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Page 1: Why Blog by Mary Dougherty New York Wedding Photographer
Page 2: Why Blog by Mary Dougherty New York Wedding Photographer
Page 3: Why Blog by Mary Dougherty New York Wedding Photographer

why blog?

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share my work

define my brand

have a conversation

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est 2008

love to cookmarried 6 years

mom to this little

RUNNER& triathlete

living in the countrywith four chickens

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how i started

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first wedding shot for a friend : 2007

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jen + steve’s wedding : 9/2008

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choose content categories

keys to blogging

find your voice

create a schedule

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tell stories

start writing

be honest

keep it simple

finding your voice

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step away from your computer

create an outline

ask your couple to contribute a few details

write a few sentences immediately after the shoot

ask a friend to edit / read before posting

read more

jot notes down throughout the day for ideas / inspiration

make writing easier

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who are your readers


who are you

what are you interested in

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recent work



blog schedule

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photography :

pinhole camera results

how to use off camera light

how to plan for your engagement session

business :

wedding album options

how to choose album images

3 ways to use your wedding photos

personal :

what I do on weekends off

an afternoon with my daughter

what I would wear for

sample posts

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intro : 3-5 sentences, establish the purpose of the post

What made you decide to come? What doubts did you have about blogging?

body : 1-2 paragraphs

What did you learn? What did or didn’t you like about what I shared? What steps are you going to take to improve blogging or make it easier on yourself?

closing : 2-5 sentences, wrap up your thoughts, call people to action

What change of heart did you have? What can people expect from you? How are you going to make a change?

an easy guide to bloggining about this talk

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