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Page 1: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

A 2016 Advent Series of SortsBy Glenn Deering

Page 3: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

“Why Jesus Came” Day 2: I tend to think the relativism of truth is a modern problem, but ever since Adam & Eve, man has made truth conform to his desires. Jesus came as the living embodiment of truth; testifying there is one truth and one author of truth—God. And those who humble themselves to repentance and belief in Him will know the truth and be set free. http://bit.ly/2fT07t2

© 2016 Glenn Deering

Page 4: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

We May Have

“Why Jesus Came” Day 3: We can have life abundant because He laid his life down for us—making a way for us to have a wonderfully right relationship with God today and for all of eternity. Today, as a Christ follower, I get to experience this abundance in so many ways. In fact, I’m experiencing it right now as I get to share this post with you. If I think this is abundance, I can only imagine what awaits me in eternity.  http://bit.ly/2g4EDgi

© 2016 Glenn Deering

Page 5: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

day four

Set FreeOppressed.


Luke 4:18

“Why Jesus Came” Day 4: By far, fear has been my greatest oppressor; fear of rejection, fear of failing, fear of being alone, fear of looking stupid… Faith in Jesus has liberated me greatly from these fears. I wouldn’t be going public with my faith if fear still oppressed me like it did. Oh, I still fear, but that’s when I seek to be in His will and lean on His promise he’ll never leave or forsake me. http://bit.ly/2goQB26

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day six


not to be

Mark 10:45


“Why Jesus Came” Day 6: This is the true model of leadership. Those who seek to be first must put themselves last. Jesus took His leadership all the way to the cross. http://bit.ly/2h3YTQk

© 2016 Glenn Deering

Page 8: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

day seven

Matthew 10:27-37

Not to Bring

Sword.But A


“Why Jesus Came” Day 7: Always in love, but never compromising, Jesus did not care about offending others with the truth of God and of his advancing kingdom. He calls all of His followers not to be concerned with offending others—especially those close to us—when standing firm for Jesus. And today that is more challenging than ever. Like Jesus, we need to speak in truth and in love; being confident that God has our back. http://bit.ly/2gWWzKM

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day nine

Luke 19:10






“Why Jesus Came” Day 9: Looking back, I can see so many ways Jesus sought me out. But I didn’t want to be found—preferring the comfort of my own lies. He never stopped pursuing me. It wasn’t until after the “crash” was I broken enough to be found. In that low place He guarded me, showed me mercy and lavished love on me. I’m still prone to wandering, but He has never let me out of His sight. http://bit.ly/2gujD2O

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day ten

1 John 3:8





of the

“Why Jesus Came” Day 10: The devil is real. Not myth or metaphor. In the Bible he is referred to as the Tempter and the Father of Lies. I’ve readily succumbed to his temptation and willingly believed his lies. The devil’s works have lived in me. Faith in Jesus has destroyed all of that. Through His sacrifice, He has defeated the devil and destroyed all of his works for all of eternity. http://bit.ly/2hiLdPo

© 2016 Glenn Deering

Page 13: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

day twelve

John 6:38

The WillFather

to do

of the

“Why Jesus Came” Day 12: The ultimate will of the Father is to bring to people an eternity-saving knowledge of the Son. This same will applies to all believers in Jesus Christ. I know I've been too self-conscious and timid in living out the Father’s will. I pray, in some small way, this series changes that.http://bit.ly/2gw54xa

© 2016 Glenn Deering

Page 14: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

day thirteen

1 Timothy 1:15

To SaveSinnersTo SaveSinners

“Why Jesus Came” Day 13: “Sinner” is a distasteful title to many. But what a beautiful moment when I realized I am one—when I let go of my pride, my facade and my way, and admitted I am a sinner in need of saving. It’s made all the difference. http://bit.ly/2hKbOnt

© 2016 Glenn Deering

Page 15: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

day fourteen

Hebrews 2:14-17

to be

Like HisPeople

“Why Jesus Came” Day 14: The God of the Bible is so very personal. So much so, in the person of the Son, He came to Earth and took in the full human experience. He’s felt what it is like to be a child, a son, a man, a worker and a leader. He knows what it’s like to be lonely, hungry, tired, disappointed, homeless, tempted, angry, jealous, in mourning, lied to, betrayed and assaulted. And what it’s like to face death. He’s been through it all. He gets us. I believe it’s because he walked in our skin he was able to make the most astounding request known to man, “forgive them Father for they know not what they are doing.” What grace! http://bit.ly/2hPbILn

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day fifteen

Luke 4:18

The Poor

ProclaimGood News



“Why Jesus Came” Day 15: News flash, all of us are poor in some way—spiritually, financially, relationally, morally, etc. The good news is God loved you and me so much that he gave his Son, in whom if we believe, we will gain eternal life with Him—a life not of stark poverty, but of loving abundance. Good news in deed. http://bit.ly/2gOl65W

© 2016 Glenn Deering

Page 17: Why Jesus Came: A 2016 Advent Series

day sixteen

Matthew 5:17

Fulfill It

AbolishThe Law

not to

but to

“Why Jesus Came” Day 16: Jesus came to rightly live out the Father’s loving law. The people must’ve thought Jesus was changing everything because His way—the right way— was in such stark contrast to the self-serving and self-righteous way of the ruling religious leadership. Then as now, Jesus is always the model for rightly applying God’s commands. That is why we are called to believe in Him only, and ultimately follow Him and not any other man or woman. http://bit.ly/2gTWqqT

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day eighteen

John 12:26-27




“Why Jesus Came” Day 18: As a brand strategist I counsel clients that a name doesn’t give meaning to a brand, it’s the experience as had by customers, employees and the public that imbue meaning into a name. Jesus came in the name of God. And the Jesus experience was one of power and humility, truth and grace, service and leadership, compassion and healing, love and sacrifice. His was a life of complete obedience in the name of God. All the way to the cross, Jesus held the name of God to the highest glory. And it’s that glory that points us to Him and eternal life. http://bit.ly/2hfP5Qi

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day nineteen




for the

Luke 4:18

“Why Jesus Came” Day 19: “Recover” is the key word for me in this scripture reference. It implies we are all created with perfect spiritual sight--but something causes us to go blind. In my case, I know it was my own selfish desires, the wounds I’ve suffered and my many fears which formed thick cataracts clouding my vision of God. Over these last 9 years, I feel my belief in Jesus and in the word of God has been gradually restoring my vision so I can rightly see how I am loved, and how I am to love others. It’s not quite 20/20 yet, but it’s getting better. http://bit.ly/2goQB26

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day twenty

Acts 3:26

Wicked Ways

To Bless UsTurning Us


from our

“Why Jesus Came” Day 20: Before Christ, I’d often try to change some patterns of not-so-good behavior, but never could seem to make it stick. And with each failure, self-loathing would reign, often perpetuating more bad behavior. This cycle continued until others—aware of the depths of their own wickedness—shared Jesus with me. Upon accepting Christ, I unburdened myself to Him. Being filled with the Holy Spirit, some wickedness was taken away with little effort, other, more deeper seeded wickedness has taken more time to address, and some is still in process. If I may, For the men reading this post, I’d like to recommend a ministry that has been impactful for me in addressing my wickedness—Marked Men for Christ. If you’d like, I’d be happy to tell you more. http://bit.ly/2icTfbP

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day twenty-one

Matthew 16:18

ChurchBuild His


“Why Jesus Came” Day 21: I so admire how Jesus built His Church—one relationship at a time. He loved and invested in Peter and the other disciples, and in that same spirit (and guided by the Spirit) they went on to build the first century Church into a movement that is still going strong today. I’m blessed to say that my home church—Plymouth Covenant Church—strives to stay true to that same model. Like Jesus with Peter, PCC relationally invested in me over these nine years—discipling me towards spiritual maturity. I am so grateful to them. Relationships can be awkward, messy and a lot of hard work. Thank you PCC for striving to love like Jesus. http://bit.ly/2hsWw6w

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day twenty-two

Luke 4:18




To the

“Why Jesus Came” Day 22: Encountering Jesus showed me it was my own brokenness that was holding me captive in a prison cell I built for myself. And it was the truth of God's love and grace, in the person of Jesus, that set me free. http://bit.ly/2hYayhP

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day twenty-three

Ephesians 2:17




“Why Jesus Came” Day 23: Earlier in the series I referenced Matthew 10 in which Jesus said he did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Today I reference the apostle Paul who testified Jesus came to preach peace to all. Which one is it? I say both. Like a coin, on one side God’s truth will divide people. And on the other side, God’s truth brings people together. It’s this side of the coin I’d like to focus on. Truth is the foundation of peace. If we all recognize one truth—God’s Truth—peace will reign among us all and it will be Heaven. And that’s what I think Heaven is—a holy society of people submitting themselves to the truth of God. One truth known to all means one peace known by all. http://bit.ly/2hh34aX

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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day twenty-four

Mark 10:45


Give HisLife


as a

“Why Jesus Came” Day 24: I am an armchair theologian at best. I don’t fully grasp substitutionary atonement and why Jesus had to suffer and die. But this I do understand; sacrifice is at the heart of love. And God is love. In John 15, Jesus shares the greatest expression of love is giving one’s life for another. What does that tell me about love? That it isn’t love unless I freely give without concern for myself. It tells me “Sacrificial Love” is a redundant phrase. Remove sacrifice from love and you get lust. Love gives where lust takes. Jesus died for you and me because that is what love does. http://bit.ly/2iqNUO0 © 2016 Glenn Deering

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day twenty-five

John 3:16


So You

LifeCan Have

“Why Jesus Came” Day 25: It all comes down to this; Jesus came to be with us for a short time on Earth, so we can be with Him forever in Heaven. Be with Him. http://bit.ly/1IKVslJ

© 2016 Glenn Deering

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