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Page 1: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Why Diversity Matters to Future of Insurance Industry

Dr Patrick Dixon Chairman Global Change LtdTuesday, 3 September 13

Page 2: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Talent, skills, experience, language, culture

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 3: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

The future is about


Diversity = PredictabilityTuesday, 3 September 13

Page 4: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 5: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Diversity  in  workplace  leads  to  diversity  in  

marketplaceTuesday, 3 September 13

Page 6: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Business Case for Diversity

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Teams  in  top  half  of  Engagement

� 86%  more  likely  be.er  customer  metrics� 70%  more  likely  to  have  low  staff  turnover� 70%  more  likely  to  be  highly  produc>ve� 44%  more  likely  to  be  profitable  

� 10  million  surveyed  by  Gallup

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Corporate ValuesHelp Recruitment

•82%  would  not  work  for  company  whose  values  they  objected  to•59%  work  for  a  company  because  they  believe  in  it’s  values

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 9: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Coca  Cola  Diversity  Awards

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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1  trillionpages  a  month

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 11: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Online HR Challenges•xxxxx is like working for that two-faced, back-stabbing "so-called" friend you wish you had neve... Read More

•Just to give an overall perspective. I am trying hard not to EVER buy a product from this company a... Read More

•I am quite disappointed in the culture and diversity at xxxxx. The culture is similar to a popu... Read More

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 12: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Reputa>on  for  hiring  WHITE  Americans  leading  to  lawsuits

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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85%  of  leaders  of  largest  US  corpora>ons  say  diversity  is  key  to  innova>on

Forbes  study

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Diversity  linked  to  higher  sales,  market  share  and  profits,  talent  recruitment

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Diverse  teams  can  mean  less  loyalty,  lower  mo>va>on,  higher  sick  leave,  conflict,  mis-­‐

communica>on,  slower  decisions

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Expect many mergers and acquisitions even though

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 18: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

What  have  we  learned  from  

tackling  GENDER  issues?

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Only  30%  Wal-­‐Mart  management  are  women

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Women  Outperform  Men

•Most  sales  to  women•60%  US  graduates•40%  primary  earners•Most  women  leave  corpora>ons  early•Solve  talent  shortage


Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Women  outperform  menand  then  disappear

•Only  3.2%  of  the  Presidents  or  Chairs  of  the  largest  publically-­‐listed  companies  in  EU  are  women•Only  13.7%  of  their  board  members  are  women  Board  members  with  highest  %  women–  42%  higher  sales–  66%  higher  ROI

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Toxic  Testosterone  Culture

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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•Young  children•Dependent  parents•Double  careers•Double  shiN  pa.erns•Divorce  /  separa>on

Complex  Homes

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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•12%  of  mothers  want  to  work  full  Mme•31%  do  not  want  to  work  outside  home•28%  men  full  Mme  jobs  want  part  Mme•Most  fathers  want  more  Mme  with  children

•2009  UK  Survey

Parents  and  Work  Flexibility

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Life-­‐Life  Balance  Flexibility

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Balance  is  usually  about  People

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Bonusable objective = % Part-Time

•Hours  –  part-­‐Mme,  job-­‐sharing,  flexible  start  and  finish  Mmes,  shorter•Leave  –  unpaid  leave  for  study,  bereavement,  parental  care,  voluntary•Loca>on  –  working  from  home,  opportunity  to  transfer  to  different  area

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Different in Emerging Nations

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 30: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Lessons  from  GENDER  can  apply  to  RACE  

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Reproduce  own  imageTend  to  recruit  people  with  familiar  name,  voice,  accent,  personality,  culture,  appearance

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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“People  of  Colour”-­‐  USBy 2050, no ethnic majority in US

By 2050 new immigrants and their children = 83% of growth in workforce

People of colour own 22% of U.S. businesses

Women of colour own 1.9 million firms, $165 billion pa revenue and 1.2m staff

People of color only represent about 15% of corporate boards among the senior management of Fortune 500 companies

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 33: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

US  Race  Discrimina>onUnemployment  rate  for  White  graduates  is  half  that  of  Black  graduates

95%  of  gap  is  due  to  higher  probability  of  losing  workDiscrimina>on  on  ancestry,  color,  hair  texture,  facial  features,  name,  

accent  or  manner  of  speech,  hair  style  (e.g.  locks  or  a  goatee).  Couch  and  Fairlie

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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EU  race  discrimina>onRise  of  xenophobia  across  EU

Hos>le  reac>ons  to  Italy’s  first  black  cabinet  minister  etcItaly,  Slovakia,  Hungary  NB  discrimina>on  against  Roma  people

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Ethnic  Issues  in  UK  Workplace12%  of  working  age  are  ethnic  minori>es20%  unemployment  rate  in  Black  workers7.6%  unemployment  rate  in  White  workers20%  unemployment  rate  in  white  youths44%  unemployment  rate  in  black  youths

1  in  6  UK-­‐domiciled  students  are  from  ethnic  groups1  in  15  ethnic  graduates  are  in  management

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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UK  Race  Discrimina>onOnly 1% of principals of colleges in Britain are from ethnic

minorities -16% of students

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 37: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

UK  Race  Discrimina>onMany job applicants change their name or appearance to try to overcome prejudices

better chance of job interview / offer

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 38: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Benefit  of  Quotas  ?Black  Asian  and  Minority  Ethnic  People  in  UK

1  in  4  at  school  -­‐  1  in  8  in  workforce  -­‐    1  in  16  on  FTSE100  boardsTuesday, 3 September 13

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Unconscious  racial  biasin  White  Men

Alcoa, Bank of America, Intel, Exelon, Marsh & McLennan Companies, PepsiCo, Wal-Mart and PWC etc

45% percent of white men gave boss a positive rating21% percent of women and people of color agreed

Own story

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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AGEISM  is  the  next  biggest  challenge  

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 41: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Jim  Clements  is  100  years  oldTuesday, 3 September 13

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Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 43: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

Beyond  Re>rement

� What is your corporate position on retirement age?� Laws vary - challenge to take a position� What is “morally right” and fair?� Does it change when 40% of youth are out of work?

Tuesday, 3 September 13

Page 44: Why diversity matters to future of insurance industry - motivation, leadership, talent development, insight, foresight, emerging market growth, customer relationships, effective marketing

SEXUALITYless  visible  but  high  impact  


40%  of  gay  and  lesbian  employees  say  they  face  harrassment  and  discrimina>on  at  work

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Tuesday, 3 September 13

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White  men  ocen  lead  “Diversity”  projects  in  large  US  corpora>ons

BUT  white  men  oNen  blind  to  prejudices  -­‐  according  to  their  non-­‐white  team  members

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Develop  hiring  strategy  to  make  workforce  look  like  community  you  operate  in

Recruit  people  who  like  diverse  teams  

Help  new  hires  to  feel  that  they  belong

Create  internal  role  models  /  championsTuesday, 3 September 13

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Use  community  organisa>ons  in  hiring  to  encourage  diversity

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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Start  at  the  TopModelling  right  aftudes

Absolute  commitment  to  diversityClear  targets  -­‐  threat  of  quotas!

Equal  candidates  -­‐  chose  under-­‐represented  gender  /  race  etcPublished  sta>s>cs  on  workforce  at  different  levels

Aggressive  steps  to  achieveRecrui>ng  -­‐  mentoring  -­‐  encouraging

Ajacking  ins>tu>onal  prejudice  and  barriersAgents  for  change  in  wider  society

Tuesday, 3 September 13

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•Individuals•Families•Teams•Communi0es•Wide  World

Diversity  Makes  Life  Bejer

Bejer  underwri>ng,  management,  marke>ng,  mo>va>onTuesday, 3 September 13

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Why Diversity Matters to Future of Insurance Industry

Dr Patrick Dixon Chairman Global Change LtdTuesday, 3 September 13

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