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Page 1: Why Your Law Firm Needs Digital Marketing

Why Your Law Firm Needs Digital Marketing

Page 2: Why Your Law Firm Needs Digital Marketing

Don’t you want to see an increase in the number of people you serve?’ ‘Do you want more people to benefit from your noble efforts?’ These are questions that law marketing firms ask you, hoping you’ll concede to their offers. As a lawyer, I can tell you how skeptical I’d be if someone approached me, wanting to market my law firm. I’d need a lot of proof to be convinced that I even need such a service. But since I sit on both sides of the fence (being a lawyer and a marketer), I understand the immense contribution that digital marketing can make to the law firm industry.

Understanding Why Attorneys are Generally Reluctant to Let You Market their Firms

Page 3: Why Your Law Firm Needs Digital Marketing

Your Website is Your Digital Business Card

While I am comfortable with the idea of law firm marketing, other attorneys believe that they don’t need marketing to bring in more business. Well, if that’s the case, why would they even have a website? Isn’t it supposed to serve as a digital business card? So aren’t you supposed to hand your business card to your customers and prospects?

You see, what attorneys with websites don’t realize is; they’re squandering massive opportunities by keeping their digital business card in their pockets and not handing it around. Therefore, they certainly need to get going, and turn those 3 calls a week into 3 or more calls a day – that’s the power of digital marketing.

Page 4: Why Your Law Firm Needs Digital Marketing

Want to Know How Many Law Firms are Leveraging Marketing?

To give you an idea of what we’re talking about, take a look at these statistics: “Businesses that blog get 55% more web traffic,” which means it’s perfectly understandable why” “70 percent of law firms maintain blogs.” And blogging is just one part of digital marketing. Also, according to survey data, more than half of respondents said that their firms plan to increase their budget for social media initiatives. Why do you suppose that is?

As law firm marketers, we simply can’t force anything down your throat. Instead, we mark, learn and inwardly digest the reasons for law firms shying away from digital marketing. As law firm marketers, we listen to what you’re really saying in order to truly understand your apprehensions.

Page 5: Why Your Law Firm Needs Digital Marketing

Despite attorneys already having a website, and convincing them that they need to pass that digital business card around, they still may have reservations, including: “Marketing my law firm feels like marketing a business”.

Attorneys need to realize that, despite the noble nature of their services to society, they are still running a business, and not a non-profit service. Like other people who work hard to earn a living, attorneys too need to look after their firms and build them. And the best way to start building your business is through marketing it.

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