031 229 9 041 11 822 13 447

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 19... 557 214 21 612 5 095 915 45 511 40 823 42 570422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 19. 557 214 21 612 5 095 915 45 511 40 823 42 570

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 39.................... D D D c D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 39.................. D D D c D D D

4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 25. D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1 699........ 7 801 401 431 145 102 368 17 289 952 620 679 483 708 594

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1 041........ 2 520 149 236 847 57 092 9 221 468 091 370 266 372 900

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 151..................... D D D g D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 43.......................... D D D e D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 43........................ D D D e D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 27. D D D b D D D4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over

26,000 lb) whsle 13............. D D D e D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 38.......................... D D D e D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 38........................ D D D e D D D

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 11. D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 26............... D D D c D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 11................. D D D e D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 11............... D D D e D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 59... D D D e D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 59. D D D e D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 51... D D D e D D D42121 Furniture whsle 37................... D D D e D D D421210 Furniture whsle 37................. D D D e D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 23...................... D D D c D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 14...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 14........... D D D b D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 14......... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 53U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 59: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 70............................ D D D f D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 47..................... D D D f D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 47.............. D D D f D D D

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 17..... D D D c D D D4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 16........ D D D e D D D4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 14............ D D D c D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 11.................. D D D c D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 11................ D D D c D D D

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle 7.... D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 70................... D D D f D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle 20............ D D D c D D D421420 Office equipment whsle 20.......... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 16....... 33 091 3 267 780 120 5 763 711 809

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 16..... 33 091 3 267 780 120 5 763 711 809

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 15............. D D D c D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 10...... 31 144 2 879 678 92 4 881 623 700

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 11. D D D b D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 11........................ D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 18....... D D D c D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 18..... D D D c D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 18............... D D D c D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 5................... D D D c D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 5................. D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 31............................ D D D e D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 31..... D D D e D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 31... D D D e D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 28................. D D D e D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 25................... 115 757 12 857 3 005 428 25 868 10 753 11 669

4216 Electrical goods whsle 49............... D D D f D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 18...... D D D e D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 18........................ D D D e D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 28.......................... D D D e D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 28........................ D D D e D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 14............... D D D c D D D

4216902 Electronic parts (excludingcommunications equipment)whsle 14...................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 54......... D D D e D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 20.................. D D D c D D D421710 Hardware whsle 20................ D D D c D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 6........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 6...... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 19....... 15 004 1 736 412 80 3 869 2 969 3 085

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 19................. 15 004 1 736 412 80 3 869 2 969 3 085

54 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 60: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 345............................ 816 094 84 219 18 621 3 116 158 584 192 643 193 001

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 26.......................... D D D c D D D

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 26........................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 126................. D D D g D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 126............... D D D g D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 100................ D D D g D D D

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 21............ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 104.......................... 196 847 24 970 5 690 889 46 897 25 138 27 219

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 104........................ 196 847 24 970 5 690 889 46 897 25 138 27 219

4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power) machinery & equipmentwhsle 10...................... 13 832 1 864 411 69 3 509 1 478 1 684

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 22. D D D c D D D

4218304 Metalworking machinery &equipment whsle 11............. 17 831 2 525 554 101 4 840 1 639 1 844

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 18...................... D D D e D D D

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 33. 50 504 6 433 1 470 210 13 715 4 899 5 597

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 9............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 55........... 109 580 12 004 2 342 395 24 760 11 678 13 177421840 Industrial supplies whsle 55......... 109 580 12 004 2 342 395 24 760 11 678 13 1774218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 8...................... D D D b D D D4218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 15............... D D D b D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 17........ D D D c D D D4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 13. D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 27................... D D D e D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 27............... D D D e D D D

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 5... 7 367 1 754 399 111 4 839 663 818

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 11............... D D D c D D D

4218504 Other service establishmentequipment & supplies whsle 10... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 220... 433 204 30 420 7 044 1 409 81 188 28 892 30 15542191 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 16................... D D D b D D D421910 Sporting & recreational goods &

supplies whsle 16................. D D D b D D D

42193 Recyclable material whsle 50......... D D D e D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 50....... D D D e D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 36..................... D D D e D D D42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 21................ D D D e D D D

42193012 Iron & steel scrap processors(not using power processingequip) 15.................... D D D b D D D

4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 11. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 144.......................... 336 688 18 788 4 403 854 52 238 19 394 20 531

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 144.................. 336 688 18 788 4 403 854 52 238 19 394 20 531

4219902 Forest products (except lumber)whsle 111...................... D D D f D D D

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 10............. 12 713 1 124 255 55 2 438 296 285

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 658..... 5 281 252 194 298 45 276 8 068 484 529 309 217 335 694

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 41......... D D D e D D D42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 23... D D D c D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 23. D D D c D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 16.......................... D D D c D D D

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 16........................ D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 19.... D D D e D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 19.. D D D e D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 19........................ D D D e D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 10...... D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 55U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 61: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 36. 119 651 9 291 2 198 411 22 963 13 210 18 61442231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 21.................... 72 010 4 782 1 148 184 10 654 5 617 6 354422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 21.................. 72 010 4 782 1 148 184 10 654 5 617 6 3544223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 16......... D D D c D D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishingswhsle 10.......................... D D D c D D D

422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing &furnishings whsle 10.............. D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 128..... 748 374 37 685 9 747 1 577 83 614 41 370 42 18842241 General~line grocery whsle 12......... 32 557 1 646 453 110 3 369 2 043 2 191422410 General~line grocery whsle 12....... 32 557 1 646 453 110 3 369 2 043 2 191

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 10..... D D D c D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 10... D D D c D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 10........... D D D c D D D

42245 Confectionery whsle 18............... D D D c D D D422450 Confectionery whsle 18............. D D D c D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 12........ D D D c D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 12...... D D D c D D D

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 12....... D D D c D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 12..... D D D c D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 41.......................... D D D f D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 41........................ D D D f D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 19............. D D D e D D D4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 9. D D D f D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 83..... D D D f D D D42251 Grain & field bean whsle 45........... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386422510 Grain & field bean whsle 45......... 484 679 7 900 1 487 296 23 218 36 703 33 386

42252 Livestock whsle 15................... D D D e D D D422520 Livestock whsle 15................. D D D e D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 23.......................... D D D e D D D

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 23........................ D D D e D D D

4225904 Cotton whsle 16................. D D D e D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 44..... D D D e D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 37.......................... D D D c D D D422690 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 37........................ D D D c D D D4226902 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 34...................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 137............................ D D D g D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 115. D D D g D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 115..................... D D D g D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 110......... D D D g D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 106............... D D D g D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 5.......... D D D b D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 22..... D D D e D D D

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 22... D D D e D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 36.................... 204 437 19 630 4 331 728 36 796 9 802 9 687

42281 Beer & ale whsle 36.................. 204 437 19 630 4 331 728 36 796 9 802 9 687422810 Beer & ale whsle 36................ 204 437 19 630 4 331 728 36 796 9 802 9 687

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 134............................ D D D g D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 57.............. D D D f D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 57............ D D D f D D D4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 36... D D D e D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 21.................. D D D e D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 17................... 55 816 4 090 1 031 229 9 041 11 822 13 447

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 17................. 55 816 4 090 1 031 229 9 041 11 822 13 447

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 18... D D D f D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 18. D D D f D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 37.................... D D D c D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 37.................. D D D c D D D

4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 24. D D D c D D D

56 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 62: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 3. Summary Statistics for Metropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 99.. 1 519 114 56 247 11 108 1 490 145 757 64 813 85 495

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 43........ 551 608 20 018 5 100 499 61 982 40 273 41 751

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 4... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2................. D D D b D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 19............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 11.......................... D D D b D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 11........................ D D D b D D D

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 10. D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 56..... 967 506 36 229 6 008 991 83 775 24 540 43 744

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 22..... D D D f D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 15.......................... D D D f D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 15........................ D D D f D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 13............. D D D f D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 20............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 17. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 17..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 17......... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 88..... 436 330 8 404 1 867 591 17 492 1 928 1 920

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 44........ 153 942 4 664 1 083 148 9 131 1 108 1 133

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D a D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 6... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 4................... D D D a D D D421210 Furniture whsle 4................. D D D a D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 3...................... D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 11............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 6.......................... D D D a D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 6........................ D D D a D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 2........... D D D a D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 2......... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 44..... 282 388 3 740 784 443 8 361 820 787

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 4. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 3.................... D D D a D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 3......... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 12..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 19..... D D D e D D D42252 Livestock whsle 13................... D D D e D D D422520 Livestock whsle 13................. D D D e D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 6.......................... 41 023 189 53 20 483 – –

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 6........................ 41 023 189 53 20 483 – –

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 57U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 63: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 7.8...................... 6.4 9.7 3.6 – 19.3 1.0 –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12.2.................. 5.6 12.8 5.5 – – D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 35.8............ 1.7 35.8 1.7 – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 35.8.......... 1.7 35.8 1.7 – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle 1.7.... 1.0 1.7 1.0 – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D – – – – – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle D........................ D – – – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 11.0........ 6.1 D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 6.7.................... 1.3 6.7 1.3 – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle 6.7.................. 1.3 6.7 1.3 – – – –4218401 General~line industrial supplies whsle D..... – D – – – – –4218403 Welding supplies whsle D................. D D D – – – –4218405 Industrial valves & fittings (except fluid~

power) whsle –......................... – – – – – – –

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies (excmotor vehicle) whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

421860 Transportation equipment & supplies (excmotor vehicle) whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle 5.4................... .6 5.4 .6 – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle 5.4................. .6 5.4 .6 – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5.4.............. 6.8 7.4 2.1 D D – –

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5.7.............. 10.7 D D D D – –42242 Packaged frozen food whsle D................. D D D – – – –422420 Packaged frozen food whsle D............... D D D – – – –

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 25.3....................... 2.1 25.3 2.1 – – – –422460 Fish & seafood whsle 25.3..................... 2.1 25.3 2.1 – – – –

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle D................ D D D – – – –422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D D D – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D D D – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D D D – – – –42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle D....... D D D – – – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle D..... D D D – – – –4226902 Other chemical & allied products whsle D... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) D....................... D – – – – – –

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) D..................... D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle 10.3.. – 10.3 – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle 10.3........................... – 10.3 – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle 10.3......................... – 10.3 – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

58 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 64: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – D D421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D – – – – D D4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle D.......... D – – – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D D D – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D D D – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D D D D D – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D – – – – – –4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D................................ D – – D D – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplies whsle D..... D – – – – – –421740 Refrigeration equipment & supplies whsle D... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 19.6................... – – – – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 19.6................. – – – – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218203 Lawn & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle D................. D D D – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D D D – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle D............ D – – – – – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D D D – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D D D – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D D D – – – –4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk stations &

terminals D............................. D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle D......................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.8...................... 4.0 3.7 4.9 D D D D

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 59U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 65: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4.6.................. 2.9 5.5 3.1 D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D D D – – – –4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle D.......... D D D – – – –4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over 26,000 lb)

whsle 1.0................................ 1.3 D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle 4.3..... 6.4 D D – – – –421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle 4.3... 6.4 D D – – – –4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

jobbers D.............................. D D D – – – –4211203 Petroleum products marketing equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –421130 Tire & tube whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D D D – – D D42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – D D421210 Furniture whsle D.......................... D D D – – D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture whsle D........ D – – – – – –4212102 Office & business furniture whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle 4.8..................... – D D – – D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 4.8................... – D D – – D D4212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, & curtains

whsle D................................ D – – – – D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle D................... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle .8.... 4.4 D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle .4.................................... 5.8 .4 5.8 – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle .4.................................. 5.8 .4 5.8 – – – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle D.............. D – – – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D – – – – – –4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, & wood panel

whsle –................................ 8.3 – 8.3 – – – –

42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................... D – – – – – –

421320 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

4213203 Cement, lime, & related products whsle D... D – – – – – –

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle –.... – – – – – – –421330 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle –.. – – – – – – –4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulation material

whsle –................................ – – – – – – –

42139 Other construction materials whsle D........... D D D – – – –421390 Other construction materials whsle D......... D D D – – – –4213902 Other construction materials whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle 1.3...................................... .8 1.5 .9 D D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle D..................... D D D – – – –421420 Office equipment whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D D D D D – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle D........................ D D D D D – –

4214301 Computer & peripheral equipment whsle D.. D D D – – – –42143012 Computers & peripheral equipment for

end use D............................ D D D – – – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – – –421440 Other commercial equipment whsle D........ D D D – – – –4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

421450 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospital supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42149 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – D D

421490 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – D D

4214901 Religious & school supplies whsle D........ D – – – – D D4214902 Other professional equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

60 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 66: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –421510 Metal service centers & offices D............. D D D – – – –4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D D D – – – –42151011 Ferrous metal service centers D......... D D D – – – –42151012 Ferrous metal sales offices D............ D – – – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 11.9........................ 4.0 21.7 4.7 D D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle 14.9....................... 3.1 36.6 4.7 – – D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle 14.9..................... 3.1 36.6 4.7 – – D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –421690 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D... D D D – – – –4216901 Communications equipment & supplies

whsle 4.6................................ 7.2 D D – – – –4216902 Electronic parts (excluding

communications equipment) whsle D...... D – – – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle 5.1.............................. 10.0 D D – – D D

42171 Hardware whsle D............................ D D D – – – –421710 Hardware whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D – – – – – –

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle –.......................... 14.5 D D – – D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle –.............. 14.5 D D – – D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 5.8........ 3.0 6.1 3.2 – – D D42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle –................... .6 – .6 – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle –................. .6 – .6 – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle 26.3. .5 26.3 .5 – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle 26.3.................................. .5 26.3 .5 – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers 26.3.............................. .5 26.3 .5 – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 10.1....... 2.0 D D – – D D421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 10.1..... 2.0 D D – – D D4218301 Food~processing machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –4218303 General~purpose industrial machinery &

equipment whsle 29.3...................... 3.1 D D – – – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle .3...... .2 D D – – – –4218307 Other industrial machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 9.0.................... 15.0 D D – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle 9.0.................. 15.0 D D – – – –4218402 Mechanical power transmission supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4218403 Welding supplies whsle D................. D D D – – – –4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle –........... 39.7 – 39.7 – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

4218501 Beauty & barber shop equipment &supplies whsle 5.6........................ – D D – – – –

4218503 Laundry & dry~cleaning equipment &supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42191 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –421910 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

42193 Recyclable material whsle 10.2................... 1.8 10.2 1.8 – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle 10.2................. 1.8 10.2 1.8 – – – –4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors & dealers D... D D D – – – –42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors (using

power processing equipment) D......... D D D – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –4219902 Forest products (except lumber) whsle 18.0.... – D D – – – –4219906 Other durable goods whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 61U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 67: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.0.............. 5.0 1.5 7.0 D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 2.3.................. 10.3 D D – – – –42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 5.9............ 33.2 D D – – – –422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 5.9.......... 33.2 D D – – – –

42213 Industrial & personal service paper whsle 1.2..... 2.2 D D – – – –422130 Industrial & personal service paper whsle 1.2... 2.2 D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D......... D D D – – – –4222101 General~line drugs whsle D................ D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 3.6.......... 2.5 D D – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D – – – – – –422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –4223102 Notions & other dry goods whsle D......... D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle .3.............. 3.6 .4 4.3 – 5.3 – –42241 General~line grocery whsle D.................. D D D – – – –422410 General~line grocery whsle D................ D D D – – – –4224103 Other general~line grocery whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle .1................. – D D – – – –422420 Packaged frozen food whsle .1............... – D D – – – –

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle D............ D – – – – – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

42245 Confectionery whsle D........................ D – – – – – –422450 Confectionery whsle D...................... D – – – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –422470 Meat & meat product whsle D................ D D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D D D D D422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D D D D D4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle D............. D – – – – D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – D D42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – – –422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D 13.1 – – – – –42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle D.................................... D 19.7 – – – – –422610 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle D.................................. D 19.7 – – – – –

42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle D....... D 3.0 – – – – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle D..... D 3.0 – – – – –4226902 Other chemical & allied products whsle D... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... .2 D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D D D – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D D D – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D D D – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D D D – – – –42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals (except LP) D... D – – – – – –4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk stations &

terminals D............................. D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D D D – – D D42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D D D – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle D......................... D D D – – – –

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –..... – D D – – – –422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –... – D D – – – –4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev (licensed

operation) whsle D...................... D – – – – – –4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage (State

operated) whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – D D42291 Farm supplies whsle 5.5........................ – D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle 5.5...................... – D D – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors D........ D – – – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –422990 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

62 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 68: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 1.6...................... 1.7 3.3 2.9 – .5 .1 .2

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1.8.................. 2.0 D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle .2....... – D D D D D D421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle .2..... – D D D D D D4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle .5.......... – 10.5 .3 – – D D4211103 Light truck & van (14,000 lb or less) whsle D. D D D D D – –4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over 26,000 lb)

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D D D D D421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D... D D D D D D D4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

warehouse distributors D................. D 1.7 9.1 D D D D4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

jobbers D.............................. D D D D D – –4211203 Petroleum products marketing equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –421130 Tire & tube whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D 13.9 3.0 – – D D42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D 21.7 .1 – – D D421210 Furniture whsle D.......................... D 21.7 .1 – – D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture whsle 12.9........ – D D – – D D4212102 Office & business furniture whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle 7.0..................... 3.0 10.2 4.4 – – – –421220 Home furnishings whsle 7.0................... 3.0 10.2 4.4 – – – –4212201 Household china, glassware, & crockery

whsle D................................ D – – – – D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 21.3................... 9.0 D D – – D D4212204 Other home furnishings whsle .4........... .6 D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D D D D D42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle 3.5.................................... 12.7 D D D D – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle 3.5.................................. 12.7 D D D D – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle D.............. D D D – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 2.5................. 23.3 D D – – – –4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................... D D D D D – –

421320 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................. D D D D D – –

4213201 Brick, block, tile, clay/cement sewer pipewhsle D................................ D D D D D – –

4213203 Cement, lime, & related products whsle D... D – – D D – –

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle D.... D – – – – – –421330 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle D.. D – – – – – –4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulation material

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

42139 Other construction materials whsle D........... D D D – – – –421390 Other construction materials whsle D......... D D D – – – –4213901 Flat glass & other construction glass

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4213902 Other construction materials whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle 1.5...................................... 3.2 2.0 3.8 D D D D

42141 Photographic equipment & supplies whsle D..... D – – – – – –421410 Photographic equipment & supplies whsle D... D – – – – – –

42142 Office equipment whsle 5.8..................... 4.9 9.3 7.3 – – – –421420 Office equipment whsle 5.8................... 4.9 9.3 7.3 – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle 1.0............................ 1.9 D D D D – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle 1.0........................ 1.9 D D D D – –

4214301 Computer & peripheral equipment whsle D.. D D D D D – –42143011 Computers & peripheral equipment for

resale D............................. D D D – – – –42143012 Computers & peripheral equipment for

end use D............................ D D D D D – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – D D421440 Other commercial equipment whsle D........ D D D – – D D4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment & supplies

whsle 1.6................................ 23.6 D D – – D D4214402 Store machines & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D D D – –

421450 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D.......................... D D D D D – –

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospital supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 63U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 69: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2

MEMPHIS, TN–AR–MS MSAmCon.42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhslemCon.

42146 Ophthalmic goods whsle .6.................... – D D D D – –421460 Ophthalmic goods whsle .6.................. – D D D D – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – .6 D D42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – .6 D D421510 Metal service centers & offices D............. D D D – .6 D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D D D D D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service centers 4.9......... 3.7 D D – – – –42151012 Ferrous metal sales offices D............ D – – – – – –4215102 Nonferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D – – D D – –42151021 Nonferrous metal service centers D...... D – – D D – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 4.8........................ 4.9 D D D D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D D D D D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D..................... D D D D D D D

42162 Electrical appliance, television & radio setwhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421620 Electrical appliance, television & radio setwhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – D D421690 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D... D D D – – D D4216901 Communications equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4216902 Electronic parts (excluding

communications equipment) whsle D...... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle .7.............................. 1.3 .9 1.8 D D D D

42171 Hardware whsle .3............................ 2.0 .4 2.5 – – D D421710 Hardware whsle .3.......................... 2.0 .4 2.5 – – D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D D D – – D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D....................... D D D – – D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle .6.......................... – .6 – – – D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle .6.............. – .6 – – – D D

42174 Refrigeration equipment & supplies whsle D..... D D D – – – –421740 Refrigeration equipment & supplies whsle D... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 3.7........ 3.2 6.1 4.9 – 1.0 1.9 –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle .3................... .9 D D – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle .3................. .9 D D – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle 17.5. 10.1 D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle 17.5.................................. 10.1 D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers 30.6.............................. 7.2 30.6 7.2 – – – –4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle

distributors 7.9........................... 15.2 D D – – – –4218203 Lawn & garden machinery & equipment

whsle 11.7................................ .1 11.7 .1 – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 2.6....... 2.7 4.8 5.0 D D D D421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 2.6..... 2.7 4.8 5.0 D D D D4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power)

machinery & equipment whsle 2.4.......... .3 D D – – – –42183021 Hydraulic & pneumatic pumps & motors

whsle 1.9.............................. .6 D D – – – –42183022 Hydraulic & pneumatic parts,

accessories, & supplies whsle 3.1........ – 3.1 – – – – –4218303 General~purpose industrial machinery &

equipment whsle 3.1...................... 1.6 5.7 3.0 D D D D4218304 Metalworking machinery & equipment

whsle .4................................ – D D D D – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle 9.1...... .7 9.4 .8 – – – –4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipeline mach, equip,

& supplies whsle D...................... D D D – – – –4218307 Other industrial machinery & equipment

whsle .1................................ 15.1 D D – – D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 1.4.................... 3.1 3.7 5.7 – 1.6 – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle 1.4.................. 3.1 3.7 5.7 – 1.6 – –4218401 General~line industrial supplies whsle 17.1..... 2.2 17.1 2.2 – – – –4218402 Mechanical power transmission supplies

whsle –................................ 16.3 D D – – – –4218403 Welding supplies whsle D................. D D D – – – –4218404 Industrial containers & supplies whsle D..... D 1.9 – D D – –4218405 Industrial valves & fittings (except fluid~

power) whsle –......................... – D D – – – –4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle D........... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

64 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 70: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whslemCon.42185 Service establishment equipment & supplies

whsle 26.0.................................... 9.5 D D – – – –421850 Service establishment equipment & supplies

whsle 26.0.................................. 9.5 D D – – – –4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4218504 Other service establishment equipment &

supplies whsle 21.5........................ 8.4 27.1 10.6 – – – –

42186 Transportation equipment & supplies (excmotor vehicle) whsle 2.6....................... .6 D D – – D D

421860 Transportation equipment & supplies (excmotor vehicle) whsle 2.6..................... .6 D D – – D D

4218601 Aircraft & aeronautical equipment &supplies whsle 3.0........................ .7 D D – – D D

4218602 Marine machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421910 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

42193 Recyclable material whsle 5.7................... 6.6 5.7 6.6 – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle 5.7................. 6.6 5.7 6.6 – – – –4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors & dealers 7.0... 10.1 7.0 10.1 – – – –42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors (using

power processing equipment) 7.3......... 9.1 7.3 9.1 – – – –4219302 Recyclable paper & paperboard whsle .7.... – .7 – – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 6.5.......... 2.4 6.5 2.4 – – – –

42194 Jewelry/watch/silverware/precious stone, &precious metal whsle D...................... D D D – – – –

421940 Jewelry/watch/silverware/precious stone, &precious metal whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

4219401 Jewelry, watch, diamonds, precious stone,& silverware whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – D D4219903 General merchandise (durable goods)

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –4219904 Prerecorded media whsle D............... D D D – – – –42199041 Compact discs/prerecorded audio tapes,

& phonograph records whsle D......... D – – – – – –42199042 Prerecorded video tapes whsle D........ D D D – – – –4219906 Other durable goods whsle D.............. D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.3.............. 1.3 D D D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 1.3.................. 4.0 D D D D D D42211 Printing & writing paper whsle D................ D D D – – – –422110 Printing & writing paper whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle D............ D D D – – – –422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42213 Industrial & personal service paper whsle D..... D D D – – – –422130 Industrial & personal service paper whsle D... D D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D......... D D D – – – –4222101 General~line drugs whsle D................ D D D – – – –4222102 Specialty~line drug, pharmaceutical,

cosmetic, & toiletries whsle D............. D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle .2.......... .2 D D D D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D D D D D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle D.................................. D D D D D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers D.................. D – – – – D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishings whsle –.... .2 D D D D – –422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishings whsle –.. .2 D D D D – –

42233 Women’s, children’s, & infants’ clothing &accessories whsle D......................... D D D – – – –

422330 Women’s, children’s, & infants’ clothing &accessories whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

42234 Footwear whsle D............................ D D D – – – –422340 Footwear whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 65U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 71: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4224 Grocery & related products whsle .4.............. 1.2 1.3 3.4 – – – –42241 General~line grocery whsle .1.................. 1.5 .2 3.7 – – – –422410 General~line grocery whsle .1................ 1.5 .2 3.7 – – – –4224103 Other general~line grocery whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle .1................. .4 D D D D – –422420 Packaged frozen food whsle .1............... .4 D D D D – –

42243 Dairy products, (except dried or canned)whsle 20.3.................................... – – – – – – –

422430 Dairy products, (except dried or canned)whsle 20.3.................................. – – – – – – –

4224302 Dairy product (except raw milk) whsle 20.3..... – – – – – – –

42245 Confectionery whsle .7........................ – 2.3 – – – – –422450 Confectionery whsle .7...................... – 2.3 – – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle –.................. 4.1 D D – – – –422470 Meat & meat product whsle –................ 4.1 D D – – – –

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 2.5................ – D D – – – –422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 2.5.............. – D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle 1.2....... .6 D D – – D D422490 Other grocery & related products whsle 1.2..... .6 D D – – D D4224901 Coffee, tea, & spice whsle D............... D – – – – – –4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 1.2............. 1.5 – – – – D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – D D – –4224904 Canned goods whsle D................... D – – – – – –4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle .1.......... 1.1 .4 3.3 – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2.5............... .3 2.5 .3 – – – –42251 Grain & field bean whsle D.................... D D D – – – –422510 Grain & field bean whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – – –422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D .4 .3 – – D D422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D .4 .3 – – D D4225904 Cotton whsle .3.......................... .3 D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 1.6............... 9.6 2.4 7.5 D D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle .2.................................... 13.6 D D – – – –422610 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle .2.................................. 13.6 D D – – – –

42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle 1.9....... 8.7 D D D D – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle 1.9..... 8.7 D D D D – –4226902 Other chemical & allied products whsle D... D D D D D – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle .3......... 3.1 D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D D D – – – –42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals (except LP) D... D – – D D – –

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) .9....................... 10.7 D D – – – –

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) .9..................... 10.7 D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle 2.4.. 11.4 2.4 11.4 – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle 4.0........................... 12.7 4.0 12.7 – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle 4.0......................... 12.7 4.0 12.7 – – – –

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –..... 9.4 – 9.4 – – – –422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –... 9.4 – 9.4 – – – –4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev (licensed

operation) whsle –...................... 9.4 – 9.4 – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D D D D D42291 Farm supplies whsle .1........................ – D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle .1...................... – D D – – – –4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 2.9............ – 2.9 – – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors .1........ – D D – – – –

42292 Book, periodical, & newspaper whsle D......... D D D – – – –422920 Book, periodical, & newspaper whsle D....... D D D – – – –

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 5.9............ – D D – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 5.9.......... – D D – – – –

42295 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle .4.............. 1.3 D D – – – –422950 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle .4............ 1.3 D D – – – –4229501 Paint, varnish, & supplies whsle .4.......... 1.3 D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

66 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 72: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whslemCon.42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –422990 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4229901 Art goods whsle D........................ D – – – – – –4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle D........... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 6.1...................... 2.9 7.5 3.3 – 1.3 1.2 1.2

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9.2.................. 4.0 11.6 5.0 – .3 2.4 .6

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 10.7...................................... 1.4 D D D D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D D D – – – –4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle D.......... D D D – – – –4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over 26,000 lb)

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle 2.9..... 3.4 D D – – D D421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle 2.9... 3.4 D D – – D D4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

warehouse distributors D................. D D D – – – –4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

jobbers D.............................. D D D – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –421130 Tire & tube whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 3.0............. .4 D D D D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2.8............................ .4 D D D D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2.8.......................... .4 D D D D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture whsle D........ D D D D D D D4212102 Office & business furniture whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle 4.7..................... .1 D D – – – –421220 Home furnishings whsle 4.7................... .1 D D – – – –4212204 Other home furnishings whsle D........... D – – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle 8.2.... 3.7 D D D D D D42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle 8.4.................................... 3.2 D D – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle 8.4.................................. 3.2 D D – – – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 3.6.............. 1.0 D D – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D D D – – – –4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421320 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle D............. D D D – – – –4213203 Cement, lime, & related products whsle D... D – – – – – –

42139 Other construction materials whsle D........... D – – – – – –421390 Other construction materials whsle D......... D – – – – – –4213902 Other construction materials whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42142 Office equipment whsle 20.4..................... 9.2 D D – – – –421420 Office equipment whsle 20.4................... 9.2 D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle 1.1............................ 7.9 1.1 7.9 – – – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle 1.1........................ 7.9 1.1 7.9 – – – –

4214301 Computer & peripheral equipment whsle D.. D D D – – – –42143012 Computers & peripheral equipment for

end use 1.2............................ 7.7 1.2 7.7 – – – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – – –421440 Other commercial equipment whsle D........ D D D – – – –4214401 Restaurant & hotel equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

421450 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospital supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 67U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 73: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhslemCon.

42149 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421490 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

4214902 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D................................ D – – – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle 14.4....... 4.3 D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices 14.4............... 4.3 D D – – – –421510 Metal service centers & offices 14.4............. 4.3 D D – – – –4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D D D – – – –42151011 Ferrous metal service centers 17.2......... 4.0 17.2 4.0 – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 20.1........................ 1.8 D D – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D D D – – – –421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –421690 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D... D D D – – – –4216901 Communications equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4216902 Electronic parts (excluding

communications equipment) whsle D...... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42171 Hardware whsle 3.4............................ 2.5 D D – – – –421710 Hardware whsle 3.4.......................... 2.5 D D – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D D D – – – –

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle 4.9.......................... – 4.9 – – – – –

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 4.9.............. – 4.9 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 8.1........ 4.8 8.7 5.2 D D D D42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 1.4................... 16.0 D D – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 1.4................. 16.0 D D – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle 10.5. 2.7 D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle 10.5.................................. 2.7 D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle

distributors 34.2........................... 4.0 D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 7.9....... 6.0 9.1 6.9 D D D D421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 7.9..... 6.0 9.1 6.9 D D D D4218302 Hydraulic & pneumatic (fluid~power)

machinery & equipment whsle –.......... 12.7 – 12.7 – – – –4218303 General~purpose industrial machinery &

equipment whsle 6.4...................... 16.3 D D – – – –4218304 Metalworking machinery & equipment

whsle 17.9................................ – 17.9 – – – – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle 1.4...... 7.1 D D – – – –4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipeline mach, equip,

& supplies whsle 12.1...................... .7 16.8 1.0 D D – –4218307 Other industrial machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4.7.................... 1.6 5.6 1.9 – – D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 4.7.................. 1.6 5.6 1.9 – – D D4218401 General~line industrial supplies whsle D..... D D D – – – –4218402 Mechanical power transmission supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4218403 Welding supplies whsle –................. 3.4 D D – – – –4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle D........... D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle 5.0.................................... 5.6 D D – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle 5.0.................................. 5.6 D D – – – –

4218501 Beauty & barber shop equipment &supplies whsle –........................ 10.4 – 10.4 – – – –

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment & supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4218504 Other service establishment equipment &supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

68 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 74: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D 15.0 10.8 D D D D42191 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle 7.3.................................... 3.8 D D – – – –421910 Sporting & recreational goods & supplies

whsle 7.3.................................. 3.8 D D – – – –

42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle D................. D D D – – – –4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors & dealers .2... .6 D D – – – –42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors (using

power processing equipment) D......... D D D – – – –42193012 Iron & steel scrap processors (not using

power processing equip) D............. D D D – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D 17.2 13.6 D D – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D 17.2 13.6 D D – –4219902 Forest products (except lumber) whsle 13.6.... 13.6 D D – – – –4219904 Prerecorded media whsle D............... D – – – – – –42199041 Compact discs/prerecorded audio tapes,

& phonograph records whsle D......... D – – – – – –4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safety equipment

whsle 24.5................................ 10.7 24.5 10.7 – – – –4219906 Other durable goods whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4.6.............. 2.3 5.6 2.4 – 1.8 .5 1.5

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 8.9.................. 2.6 D D – – – –42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle D............ D D D – – – –422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42213 Industrial & personal service paper whsle 6.2..... – D D – – – –422130 Industrial & personal service paper whsle 6.2... – D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D......... D D D – – – –4222101 General~line drugs whsle D................ D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 6.0.......... 5.3 9.8 7.5 – – D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle 1.7. 7.2 3.3 12.4 – – D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle 1.7.................................. 7.2 3.3 12.4 – – D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers D.................. D D D – – D D

42232 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishings whsle D.... D D D – – – –422320 Men’s & boys’ clothing & furnishings whsle D.. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2.7.............. 2.8 4.3 3.2 D D D D42241 General~line grocery whsle 14.1.................. 5.9 14.1 5.9 – – – –422410 General~line grocery whsle 14.1................ 5.9 14.1 5.9 – – – –

42243 Dairy products, (except dried or canned)whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –

422430 Dairy products, (except dried or canned)whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

4224302 Dairy product (except raw milk) whsle D..... D – – – – – –

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 5.6.............. 6.3 D D – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 5.6............ 6.3 D D – – – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle 5.6................................ 6.3 D D – – – –

42245 Confectionery whsle D........................ D D D – – – –422450 Confectionery whsle D...................... D D D – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –422470 Meat & meat product whsle D................ D D D – – – –

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle D................ D D D – – – –422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D D D – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D D D – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle 3.1....................... 8.0 D D D D – –4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – D D42251 Grain & field bean whsle 2.3.................... 3.3 2.3 3.3 – – – –422510 Grain & field bean whsle 2.3.................. 3.3 2.3 3.3 – – – –

42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – D D422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D D D – – D D

42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D D D – – – –4225904 Cotton whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 1.8............... 6.7 D D D D – –42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle 1.2.................................... 6.9 – – – – – –422610 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle 1.2.................................. 6.9 – – – – – –

42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle 3.3....... 6.3 D D – – – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle 3.3..... 6.3 D D – – – –4226902 Other chemical & allied products whsle D... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 69U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 75: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 4. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forMetropolitan Areas: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For definitions of metropolitan areas (CMSAs,MSAs, and PMSAs), see Appendix E]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle 3.7......... 1.5 D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals .5.......... – D D D D – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals .5........ – D D D D – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D D D – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D D D – – – –42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals (except LP) D... D – – – – – –4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk stations &

terminals D............................. D D D – – – –

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) 22.2....................... 10.3 D D – – – –

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulkstations & terminals) 22.2..................... 10.3 D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle 14.7.. 4.7 14.7 4.7 – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle 14.7........................... 4.7 14.7 4.7 – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle 14.7......................... 4.7 14.7 4.7 – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D D D – –42291 Farm supplies whsle 5.5........................ 3.0 D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle 5.5...................... 3.0 D D – – – –4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 14.9............ 7.9 D D – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors .8........ .5 D D – – – –

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplieswhsle 16.9.................................... – 16.9 – – – – –

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplieswhsle 16.9.................................. – 16.9 – – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle .1............ .1 D D – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle .1.......... .1 D D – – – –

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –422990 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle D........... D D D – – – –

1Includes sales information obtained from administrative records of other Federal agencies.2Includes sales information which was imputed based on historic company ratios or administrative records, or on industry averages.

70 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 76: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 57............. 80 437 9 157 2 180 369 19 764 6 519 6 383

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 32........ 37 412 4 386 997 180 8 894 4 482 4 394

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... 8 299 1 509 351 60 2 464 1 993 1 928

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 14............................ 12 635 2 101 459 79 4 306 1 667 1 725

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 25..... 43 025 4 771 1 183 189 10 870 2 037 1 989

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... 13 593 1 475 357 58 2 887 441 40442249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 50........ 57 432 7 336 1 743 307 16 097 5 758 5 787

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 30........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... 8 299 1 509 351 60 2 464 1 993 1 928

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 13............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 20..... D D D c D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 49............. 264 309 16 857 4 309 692 32 378 23 204 29 990

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 28........ D D D e D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ 12 838 595 144 27 1 048 1 457 1 350

4216 Electrical goods whsle 5............... 19 872 4 370 1 386 160 6 192 2 628 2 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 10............................ 19 078 1 805 401 55 4 077 3 590 4 183

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 21..... D D D e D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 4. 9 194 614 106 11 1 507 411 1 695

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5.......................... D D D c D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5........................ D D D c D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 3............. D D D c D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 1................... D D D a D D D422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 1................. D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ 16 687 788 195 32 1 769 393 345

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. 16 687 788 195 32 1 769 393 345422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 4..................... 16 687 788 195 32 1 769 393 345

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 71U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 77: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






ALCORN COUNTY, MSmCon.Merchant wholesalers 45........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 27........ D D D e D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 5............... 19 872 4 370 1 386 160 6 192 2 628 2 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 10............................ 19 078 1 805 401 55 4 077 3 590 4 183

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 18..... D D D e D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 4. 9 194 614 106 11 1 507 411 1 695

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3........................ D D D c D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 2............. D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ 16 687 788 195 32 1 769 393 345

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D c D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 9 293 418 104 30 839 1 325 1 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 9 293 418 104 30 839 1 325 1 568

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 9 293 418 104 30 839 1 325 1 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 18............. 46 194 3 931 851 210 8 848 4 303 4 271

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 17 617 1 425 308 58 3 932 2 833 2 772

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... 28 577 2 506 543 152 4 916 1 470 1 499

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 15........ 29 951 3 121 672 157 7 165 4 102 4 055

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 17 617 1 425 308 58 3 932 2 833 2 772

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... 12 334 1 696 364 99 3 233 1 269 1 283

72 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 78: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






ATTALA COUNTY, MSmCon.Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 1............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 41............. 355 435 18 835 4 166 685 67 759 54 671 65 991

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ 48 849 4 725 1 103 160 8 626 18 607 20 709

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ 43 417 3 655 877 118 6 946 17 646 19 727

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. 38 949 3 208 773 101 6 160 17 454 19 543

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............... 38 949 3 208 773 101 6 160 17 454 19 543

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 4................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 27..... 306 586 14 110 3 063 525 59 133 36 064 45 282

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 7..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 6..... D D D e D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1........................ D D D c D D D4225904 Cotton whsle 1................. D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 091

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 091422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 0914227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 5......... 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 09142271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 5............... 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 091

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ D D D c D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 4.............. 15 697 1 137 200 40 2 020 1 524 1 571422910 Farm supplies whsle 4............ 15 697 1 137 200 40 2 020 1 524 1 571

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 39........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. 38 949 3 208 773 101 6 160 17 454 19 543

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............... 38 949 3 208 773 101 6 160 17 454 19 543

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 4................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 27..... 306 586 14 110 3 063 525 59 133 36 064 45 282

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 7..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 6..... D D D e D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1........................ D D D c D D D4225904 Cotton whsle 1................. D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 091

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 091422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 0914227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 5......... 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 09142271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 5............... 33 919 1 874 384 81 4 681 1 174 1 091

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ D D D c D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 4.............. 15 697 1 137 200 40 2 020 1 524 1 571422910 Farm supplies whsle 4............ 15 697 1 137 200 40 2 020 1 524 1 571

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 73U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 79: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 12............. 27 285 2 687 474 130 4 678 7 433 6 318

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 22 853 2 415 424 119 3 927 7 107 6 011

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ 27 285 2 687 474 130 4 678 7 433 6 318

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 22 853 2 415 424 119 3 927 7 107 6 011

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 17 320 892 155 32 3 308 935 954

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 29............. 66 604 3 340 774 244 7 502 5 662 6 585

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ 34 514 2 057 429 137 4 366 3 497 3 537

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 4... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 5 490 349 82 25 785 1 692 1 698

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... 32 090 1 283 345 107 3 136 2 165 3 048

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 23........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 5 490 349 82 25 785 1 692 1 698

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

74 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 80: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 5..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 1............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 14............. 33 098 2 297 540 142 4 520 4 067 4 297

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 1......... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 14........ 33 098 2 297 540 142 4 520 4 067 4 297

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 1......... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 18............. 561 843 14 149 1 171 217 36 672 9 313 26 508

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D42247 Meat & meat product whsle 2........ D D D a D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 2...... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 4..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 15........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 4..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 75U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 81: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 37............. 203 174 14 285 3 378 529 32 970 21 713 23 967

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 3................... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1....... D D D b D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ 30 981 2 427 716 123 4 764 12 507 13 835

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. 25 447 1 526 503 72 2 738 12 225 13 581

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4............... 25 447 1 526 503 72 2 738 12 225 13 581

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 20..... D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 9 987 350 90 12 820 215 213

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. 9 987 350 90 12 820 215 213422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... 9 987 350 90 12 820 215 213

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 24 872 2 333 562 91 4 747 886 1 068

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 24 872 2 333 562 91 4 747 886 1 068422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ 24 872 2 333 562 91 4 747 886 1 068

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 2............ D D D b D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 2.................. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 32........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 3................... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1....... D D D b D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. 25 447 1 526 503 72 2 738 12 225 13 581

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4............... 25 447 1 526 503 72 2 738 12 225 13 581

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 18..... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 9 987 350 90 12 820 215 213

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 2............ D D D b D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 2.................. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

76 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 82: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 20............. 66 432 3 624 832 187 8 237 2 598 2 870

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ 6 726 638 154 31 1 445 339 327

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 17........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 15............. 426 144 2 608 613 150 6 925 11 765 11 801

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 6. 382 589 909 198 25 2 946 7 445 7 495422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 6..................... 382 589 909 198 25 2 946 7 445 7 4954227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 6......... 382 589 909 198 25 2 946 7 445 7 49542271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 2............... D D D a D D D42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 4............... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 2......... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 4.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 4..................... D D D a D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 77U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 83: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 78............. D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 49........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 4... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2................. D D D b D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 3..................... D D D c D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 3.............. D D D c D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 2........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 9............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 29..... D D D f D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 7......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... D D D e D D D42241 General~line grocery whsle 2......... D D D e D D D422410 General~line grocery whsle 2....... D D D e D D D4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 2...................... D D D e D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 1........ D D D b D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 1...... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 1..................... D D D a D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 23 894 2 259 359 72 5 116 980 925

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 23 894 2 259 359 72 5 116 980 925422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ 23 894 2 259 359 72 5 116 980 925

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 65........ D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 43........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 4... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2................. D D D b D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 3..................... D D D c D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 3.............. D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 22..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D e D D D42241 General~line grocery whsle 1......... D D D e D D D422410 General~line grocery whsle 1....... D D D e D D D4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 1...................... D D D e D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 1........ D D D b D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 1...... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 11..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

78 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 84: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 113............. 1 282 463 37 648 8 684 1 602 94 191 33 671 32 424

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 71........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 11..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D c D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 1. D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 8............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 3.............. D D D b D D D

4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &wood panel whsle 2............ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 16............................ D D D c D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 5.......................... 16 956 2 578 513 58 4 402 2 665 5 041

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 5........................ 16 956 2 578 513 58 4 402 2 665 5 041

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D c D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 4......... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 12... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 3....... D D D b D D D4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 2. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 42..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 14..... D D D e D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2..... D D D a D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2... D D D a D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 2........... D D D a D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 5.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 5........................ D D D c D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 3............. D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. D D D c D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... D D D c D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... D D D b D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 1.......... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 103........ D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 66........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 10..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 7............................ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 16............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

4218203 Lawn & garden machinery &equipment whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D c D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 4......... D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 79U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 85: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 12... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 3....... D D D b D D D4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 2. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 37..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 10..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3........................ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. D D D c D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... D D D c D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... D D D b D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 1.......... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 7.. 424 725 6 754 1 656 217 20 015 2 133 2 226

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D

4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &wood panel whsle 1............ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2........................ D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1........................ D D D c D D D

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 1. D D D c D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

80 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 86: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 12............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 10........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. 18 626 1 884 437 92 4 870 509 502

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ 18 626 1 884 437 92 4 870 509 502

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 34............. 123 216 5 580 1 270 252 15 059 4 972 5 327

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ 94 081 3 792 836 155 9 752 3 768 4 035

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... 29 135 1 788 434 97 5 307 1 204 1 292

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... 9 595 923 212 47 1 717 269 289

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 81U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 87: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 31........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... 9 595 923 212 47 1 717 269 289

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 30............. 68 827 7 596 1 768 251 14 314 5 603 5 623

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D c D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 7..... D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D422690 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 26........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D c D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D422690 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

82 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 88: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 195............. 650 879 51 933 11 830 2 082 107 946 62 183 61 258

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 119........ 225 914 24 192 5 567 845 48 536 44 904 37 235

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 26..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 10.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 10........................ D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 12... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 12. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 5.............. D D D b D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 4........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 18................... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 28............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7.......................... 11 851 1 675 385 60 3 544 798 747

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7........................ 11 851 1 675 385 60 3 544 798 747

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 7........... D D D b D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 7......... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 18... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 5......... D D D c D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 5....... D D D c D D D4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 1. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 76..... 424 965 27 741 6 263 1 237 59 410 17 279 24 023

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 7......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 35..... 263 289 12 509 2 574 483 30 431 6 791 13 64942242 Packaged frozen food whsle 10....... D D D c D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 10..... D D D c D D D

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 10.............. D D D b D D D422460 Fish & seafood whsle 10............ D D D b D D D

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3....... D D D b D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 8.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 8........................ D D D c D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 4............. D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 3......... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 4.................... 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

42281 Beer & ale whsle 4.................. 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627422810 Beer & ale whsle 4................ 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 10............................ D D D e D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 2... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 2. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 83U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 89: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 183........ D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 112........ 219 718 23 267 5 341 827 47 053 43 798 36 270

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 26..................... D D D c D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 12... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 12. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 5.............. D D D b D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 4........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 16................... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 26............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 5........................ D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 7........... D D D b D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 7......... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 17... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 5......... D D D c D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 5....... D D D c D D D4219303 Other recyclable material whsle 1. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 71..... D D D g D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 33..... D D D e D D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 10....... D D D c D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 10..... D D D c D D D

42246 Fish & seafood whsle 10.............. D D D b D D D422460 Fish & seafood whsle 10............ D D D b D D D

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3....... D D D b D D D422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 6........................ D D D c D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 3......... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 4.................... 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

42281 Beer & ale whsle 4.................. 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627422810 Beer & ale whsle 4................ 65 115 6 421 1 601 231 12 663 3 802 3 627

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 9............................ D D D e D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 6.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 6..... D D D a D D D

84 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 90: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 454............. 2 600 701 206 024 48 862 6 671 396 042 198 647 202 438

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 308........ 1 203 765 109 678 26 035 3 407 211 685 118 857 127 715

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 36..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11........................ D D D c D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 16.......................... D D D c D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 16........................ D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 10............... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 15... 71 772 7 418 1 804 221 15 755 4 017 4 22842121 Furniture whsle 8................... D D D c D D D421210 Furniture whsle 8................. D D D c D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 6...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 7........... D D D b D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 7......... D D D b D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 3......... 21 138 1 675 364 47 3 878 1 048 1 024

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 20............................ D D D e D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 16..................... 143 317 8 638 1 943 275 15 441 11 325 12 180

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 16.............. 143 317 8 638 1 943 275 15 441 11 325 12 180

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 5..... D D D b D D D4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &

wood panel whsle 8............ D D D c D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 1............... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 48................... 187 029 24 193 6 212 608 46 693 6 502 7 628

42142 Office equipment whsle 15............ D D D c D D D421420 Office equipment whsle 15.......... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 6....... D D D c D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 6..... D D D c D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 4............. D D D c D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 3...... D D D c D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 8. D D D b D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 8........................ D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D c D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 7................. D D D c D D D

4214901 Religious & school supplieswhsle 1...................... D D D a D D D

4214902 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6............... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 11............................ 83 669 2 479 562 91 6 370 4 682 5 151

42151 Metal service centers & offices 11..... 83 669 2 479 562 91 6 370 4 682 5 151421510 Metal service centers & offices 11... 83 669 2 479 562 91 6 370 4 682 5 1514215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 9................. D D D b D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 5................... D D D b D D D42151012 Ferrous metal sales offices 4... 47 630 249 65 7 767 – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 45............... 164 168 14 466 3 500 479 23 545 12 303 13 36042161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 27...... 116 624 7 342 1 728 232 11 212 8 804 8 638421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 27........................ 116 624 7 342 1 728 232 11 212 8 804 8 638

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 17.......................... D D D c D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 17........................ D D D c D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 11............... 28 936 4 829 1 228 170 7 788 1 515 2 719

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 85U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 91: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 36......... 87 261 9 376 2 077 263 15 924 8 636 8 642

42171 Hardware whsle 13.................. D D D c D D D421710 Hardware whsle 13................ D D D c D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 6........ D D D b D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 6...... D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 12....... 34 961 2 991 637 84 6 172 4 475 4 286

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 12................. 34 961 2 991 637 84 6 172 4 475 4 286

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 73............................ 269 839 24 906 5 894 764 50 341 53 600 59 898

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 6.......................... 124 485 7 349 1 597 167 16 710 32 102 39 234

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 6........................ 124 485 7 349 1 597 167 16 710 32 102 39 234

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 4................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 37.......................... 63 141 8 195 2 066 257 14 801 10 279 9 454

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 37........................ 63 141 8 195 2 066 257 14 801 10 279 9 454

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 13. 23 610 2 866 679 95 5 697 2 704 2 512

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 8...................... D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 18........... D D D c D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 18......... D D D c D D D4218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 3............... D D D b D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 6........ 17 241 2 086 490 78 4 568 1 515 9984218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 4. D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D b D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 7............... D D D b D D D

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 3... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 24... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 8......... 22 810 3 149 694 139 7 108 722 746421930 Recyclable material whsle 8....... 22 810 3 149 694 139 7 108 722 7464219303 Other recyclable material whsle 6. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 9.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 9.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 146..... 1 396 936 96 346 22 827 3 264 184 357 79 790 74 723

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 20......... D D D e D D D42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 11... D D D c D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 11. D D D c D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 7.......................... D D D c D D D

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 7........................ D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 5.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 5.. D D D b D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 5........................ D D D b D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 2...... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 14. D D D b D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 4.................... D D D b D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 4.................. D D D b D D D

86 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 92: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 47..... 760 863 60 070 14 002 1 995 104 637 31 966 32 70742241 General~line grocery whsle 6......... D D D f D D D422410 General~line grocery whsle 6....... D D D f D D D4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 6...................... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 5....... D D D e D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 5..... D D D e D D D

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 7..... D D D b D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 7... D D D b D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 7........... D D D b D D D

42245 Confectionery whsle 5............... D D D c D D D422450 Confectionery whsle 5............. D D D c D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 4........ D D D c D D D422470 Meat & meat product whsle 4...... D D D c D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 11.......................... D D D f D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 11........................ D D D f D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 5............. D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D42252 Livestock whsle 3................... D D D a D D D422520 Livestock whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 19..... 56 346 4 824 1 110 150 8 649 3 888 3 43042261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 6................... 36 933 2 287 583 87 4 431 2 416 2 040422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 6................. 36 933 2 287 583 87 4 431 2 416 2 040

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 13.......................... 19 413 2 537 527 63 4 218 1 472 1 390

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 13........................ 19 413 2 537 527 63 4 218 1 472 1 390

4226902 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 13...................... 19 413 2 537 527 63 4 218 1 472 1 390

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 7.................... D D D e D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 4........................ D D D b D D D

4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev(licensed operation) whsle 4.... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 24............................ D D D e D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 3.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 3............ D D D b D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 3.................. D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 3... D D D c D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 3. D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 374........ 1 979 263 175 930 41 023 5 807 333 759 190 729 194 175

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 261........ 938 496 96 838 22 299 3 124 187 907 114 980 123 547

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 33..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11.......................... D D D c D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 11........................ D D D c D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 14.......................... D D D c D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 14........................ D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 8............... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 12... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 6................... D D D c D D D421210 Furniture whsle 6................. D D D c D D D4212102 Office & business furniture

whsle 5...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 6........... D D D b D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 6......... D D D b D D D4212203 Floor coverings whsle 3......... 21 138 1 675 364 47 3 878 1 048 1 024

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 87U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 93: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 19............................ D D D e D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 16..................... 143 317 8 638 1 943 275 15 441 11 325 12 180

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 16.............. 143 317 8 638 1 943 275 15 441 11 325 12 180

4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, &wood panel whsle 8............ D D D c D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 1............... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 42................... D D D e D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle 13............ D D D c D D D421420 Office equipment whsle 13.......... D D D c D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 6. D D D b D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 6........................ D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6................... D D D c D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6................. D D D c D D D

4214902 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6............... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 7..... D D D b D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 7... D D D b D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 5................. D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 29............... D D D e D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 14...... D D D c D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 14........................ D D D c D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 14.......................... D D D c D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 14........................ D D D c D D D

4216901 Communications equipment &supplies whsle 9............... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 30......... D D D c D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 12.................. D D D b D D D421710 Hardware whsle 12................ D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 10....... D D D b D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 10................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 68............................ 260 366 24 462 5 775 758 49 766 53 600 59 898

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 6.......................... 124 485 7 349 1 597 167 16 710 32 102 39 234

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 6........................ 124 485 7 349 1 597 167 16 710 32 102 39 234

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 4................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 34.......................... D D D e D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 34........................ D D D e D D D

4218303 General~purpose industrialmachinery & equipment whsle 13. 23 610 2 866 679 95 5 697 2 704 2 512

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 7...................... D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 17........... D D D c D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 17......... D D D c D D D4218402 Mechanical power transmission

supplies whsle 2............... D D D b D D D4218403 Welding supplies whsle 6........ 17 241 2 086 490 78 4 568 1 515 9984218406 Other industrial supplies whsle 4. D D D b D D D

88 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 94: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






HINDS COUNTY, MSmCon.Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhslemCon.

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 6................... D D D b D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 6............... D D D b D D D

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 2... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 21... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 8......... 22 810 3 149 694 139 7 108 722 746421930 Recyclable material whsle 8....... 22 810 3 149 694 139 7 108 722 7464219303 Other recyclable material whsle 6. D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 113..... 1 040 767 79 092 18 724 2 683 145 852 75 749 70 628

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 19......... D D D e D D D42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 11... D D D c D D D422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle 11. D D D c D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

422130 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 6........................ D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.. D D D b D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 4........................ D D D b D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 2...... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 11. D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 32..... 527 572 45 520 10 538 1 481 79 819 28 845 29 43742241 General~line grocery whsle 4......... D D D f D D D422410 General~line grocery whsle 4....... D D D f D D D4224103 Other general~line grocery

whsle 4...................... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 3....... D D D e D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 3..... D D D e D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 5.......................... D D D e D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 5........................ D D D e D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 3............. D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D42252 Livestock whsle 3................... D D D a D D D422520 Livestock whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 14..... D D D c D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 4................... D D D b D D D422610 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 10.......................... D D D b D D D

422690 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 10........................ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 4.................... D D D c D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 21............................ D D D e D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 2............ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 39.. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 2................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 1....... D D D c D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 1..... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 19..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 9..... 132 361 13 379 3 181 485 22 026 3 094 3 24742249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 6........................ D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 89U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 95: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 41..... D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 27........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 4................... D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

421490 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................. D D D a D D D

4214901 Religious & school supplieswhsle 1...................... D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 7............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 6...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 6........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 5......... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... 100 930 1 171 283 29 2 792 27 23

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 10............. 22 475 631 139 73 1 812 736 867

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 20 269 460 97 62 1 477 581 599

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... 19 273 335 70 40 1 188 503 519

Merchant wholesalers 9........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 14............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 9............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 9................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 9............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 9................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 1............ D D D b D D D4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 1... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 13........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 9............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 9................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 9............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 9................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 1............ D D D b D D D4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 1... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

90 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 96: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 2............. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 13............. 43 223 3 915 1 003 188 7 651 4 938 5 445

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 1........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 13........ 43 223 3 915 1 003 188 7 651 4 938 5 445

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 70............. 272 623 16 668 3 623 576 31 909 8 491 12 990

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 50........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 23............................ 64 012 5 697 1 364 183 10 512 3 925 7 235

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 9.......................... D D D b D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 9........................ D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 11........... 48 344 4 243 988 134 7 673 3 665 4 419421840 Industrial supplies whsle 11......... 48 344 4 243 988 134 7 673 3 665 4 4194218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D4218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 3.... 19 211 1 295 285 44 2 463 1 441 1 829

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 20..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 10..... D D D c D D D42246 Fish & seafood whsle 5.............. D D D b D D D422460 Fish & seafood whsle 5............ D D D b D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 3........................ D D D b D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D a D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 2..... D D D a D D D

422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 2... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 91U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 97: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 65........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 49........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 22............................ D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 11........... 48 344 4 243 988 134 7 673 3 665 4 419421840 Industrial supplies whsle 11......... 48 344 4 243 988 134 7 673 3 665 4 4194218401 General~line industrial supplies

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D4218405 Industrial valves & fittings

(except fluid~power) whsle 3.... 19 211 1 295 285 44 2 463 1 441 1 829

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 16..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 8..... D D D b D D D42246 Fish & seafood whsle 5.............. D D D b D D D422460 Fish & seafood whsle 5............ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. 2 007 247 54 17 1 132 160 176

Merchant wholesalers 4........ 2 007 247 54 17 1 132 160 176

92 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 98: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 102............. 211 841 20 778 4 892 764 47 927 16 313 18 052

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 72........ 129 662 14 614 3 307 486 31 323 13 261 14 909

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D b D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 1............... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 1... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 41............................ 76 709 9 576 2 201 302 20 867 7 952 9 367

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 34.......................... 58 653 7 625 1 834 232 15 618 6 124 6 488

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 34........................ 58 653 7 625 1 834 232 15 618 6 124 6 488

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 28. 51 602 6 251 1 537 183 13 036 5 654 6 047

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 30..... 82 179 6 164 1 585 278 16 604 3 052 3 143

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 9..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3........................ D D D b D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 410

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 410422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 4104227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 5......... 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 41042271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 5............... 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 410

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 85........ 169 831 16 227 3 748 635 38 663 12 364 14 219

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 57........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D b D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 1............... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 1... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 29............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 23.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 23........................ D D D c D D D

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 17. D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 28..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 8..... 11 533 786 207 52 1 729 205 210

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 410

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 410422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 5..................... 23 871 1 235 291 49 6 109 535 410

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 93U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 99: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 11.. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 9............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 9.......................... D D D b D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 9........................ D D D b D D D

4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipelinemach, equip, & supplies whsle 9. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 6..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 22............. 46 761 2 012 491 89 14 102 1 111 1 301

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ 7 832 806 196 44 2 763 534 531

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... 38 929 1 206 295 45 11 339 577 770

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 20........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 29............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 23........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 3.............. D D D b D D D

4213102 Lumber with yard whsle 2........ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 1..................... D D D a D D D

94 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 100: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 22........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 4.................. D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 106............. 973 583 50 359 11 816 1 869 99 423 73 565 82 921

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 71........ 292 570 27 067 6 537 998 53 176 30 852 33 437

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 13..................... 112 728 9 216 2 241 334 19 633 17 273 19 159

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over26,000 lb) whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 6.......................... 69 791 5 458 1 343 203 12 857 12 987 14 343

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 6........................ 69 791 5 458 1 343 203 12 857 12 987 14 343

4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmwarehouse distributors 1. D D D a D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 5............... D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 4.............. D D D b D D D

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 6................... D D D b D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 1. D D D b D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 4............................ 50 722 5 807 1 336 211 12 111 2 552 3 180

42151 Metal service centers & offices 4..... 50 722 5 807 1 336 211 12 111 2 552 3 180421510 Metal service centers & offices 4... 50 722 5 807 1 336 211 12 111 2 552 3 1804215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 3................. D D D c D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 3................... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 15............................ 33 393 4 081 961 155 7 753 5 005 5 282

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7.......................... 14 079 1 677 419 71 2 604 1 712 1 758

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7........................ 14 079 1 677 419 71 2 604 1 712 1 758

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 12... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 95U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 101: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 35..... 681 013 23 292 5 279 871 46 247 42 713 49 484

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 2......... D D D b D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.... D D D c D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.. D D D c D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 3........................ D D D c D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 2...... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 7..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3........................ D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 2................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 11............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 10. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 10..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 10......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 6............... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 31 543 3 449 610 134 5 801 1 671 1 646

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 31 543 3 449 610 134 5 801 1 671 1 646422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ 31 543 3 449 610 134 5 801 1 671 1 646

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ 62 096 6 323 1 338 246 10 609 2 636 2 618

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D c D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 2............ D D D c D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 2.................. D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 94........ 818 107 43 833 10 210 1 599 84 193 58 916 66 488

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 64........ 217 658 22 207 5 338 815 41 442 18 472 19 859

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 11..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over26,000 lb) whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 4.............. D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 6................... D D D b D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 1. D D D b D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 4............................ 50 722 5 807 1 336 211 12 111 2 552 3 180

42151 Metal service centers & offices 4..... 50 722 5 807 1 336 211 12 111 2 552 3 180421510 Metal service centers & offices 4... 50 722 5 807 1 336 211 12 111 2 552 3 1804215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 3................. D D D c D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 3................... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 13............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 6........................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

96 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 102: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 30..... 600 449 21 626 4 872 784 42 751 40 444 46 629

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 2......... D D D b D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.... D D D c D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.. D D D c D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 3........................ D D D c D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 2...... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 7..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 7......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 6............... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ 62 096 6 323 1 338 246 10 609 2 636 2 618

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D c D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 2............ D D D c D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 2.................. D D D c D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 8.. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D a D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1........................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 8 532 624 115 43 1 201 230 388

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 8 532 624 115 43 1 201 230 388

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 17............. 17 689 1 546 353 105 2 856 2 659 2 687

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ 10 161 987 222 54 1 781 2 554 2 584

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 7 528 559 131 51 1 075 105 103

Merchant wholesalers 16........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ 10 161 987 222 54 1 781 2 554 2 584

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 97U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 103: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 201............. 831 030 56 741 14 087 2 121 123 643 58 237 62 759

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 128........ 397 973 34 094 8 222 1 186 73 891 36 968 40 046

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 20..................... 110 123 5 239 1 280 185 13 062 6 604 7 236

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 14.......................... 98 496 3 699 949 126 9 968 5 226 5 414

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 14........................ 98 496 3 699 949 126 9 968 5 226 5 414

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 12. D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 4........................ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 20... 102 342 7 714 2 110 256 17 794 10 260 10 95842121 Furniture whsle 15................... D D D c D D D421210 Furniture whsle 15................. D D D c D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 11...................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 5........... D D D b D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 5......... D D D b D D D4212204 Other home furnishings whsle 1.. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 14................... 12 719 2 354 563 84 3 982 1 516 1 680

4216 Electrical goods whsle 9............... 21 493 1 178 359 41 2 328 1 719 1 54042161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 2...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 39............................ 96 313 10 821 2 368 371 21 932 12 988 14 508

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6................. 16 032 716 172 34 1 595 4 622 4 288

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6............... 16 032 716 172 34 1 595 4 622 4 288

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 13.......................... 36 339 4 222 1 012 129 7 589 4 101 4 326

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 13........................ 36 339 4 222 1 012 129 7 589 4 101 4 326

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 6...................... 11 575 1 893 447 64 2 861 866 917

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 7........... 23 985 2 553 445 73 4 767 2 710 2 835421840 Industrial supplies whsle 7......... 23 985 2 553 445 73 4 767 2 710 2 8354218403 Welding supplies whsle 1........ D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 8................... 8 032 1 924 418 89 5 351 644 814

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 8............... 8 032 1 924 418 89 5 351 644 814

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 4... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 10... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 6......... 11 060 1 947 463 69 5 145 137 195421930 Recyclable material whsle 6....... 11 060 1 947 463 69 5 145 137 195

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 73..... 433 057 22 647 5 865 935 49 752 21 269 22 713

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 6......... 15 002 1 447 373 48 2 412 1 157 1 190

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 16. D D D c D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 15.................... D D D c D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 15.................. D D D c D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 12......... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 16..... 141 828 8 041 2 320 320 16 305 1 361 1 43042244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 4..... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 309422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 4... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 3094224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 4........... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 309

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 3........................ D D D c D D D

4224903 Soft drinks whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

98 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 104: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 8............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 6. 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 626422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 6..................... 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 6264227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 6......... 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 62642271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 6............... 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 626

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 25 382 1 982 476 69 3 997 1 342 1 326

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 25 382 1 982 476 69 3 997 1 342 1 326422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ 25 382 1 982 476 69 3 997 1 342 1 326

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 16............................ D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 2... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 2. D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 6.................... D D D b D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 4. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 173........ 644 383 48 151 12 172 1 805 102 681 47 375 51 570

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 116........ 326 470 30 583 7 247 1 105 65 356 32 703 35 652

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 20..................... 110 123 5 239 1 280 185 13 062 6 604 7 236

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 14.......................... 98 496 3 699 949 126 9 968 5 226 5 414

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 14........................ 98 496 3 699 949 126 9 968 5 226 5 414

4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle 12. D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 4........................ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 16... 50 015 5 231 1 441 204 11 280 6 432 7 00442121 Furniture whsle 13................... D D D c D D D421210 Furniture whsle 13................. D D D c D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 9...................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 12................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 37............................ D D D e D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6................. 16 032 716 172 34 1 595 4 622 4 288

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6............... 16 032 716 172 34 1 595 4 622 4 288

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 12.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 12........................ D D D c D D D

4218307 Other industrial machinery &equipment whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 7........... 23 985 2 553 445 73 4 767 2 710 2 835421840 Industrial supplies whsle 7......... 23 985 2 553 445 73 4 767 2 710 2 8354218403 Welding supplies whsle 1........ D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D b D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 7............... D D D b D D D

4218501 Beauty & barber shopequipment & supplies whsle 4... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 10... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 6......... 11 060 1 947 463 69 5 145 137 195421930 Recyclable material whsle 6....... 11 060 1 947 463 69 5 145 137 195

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safetyequipment whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 99U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 105: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 57..... 317 913 17 568 4 925 700 37 325 14 672 15 918

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 10. D D D c D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 9.................... 48 760 3 076 728 95 5 777 3 429 4 033422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 9.................. 48 760 3 076 728 95 5 777 3 429 4 0334223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 7......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 13..... 112 505 4 676 1 778 161 8 346 863 92342244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 4..... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 309422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 4... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 3094224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 4........... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 309

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 7............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 6. 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 626422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 6..................... 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 6264227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 6......... 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 62642271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 6............... 47 851 2 087 547 93 8 014 2 557 2 626

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 13............................ D D D c D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 5.................... D D D b D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle 4. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 17.. 102 698 6 993 1 458 264 18 112 10 361 10 660

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 11..... 83 949 1 597 457 52 2 850 501 529

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D a D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D a D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2................. D D D a D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 2...................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 3. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 3.................... D D D a D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 3......... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 56............. 905 126 23 412 5 167 803 45 204 46 818 48 691

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 28........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 6..................... 15 986 3 200 852 91 6 414 7 128 7 279

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 3......... D D D c D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 1........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 1...... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ 25 395 2 572 531 82 2 974 8 225 5 703

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 1................ D D D b D D D

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 1............ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D

100 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 106: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 28..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1........................ D D D b D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 12..... 646 093 4 658 908 128 9 729 9 534 10 56942259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 9.......................... D D D c D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 9........................ D D D c D D D4225904 Cotton whsle 9................. D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 3.............. 128 835 2 047 472 67 7 065 14 632 16 915422910 Farm supplies whsle 3............ 128 835 2 047 472 67 7 065 14 632 16 9154229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 2... D D D b D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 1.................. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 47........ 854 338 20 097 4 526 706 39 755 45 359 47 114

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 27........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 6..................... 15 986 3 200 852 91 6 414 7 128 7 279

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 3......... D D D c D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 1........ D D D c D D D

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 1...... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ 25 395 2 572 531 82 2 974 8 225 5 703

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 1................ D D D b D D D

4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle distributors 1............ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 20..... D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 9..... D D D c D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 6........................ D D D b D D D4225904 Cotton whsle 6................. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 2............ D D D b D D D4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers 1... D D D a D D D4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle

distributors 1.................. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 3........................ D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 101U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 107: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 37............. 415 634 17 883 4 597 762 38 586 34 949 36 048

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 25........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 12............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D f D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 30 666 842 209 41 2 308 496 487

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D f D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D f D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D f D D D

Merchant wholesalers 34........ 403 432 17 593 4 549 731 37 872 34 949 36 048

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 24........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 11............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D f D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 30 666 842 209 41 2 308 496 487

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D f D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D f D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D f D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... 12 202 290 48 31 714 – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 93............. 333 476 30 019 6 903 1 098 59 983 32 085 32 373

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 63........ 183 997 19 556 4 459 729 35 762 20 750 21 218

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 7..................... 40 044 3 116 762 127 4 867 4 715 4 304

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over26,000 lb) whsle 1............. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 8................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 4....... D D D b D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 4............. D D D b D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 2...... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 19............................ 53 276 6 431 1 252 217 12 262 8 897 9 094

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7.......................... 14 661 1 936 436 81 3 027 1 828 1 859

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7........................ 14 661 1 936 436 81 3 027 1 828 1 859

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 6........... 20 451 2 852 368 60 5 503 2 568 2 673421840 Industrial supplies whsle 6......... 20 451 2 852 368 60 5 503 2 568 2 673

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 4................... D D D b D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 4............... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D

102 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 108: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 30..... 149 479 10 463 2 444 369 24 221 11 335 11 155

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 8..... 25 061 2 992 610 101 8 246 1 894 2 29942249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 6........................ D D D b D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 5............. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 10............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 9. 55 770 2 075 517 86 6 110 5 326 4 063422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 9..................... 55 770 2 075 517 86 6 110 5 326 4 0634227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 2.......... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 23 075 2 183 533 80 4 013 1 185 1 098

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 23 075 2 183 533 80 4 013 1 185 1 098422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ 23 075 2 183 533 80 4 013 1 185 1 098

Merchant wholesalers 86........ 316 873 28 721 6 588 1 044 57 486 31 813 31 994

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 60........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 7..................... 40 044 3 116 762 127 4 867 4 715 4 304

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 7................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 4....... D D D b D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 4............. D D D b D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 2...... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 19............................ 53 276 6 431 1 252 217 12 262 8 897 9 094

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7.......................... 14 661 1 936 436 81 3 027 1 828 1 859

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7........................ 14 661 1 936 436 81 3 027 1 828 1 859

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 6........... 20 451 2 852 368 60 5 503 2 568 2 673421840 Industrial supplies whsle 6......... 20 451 2 852 368 60 5 503 2 568 2 673

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 4................... D D D b D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 4............... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 26..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 7..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5........................ D D D b D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 4............. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 8............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 7..................... D D D b D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 2.......... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 103U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 109: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 118............. 1 180 015 45 425 10 142 1 565 97 411 62 501 85 714

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 75........ 565 626 30 480 6 763 992 61 743 28 594 31 898

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 6... D D D b D D D42122 Home furnishings whsle 2........... D D D a D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 2......... D D D a D D D4212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, &

curtains whsle 1............... D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 15................... D D D f D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 6....... D D D c D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 6..... D D D c D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 5............. D D D b D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 5...... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 2....... D D D e D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 2..... D D D e D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 2............... D D D e D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 8............... 27 389 2 538 782 70 4 510 1 747 1 92242161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 2...... D D D a D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 2........................ D D D a D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 11......... D D D b D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 4.................. D D D b D D D421710 Hardware whsle 4................ D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 3....... D D D a D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 17............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 4................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7.......................... D D D a D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7........................ D D D a D D D

4218301 Food~processing machinery &equipment whsle 1............. D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 9... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 43..... 614 389 14 945 3 379 573 35 668 33 907 53 816

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.... D D D c D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.. D D D c D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 4........................ D D D c D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 1...... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D4223102 Notions & other dry goods

whsle 1...................... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 8..... 72 432 1 065 253 42 3 959 944 49342244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 1..... D D D a D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 1... D D D a D D D4224402 Poultry & poultry product

(except live) whsle 1........... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 10..... D D D b D D D

104 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 110: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






MADISON COUNTY, MSmCon.42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 1.................... D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 1........................ D D D c D D D

4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholicbeverage (State operated)whsle 1...................... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 12............................ D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1. D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 6.................... D D D b D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 95........ 929 618 40 634 8 804 1 429 85 640 61 072 84 693

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 62........ 460 140 27 253 5 820 926 55 988 28 138 31 413

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 14................... D D D f D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 6....... D D D c D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 6..... D D D c D D D

4214301 Computer & peripheralequipment whsle 5............. D D D b D D D

42143012 Computers & peripheralequipment for end use 5...... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 2....... D D D e D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 2..... D D D e D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 2............... D D D e D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 9......... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 16............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 4................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 33..... 469 478 13 381 2 984 503 29 652 32 934 53 280

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.... D D D c D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.. D D D c D D D422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries

whsle 3........................ D D D c D D D4222101 General~line drugs whsle 1...... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 1.................... D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 1........................ D D D c D D D

4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholicbeverage (State operated)whsle 1...................... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 11............................ D D D c D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 5.................... D D D b D D D

422990 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 8.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 105U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 111: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 15..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 3... D D D a D D D42122 Home furnishings whsle 1........... D D D a D D D421220 Home furnishings whsle 1......... D D D a D D D4212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, &

curtains whsle 1............... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 29............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 3... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 3. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 14 570 1 375 321 59 2 273 2 284 2 426

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 4..................... 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 4294227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 42942271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

Merchant wholesalers 28........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 3... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 3. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 14 570 1 375 321 59 2 273 2 284 2 426

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 4..................... 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 4294227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 42942271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

106 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 112: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 14............. 46 083 2 096 472 99 5 156 2 678 2 735

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ 17 407 1 059 226 50 2 791 2 262 2 307

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 28 676 1 037 246 49 2 365 416 428

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 14........ 46 083 2 096 472 99 5 156 2 678 2 735

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ 17 407 1 059 226 50 2 791 2 262 2 307

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 28 676 1 037 246 49 2 365 416 428

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 33............. 104 513 5 412 1 226 200 11 760 8 382 10 882

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ 16 323 2 008 431 90 3 607 2 032 1 993

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 9 977 1 068 253 57 1 706 1 251 1 290

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 17..... 88 190 3 404 795 110 8 153 6 350 8 889

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 3. D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 2......... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 3.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 3............ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 32........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ 16 323 2 008 431 90 3 607 2 032 1 993

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 9 977 1 068 253 57 1 706 1 251 1 290

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 16..... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 3. D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 2......... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D422910 Farm supplies whsle 2............ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 107U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 113: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 10............. 20 678 996 235 57 2 674 2 648 2 576

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 32............. 85 318 5 907 1 296 297 10 764 10 394 11 499

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 27........ 73 681 5 293 1 157 233 9 662 10 394 11 454

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... 7 435 460 104 27 766 1 116 1 145

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 18 130 1 750 392 49 2 671 5 811 6 429

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D c D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 10.......................... D D D c D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 10.................. D D D c D D D4219902 Forest products (except lumber)

whsle 8...................... 39 811 2 398 531 119 5 066 3 036 3 439

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 637 614 139 64 1 102 – 45

Merchant wholesalers 32........ 85 318 5 907 1 296 297 10 764 10 394 11 499

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 27........ 73 681 5 293 1 157 233 9 662 10 394 11 454

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... 7 435 460 104 27 766 1 116 1 145

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 18 130 1 750 392 49 2 671 5 811 6 429

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D c D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 10.......................... D D D c D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 10.................. D D D c D D D4219902 Forest products (except lumber)

whsle 8...................... 39 811 2 398 531 119 5 066 3 036 3 439

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 637 614 139 64 1 102 – 45


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 1..................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 21 153 892 220 57 3 068 729 737

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

108 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 114: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 11............. 25 341 1 517 352 63 3 562 1 744 2 274

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ 16 433 776 170 30 1 887 1 627 2 153

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 8 908 741 182 33 1 675 117 121

Merchant wholesalers 10........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 8 908 741 182 33 1 675 117 121

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 37............. 247 991 14 647 3 332 465 28 751 18 196 19 193

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 21........ 108 904 9 473 2 157 275 16 413 14 401 15 076

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D c D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D c D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 1............... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 9 972 951 248 30 1 656 3 493 3 715

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 4.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 16..... 139 087 5 174 1 175 190 12 338 3 795 4 117

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 4........................ D D D b D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 4............. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ 98 378 1 787 489 64 6 157 1 740 1 538

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 4..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 33........ 216 502 11 951 2 807 371 24 006 17 781 18 633

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 21........ 108 904 9 473 2 157 275 16 413 14 401 15 076

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D c D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D c D D D421130 Tire & tube whsle 1............... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 9 972 951 248 30 1 656 3 493 3 715

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 4.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... 107 598 2 478 650 96 7 593 3 380 3 557

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ 98 378 1 787 489 64 6 157 1 740 1 538

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 4..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 109U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 115: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 34............. 58 014 3 823 1 086 276 8 906 4 043 4 268

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19........ 39 798 2 464 785 171 5 881 3 821 4 038

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 2................ D D D b D D D

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle 2.... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 15..... 18 216 1 359 301 105 3 025 222 230

Merchant wholesalers 33........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19........ 39 798 2 464 785 171 5 881 3 821 4 038

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 2................ D D D b D D D

4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle 2.... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 7.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 64............. 164 039 11 907 2 695 527 25 894 12 340 12 683

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 40........ 94 453 6 296 1 384 297 13 342 9 586 10 073

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 6..................... 23 381 1 920 432 87 3 227 3 667 3 955

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 14............................ 45 724 2 955 650 135 4 696 4 822 4 662

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3.......................... 19 770 1 247 283 34 1 966 3 013 2 626

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3........................ 19 770 1 247 283 34 1 966 3 013 2 626

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6............... D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 3........... D D D a D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 3......... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 9... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

110 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 116: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 24..... 69 586 5 611 1 311 230 12 552 2 754 2 610

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... 23 308 2 010 505 88 4 447 596 56142249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3........................ D D D b D D D4224903 Soft drinks whsle 2............. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. 12 335 594 133 19 2 741 415 427422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... 12 335 594 133 19 2 741 415 427

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 16 906 1 728 397 70 3 005 730 468

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 16 906 1 728 397 70 3 005 730 468422810 Beer & ale whsle 3................ 16 906 1 728 397 70 3 005 730 468

Merchant wholesalers 59........ 130 196 10 197 2 306 471 22 567 12 062 12 449

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 37........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 6..................... 23 381 1 920 432 87 3 227 3 667 3 955

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 12............................ D D D c D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3.......................... 19 770 1 247 283 34 1 966 3 013 2 626

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3........................ 19 770 1 247 283 34 1 966 3 013 2 626

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 9... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 22..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 1........... D D D a D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 1......... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 24............. 73 062 4 581 1 007 204 12 227 5 340 5 085

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ 26 393 1 546 335 66 4 313 3 429 2 960

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 1......... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... 46 669 3 035 672 138 7 914 1 911 2 125

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D b D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 2......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 111U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 117: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 22........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... 46 669 3 035 672 138 7 914 1 911 2 125

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D b D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers 2......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 29............. 85 287 4 735 1 032 223 9 564 11 946 11 206

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ 65 709 2 985 669 132 6 145 10 881 9 625

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 2............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 1...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... 19 578 1 750 363 91 3 419 1 065 1 581

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 24........ 69 467 3 152 709 147 6 810 11 204 10 474

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 7..................... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 2............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 1...... D D D b D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 1........................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

112 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 118: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 200............. 1 609 810 112 162 24 743 3 150 199 999 138 465 164 394

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 148........ 814 970 66 139 14 626 1 907 119 875 107 428 115 729

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 28..................... 295 222 22 041 4 706 629 38 697 32 396 35 531

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 15.......................... 257 794 16 607 3 500 464 29 786 25 970 28 819

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 15........................ 257 794 16 607 3 500 464 29 786 25 970 28 819

4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over26,000 lb) whsle 10............. D D D e D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 8.......................... D D D c D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 8........................ D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 6............... D D D c D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 4... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 4. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 14............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 4.............. D D D b D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

421320 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 5................ D D D b D D D

4213203 Cement, lime, & relatedproducts whsle 1.............. D D D a D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D

421330 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulationmaterial whsle 3............... D D D a D D D

42139 Other construction materials whsle 2.. D D D b D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 19................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 7....... D D D b D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 7..... D D D b D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 3. D D D a D D D421440 Other commercial equipment

whsle 3........................ D D D a D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 7....... 59 713 3 228 817 90 5 868 5 482 5 843

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 7..... 59 713 3 228 817 90 5 868 5 482 5 843

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 6............... D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 7............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 7..... D D D c D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 7... D D D c D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 5................. D D D b D D D42151011 Ferrous metal service

centers 4................... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 11............... 48 680 3 478 808 85 6 176 1 161 1 81142161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 4...... D D D a D D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip,

wiring supp, & const materialwhsle 4........................ D D D a D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

421690 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 6........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 13......... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 6....... D D D c D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 6................. D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 113U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 119: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 35............................ D D D e D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 7.......................... D D D c D D D

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 7........................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 20.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 20........................ D D D c D D D

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 6...................... D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 1............... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 16... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 7......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 7....... D D D b D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 2..................... D D D b D D D42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 2................ D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 6.................. D D D b D D D

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 52..... 794 840 46 023 10 117 1 243 80 124 31 037 48 665

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 8......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 16..... 337 063 17 173 3 819 517 33 085 7 362 10 87842242 Packaged frozen food whsle 2....... D D D e D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 2..... D D D e D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 9.......................... D D D c D D D

422490 Other grocery & related productswhsle 9........................ D D D c D D D

4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 2.... D D D c D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 7..... D D D b D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D422690 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 6........................ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 8............................ D D D f D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7. D D D f D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 7..................... D D D f D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 6......... D D D e D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 4............... D D D b D D D42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals

(except LP) 2............... D D D e D D D4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk

stations & terminals 1.......... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 163........ 1 079 800 82 586 18 467 2 442 153 301 119 431 138 508

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 126........ 753 561 63 718 14 019 1 828 114 817 106 141 114 022

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 26..................... D D D f D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 14.......................... D D D e D D D

421110 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 14........................ D D D e D D D

4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over26,000 lb) whsle 9............. D D D e D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 7.......................... D D D c D D D

421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 7........................ D D D c D D D

4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & newpartsmjobbers 5............... D D D c D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 4... D D D b D D D421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 4. D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 12............................ D D D c D D D

42139 Other construction materials whsle 2.. D D D b D D D421390 Other construction materials

whsle 2........................ D D D b D D D

114 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 120: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 13................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 5....... D D D b D D D

421430 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 5..... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 6....... D D D b D D D

421450 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 6..... D D D b D D D

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospitalsupplies whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 6............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 6..... D D D c D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 6... D D D c D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 5................. D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 7............... D D D b D D D42169 Other electronic parts & equipment

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D421690 Other electronic parts & equipment

whsle 6........................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 10......... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 6....... D D D c D D D

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment &supplies whsle 6................. D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 34............................ D D D e D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 7.......................... D D D c D D D

421810 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 7........................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 19.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 19........................ D D D c D D D

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 6...................... D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 1............... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 15... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 7......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 7....... D D D b D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 2..................... D D D b D D D42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors

(using power processingequipment) 2................ D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

421990 Other miscellaneous durablegoods whsle 5.................. D D D b D D D

4219906 Other durable goods whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 37..... 326 239 18 868 4 448 614 38 484 13 290 24 486

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 6......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 10..... D D D e D D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 1....... D D D e D D D422420 Packaged frozen food whsle 1..... D D D e D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. 100 416 2 571 560 89 5 279 4 713 11 597422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 4..................... 100 416 2 571 560 89 5 279 4 713 11 5974227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 4......... 100 416 2 571 560 89 5 279 4 713 11 597

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 115U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 121: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 15.. 371 893 26 687 5 823 637 41 325 18 963 25 814

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

421440 Other commercial equipmentwhsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D f D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D e D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D e D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... D D D e D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 2......... D D D e D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 22..... 158 117 2 889 453 71 5 373 71 72

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 3............... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2........................ D D D a D D D4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle 1.... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 34............. 103 621 3 560 778 208 6 897 4 656 5 204

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ 20 366 2 023 429 96 3 672 2 787 3 187

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... 3 272 456 111 25 900 801 843

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 10............................ 14 663 1 349 282 59 2 320 1 905 2 260

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 7................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 7............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 6................ 10 416 958 190 41 1 662 1 185 1 512

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... 83 255 1 537 349 112 3 225 1 869 2 017

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... 9 032 349 90 18 664 271 279

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 3................... D D D b D D D422520 Livestock whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 32........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ 20 366 2 023 429 96 3 672 2 787 3 187

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... 3 272 456 111 25 900 801 843

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 10............................ 14 663 1 349 282 59 2 320 1 905 2 260

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 7................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 7............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 6................ 10 416 958 190 41 1 662 1 185 1 512

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... 9 032 349 90 18 664 271 279

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

116 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 122: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 10............. 18 348 1 833 400 91 3 667 5 583 5 603

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 11 924 1 272 292 55 2 384 5 246 5 245

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 11 924 1 272 292 55 2 384 5 246 5 245

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 13............. 31 331 1 630 361 76 4 870 1 253 1 435

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ 15 070 719 145 27 1 846 927 938

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 16 261 911 216 49 3 024 326 497

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 13........ 31 331 1 630 361 76 4 870 1 253 1 435

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ 15 070 719 145 27 1 846 927 938

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 16 261 911 216 49 3 024 326 497

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 22 304 1 224 310 58 4 323 1 166 2 314

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 22 304 1 224 310 58 4 323 1 166 2 314

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 22 304 1 224 310 58 4 323 1 166 2 314

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 117U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 123: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 17............. 16 960 1 300 371 76 3 316 430 904

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... 8 107 703 196 33 1 833 143 148421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. 8 107 703 196 33 1 833 143 148

Merchant wholesalers 17........ 16 960 1 300 371 76 3 316 430 904

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... 8 107 703 196 33 1 833 143 148421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 6.................. 8 107 703 196 33 1 833 143 148


42 Wholesale trade 31............. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 9............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 6................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 19..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... D D D e D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5.......................... D D D e D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5........................ D D D e D D D4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 1. D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 8..... D D D b D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 4........................ D D D b D D D4225904 Cotton whsle 3................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 29........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 6................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 18..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... D D D e D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5.......................... D D D e D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5........................ D D D e D D D4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle 1. D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 7..... D D D b D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 3........................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

118 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 124: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 10............. 24 221 1 527 376 59 3 137 3 497 3 865

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 13 173 977 260 37 1 936 3 014 3 487

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 048 550 116 22 1 201 483 378

Merchant wholesalers 10........ 24 221 1 527 376 59 3 137 3 497 3 865

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 13 173 977 260 37 1 936 3 014 3 487

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 048 550 116 22 1 201 483 378


42 Wholesale trade 15............. 34 223 2 106 485 151 4 933 3 147 2 807

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 5 119 859 207 48 1 927 601 558

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... 29 104 1 247 278 103 3 006 2 546 2 249

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 13........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 5 119 859 207 48 1 927 601 558

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 20............. 59 882 2 816 726 181 8 188 3 337 3 339

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ 27 046 1 156 289 72 3 792 1 992 2 052

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 5 211 365 86 17 969 1 309 1 425

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... 32 836 1 660 437 109 4 396 1 345 1 287

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 2......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 2............... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 119U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 125: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






TIPPAH COUNTY, MSmCon.Merchant wholesalers 20........ 59 882 2 816 726 181 8 188 3 337 3 339

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ 27 046 1 156 289 72 3 792 1 992 2 052

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 5 211 365 86 17 969 1 309 1 425

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... 32 836 1 660 437 109 4 396 1 345 1 287

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 31............. 82 660 6 289 1 560 288 11 483 12 623 13 029

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 23........ 61 642 5 504 1 342 246 9 386 11 038 11 247

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 1..... D D D b D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 1... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ 17 859 1 453 334 74 3 155 5 483 5 652

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... 21 018 785 218 42 2 097 1 585 1 782

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 30........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 22........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ 17 859 1 453 334 74 3 155 5 483 5 652

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... 21 018 785 218 42 2 097 1 585 1 782

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 11............. 110 592 2 922 649 109 10 615 12 569 13 547

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 74 422 2 131 489 72 8 325 7 195 7 653

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D4219906 Other durable goods whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... 36 170 791 160 37 2 290 5 374 5 894

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... 28 523 373 74 18 1 064 5 000 5 15542259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 10........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... 36 170 791 160 37 2 290 5 374 5 894

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... 28 523 373 74 18 1 064 5 000 5 15542259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

120 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 126: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 21............. 334 489 9 154 2 437 217 34 130 17 736 18 853

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2................. D D D b D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 2......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 2....... D D D b D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 2..................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 17........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 2......... D D D b D D D421930 Recyclable material whsle 2....... D D D b D D D4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors &

dealers 2..................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 4.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D421210 Furniture whsle 2................. D D D b D D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture

whsle 2...................... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 14............. 53 323 1 859 361 181 5 324 989 1 032

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ 13 735 737 160 39 1 639 362 438

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 39 588 1 122 201 142 3 685 627 594

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 1..................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 121U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 127: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 46............. 151 585 10 615 2 314 359 21 902 10 156 8 797

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 26........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 8 443 888 210 28 1 871 980 566

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 20..... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... D D D b D D D4227101 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals (except LP) 3......... D D D b D D D42271011 Petroleum bulk stations

(except LP) 1............... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ 19 675 1 691 411 54 4 189 2 280 2 339

Merchant wholesalers 42........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 25........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ 8 443 888 210 28 1 871 980 566

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 17..... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ 19 675 1 691 411 54 4 189 2 280 2 339

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 4.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 78............. 393 772 24 528 5 230 795 46 078 47 431 28 916

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 46........ 114 378 14 498 3 254 452 24 778 28 748 18 080

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 5......... D D D b D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D421710 Hardware whsle 2................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 21............................ 68 154 6 844 1 418 220 12 577 18 727 13 230

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6................. 40 017 2 520 607 96 5 101 15 126 9 497

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6............... 40 017 2 520 607 96 5 101 15 126 9 497

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ 36 257 1 984 455 70 3 908 14 138 8 478

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 5........... 9 785 1 204 263 38 2 145 1 349 1 357421840 Industrial supplies whsle 5......... 9 785 1 204 263 38 2 145 1 349 1 357

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 1............... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D

122 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 128: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 32..... 279 394 10 030 1 976 343 21 300 18 683 10 836

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 8..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D422490 Other grocery & related products

whsle 4........................ D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 8..... 178 477 2 162 392 68 5 426 11 161 3 33042251 Grain & field bean whsle 6........... D D D b D D D422510 Grain & field bean whsle 6......... D D D b D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 2........................ D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ 38 017 1 331 252 43 2 570 218 223

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D422810 Beer & ale whsle 2................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 4.............. 27 148 1 920 348 67 4 576 5 511 5 291422910 Farm supplies whsle 4............ 27 148 1 920 348 67 4 576 5 511 5 291

Merchant wholesalers 72........ 372 682 23 059 4 880 735 43 259 46 124 27 668

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 43........ D D D e D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 5......... D D D b D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D421710 Hardware whsle 2................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 20............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6................. 40 017 2 520 607 96 5 101 15 126 9 497

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 6............... 40 017 2 520 607 96 5 101 15 126 9 497

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ 36 257 1 984 455 70 3 908 14 138 8 478

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

421850 Service establishment equipment& supplies whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment &supplies whsle 1............... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 29..... D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 8..... 178 477 2 162 392 68 5 426 11 161 3 33042251 Grain & field bean whsle 6........... D D D b D D D422510 Grain & field bean whsle 6......... D D D b D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422590 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 2........................ D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 4.............. 27 148 1 920 348 67 4 576 5 511 5 291422910 Farm supplies whsle 4............ 27 148 1 920 348 67 4 576 5 511 5 291

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 123U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 129: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 25............. 174 379 7 596 3 574 159 17 873 17 068 17 576

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19........ 159 991 6 798 3 384 130 14 815 16 501 16 936

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 5.............. D D D b D D D

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ 7 781 799 166 32 1 558 1 440 1 549

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... 6 681 528 115 23 2 699 807 601421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. 6 681 528 115 23 2 699 807 601

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 14 388 798 190 29 3 058 567 640

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 13 902 756 185 26 2 929 553 587

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. 13 902 756 185 26 2 929 553 587422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 3..................... 13 902 756 185 26 2 929 553 587

Merchant wholesalers 23........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, &wood panel whsle 4.............. D D D b D D D

4213101 Lumber without yard whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ 7 781 799 166 32 1 558 1 440 1 549

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... 6 681 528 115 23 2 699 807 601421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 5.................. 6 681 528 115 23 2 699 807 601

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 14 388 798 190 29 3 058 567 640

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 13 902 756 185 26 2 929 553 587

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 12............. 27 300 1 536 365 88 3 093 4 908 4 179

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ 22 155 1 227 287 66 2 385 4 639 3 907

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 7 806 759 185 42 1 218 3 459 2 691

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ 27 300 1 536 365 88 3 093 4 908 4 179

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ 22 155 1 227 287 66 2 385 4 639 3 907

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 7 806 759 185 42 1 218 3 459 2 691

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

124 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 130: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 13............. 97 965 8 621 1 969 242 15 067 18 118 20 314

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 1..... D D D b D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 1... D D D b D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 1................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 3........................ D D D c D D D

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 2...................... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 1..... D D D b D D D421510 Metal service centers & offices 1... D D D b D D D4215101 Ferrous metal service centers &

sales offices 1................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

421830 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 3........................ D D D c D D D

4218305 Materials handling equipmentwhsle 2...................... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 11............. 48 895 1 079 269 36 3 332 1 358 1 406

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... 34 727 439 118 10 1 776 419 41642244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 3..... 34 727 439 118 10 1 776 419 416422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 3... 34 727 439 118 10 1 776 419 416

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2..... D D D a D D D422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 125U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 131: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 5. Summary Statistics for Counties: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 28............. 93 539 6 137 1 298 224 10 137 10 954 7 746

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ 30 475 4 100 849 143 6 066 6 148 4 714

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... 63 064 2 037 449 81 4 071 4 806 3 032

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 26........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ 30 475 4 100 849 143 6 066 6 148 4 714

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

126 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 132: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 6.7...................... 3.8 9.5 5.4 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12.0.................. 6.0 D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle –...................................... – – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 1.1........ 5.2 D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2.2.............. 2.0 D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle –.............. 6.3 – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 10.5...................... 4.9 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle 25.4.... – D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 55.4........................ – 55.4 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 1.3........ 15.7 1.3 15.7 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 75.3.......... – 75.3 – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D – – D D – –42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –422610 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D 57.8 5.3 – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 57.8.................. 5.3 57.8 5.3 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 4.3...................... 4.1 6.6 6.3 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – – – – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6.9.............. 6.6 16.1 15.3 – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 127U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 133: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 2.6...................... 1.0 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1.3.................. .6 D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle –........ – D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle –. – – – – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle –.................................. – – – – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2.8.............. 1.1 2.8 1.1 – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D D D – – – –4225904 Cotton whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) –........................... – – – – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) –.... – – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.7........................ 20.1 1.7 20.1 – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle 1.7...................... 20.1 1.7 20.1 – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 9.9...................... .1 9.9 .1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11.8.................. .1 11.8 .1 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 9.9...................... – D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 24.9...................... 2.5 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 36.5.................. 2.5 D D – – D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D – – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ – D – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12.4.............. 2.5 D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

128 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 134: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 11.8...................... – 11.8 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .5...................... .5 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – D D – –42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –422470 Meat & meat product whsle D................ D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – – –422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 9.6...................... 1.9 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

421450 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 4.7........ 1.2 D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle –. 1.1 – 1.1 – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle –.................................. 1.1 – 1.1 – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. 13.6 – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... 13.6 – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle D......................... 13.6 – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle D...................... D D D – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors D........ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 17.8...................... 23.0 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... – – – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 129U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 135: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 6.4...................... 1.0 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – D D D D – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – D D D D – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) –........................... – D D D D – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D – – – – – –42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals (except LP) D... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D D D – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – – –421210 Furniture whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –4212101 Household & lawn furniture whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – D D42241 General~line grocery whsle D.................. D D D – – – –422410 General~line grocery whsle D................ D D D – – – –4224103 Other general~line grocery whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –422470 Meat & meat product whsle D................ D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... – – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle D......................... – – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .8...................... 1.6 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – D D421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D – – – – D D4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle D.......... D – – – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D D D – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – D D – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D – – D D – –4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D................................ D – – D D – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 19.6................... – – – – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle 19.6................. – – – – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218203 Lawn & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

130 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 136: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle D................. D D D – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D D D – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle D............ D – – – – – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D D D – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D D D – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D D D – – – –4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk stations &

terminals D............................. D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle D......................... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... – – – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.4...................... 1.1 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4.5.................. 1.2 D D D D – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D – – D D – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 16.8.............. .8 D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 49.9.............. – 49.9 – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 131U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 137: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 18.7...................... 2.8 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D D D – – – –42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle D....... D D D – – – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 6.9...................... 2.6 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12.6.................. 5.3 12.9 5.2 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D – – – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 24.5....... – D D – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 24.5..... – D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle D................. D D D – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3.9.............. 1.2 D D D D – –

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2.8.............. .5 D D – – – –42242 Packaged frozen food whsle D................. D D D – – – –422420 Packaged frozen food whsle D............... D D D – – – –

42246 Fish & seafood whsle D....................... D D D – – – –422460 Fish & seafood whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

42248 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle D................ D D D – – – –422480 Fresh fruit & vegetable whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle 10.3.. – 10.3 – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle 10.3........................... – 10.3 – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle 10.3......................... – 10.3 – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

132 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 138: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 4.0...................... 7.4 5.3 8.8 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6.9.................. 4.9 8.8 5.5 D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D... D D D – – – –4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

jobbers D.............................. D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 1.4............. – D D – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – – –421210 Furniture whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –4212102 Office & business furniture whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle D..................... D D D – – – –421220 Home furnishings whsle D................... D D D – – – –4212203 Floor coverings whsle –................... – – – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle .5.................................... 7.0 .5 7.0 – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle .5.................................. 7.0 .5 7.0 – – – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle D.............. D – – – – – –4213103 Plywood, veneer, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle D.... D D D – – – –421330 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle D.. D D D – – – –4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulation material

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle 4.4...................................... .5 D D D D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle D..................... D D D – – – –421420 Office equipment whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D – – D D – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle D........................ D – – D D – –

4214301 Computer & peripheral equipment whsle D.. D – – – – – –42143012 Computers & peripheral equipment for

end use D............................ D – – – – – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – – –421440 Other commercial equipment whsle D........ D D D – – – –

42149 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – D D

421490 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – D D

4214901 Religious & school supplies whsle D........ D – – – – D D4214902 Other professional equipment & supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle –....... 5.7 D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices –............... 5.7 D D – – – –421510 Metal service centers & offices –............. 5.7 D D – – – –4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D D D – – – –42151011 Ferrous metal service centers D......... D – – – – – –42151012 Ferrous metal sales offices –............ – – – – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 16.0........................ 4.4 D D – – D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle 20.6....................... 4.3 D D – – D D421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle 20.6..................... 4.3 D D – – D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –421690 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D... D D D – – – –4216901 Communications equipment & supplies

whsle 7.7................................ 7.7 D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle 2.4.............................. 17.1 D D – – D D

42171 Hardware whsle D............................ D D D – – – –421710 Hardware whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D – – – – – –

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle –.......................... 31.8 D D – – – –

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle –.............. 31.8 D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 133U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 139: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2

HINDS COUNTY, MSmCon.42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 7.1........ 4.8 7.3 4.9 – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle –................... .3 – .3 – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle –................. .3 – .3 – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 17.4....... 2.8 D D – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 17.4..... 2.8 D D – – – –4218303 General~purpose industrial machinery &

equipment whsle 35.9...................... – 35.9 – – – – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle D...... D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle D.................. D D D – – – –4218402 Mechanical power transmission supplies

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –4218403 Welding supplies whsle .5................. 4.2 .5 4.2 – – – –4218406 Other industrial supplies whsle D........... D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

4218501 Beauty & barber shop equipment &supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle 22.4................... 2.5 22.4 2.5 – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle 22.4................. 2.5 22.4 2.5 – – – –4219303 Other recyclable material whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.6.............. 9.5 2.1 11.7 D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle D............ D D D – – – –422120 Stationery & office supplies whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42213 Industrial & personal service paper whsle D..... D D D – – – –422130 Industrial & personal service paper whsle D... D D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D......... D D D – – – –4222101 General~line drugs whsle D................ D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D – – – – – –422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle .3.............. 4.7 .4 4.7 – 8.1 – –42241 General~line grocery whsle D.................. D D D – – – –422410 General~line grocery whsle D................ D D D – – – –4224103 Other general~line grocery whsle D......... D D D – – – –

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle D................. D D D – – – –422420 Packaged frozen food whsle D............... D D D – – – –

42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle D............ D – – – – – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

42245 Confectionery whsle D........................ D – – – – – –422450 Confectionery whsle D...................... D – – – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –422470 Meat & meat product whsle D................ D – – – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D D D – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D D D – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – – –422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 15.0............... – D D – – – –42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle 20.9.................................... – D D – – – –422610 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle 20.9.................................. – D D – – – –

42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle 3.8....... – D D – – – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle 3.8..... – D D – – – –4226902 Other chemical & allied products whsle 3.8... – – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

134 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 140: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goodsmCon.

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D D D – – D D42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D D D – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle D......................... D D D – – – –

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D..... D – – – – – –422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D... D – – – – – –4228201 Wine & distilled alcoholic bev (licensed

operation) whsle D...................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – D D42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle D...................... D D D – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors D........ D – – – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 25.0...................... 1.7 D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 23.2.............. 1.9 D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle D...................... D D D – – – –4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers D............ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 25.0...................... 2.6 25.0 2.6 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplies

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplies

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 135U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 141: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 7.1...................... 16.3 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 2.0........ 5.9 D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D – – – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D..... D – – – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 2.3.................... – 2.3 – – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle 2.3.................. – 2.3 – – – – –4218401 General~line industrial supplies whsle D..... D D D – – – –4218405 Industrial valves & fittings (except fluid~

power) whsle –......................... – – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42246 Fish & seafood whsle D....................... D D D – – – –422460 Fish & seafood whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – D D – –42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulk

stations & terminals) D....................... D – – – – – –422720 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulk

stations & terminals) D..................... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.7...................... – 2.7 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.7.................. – 2.7 – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... 12.5 – 12.5 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 15.4...................... 8.7 19.2 10.9 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 24.1.................. 4.1 D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –421130 Tire & tube whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 11.4........ .3 D D D D – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 15.0....... .3 D D D D – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 15.0..... .3 D D D D – –4218306 Oilwell, oil refinery, & pipeline mach, equip,

& supplies whsle 14.4...................... .4 D D D D – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.6.............. 16.1 D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – 48.4 – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) –........................... – – – – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) –.... – – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

136 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 142: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D


42 Wholesale trade 2.9...................... – D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8.6.................. – D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.7.............. – D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –4213102 Lumber with yard whsle D................. D – – – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D – – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – D D – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 5.0...................... .4 5.9 .3 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16.1.................. 1.2 21.7 1.2 D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle .2...................................... .4 D D D D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D D D – – – –4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over 26,000 lb)

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle –..... .7 – – – – D D421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle –... .7 – – – – D D4211201 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

warehouse distributors D................. D – – – – – –4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

jobbers D.............................. D – – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – – –421440 Other commercial equipment whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle 31.3....... – 31.3 – – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices 31.3............... – 31.3 – – – – –421510 Metal service centers & offices 31.3............. – 31.3 – – – – –4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D D D – – – –42151011 Ferrous metal service centers D......... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 9.0........ 3.3 D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 5.1....... – D D – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 5.1..... – D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 137U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 143: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .1.............. – .2 – D D – –

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D......... D D D – – – –4222101 General~line drugs whsle D................ D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – – –422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle –........................... – – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle –......................... – – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle –......... – – – – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle D...................... D D D – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors D........ D D D – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 29.9...................... 9.7 29.9 9.7 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 39.4...................... .7 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 68.6.................. 1.2 68.6 1.2 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 5.4...................... 3.6 7.0 4.3 – 2.6 – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5.2.................. 3.8 6.3 4.1 D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 8.1...................................... – 8.1 – – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle 8.9....... – 8.9 – – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle 8.9..... – 8.9 – – – – –4211101 Automobile & motorcycle whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 8.0............. 1.2 16.4 2.4 – – D D42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – D D421210 Furniture whsle D.......................... D D D – – D D4212101 Household & lawn furniture whsle D........ D D D – – D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle D..................... D – – – – – –421220 Home furnishings whsle D................... D – – – – – –4212204 Other home furnishings whsle D........... D – – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle –...................................... 18.1 D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 1.2........................ – – – – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D – – – – – –421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D..................... D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

138 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 144: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle .3........ 7.8 D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle 1.5. 4.3 1.5 4.3 – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle 1.5.................................. 4.3 1.5 4.3 – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle –....... 4.8 D D – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle –..... 4.8 D D – – – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle –...... – – – – – – –4218307 Other industrial machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle –.................... – – – – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle –.................. – – – – – – –4218403 Welding supplies whsle D................. D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle .4.................................... – D D – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle .4.................................. – D D – – – –

4218501 Beauty & barber shop equipment &supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle –................... 1.9 – 1.9 – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle –................. 1.9 – 1.9 – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –4219905 Fire extinguishers & fire safety equipment

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5.7.............. 3.5 7.7 4.4 D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle –.................. – D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D 1.8 18.4 – – D D422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle D.................................. D 1.8 18.4 – – D D4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers D.................. D D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6.7.............. 2.8 8.4 3.5 – – – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 9.9.............. 4.5 9.9 4.5 – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle 9.9............ 4.5 9.9 4.5 – – – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle 9.9................................ 4.5 9.9 4.5 – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) –........................... – – – – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) –.... – – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle –........................... – – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle –......................... – – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –422990 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4229904 Other nondurable goods whsle D........... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 9.0...................... 1.7 9.6 1.8 D D D D

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 139U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 145: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 1.4...................................... 11.8 1.4 11.8 – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D D D – – – –

421720 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 45.5........ 1.0 45.5 1.0 – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –4218202 Farm machinery & equipmentmwhsle

distributors D........................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 9.9............... 2.1 D D – – D D42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – D D422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D D D – – D D4225904 Cotton whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle –........................ – D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle –...................... – D D – – – –4229101 Farm suppliesmfarm dealers D............ D D D – – – –4229102 Farm suppliesmwhsle distributors D........ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .7...................... 3.1 .4 3.2 – – D –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D D D – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 5.6...................... 2.3 5.9 2.5 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7.7.................. 4.1 D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 1.5...................................... – 1.5 – – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D D D – – – –4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over 26,000 lb)

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4214301 Computer & peripheral equipment whsle D.. D D D – – – –42143012 Computers & peripheral equipment for

end use D............................ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

140 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 146: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2

LOWNDES COUNTY, MSmCon.42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 7.8........ 2.7 7.8 2.7 – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle –....... 9.7 – 9.7 – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle –..... 9.7 – 9.7 – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 12.3.................... – 12.3 – – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle 12.3.................. – 12.3 – – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2.9.............. .2 D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle .5.............. 1.2 D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7.6.......... – D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7.6........ – D D – – – –4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk stations &

terminals D............................. D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle –........................... – – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle –......................... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 1.7...................... .4 1.9 .3 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.5.................. .7 3.1 .7 – – D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D – – – – D D42122 Home furnishings whsle D..................... D – – – – D D421220 Home furnishings whsle D................... D – – – – D D4212202 Linens, domestics, draperies, & curtains

whsle D................................ D – – – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4214301 Computer & peripheral equipment whsle D.. D D D – – – –42143012 Computers & peripheral equipment for

end use D............................ D D D – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

421450 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospital supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle –........................ 3.8 D D – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D – – – – – –421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D..................... D – – – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42171 Hardware whsle D............................ D – – – – – –421710 Hardware whsle D.......................... D – – – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle D.......................... D – – – – – –

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – D D42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D – – – – D D421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D..... D – – – – D D4218301 Food~processing machinery & equipment

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 141U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 147: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .9.............. – .7 – D D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –422210 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D......... D D D – – – –4222101 General~line drugs whsle D................ D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D – – – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D – – – – – –422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –4223102 Notions & other dry goods whsle D......... D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1.2.............. – – – D D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle D............ D – – – – – –4224402 Poultry & poultry product (except live)

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D – – – – D D42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D – – – – – –422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D – – – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D D D – – – –42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D..... D D D – – – –422820 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D... D D D – – – –4228202 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage (State

operated) whsle D....................... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –422940 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D.......... D – – – – – –

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –422990 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 7.5........ – 7.5 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) –........................... – – – – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) –.... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 62.9...................... 3.6 62.9 3.6 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20.2.................. 9.6 20.2 9.6 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 88.8.............. – 88.8 – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

142 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 148: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 1.5...................... 4.1 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.0.................. .4 2.0 .4 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle .7........ – .7 – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.4.............. 4.7 D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.8...................... 1.1 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 10.6...................... 2.6 10.6 2.6 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11.8.................. 3.0 11.8 3.0 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 79.6...................................... – 79.6 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 4.9........ – 4.9 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –4219902 Forest products (except lumber) whsle 3.3.... 2.2 3.3 2.2 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3.4.............. – 3.4 – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 21.9...................... 36.0 D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 3.1...................... 3.3 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3.9.................. 5.1 D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.6.............. – 1.6 – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 143U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 149: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 4.8...................... 9.5 5.5 10.9 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10.9.................. 21.4 10.9 21.4 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –421130 Tire & tube whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle –........ 5.9 – 5.9 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. .2 – .2 D D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D D D – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 8.1...................... 4.5 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7.1.................. 4.7 7.1 4.7 – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materials

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421320 Brick, stone, & related construction materials

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4213202 Sand, gravel, & stone whsle D............. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10.3.............. 4.2 D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 5.1...................... 3.0 6.4 3.7 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4.9.................. 4.6 D D – – D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 5.0...................................... 4.9 5.0 4.9 – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 2.9........ 4.2 D D – – D D42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle –................... – – – – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle –................. – – – – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D – – – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D – – – – D D421840 Industrial supplies whsle D.................. D – – – – D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5.4.............. .8 D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2.5.............. – D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –4224903 Soft drinks whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle –........................... – – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle –......................... – – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

144 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 150: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 1.1...................... 2.9 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. 6.1 D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.7.............. 1.1 1.7 1.1 – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D D D – – – –422310 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4223101 Piece goodsmjobbers D.................. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 4.8...................... – 5.9 – D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.2.................. – D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle D........................ D D D – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D D D – – – –421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13.6.............. – D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 1.5...................... 1.2 2.2 1.8 – .1 – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.8.................. 1.5 3.0 1.6 D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle .7...................................... 2.4 D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle .7....... 1.8 D D – – – –421110 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle .7..... 1.8 D D – – – –4211105 Heavy truck & tractor (over 26,000 lb)

whsle D................................ D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –421120 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D... D D D – – – –4211202 Motor vehicle supplies & new partsm

jobbers D.............................. D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –421140 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................... D – – – – – –

421320 Brick, stone, & related construction materialswhsle D.................................. D – – – – – –

4213203 Cement, lime, & related products whsle D... D – – – – – –

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle D.... D – – – – – –421330 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle D.. D – – – – – –4213301 Roofing, siding, & insulation material

whsle D................................ D – – – – – –

42139 Other construction materials whsle D........... D D D – – – –421390 Other construction materials whsle D......... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 145U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 151: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

421430 Computer & computer peripheral equipment& software whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D – – – – – –421440 Other commercial equipment whsle D........ D – – D D – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle –............................ 3.1 D D – – – –

421450 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle –.......................... 3.1 D D – – – –

4214501 Surgical, medical, & hospital supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –421510 Metal service centers & offices D............. D D D – – – –4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D D D – – – –42151011 Ferrous metal service centers D......... D – – – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 5.0........................ 2.7 D D – – D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D – – – – – –421610 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D..................... D – – – – – –

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –421690 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

421730 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle D................... D D D – – – –421810 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle D................. D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle D...... D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle D................. D D D – – – –4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors & dealers D... D D D – – – –42193011 Iron & steel scrap processors (using

power processing equipment) D......... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –4219906 Other durable goods whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .2.............. .9 .5 2.2 D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle –.............. 1.8 D D – – D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle D................. D D D – – – –422420 Packaged frozen food whsle D............... D D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – D D422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – D D4224902 Bread & baked goods whsle D............. D – – – – D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D D D – – – –42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422690 Other chemical & allied products whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – D D – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – D D – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D – – D D – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D – – – – – –42271012 Petroleum bulk terminals (except LP) D... D – – – – – –4227102 Liquefied petroleum bulk stations &

terminals D............................. D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

146 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 152: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 4.9...................... 4.3 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 22.4.................. 4.2 22.4 4.2 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 8.6...................................... – 8.6 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 25.9........ 5.8 25.9 5.8 – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers 7.7.............................. 8.2 7.7 8.2 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .6.............. 4.3 D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle –.............. 16.9 – 16.9 – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D – – – – D D42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D – – – – – –422520 Livestock whsle D.......................... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.3...................... 1.5 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 24.9...................... – 24.9 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 42.5.................. – 42.5 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8.7.............. – 8.7 – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D – 22.4 – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. 22.4 – 22.4 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.8...................... 12.5 2.8 12.5 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle –..... 20.4 – 20.4 – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle –... 20.4 – 20.4 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D D D – – – –4224906 Other grocery specialties whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D D D – – – –4225904 Cotton whsle D.......................... D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 147U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 153: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 4.4...................... 1.1 4.4 1.1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.9.................. – 2.9 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6.2.............. 2.3 6.2 2.3 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... 2.0 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. 9.7 – 9.7 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. .6 D D – – D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.1...................... 2.7 2.1 2.7 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4.6.................. – 4.6 – – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ – D – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. 4.9 – 4.9 – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D D D – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D – – – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 3.2...................... 11.7 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3.6.................. 14.3 D D D D – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D – – – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D – – – – – –421510 Metal service centers & offices D............. D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 7.0........ 41.1 7.0 41.1 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.9.............. 4.1 1.9 4.1 – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.0...................... 16.9 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – D D D D – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D – – D D – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D – – D D – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D – – D D – –4219906 Other durable goods whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 21.4.............. 51.8 21.4 51.8 – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... 65.7 D 65.7 – – – –42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

148 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 154: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade .9...................... 1.7 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D – – D D – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D – – D D – –421210 Furniture whsle D.......................... D – – D D – –4212101 Household & lawn furniture whsle D........ D – – D D – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –421930 Recyclable material whsle D................. D D D – – – –4219301 Iron & steel scrap processors & dealers D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.2...................... .5 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8.3.................. 1.2 D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D – – – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D – – – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6.8.............. .3 D D – – D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 3.5...................... .8 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 19.4........ – 19.4 – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –4227101 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals

(except LP) D........................... D – – – – – –42271011 Petroleum bulk stations (except LP) D.... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle –......... 1.8 – 1.8 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.9...................... 2.7 8.3 .6 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.4.................. 1.8 D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42171 Hardware whsle D............................ D D D – – – –421710 Hardware whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 2.9........ 2.5 D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle 3.0. – 3.0 – – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle 3.0.................................. – 3.0 – – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers –.............................. – – – – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle –.................... – D D – – – –421840 Industrial supplies whsle –.................. – D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

421850 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

4218502 Custodial, janitors’ equipment & supplieswhsle D................................ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 149U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 155: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2

WASHINGTON COUNTY, MSmCon.42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10.2.............. 3.0 D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –422490 Other grocery & related products whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 15.7............... .1 15.7 .1 – – – –42251 Grain & field bean whsle D.................... D D D – – – –422510 Grain & field bean whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... 21.8 D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –422810 Beer & ale whsle D......................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle –........................ – – – – – – –422910 Farm supplies whsle –...................... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 6.8...................... .1 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7.4.................. – D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –421310 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4213101 Lumber without yard whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 74.8........ – 74.8 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle 43.6..... – 43.6 – – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle 43.6... – 43.6 – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .1.............. 1.3 .1 1.3 – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –........ – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 18.6...................... 32.7 18.6 32.7 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19.1.................. 39.2 19.1 39.2 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle –........ 41.1 – 41.1 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .8...................... 1.3 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –421510 Metal service centers & offices D............. D D D – – – –4215101 Ferrous metal service centers & sales

offices D............................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –421830 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –4218305 Materials handling equipment whsle D...... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplies

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –422930 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplies

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

150 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 156: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 6. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forCounties: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 2.4...................... .3 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle –.............. – D D – – – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle –.............. – D D – – – –422440 Poultry & poultry product whsle –............ – D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 13.9...................... 1.5 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13.5.................. 1.4 13.5 1.4 – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14.0.............. 1.5 D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –

1Includes sales information obtained from administrative records of other Federal agencies.2Includes sales information which was imputed based on historic company ratios or administrative records, or on industry averages.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 151U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 157: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 11............. 57 573 2 202 543 88 4 361 2 509 2 495

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ 5 006 708 186 35 1 127 937 808

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... 52 567 1 494 357 53 3 234 1 572 1 687

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ 57 573 2 202 543 88 4 361 2 509 2 495

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ 5 006 708 186 35 1 127 937 808

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... 52 567 1 494 357 53 3 234 1 572 1 687

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. 32 408 2 284 509 66 5 544 5 412 7 629

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 7 143 738 158 24 1 464 851 885

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... 25 265 1 546 351 42 4 080 4 561 6 744

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ 32 408 2 284 509 66 5 544 5 412 7 629

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 7 143 738 158 24 1 464 851 885

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... 25 265 1 546 351 42 4 080 4 561 6 744

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 16............. 77 241 2 906 688 132 6 966 10 680 9 216

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 11..................... D D D b D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 10.......................... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 2............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 1...... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 16........ 77 241 2 906 688 132 6 966 10 680 9 216

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 11..................... D D D b D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 10.......................... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 2............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 1...... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... D D D b D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... D D D b D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

152 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 158: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 2............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 1...... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 2............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 1...... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 26............. 215 396 11 764 2 685 361 23 173 17 090 17 827

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ 98 219 8 749 1 950 246 14 493 13 694 14 180

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D c D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... 117 177 3 015 735 115 8 680 3 396 3 647

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 24........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ 98 219 8 749 1 950 246 14 493 13 694 14 180

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D c D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 13............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 153U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 159: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 44............. 175 275 13 977 2 997 551 30 981 12 091 11 429

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ 14 913 2 233 491 78 4 472 2 538 2 535

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 8 890 1 353 305 40 2 118 1 423 1 397

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 27..... 160 362 11 744 2 506 473 26 509 9 553 8 894

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 16..... 78 061 4 391 670 194 12 086 5 091 4 397

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D c D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 2.................. D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 43........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 27..... 160 362 11 744 2 506 473 26 509 9 553 8 894

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 16..... 78 061 4 391 670 194 12 086 5 091 4 397

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 15............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

154 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 160: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 27............. 70 678 3 414 846 135 7 360 2 171 3 574

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 17........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 8..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 15............. 13 883 880 218 46 2 034 845 866

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 13........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 13............. 175 316 5 747 1 280 250 11 177 8 442 7 310

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 24 408 2 165 519 93 3 719 4 503 4 766

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... 150 908 3 582 761 157 7 458 3 939 2 544

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 1.................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 24 408 2 165 519 93 3 719 4 503 4 766

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D c D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 1.................... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 155U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 161: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 11............. 12 121 1 138 257 60 2 216 2 568 2 594

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ 12 121 1 138 257 60 2 216 2 568 2 594

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 26............. 105 390 10 683 2 718 410 22 557 16 437 17 834

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 3................... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1....... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... D D D c D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 24 872 2 333 562 91 4 747 886 1 068

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 24 872 2 333 562 91 4 747 886 1 068

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 23........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 3................... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1....... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D c D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 23............. D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ 47 612 4 353 1 021 144 8 126 18 360 20 481

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 21........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D

156 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 162: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 23............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D a D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 16........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 7..... 47 950 616 144 16 1 117 – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 13............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 6. 382 589 909 198 25 2 946 7 445 7 495

Merchant wholesalers 9........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 4.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 21............. 61 407 3 943 794 140 7 345 4 688 5 333

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 157U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 163: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






COLUMBIA, MSmCon.Merchant wholesalers 20........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. 29 520 1 098 186 28 2 156 877 1 429

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 76............. 287 247 26 184 6 010 969 53 997 30 197 29 520

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 52........ 151 036 16 854 3 820 641 31 655 19 907 20 163

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 6..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 6................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 15............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 4................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 24..... 136 211 9 330 2 190 328 22 342 10 290 9 357

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 8..... 25 061 2 992 610 101 8 246 1 894 2 29942249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 8............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 23 075 2 183 533 80 4 013 1 185 1 098

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 23 075 2 183 533 80 4 013 1 185 1 098

Merchant wholesalers 72........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 50........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 6..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 5................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 15............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 4................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 22..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 7..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 7............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 6. 46 042 1 731 431 73 5 504 4 760 3 464

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D b D D D

158 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 164: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






COLUMBUS, MSmCon.Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 40............. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 23........ D D D e D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ 12 838 595 144 27 1 048 1 457 1 350

4216 Electrical goods whsle 5............... 19 872 4 370 1 386 160 6 192 2 628 2 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 17..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 5.......................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 37........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 22........ D D D e D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 5............... 19 872 4 370 1 386 160 6 192 2 628 2 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 15..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 159U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 165: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 18............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 16........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 17............. 96 637 2 754 611 158 5 247 3 905 4 316

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 15........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

160 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 166: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 7............. 40 591 3 720 961 179 7 310 4 689 5 101

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ 40 591 3 720 961 179 7 310 4 689 5 101

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 2............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 55............. 333 904 19 894 4 223 610 35 530 35 865 18 904

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 35........ 93 317 12 398 2 746 369 20 553 21 537 12 166

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 16............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 5........... 9 785 1 204 263 38 2 145 1 349 1 357

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 20..... 240 587 7 496 1 477 241 14 977 14 328 6 738

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 5..... 174 583 1 842 319 48 4 253 11 161 3 33042251 Grain & field bean whsle 3........... D D D b D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 161U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 167: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






GREENVILLE, MSmCon.Merchant wholesalers 50........ 321 119 18 526 3 894 553 32 933 34 558 17 656

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 32........ D D D e D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 15............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 18..... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 5..... 174 583 1 842 319 48 4 253 11 161 3 33042251 Grain & field bean whsle 3........... D D D b D D D

42259 Other farm product raw materialwhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 4.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 48............. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 25........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 3......... D D D c D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 1........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ 25 395 2 572 531 82 2 974 8 225 5 703

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 23..... 812 225 12 312 2 485 402 26 323 25 103 28 051

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 10..... D D D c D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 9.......................... D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 3.............. 128 835 2 047 472 67 7 065 14 632 16 915

Merchant wholesalers 39........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 24........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 3......... D D D c D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 1........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ 25 395 2 572 531 82 2 974 8 225 5 703

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 15..... 761 489 9 010 1 857 306 20 893 23 646 26 476

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 7..... 611 419 4 272 804 109 8 660 8 515 9 21242259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

162 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 168: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 27............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 25........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 12 007 1 110 232 35 1 911 2 725 2 814

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... 27 248 1 671 406 93 5 118 1 126 1 218

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 98............. 286 137 27 577 6 476 1 147 54 851 41 599 34 776

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 63........ 125 572 14 000 3 284 498 26 591 34 675 28 024

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 10................... 18 789 3 639 730 109 7 534 1 361 1 388

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 17............................ 20 130 2 275 569 92 5 147 3 388 3 902

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 7........... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 9... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 35..... 160 565 13 577 3 192 649 28 260 6 924 6 752

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 9..... 82 247 5 787 1 354 182 13 881 991 97142249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D c D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 2.................. D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 8............................ D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 163U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 169: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 94........ D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 61........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 10................... 18 789 3 639 730 109 7 534 1 361 1 388

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 16............................ D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 7........... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 8... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 33..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 8..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 8............................ D D D c D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 93............. 1 119 275 28 383 6 603 1 266 70 399 30 262 26 321

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 61........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 10..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 7......... 12 847 1 174 291 54 2 522 1 702 1 831

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 15............................ 51 308 7 077 1 500 234 11 176 15 997 11 258

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 10... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 32..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 10..... 100 834 2 683 747 174 6 912 2 863 2 88542244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

164 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 170: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






HATTIESBURG, MS *mCon.Merchant wholesalers 86........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 55........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 9..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 7......... 12 847 1 174 291 54 2 522 1 702 1 831

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 15............................ 51 308 7 077 1 500 234 11 176 15 997 11 258

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 9... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 31..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 9..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D


42 Wholesale trade 90............. D D D g D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 58........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 10..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 14............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 9... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 32..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 10..... 100 834 2 683 747 174 6 912 2 863 2 88542244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 165U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 171: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalers 84........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 53........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 9..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 14............................ D D D c D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 9... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 31..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 9..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D


42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. 33 167 809 174 39 2 079 1 377 1 420

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

166 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 172: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 15 566 734 145 32 2 190 2 171 2 211

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 15 566 734 145 32 2 190 2 171 2 211

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D c D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 14............. 18 241 1 403 382 106 3 112 1 684 2 073

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 167U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 173: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 19............. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D e D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D e D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D b D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 17........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D e D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D e D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 37 876 2 474 651 72 4 221 6 143 6 233

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 1..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 404............. 2 828 463 218 385 51 231 6 820 408 594 212 277 228 467

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 272........ 1 113 359 103 304 24 532 3 209 200 437 114 203 122 054

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 32..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 10.......................... 48 709 1 579 472 111 4 153 3 679 1 581

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 14.......................... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 13... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 6................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 7........... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 16............................ D D D e D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 13..................... D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 44................... 184 644 21 767 5 377 524 42 701 7 347 8 522

42142 Office equipment whsle 13............ D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 6....... D D D c D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 7. D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 10............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 10..... D D D b D D D

168 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 174: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4216 Electrical goods whsle 40............... 160 589 14 153 3 430 464 22 636 12 113 13 09842161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 24...... D D D c D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 15.......................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 32......... 87 716 10 432 2 261 279 17 294 9 128 9 132

42171 Hardware whsle 12.................. 33 243 5 238 1 191 122 7 737 2 165 2 074

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 4........ D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 11....... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 69............................ 257 682 25 046 5 925 752 49 952 50 493 56 248

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 4.......................... D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 36.......................... 62 142 8 804 2 213 266 15 063 10 344 9 521

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 18........... D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 8................... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 16... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 6......... D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 132..... 1 715 104 115 081 26 699 3 611 208 157 98 074 106 413

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 17......... 71 935 9 280 2 473 263 16 371 7 038 6 47242212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 10... D D D b D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 5.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 5.. D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 13. D D D b D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 4.................... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 44..... 763 010 59 653 13 875 2 010 104 127 31 979 32 71942241 General~line grocery whsle 6......... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 6....... 246 749 15 479 3 365 439 25 574 16 404 15 838

42245 Confectionery whsle 4............... D D D c D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 4........ D D D c D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 11.......................... 97 120 13 389 3 210 535 26 636 2 890 2 388

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 13..... 55 200 4 611 1 070 138 8 239 3 859 3 40042261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 5................... D D D b D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 8.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 9............................ D D D e D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 4. D D D e D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 7.................... D D D e D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 23............................ D D D e D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 3... D D D c D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 169U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 175: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






JACKSON, MS *mCon.Merchant wholesalers 333........ D D D i D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 234........ D D D h D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 31..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 10.......................... 48 709 1 579 472 111 4 153 3 679 1 581

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 13.......................... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 11... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 5................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 6........... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 15............................ D D D e D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 13..................... D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 39................... D D D e D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle 12............ D D D c D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 5. D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6................... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 6..... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 25............... D D D e D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 12...... D D D c D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 12.......................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 28......... 69 013 9 496 2 078 250 16 006 8 368 8 135

42171 Hardware whsle 11.................. D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 10....... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 64............................ 247 641 24 590 5 801 746 49 403 50 493 56 248

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 4.......................... D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 33.......................... D D D e D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 17........... D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 15... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 6......... D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 99..... 1 068 915 77 740 18 467 2 636 142 113 78 265 79 990

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 15......... D D D e D D D42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 9... D D D b D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 5.......................... D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.. D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 30..... 528 907 45 155 10 519 1 496 79 349 28 858 29 44942241 General~line grocery whsle 4......... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 3....... D D D e D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 5.......................... D D D e D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 9..... D D D c D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 3................... D D D b D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 5............................ 100 128 1 744 398 52 4 036 4 457 11 630

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 4.................... D D D c D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 21............................ D D D e D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

170 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 176: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 39.. 671 571 44 248 10 682 1 102 78 915 23 145 30 071

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 1....... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 22..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 9..... 132 361 13 379 3 181 485 22 026 3 094 3 24742249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D e D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D e D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 32..... D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 21........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 4................... D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 7............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 6...... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... 101 742 1 119 175 29 2 752 27 23

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 389............. D D D i D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 264........ D D D h D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 30..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 9.......................... D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 13.......................... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 13... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 6................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 7........... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 16............................ D D D e D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 13..................... D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 43................... D D D f D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle 13............ D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 5....... D D D c D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 7. D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 10............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 10..... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 39............... D D D e D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 24...... D D D c D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 14.......................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 31......... D D D e D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 11.................. D D D b D D D

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment &supplies (hydronics) whsle 4........ D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 11....... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 171U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 177: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 66............................ D D D f D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 4.......................... D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 34.......................... D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 18........... D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 7................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 16... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 6......... D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 125..... D D D h D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 16......... D D D e D D D42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 9... D D D b D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 5.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 5.. D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 13. D D D b D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 4.................... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 41..... D D D g D D D42241 General~line grocery whsle 6......... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 5....... D D D e D D D

42245 Confectionery whsle 4............... D D D c D D D

42247 Meat & meat product whsle 4........ D D D c D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 10.......................... D D D f D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 13..... 55 200 4 611 1 070 138 8 239 3 859 3 40042261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 5................... D D D b D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 8.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 7.................... D D D e D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 23............................ D D D e D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 3... D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 323........ 1 794 875 161 325 37 755 5 357 305 585 179 696 182 200

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 227........ D D D h D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 29..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 9.......................... D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 12.......................... D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 11... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 5................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 6........... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 15............................ D D D e D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 13..................... D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 38................... D D D e D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle 12............ D D D c D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 5. D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 6................... D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 6..... D D D b D D D

172 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 178: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Merchant wholesalersmCon.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goodsmCon.

4216 Electrical goods whsle 24............... D D D e D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 12...... D D D c D D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipmentwhsle 11.......................... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 27......... D D D c D D D

42171 Hardware whsle 10.................. D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 10....... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 62............................ D D D f D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 4.......................... D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 32.......................... D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 17........... D D D c D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 6................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 15... D D D c D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 6......... D D D c D D D

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goodswhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 96..... D D D h D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 15......... D D D e D D D42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle 9... D D D b D D D

42213 Industrial & personal service paperwhsle 5.......................... D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 4.. D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 28..... D D D g D D D42241 General~line grocery whsle 4......... D D D f D D D

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 3....... D D D e D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 4.......................... D D D e D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 9..... D D D c D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 3................... D D D b D D D

42269 Other chemical & allied productswhsle 6.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 4.................... D D D c D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. D D D c D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 21............................ D D D e D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 36.. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 1....... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 19..... D D D f D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 9..... 132 361 13 379 3 181 485 22 026 3 094 3 24742249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 30..... D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 4................... D D D b D D D

42149 Other professional equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 7............... D D D b D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 6...... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 173U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 179: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 12............. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D e D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D e D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D e D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D e D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D e D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D e D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 14............. 29 032 2 195 509 138 4 362 1 971 2 048

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ 12 789 1 385 330 85 2 679 1 770 1 832

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

174 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 180: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 74............. 172 630 16 632 3 926 587 35 849 14 917 16 812

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 51........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 32............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 26.......................... D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 23..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 58........ 132 145 12 191 2 808 460 26 782 11 001 13 019

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 37........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

42113 Tire & tube whsle 1................. D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 21............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 16.......................... D D D c D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 4........... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 21..... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 10.. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 8.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 6..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 28 038 2 385 527 85 4 943 6 974 5 609

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 28 038 2 385 527 85 4 943 6 974 5 609

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 175U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 181: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 15............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... 1 296 47 10 3 87 – –


42 Wholesale trade 13............. 97 965 8 621 1 969 242 15 067 18 118 20 314

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 1..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D c D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 1..... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

176 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 182: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 41............. 87 981 7 821 1 811 364 16 370 5 769 5 790

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 22........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 19..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 16 906 1 728 397 70 3 005 730 468

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 16 906 1 728 397 70 3 005 730 468

Merchant wholesalers 40........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 22........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 18..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 31............. 480 357 9 884 2 132 291 24 601 29 225 50 607

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 21........ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 4... D D D a D D D42122 Home furnishings whsle 1........... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 2.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 2.. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 1.................... D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 23........ 407 006 8 911 1 896 268 21 792 29 055 50 432

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D c D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 2.... D D D b D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 2.. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 1.................... D D D c D D D

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beveragewhsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 7..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 68 218 546 135 9 1 231 – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 3... D D D a D D D42122 Home furnishings whsle 1........... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. 16 220 957 216 49 3 125 418 596

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 16 220 957 216 49 3 125 418 596

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 177U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 183: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 2............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 94............. 942 134 47 982 11 247 1 770 94 647 70 312 79 052

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 61........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 10..................... D D D e D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 6.......................... 69 791 5 458 1 343 203 12 857 12 987 14 343

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 5................... D D D b D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 2............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 2..... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 13............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 11... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 33..... D D D f D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 2......... D D D b D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.... D D D c D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.. D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 6..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 11............................ D D D c D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 10. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 3.................... 31 543 3 449 610 134 5 801 1 671 1 646

42281 Beer & ale whsle 3.................. 31 543 3 449 610 134 5 801 1 671 1 646

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 82........ 786 658 41 456 9 641 1 500 79 417 55 663 62 619

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 54........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... 37 365 3 984 982 138 7 245 3 678 4 154

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 5................... D D D b D D D

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 2............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 2..... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 11............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 4.......................... 11 004 1 507 367 67 2 155 1 625 1 668

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 10... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D a D D D

178 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 184: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






MERIDIAN, MSmCon.Merchant wholesalersmCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 28..... D D D f D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 2......... D D D b D D D

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.... D D D c D D D42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle 3.. D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 7. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D c D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 8.. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D a D D D

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 44............. 67 253 7 607 1 842 314 16 228 5 449 5 294

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 22........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 11............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 22..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 37........ 44 248 5 786 1 405 252 12 561 4 688 4 698

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ 20 725 2 988 685 136 5 424 3 179 3 207

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 10............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 17..... 23 523 2 798 720 116 7 137 1 509 1 491

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 179U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 185: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 16............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 1......... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 13........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42193 Recyclable material whsle 1......... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 48 554 4 030 997 127 8 393 1 725 1 738

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. 25 590 853 176 41 1 854 1 815 1 818

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D

180 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 186: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 26............. D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... D D D c D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 5......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D b D D D42247 Meat & meat product whsle 1........ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 22........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D b D D D42247 Meat & meat product whsle 1........ D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 12............. 40 034 1 549 401 64 11 710 931 1 077

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 2 897 558 142 33 984 450 431

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... 37 137 991 259 31 10 726 481 646

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ 40 034 1 549 401 64 11 710 931 1 077

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 2 897 558 142 33 984 450 431

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... 37 137 991 259 31 10 726 481 646

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 30............. 173 095 8 553 1 622 271 14 705 3 946 4 693

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 21........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 12............................ 39 443 3 639 848 122 6 540 2 653 3 342

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 8........... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle(exc bulk stations & terminals) 2..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 29........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 21........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 12............................ 39 443 3 639 848 122 6 540 2 653 3 342

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 8........... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 181U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 187: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 6............. 8 679 962 197 51 1 592 222 264

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 8 679 962 197 51 1 592 222 264

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 76............. 517 287 40 250 9 179 1 243 74 833 49 901 52 177

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 59........ 291 165 26 704 6 241 846 49 189 42 577 41 752

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 4.......................... D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ 38 516 1 244 296 38 2 196 3 682 3 092

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 6................... D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 5..... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 9......... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 5....... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 14............................ 33 461 3 901 944 128 6 941 9 761 10 498

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 8.......................... 15 450 2 192 578 67 3 834 5 256 5 353

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 17..... 226 122 13 546 2 938 397 25 644 7 324 10 425

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 6......... 12 110 1 231 305 49 2 313 683 834

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D e D D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 1....... D D D e D D D

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 68........ 455 636 38 348 8 886 1 200 71 689 49 392 51 694

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 54........ D D D f D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 7..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ 38 516 1 244 296 38 2 196 3 682 3 092

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 5................... D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 5............................ D D D c D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 5..... D D D c D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 7......... D D D c D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 5....... D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 14............................ 33 461 3 901 944 128 6 941 9 761 10 498

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 8.......................... 15 450 2 192 578 67 3 834 5 256 5 353

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D e D D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 1....... D D D e D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D

182 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 188: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 5..... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 24............. 77 452 5 082 1 155 262 8 611 9 695 10 831

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19........ 65 815 4 468 1 016 198 7 509 9 695 10 786

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 18 130 1 750 392 49 2 671 5 811 6 429

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D c D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 637 614 139 64 1 102 – 45

Merchant wholesalers 24........ 77 452 5 082 1 155 262 8 611 9 695 10 831

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19........ 65 815 4 468 1 016 198 7 509 9 695 10 786

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 18 130 1 750 392 49 2 671 5 811 6 429

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D c D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 6.......................... D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 637 614 139 64 1 102 – 45


42 Wholesale trade 16............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 16........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 183U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 189: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 17............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 1......... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 1. D D D b D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 1.................... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 16........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 1. D D D b D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 1.................... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. 12 335 781 172 83 1 458 680 788

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ 12 335 781 172 83 1 458 680 788

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

184 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 190: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 37............. 405 828 31 884 6 721 888 54 969 56 781 63 843

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 29........ 364 212 27 012 5 483 687 45 072 54 928 61 822

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 13..................... 195 030 12 023 2 518 359 22 510 20 424 22 057

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 7.......................... 179 970 10 041 2 082 298 19 248 18 456 20 027

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 2... D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 2....... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ 102 933 9 435 1 586 181 12 930 29 006 33 383

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... 41 616 4 872 1 238 201 9 897 1 853 2 021

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 33........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 29........ 364 212 27 012 5 483 687 45 072 54 928 61 822

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 13..................... 195 030 12 023 2 518 359 22 510 20 424 22 057

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 7.......................... 179 970 10 041 2 082 298 19 248 18 456 20 027

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 2... D D D a D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 2....... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ 102 933 9 435 1 586 181 12 930 29 006 33 383

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 4.. D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D c D D D


42 Wholesale trade 54............. 180 997 13 313 3 138 377 24 599 8 391 10 856

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 38........ 130 650 11 532 2 694 308 19 844 8 176 10 570

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D a D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 11................... 40 079 4 856 1 009 137 6 718 1 459 2 596

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 3....... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 6............... D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 5......... D D D b D D D

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioningequipment & supplies whsle 2....... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 4.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 16..... 50 347 1 781 444 69 4 755 215 286

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 5..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 185U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 191: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)






RIDGELAND, MSmCon.Merchant wholesalers 45........ 99 467 9 944 2 156 292 18 265 7 867 10 279

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 33........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D a D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 10................... D D D c D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 3....... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 5............... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 5.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 45 073 1 969 510 105 6 230 1 611 1 529

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 21 074 751 187 43 2 822 721 715

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 23 999 1 218 323 62 3 408 890 814

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 45 073 1 969 510 105 6 230 1 611 1 529

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 21 074 751 187 43 2 822 721 715

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 23 999 1 218 323 62 3 408 890 814

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 1............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. 5 335 441 106 25 1 055 508 527

Merchant wholesalers 4........ 5 335 441 106 25 1 055 508 527


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

186 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 192: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 1............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 25............. D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D e D D D42241 General~line grocery whsle 2......... D D D e D D D

Merchant wholesalers 22........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D e D D D42241 General~line grocery whsle 1......... D D D e D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 8 908 741 182 33 1 675 117 121

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... 8 908 741 182 33 1 675 117 121

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 156............. 670 654 46 451 11 579 1 721 99 146 45 561 49 852

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 97........ 297 382 26 479 6 331 926 54 796 28 130 31 217

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 10..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 6.......................... 72 070 2 827 712 87 7 043 3 797 3 984

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 13... 73 689 6 569 1 808 226 15 447 8 193 8 77442121 Furniture whsle 10................... D D D c D D D

42122 Home furnishings whsle 3........... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 13................... D D D b D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 9............... 21 493 1 178 359 41 2 328 1 719 1 54042161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 2...... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 32............................ 66 460 7 646 1 587 248 13 686 7 986 9 697

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 12.......................... D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 6........... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 187U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 193: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trademCon.

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 59..... 373 272 19 972 5 248 795 44 350 17 431 18 635

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 5......... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 13. D D D c D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 12.................... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 13..... D D D e D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 4..... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 309

42249 Other grocery & related productswhsle 3.......................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 7............................ 50 956 2 409 645 75 8 068 2 578 2 393

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. D D D b D D D

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholicbeverage whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D

42281 Beer & ale whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 13............................ D D D c D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 2... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 134........ 511 808 38 875 9 962 1 441 80 348 34 790 38 753

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 89........ 243 507 23 818 5 616 867 48 134 23 956 26 913

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 10..................... D D D c D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 6.......................... 72 070 2 827 712 87 7 043 3 797 3 984

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new partswhsle 4.......................... D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 10... D D D c D D D42121 Furniture whsle 9................... 32 114 4 005 1 168 158 8 785 4 088 4 542

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 11................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 31............................ D D D c D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 11.......................... 20 190 3 035 716 96 5 010 1 974 2 133

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 6........... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 45..... 268 301 15 057 4 346 574 32 214 10 834 11 840

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 3......... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 8. D D D c D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 7.................... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 10..... D D D c D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 4..... 88 558 1 782 382 41 3 243 300 309

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 5. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 10............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 15.. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 7..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D

188 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 194: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 2... D D D b D D D42121 Furniture whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 38............. 134 367 9 836 2 136 325 20 519 9 239 7 544

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 18..... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ 19 675 1 691 411 54 4 189 2 280 2 339

Merchant wholesalers 35........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19........ D D D c D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 16..... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 6............................ 19 675 1 691 411 54 4 189 2 280 2 339

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... 34 727 439 118 10 1 776 419 41642244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 3..... 34 727 439 118 10 1 776 419 416

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D a D D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 189U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 195: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 21............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 5..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ 7 781 799 166 32 1 558 1 440 1 549

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 14 388 798 190 29 3 058 567 640

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 13 902 756 185 26 2 929 553 587

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 3. 13 902 756 185 26 2 929 553 587

Merchant wholesalers 19........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 13........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ 7 781 799 166 32 1 558 1 440 1 549

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 14 388 798 190 29 3 058 567 640

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 3............................ 13 902 756 185 26 2 929 553 587

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 13............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D42247 Meat & meat product whsle 1........ D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 10........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D c D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 1. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 13 282 1 084 302 55 2 598 376 848

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 13 282 1 084 302 55 2 598 376 848

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

190 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 196: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 19............. 45 635 5 388 1 120 197 8 529 6 225 4 974

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ 27 341 3 885 798 134 5 617 5 572 4 240

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... 18 294 1 503 322 63 2 912 653 734

Merchant wholesalers 17........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ 27 341 3 885 798 134 5 617 5 572 4 240

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 13............. 13 184 1 550 338 55 3 536 1 070 1 089

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 13........ 13 184 1 550 338 55 3 536 1 070 1 089

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D42261 Plastics materials & basic forms &

shapes whsle 1................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 191U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 197: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 9 293 418 104 30 839 1 325 1 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 9 293 418 104 30 839 1 325 1 568

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 9 293 418 104 30 839 1 325 1 568

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. 17 162 1 736 342 72 4 486 2 332 2 223

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehiclewhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ 17 162 1 736 342 72 4 486 2 332 2 223

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 1............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 16............. 280 913 11 711 2 568 406 53 998 35 202 44 417

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... 279 676 11 339 2 486 390 53 498 34 955 44 189

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 4..... D D D c D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D c D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 3.............. D D D b D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 16........ 280 913 11 711 2 568 406 53 998 35 202 44 417

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 13..... 279 676 11 339 2 486 390 53 498 34 955 44 189

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 4..... D D D c D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 4............................ D D D c D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 3.............. D D D b D D D

192 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 198: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 12............. 27 285 2 687 474 130 4 678 7 433 6 318

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 22 853 2 415 424 119 3 927 7 107 6 011

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ 27 285 2 687 474 130 4 678 7 433 6 318

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 22 853 2 415 424 119 3 927 7 107 6 011

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 17 320 892 155 32 3 308 935 954

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 10............. 22 773 1 084 216 97 2 536 2 163 2 694

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 193U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 199: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 2..................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 1............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 1........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 20 763 1 516 368 59 3 062 3 387 3 509

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 1......... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 20 763 1 516 368 59 3 062 3 387 3 509

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heatingequipment & supplies whsle 1......... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42252 Livestock whsle 1................... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 11............. 97 784 3 602 660 119 10 413 5 276 6 133

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D c D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D

194 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 200: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 2............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 14............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 10........ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 16............. D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D e D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 2.. D D D c D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D c D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D c D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 195U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 201: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 8............. 24 408 1 148 289 84 2 174 639 949

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. 18 626 1 884 437 92 4 870 509 502

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ 18 626 1 884 437 92 4 870 509 502

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 1..................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

196 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 202: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 13............. 50 874 4 369 1 078 127 8 400 3 942 4 127

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 5..... D D D a D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4..... D D D a D D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42269 Other chemical & allied products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 24............. 119 922 5 852 1 320 199 11 186 3 641 10 333

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... 8 348 1 485 336 65 2 797 1 109 1 131

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 7... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 1....... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 21........ 116 866 5 424 1 226 183 10 470 3 044 9 810

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 8..................... 8 348 1 485 336 65 2 797 1 109 1 131

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 7... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle 1....... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. 3 056 428 94 16 716 597 523

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 197U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 203: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 42............. 171 564 13 071 2 969 409 24 381 10 988 11 839

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 28........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 4..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 3................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 5... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 14..... D D D b D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 35........ D D D e D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 23........ D D D e D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation materialwhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 6............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D b D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 4......... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 2..... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 20 269 460 97 62 1 477 581 599

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... 19 273 335 70 40 1 188 503 519

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

198 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 204: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 6............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 12 350 1 056 213 37 1 714 4 517 4 113

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 12 350 1 056 213 37 1 714 4 517 4 113

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. 12 350 1 056 213 37 1 714 4 517 4 113

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 12 350 1 056 213 37 1 714 4 517 4 113

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ 12 350 1 056 213 37 1 714 4 517 4 113

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 5................. 12 350 1 056 213 37 1 714 4 517 4 113

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 1.............. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 2............. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. 2 632 195 42 9 341 249 344

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 2 632 195 42 9 341 249 344


42 Wholesale trade 21............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ 21 950 2 082 536 77 4 778 1 527 4 302

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 1........... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 20........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ 21 950 2 082 536 77 4 778 1 527 4 302

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 5............................ D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 1........... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 11 064 1 454 279 61 3 148 177 230

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 199U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 205: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. 2 007 247 54 17 1 132 160 176

Merchant wholesalers 4........ 2 007 247 54 17 1 132 160 176


42 Wholesale trade 25............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 1... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 9............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 8.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 2. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 24........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 1... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 10............. 6 727 463 90 25 2 392 180 224

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 4 935 248 54 11 1 779 84 100

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

200 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 206: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 26............. D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & woodpanel whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 20........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ D D D c D D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 6... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 4.......................... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 12............. 31 449 2 377 569 99 4 776 3 253 3 869

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 2..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ 31 449 2 377 569 99 4 776 3 253 3 869

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum)whsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42151 Metal service centers & offices 2..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 8 532 624 115 43 1 201 230 388

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 8 532 624 115 43 1 201 230 388

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. 5 568 408 96 45 640 91 93

Merchant wholesalers 5........ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 201U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 207: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 29............. 103 092 6 860 1 699 254 16 305 8 009 8 180

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 17........ D D D c D D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 5... D D D a D D D42121 Furniture whsle 3................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 12..... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 3. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 3.................... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 24........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D

42185 Service establishment equipment &supplies whsle 1................... D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 10..... D D D b D D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle 2. D D D a D D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry

goods whsle 2.................... D D D a D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurablegoods whsle 2.................... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D a D D D

202 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 208: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 22............. 401 751 17 003 4 379 716 36 552 34 104 35 182

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D f D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D f D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D f D D D

Merchant wholesalers 21........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 7... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 5.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D f D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 1............................ D D D f D D D

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle 1... D D D f D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 17............. 46 229 3 835 893 129 5 986 1 888 2 853

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11........ 32 961 2 702 639 88 4 107 843 1 055

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 2....... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 13 268 1 133 254 41 1 879 1 045 1 798

Merchant wholesalers 14........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 10........ D D D b D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 2................... D D D b D D D

42143 Computer & computer peripheralequipment & software whsle 2....... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 203U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 209: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 17............. D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ D D D e D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 2................... D D D e D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1....... D D D e D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... D D D c D D D

Merchant wholesalers 14........ D D D f D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D e D D D

4214 Professional & commercial equipment& supplies whsle 2................... D D D e D D D

42145 Medical, dental, & hospitalequipment & supplies whsle 1....... D D D e D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D c D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 3... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D b D D D

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle 3... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 15............. 14 532 926 174 46 1 855 461 758

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 4 174 562 87 31 1 016 244 300

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 10 358 364 87 15 839 217 458

Merchant wholesalers 14........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9........ 4 174 562 87 31 1 016 244 300

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 2............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. 7 866 825 141 35 2 153 699 668

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ 7 866 825 141 35 2 153 699 668

Merchant wholesalers 8........ 7 866 825 141 35 2 153 699 668

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ 7 866 825 141 35 2 153 699 668

204 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 210: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 21 153 892 220 57 3 068 729 737

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 2............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 2........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 11............. 32 595 2 883 647 104 5 578 1 106 1 366

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 10 685 724 207 29 1 920 707 896

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 21 910 2 159 440 75 3 658 399 470

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 3..... D D D b D D D42249 Other grocery & related products

whsle 2.......................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 10 685 724 207 29 1 920 707 896

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 15............. 34 248 2 647 825 200 6 007 3 124 3 258

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 26 573 1 611 600 119 4 037 3 063 3 186

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... 7 675 1 036 225 81 1 970 61 72

Merchant wholesalers 15........ 34 248 2 647 825 200 6 007 3 124 3 258

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 26 573 1 611 600 119 4 037 3 063 3 186

4213 Lumber & other construction materialswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42132 Brick, stone, & related constructionmaterials whsle 2.................. D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9..... 7 675 1 036 225 81 1 970 61 72

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 205U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 211: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 3............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 23............. 76 058 4 086 884 163 9 524 6 571 6 893

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 9............................ 43 497 2 510 534 80 3 871 4 437 4 217

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3.......................... 19 770 1 247 283 34 1 966 3 013 2 626

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 4................. D D D b D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 1........... D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 19........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 15........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 7............................ D D D b D D D

42181 Construction & mining (exceptpetroleum) machinery & equipwhsle 3.......................... 19 770 1 247 283 34 1 966 3 013 2 626

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 4... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 4..... D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42184 Industrial supplies whsle 1........... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 2..... D D D a D D D

206 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 212: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 3........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 30............. 76 704 6 590 1 588 195 15 190 2 833 4 352

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 25........ 63 233 4 962 1 182 143 11 495 1 787 3 274

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 3..................... D D D a D D D

4216 Electrical goods whsle 2............... D D D a D D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring

supp, & const material whsle 2...... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 13 471 1 628 406 52 3 695 1 046 1 078

Merchant wholesalers 21........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 18........ D D D c D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts &supplies whsle 2..................... D D D a D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 8............................ D D D b D D D

42183 Industrial machinery & equipmentwhsle 7.......................... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 3.. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 6..... D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 11............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 10............. 18 348 1 833 400 91 3 667 5 583 5 603

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 11 924 1 272 292 55 2 384 5 246 5 245

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 11 924 1 272 292 55 2 384 5 246 5 245

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 3............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 3................ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 207U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 213: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 22 304 1 224 310 58 4 323 1 166 2 314

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 22 304 1 224 310 58 4 323 1 166 2 314

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 22 304 1 224 310 58 4 323 1 166 2 314

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D b D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. 3 678 216 69 21 718 54 56

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ 3 678 216 69 21 718 54 56

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 5..... D D D b D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 8........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8..... D D D b D D D

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 5..... D D D b D D D42259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D

208 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 214: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 10............. 24 221 1 527 376 59 3 137 3 497 3 865

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 13 173 977 260 37 1 936 3 014 3 487

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 048 550 116 22 1 201 483 378

Merchant wholesalers 10........ 24 221 1 527 376 59 3 137 3 497 3 865

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ 13 173 977 260 37 1 936 3 014 3 487

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 11 048 550 116 22 1 201 483 378


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ 11 697 879 185 62 2 163 2 584 2 277

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 11............. 14 809 847 216 76 1 958 1 726 1 810

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 5 972 405 102 29 970 1 271 1 337

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 8 837 442 114 47 988 455 473

Merchant wholesalers 11........ 14 809 847 216 76 1 958 1 726 1 810

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ 5 972 405 102 29 970 1 271 1 337

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 8 837 442 114 47 988 455 473


42 Wholesale trade 22............. 44 784 3 815 909 216 7 262 6 480 6 796

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 22........ 44 784 3 815 909 216 7 262 6 480 6 796

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 16........ D D D c D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 4............................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 2..... D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 209U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 215: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 11............. 110 592 2 922 649 109 10 615 12 569 13 547

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 74 422 2 131 489 72 8 325 7 195 7 653

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D4219906 Other durable goods whsle 1..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... 36 170 791 160 37 2 290 5 374 5 894

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... 28 523 373 74 18 1 064 5 000 5 15542259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 10........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3........ D D D b D D D

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42182 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2................. D D D b D D D

421820 Farm & garden machinery &equipment whsle 2............... D D D b D D D

4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm dealers 2................ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7..... 36 170 791 160 37 2 290 5 374 5 894

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... 28 523 373 74 18 1 064 5 000 5 15542259 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1.......................... D D D a D D D422590 Other farm product raw material

whsle 1........................ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1........ D D D b D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 1... D D D b D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 1.......................... D D D b D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 1.................. D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 5............. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 14............. 53 323 1 859 361 181 5 324 989 1 032

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8........ 13 735 737 160 39 1 639 362 438

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 2... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 2.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 2.................. D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... 39 588 1 122 201 142 3 685 627 594

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D b D D D422710 Petroleum bulk stations &

terminals 1..................... D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 11........ D D D c D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 4..... D D D b D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 1............................ D D D b D D D

210 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 216: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 3..... D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D b D D D


42 Wholesale trade 8............. 17 218 779 178 34 1 383 917 1 253

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 2..... D D D a D D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum productswhsle 2............................ D D D a D D D

42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals 1. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 7........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6........ D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 11............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 10........ D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... D D D b D D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goodswhsle 2............................ D D D b D D D

42291 Farm supplies whsle 2.............. D D D b D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 4............. D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 4........ D D D a D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 6............. D D D b D D D

Merchant wholesalers 6........ D D D b D D D

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 211U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 217: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 7. Summary Statistics for Places: 1997mCon.[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]


Geographic area, type of operation,and kind of business









for payperiod

includingMarch 12(number)







42 Wholesale trade 12............. 27 300 1 536 365 88 3 093 4 908 4 179

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ 22 155 1 227 287 66 2 385 4 639 3 907

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 7 806 759 185 42 1 218 3 459 2 691

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 12........ 27 300 1 536 365 88 3 093 4 908 4 179

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7........ 22 155 1 227 287 66 2 385 4 639 3 907

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplieswhsle 3............................ 7 806 759 185 42 1 218 3 459 2 691

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle 3... D D D a D D D42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods

whsle 3.......................... D D D a D D D421990 Other miscellaneous durable

goods whsle 3.................. D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 7............. D D D b D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ D D D a D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 5........ D D D b D D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3..... D D D a D D D

Manufacturers’ salesbranches and sales offices 1.. D D D a D D D

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants 1..... D D D a D D D


42 Wholesale trade 9............. 47 904 749 178 27 1 608 4 729 2 772

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 3 134 215 51 9 449 576 474

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 44 770 534 127 18 1 159 4 153 2 298

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

Merchant wholesalers 9........ 47 904 749 178 27 1 608 4 729 2 772

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4........ 3 134 215 51 9 449 576 474

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5..... 44 770 534 127 18 1 159 4 153 2 298

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 3..... D D D a D D D

212 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 218: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 1.2...................... .4 1.2 .4 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.3.............. .4 1.3 .4 – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... .2 – .2 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. .8 – .8 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. – – – – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 9.9...................... – 9.9 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle D........................ D D D – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle D........................ D D D – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 5.4...................... 10.8 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11.9.................. 23.7 11.9 23.7 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. – D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 213U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 219: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 4.4...................... .8 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 50.2.................. .8 D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 59.4........ – D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .2.............. .8 .2 .8 – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle .3.............. 1.6 .3 1.6 – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .6...................... 8.9 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D – – – – – –42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materials

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 12.6...................... 11.3 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .5...................... – D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.8.................. – 2.8 – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .1.............. – D D D D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – D D – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D – – – – D D42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –

42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 56.0...................... – 56.0 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

214 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 220: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 18.5...................... 3.2 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. 13.6 – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... 13.6 – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1.3.................. .6 D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – D D42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D – – – – D D42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – D D D D – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.1...................... 7.6 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 215U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 221: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 6.5...................... 2.2 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 9.4.................. 4.0 D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3.2.............. .2 D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle .5.............. 1.2 D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D 9.2 – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle –........................... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle 25.4.... – D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 55.4........................ – 55.4 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – D D42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – D D

See footnotes at end of table.

216 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 222: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 4.0...................... 4.6 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D – – – – D D42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 25.9...................... 2.0 25.9 2.0 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplies

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 9.2...................... .1 9.5 .1 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.5.................. .5 D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42171 Hardware whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle –.................... – D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 11.8.............. – D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle 16.1............... – 16.1 – – – – –42251 Grain & field bean whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 217U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 223: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 45.5........ 1.0 45.5 1.0 – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 8.0.............. 1.6 8.5 1.8 D D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D 10.4 2.2 – – D D42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – D D

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle –........................ – D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D 7.0 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D 16.7 .8 – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.8...................... 2.4 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7.6.................. 2.3 D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle 30.7...................................... – 30.7 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 14.7........ 10.4 D D – – – –42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 7.9.............. 2.4 D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle 4.5.............. – D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

218 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 224: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade .5...................... 1.8 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D D D – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – D D – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle .6.............................. 6.4 .6 6.4 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle .1........ .4 .1 .4 – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle –.............. – D D D D – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D D D – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – D D – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle –.............. – D D D D – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 30.0...................... 46.0 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 219U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 225: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 22.6.................. 10.8 22.6 10.8 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 24.5...................... 4.6 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D – – – – – –42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 3.9...................... .5 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D – – – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

220 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 226: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 3.2...................... 6.6 D D – 2.7 D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 6.1.................. 5.0 D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle 21.9....... 6.7 21.9 6.7 – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D D D – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle 4.4...................................... .5 D D D D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D – – D D – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42149 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 16.3........................ 2.8 D D – – D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D D D – – D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle 2.4.............................. 16.4 3.1 20.9 – – – –

42171 Hardware whsle .5............................ 9.9 D D – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D – – – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 4.4........ 5.0 4.6 5.2 – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 16.2....... 2.8 D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.3.............. 7.7 2.1 11.3 D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 2.0.................. 12.8 D D – – – –42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle D............ D D D – – – –

42213 Industrial & personal service paper whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D – – – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle .3.............. 4.6 .4 4.6 – 8.1 – –42241 General~line grocery whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle –................. – D D – – – –

42245 Confectionery whsle D........................ D – – – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle –....... 11.5 D D D D – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 15.0............... – D D – – – –42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – .8 D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D D D – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D D D – – D D42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D D D – – – –

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 221U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 227: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D 5.0 9.4 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D D D – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D D D D D

42142 Office equipment whsle D..................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D – – D D – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

42149 Other professional equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – D D

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle D........................ D D D – – D D42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D D D – – D D

42169 Other electronic parts & equipment whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42171 Hardware whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

42172 Plumbing & heating equipment & supplies(hydronics) whsle D......................... D – – – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –42212 Stationery & office supplies whsle D............ D D D – – – –

42213 Industrial & personal service paper whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D – – – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – 8.1 D D42241 General~line grocery whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

42242 Packaged frozen food whsle D................. D D D – – – –

42245 Confectionery whsle D........................ D – – – – – –

42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D D D D D – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle 15.0............... – D D – – – –42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D D D – – D D42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D D D – – – –

42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D..... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

222 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 228: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42185 Service establishment equipment & supplies

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D D D – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D D D – –


42 Wholesale trade 6.8...................... – 15.5 – D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 17.8...................... 9.4 23.2 12.2 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42113 Tire & tube whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D D D – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D D D – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .9...................... – .9 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 223U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 229: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade .8...................... 1.3 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42293 Flower, nursery stock, & florists’ supplies

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.4...................... 2.5 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle –........................... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 1.2...................... .2 .9 .2 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D – – – – D D42122 Home furnishings whsle D..................... D – – – – D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D D D – – – –42282 Wine & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 22.2...................... – 22.2 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

224 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 230: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 3.3...................... .4 4.0 .3 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D – 1.2 D D D D

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle –..... .7 – – – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42144 Other commercial equipment whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4222 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D............. D D D – – – –42221 Drugs, & druggists’ sundries whsle D........... D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle –.. – – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle –........................... – – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 1.9...................... 1.7 2.9 2.6 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D 1.5 1.7 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D 4.1 3.4 D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D – – D D – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D – – D D – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42193 Recyclable material whsle D................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 225U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 231: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade .1...................... 70.3 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 35.8...................... – D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D D D – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 1.7...................... – 1.7 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 23.3.................. – 23.3 – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. – – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 1.4...................... 1.7 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 2.9........ – 2.9 – – – – –42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – D D – –42272 Petroleum & petroleum prod whsle (exc bulk

stations & terminals) D....................... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 19.4...................... – 19.4 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

226 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 232: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 2.4...................... 1.1 2.8 1.2 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 4.0.................. 1.9 D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle –.... .3 – .3 – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle D.......................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 4.5........ 2.9 4.5 2.9 – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle D................... D – – – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle 8.6....... – 8.6 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .4.............. – D D – – D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle 7.4.................. – – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – D D42242 Packaged frozen food whsle D................. D D D – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 11.3...................... 1.7 11.3 1.7 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 12.8.................. 2.0 12.8 2.0 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 4.9........ – 4.9 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 3.4.............. – 3.4 – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 227U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 233: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 31.1...................... – 31.1 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .9...................... .3 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods .8.................. .4 .8 .4 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle .9...................................... .7 .9 .7 – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle .9....... .1 .9 .1 – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 1.2........ – 1.2 – – – – –42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle D................... D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.4.............. – – – D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 5.7...................... 1.2 10.3 2.2 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 7.4.................. 1.6 D D – – D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle –...................................... 4.7 D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D – – – – – –

42173 Warm air heating & air~conditioning equipment& supplies whsle D.......................... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – D D42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D – – – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.3.............. .2 D D – – D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D – – – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – D D

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... 2.6 – 2.6 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – – – – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. 4.8 – 4.8 – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

228 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 234: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade –...................... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – D D


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – D D42241 General~line grocery whsle D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 1.6.............. – 1.6 – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 4.6...................... 2.7 6.1 3.3 D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.7.................. 4.2 3.3 5.2 D D D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle .8....... – .8 – – – – –

42112 Motor vehicle supplies & new parts whsle D..... D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle 9.3............. 1.6 D D – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D 15.3 3.7 – – – –

42122 Home furnishings whsle D..................... D – – – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle 1.2........................ – – – – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle –........ 10.2 D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D – 8.7 – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6.2.............. 1.4 8.6 1.5 D D D D

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – D D42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D D D – – D D

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle 9.9.............. 4.5 9.9 4.5 – – – –

42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –

4228 Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverage whsle D.. D – – – – – –42281 Beer & ale whsle D........................... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 229U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 235: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D D D – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 3.1...................... .9 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle –......... 1.8 – 1.8 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle –.............. – D D – – – –42244 Poultry & poultry product whsle –.............. – D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 74.8........ – 74.8 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods .1.............. 1.3 .1 1.3 – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle –......... – – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals –.......... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – D D – –42247 Meat & meat product whsle D.................. D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... 3.5 – 3.5 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

230 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 236: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 28.1...................... .6 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 14.4.................. 1.0 14.4 1.0 – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 48.4.............. – D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 31.5...................... 14.6 31.5 14.6 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – D D – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D – – D D – –42261 Plastics materials & basic forms & shapes

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D 57.8 5.3 – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 57.8.................. 5.3 57.8 5.3 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... 11.0 – 11.0 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42111 Automobile & other motor vehicle whsle D....... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... 1.1 – 1.1 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. 1.1 – 1.1 – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –

42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D – – – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 231U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 237: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 9.9...................... .1 9.9 .1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 11.8.................. .1 11.8 .1 – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 9.9...................... – D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 12.8...................... 3.6 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .3...................... – .3 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4217 Hardware, & plumbing & heating equipment &supplies whsle D.............................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42252 Livestock whsle D............................ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... .4 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

232 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 238: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D D D – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – D D – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – D D – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 4.6...................... 24.5 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – D D


42 Wholesale trade –...................... – – – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D D D – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D – – D D – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 11.4...................... 1.1 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –

4226 Chemical & allied products whsle D............... D D D – – – –42269 Other chemical & allied products whsle D....... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 6.3...................... .9 6.4 .3 – 21.3 – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle 41.6...................................... – 41.6 – – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –42242 Packaged frozen food whsle D................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 233U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 239: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 8.2...................... 2.0 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

42133 Roofing, siding, & insulation material whsle D.... D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –

42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4221 Paper & paper product whsle D.................. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 23.2.............. 1.9 D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. 3.2 – 3.2 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle –........ 3.2 – 3.2 – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle –. 3.2 – 3.2 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 10.9...................... 13.3 10.9 13.3 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19.2.................. 17.3 19.2 17.3 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.7...................... – 2.7 – – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.7.................. – 2.7 – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade –...................... 12.5 – 12.5 – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

234 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 240: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D


42 Wholesale trade 9.9...................... – D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42131 Lumber, plywood, millwork, & wood panel

whsle D.................................... D – – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – D D – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 53.5...................... .1 53.5 .1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4215 Metal & mineral (except petroleum) whsle D....... D D D – – – –42151 Metal service centers & offices D............... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 29.9...................... 9.7 29.9 9.7 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 3.1...................... 2.1 D D – – D D


42 Wholesale trade 6.9...................... 11.3 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4212 Furniture & home furnishings whsle D............. D – – – – – –42121 Furniture whsle D............................ D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

42185 Service establishment equipment & supplieswhsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – D D

4223 Apparel, piece goods, & notions whsle D.......... D D D – – – –42231 Piece goods, notions, & other dry goods whsle D. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42299 Other miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 235U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 241: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .3...................... 2.8 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42294 Tobacco & tobacco product whsle D............ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .1...................... 3.2 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods .2.................. 4.4 D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42143 Computer & computer peripheral equipment &software whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. – D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4214 Professional & commercial equipment & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42145 Medical, dental, & hospital equipment &supplies whsle D............................ D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

42114 Motor vehicle parts, (used) whsle D............ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 5.9...................... 27.2 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8.0.................. – 8.0 – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 5.0.............. 38.1 D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 3.5...................... 11.1 3.5 11.1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 3.5.................. 11.1 3.5 11.1 – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

236 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 242: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 21.9...................... 36.0 D D – – D D

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .4...................... .7 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 1.3.................. – 1.3 – – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. 1.0 – – – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D – – – – – –42249 Other grocery & related products whsle D....... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.3...................... 6.9 2.3 6.9 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods .2.................. 7.0 .2 7.0 – – – –

4213 Lumber & other construction materials whsle D.... D D D – – – –42132 Brick, stone, & related construction materials

whsle D.................................... D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 9.5.............. 6.7 9.5 6.7 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.4...................... 3.5 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle 2.9........ 2.5 D D – – D D42181 Construction & mining (except petroleum)

machinery & equip whsle –................... – – – – – – –

42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D – – – – – –

42184 Industrial supplies whsle D.................... D – – – – D D

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 237U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 243: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 4.5...................... 4.6 D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5.4.................. 5.6 D D – – D D

4211 Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplieswhsle D...................................... D D D – – – –

4216 Electrical goods whsle D........................ D – – – – – –42161 Electrical apparatus & equip, wiring supp, &

const material whsle D....................... D – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42183 Industrial machinery & equipment whsle D....... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. – – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.3...................... 1.5 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – – – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D – 22.4 – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. 22.4 – 22.4 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 13.1...................... 45.0 13.1 45.0 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 4.4...................... 1.1 4.4 1.1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 2.9.................. – 2.9 – – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6.2.............. 2.3 6.2 2.3 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D – 4.2 D D – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

238 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 244: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade 8.4...................... 3.1 8.4 3.1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 20.9.................. – 20.9 – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. 5.2 – 5.2 – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 2.6...................... 21.1 2.6 21.1 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4224 Grocery & related products whsle D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.0...................... 16.9 D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods –.................. – D D D D – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle D........ D D D – – – –42182 Farm & garden machinery & equipment whsle D. D D D – – – –421820 Farm & garden machinery & equipment

whsle D.................................. D D D – – – –4218201 Farm machinery & equipmentmfarm

dealers D.............................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D – – D D – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D – – D D – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D – – D D – –4219906 Other durable goods whsle D.............. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 21.4.............. 51.8 21.4 51.8 – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... 65.7 D 65.7 – – – –42259 Other farm product raw material whsle D........ D D D – – – –422590 Other farm product raw material whsle D...... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –


42 Wholesale trade 7.2...................... .5 D D – – D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 8.3.................. 1.2 D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D – – – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D – – – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 6.8.............. .3 D D – – D D

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D D D – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –422710 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D........ D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 6.3...................... – D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D – – – – – –

4227 Petroleum & petroleum products whsle D......... D – – – – – –42271 Petroleum bulk stations & terminals D.......... D – – – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –

4229 Miscellaneous nondurable goods whsle D......... D D D – – – –42291 Farm supplies whsle D........................ D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D D D – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –

See footnotes at end of table.

WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIES MISSISSIPPI 239U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

Page 245: Wholesale Trade, Mississippi - Census.gov · ShirinA. Ahmed,Assistant Chief for Post-Collection Processing,was responsible for edit proce-dures and designing the interactive ana-

Table 8. Percent of Sales Data Based on Administrative Records and Estimation forPlaces: 1997mCon.

[Includes only establishments with payroll. For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text. For explanation of terms, see Appendix A. For information on geographic areas followed by *,see Appendix D]

NAICScode Geographic area and kind of business

All types of operationpercent of salesm

Merchant wholesalerspercent of salesm

Manufacturers’ sales branchesand offices

percent of salesm

Agents, brokers, andcommission merchants

percent of salesm


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


records1 Estimated2


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade 18.6...................... 32.7 18.6 32.7 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 19.1.................. 39.2 19.1 39.2 – – – –

4218 Machinery, equipment, & supplies whsle –........ 41.1 – 41.1 – – – –

4219 Miscellaneous durable goods whsle D............ D D D – – – –42199 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D..... D D D – – – –421990 Other miscellaneous durable goods whsle D... D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade D...................... D D D D D D D

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods D.................. D – – – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods D.............. D D D – – – –


42 Wholesale trade .4...................... 2.2 .4 2.2 – – – –

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods 5.6.................. 4.4 5.6 4.4 – – – –

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods –.............. 2.1 – 2.1 – – – –

4225 Farm~product raw material whsle D............... D D D – – – –

1Includes sales information obtained from administrative records of other Federal agencies.2Includes sales information which was imputed based on historic company ratios or administrative records, or on industry averages.

240 MISSISSIPPI WHOLESALE TRADEmGEOG. AREA SERIESU.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census Revised Mar. 30, 2000

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Appendix A.Explanation of Terms


Payroll includes all forms of compensation, such assalaries, wages, commissions, dismissal pay, bonuses,vacation allowances, sick-leave pay, and employee contri-butions to qualified pension plans paid during the year toall employees. For corporations, payroll includes amountspaid to officers and executives; for unincorporated busi-nesses, it does not include profit or other compensation ofproprietors or partners. Payroll is reported before deduc-tions for social security, income tax, insurance, uniondues, etc. This definition of payroll is the same as thatused by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Form 941.


The total value of merchandise inventories an establish-ment owned on December 31, 1996. Inventories must belocated in the United States and its possessions, includingForeign Trade Zones in the United States, even if portionsof these inventories were held at other locations. Excludethe value of inventories held by this establishment butowned by others.


The total value of merchandise inventories owned onDecember 31, 1997. Inventories must be located in theUnited States and its possessions, including Foreign TradeZones in the United States, even if portions of these inven-tories were held at other locations. Exclude the value ofinventories held by this establishment but owned byothers.


Represents payroll paid to persons employed at anytime during the quarter January to March 1997.


Paid employees consists of full-time and part-timeemployees, including salaried officers and executives ofcorporations. Included are employees on paid sick leave,paid holidays, and paid vacations; not included are propri-etors and partners of unincorporated businesses. Thedefinition of paid employees is the same as that used onIRS Form 941.


An establishment is a single physical location at whichbusiness is conducted and/or services are provided. It isnot necessarily identical with a company or enterprise,which may consist of one establishment or more.Economic census figures represent a summary of reportsfor individual establishments rather than companies. Forcases where a census report was received, separate infor-mation was obtained for each location where businesswas conducted. When administrative records of otherFederal agencies were used instead of a census report, noinformation was available on the number of locationsoperated. Each economic census establishment wastabulated according to the physical location at which thebusiness was conducted. The count of establishmentsrepresents those in business at any time during 1997.

When two activities or more were carried on at a singlelocation under a single ownership, all activities generallywere grouped together as a single establishment. Theentire establishment was classified on the basis of itsmajor activity and all data for it were included in thatclassification. However, when distinct and separate eco-nomic activities (for which different industry classificationcodes were appropriate) were conducted at a singlelocation under a single ownership, separate establishmentreports for each of the different activities were obtained inthe census.


Includes payroll, employee benefits, interest and rentexpenses, payroll taxes, cost of supplies used for opera-tion, depreciation expenses, fundraising expenses,contracted or purchased services, and other expensescharged to operations during 1997. Expenses exclude costof goods sold, income taxes, and interest for wholesaleestablishments; outlays for the purchase of real estate;construction and all other capital improvements; fundsinvested; assessments or dues paid to the parent or otherchapters of the same organization; and, for fundraisingorganizations, funds transferred to charities and otherorganizations.


Percent of total sales/receipts/revenue that wasimputed based on historic company ratios or administra-tive records, or on industry averages.


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Percent of total sales/receipts/revenue obtained fromadministrative records of other Federal agencies.

SALES ($1,000)

Includes the total sales, shipments, receipts, revenue,or business done by establishments within the scope ofthe economic census.

Sales include merchandise sold for cash or credit byestablishments primarily engaged in wholesale trade;receipts from rental or leasing of vehicles, equipment,instruments, tools, etc.; receipts for delivery, installation,maintenance, repair, alteration, storage, and other ser-vices; and gasoline, liquor, tobacco, and other excise taxeswhich are paid by the manufacturer and passed on to thewholesaler.

Sales are net after deductions for refunds and allow-ances for merchandise returned by customers. Trade-in

allowances are not deducted from total sales. Total salesdo not include carrying or other credit charges; sales (orother) taxes collected from customers and forwarded totaxing authorities; and nonoperating income from suchsources as investments, rental or sale of real estate, etc.

Sales in this report do not include wholesale sales madeby manufacturers, retailers, service establishments, orother businesses whose primary activity is other thanwholesale trade. They do include receipts other than fromthe sale of merchandise at wholesale, e.g., servicereceipts, retail sales, etc., by establishments primarilyengaged in wholesale trade.

Sales figures include sales of all establishments in busi-ness at any time during the year. Sales shown for agentsand brokers represented the value of the goods involvedin the transactions rather than the commissions receivedor earnings.


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Appendix B.NAICS Codes, Titles, and Descriptions


The Wholesale Trade sector comprises establishmentsengaged in wholesaling merchandise, generally withouttransformation, and rendering services incidental to thesale of merchandise.

The wholesaling process is an intermediate step in thedistribution of merchandise. Wholesalers are organized tosell or arrange the purchase or sale of (a) goods for resale(i.e., goods sold to other wholesalers or retailers), (b) capi-tal or durable nonconsumer goods, and (c) raw and inter-mediate materials and supplies used in production.

Wholesalers sell merchandise to other businesses andnormally operate from a warehouse or office. These ware-houses and offices are characterized by having little or nodisplay of merchandise. In addition, neither the design northe location of the premises is intended to solicit walk-intraffic. Wholesalers do not normally use advertisingdirected to the general public. Customers are generallyreached initially via telephone, in-person marketing, or byspecialized advertising that may include Internet andother electronic means. Follow-up orders are eithervendor-initiated or client-initiated, generally based on pre-vious sales, and typically exhibit strong ties between sell-ers and buyers. In fact, transactions are often conductedbetween wholesalers and clients that have long-standingbusiness relationships.

This sector comprises two main types of wholesalers:those that sell goods on their own account and those thatarrange sales and purchases for others for a commissionor fee.

1. Establishments that sell goods on their own accountare known as wholesale merchants, distributors, job-bers, drop shippers, import/export merchants, andsales branches. These establishments typically main-tain their own warehouse, where they receive andhandle goods for their customers. Goods are generallysold without transformation, but may include integralfunctions, such as sorting, packaging, labeling, andother marketing services.

2. Establishments arranging for the purchase or sale ofgoods owned by others or purchasing goods on acommission basis are known as agents and brokers,commission merchants, import/export agents andbrokers, auction companies, and manufacturers’ repre-sentatives. These establishments operate from officesand generally do not own or handle the goods theysell.

Some wholesale establishments may be connected witha single manufacturer and promote and sell the particularmanufacturers’ products to a wide range of other whole-salers or retailers. Other wholesalers may be connected toa retail chain or a limited number of retail chains and onlyprovide a variety of products needed by that particularretail operation(s). These wholesalers may obtain theproducts from a wide range of manufacturers. Still otherwholesalers may not take title to the goods, but act asagents and brokers for a commission.

Although, in general, wholesaling normally denotessales in large volumes, durable nonconsumer goods maybe sold in single units. Sales of capital or durable noncon-sumer goods used in the production of goods and ser-vices, such as farm machinery, medium and heavy dutytrucks, and industrial machinery, are always included inwholesale trade.

421 Wholesale trade, durable goods

Industries in the Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods sub-sector sell or arrange the purchase or sale of capital ordurable goods to other businesses. Durable goods arenew or used items generally with a normal life expectancyof three years or more. Durable goods wholesale tradeestablishments are engaged in wholesaling products, suchas motor vehicles, furniture, construction materials,machinery and equipment (including household-typeappliances), metals and minerals (except petroleum),sporting goods, toys and hobby goods, recyclable materi-als, and parts.

The detailed industries within the subsector are orga-nized in the classification structure based on the productssold. Within an industry, the types of establishments mayvary, including wholesale merchants and/or agents andbrokers.

4211 Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts andSupplies Wholesalers

This NAICS industry group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42111, Auto-mobile and other motor vehicle wholesalers; 42112, Motorvehicle supplies and new parts wholesalers; 42113, Tireand tube wholesalers; 42114, Motor vehicle parts (used)wholesalers.

42111 Automobile and Other Motor VehicleWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling new and used passenger automo-biles, trucks, trailers, and other motor vehicles, such asmotorcycles, motor homes, and snowmobiles.


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421110 Automobile and Other Motor VehicleWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling new and used passenger automo-biles, trucks, trailers, and other motor vehicles, such asmotorcycles, motor homes, and snowmobiles.

The data published with NAICS code 421110 includethe following SIC industry:

5012 Automobiles and other motor vehicles

4211101 Automobile and Motorcycle Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used passenger vehicles(automobiles, motorcycles, motor scooters, and taxicabs),automobile trailers, and other similar vehicles.

4211102 Bus and Recreational Vehicle (Campersand Motor Homes) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used buses and recreationalvehicles.

4211103 Light Truck and Van (14,000 lb or Less)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used light trucks and cargo vansunder 14,000 lb. gross wt.

4211104 Medium Truck and Tractor (14,001 to26,000 lb) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used medium trucks and tractors14,001 to 26,000 lb. gross wt.

4211105 Heavy Truck and Tractor (Over 26,000 lb)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used heavy trucks and tractorsover 26,000 lb. gross wt.

42112 Motor Vehicle Supplies and New PartsWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling motor vehicle supplies, accesso-ries, tools, and equipment; and new motor vehicle parts(except new tires and tubes).

421120 Motor Vehicle Supplies and New PartsWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling motor vehicle supplies, accesso-ries, tools, and equipment; and new motor vehicle parts(except new tires and tubes).

The data published with NAICS code 421120 includethe following SIC industry:

5013 (pt) Motor vehicle supplies and new parts

4211201 Motor Vehicle Supplies and NewParts-Warehouse Distributors

Establishments primarily engaged in selling for resalemotor vehicle supplies and new parts from a warehouse.These establishments primarily sell to other wholesalers.

4211202 Motor Vehicle Supplies and NewParts-Jobbers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of motor vehicle supplies and new partsprimarily from an office or warehouse and less than halfof their sales are to other wholesalers.

4211203 Petroleum Products MarketingEquipment Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of automotive service station equipment,automotive testing equipment, and automotive suppliesfor use in gasoline service or bulk stations.

42113 Tire and Tube Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling new and/or used tires and tubesfor passenger and commercial vehicles.

421130 Tire and Tube Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling new and/or used tires and tubesfor passenger and commercial vehicles.

The data published with NAICS code 421130 includethe following SIC industry:

5014 (pt) Tires and tubes

42114 Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling used motor vehicle parts (exceptused tires and tubes) and establishments primarilyengaged in dismantling motor vehicles for the purpose ofselling the parts.

421140 Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling used motor vehicle parts (exceptused tires and tubes) and establishments primarilyengaged in dismantling motor vehicles for the purpose ofselling the parts.

The data published with NAICS code 421140 includethe following SIC industry:

5015 Motor vehicle parts, used


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4212 Furniture and Home Furnishing Wholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42121,Furniture wholesalers; and 42122, Home furnishingswholesalers.

42121 Furniture Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling furniture (except hospital beds,medical furniture, and drafting tables).

421210 Furniture Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling furniture (except hospital beds,medical furniture, and drafting tables).

The data published with NAICS code 421210 includethe following SIC industry:

5021 (pt) Furniture

4212101 Household and Lawn FurnitureWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of household (including lawn) furniture,bedsprings, mattresses, and all such component furnitureparts.

4212102 Office and Business FurnitureWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of filing cabinets (wood or steel), office furniture,store furniture, and public furniture for public parks andbuildings.

42122 Home Furnishings Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling home furnishings and/or house-wares.

421220 Home Furnishing Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling home furnishings and/or house-wares.

The data published with NAICS code 421220 includethe following SIC industry:

5023 (pt) Home furnishings

4212201 Household China, Glassware, andCrockery Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of table and household china, glassware, andearthenware.

4212202 Linen, Domestics, Drapery, and CurtainWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of bedspreads, blankets, pillowcases, bed sheets,table linens, bathroom linens (e.g., towels, bath mats),curtains, and shades.

4212203 Floor Coverings Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of carpets, rugs, and all other types of hard andsoft surface floor coverings (excluding ceramic and claytile).

4212204 Other Home Furnishings Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of aluminum ware, lamps, glass mirrors, kitchentools and utensils, and other general home furnishingsand home wares, including antiques.

4213 Lumber and Other Construction MaterialsWholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42131,Lumber, plywood, millwork, and wood panel wholesalers;42132, Brick, stone, and related construction materialswholesalers; 42133, Roofing, siding, and insulationmaterial wholesalers; 42139, Other construction materialswholesalers.

42131 Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood PanelWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling lumber; plywood; reconstitutedwood fiber products; wood fencing; doors and windowsand their frames (all materials); wood roofing and siding;and/or other wood or metal millwork.

421310 Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and WoodPanel Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling lumber; plywood; reconstitutedwood fiber products; wood fencing; doors and windowsand their frames (all materials); wood roofing and siding;and/or other wood or metal millwork.

The data published with NAICS code 421310 includethe following SIC industry:

5031 (pt) Lumber, plywood, millwork, and woodpanels

4213101 Lumber Wholesalers (Without Yard)

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of rough, dressed, and finished lumber. Theseestablishments order the goods which are shipped directfrom the supplier to the customers without intermediatestorage.


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4213102 Lumber Wholesalers (With Yard)

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of rough, dressed, and finished lumber primarilyfrom a lot, warehouse, or office. These establishments per-form warehousing and storage functions and usually makedeliveries.

42131021 Lumber Wholesalers (With Yard)

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of rough, dressed, and finished lumber primarilyfrom a lot, warehouse, or office. These establishments per-form warehousing and storage functions and usually makedeliveries.

4213103 Plywood, Veneer, Millwork, and WoodPanel Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of plywood (hardwood, softwood, and nonwoodface), door and window frames, overhead doors, veneer,and other wood or metal millwork.

42131031 Plywood, Veneer, Millwork, and WoodPanel Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of plywood (hardwood, softwood, and nonwoodface), door and window frames, overhead doors, veneer,and other wood or metal millwork.

42132 Brick, Stone, and Related ConstructionMaterials Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling stone, cement, lime, constructionsand, and gravel; brick; asphalt and concrete mixtures;and/or concrete, stone, and structural clay products.

421320 Brick, Stone, and Related ConstructionMaterial Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling stone, cement, lime, constructionsand, and gravel; brick; asphalt and concrete mixtures;and/or concrete, stone, and structural clay products

The data published with NAICS code 421320 includethe following SIC industry:

5032 (pt) Brick, stone and related constructionmaterials

4213201 Brick, Block, Tile, Clay/Cement SewerPipe Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of brick (except refractory), block, and clayconstruction materials (except refractories).

42132011 Brick, Block, Tile, Clay/Cement SewerPipe Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of brick (except refractory), block, and clayconstruction materials (except refractories).

4213202 Sand, Gravel, and Stone Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of construction sand, gravel, and stone.

42132021 Sand, Gravel, and Stone Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of construction sand, gravel, and stone.

4213203 Cement, Lime, and Related ProductsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of cement, lime, asphalt, and other relatedproducts.

42132031 Cement, Lime, and Related ProductsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of cement, lime, asphalt, and other relatedproducts.

42133 Roofing, Siding, and Insulation MaterialWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling nonwood roofing and nonwoodsiding and insulation materials.

421330 Roofing, Siding, and Insulation MaterialWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling nonwood roofing and nonwoodsiding and insulation materials.

The data published with NAICS code 421330 includethe following SIC industry:

5033 (pt) Roofing, siding, and insulation materials

4213301 Roofing, Siding, and Insulation MaterialsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in wholesalingnonwood roofing and nonwood siding and insulationmaterials.

42133011 Roofing, Siding, and InsulationMaterials Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in wholesalingnonwood roofing and nonwood siding and insulationmaterials.


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42139 Other Construction Material Wholesalers

This industry comprises (1) establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling manufactured homes (i.e., mobilehomes) and/or prefabricated buildings and (2) establish-ments primarily engaged in wholesaling constructionmaterials (except lumber, plywood, millwood, wood panel,brick, stone, roofing, siding, and insulation material).

421390 Other Construction Material Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises (1) establishments prima-rily engaged in wholesaling manufactured homes (i.e.,mobile homes) and/or prefabricated buildings and (2)establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling construc-tion materials (except lumber, plywood, millwood, woodpanel, brick, stone, roofing, siding, and insulation mate-rial).

The data published with NAICS code 421390 includethe following SIC industry:

5039 (pt) Other construction materials

4213901 Flat Glass and Other Construction GlassWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of flat glass, glass blocks, plate glass, windowglass, and building glass.

42139011 Flat Glass and Other Construction GlassWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of flat glass, glass blocks, plate glass, windowglass, and building glass.

4213902 Other Construction MaterialsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of building and construction paper, plasticsbuilding materials, prefabricated structural assemblies(except wood), including modular homes, and other build-ing materials.

42139021 Other Construction MaterialsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of building and construction paper, plasticsbuilding materials, prefabricated structural assemblies(except wood), including modular homes, and other build-ing materials.

4214 Professional and Commercial Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42141, Photo-graphic equipment and supplies wholesalers; 42142,

Office equipment wholesalers; 42143, Computer and com-puter peripheral equipment and software wholesalers;42144, Other commercial equipment wholesalers; 42145,Medical, dental, and hospital equipment and supplieswholesalers; 42146, Ophthalmic goods wholesalers; and42149, Other professional equipment and supplies whole-salers.

42141 Photographic Equipment and SuppliesWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling photographic equipment andsupplies (except office equipment).

421410 Photographic Equipment and SuppliesWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling photographic equipment andsupplies (except office equipment).

The data published with NAICS code 421410 includethe following SIC industry:

5043 Photographic equipment and supplies

42142 Office Equipment Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling office machines and relatedequipment (except computers and computer peripheralequipment).

421420 Office Equipment Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling office machines and relatedequipment (except computers and computer peripheralequipment).

The data published with NAICS code 421420 includethe following SIC industry:

5044 Office equipment

42143 Computer and Computer PeripheralEquipment and Software Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling computers, computer peripheralequipment, loaded computer boards, and/or computersoftware.

421430 Computer and Computer PeripheralEquipment and Software Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling computers, computer peripheralequipment, loaded computer boards, and/or computersoftware.

The data published with NAICS code 421430 includethe following SIC industry:


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5045 (pt) Computers and computer peripheralequipment and software

4214301 Computers and Peripheral EquipmentWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used computer hardware andperipheral equipment.

42143011 Computers and Peripheral Equipment,Sold for Resale

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used computer hardware andperipheral equipment primarily for the purpose of resale.

42143012 Computers and Peripheral Equipment,Sold for End Use

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of new and used computer hardware andperipheral equipment primarily for end use.

4214302 Computer Software (Packaged)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of packaged computer software primarily forend use.

42144 Other Commercial Equipment Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling commercial and related machinesand equipment (except photographic equipment andsupplies; office equipment; and computers and computerperipheral equipment and software) generally used inrestaurants and stores.

421440 Other Commercial Equipment Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling commercial and related machinesand equipment (except photographic equipment and sup-plies; office equipment; and computers and computerperipheral equipment and software) generally used in res-taurants and stores.

The data published with NAICS code 421440 includethe following SIC industry:

5046 Other commercial equipment

4214401 Restaurant and Hotel Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of restaurant and hotel equipment and supplies.

4214402 Store Machines and EquipmentWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of store equipment (except furniture), machines,and fixtures.

42145 Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipmentand Supplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling medical professional equipment,instruments, and supplies (except ophthalmic equipment,instruments and goods used by ophthalmologists, optom-etrists, and opticians).

421450 Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipmentand Supplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling medical professional equipment,instruments, and supplies (except ophthalmic equipment,instruments and goods used by ophthalmologists, optom-etrists, and opticians).

The data published with NAICS code 421450 includethe following SIC industry:

5047 (pt) Medical, dental, and hospital equipmentand supplies

4214501 Surgical, Medical, and Hospital SuppliesWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of surgical and medical instruments, apparatus,and equipment; orthopedic appliances; artificial limbs;operating room and other hospital equipment; x-raymachines and parts, medical; and other scientific instru-ments used by physicians and in hospitals.

4214502 Dental Equipment and SuppliesWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of equipment and supplies used by dentists,such as drills, teeth, dental gold, equipment, chairs,sterilizers, X-rays, cabinets, and engines.

42146 Ophthalmic Goods Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling professional equipment,instruments, and/or goods sold, prescribed, or used byophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians.


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421460 Ophthalmic Goods Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling professional equipment,instruments, and/or goods sold, prescribed, or used byophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians.

The data published with NAICS code 421460 includethe following SIC industry:

5048 Ophthalmic goods

42149 Other Professional Equipment and SuppliesWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling professional equipment and sup-plies (except ophthalmic goods and medical, dental, andhospital equipment and supplies).

421490 Other Professional Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling professional equipment and sup-plies (except ophthalmic goods and medical, dental, andhospital equipment and supplies).

The data published with NAICS code 421490 includethe following SIC industry:

5049 (pt) Other professional equipment andsupplies

4214901 Religious and School SuppliesWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of church goods and religious articles, such asstatuary, vestments, fonts, candles, religious pictures, andreligious articles made from precious and semipreciousmaterials; and school equipment and supplies, such asblack boards, chalk, rulers, and globes and wall maps.

4214902 Other Professional Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of drafting instruments, veterinarians’ equipmentand supplies, professional equipment and supplies, scien-tific instruments and supplies, and laboratory equipment.

4215 Metal and Mineral (Except Petroleum)Wholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42151 Metalservice centers and offices; and 42152, Coal and othermineral and ore wholesalers.

42151 Metal Service Centers and Offices

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling products of the primary metalsindustries. Service centers maintain inventory and mayperform functions, such as sawing, shearing, bending,leveling, cleaning, or edging, on a custom basis as part ofsales transactions. Sales offices are usually affiliated orowned by a particular manufacturer and take orders buthave no inventory.

421510 Metal Service Centers and Offices

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling products of the primary metalsindustries. Service centers maintain inventory and mayperform functions, such as sawing, shearing, bending,leveling, cleaning, or edging, on a custom basis as part ofsales transactions. Sales offices are usually affiliated orowned by a particular manufacturer and take orders buthave no inventory.

The data published with NAICS code 421510 includethe following SIC industry:

5051 Metals service centers and offices

4215101 Ferrous Metals Service Centers and SalesOffices

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of semifinished ferrous metal products offoundries and mills.

42151011 Ferrous Metals Service Centers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of semifinished ferrous metal products offoundries and mills that maintain warehouse inventory.

42151012 Ferrous Metals Sales Offices

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of semifinished ferrous metal products primarilyfrom an office and not maintaining inventories.

4215102 Nonferrous Metals Service Centers andSales Offices

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of semifinished nonferrous metal products(except precious metals).

42151021 Nonferrous Metals Service Centers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of semifinished nonferrous metal products(except precious metals) and maintaining inventories.


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42151022 Nonferrous Metals Sales Offices

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of semifinished nonferrous metal products(except precious metals) and not maintaining inventories.

42152 Coal and Other Mineral and OreWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling coal, coke, metal ores, and/ornonmetallic minerals (except precious and semipreciousstones and minerals used in construction, such as sandand gravel).

421520 Coal and Other Mineral and OreWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling coal, coke, metal ores, and/ornonmetallic minerals (except precious and semipreciousstones and minerals used in construction, such as sandand gravel).

The data published with NAICS code 421520 includethe following SIC industry:

5052 Coal and other minerals and ores

4215201 Coal Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of coal and coke.

4215202 Other Minerals and Ores Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of precious metal ores, copper, iron, lead andother metallic ores (including concentrates) and crudenonmetallic minerals.

4216 Electrical Goods Wholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42161, Electri-cal apparatus and equipment, wiring supplies, andconstruction material wholesalers; and 42162, Electricalappliance, television, and radio set wholesalers.

42161 Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, WiringSupplies, and Construction Material Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling electrical construction materials;wiring supplies; electric light fixtures; light bulbs; and/orelectrical power equipment for the generation, transmis-sion, distribution, or control of electric energy.

421610 Electrical Apparatus and Equipment,Wiring Supplies, and Construction MaterialWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling electrical construction materials;wiring supplies; electric light fixtures; light bulbs; and/orelectrical power equipment for the generation, transmis-sion, distribution, or control of electric energy.

The data published with NAICS code 421610 includethe following SIC industry:

5063 (pt) Electrical apparatus and equipment, wiringsupplies, and construction materials

42162 Electrical Appliance, Television, and RadioSet Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling household-type electrical appli-ances, room air-conditioners, gas clothes dryers, and/orhousehold-type audio or video equipment.

421620 Electrical Appliance, Television, and RadioSet Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling household-type electrical appli-ances, room air-conditioners, gas clothes dryers, and/orhousehold-type audio or video equipment.

The data published with NAICS code 421620 includethe following SIC industry:

5064 Electrical appliances, television, and radio sets

42169 Other Electronic Parts and EquipmentWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling electronic parts and equipment(except electrical apparatus and equipment, wiring sup-plies and construction material; and electrical appliances,television and radio sets).

421690 Other Electronic Parts and EquipmentWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling electronic parts and equipment(except electrical apparatus and equipment, wiring sup-plies and construction material; and electrical appliances,television and radio sets).

The data published with NAICS code 421690 includethe following SIC industry:

5065 Other electronic parts and equipment

4216901 Communications Equipment and SuppliesWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of communications equipment.

4216902 Electronic Parts (Excluding Communica-tions Equipment) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of electronic parts and equipment (exceptcommunications equipment).


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4217 Hardware, and Plumbing and HeatingEquipment and Supplies Wholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42171, Hard-ware wholesalers; 42172, Plumbing and heating equip-ment and supplies (hydronics) wholesalers; 42173, Warmair heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies;and 42174, Refrigeration equipment and supplies whole-salers,

42171 Hardware Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling hardware, knives, or handtools.

421710 Hardware Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling hardware, knives, or handtools.

The data published with NAICS code 421710 includethe following SIC industry:

5072 Hardware

42172 Plumbing and Heating Equipment andSupplies (Hydronics) Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling plumbing equipment, hydronicheating equipment, household-type gas appliances (exceptgas clothes dryers), and/or supplies.

421720 Plumbing and Heating Equipment andSupplies (Hydronics) Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling plumbing equipment, hydronicheating equipment, household-type gas appliances (exceptgas clothes dryers), and/or supplies.

The data published with NAICS code 421720 includethe following SIC industry:

5074 (pt) Plumbing and heating equipment andsupplies (hydronics)

42173 Warm Air Heating and Air-ConditioningEquipment and Supplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling warm air heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies.

421730 Warm Air Heating and Air-ConditioningEquipment and Supplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling warm air heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies.

The data published with NAICS code 421730 includethe following SIC industry:

5075 Warm air heating and air-conditioningequipment and supplies

42174 Refrigeration Equipment and SuppliesWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling refrigeration equipment (excepthousehold-type refrigerators, freezers, and air-conditioners).

421740 Refrigeration Equipment and SuppliesWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling refrigeration equipment (excepthousehold-type refrigerators, freezers, and air-conditioners).

The data published with NAICS code 421740 includethe following SIC industry:

5078 Refrigeration equipment and supplies

4218 Machinery, Equipment, and SuppliesWholesalers

This industry group comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling construction, mining, farm, gar-den, industrial, service establishment, and transportationmachinery, equipment and supplies.

42181 Construction and Mining (Petroleum)Machinery and Equipment Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized machinery, equipment,and related parts generally used in construction, mining(except petroleum) and logging activities.

421810 Construction and Mining (Except Oil Well)Machinery and Equipment Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized machinery, equipment,and related parts generally used in construction, mining(except oil well) and logging activities.

The data published with NAICS code 421810 includethe following SIC industry:

5082 Construction and mining (except petroleum)machinery and equipment

42182 Farm and Garden Machinery and EquipmentWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized machinery, equipment,and related parts generally used in agricultural, farm, andlawn and garden activities.


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421820 Farm and Garden Machinery andEquipment Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized machinery, equipment,and related parts generally used in agricultural, farm, andlawn and garden activities.

The data published with NAICS code 421820 includethe following SIC industry:

5083 (pt) Farm and garden machinery andequipment

4218201 Farm Machinery and Equipment—FarmDealers

Establishments primarily engaged in marketing farmmachinery and equipment directly to farmers for farm use.

4218202 Farm Machinery andEquipment—Wholesale Distributors

Establishments primarily engaged in marketing farmmachinery and equipment directly to institutions, govern-ments, farm dealers, export sales, and other nonfarmaccounts.

4218203 Lawn and Garden Machinery andEquipment Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of lawn and garden machinery and equipment.

42183 Industrial Machinery and Equipmentwholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized machinery, equipment,and related parts generally used in manufacturing, oilwell, and warehousing activities.

421830 Industrial Machinery and EquipmentWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized machinery, equipment,and related parts generally used in manufacturing, oilwell, and warehousing activities.

The data published with NAICS code 421830 includethe following SIC industry:

5084 Industrial machinery and equipment5085 (pt) Industrial supplies

4218301 Food Processing Machinery andEquipment Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of dairy products manufacturing machinery, milkproducts manufacturing equipment, bottling machineryand equipment, and other food product manufacturingmachinery.

4218302 Hydraulic and Pneumatic (Fluid-Power)Machinery and Equipment Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, motors,parts, accessories, and supplies.

42183021 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Pumps andMotors Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of hydraulic and pneumatic pumps and motorsand the parts for them.

42183022 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Parts,Accessories, and Supplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of hydraulic and pneumatic (fluid-power)commodities.

4218303 Other General Purpose IndustrialMachinery and Equipment Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of general purpose industrial machinery andequipment.

4218304 Metalworking Machinery and EquipmentWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of metalworking machinery and equipment andmachine tool accessories.

4218305 Materials Handling EquipmentWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of fork lift trucks, industrial trucks and tractors,industrial cranes, conveyor systems, hoists, elevators, andother materials handling equipment.

4218306 Oil Well, Oil Refinery, and PipelineMachinery, Equipment, and Supplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of oil refining and oil well machinery, equipment,and supplies.

4218307 Other Industrial Machinery andEquipment Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of specific-use industrial machinery andequipment.


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42184 Industrial Supplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling supplies used in machinery andequipment generally used in manufacturing, oil well, andwarehousing activities.

421840 Industrial Supplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling supplies used in machinery andequipment generally used in manufacturing, oil well, andwarehousing activities.

The data published with NAICS code 421840 includethe following SIC industry:

5085 (pt) Industrial supplies

4218401 General Line Industrial SuppliesWholesaler

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of a combination or general line of industrialmaterials and supplies.

4218402 Mechanical Power Transmission SuppliesWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of mechanical power transmission equipmentand supplies.

4218403 Welding Supplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of gas-welding supplies (excluding gases),arc-welding supplies, and resistance-welding supplies.

4218404 Industrial Containers and SuppliesWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of industrial containers and supplies.

4218405 Industrial Valves and Fittings (ExceptFluid-Power) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of valves and fittings, other than plumbing andheating, or hydraulic and pneumatic.

4218406 Other Industrial Supplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of industrial supplies, not included elsewhere.

42185 Service Establishment Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized equipment and sup-plies of the type used by service establishments (exceptspecialized equipment and supplies used in offices, stores,hotels, restaurants, schools, health and medical facilities,photographic facilities, as well as specialized equipmentused in transportation and construction activities).

421850 Service Establishment Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling specialized equipment and sup-plies of the type used by service establishments (exceptspecialized equipment and supplies used in offices, stores,hotels, restaurants, schools, health and medical facilities,photographic facilities, as well as specialized equipmentused in transportation and construction activities).

The data published with NAICS code 421850 includethe following SIC industry:

5087 (pt) Service establishment equipment andsupplies

4218501 Beauty and Barber Shop Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of barber shop and beauty parlor equipment andsupplies (furniture, hydraulic chairs, driers, shampoos,wave solutions, permanent waving supplies, barber soaps,and manicuring supplies, etc.).

4218502 Custodial and Janitors’ Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of custodial and janitorial equipment andsupplies.

4218503 Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of equipment and supplies to the laundry anddry-cleaning trade, such as washing, drying, ironing, andpressing machines; laundry chemicals; dry-cleaning fluids;marking equipment; laundry trays and baskets.

4218504 Other Service Establishment Equipmentand Supplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of municipality equipment and supplies(water systems, fire department supplies, and parkingequipment), shoe service equipment and supplies, tailors’


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and furriers’ supplies, upholsterers’ supplies, undertakers’supplies, and other service establishment equipment andsupplies not included elsewhere.

42186 Transportation Equipment and Supplies(Except Motor Vehicle) Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling transportation equipment andsupplies (except marine pleasure craft and motorvehicles).

421860 Transportation Equipment and Supplies(Except Motor Vehicle) Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling transportation equipment andsupplies (except marine pleasure craft and motorvehicles).

The data published with NAICS code 421860 includethe following SIC industry:

5088 Transportation equipment and supplies, exceptmotor vehicles

4218601 Aircraft and Aeronautical Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of aircraft and aeronautical equipment andframes, parts, supplies, and accessories for suchequipment.

4218602 Marine Machinery, Equipment, andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of ships, boats, and marine propulsionmachinery, equipment, and parts.

4218603 Other Transportation Equipment andSupplies Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of railroad equipment, such as rolling stock andmaintenance equipment, and equipment and suppliesused in the maintenance and repair of subways, tram-ways, aerial hoists, or horse drawn vehicles.

4219 Miscellaneous Durable Goods Wholesalers

This industry group comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling sporting, recreational, toy, hobby,and jewelry goods and supplies, and precious stones andmetals.

42191 Sporting and Recreational Goods andSupplies wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling sporting goods and accessories;billiard and pool supplies; sporting firearms and ammuni-tion; and/or marine pleasure craft, equipment, andsupplies.

421910 Sporting and Recreational Goods andSupplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling sporting goods and accessories;billiard and pool supplies; sporting firearms and ammuni-tion; and/or marine pleasure craft, equipment, and sup-plies.

The data published with NAICS code 421910 includethe following SIC industry:

5091 Sporting and recreational goods and supplies

42192 Toy and Hobby Goods and SuppliesWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling games, toys, fireworks, playingcards, hobby goods and supplies, and/or related goods.

421920 Toy and Hobby Goods and SuppliesWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling games, toys, fireworks, playingcards, hobby goods and supplies, and/or related goods.

The data published with NAICS code 421920 includethe following SIC industry:

5092 Toys and hobby goods and supplies

42193 Recyclable Material Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling scrap from automotive, industrial,and other recyclable materials. Included in this industryare auto wreckers primarily engaged in dismantling motorvehicles for the purpose of wholesaling scrap.

421930 Recyclable Material Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling scrap from automotive, industrial,and other recyclable materials. Included in this industryare auto wreckers primarily engaged in dismantling motorvehicles for the purpose of wholesaling scrap.

The data published with NAICS code 421930 includethe following SIC industry:

5093 Recyclable materials

4219301 Iron and Steel Scrap Processors andDealers

Establishments primarily engaged in selling all forms ofscrap iron and scrap steel.


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42193011 Iron and Steel Scrap Processors(Using Power Processing Equipment) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in breaking up, sort-ing, and selling all forms of scrap iron and scrap steelusing power processing equipment. Power processingequipment includes operating cranes, hydraulic or motorshears, baling equipment, cable strippers, etc.

42193012 Iron and Steel Scrap Dealers(Not Using Power Processing Equipment)

Establishments primarily engaged in selling all forms ofscrap iron and scrap steel, but which do not operatepower processing and preparation equipment.

4219302 Recyclable Paper and PaperboardWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of paper and paperboard scrap and waste.

4219303 Other Recyclable Materials Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of recyclable scrap and waste, nonferrousmetals, textiles, glass, plastics, rubber, and oil.

42194 Jewelry, Watch, Silverware, Precious Stone,and Precious Metal Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling jewelry, precious and semipre-cious stones, precious metals and metal flatware, costumejewelry, watches, clocks, silverware, and/or jewelers’findings.

421940 Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, andPrecious Metal Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling jewelry, precious and semipre-cious stones, precious metals and metal flatware, costumejewelry, watches, clocks, silverware, and/or jewelers’findings.

The data published with NAICS code 421940 includethe following SIC industry:

5094 Jewelry, watches, precious stones, andprecious metals

4219401 Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, PreciousStones, and Silverware Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of jewelry (including costume), precious stones,watches, clocks, silverware, and jewelers’ findings.

4219402 Precious Metals (Excluding Ores)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of precious metals.

42199 Other Miscellaneous Durable GoodsWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling durable goods (except motorvehicle and motor vehicle parts and supplies; furnitureand home furnishings; lumber and other constructionmaterials; professional and commercial equipment andsupplies; metals and minerals (except petroleum); electri-cal goods; hardware, and plumbing and heating equip-ment and supplies; machinery, equipment and supplies;sporting and recreational goods and supplies; toy andhobby goods and supplies; recyclable materials; and jew-elry, watches, precious stones and precious metals).

421990 Other Miscellaneous Durable GoodsWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling durable goods (except motorvehicle and motor vehicle parts and supplies; furnitureand home furnishings; lumber and other constructionmaterials; professional and commercial equipment andsupplies; metals and minerals (except petroleum); electri-cal goods; hardware, and plumbing and heating equip-ment and supplies; machinery, equipment and supplies;sporting and recreational goods and supplies; toy andhobby goods and supplies; recyclable materials; and jew-elry, watches, precious stones and precious metals).

The data published with NAICS code 421990 includethe following SIC industry:

5099 Other miscellaneous durable goods7822 (pt) Motion picture and video tape distribution

4219901 Musical Instruments and SuppliesWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of musical instruments and supplies.

4219902 Forest Products (Except Lumber)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of timber products, such as ties, logs, poles,stumps, and cordwood.

4219903 General Merchandise (Durable Goods)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of a general line of durable goods with no oneline accounting for more than 25 percent of the totalsales.


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4219904 Prerecorded Media Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of prerecorded compact discs, tapes, phono-graph records, video cassettes, and other video tapes ordiscs.

42199041 Compact Disks, Prerecorded AudioTapes, and Phonograph Records Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of prerecorded compact disks, audio tapes, andphonograph records.

42199042 Prerecorded Video Tape Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in purchasing andreselling prerecorded video cassettes and other videotapesor discs to other wholesalers, video rental stores, andother retailers.

4219905 Fire Extinguishers and Fire SafetyEquipment Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of fire extinguishers and fire safety equipment.

4219906 Other Durable Goods Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of durable goods such as game machines, gaslighting fixtures, luggage, and signs (except electric).

422 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods

Industries in the Wholesale Trade, Nondurable Goodssubsector sell or arrange the purchase or sale of nondu-rable goods to other businesses. Nondurable goods areitems generally with a normal life expectancy of less thanthree years. Nondurable goods wholesale trade establish-ments are engaged in wholesaling products, such as paperand paper products, chemicals and chemical products,drugs, textiles and textile products, apparel, footwear,groceries, farm products, petroleum and petroleum prod-ucts, alcoholic beverages, books, magazines, newspapers,flowers and nursery stock, and tobacco products.

4221 Paper and Paper Product Wholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42211, Paperand paper product wholesalers; 42212, Stationery andoffice supplies wholesalers; and 42213 Industrial and per-sonal service paper wholesalers.

42211 Printing and Writing Paper Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling bulk printing and/or writing papergenerally on rolls for further processing.

422110 Printing and Writing Paper Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling bulk printing and/or writing papergenerally on rolls for further processing.

The data published with NAICS code 422110 includethe following SIC industry:

5111 Printing and writing paper

42212 Stationery and Office Supplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling stationery, office supplies and/orgift wrap.

422120 Stationery and Office Supplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling stationery, office supplies and/orgift wrap.

The data published with NAICS code 422120 includethe following SIC industry:

5112 (pt) Stationery and office supplies

42213 Industrial and Personal Service PaperWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling wrapping and other coarse paper,paperboard, converted paper (except stationery and officesupplies), and/or related disposable plastics products.

422130 Industrial and Personal Service PaperWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling wrapping and other coarse paper,paperboard, converted paper (except stationery and officesupplies), and/or related disposable plastics products.

The data published with NAICS code 422130 includethe following SIC industry:

5113 Industrial and personal service paper

4222 Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling biological and medical products;botanical drugs and herbs; and pharmaceutical productsintended for internal and external consumption in suchforms as ampoules, tablets, capsules, vials, ointments,powders, solutions, and suspensions.


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42221 Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling biological and medical products;botanical drugs and herbs; and pharmaceutical productsintended for internal and external consumption in suchforms as ampoules, tablets, capsules, vials, ointments,powders, solutions, and suspensions.

422210 Drugs and Druggists’ SundriesWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling biological and medical products;botanical drugs and herbs; and pharmaceutical productsintended for internal and external consumption in suchforms as ampoules, tablets, capsules, vials, ointments,powders, solutions, and suspensions.

The data published with NAICS code 422210 includethe following SIC industry:

5122 Drugs, drug proprietaries, and druggists’sundries

4222101 General Line Drugs Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of a combination or general line of drugs, drugproprietaries, and druggists’ sundries.

4222102 Specialty Line Drugs, Pharmaceuticals,Cosmetics, and Toiletries Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of specialty-line drugs, pharmaceuticals,cosmetics, and toiletries.

4223 Apparel, Piece Goods, and NotionsWholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42231, Piecegoods, notions, and other dry goods wholesalers; 42232,Men’s and boys’ clothing and furnishings wholesalers;42233, Women’s, children’s and infants’ clothing andaccessories wholesalers; 42234, Footwear wholesalers.

42231 Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry GoodsWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling piece goods, fabrics, yarns, threadand other notions, and/or hair accessories.

422310 Piece Goods, Notions, and Other DryGoods Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling piece goods, fabrics, yarns, threadand other notions, and/or hair accessories.

The data published with NAICS code 422310 includethe following SIC industry:

5131 (pt) Piece goods, notions, and other dry goods

4223101 Piece Goods (Woven and Knit Fabrics) -Jobbers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of woven and knit fabrics.

4223102 Notions and Other Dry GoodsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of notions (i.e., sewing accessories, etc.), andother dry goods, except piece goods.

42232 Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and FurnishingsWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling men’s and/or boys’ clothing andfurnishings.

422320 Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and FurnishingsWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling men’s and/or boys’ clothing andfurnishings.

The data published with NAICS code 422320 includethe following SIC industry:

5136 Men’s and boys’ clothing and furnishings

42233 Women’s, Children’s, and Infants’ Clothingand Accessories Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling (1) women’s, children’s, infants’,and/or unisex clothing and accessories and/or (2) furclothing.

422330 Women’s, Children’s, and Infants’ Clothingand Accessories Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling (1) women’s, children’s, infants’,and/or unisex clothing and accessories and/or (2) furclothing.

The data published with NAICS code 422330 includethe following SIC industry:

5137 Women’s and children’s and infants’ clothingand accessories

42234 Footwear Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling footwear (including athletic) ofleather, rubber, and other materials.


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422340 Footwear Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling footwear (including athletic) ofleather, rubber, and other materials.

The data published with NAICS code 422340 includethe following SIC industry:

5139 Footwear

4224 Grocery and Related Product Wholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42241, Gen-eral line grocery wholesalers; 42242, Packaged frozenfood wholesalers; 42243, Dairy product (except dried orcanned) wholesalers; 42244, Poultry and poultry productwholesalers; 42245, Confectionery wholesalers; 42246,Fish and seafood wholesalers; 42247, Meat and meatproduct wholesalers; 42248, Fresh fruit and vegetablewholesalers; 42249, Other grocery and related productswholesalers.

42241 General Line Grocery Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling a general line (wide range) of gro-ceries.

422410 General Line Grocery Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling a general line (wide range) ofgroceries.

The data published with NAICS code 422410 includethe following SIC industry:

5141 Groceries, general line

4224101 General Line, Grocery Wholesalers,Voluntary Group

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of a general line of groceries and sponsoring (oraffiliated with sponsors of) voluntary organization of foodretailers which distributes a general line of groceries tothese voluntary groups. These also include any voluntarygroup grocery wholesalers commonly engaged in jointadvertising or other sales promotions under a group nameor identification. Wholesale establishments sponsoringsuch voluntary groups are included here regardless of theportion of their sales made to the retail organization’smembers.

4224102 General Line, Grocery Wholesalers, RetailCooperative

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of a general line of groceries and owned andoperated cooperatively by groups of independent foodretailers buying collectively which are primarily engaged

in wholesale selling and distributing a general line of gro-ceries. These establishments function primarily as awholesale cooperative company selling chiefly to memberretailers, but sometimes do a regular wholesale business.

4224103 Other General Line Grocery Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of a general line of groceries, including cash-andcarry food establishments, not sponsoring or affiliatedwith any voluntary or cooperative groups. Also includedare agents and brokers with a general line of groceries.

42242 Packaged Frozen Food Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling packaged frozen foods (exceptdairy products).

422420 Packaged Frozen Food Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling packaged frozen foods (exceptdairy products).

The data published with NAICS code 422420 includethe following SIC industry:

5142 Packaged frozen foods

42243 Dairy Product (Except Dried or Canned)Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling dairy products (except dried orcanned).

422430 Dairy Product (Except Dried or Canned)Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling dairy products (except dried orcanned).

The data published with NAICS code 422430 includethe following SIC industry:

5143 Dairy products, except dried or canned

4224301 Raw Milk Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of raw, dried, or canned milk.

4224302 Dairy Products, (Except Raw Milk)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of processed dairy products, except raw, dried,or canned.


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42244 Poultry and Poultry Product Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling poultry and/or poultry products(except canned and packaged frozen).

422440 Poultry and Poultry Product Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling poultry and/or poultry products(except canned and packaged frozen).

The data published with NAICS code 422440 includethe following SIC industry:

5144 Poultry and poultry products

4224401 Live Poultry Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of live poultry.

4224402 Poultry and Poultry Products (ExceptLive) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of poultry and poultry products (except cannedand packaged frozen products and live poultry).

42245 Confectionery Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling confectioneries; salted or roastednuts; popcorn; potato, corn, and similar chips; and/orfountain fruits and syrups.

422450 Confectionery Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling confectioneries; salted or roastednuts; popcorn; potato, corn, and similar chips; and/orfountain fruits and syrups.

The data published with NAICS code 422450 includethe following SIC industry:

5145 Confectionery

42246 Fish and Seafood Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling fish and seafood (except cannedor packaged frozen).

422460 Fish and Seafood Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling fish and seafood (except cannedor packaged frozen).

The data published with NAICS code 422460 includethe following SIC industry:

5146 Fish and seafoods

42247 Meat and Meat Product Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling meats and meat products (exceptcanned and packaged frozen) and/or lard.

422470 Meat and Meat Product Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling meats and meat products (exceptcanned and packaged frozen) and/or lard.

The data published with NAICS code 422470 includethe following SIC industry:

5147 (pt) Meats and meat products

42248 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling fresh fruits and vegetables.

422480 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling fresh fruits and vegetables.

The data published with NAICS code 422480 includethe following SIC industry:

5148 Fresh fruits and vegetables

42249 Other Grocery and Related ProductsWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling groceries and related products(except a general line of groceries; packaged frozen food;dairy products (except dried and canned); poultry prod-ucts (except canned); confectioneries; fish and seafood(except canned); meat products (except canned); and freshfruits and vegetables). Included in this industry are estab-lishments primarily engaged in bottling and wholesalingspring and mineral waters processed by others.

422490 Other Grocery and Related ProductsWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling groceries and related products(except a general line of groceries; packaged frozen food;dairy products (except dried and canned); poultry prod-ucts (except canned); confectioneries; fish and seafood(except canned); meat products (except canned); and freshfruits and vegetables). Included in this industry are estab-lishments primarily engaged in bottling and wholesalingspring and mineral waters processed by others.

The data published with NAICS code 422490 includethe following SIC industry:

5149 Other groceries and related products


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4224901 Coffee, Tea, and Spices Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of coffee, soluble coffee, tea (bagged, packaged,loose, or powdered) and spices.

4224902 Bread and Baked Goods Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of bread, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, pastries,crackers, pretzels, and other bakery products (exceptfrozen).

4224903 Soft Drinks and Bottled WaterWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of soft drinks and unprocessed bottled water.

4224904 Canned Goods Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of canned or bottled fruits, vegetables, juice,baby food, meat, poultry, fish, seafood, and dairy prod-ucts (condensed or evaporated).

4224905 Food and Beverage Basic MaterialWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of basic food and beverage materials.

4224906 Other Grocery Specialties Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of grocery specialties, such as flour, refinedsugar, breakfast cereals, butter substitutes (e.g., marga-rine), cooking oils, dried fruits, dried beans (packaged),honey, jams and jellies, pickles, preserves and sauces,polished rice, sandwiches, vegetable shortening, andother grocery specialties not included elsewhere.

4225 Farm Product Raw Material Wholesalers

This industry group comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling agricultural products (except rawmilk, live poultry, and fresh fruit and vegetables), such asgrains, field beans, livestock, and other farm product rawmaterials (excluding seeds).

42251 Grain and Field Bean Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling grains, such as corn, wheat, oats,barley, and unpolished rice; dry beans; and soybeans and

other inedible beans. Included in this industry are estab-lishments primarily engaged in operating country orterminal grain elevators primarily for the purpose ofwholesaling.

422510 Grain and Field Bean Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling grains, such as corn, wheat, oats,barley, and unpolished rice; dry beans; and soybeans andother inedible beans. Included in this industry are estab-lishments primarily engaged in operating country orterminal grain elevators primarily for the purpose ofwholesaling.

The data published with NAICS code 422510 includethe following SIC industry:

5153 Grain and field beans

42252 Livestock Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling livestock (except horses andmules).

422520 Livestock Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling livestock (except horses andmules).

The data published with NAICS code 422520 includethe following SIC industry:

5154 Livestock

42259 Other Farm Product Raw MaterialWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling farm products (except grain andfield beans, livestock, raw milk, live poultry, and freshfruits and vegetables).

422590 Other Farm Product Raw MaterialWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling farm products (except grain andfield beans, livestock, raw milk, live poultry, and freshfruits and vegetables).

The data published with NAICS code 422590 includethe following SIC industry:

5159 Other farm-product raw materials

4225901 Hides, Skins, and Pelts Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of untanned hides and skins, such as cattlehides, sheep skins, and goat skins; raw furs; and pelts offur-bearing animals.


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4225902 Leaf Tobacco Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of leaf tobacco.

4225903 Wool, Wool Tops, and Mohair Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of mohair (raw), raw wool, wool noils, wool tops,and wool clippings.

4225904 Cotton Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in buying and/ormarketing cotton.

4225905 Other Farm Product Raw MaterialsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in buying and/ormarketing other farm products.

4226 Chemical and Allied Products Wholesalers

This industry group comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling chemicals; plastics materials andbasic forms and shapes; and allied products.

42261 Plastics Materials and Basic Forms andShapes Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling plastics materials and resins, andunsupported plastics film, sheet, sheeting, rod, tube, andother basic forms and shapes.

422610 Plastics Materials and Basic Forms andShapes Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling plastics materials and resins, andunsupported plastics film, sheet, sheeting, rod, tube, andother basic forms and shapes.

The data published with NAICS code 422610 includethe following SIC industry:

5162 Plastics materials and basic forms and shapes

42269 Other Chemical and Allied ProductsWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling chemicals and allied products(except agricultural and medicinal chemicals, paints andvarnishes, fireworks, and plastics materials and basicforms and shapes).

422690 Other Chemical and Allied ProductsWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling chemicals and allied products(except agricultural and medicinal chemicals, paints andvarnishes, fireworks, and plastics materials and basicforms and shapes).

The data published with NAICS code 422690 includethe following SIC industry:

5169 Other chemicals and allied products

4226901 Industrial Gases, (Except LP) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of industrial gases (compressed and liquefied)regardless of use, such as oxygen and acetylene.

4226902 Other Chemicals and Allied ProductsWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of chemicals and allied products (except indus-trial gases), such as acids, industrial and heavy chemicals(except gases), dyestuffs, industrial salts, naval stores,rosin, and turpentine.

4227 Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsWholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassified in the following NAICS Industries: 42271, Petro-leum bulk stations and terminals; and 42272, Petroleumand petroleum products wholesalers (except bulk stationsand terminals).

42271 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals

This industry comprises establishments with bulk liquidstorage facilities primarily engaged in wholesaling crudepetroleum and petroleum products, including liquefiedpetroleum gas.

422710 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals

This U.S. industry comprises establishments with bulkliquid storage facilities primarily engaged in wholesalingcrude petroleum and petroleum products, including lique-fied petroleum gas.

The data published with NAICS code 422710 includethe following SIC industry:

5171 (pt) Petroleum bulk stations and terminals


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4227101 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals(Except LP)

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of liquid petroleum products (except liquifiedpetroleum gases) from bulk liquid storage stations orterminals.

42271011 Petroleum Bulk Stations (Except LP)

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of liquid petroleum products (except liquefiedpetroleum gases) from bulk liquid storage stations forresale. Bulk storage stations have bulk storage capacity of10,000 to 100,000 gallons, or 100,000 to 2,100,000gallons and do not receive their supplies primarily fromtanker, barge, or pipeline.

42271012 Petroleum Bulk Terminals(Except LP)

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of liquid petroleum products (except liquefiedpetroleum gases) from bulk liquid storage terminals. Bulkstorage terminals have bulk storage capacity of 2,100,000gallons or more, or have bulk storage capacity of 100,000gallons or more and receive products primarily by tanker,barge, or pipeline.

4227102 Liquefied Petroleum Bulk Stations andTerminals

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of liquefied petroleum gases from bulk storagestations or terminals for resale. Bulk storage stations orterminals have bulk storage capacity of 10,000 gallons ormore.

42272 Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsWholesalers (Except Bulk Stations and Terminals)

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling petroleum and petroleum prod-ucts (except from bulk liquid storage facilities).

422720 Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsWholesalers (Except Bulk Stations and Terminals)

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling petroleum and petroleum prod-ucts (except from bulk liquid storage facilities).

The data published with NAICS code 422720 includethe following SIC industry:

5172 Petroleum and petroleum products, exceptbulk stations and terminals

4228 Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic BeverageWholesalers

This NAICS Industry Group includes establishmentsclassifed in the following NAICS Industries: 42281, Beerand ale wholesalers; 42282, Wine and distilled alcoholicbeverage wholesalers.

42281 Beer and Ale Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling beer, ale, porter, and other fer-mented malt beverages.

422810 Beer and Ale Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling beer, ale, porter, and other fer-mented malt beverages.

The data published with NAICS code 422810 includethe following SIC industry:

5181 Beer and ale

42282 Wine and Distilled Alcoholic BeverageWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling wine, distilled alcoholic bever-ages, and/or neutral spirits and ethyl alcohol used inblended wines and distilled liquors.

422820 Wine and Distilled Alcoholic BeverageWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling wine, distilled alcoholic bever-ages, and/or neutral spirits and ethyl alcohol used inblended wines and distilled liquors.

The data published with NAICS code 422820 includethe following SIC industry:

5182 Wine and distilled alcoholic beverages

4228201 Wines and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages(Licensed Operation) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of wines and distilled spirits under governmentlicense.

4228202 Wines and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages(State-Operated) Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged as state-owned andoperated wholesale distributors of wines and spirits.


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4229 Miscellaneous Nondurable GoodsWholesalers

This industry group comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling nondurable goods, such as farmsupplies; books, periodicals and newspapers; flowers;nursery stock; paints; varnishes; tobacco and tobaccoproducts; and other miscellaneous nondurable goods,such as cut Christmas trees and pet supplies.

42291 Farm Supplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling farm supplies, such as animalfeeds, fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, pesticides, plantseeds, and plant bulbs.

422910 Farm Supplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling farm supplies, such as animalfeeds, fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, pesticides, plantseeds, and plant bulbs.

The data published with NAICS code 422910 includethe following SIC industry:

5191 (pt) Farm supplies

4229101 Farm Supplies—Farm Dealers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of farm supplies primarily sold directly tofarmers for farm use.

4229102 Farm Supplies—Wholesale Distributors

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesaledistribution of farm supplies primarily sold directly togovernments, institutions, farm dealers, export sales, andother nonfarm accounts.

42292 Book, Periodical, and NewspaperWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling books, periodicals, andnewspapers.

422920 Book, Periodical, and NewspaperWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling books, periodicals, and newspa-pers.

The data published with NAICS code 422920 includethe following SIC industry:

5192 Books, periodicals, and newspapers

42293 Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists’Supplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling flowers, florists’ supplies, and/ornursery stock (except seeds and plant bulbs).

422930 Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists’Supplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling flowers, florists’ supplies, and/ornursery stock (except seeds and plant bulbs).

The data published with NAICS code 422930 includethe following SIC industry:

5193 (pt) Flowers, nursery stock, and florists’supplies

42294 Tobacco and Tobacco Product Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling tobacco products, such as ciga-rettes, snuff, cigars, and pipe tobacco.

422940 Tobacco and Tobacco Product Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling tobacco products, such as ciga-rettes, snuff, cigars, and pipe tobacco.

The data published with NAICS code 422940 includethe following SIC industry:

5194 Tobacco and tobacco products

42295 Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling paints, varnishes, and similarcoatings; pigments; wallpaper; and supplies, such as paintbrushes and rollers.

422950 Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Wholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling paints, varnishes, and similarcoatings; pigments; wallpaper; and supplies, such as paintbrushes and rollers.

The data published with NAICS code 422950 includethe following SIC industry:

5198 (pt) Paints, varnishes, and supplies

4229501 Paints, Varnishes, and Supplies(Wholesalers)

Establishments primarily engaged in wholesalingpaints, varnishes, and similar coatings; pigments; wallpa-per; and supplies, such as paint brushes and rollers.


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42295011 Paints, Varnishes, and Supplies(Wholesalers)

Establishments primarily engaged in wholesalingpaints, varnishes, and similar coatings; pigments; wallpa-per; and supplies, such as paint brushes and rollers.

42299 Other Miscellaneous Nondurable GoodsWholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling nondurable goods (except print-ing and writing paper; stationery and office supplies;industrial and personal service paper; drugs and drug-gists’ sundries; apparel, piece goods, and notions; groceryand related products; farm product raw materials; chemi-cal and allied products; petroleum and petroleum prod-ucts; beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages; farmsupplies; books, periodicals and newspapers; flower,nursery stock and florists’ supplies; tobacco and tobaccoproducts; and paint, varnishes, wallpaper, and supplies).

422990 Other Miscellaneous Nondurable GoodsWholesalers

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarilyengaged in wholesaling nondurable goods (except print-ing and writing paper; stationery and office supplies;industrial and personal service paper; drugs and drug-gists’ sundries; apparel, piece goods, and notions; groceryand related products; farm product raw materials; chemi-cal and allied products; petroleum and petroleum prod-ucts; beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages; farmsupplies; books, periodicals and newspapers; flower,nursery stock and florists’ supplies; tobacco and tobaccoproducts; and paint, varnishes, wallpaper, and supplies).

The data published with NAICS code 422990 includethe following SIC industry:

5199 (pt) Other miscellaneous nondurable goods

4229901 Art Goods Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of art goods such as artists’ supplies, curios, andsouvenirs.

4229902 General Merchandise (Nondurable Goods)Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of a general line of nondurable goods with noone line accounting for more than 25 percent of the totalsales.

4229903 Textile Bags, Bagging, and BurlapWholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of textile bags, and bagging burlap, and canvasand felt products.

4229904 Other Nondurable Goods Wholesalers

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale dis-tribution of nondurable goods (except office supplies,druggists’ sundries, apparel, groceries, chemical products,petroleum products, alcoholic beverages, farm supplies,books, periodicals, florists supplies; paint supplies, andart goods).


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Appendix C.Coverage and Methodology


For the wholesale sector all firms were sent question-naires to be completed and returned to the Census Bureauby mail. This sector does not have a nonmail universe. Formost very small firms with employment, abbreviated datawas collected using a short form. These records providedbasic information on location, kind of business, sales, pay-roll, number of employees, and legal form of organization.Nonemployers were not included in the scope of thewholesale sector.


The classifications for all establishments in this sectorwere assigned in accordance with the 1997 North Ameri-can Industry Classification System (NAICS) Manual, UnitedStates. NAICS is a common classification system devel-oped by the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This sys-tem replaces the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) that was used in previous censuses. Appendix A ofthe 1997 NAICS manual provides information on the com-parability between the 1987 SIC and 1997 NAICS. Moreinformation on NAICS is available in the NAICS manual andat www.census.gov/naics.


The accuracy of these tabulated data is determined bythe joint effects of the various nonsampling errors or bythe joint effects of sampling and nonsampling errors. Nodirect measurement of these effects has been obtained,except for estimation for missing or misreported data;however, precautionary steps were taken in all phases ofthe collection, processing, and tabulation of the data in aneffort to minimize the effects of nonsampling errors. Non-sampling errors can be attributed to many sources: inabil-ity to identify all cases in the actual universe; definitionand classification difficulties; differences in the interpreta-tion of questions; errors in recording or coding the dataobtained; and other errors of collection, response, cover-age, and estimation for missing or misreported data.

The Census Bureau obtains limited informationextracted from administrative records of other Federalagencies. This information is used in conjunction withother information available to the Census Bureau todevelop estimates for nonemployers, small employers,and other establishments for which responses were notreceived in time for publication.


Census report forms included two different types ofinquiries, ‘‘basic’’ and ‘‘industry-specific.’’ Data for thebasic inquiries, which included location, kind of businessor operation, sales, payroll, number of employees, andlegal form of organization, were available from a combina-tion of sources for all establishments. Data for industry-specific inquiries, tailored to the particular kinds of busi-ness or type of operation covered by the report, wereavailable only from the establishments that completed theappropriate inquiries on the questionnaire.

Two methods were used to account for nonresponse toindustry-specific inquiries. For some inquiries, missingdata were imputed for individual records based onresponses from similar establishments. For other inquiries,the total of reported data was expanded to represent 100percent of the universe. Data presented for industry-specific inquiries based on a December 31 reference datewere expanded in direct relationship to total sales of onlythose establishments in business at the end of the year.Unless otherwise noted in specific reports, data for otherindustry-specific inquiries were expanded in direct rela-tionship to total sales of all establishments included in thecategory. In a few cases, expansion on the basis of saleswas not appropriate, and another basic data item wasused as the basis for expansion.

All reports in which data were expanded to account fornonrespondents include a coverage indicator for eachpublication category, which shows the sales of establish-ments responding to the industry-specific inquiry as a per-cent of total sales for all establishments for which data areshown. For some inquiries, coverage is determined by theratio of total payroll or employment of establishmentsresponding to the inquiry to total payroll or employmentof all establishments in the category.


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Appendix D.Geographic Notes


Baldwyn is in Lee and Prentiss Counties.

Hattiesburg is in Forrest and Lamar Counties.

Jackson is in Hinds, Madison, and Rankin Counties.

Nettleton is in Lee and Monroe Counties.


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Appendix E.Metropolitan Areas


Biloxi—Gulfport—Pascagoula, MS MSA

Hancock County, MS

Harrison County, MS

Jackson County, MS

Hattiesburg, MS MSA

Forrest County, MS

Lamar County, MS

Jackson, MS MSA

Hinds County, MS

Madison County, MS

Rankin County, MS

Memphis, TN—AR—MS MSA

Crittenden County, AR

DeSoto County, MS

Fayette County, TN

Shelby County, TN

Tipton County, TN


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