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Page 1: Why are media products that represent outsiders such as vampire films, so popular? Jadene and Lydia.

Why are media products that represent outsiders such as vampire

films, so popular?

Jadene and Lydia

Page 2: Why are media products that represent outsiders such as vampire films, so popular? Jadene and Lydia.

• Twilight is a popular vampire film, these outcasts are

extremely popular because of their unusual nature

and they are young and good looking so therefore

appeal to young girls. This is in comparison to films

that represent vampires stereotypically which are are

not as popular.

Dark Shadows

Page 3: Why are media products that represent outsiders such as vampire films, so popular? Jadene and Lydia.

The Vampire Diaries is about outcasts who are living with the challenges of being vampires. The show is popular because it is different and the characters are dark and mysterious giving good plot twists that the audience wouldn’t have seen before.

Page 4: Why are media products that represent outsiders such as vampire films, so popular? Jadene and Lydia.

• The Inbetweeners is about a group of four

friends who are outsiders in their school. This

is so popular because people can relate to the

characters and they have more depth to them

creating a deeper storyline.

Page 5: Why are media products that represent outsiders such as vampire films, so popular? Jadene and Lydia.

• Glee is a show about normal students at a school and the main

characters are outcasts that are in the glee club. This is popular

because people can relate to them and the show deals with real life

issues that they face e.g. alcohol abuse, domestic violence, bullying,

teenage pregnancy, sexuality etc. The trademark ‘L’ above the head

connotes that they are seen as “losers” by society but do not care and

are proud to show it off.

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