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Page 1: Why Can't Agency Recruiters Write Their Own Resumes

Why can't Agency Recruiters write their

own resumes? Charlotte Flatley

International Recruitment Specialist

Page 2: Why Can't Agency Recruiters Write Their Own Resumes

Introduction As an Owner of both a resume writing and Recruitment to Recruitment (Rec2Rec)

business I see countless resumes every day and what I always find amazing is how many poorly written agency recruitment resumes there are!

Surely, I figure, as experts in the field we should be advising and coaching our candidates on how best to represent them on paper (considering this is often the first chance you get to make a first impression) yet amazingly when it comes to

Recruiters own resumes more often than not they are lacking.

Resume representation is key to every person (especially us Recruiters!) looking for a new opportunity so below is my top tips for Agency Recruiters on how best to

represent themselves on paper.

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Facts & Figures It is essential to provide for every recruitment position detailed figures on –

�  KPIs – daily, weekly, monthly, whatever it is you are held accountable to.

�  Placement figures – how many temp/contract workers you have out at present or permanent placements you have made year to date.

�  Revenue Figures – the all-important $$. This is the most important aspect to include as potential employers will want to know what the above efforts have translated to in regards to billings. Be it weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly they want to know what success you have had and how much money you made for the business.

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Key Achievements This can include a range of things such as key business development wins, sales awards/incentives won, promotions etc.

Don’t be shy, if you have stood for a reason and been recognized for it then highlight it here!

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Job Description Each and every role should have a job description, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing a blank section or worse, the simple words “same as below”. This devalues the importance of the role and no two roles are exactly identical.

There will be similarities but each role will be different be it the desk you recruited for, the team size, the company, the location, whether it was permanent recruitment, temp/contract or hybrid etc. It is important to make each role look important – after your entire resume is about selling yourself.

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Relevant Prior Experience and Hobbies

Key to all agency recruitment positions are core skill sets and personality traits such as perseverance, determination, dedication, confidence and self-motivation and many of these can be demonstrated through other positions and hobbies.

Naturally aligned is any type of previous sales experience as well as extracurricular sports that are competitive in nature so these are great extra selling points to include on your CV.

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Reasons for Leaving Normally I would recommend going through this in interview as providing the story of the evolution of your career can often quell any hesitations but sometimes to get to that interview stage you need to provide some context.

If you have had however multiple job moves this is best expressed after the key achievements, facts and figures (I recommend having these as bullet points separate to the job description or brief paragraphs) or in a separate document.

�  This way should the Hiring Manager be interested in your resume, but concerned/see red flags with the lack of tenure, and wanting more details they can read the reasoning around how you got to where you are today.

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Not Recommended �  Waffle – Make sure it is short, sharp and concise with all

information being relevant, factual or assisting in selling yourself. Most CVs should be no more than about 3 pages.

�  Long winded career profiles – This should be a brief paragraph/synopsis of your experience, not a eulogy to your awesomeness.

�  Photos – Just not needed on a resume. With LinkedIn most people if interested will look you up on that. �  As a side point having a fully complete LinkedIn with a

professional photo is a must nowadays!

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If you are an agency Recruiter looking for assistance with your resume or job search don’t hesitate to review

our website –


Or reach out to me for a confidential conversation with me at-

[email protected]

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Alternatively if you are a candidate and were not sure that the feedback your agency Recruiter gave you on

resume was right (or if they didn’t give any at all!) then contact-

For a FREE resume health check, or simply email your resume to [email protected]

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