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Page 1: Why Do I Always See the Time 11:11

Why Do I Always See The Time 11:11 and 1:11

by fatboystomps » Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:57 pm

I'm always seeing the time 11:11 or 1:11, it is to the point now to Forwarded Message:Subj: 11:11 Date: 3/2/2006

From ArthurTo: [email protected]


About 15 years ago (it’s been so long, I’m not really sure exactly when it started), I began noticing the time on digital clocks at 11 minutes after the hour. It was so uncanny as it kept happening – to the point where I mentioned it to friends and family. No one took it seriously, but since it became an almost hourly ritual, I decided to use that minute to just kind of relax, unwind from whatever stress might be occurring (though this is not something I always do anymore). As time passed, I did become oddly attached to the number “11” (eg, setting my bedroom clock 11 minutes fast; setting my alarm to 11 after the hour; consciously setting the microwave to 1:11, instead of just one minute; purchasing $20.11 of gasoline instead of 20; and on and on). And, believe me, when I notice a clock at 11:11, I am actually somewhat elated (though sometimes it’s just amusing that it happened again).

I did wonder whether there may be some significance, but never pursued it. Until today, when I ‘googled’ “11:11” and was amazed at how many sites came up. Nothing in particular prompted me to search today - just a momentary internet break from work.

Anyway, all this is true. I have no idea what it means to me…but I do consistently see the number 11 – especially on clocks. Sometimes I think I’ve biologically wired myself to look at the clock at 11 after. Whatever it is, I am very intrigued that anyone else has experienced anything like this. I just thought it was my own little eccentricity.  

That’s it.

Arthur R.

Subj: Hi Date: 3/28/2006

From: GailTo: [email protected]

Hi Joe,   I have just discovered your site on the number 11.11  I too constantly see the number 11.11 on my digital clock and when i do it freaks me out.I think for most of my adult life, as far as I can remember I have seen this number and it always scares me and I don't know why. (I am 40 now). I told my husband how much it scares me and he just laughed.I get the feeling that maybe it will be the time of my death, don't ask me to explain that feeling but I just do, very weird eh. Just thought i would share this with you as I have read many of the stories on your site and can totally relate to these people. I never worry about any other numbers but when I see 11.11 I turn away from the clock and don't look back until I think it has changed.

I am from NSW Australia,t hanks for listening,


  Subj: 11:11 

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Date: 6/18/2006

From JimmyTo: [email protected]

dear Joe

I stumbled across your articles through various links from the David Icke website.  i myself experience the 11:11 phenomena on a regular basis about once a day, sometimes twice a day for about the last 3 years.  I  pretty much came to the conclusion that it was someone from the sprit world communicatingwith me to let me know "everything is ok" ( I have gone through some major changes recently).  After reading your articles and other ones I have come to believe it means something more than that.  A side note, I also see the number 12:12, 1:11 and 4:44 on a regular basis, just about every time I look at a clock it reads one of these number combinations only when I am at home, because thats where that digital clocks are.

Could you give me some more insight into this, reading all these articles has just made me confused as to what this all means, I realize its something spiritual or other dimentional but I am unsure what exactly it means, I am the only one of the people I know that experiences this and nothing major has happened to me, it just started after I began to delve into the idea of the 3-d reality being created in our minds and such, maybe that has something to do with it?

sincerelyJames   Subj:  Date: 6/14/2006

From RochelleTo: [email protected]


I have had 11:11 in my life for as long as I can remember. Even then while I wrote this email my partner text me at 3.11, I pretty much share the samekinds of stories as most of the people that have been writing to you and feel relieved that there is a community of people that this is happeningtoo. I was getting the numbers so much that I thought that the universe was playing a practical joke on me so I went to see someone about it  and shetold me that I am light worker and are here to help the world in some way. I am interested in understanding the relivence in the double numbers and howthey are related to being a lightworker.Thank youRochelle

Subj: 11:11 answers Date: 6/22/2006

From JessicaTo: [email protected]


i came across your email on this message board because i was researching the number 11. For months and months I have been seeing the number 11 EVERYWHERE! every time I look at the clock it is either 1:11..2:11..3:11...etc. Also i will randomly look up at a house while driving and there will be a number 11 in the address. And even weirder... I was born at 11:11 am. This number has to mean something to me and i was hoping to find some answers and thought maybe you could help. If you can tell  me more about this number and why i keep seeing it, please email me back.

thank you, Jessica

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Subj:  Date: 6/27/2006

From JasonTo: [email protected]

Hello,I visited your website and read the things that people wrote.  For a little over a week now I have been experiencing this 11:11 phenomenon.  I thought it was coincidence at first, but it is really starting to scare me.  I feel like it is a warning.  I had a feeling similar to what one person wrote...like it was going to be my time of death or something.

I thought I was borderline schizophrenic or something.  Then, when I typed 11:11 into the search engine (not expecting to find anything) and saw more than one site referring to this,  a shiver went through my entire body. 

I wasn't paying attention to the time a couple of nights ago, and was out in my garage smoking a cigarette, when I heard a loud noise like a thud inside of my house....I thought it sounded like one of my children fell out of bed or something....When I rushed in...of course there on the clock was 11:11.

I have had other strong spiritual experiences.  I wouldn't admit this to many people, but in the past I have seen demons on occasions.  As well as angels.   Would you please let me know of some other places where I can find more info on this subject?  Like other websites, books, etc.  I am really, really scared and I would like to find out more info about this.  I am scared to go to sleep, in case something is going to happen at 11:11 but don't really want to be up then either, in case something is going to happen...If that makes any sense.                      Thank you very much for your time,                      Jason

Subj: 11.11 Date: 7/4/2006

From VanessaTo: [email protected] 

Can you help me?

I live in Perth , Australia and I have been seeing 11.11 on digital clocks for over a year. I literally found out within the last weeks of months of its meaning. I still do not totally understand. I found out the significance of this number is there is a connection to the Spirit World. I would love for them to open to me to give me the meaning. I am happy to pass along messages or to acknowledge their presence if that is what they want from me. I guess my question is they are contacting me, how do I communicate with them?

 I was stunned to find out it had a meaning. I thought everything was coincidental… I have been commenting for a long while now to friends and relatives that I am seeing this number.

Please… any information you have would be great


Subj: 11 11 Date: 7/7/2006

From RosieTo: [email protected]

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My son plays the guitar in a band and they r starting to get noticed and i was telling him about reading about the significance of this number in an angel book. When i told him this he said he sees this no. all the time ,on clocks car reg gig dates. I have told him it is a positive experience and to tune in as i am.

thanks , i thought i was alone in thinking this wayrosie

Subj: 11:11 Date: 7/18/2006

From MannyTo: [email protected]

Dear Sir,

Having only read about the 11:11 phenomenon yesterday, I decided to go into the internet to see what was listed.  I was shocked to find so many sites talkingabout this interesting and connected situation among people all over the world.

For me it started after the death of my mother in 1984.  11:11 has popped up at least once a week or so after that time.  I would look at the clock and thereit would be, staring me in the face.

I made no special connection with it, except that it was a coincidence.  Perhaps there is more to it than I thoght.

I have been a practitioner of magic and have used universal energy for all kinds of work for over 40years.  I have had several unusual revelations and arecollection of my time before birth.  For several years, I channeled 3 spirit guides.

It would greatly intersest me to find out if others have had similar experiences.

Thank you for posting so much on this decidedly different topic.


__________________________________________________ Hello Joe & Dee, I have been running some numbers on Hurricane Katrina.I have posted my findings http://www.vision1111.com/ I am in search of the CNN or MSNBC or FOXNEWS footage that shows the 5 point star forming in the eye of Katrina as it moves up the gulf. That was a scary sight to see happen! Maybe you can add other details to what I have started. Oh... here's one that everybody missed in relation to the WTC 911 event. I haven't found the news footage yet but I will. After the event there was a news release in which one of the firemen was standing in the picture wearing his helmet. The helmet number was one of these...146 or 614 or 641 anyway you look at it... it adds up to 11. Hope all is well with you both. Doug Taylor

Subj:11:11 phenomenon 

Date: 8/8/2006From: KristiTo: JMason4557

Page 5: Why Do I Always See the Time 11:11

Hi. My name is Kristi and I would like to add my name to the list of people who has experienced 1111. I notice other sequences such as 333 and 911 often. I'm also interested in any research that has been done on the subject, or if a common link has been found connecting us all.   Thank you & God bless.  

Subj:222, 111 etc 

Date: 8/29/2006

From BrettTo: [email protected]

Hello Joe,

Im not sure how to post in the site I was reading on about 111, 11:11, a bit busy right now, but I thought I would send this. I have been experiencing 2:22 for a LONG time.....incredibly so...and other repdigit numbers. 222.49 is a cosmologic number in that it relates to the angle necessary to create the 'golden mean' within a circle.  You can go to wikipedia and research the number 222.


I believe its related to balance, and the greater understanding coming to mankind...in relation to balance....or maybe more accurately, thecyclic nature of life.  222 and some of its properties relate to all kinds of things in life, from the phases of the moon, to the orbit of planets.   I have been researching it for some time.



  Subj: 11:11 reader from Australia Date: 8/30/2006

From JennyTo: [email protected]

Hi Joe,

my name is Jenny Yeats,  i am a 42 year old woman living in Sydney Australia. I found your email address on a posting through Google i wasreading tonight.

Well I started seeing 11:11 for about 10 years off and on, more often than on I might add.  sometimes  almost twice a day for weeks.  I have alwaysbeen spiritual and when growing up I really had the feeling i was "different"  but couldnt put my finger on it.  I have read lots of booksespecially during the New Age boom about the ascension and the world changing around 2012 etc.  I was never scared about seeing this number butat times would get frustrated because i knew deep down it was some kind of message but i didnt know what.  I do feel compelled to help people and feeldrawn to many peope on the planet.  I am at a point in my llife where, I have probably made poor choices mainly finacially and emtionally and feelquite lost in this big world.  I read about a girl who felt almost the same as me, she often got depressed and felt misunderstood, her friends weredrifting away and she was told "congratulations" you are certainly onn the right track, (i think it was thru the website

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crystalinks.com possiblySolara that told her this.)  I thought that sounds like me and my life is really crap right now, how do I get on the "correct path" and meet otherpeople that have experienced the same.  Also a few times this year i am now starting to see 12:12, but thats only just started.  I have woken up from adeep sleep on quite a few occasions and turned to see 11:11 on my digital clock in my dark bedroom, then gone back to sleep.  Can you please writeback to me with any information or advice on what to maybe do right now, ie what links to look up or books to read or if there is anyone in Sydney thatyou know that i can meet and talk with, i would really appreciate it, this llightworker wants to start her work!!!!!! love and light,


Hello Dee,

the past 2 years, the number 11 has been very friendly to me it started to happen I belive wehn I was i my programing class, I'd notice wheni were to check the time that it would say 2:11,3:11,11:11 etc all the numbers. I first thought it was all coincidence, after I finished at schoolit was summer, I than took my break for experimentation to see how many times this number will appear to me, now where I leve school is a two month break.

I recorded everytime I saw it, and there were times I couldn't because I didnt have my paper but I would remember it, but over a 61 day break, it hadappeared 67 times plus around 7-10 times I may have missed recording it. Now thats pretty weird and after that I don't find it a coincedence, thats everyday, and on some days more than once. I'm asking you what this is suppose to mean or what its trying to tell me because I saw some of you guys posts youhave on that site. If you can help out I'd much appreciate it and if this number is a thing I will understand and it will be significant to me in mylife in my own way than I guess I'll have to wait it out

Well thanks for reading whats going on with me Till next


Subj: 11:11 Date: 10/9/2006

From BryanTo: JMason4557

  I have seen 11:11 for over two years now... at first, it seemed it was just in my mind that almost every day.. sometimes both times.. or even more than that.. I'd see 11:11... It has been unbeleivable true for me in the past few months... It is almost as if I know exactly when it's 11:11 regardless of wether I've seen the clock recently or not...I was skeptical.. but i am 100% positive I see this time wayy too much for it to be a coincidence.  I want to know what the means.. I've read your site.. but still am puzzeled as to what to think about it? The ironic thing is I am writing you this after seeing it tonight... I see it every day... I think twice I saw 11:11 three times in a day.. both of the normal times.. and completly randomly on a clock that was set way off from the right time...  Another instance was after an emotional high... I was pumped to go and do something but had mixed feelings at the same time.. and when i got into my car... 11:11 peered back at me.. I was so shocked I had to find out what was going on.. this email may be rambled and jambled... but I am baffled as to how I see this time so often!!!!!!!!!!

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Subj: 11:11 Date: 10/15/2006

From RupertoTo: [email protected]

  Dear Mr. Mason, I came across to your web-page and was amazed after reading all the 11 presented. I truly believe in the power of "11" however, I further believed for its purpose that until now no one knew except  for the one who is give wisdom. I came accross to this formula of fusing numbers and ended up writing a book that maybe, will attrack more readers if we join hands together. I am working with my book alone (with no help or any connection at all) and I self-published my book under lulu.com. It is all about "7's", "6's" and all the "11's" that you missed. Everything are back-up with computations and facts that can pinpoint the fulfillments of the scriptures.  Below is the link and on lulu web-page, there is a preview of my book showing random pages explaining how I came up with all of these numbers.  Respectfully yours,  Ruperto http://books.lulu.com/content/235154      Subj: 11 Date: 10/16/2006

From KrisTo: [email protected]

  Hi Joe, Nice article about the significance of 11 on your website.  I'd appreciate your thoughts on my particular situation. My name is Kris K_____.  K is the 11th letter of the alphabet, therefore my initials are 11:11. There are 11 letters in my name. I was born on 2/11/55.  Obviously, there is the 11 and 55 is 11 x 5. 2 + 11+1955 = 33, 3 times 11, and a very significant number in Freemasonry. I was born in Long Beach, CA, roughly 33 degrees N latitude.  Thanks in advance,  Kris  Subj: 11:11 Date: 11/7/2006

From RobTo: [email protected]


Page 8: Why Do I Always See the Time 11:11

OMG. I've been seeing 11:11 since the middle of this year. It was starting to freak me out, especially when i was working on the computer one night and the screen went funny, i looked at the time on my phone and it was 11:11. The other freaky time was when i deliberatley missed looking at the time at 11:11, get this thou, i walked into a cafe and bought a soft drink, as i looked down to twist the lid off the expiry date was staring straight at me. It read Expires 11:11. I couldn't believe it. I see 11:11 on my phone and on the car alot but also started seeing 10:10 and 01:01 alot.

What's going on!


  Subj: 11:11??? Date: 11/11/2006

From D:To: [email protected]

  Dear Joe? Okay, I have been experiencing this for about 3 years now. I have racked my brain in any attempts to understand this strange phenomenon....welll when I finally went to the internet about 1 1/2 years before, and I don't know if I know anymore than a bunch of misinformation???? than I did before I sought some sort of information about 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55??? any advice? D   Subj: 11:11 Date: 11/14/2006

From LeberdaneTo: [email protected]

I also thought I was the only person dwelling on this 11:11 time. I was born at 11:11 pm,so I thought I merely only noticed the clock at this time because of this. I thought it was like buying a car, you only notice there are so many like yours when you own one. It's hard to explain. I don't know when it started but it has been stronger at times than others. It seemes through the worst of times it is more apparent. Like a plague that won't go away. I have had alot of turmoil in the past(Many people have had worse things in their lives, I'm sure) and now I am the happiest I ever thought I would be. I have'nt noticed 11:11 for some time now. I've even looked for it and it has not been there. Now I think to myself,how did I get here? I was looking at web sites that had nothing to do with this. This worries me a little because 11:11 never came to me during a good time. I don't know if it is true at all or if this has any baring on anything, but I've heard that 11:11 is considered the "witching hour". I like the other meaning about beings of light that other people are saying ,but for some reason I just don't feel it.   Subj: The number 11 Date: 11/19/2006

From DebbieTo: JMason4557where I am not just seeing it on the clock. I see it on the microwave, television, scoreboards, ad-signs etc. Can somebody please explain what the significance to this is and why am I always seeing it?fatboystomps

Re: Why Do I Always See The Time 11:11 and 1:11

Page 9: Why Do I Always See the Time 11:11

by Searcher2 » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:41 am

fatboystomps wrote:I'm always seeing the time 11:11 or 1:11, it is to the point now to where I am not just seeing it on the clock. I see it on the microwave, television, scoreboards, ad-signs etc. Can somebody please explain what the significance to this is and why am I always seeing it?

Look up the book, "Dark Mission." It mentions that measurement a lot in degrees (11.1).Searcher2


by giXus » Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:29 pm

Strange as this might sound but I also see the number 11:11 and 1:11 and I still cant understand why. I dream of this number also. I always felt like there was a meaning to it like Unity, may be it's a Date. Not sure

What is behind the 11:11 Phenomenon Mystery?

It Isn't:

Something people are just imagining. Some people will write it off as people having a heightened awareness of this 11:11 experience and subconsciously attracting what they are thinking about. Since there are so many people who thought they were alone in this until they searched the internet about it; this would not apply to the many people in that group. I only wish I had that ability to have even a fraction of that kind of subconscious awareness. It simply isn't logical to apply that explanation to this mysterious phenomenon.

My own experience shows that the more I go along with it, the less it happens. If I play along and try to time it or look for it then it seldom happens. It is when I am not thinking about it that the so called 11 coincidences start happening. On a busy day when you are thinking of a million things is when it is likely to occur. I myself, seldom go to bed at the same time. If I wake up during the night it could be any hour, yet the proportion of times that it has been 11 minutes after the hour when I look at a digital clock is staggering.

If it weren't for the thousands of people experiencing this out of the blue, you could easily write it off as one of those quirky things people with vivid imaginations might experience. The fact that so many people have such a similar strange experience makes it a really fascinating mystery.

What is it?

So what does it all mean? There are a lot of theories and facts surrounding why the number 11 has taken on such a prominent role in people's lives, as well as history. One common theory is that seeing such numbers all the time is a wake up call; but to and from what? Is it end times Bible prophecy? Does this tie in with the Mayan calendar and 2012? Does the explanation relate to what is called descent into matter? What role do the pyramids play? Then there's the time prompt theory... We will continue to explore those things and more, so keep looking for updates. In the meantime, you can look at the number 11 and Bible prophecy page for a fascinating look at the possible relation of end times to this unexplained mystery. Also look at the news and historical dates and happenings relating to the 11:11 mystery. Be sure to check out the number 11 forum as well to see what others are saying or to offer your own experiences or explanation. You are not here by accident!

Some Synchronicities of the 11’s

The date of the attack: 9-11 (or 11-9) – 9+1+1 = 11 (The potential for the most profound creative changes come in the year of the three…2001) September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2+5+4 = 11 After September 11th, there are 111 days left to the end of the year. 119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1+1+9 = 11(It’s also the date in European denotation) Twin Towers—standing side by side, look like the number 11 The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11

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State of New York—the 11th state added to the Union New York City—11 letters Afghanistan—11 letters The Pentagon —11 Letters Ramzi Yousef—11 Letters (convicted of orchestrating the bombing attack on the WTC in 1993) Flight 11 had 92 passengers on board—9+2 = 11 Flight 77 had 65 passengers on board—6+5 = 11

Seraphim Angel Manakel as channeled by Erik Sudberg 10-26-10)

It has been heralded that this day is the coming of a new understanding of a more grand reality. That it is a trigger which will activate all of what you would call lightworkers into their higher purpose.

These are common misconceptions of the total truth of this date in your world. As is often seen, the totality of a concept in your world is not normally completely assimilated. I am here to explain this coming totality.

This global and universal oneness activation point will be much like a door opening for the first time. It is completely your choice to walk through that door. There will be no being walking you through that entry point hand in hand.

You must do the work entailed to enable yourself to be fully aware of this doorway that will be opened to you.

What must you do you ask?

We have been preparing you for this point and more through all of our communication. These communications are matters in which you must contemplate and enact into your souls progression all the days of your life. The integrations make you whole again with your higher self and the universe.

You are now headed face first into this opportunity…this activation opportunity. It is an opportunity to accelerate your growth. To become what you are meant to be. To make great strides in the healing of your soul.

This is what this is all about. Healing. To take a fragmented soul and make it one again. This day will be the activation point. The day of great universal strength that can enable you to make these grand realizations of the grand reality. To feed these that you call lightworkers into a higher place. Now you see why I say that the common belief is not quite what this day will enact. If you sit idly by and expect an instantaneous change within yourself, you will be greatly disappointed or you will be telling yourself an untruth.

Again, the truth is that you must do the diligent work unto your soul in order to hit this activation point at its highest vibration in order to heal yourself into a higher vibrational being.

This is the truth of your inner wisdom. This is a truth to your existence. To evolve as an energy being. To strive through the cycles. To not get wrapped up within a small form collectively created reality or dimension, but to be in touch with all that is for the rest of your days. Is this not the ultimate form of healing?

Imagine less sickness. Less anxiety. Less fear and depression. Less war and hate. All of these things that you see as a negative existence slowly fading away as you raise yourself above it all and teach the rest of the world to rise with you. Watch you also become the teacher to the proper good.

You cannot stand on the outside of this door and pretend to know what is on the other side. You must live the truth, then you will see the glory of all that resides within. I live within this space.

Heal yourself. Walk through this door on your 11:11.

Come with me to divinity.

——- Manakel


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Subject: 11:11 IS A WAKE-UP CALLDate: Sat, Apr 27, 1996 01:35 EDTFrom: A.

I started seeing 11:11 on clocks, receipts, bank clocks, EVERYWHERE about 7 years ago. Here is what I've learned since then. 11:11 is a wake-up call for lightworkers. Lightworkers are people who signed up for a "green beret" type of mission when they were on the spirit plane ( before being incarnated on Earth). What the mission is, in short, is to hold as much Light as possible, as strongly as possible, on this planet. This twenty year period (starting on January 11, 1991) will see matter holding more light than it has ever held before. The vibration on this planet has dropped to a very, very low frequency. That is why it is so difficult to remember our origin, remember that we are all connected, remember who we really are. This is often referred to as the Fall. This mission is very important and very difficult. As I see people around me go through so much, I understand why some go back home. It's intense here right now.

There is also 12:12, which for me is a sign of living in that lightworker framework. This includes, being spontaneous, trusting my hunches, leaning toward faith and truth...especially being honest with myself.

This stuff is very important for me to share with others because it immediately reminds me why I'm here and recenters me. Please contact me if you'd like to share experience, faith or hope.

Aqua Glory


On December 12, I found a place on America Online that made a connection with my dream material. There is a special section devoted to the Art Bell radio show. One part is a chat room. The other section is called "Parascope," which has a part were people post messages. One of the folders listed was titled, "11:11."

If you have America Online, you can find it by clicking on "Keyword," and typing in "Art Bell." When the window appears, click on "Parascope." On that screen click on "Message Boards." A list of folders will be listed. Choose "Enigma." You will find the "11:11" folder there with the messages I have combined below.

I was expecting most of it to be about Solara's Doorway material, but there were just a few that mentioned it. Almost all of the postings were about the coincidence of seeing 11:11 or something similar very often.

Many were asking what it meant. Solara had predicted that people would start seeing 11:11 often, such as on digital clocks. This file provides strong evidence that she was on the mark.

On December 24, I wrote a message with an account of my extensive experience that lead to Revelation 11:11, and posted it in five parts in the America Online "11:11" folder.

I have pasted the majority of the 45 messages below that were in the folder as of December 24:

11:11 Postings

Subj: 11:11

Date: 96-12-10 01:42:17 ESTFrom: O.W.

I too have been recognizing, or at least contemplating a connection to the number 11. I find it iteresting that 9 times out of 10, when I look at a clock, it reads a double digit. I thought that maybe it was because I had an 11 minute attention span or something. I spoke with a friend about it and she said it was interesting because my name, Christopher, works out to 11 in numerology. And, as a coincidence and totally before I found this board, I choose 11 or 1111 as the suffix of all of my AOL screen names. Maybe its a coincidence, I mean the chances of seeing a double digit on a clock is pretty good compared to other things, but it is just something that I thought was a personal observation until I found this board.. Also It is interesting that Newton found that if you multiplied all of the measurements in the great pyramid by 1.0011 you will get mostly whole numbers. Coincidence? I wonder.


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Subj: Yes, 11:11 is real!Date: 96-12-31 02:15:14 ESTFrom: Solara11

How interesting to find this site. I've already visited the 11:11 message board in the New Age section. There are so many of us from all over the world, from all walks of life who share the same experience; we all keep seeing the numbers 11:11.

At first, it seems like mere coincidence, "It must be coffee break time." Then it becomes uncanny. "I got into my car at exactly 11:11." Finally it is undeniable. "All my clocks froze at 11:11." Something very strange is happening.

In my newest book, "How to Live Large on a Small Planet", I state, "Something is happening and it is more real than any of us can imagine." A Greater Reality is being born. Each time that we see the numbers 11:11 it inserts this Greater Reality into our present moment. The earthworm finally looks up.

There is a merger between the vastness of spirit and the solidity of physical matter.

Next time you see 11:11, stop and feel the subtle energies around you. The 11:11 is a wake up call you sent to yourself. A reminder of your true purpose on Earth. Usually during times of heightened energy or accelerated personal change, you will notice 11:11 more frequently. It is a powerful confirmation that you are on the right track.

For more information on the 11:11 and the exciting times we are in, check out our website at: http://www.nvisible.com

In One Heart,



Subj: What in the world?!Date: 96-10-29 08:55:56 ESTFrom: T.C.

Call me ignorant if you like, but after perusing the posts and reading the phrase "I have experienced 11:11" more times than I care to remember, my question is this...WHAT is 11:11? How can you experience 11:11? I imagine it has to do with always looking at your clock when it happens to read 11:11, but why make a big deal of it? I'm sure you have also glanced at your clock when it happened to read 2:48, or maybe 9:51. Please, someone attempt to break my ignorance. Explain this "phenomena" to me.


Subj: 11:11Date: 96-09-22 20:47:13 ESTFrom: B.

In the New Age 11:11 message board, someone described this phenomena as "the universe tapping you on the shoulder". I like that!! Beyond that, I think it's just a guess. Funny, I have never seen this section of AOL at all, but went right to it after logging on tonight!!


Subj: Re:11.11Date: 96-08-24 20:29:12 ESTFrom: P.

i can't believe i'm reading this. i've experienced 11:11 too for at least five years. but, having grown up on twilight zone, i thought maybe it was going to be the time of my death. so when i see it i get uncomfortable. i can't believe other people are talking about this. i think i've only mentioned it once to a friend a few years ago......


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Subj: 12:12Date: 96-06-25 23:30:22 ESTFrom: K.

I have experienced 12:12 and 1:1, two 11:11 type instances. I have heard they mean the same thing but i also seem to encounter numbers like 12:38, 11:38 etc. often, so is this a similar phenomenon?


Subj: ATT: Study of 11:11-READDate: 96-06-25 16:25:08 ESTFrom: Beckett187

My name is Chris Roth, I have experienced the 11:11 phenomenom, and am conducting a study on the subject. I would appreciate it if anyone who has experienced this send their adress to this account, so I may send them a survey to be filled out and mailed back to me for my study. I'm looking for a common thread in 11:11 experiences. My results will be posted here in the near future. Tell all other "11:11 people" to do the same. This project is called "ROTHLINK"

-Thank You.

P.S. If My "Beckett" account does not exist when you see this posting, you can E-mail your adress to Wicked [email protected]: 11:11 phenomena


Date: 96-09-22 20:45:14 ESTFrom: B.

There is an 11:11 section in the Religion - New Age message boards. Interesting, lots of posts. The numbers 1111 or 111 occur ALL the time to me. Recently, I bought a certain stock for a flat sum of money. I had no ideas what it was selling for. When I got the paperwork, I found I had purchased 111.1 shares!! Driving home the other afternoon, I glanced at a realtor's "for sale" sign. The realtor's phone number?? You guessed it 696-1111. I think I'm relatively sane and I am not imagining all this!!


Subj: My 11:11 phenomenaDate: 96-09-21 00:00:04 ESTFrom: H.C.

I suppose I should feel relieved that I'm not the only person experiencing this phenomenon, but right now I'm just feeling numb. This began happening to me about two months ago. At first, I thought it was comical--you'd periodically spot the numbers, 1:11 or 2:22 etc. on your VCR or microwave clocks and you'd think that perhaps your luck was improving--then, after a few weeks the amount of "triple digit sightings" double, then quadruple and things start feeling a little creepy (Every night, it seems, I awaken to the sight of "triple digits", either 2:22, 3:33 or 5:55, and often times any one of these numbers two nights in a row, [I once awakened to 4:44 on three consecutive nights]--incidentally, I normally get up at 9:00)--now it's gone beyond creepy and has approached that dangerous area where you start questioning your own sanity ("triple digit sightings" have now been observed on cash register totals, computer time clocks [at home and at work], computer hard drive disk space, paychecks, addresses, phone numbers, and recently on license plates [pulling out of a parking space this last week, I spotted the numbers 444 on the vehicle beside me and shook my head, then was about to proceed when my eye caught the number on the license plate of the next vehicle which read 999, and if that wasn't enough, the vehicle next to that had the digits 333 ending the plate number], these patterns have been turning up everywhere.)--the 11:11 and 12:12 number phenomena I've been frequently observing, but had never really taken it seriously because of the overshadowing of the "triple digit sightings".

For the last week I've been up and down the "net" trying to find some explanation about this--then, after learning that "Sightings" was moving from syndication to cable, I thought I'd browse in their area to learn more about the move--it was in their message boards that a "AJonke8683" queried about numbers (some were triple digits) he'd received from something not of this world--a reply pointed him (and me) to your 11:11 area. If someone's got a reasonable explanation for this, I'd certainly like to hear it (as quickly as possible).

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Subj: Heads Up 11:11Date: 96-08-02 19:35:27 ESTFrom: D.

What a shock. I've been getting 11:11 for years now and it has driven me nuts trying to figure out what it means. Solanara, numerology, nothing "felt" right, but I know it's important. Something tells me to look at the clock and it's 11:11. Or I wake up at 11:11. Or I go to a store and the clerk asks me for $11.11. I been sitting quietly with a receptive mind until the clock rolls over to 11:12, thinking maybe someone is trying to tell me something.

Hell, I know someone is trying to tell me something, but I'm not getting it. Frustrating. One night I woke up at 11:11 and laid there quietly, receptively, looking at the clock, waiting for it to roll over to the next number. When it rolled over, it rolled over to 11:34. Very smoothly. Just lost totally what...22 minutes? Baffling. Just yesterday, I got online and was looking around, and came across this! Blows me away. I've only met one other person who had experienced this. Wonderful to find all you guys! I'll mark this as one of my favorite places. Don't know my E-Mail address. Can anyone tell me how to find out what it is? Just post a replay -- I'll get it. Thanks.


Subj: Re:11:11Date: 96-07-07 08:55:22 ESTFrom: IM

But it marks other things too: was it just coincidence that the ending of World War One was on the eleventh minute of the eleventh day of the eleventh month? Or a foreshadowing of what was to come?


Subj: RE: 11:11 as "liner time"Date: 96-07-02 16:07:54 ESTFrom: B.

Many years ago as a partying young adult, my friends and I would seemingly always find the digital clocks to either say 11:11 or 1:11, unfortunatly, in my then unlightened mind, we interpreted it to mean "liner time" or in other words, take another "line" of cocaine. Thank Spirit we grew out of those days but maybe someone was trying to tell us something postive , like wake up to reality and remember your mission !!


Subj: Re:11:11 in numerologyDate: 96-06-16 09:33:49 ESTFrom: J.

11:11 in numerology be an incredible "power" number. Use any numerology book, look up "11" then trillion times that energy.


Subj: Eleven or "11"Date: 96-05-29 21:48:46 ESTFrom: S.S.

Radio code for Detective.

S. S.

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Subj: Re:"11:11"Date: 96-05-23 22:19:13 ESTFrom: TL.

My wife and I have encountered 11's in various forms for eight years. Our first encounter was a barage of 11's over a period of two hours. This was closely followed by the channeling of a still unpublished book that we witnessed over a period of weeks. The book revealed much information that is now coming to brighter light in the form of electronic and print media aka Art Bell and this forum. There are no coincidences, merely portals. 11's are an accepted part of our lives now. Plus many more things we have learned since those first two hours. I may also be reached at [email protected]. This is all about relationships. Balance is the key.


Subj: Re:11:11 Date: 96-05-16 22:50:40 ESTFrom: T.

As the days gain momentum within a framework seen and recognized as 11:11 there are many who attracted to them this "phenomenon" or simply the sight of this display 11:11 and what it is is that symbol that you have given yourself to recognize or rather respond to it's 'energy". As if it was an agreed upon moment in time when you said that you as many others would begin to awaken within the sight of 11:11 you have granted yourselves this message as that is what it is> As the 11:11 came forth into your lives you were within it's vibration within it's time frame and within the times of your lives when you were 'leaving' time to go forth into another vibration that many of you are beginning to see and that is your symbol of "l2:12" and know that within that symbolism and that vibration your bodies have achieved as it were the availability of holding a new vibration, one that in purpose you came here to claim and that is a vibration that is of a new reality. The 11:11 is your expereiince, your intense expereiince of feeling and therefore releasing that reality that you were born into and came into to transcend fherefore as you were seeing and experienceing that vibration that displayed itself to you as 11:11 you were feeling the release of a reality and sometimes you still will as you are within the transcendance of the 11th hour, you are in the sudden and sure expereince of recognizing that you share with many the journey of not creating a new reality but rather releasing an old one. The 1l:11 is a reminder onto you of your position of not so much 'living' blindly that reality you came to "bust" but you are experieinceing it from a vantage point of observation, you are walking out of it to enter a new day a new dimension and you will begin to see that more clearly and more often as you enter the vibrationof 12:12.


Subj: Re:lightworkers?Date: 96-05-12 21:30:49 ESTFrom: M.

is this connected to the pledians?


Subj: 11:11 LIGHTWORKER INFO...Date: 96-05-09 00:09:57 ESTFrom: A.G.


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Subj: Re:"11:11"Date: 96-04-19 04:35:14 ESTFrom: RS.

Here is a message I received today pertaining to 11:11. I make no claims as to the accuracy of this statement. In fact, I find it wacky, but someone obviously wanted me to post it... "I don't know how valid this is but you can pass around if you want: But, please leave my name out of it: On Dec 15th, 1995 in the  Dayton, OH house of a Ret AF LtCol and his wife there appeared 11:11 on  three of their digital clocks. All the other clocks in the house read the  proper time: There was no indication of a power outage etc or any other  possible explanation. If one takes the 11:11 as a BINARY number with ":" counted as a "0" then one has 11011= 27: We interpreted this "27" as 27 months and then counting from Dec 15th we arrived at March 15th,  1998: Or the early Spring of 1998. This is supposedly the predicted time period for "our" great "disaster" on the West Coast etc ? We are being told that the ETs will bring extra personnel and equipment in order to rescue this situation: If this sounds "Far Out" Iam only passing this  along ! But, also remember that this appeared on three clocks or three clues to solve any one puzzle: Like in the game "King's Table" where it takes three pieces for capture unlike chess where it only takes two: Pretty subtle I believe." Pretty weird, I believe... but you asked...


Subj: What is 11:11? I'm confused!Date: 96-04-14 22:30:00 ESTFrom: H.

Can anyone please tell me what 11:11 means? it's funny that when my friend and I are driving he'll, and sometimes I, will glance at the clock and say 11:11 make a wish. He said he doesn't know exactly where he got it from but this is weird that I see other people experiencing this. Help me, I am a little worried now.


Subj: Re:11:11Date: 96-04-13 19:06:58 ESTFrom: I.

Any more info on this would be helpful....im constantly seeing 1111 on the clocks and watches for over a year now...dont know why or what...never heard of this phenon..doesnt matter what im doing or when..it seems when i look to see what time it is..it is 1111.


Subj: 11:11Date: 96-04-06 14:34:23 ESTFrom: G.

Lohean You should not listen to that person regarding 11:11 as quackery. Who ever that is they are very fearful....There are a lot of good books out on the market regarding this subject which is referred to as the Doorway. Patrica Cote Robles is one author she also has a newsletter titled humanity....something i forget but if your interested i'll get it for you, I participated in an 11:11 event on Jan 11 1991 at 11;11 am it was great it took place on a world wide level. Solara is also the author of many books on this subject. If I can help simply Email me.


Subj: "11:11"Date: 96-04-02 22:03:32 ESTFrom: L.

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Does anyone have any information pertaining to this? More and more people are sharing the coincidence of 11:11.


Subj: mark1111Date: 96-05-19 23:54:41 ESTFrom: K.

11:11 is an important wake up call for lightworkers to stop being caught up in the material world and start participating in the spiritual world. I have seen 11:11 for over 7 years and even when it wasn't 11:11. When the power goes out your alarm clock still keeps time but blinks until yoy fix it, one night I feel asleep on the couch during a thunderstorm and there was a power failure and I finally went to bed around 3:00 a.m. but to my surprise my clock was blinking 11:11. If you see it , you should accept it and try to learn more about it. Think about it, you see a number like 11:11 and all of a sudden you are reading information about it because for some reason you think it means something in your life. It is a code engrained in your memory before you were born and when you see it you will begin to alter your thoughts until you do whatever it is you were meant to do prior to your arrival on this plane. Oughten House publishers and Solara have good books as well as a magazine called Connecting Link. I know over 20 people who see 11:11 and see it all the time. You will also find out that after you start making spiritual changes in your life you will stop seeing 11:11, this is the truest test of all.


Subj: 11:11 IS A WAKE-UP CALLDate: 96-04-27 00:35:08 ESTFrom: A.G.

I started seeing 11:11 on clocks, receipts, bank clocks, EVERYWHERE about 7 years ago. Here is what I've learned since then. 11:11 is a wake-up call for lightworkers. Lightworkers are people who signed up for a "green beret" type of mission when they were on the spirit plane ( before being incarnated on Earth). What the mission is, in short, is to hold as much Light as possible, as strongly as possible, on this planet. This twenty year period (starting on January 11, 1991) will see matter holding more light than it has ever held before. The vibration on this planet has dropped to a very, very low frequency. That is why it is so difficult to remember our origin, remember that we are all connected, remember who we really are. This is often referred to as the Fall. This mission is very important and very difficult. As I see people around me go through so much, I understand why some go back home. It's intense here right now.

There is also 12:12, which for me is a sign of living in that Lightworker framework. This includes, being spontaneous, trusting my hunches, leaning toward faith and truth...especially being honest with myself.  This stuff is very important for me to share with others because it immediately reminds me why I'm here and recenters me. Please contact me if you'd like to share experience, faith or hope.



Subj: 11:11Date: 96-04-24 21:14:16 ESTFrom: S.

I've been seeing 11:11 and other no.s like 4:44,1:11 etc. for about 4 yrs. Sometimes 10 or 12 times aday.


Subj: Re:11:11Date: 96-04-22 10:35:51 ESTFrom: S.G.

I never really had expierianced the '11:11' chance of time, but for as long as I can remember I would always happen to look at a digital claock at exactly 1:11 AM ( never PM). This coincidence of time has been happening throughtout my entire life and I always wonderes what it meant. it seemed TO 'coincidental' to be mere coincidence.

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Subj: Re:11:11 Date: 96-05-08 00:48:28 ESTFrom: ST.

Just discovered Parascope and ran into this folder 11:11 I am stunned! I have been experiencing 11:11 for several years (4 of 5) and it really bothers me. Why the significance of 11:11? I am skeptical about all paranormal phenomena but am open minded until something concrete hits me on the head I will then, believe. This 11:11 is really an odd phenomena. I sense loss or death associated with it or it could be my interpretation of an unusual, odd occurance. I don't know. I feel I'am too "grounded" to feel these kinds of experences yet I cannot deny 11:11 seems important. Thanks for listening. Ron


Subj: Re:11:11 Date: 96-04-27 13:06:15 ESTFrom: D.



Subj: 11:11 and2:22Date: 96-12-16 08:26:17 ESTFrom: S.

I always see 11:11 but also 2:22 lately. It's everywhere. A friend at work experiences the same. If anybody figures it out, please post here.


Subj: "11:11" Doorway?Date: 96-12-22 12:01:23 ESTFrom: BD.

When my mother was alive, she always told me about her experiences with the 11:11 phenomenon. Although I tried, it never happened for me.  However, once she passed away, I began to see 11 11 everywhere - on the clock, in addressess, phone numbers, bills, etc. I simply thought it was Mom letting me know she was "with" me. I never knew others had the same experiences with this number until I found this message board. Perhaps it is a type of "doorway" enabling us to "communicate" with others who have previously experienced it. Perhaps it is just "wishful thinking" on my part. Eitherway, I cannot explain the numerous occasions this number enters my life.


Subject: Re:11:11Date: Thu, May 16, 1996 23:50 EDTFrom: To.

As the days gain momentum within a framework seen and recognized as 11:11 there are many who attracted to them this "phenomenon" or simply the sight of this display 11:11 and what it is is that symbol that you have given yourself to recognize or rather respond to it's 'energy". As if it was an agreed upon moment in time when you said that you as many others would begin to awaken within the sight of 11:11 you have granted yourselves this message as that is what it is> As the 11:11 came forth into your lives you were within it's vibration within it's time frame and within the times of your lives when you were 'leaving' time to go forth into another vibration that many of you are beginning to see and that is your symbol of "l2:12" and know that within that symbolism and that vibration your bodies have achieved as it were the availability of holding a new vibration, one that in purpose you came here to claim and that is a vibration that is of a new

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reality. The 11:11 is your expereiince, your intense expereiince of feeling and therefore releasing that reality that you were born into and came into to transcend fherefore as you were seeing and experienceing that vibration that displayed itself to you as 11:11 you were feeling the release of a reality and sometimes you still will as you are within the transcendance of the 11th hour, you are in the sudden and sure expereince of recognizing that you share with many the journey of not creating a new reality but rather releasing an old one. The 1l:11 is a reminder onto you of your position of not so much 'living' blindly that reality you came to "bust" but you are experieinceing it from a vantage point of observation, you are walking out of it to enter a new day a new dimension and you will begin to see that more clearly and more often as you enter the vibrationof 12:12.


Subject: Re:11:11Date: Wed, May 8, 1996 01:48 EDTFrom: ST.

Just discovered Parascope and ran into this folder 11:11 I am stunned! I have been experiencing 11:11 for several years (4 of 5) and it really bothers me. Why the significance of 11:11? I am skeptical about all paranormal phenomena but am open minded until something concrete hits me on the head I will then, believe. This 11:11 is really an odd phenomena. I sense loss or death associated with it or it could be my interpretation of an unusual, odd occurance. I don't know. I feel I'am too "grounded" to feel these kinds of experences yet I cannot deny 11:11 seems important. Thanks for listening. Ron


Subject: Re:11:11 IS A WAKE-UP CALLDate: Sun, May 26, 1996 00:54 EDTFrom: U.

I have been browsing thru different things on the computer tonite and 1111 caught my eye I also , about seven years ago started having many experiences with 1111. Not only on  clocks which of course would not have seemed as significant before digital clocks came out . someone ought to research that invention and see if it correlates to 1111some how. I also had gas bills come up 1111 and other tabs or checks actually just about anything with numbers. I also have had many credit card numbers that have pairs of numbers that add up to 1111..and every year on nov. eleventh or jan eleventh I always wait to see.......? I don't know now if I'm just noticing it more now because of the past or what. In numerology eleven is a master number. In astrology it represents aquarius. we are approaching the age of aquarius..... One other thing I am curious about , has anyone also noticed a predominance of palandrome numbers 1221,1331,4554 and so on and so on. I also have noticed the 1221 or1212 combo too.

Hi Joe:

I'm also Joseph, from somewhere i wont tell you, I have been seeing the number 11 everywhere but not 11:11 just 11 but i see it every second, you said that its some kind of call for the lightworkers right?, but if i am a lightworker, what must i find or do???, i haveall the characteristics of a starseed and walk-in, I'm  pretty confused right now, hope you can help me out friend I know you can...

Greetings, your friend Joseph..

Subj: 11:11 Date: 2/21/2005 

From: UnbelloTo: JMason4557

hi...my name is steven ..i see the time 11:11 every morning and every night.. this has been going on for about three months now...at least once a day...i haven't missed a day yet...does this mean something...should i do something...its kind starting to freak me out....please email me if you know any thing....thank you


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Subj: 11 11 Date: 2/21/2005

From: elyme@xxxTo: [email protected]  Joe, My name is Lane and I am a SANE person, but for many years I have been inundated with the numbers 11 11. WHY. I sometimes think I am going crazy. I am a Christian and believe that Jesus is the Son of ALL Man Kind. My wife in a very Metaphysical/"NEW AGE" person who is Very, Very well versed and extremely intelligent in the this type of phenomenon.  Please, help me to understand what on earth/ heaven this happening to me. It is just not clocks but mile markers, address, bills and My Birthday!!!!!!(1-29-55) 1+55=11  2+9=11.....11 11.  Maybe you have an answer for me to search for the true meaning of this experience. It has been with me for at least 25 YEARS. I love that this might be unique thing for me but I do not think I'm alone in this realm. If I need to respond to this calling i would LOVE to know how. I don't want you to think I'm some whacked out psycho, I assure I'm sane and very open minded to understand the MANY meanings to life on this planet!!!. Joe, I hope you know that I appreciate your very kind time in this matter.  I really look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.   Sincerely,   Lane Ely, Nevada

  Subj: 11:11 Date: 4/14/2005 From: amarrTo: JMason4557

I cannot believe my eyes.  I would have never have guest that there were other people that saw 11:11 like I do.  I even had a therapist who is a friend of mine, tell me that it was just my inner clock waking me like my brain regulating itself. Thats sounds great, but what about the times that I see it in other places that a clock.  I just cant believe that there is others.  I wonder if they to have found out about the energy behind seeing it.  I am learning.  If you have any info please pass it on/Thank You,Andrea

Subj: 1111 Date: 4/19/2005

From: pekyTo: [email protected]

Hi Joe,   I saw your website with great interest. I have been seeing the 11 11 since 1997, finally this year, it came to me what it represents, but I have read or seen nothing like my interpretation (dealing with frequencies/waves and wonder if its worth printing anywhere? Thx, Peter

  Subj: hey about 11:11 Date: 4/21/2005

From: True03To: JMason4557

hi ive always wondered why i see 11 everywhere either seeing 11:11, 10:11 or even 1:11 and also other numbers that contain 11 in them on the clocks! i feel like its telling me something but im not quite sure what.i see eleven

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everywhere i go and its daily. i see it on license plates and on other things too. what is ur opinion on this? i was sooo happy when i saw the website and to learn that i wasnt the only one experiencing it. im going to try to figure it out.. i dont kno how..maybe something  big is going to happen? im 16 years old and this started happening at 15. i would love to hear frm u! :-) thank u bye!

<< Subj: 11:11 connection and question??? 

I just came across your website regarding the 11:11 phenomenon.  Well, what I've always wanted to know is what does it mean if you're birthday is on 11-11?  Also, the11's coincidences continue with my children's birthday too.  Here it is:

Me:             11-11-76 at 11:18pmDaughter:     04-11-97 at  7:58 pmSon:            11-22-00 at  4:18 pm

As you can see, I have the 11:11, but my son has 11: 22, plus the 00 year, which is strange. Then the time of our births all end in 8's. If you ask me, there's a little toomuch coincidence in all of these numbers.  Can you give me a clue as to your theory on this? >>

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