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Northwell Health, formerly known as

North Shore LIJ, has done a remarkable

job for healthcare in my community.

Whether you have children, aging

parents, a sick spouse or a

medical condition of your own, it

eases the mind and heart to know

you have a good hospital with

caring doctors at your disposal.

"Northwell strives to improve the health of thecommunities it serves and is committed to providing

the highest quality clinical care; educating the currentand future generations of health care professionals;searching for new advances in medicine through theconduct of bio-medical research; promoting health

education; and caring for the entire communityregardless of the ability to pay."

Northwell's Mission

Northwell Health was officially founded

in 1997 when the North Shore Health

System merged with LIJ Medical Center.

The merger created a network of

what is now 21 hospitals, an institute

for medical research, rehabilitation

and nursing facilities, a home care

network, hospice network and more.

It’s the largest integrated

health care system in New

York state, and the state’s

largest private employer.

They are dedicated to

community, quality,

research and education,

and aim to be not just a

good health provider,

but a leader in national

health care.

This shows in everything they do.

S T E V E N S A N D S F O U N D A T I O N . O R G


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