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Page 1: Why Your Public Company Doesn't Need Capital Markets Visibility 365

Why Your Public Company Doesn’t Need ‘Capital Markets Visibility 365’

Page 2: Why Your Public Company Doesn't Need Capital Markets Visibility 365

What is Visibility 365?

The flagship product from Vintage Filings, a division of PRNewswire.

A standard press release services that includes a membership with StockTwits.com

A missed opportunity for PRNewswire to expand into the Social Media space

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What Visibility 365 Promises

“We added outreach to institutional and retail social-media based investors through the inclusion of StockTwits Investor Relations Enterprise Program. This program provides our Capital Markets Visibility 365 clients amplified distribution to this growing base of investors.”

- Makes sense, but will your public company really benefit from this additional product?

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

1. "Verified, official presence on StockTwits and the StockTwits distribution network."

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

Re: An official presence. You can already create an official presence on StockTwits for your company. It takes about 45 seconds and will cost you $0.

Re: The distribution network. Access to the StockTwits network doesn’t mean much unless you know how to create your own dedicated group of Social Media followers within the network.

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

2. "Monitoring and analytic tools, including weekly email summaries and email alerts on social activity."

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

Re: Monitoring tools. These features are easily duplicable through Hootsuite, Kout and bit.ly analytics and in fact have a series of other useful functions.

Re: Email summaries. StockTwits actually provides this as a standard feature of their platform, PRNewswire doesn’t provide an additional product here.

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

3. "Social compliance features to address the most common concerns about communicating via social media.”

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

Re: Social Compliance. StockTwits builds upon many existing functions that other Social Networks already employ.

Facebook, Twitter, MailChimp, LinkedIn, Vimeo, YouTube, Slideshare all allow for simultaneous publishing.

Adding disclaimers to every piece of Social Media content is unnecessary

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

4. "Ability to reach millions of investors, analysts and media on StockTwits.com and through the distribution of your official messages to the StockTwits network of financial media partners.”

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What Visibility 365 Gives You

Re: Reaching Millions. StockTwits doesn’t guarantee this. It’s a great platform, but ultimately you need strategy and oversight to ensure your messages has maximum reach in the StockTwits community.

Major financial news services can find your content on press release services, your company website and Social Media accounts, Visibility 365 doesn’t add any value here.

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Page 13: Why Your Public Company Doesn't Need Capital Markets Visibility 365

Where Visibility 365 Lacks

Effective Global Branding

Visibility 365 will give you a StockTwits profiles, but there are dozens of other Social Networks that your company should have a presence on. These include:

Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slideshare, Vimeo, YouTube, SeekingAlpha, Stockhouse, Disqus, Gravatar, Issuu, Klout, Scribd, Hootsuite…

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Where Visibility 365 Lacks

Business Intelligence

While Visibility 365 will give you a limited ability to create news content, it doesn’t provide the listening side of Social Media.

IR Smartt provides real-time monitoring of Social Media, web content, blogs, forums and financial news so your company is always informed on partners and competitors.

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Where Visibility 365 Lacks

Content Strategy

Sadly, Visibility 365 doesn't provide your team with skills and training to develop the most effective content possible. By contrast, IR Smartt assists with the drafting, editing and production of:

Corporate Videos Management Updates Slideshows and Presentations

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Where Visibility 365 Lacks

Training With Social Media Tools

Software platforms like StockTwits and Hootsuite are great Social Media tools. But to use any tool effectively you need training, strategy and oversight.

To equip your IR team with a Social Media skillset we provide:

1-on-1 Virtual Sessions Real-time Collaboration

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Where Visibility 365 Lacks

Social Engagement Reporting

Visibility 365 will give you metrics without analysis. Social Media requires deeper analysis of reporting data to be used effectively. Your Social Media strategy should be adjusted monthly based on metrics like:

Detailed Cross-Network Analytics Sentiment Monitoring

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