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Page 1: Why you must develop an iphone app


Page 2: Why you must develop an iphone app


• There are more than 500 million of devices with iOS.More than 300 M have iOS 6.1 instaled.

• iOS rules the tablets market. More than 40% of thesells in 2013 1Q are iPads.

• Although iOS don’t rule smartphone marketsells, it’s the leader in revenues. More than 75% ofthe benefits are obtained by iOS app distributors.

Advantages of developing an iOS App

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• iOS customers are likely to pay for the downloadsthey have.

• iOS users are already accustomed to using theirdevices for m-commerce.

• Apple users are loyal to the brand and theirdevices, so it’s very probable that they maintain yourApp when changing devices.

[email protected]

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• If you want to enter USA market, iOS is the high-enddevice on the market.

• There is a clear upward trend in the number ofsmartphones and tablets sold worldwide.

• Popularize your business. Get into the world of Appsand get high incomes through them.

[email protected]

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• Our company manages three business models forrevenue through Apps:

1) Free Apps with advertising.

2) Paid Apps.

3) Free Apps with in App purchases.

[email protected]

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• There is a strong trend of migration from traditionalapplications to smartphone apps. Not be left out ofthis reality.

• The Apps are fully integrated with socialnetworks, which are capable of viralize all itscontents.

• It’s demonstrated that iOS users spend more timewith their mobile devices than with their computers.

[email protected]

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Web traffic from mobile devices

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• iOS is a compiled language, not interpreted asAndroid, which gives the advantage of having abetter performance with lower hardwarerequirements.

• A small number of devices makes programmingApps very easy. iOS 6 is supported from the iphone3GS. The version compatibility it’s from 5 years backtill the actual date.

[email protected]

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• There are well defined devices screen resolutions.

• Apple gives a great importance to the performanceof your App, which ensures that your product issuperior to others.

• Apple makes a strong campaign againstpiracy, which generates benefits to registered Apps.

[email protected]

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• The way to market the apps through the Apple Storeis very clear and simple, facilitating business.

[email protected]

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• We have the proficiency to deliver high qualityproducts, with professionalmanagement, development and testing processes.

• We take care of the integrity of the production ofthe App, from the survey ofrequirements, design, development, testing andmanagement.

[email protected]

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• We have clients both in the private field as well ascorporate clients.

• We have the knowledge to develop any type ofapp, from a banking app, m-commerce, games, institutional, productivity, news,or any other kind of development.

[email protected]

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• Offer an advantage over your competitors byallowing customers to make routine transactionsthrough an App on your smartphone.

• Build comfort and practicality.

• Give prestige to your brand by being in the world ofApps.

• Show gratification to your best customers throughan app on their smartphone or tablet.

[email protected]

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• Imagine yourself using your touch device, operatingon an app with a great design and performing theoperations you want in a very simple way fromanywhere in the world.

• Belong to the portion of companies that own MobileApps.

• Make marketing of your service through the Appnotifications.

[email protected]

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• bFixture: App for tracking the Rugby World Cup2011. Show news, fixture, equipment, stadiums.

Case Studies

[email protected]

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• Brazil 2014: App developed to follow the Brazil 2014World Championship.

[email protected]

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• Prime & Friends: App developed for the Prime brandto generate interaction among its customers.

[email protected]

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• Send Dinero: App developed for iPad with the aim ofallowing users to send and receive money.

[email protected]

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• Contact our representative in Rio Info 2013 and withpleasure we will develop an App that covers theneeds that your business requires.


[email protected]

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