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Why Your Car is Probably Black, White, or Silver

Many things about your car are unique. Your auto insurance policy, your air freshener, and your radio station presets are all at least somewhat unique to you, but if you take a look at a row of parked vehicles, you may notice a pattern.

It’s not as if there aren’t enough options out there – the 2016 Ford Explorer was available in 10 different colors ranging from “black” to “Caribou” to “Blue Jeans”, and most car dealerships make a point to stock a few different color options. So why is it, with all of these options available, that neutral tones dominate the road?

Jane Harrington, manager of automotive color styling at PPG Industries, has a theory that might explain all of this. “A lot of times a consumer may have seen that gray-orange in an advertisement or on a billboard, but by the time they make the expensive purchase they’re more conservative,” she said. “They think, ‘Can I really have that color for five years?'

If you’ve ever purchased a vehicle, you surely understand the apprehension that accompanies such a large commitment, and I’m inclined to agree that this worry is at least partially responsible for the popularity of “safe” colors.

Buying a more neutral color of car makes sense financially as well. In many cities, the color of your vehicle can impact car insurance quotes and rates in unexpected ways, and if you ever plan on reselling, a brighter shade might be a setback.

The numbers don’t lie – vehicles with a less enthusiastic color pallet are more popular, so they’ll be easier to sell for a higher price. Buying a bright blue or yellow car might sound like a great idea now, but if you try to sell that same vehicle in a few years, it might be more difficult than anticipated. Of course, if you find the right buyer, it won’t be a problem at all.

But don’t lose hope – beautiful, brightly-colored cars are making a slow comeback as illustrated, again, by

the data collected by PPG Industries. Over the last two years, the popularity of silver and grey vehicle

has dropped 7%, so a future in which bright, unique vehicles are the norm might not be so far off.

What colors are you considering for your next car? Has your vehicle’s paint job ever

put you in a difficult situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to call or click today for more information on unique, personalized car insurance policies that fit your budget,

needs, and lifestyle.

What colors are you considering for your next car? Has your vehicle’s paint job ever

put you in a difficult situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to call or click today for more information on unique, personalized car insurance policies that fit your budget,

needs, and lifestyle.

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