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Page 1: Why Media Industry Earns?
Page 2: Why Media Industry Earns?

Businesses need to reach their consumers to tell them who they are and how are they

better than the competitors

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But, consumers aren’t interested in listening to boring, selfish and pushy businesses!

Instead they are interested in entertaining, useful and informative stuff!

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they read newspapers and magazines

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listen to radio

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stare at idiot box for hours

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do almost every next thing online

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Or just go hang out and

bump into billboards!

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Businesses pay for consumer’s eye balls & ears and buy some space at these interesting

places to reach them


Buy This!

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Every time a business wants to reach out to a certain number of consumers with a new

message, it has to buy reach

Reach: 10,000 People Cost Per Reach: 20 Bucks

Total Cost = 10,000 × 20 !!

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Businesses worldwide

spend mindboggling

budgets just to sell what

consumers don’t really


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Instead, hang on. Make

something that consumers

really need. And let

consumers find you.

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