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Why you don’t have what you


This year is on FIRE!

I’M on fire.

I’m not one for complaining as you know, but even if I was, I’d be hard

pressed to find a single fault.

This is where I am writing to you from. I’ve just done some visioning, and

I’ve been writing out my goals (again and again) as I do every day. In fact,

the wind just blew a sheet of paper with my goals off the table and now it’s

stuck in a bush. A good omen I hope!

My dreams and goals, stuck up a tree!

Those that don’t like success, or hearing of other people’s success, or can’t

celebrate other’s happiness won’t like this email very much (and if that’s the

case, for God’s sake, LEAVE!).

This time last year I was SCARED that I would RUIN my life for good by

telling my FULL story. Guess what. The OPPOSITE happened. The truth

will set you FREE.

I keep stepping up fully into my aligned life and trusting my calling and my


I have friends with a level of thinking that raises me higher.

I change people’s lives. Do you know how freaking amazing that is?!

I wake up every day and I’m answerable to no­one (ok, well, that’s been

happening for 10 years now!).

I currently enjoying the laptop life staying in 5* luxury homes.

Did any of it just happen to me, or did I MAKE it happen?

Blood, sweat, tears, melt downs, break downs?

Yep. All of that and more.

Worth it?

Always. Every single time.

I’ll go through the worse of it 100x again because I know the rewards that

are on the other side.

Find YOUR rewards. Do what it takes.

Let me tell you, whilst I am here, nothing bad can happen from you being

YOU. You’ve got to OWN it.

That goes for what it is you WANT.

The reason why you haven’t got what you want right now isn’t because you

haven’t fully taken OWNERSHIP of it and decided that it is yours already.

There is NOTHING as powerful as a made up mind!

Make up your mind that your success is a done deal and there is NO

OTHER ALTERNATIVE. And then ACT from that place.

Don’t fool yourself that by dipping your toe in the success pool now and

again that you are going to get there. Don’t kid yourself that your busy­bee

work is the MOST IMPORTANT work that will get you to where you want to


STAMP your name on what it is you that you want. Exactly what you want.

There is nothing you can’t have, or be, or do if you want it badly enough.

Leave your legacy and rise up to your greatness.

ABOUT Karen Strunks is a speaker and

author and helps daring, rebellious,

non­conforming women create a No

Compromise life and business doing

exactly what they love.

Ten years ago she left her ‘cubicle cage’ and made a break for

freedom to follow her passions; from dominatrix, to photographer, to

social media and marketing teacher to today, empowering women to

step away from the norm, break the rules and follow their passions.

Her work has been featured in print, TV and radio such as The

Guardian, BBC, Radio 4, Time Out NYC, The Telegraph, BBC Radio

Wales, and she has worked with national and international brands.

Karen regularly speaks at conferences and lectures at universities on

entrepreneurship, and about her story of leaving the 9­5 to pursue a

life less ordinary. Come and join Karen's FREE community on

Facebook; Rebel Business Bitches and pick up a FREE gift to help

you create the life you want. YOUR way.Website | Twitter | Youtube |


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