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  • Why Bright Eyed Aryan Caucasians Are The Traditional Owners Of Technology.

  • Why Bright Eyed Aryan Caucasians Are The Traditional Owners Of Technology.

    What gives you the right to drive a car or use electricity ?

    What gives you the right to watch television ?

    What gives you the right to use a computer or a mobile phone ?

    What gives you the right to use nuclear energy ?

    What gives you the right to travel to another planet or moon in a spacecraft ?

    Why Bright Eyed Aryan Caucasians Are The Traditional Owners Of Technology.

    Did your people invent the car or design the car ?

    Did your people invent electricity ?

    Did your people invent the television ?

    Did your people invent the computer or design the first computer networks ?

    Did your people invent the mobile phone ?

    Did your people invent nuclear energy ?

    Did your people invent the spacecraft ?

    Why Bright Eyed Aryan Caucasians Are The Traditional Owners Of Technology.

    Alot of technology was developed in the west, most technology being developed after the industrial revolution, however alot of ideas & concepts prior to the industrial revolution already set the ground work for most technologies present today. These technologies have been filtering into Asian, Indian, Arab & African hands for quite some time now & thus Asia was able to build a robust industrial economy just last century. Since the original technology was developed in the west by western peoples, therefore western people should be regarded as being the traditional owners of the technology.

  • The history of the automobile is very rich and dates back to the 15th century when Leonardo da Vinci was creating designs and models for transport vehicles. In the 1700's, 1800's & 1900's many people in the west contributed to developing the automobile.

    Karl Benz of Germany, note the fuel benzene & the Mercedes Benz automobile company is named after him.

    Henry Ford was another major automobile innovator.

  • By the 17th century, many electricity-related discoveries had been made, such as the invention of an early electrostatic generator, the differentiation between positive and negative currents, and the classification of materials as conductors or insulators. In the year 1600, English physician William Gilbert used the Latin word electricus to describe the force that certain substances exert when rubbed against each other. A few years later another English scientist, Thomas Browne, wrote several books and he used the word electricity to describe his investigations based on Gilberts work. In 1752, Ben Franklin conducted his experiment with a kite, a key, and a storm. This simply proved that lightning and tiny electric sparks were the same thing. Italian physicist Alessandro Volta discovered that particular chemical reactions could produce electricity, and in 1800 he constructed the voltaic pile (an early electric battery) that produced a steady electric current, and so he was the first person to create a steady flow of electrical charge. Volta also created the first transmission of electricity by linking positively-charged and negatively-charged connectors and driving an electrical charge, or voltage, through them. In 1831 electricity became viable for use in technology when Michael Faraday created the electric dynamo (a crude power generator), which solved the problem of generating electric current in an ongoing and practical way. Faradays rather crude invention used a magnet that was moved inside a coil of copper wire, creating a tiny electric current that flowed through the wire. This opened the door to American Thomas Edison and British scientist Joseph Swan who each invented the incandescent filament light bulb in their respective countries in about 1878. Previously, light bulbs had been invented by others, but the incandescent bulb was the first practical bulb that would light for hours on end.

    Nikola Tesla's patents really brought electricity to the people in the late 1800's & early 1900's.

  • John Logie Baird, the inventor of the television, logie media awards are named after him.

    The inventor of the mobile phone, Martin Cooper

  • English mathematician Charles Babbage invented the concept of a programmable computer in about 1856, this led to ticker tape transmissions, the first digital transmissions which lasted till the 1960's, then electronic computers began to make their presence.

    The inventor of the first computer network, Tom Jennings of America & his Fidonet network.

  • Ernest Rutherford was the father of the Atomic age.

    Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon.

    Note there are countless other technologies invented in the west, I am just naming a few of the major ones. Since the original technology was developed in the west, western people should be regarded as being the traditional owners of the technology.

  • Why Bright Eyed Aryan Caucasians Are The Traditional Owners Of Technology

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