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Page 1: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER


Rights l~ader Dick Gregory

Will Spe.r l k On Wednesday

!lid, (i1,·i;o1y. na t ionull) best -seller lists. Each person wishing to ask a kno"n N•·1t10 ,·nh'r!Ju~•·r a!1J Lu t fall Gregory was 3 11ues1ion or Mr . G1cgory shQukl lta,l.·1 1n th,• . c1v1l rq: ht ,:amliJ:i lc for U.S. l'rcsiJ.:nl. llis move for.,.·~rJ to one of the 11lt1\'cnwnt w11l ddwe, a ~rctd\ cam 11a ign · dro ,·c him into mic,ophoncs only ~ftcr Mr. m1 WcJ11,·a1.la)', Mar . l') al 8: ISi bankrupcy . lie had to withtlnw Gregory has nnishcd hii address. 11 m III the fo•l,lhousc sor~1e of his ~arnpaign litcr:itu rc :tj~:.n·;~\ni!~tatliS: :~~r~~na~J

Uni~:~:·11: ~~nt~•


~1~}~, 1~1tai ::~ ;·i'.:'t' b'!;1~a;: f~~1!n .!c~1~

1i~~ forum for th is 1mrposc '.

i~ti :\,:,··~,~:J ... ~~'~ ··:::~ti.rt~ ~~1~1~1:1~:,rr~~:; . acccptmg the on: ~~~\:~ri~:c,:::~ ti::~~~~ an,I SI fu1 ..1,lulh r 1clcts '11.·•11 Nam,:d 35 the m:in most t.lo not allow for 1ebLJttal Jl)O h,· ~o1,1 J I th,· ,loor OJ qucs1ions at this Fo ru{n). The Wednc,,J") r11i,:t11 :;:1~;~)C~~

1.~~~h~;.r~ I~ Koiau~· ~r IJUe~hon ~houltl nnt cxcced five

Th,• tall . J•Jrt ul th,• "Fo,un st)'k. I think they 3 re ihc only mmut.:s in kni:th. nor 1h.: an~wer fo• l> ,~···,,•,on Series" , ... tuc1 10 minutes · • ·- • 11co 11le m the country who a1cn·1

1~ 0:3~:::1~J~L

3:~~~:e:11 ~~::

1Y~~~ using eolor~d sh,·cts." When Che lime for discu$Sion S!1\ln~reJ hy the Uni,·cisit In the entcrlamrnc nt world. is 11carini; an end the moderator Ac t 1,•111,•, Boa rd a11d ti hc has s1arred 011 Broadw3 y, on will notif}• lheaudicncc that two 1\ ssociatcd \\'11111..-11 ·) Student maJOI television shows and made mc11.: •1uestioos will b.: allowed . 11,rnu1•)on .:ampus his u1ot1on picture ' tkbut 111 This announcement isfma l.

(;rq:ory. a l"Jl'Ular com,•,llan ... Sw,•ec Lo,·,·, Bitter" It 1s suggested lhal •1ucstions hJ~ b..·,·0111,• ,kc)'I)' 1nvoh·ed i? !Jorn 111 the i;hcl\ocs of St. b,• .,..rit ten in adunce fo r the 111" N,-gM 1m)H' for .:1nl rights i9 Loui.S. Dick Gre11or}' g;iincJ b,•nefit o f the im1ui1cr amt the tlw l.1~1 I,'\' )' CJ rs. l ie has spent rrcscigc both as a 1uck stat and cffic1enq' or l hc Forurn . An)' t1111,· 111 south,·m jails. malt'h,·J as a 1011 ,·omcdi;in in show Jisputes will be h:mdkJ by the in 1kmon~1rnL1ons anil slopp.•d hu~ncss. Gregory ~\lend the studen t 1,·prcs,:ntatwcs-thc1r 111, 1.l,·nl s of ra,'1JI \'iokn,~ ghetto ~clKJOIS in St. Louis und Judgments an· to be rel ied upon.


Bloodmobile Visits Point Next Week

The Red Ctoss Bk>odmobilc, sponsored by Alpha Phi Omcg3, will be making ,u second semester visit to campus on Tuesday and Wcd11csday, Mu. 18 and 19.in the Wright Lounge of the University Center. The hours arc frurn 10 a .m.-4 p.m. on both days.

The 11 uota , which has been fixed a t 300. should bc surpusscd, 1f students qio.,.. ~s much in t cn.:s t in ' th is bloodnl?b ilc :is the pr.:vious one. 'l'hcla Phi Alpha will again be serving sa nd.,.•ichcs, cookies and bi:verngcs.

As this is the campus b looJmob ik , i t inc ludes uudcnts ant.I r3cuhy . The faculty 1urn-0u1 \asl t ime was highetlhanexpcclcd .

For 1hosc unJcr 21 (unless m3nicd or membe r of the ArmcJ Forces), a consent or parent 01 guardia11 is rc11uired . Cons.:nt forms ma)' be ob laincd from the Univcrsit)' Ccnterdcsk, an)' o f the rcs1dencc hall desks, or cut out o f last week's issue of lhc l'oint cr.

Resolution Calls For ' ~

Senate Reorganization By Ji m llo fer

A rc so lut k> n calling for Senate rcorgani u lion wa1 introduccl.l Into the Studcflt Senate at its lat cs1 meet ing.

The resolution proposes that each university rcsidct1cc hall elect one sena tor. Under the pr oposed sys t em, a ll' represe ntation by classes,cxccpt the fre shma n class, y,oukl be e liminated.

Prese ntly i:aeh class e lects two senators and there is not 1epresena1ion on the reside nce hall basis.

The llroposal 3llows for se nat o r s r r om the Jnter•Fra tcrni ty council. and Associated Women Students,

A co-signcr of the resolution, Re sidence ll a l l Presidents' Cou n c il senator, Audrey Johnson, s:::iid, .. Residence hall presidents asked us (the co,sigm:rs) to check into the

system or represen tat ion, th1S ways and means committee Positions available in the particul:uy the po9ibillty o f ont will be lhe prcpuatlon of the Senate w11) include those for resprcst ntativc fr om each Senate budgel , authori1.:ation of sophomore, junior and Rnior residence hall." llllgc Senate expenditures. and class representatives. and sen:i1c

This bill was proposed by the ~ icw of at1y actions thhl executive positions o f presl tlcnt , Dave Pelt on, the second 5Cnalor finan lly affccl the Senate. vice-president . trcaswcr and r epresen t ing residence hall An thcr resolution calls for secretary. president's council. the a lition 10 the University The grade poinl qualifica 1ion

John Klcsmith, chairman of directory of information for regulu sena te posilions is the Senate's internal affairs concerning the Universi ty health '2 .2 S and for o rfkcrs i1 2.S . commh tec which is pre5Cntly service and loca1lon of the John Kksmilh told the studyiflg the propoul, healthccntcr. POINTER thatpclilionsrnustbc commented,"] hope 10 corne up Ludcuhip Conferenet filed by Thursday , Apr. 3 and with a compromise bccauk I he fiflh resollltion cxpre$$l'S that campaigning will begin on presently 1hc propos:i l is stacked the willingness of 1he Senate to Apr. 14. 100 much in favor of the cO·Opcrille, in arranging a John Breneman. mtmber or on.amp us people.'' leadership conference to be t hr s t udcnt,faculty athletics

Kksmith's commiucc will sponsored by the Uni ted Council committee, reported to lhc ho ld an ope n hearing tonight on of Wisconsin Sta te Student Senate of the difficulties facing this proposal to set -up a new Go11ernmcn11. this university concerning th<' Senate represcnt11t;on system. WS U-SP wi II ho st this ~nstruction of a st:idium.

Five Resolut ions U~lrence to be h('ld April Brene:aenw !!iJiut~al before

Sen~:e it:a~~· rte"~:;:,~~i;c,t:1~ In 0~~r!c~i:rot~ Senate ~:ro!aardne:fsia:i:~~n:~e ~:~ One of these expresses the favor approved its own budget for o f -Stevens Point must pledge of 1hc Senate concern ing the: \969-70. The budget totals S7S,000 to ,11 construction. ex tension of women's hours in S6 ,'2S9.SO. This Is ar. increase An alte rnalive would be the cases where there arc p:irticular ove1 1968-69ofS7:?9.50. improvement of Goerke field . reasons for such ex tension. ·rhc txtra expend itures come Breneman uid, " It looks like

A second resolution dilccts about in panicipation in United Goerke .'' the Senate finance committee 10 Council and the use of dal3 Lqisl11i\·c lharinu withhold fund1· fr om student processing form1. Lah·r in the meeting Senate

SpcndH)tl almost of his timJ wluk m h~h s,hool was a two tr:iv'du~ Gr<"gor)' h:is b,,·cn year st:ile champion in ,;:ross I E d D o o

'"'"'"'""' ,, "'"" " · , '0"""' ,,,d ""' '" "'~ Facu ty n orses ec1s1on d,·11,,·r,ni: .: hurd1 sermons.. 11r,•sU1~''1 in.,.'.,i~•~,·,,,i,ooo'.YC3GL, ..• ,,., . . .

lohli)1ni: 1n \\':isl11ni1o n anJ r v ., , .,., , ,

i:1unl! k..-tur,· \ ~I rn ll~g.-s a11d d d S h Ill' s O C h o ""'"'""" ,, ...... ,,.o .. , ,h, t·:::":", ~:· t.~,o,:.,~:'. By RAPT n ensors 1p· ('(\llll;:.i) l\ th,· Juthor of IJ g~~~~n,l~~g 'X,~t:~··or~;ll_,·, ,~~:

o r gan i za ti ons receiving Senate treasurer . Len Sippel pruidcnt Paul $('hilling 5:lld he allocations from student uctivity has announced thal 1hc flnanCt' will appear before S1a1c fees that "have not a lways committee >Yill hold inten·icws li'tisbtivc hearings ,n f.bdison s hown si&nincant levels of on Mar. 22 and :!9 with t\\·cnty on \8 )'ear olJ voting.

be~t -~,· ll1n i: .1utnb1ui;rJph> for hise-.;1•loitson the 1,ack.

::~,~;::;;;.,an1~ 11):$1~~1t·~~nixx:1~·

Paychecks Expected · March 14

S1u1h·nl l':l)'c hccks ate i.'\1'>.', h '1I 1<1 l•c .1,a1l:ibk fol l\)Ullll'l'OU M.ir 1-1

II .... o.ultl t>c app1.:cutcd 1fthe s111J.:nh ,,oulJ not c:ill the Caslu,: r's Office or 1hc Fmancial Aids Of11c,• lo 1m1u1r.• abo ul thdr cl1cd,, ..incc th:11 only ,.kl.1)S th,· proc,·\Sll\f: and could H'~ult in a 1,cd.'s Jday in 1ht pux:c~,mi:

Aflcr ~avin& school Gregory wcnl to Chu;ago to work a~ :i com,·,lianand,..vc 11tuall )'bccarm• one o l the top Nc11ro ,X>mcdfan) in1hcbusincss.

Current])' Gr,•gm)' isbwol,·t-J m ci,·i l rights ac1 1vit t('S ;;nu.I pmcd recognition hm: in the ~\Jlc for his parllc1pation in 1hc op,rn housing marches in Milwaukee "'1lh ,lh,· Re,· J:imcs Groppi

Gn:gor)' wi ll ans"er questions for approxim.a t,·I>· ont hour Wednesday evemng. This tune a ll o tment places cc nain restrictions on the usu:il JtSi:us.sion policy of the Forum .

Two mi<'ro phoncs will be si:1 up al ,:,.•nter frOnt aisles. l:adi will he manm.-d by student rcprescntati\·es to uphold Forum r,o1icy:

UAB Will Present Impact Of Brass

l hc lJn1vc1)1t)' ,\c1ivit1cs Bo1ml JS off,·rrng a n,·v., app1oach tu mu~kJ! e11tf1tainm,•n1 on SunJay. Mar 16, m 1h,: fieldhousi: at 6 p.m. wuh a new group kno\\ n ..1S the " lmpacl of BrJss".

The hnpact of Brass is co 1nposci:l, of It student music.ans fromlh•· Universityo,f Mi:imi .,.ho are patterned on Herb Atpc11 's "Tuuana , Bra~" :md 1h offsp rin!, "The B3.1a ~131imba B:im.1 ."

Wallace f. . McMuuay Jr\• Dou, Smith and Gcorgt Doukas play truinp,•1, . ... •uh tlw biter two doubhng on 1he flu egd l horn: kd Bevil and Val lloustor arc trombonists with the groun.

110~:.:r~ctak1::~~~ns ·~tnYint~r.

clarinet ..1nJ Out;,, , Pianist Ste~ Witt maek hails from Tuls:I , Oklahoma and has been playillg sincehewas thrcc-and-ahalf. !

In the rhythm section t l'f " Impact of Brass" fc:alurt Kcnneth D.Conklyn, bass:Ton Vino. i:uitar; am! Richar Docen,d rums.

The group has appcan."d on

the Mike Douglas Show: toured with Allan King and had bookings at wcU·known night clubs in Basm Strce1 and Us Vegas.

To date they have one L.P. release to ,their cr,.'t!i t on the United Artist label entitled "Al CaiOla and the Power of Bram" which reaturcs such songs as ''The Mission !111possiblt Theme:," "The Look Of Love," .. Master Jack" and "Ma, Arlhur Park". In conceit they also pby renditions of "Georgy Girl," "Along Comes Mary," "Sunny" und"Yestcrday."

The "Impact of Brass" have been callf.'tl better than Herb Alpert inthtirmusicalabilityby some tr.ide maµzines, pulling on , show muted wirh some singing and comedy. The Mbrni

cws ~Ued their performance "an all-music act with no foolishne ss o r cuteness and appeals toaudicnccsofa ll agcs."

Tickets fo r the show arc S l.7S, Sl.'25 and S l.00 and arc available 31 the University Cen tf r Information desk or at lhcdoor.

By l'aulh111 y

The faculty rndorSC"d 11 RAl'TS cummitt,..: resolution ... tuch sars facuh}' par t1dpa t1on

~~11~~,~~~Jrl~/~~\~~~k~ f~c1ul~

nH·mber's r..icntion . salary. promo1iono1 t,:n111c .

This ,•ndor)emcnt came at the fu,ul1y·s monchly mcetini; h,·ldlastThur~a)· n·cning.

The action came 11sarcsull of a leu~·r by !'resident [)reyfus to Rii:hard F:1cc. chamna11 of t lw RA p ·1 S (Re e r u it ment, ,\ppo intmcnt. l'r omotion, Tenwc ;:uul Sab,y} in .,.hich lhe l'resiJent!J,:lid," l hebtestissuc

~~t ~~~~'.''(f.1~~1 .~5).h~~ i~a;;~ pe rsonal orinion cros,ed that line o f publu.:01 community las te

:~~~b~·htfh r~1~ln: '3:1i.'"~e~

rea.:1 . " I k c l quih· ston,gl)' aboul

th(' . facl that th,•cduorsof any p ubli cat ion arc esscnt i:illy rc~po ns,ble for its f..'On lcxt. The parucula r probk!m hc1c IS that thc editorshipof thispublic:ition is totaly comprised of faculty members, most of whom arc in the Oc~rt ment or English .

The fact that a student wroh· tin:: :irtich: who9, hcadhne ··1 think is mos• offcn~i,·e in termino logy is not germane.

I would like RA l'TS to look into this matter, read the is.sue in ,·o Iv e d anJ mak c recommendation to me :is to any impact o r effect this should have on the retent ion, promotion or tenur e of invoh·cd faculty men1bcrs. May I suggest that RA PTS look at this shonly, since l do not intend to wait too long and kl this si tuation develop ."

Jn response lo l'rcsiJcnt Dr eyfus' k iter the RAl'TS conm1it1ec met on Mar. 3 in a sr,cci:il mectiui;:indJiscusscd at kngth the lc1tcr from Dreyfus.

As a n:sutt the committ ee came up with 3 resolution which was ackd upon by.t he fa culty , ~rcatureonpagc ,wo:,--

ln othe r action, the foculty voted on a resolution by John B:iilirf of the philosophy department :ind then sent 1he resolut ion to the curriculum commillcefor furtherstudy .

The rcsolut jon asks the fa,u lty 10 withdr.iw credit from all courses in Military cicnce

student participation tn policy student orgunizations that arc Schilling also rnudc an appea l

1~7;6i'.)' ofrcml,effccti1·e Sept. ~f1~rcrl~~ryofa;t1:1;~a~;r1~! ma}~: lr~~~f~~is!~:1;:, "The f~~~tr~;~tualc~~:t!~~~·i t;ffe~~~ds at the las! Senm mcl'ling for

The cmriculum cott1mittce Glennon of the E ng lish finance Committee may judge Elections Apri l 24, 25 ~~:~misfsf~n r:i!iat~~c:!d~1n~~a~




1; dc~~;~wi~t .hii ref)Ort , Dreyfus ~~%indis~~.~~c ,e~~t~t~:r fi~~~ilJ'~ be S~~:c~nan~~~~ cieti:n~ ;~~ ~~!crn~~~~~.tul~~ r~~or.Sc~ud~~!

either a1 the April or May has rnude a request for action on control, o r fo r othc, spcei(icd Persons intercslcd in running fo r commiss ion has present!> meet ing. the 11niversity's overseas re:isons, a stuJcn t activity has a Senate sc.:it may obtain stopped work and the cl;Jirman

proT;~\s ~:0~1~l~he :ir~i~~;:1~ ~:,~:~~ . Ii~ ::~ e~o~~\b: ~:~c::~;~f~ility for student rce ~;~~'i~niffi~~oi~ t~~e U~~~~s~~: ~!:ul~esit~:\oSh~!~n~::::~~·: ,0111111i 1tec in o ther business. 1hat studcnls here will study in The resolution also sta te"s thal 7 f ,

~;;:i~~,,~:f~;?:IC~~l: ~:v~::r~; ::~~:i~~il aa;~:.;/c:~1~s~~~: ~~:~~1;:ertlr::~~~~,ga~~~,1;~ D.:entecr stBartinog ootMa; ·s' . MEiniRsh !hcc worwk.' eek

pr the che111iS1ry minor and 11cw Kampcn ga, the university will agam become uv111\ablc. coLJ r scs in business arcllivist.andthcradiosuuion, A thild resolu1ion provides administr... t ion and Spanish. WSUS-FM lo tape the fa culty for creat ion of a new st anding

In bis r('pOrt 10 the fa cult y. 111ec tings. commi11 ee Among functions or w·11 s T d . Prcsiden1 Dr.:yfus announcctl- I tart ues ay

i~~~f~t.~:~,:f ~;i:Af.'.t1 Lu v G ro u P seeks The DeBo; e.ognm Bo"d ;,."'" :irartmcnt. the loss of l'aul V N H • • reecnlly announced that they ,\ week from 1od3y , Mar, 20, Yrn1bert.tl\':1nof,\pplicdArts ote ot 1pp1es will :igain si:,onsor M.E. R.C. thcrewillbcancveningofmovir

Urin~v~~;~;.cc 311~d


1tc~:1~~~~~ I ~~cnkd T!~ ~~t~~s\s E'd,~oR~~~ ~~~:t~~:i~'jgth!' o!~ C~nlt:

Federal Funds Are Approved

For Building

Recovery which mcJns. tha1 Nex t Friday's events include There's a new "LUV" group Californi:i. where u notional "Let wonwn will pay the b,ill ou a a dinner al 7:30 p.m. wilh !he

on campus. bul ii is not a hippie Us Vote " movement is dale theme bciflg "New Enabnd in organiza tion . headquartered. M.E.R.C, siat1ed yesterday Spring" and a jam session in the

Mem bcrs arc students The nati on a I lead ,·r with registration, but tickets can snack bar staning:itJJ p.m. promo1iong a lowering ofthc reportedly bu doruitl!J large st ill bepurchasedforthcvarious A semi-fo r mal dance vot inga11eto l 8. L.U.V.arethe s um s or money, b.ut cwntssponsorcdby ttk-program schedul.-d fo r nex l Saturday,

~~~tia~a~%1ktF~!.vo~~i1!":~~~~ ~~:r~~r!~:s a~ ~~~·ra:;;~ hoa~~ first event of M.E.R.C. !~~i~i;i~5.t?.!:~~e~1·~·~i;·d::~

represen t ing the Young needed.Fox said. Week is a fashion show nC"Xt willbeRossKonikofrandtheall

~en~n~c~~~~a ~r~nd~~~ ofD11t~~ wit

1: ::;;c,~:1:r~~~

10:~e~~h!l1l ~':!d:l'alnM:i~~!ieat oi PD~~~ h!~ a~~·u!~i~a~·ar;. is being

A kdcral grJnt of $638,990 Yo ung Q('mocr.its. be sold. 10 cover about one-fourth of the At their first meeting 1351 Students on a committee who cost in constructing a new w~k. more than 40 students were n:uncl.l th is week uc : elamroorn bllikli1ig was approved joined the ranks and voluntcen•d Richard Wri t 1. Sturgcofl Bay: in Washington, D, C. , Friday by t imt to circulate petitions in Jane Kedrowski. Stevens Point: 1 he Department of Health. ccnl ral Wisconsin among persons Jeanne Marquardt . Willenbc:q;; Educ:ationandWelfa1c. overagc '21whofavordropping Kc i 1h Seibert , Clin1on :

Funds were m3de av:iibble the ~ge requilcmcnt. Raymond Starzinski, ~13rathon: through th e Office o r Fox said heexpt"ctsabillwill Pa11i Schaefer, So. Milw:iukce: Et.lucat ion's Title I proi;,am. go bdore the Wisconsin Gail Wic1113n,Franksvillc.Virp.inb

T he total cost or the leg islature "ithin the next Ncndua, Wisconsin Rapids: K:iy structure will be S2.6 million. couplcofwcrkson themattcr, Stubbe, Wau sa u ; Carol with the bulk of tbe fin3ncing and se vera l Slevens Point Anderson. Rosholt. coming from t lw state. students arc pl1mnin,g 10 lt·stify

Campus Planner Raymond in ils behalf. The pc:: t itions will SJ)t'ch t reponcd construc1ion ·"l1 be o ffered to the stale SCflators. expe.:ied to begin nex t fa ll" al 3 A fl~l :i t1cmpl Thursday to site midway bctwecfl the push for its approvul failed, Classroom Cenler and the· however. Science Hall on Fourth ,\V('nuc. Beca use former President

It will h:ivc abo ut the same Johnson, f>resit.l en1 Nixon and total floor space as 1bc present Gove rn or Kn ow les have classroom faci lity. which was expressed fovor 10 the proposal, completed about t hree yc:irs Fox is optimistic about the ago. and will be o f ! he same p;usagc. The non,partis:inship of general design but square instead the issue also.is helpful , he said. of rccnngular in shape. It will be Lemmcncs and Fox began the hcad11uarters for the home: promoting "LUV" 1bout three cconomks and speech pathology weeks ago when the Young and audiology depanmcnts plus Democra t s and Yo u ng gene.r.i\ classroom and office ' Rep ublic:ins received letters uea . from the Univenit)' of Pacifiein

Play Tryouts Are Planned Next Week

Tr}'OUtS for Shedtl:m's th! 1lli:ll!, final University The:iue production of the season, .,.,,m be · he ld on Tuesday and Wcdn«day, Mar. 18 and 19 :iceordin1 t o II t.lrama department announcement .

World-hmous since its premiere In 1775 . The Rivals 11kes a humorous and sat1nC11I k>ok: at lhe follies and fancies of the London upper crust. The weapot1 is wit . returning to the sta11e to do ball lc with the predominant s,entimentality of the age .

There are thirteen parts for men and women. including the bumbling bumpkin Bob Acres, the tempestuous lriihman Sir Lucius O 'Trigger. ravishing Lydia Languiih and or ,ours.e, Mrs. Malaprop, whose ludicrous d istortions of the langmge have made her one of the most famous chu:ictcrs in English litcn.tune .

Point Blank

If-.. Call 341 -1251

ht. 235

by Ed M1rks ·

Why was the insii;nia o f Point Bttr chanacd from a "badacr" 10 "hops?" Doua Hoikins • .seven1h semester fr eshman na,iorin, in ~ lldlffe.

The change fr om a badger 10 hops as the Point Beer msignia occurcd due 10 the desires of 1hc brewers 10 have an insigni:i closer 11uoci:i1ed .,.,.ith their product . Thus, they decided to use "hops" (being one of the producls u1el.l in thei, beer). inuud of using the "badgcr"(thc'statcanim:il).

This changt in no way afftcts the quali1y of the beer as Point beer is still brewed from the wonderful waters of Stevens Point, und stillmai111ains that cnhancing taste.

•Wh11 is the penally for f1ilina to PIY a campus parkina 1icke1? A. D. Pose . .10phomorc.

A fine of SL is levied for any parking viobt ionson campus. If lhe ,;iobtor docs not pay the tickcl within ~ven days, tpe fine is rais.ed to 5"2.50. After the initbl sc,·en days arc up, the vip~tor receives a series of oolices reminding him 10 pay his fihe . The number of not ices sent to a violator varies with the time or the year: more no liccsarc issued towards the end of a stmcster .

Should the violatof refuse to pay lhe fine. a "slatemcnt or charges" is 5ent 10 the cashier, who sends a copy of the statemenl 10 the record offiCt' or court. The student's gnides arc .,.,.ithhcld unt il 1hr fine is paid.

H the S1udcn1 na1ly rduscs to pay 1hc (inc, the univcrsi1y will take 1hc sludenl 10 court. The v;obtor should be prepared to pay for witnesses and court costs i( he would lose : plus, the expense or an attorney whtthcr he lost or won the eisc.

Cbude Aufdcrmauer, security officer, said that 11udents can awe1I to the protection and security office by filling out a yellow :i.ppcal forn1: the student .,.,.ri tes down his story; then. the o(fioer who issued the ticket writes down the eircumstanees of the violation. The two stories arc reviewed at1d a decision is made, Should !he appeal be denied. the studen1 c:mgo 10 coun.

I . . THE IMPACT OF BRASS, t UAB sponsored program, will ·be on Sunday, ~or, 16 in the fieldhouse t 8 p.m . Tickets ore on sole ol the lnformotion •

Desk of the University Center for S 1.75, S 1.25 'ond S 1.00.

Acton may :sul.lition either Tue!day, horn 7 to 10 pm in room 125, dauroom crntcr. or Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm, ume piaCt'. The Rivals will be performedf.~. Ban)' Knower, of the dr.1ma faculty , wi.lldirect.

Aufdermaue r stated trust the mail acial o f the protection 1nd securi ty office ·'\Ila$ to give the studenl a fai:r shake." Aufdermauer

,added that he would gladly answC"r :i.ny questions concernirc the opetal ion of1he protection and security department.

' . .

Page 2: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER



"Study without thought u labour lo11; thought without ,1udy u dangerou,. " ··Conjuciw

-PODIUM-\ Editorials .v Columns • Letters ·

S tu.d.ur.t.4 S Jtdd 7 idt

WSU't "f>f,41, ":/w/,.«

Counterpoint Starts Second Year Making It O~e Issue At A Time

The Pointer is distu; by the question raised in last week's Point Bla nk columnlconceming the number of stu ­dents on th e committee to select the faculty member for

the Excellence in Teaching fward. There are presently only 12 students on the 35-member

COmm ittec. Or. Cordon ijaferbecke r, vice-president for academ ic a ffairs, defended lhe number by saying that the student was not the best judge of a teachers' ,ability in all cases. He claimed that there were several points to be evaluated out.side of the c1,ssroom where only a teacher's colleague& would be concerned. • ,

Apparently these other "several poin ts" are almoet two­thirds more important than what our best teacher can per­fonn in the classroom . And what are these poin ts-is a faculty ~ ember a n ex.ccllent teacher if he p ublishes, par­tiC!pates on faculty committees, obtains grants for the universi ty or what? .

Wo think the committee to choose thE best teacher on camplls should have at least the reverse of the present figure: 12 faculty memben out of the total or 35, the rest being s tudenta.

The Pointer urges the Student Senate to take up this matter. We don' t think there is any better judge of teach­ers than tho student&

The Editorial Board

Wltat ,A6otd Somt J.dl.fM-flJ-tk-cJ.doi?

By BillMcMilltn

.. LSD ·blew his coo t." was lhc wa y o ne facu l1 y member described lhcprcsident 's rcccnt cffo rl to ha\·e Counterpoint investigated.

o f f ~cuan~rp~~nt u ~d c ~:r~-~~·J newspaper. lni1sl:1tcsthsuc, thc paper used a ·word in one of its headlines which upset Dreyfu s' ~nsc ofp1opric ty. The p, csidcnt responded by sending a lctt c1 10 tht chainnan to the faculty com mi1tce o n Recruitment. Appo intment . t'r omo t io n , Tenure and Sallry(RAl'TS).

Dreyfu s stated I hat sin~e l~e

~~i:~;.:,"s::~ orc nt~~y;te~y1n&,sll facul l )' mcmbcu he w:,rntcd the facull )' RAP'fS oommiu cc to "make rccommc nduion lo me as to any imp act or effccl 1his should have on the rclention, promotio n or tenur~· of involved faculty members.''

Bui , at las t ThursJa >•'s faculty meeting, the RAPTS commit tee and the facul ty as a who k resoundingly rebuked Dreyfus., RA PTS rcl)Orttd in committee that ··the matlcr of professional involvement of (acuit y mcmbds ·was ,inclcvant

~~r ~: mp~~. u ~:l~~fc0

i;~bli~at i~~ with a rcvolvina edit orship filled by cili:r.cns acting ouuide 1htir professional ro lc1."

RAP'TS passed ~ resolu1ion which was almost unanimously ac.ccptcd by the ent ire facu lty slating thal participation in

graduated fr om WSU in Jan. 1968. Orcull had dropped out of school at the end of first SC!IIC$1Cr,

Bolh Kellerman and Orcutt had worked on~. Kcllcm1an doing a political column and Orcutt reporting the weekly senate news . Now, out of schoo l , they talked with Kempthorne about publishing an off-ca mpu s und erg ro und newspaper on the o rder of the Uni versity o f Wisco nsin's Con nect ions. ~he idc:a s.cerned 100 imp111ctical for S1cvens Point. Ou1 or curio5i ty they traveled to Connect ions' oHicc in Madison . f'lim'tlieywcrc warmly grtt tcd and urged to at1('mpt ~ paper . Conntct io ns offcr,:d the use of their fac1l111ts and 1efcncd the tr io to a printer.

Returning to Steve ns Point, the thri:c of them stalled wo rk on the first issue. One of the first problems was the se lection of a name . The name lh:it was orig.inall)' agreed on was Advurp, Prav.:td ' (truth in Russia n} spellctl backwards . But that was

~~:::1~~ b~0~cn~~Jl;r1~~flh~r~

Aldous ll u1d cy'1 book. C2ill!., Cou ntcrpoin1 .


, Aboul 1his lime Richan.I Nixon visted Stt,·cns l'oint in his campaign for the Wisconsin primary ~ Kell erman in3dvcrtant))• gave Co unh:tpoinl' Bill Lutz's comments in the a rticle on Coun terpoint

on this page con cerning le t ters-to-the-editor are applic-

ablo to ,The Pointer. 1 . Lutz is disappointed th ~t m ore people do not wnte

letters to Counterpoint. Our staff i.s disappointed that m o re letters arc not written to The Pointer.

~~~~11i?:~~1d1 ~~~~ ~~1ki~

decisions on a fa cu lt y member's r e t ention. rank , sa la r y, promotion or tcnu,c.

Counterpolnu Binh

iis f~o n! p~~e!:rf and answer SILL LUTZ (lehJ ond Toby Fulwiler of wsu·s English depart· period after a speech in the WSU men! ore the chief guiding force1 behind !his yeo,s Co'-lnler­

~~11~~':!·n N~.J~r po~n~:d ~~! poinl . Here they are shown work,ng on the losl issue of !he question." Kellerman proceeded underground poPer. The neicl Count•rpoint wilt oppeor eorly-

Lutz is afraid that too many people think that Count­erpoint is some sort of monoli thic structure that is impo&­siblc to approach. H e provided adequate evidence that that is not the case.

r:;f~&~'~i~i;~~ ~~::,'~~ ~:i~~;~:'~~~I· J£::::~~11~ :::· :::~Uy 1::· ~.·~::w.:.Pho,oJ

yca~o~nilic.r"f/ntw~sju:~~:~c\: ~:th~;1:i:a~~,~~e!~i~nq~~~;0~ =~~ks w~~~ce~e':n1t1e:C. fr~~~ Problems

W e got to thinking that perhaps that aort or image surrounds The Pointer too. We hope that our paper doea not h ave a monolith immage of some sort of dictatorship run by the admin istration, a group of faculty members or two or three students. W e hope we don't appear un­approachable to the general student body.

The Pointer is a small staH. But we are fairl y loose and flui d within the confines of weekly deadlines. The paper is run totally by s tudents. We try to kick around a wide range of ideas a nd we try to keep the best inter--

ests;~tt~~ :~~!:n: :a7~~~ this we do rieed to hear from more s tudents on what you ~lieve.

We hope some of you will join our s taff. But we hope all of you will think a~ut ~ riling to us eilher about what we· write or your own ideas.

The Editorial Boa.rd

Charles Kcmplhome, a fo rmer a nd answer period, gained page of 1hc fint issue of

de~~;:.! nt o~how~su ·~OWE~~~~ ~~,!~~~op~r:~~ssm~::r.;:~~ n in ~~us~~r~ i ~~ N~~c; ~~t~~~!'~~~ graduate work :at the University T he first issue was a of Iowa . an4 two WSU studcnu, Kcmp1horne ca lled on Bill success- it mad.c enough mOm'Y l imes Kellerman and Guy. Lut z. of ' 1hc WSU English for asccondissue.Atotal o fnv,\ Orcutt . department 10 write 3 s1ory for papers appeared duling l he

livi~:lli~~a~as!n:,n<;~~~~I;:~~ ~t;: l~~~a~:~S 0!a~~~n~c~:t.! ~~~~~s~~rfif~~fiv!t:..r!r::swfo ~~h= in a h o u se rented by rcporl cd Kelknnan's 11ucstion. las! issue. The paper grew fr om 8 Kempt hom e. Kellerman had just Lull compared what Kclkrnlil n 10 20 pages.

~~--------------~ lcf~1~u~f~';rm:ri, an!.~~t~~~

Senate Scoreboard Compiled by Ji m Ho fer

Meeting on Feb . 6, 1969 , many of the members of 1he Student Senate S11QC5led areu where the Senalc could take action or should investigate.

Kellerman traveled in Sout h Amcric:r. for 2 few mon1hs before rclurning to Wisconsin in Aug . lie is currenl ly starli"' his second scrrn:s1er of gr.1du:atc work in his1ory at the University of Wisconsin. Orcutt Is prcs,m1 ly doing jo u rnalism work in London, Engbnd .

Lutt lis1cd mone)' as the main prob lem co nfronting


1i~~ n~

danger of fo lding. The sa les from one paper has always been enough 10 put out the next issue. lfutra mo ney is made on an issue.it is used to sustai n the office and is put lnck into 1hc paper for specia l printini; such u oolo red ink o r colored paper.

One of 1he probkms wilh !he money concerns selling lhc paper and then coUecting the n1oncy from the hawkers. Luiz noted th at muc h more o r ganiu 1ion had 10 be developed around the selling,

The ncict maJor problem ce n1crs o n workers and co nuibulors. Lut z. expressed hope lh.Jt morcf:acu\ty members :a nd students would work on the The Pointer has taken some of these objectives and ot her Scna1c

----------------- issues of the second semester and prod uced the accompanying tabk. This Year p:aper. Work is nailab\c from

But : 2ny lost Countcrwin t ~~::f~~~:n:~~ ~~~l~~P~~~ a~:i A Review

The column wilh lhc heading "adopt ed a's Universit y policy" will be completed wi th Yes. No ; or - The mark - indic;itCS the Scna1e has fina l jurisd iction in implementat ion of the pa1ticu\ar decision. The Unh'Crsily administration must give approval in ot her instances.

'rc11 with the dc ramuc O its work Lull. also no1c,J that "ii thre e fo und ers _ha s been wouid be nice i f some ~;iu•trZu~tJ m~~l~b~:ar a~~ townspeople would w,itc ...

Simon's Piano Rated Supreme

By Seo! Schutte

Senate score board Scoond semester 1968-69



March 13, 1969

N-nol approved

T-tabled C-complctcd


i ... studenu.

~ a ls!ill ;t:r. 1h~ ~~:o Ff~~~e:h

I ~ •{ ~~~~~\~e;: ·t1ieh~;~po~a;;~i~1y ~~~

Abbey Simon, the second pi:mist in this year's Arts and Lectures Series, showed up before a large crowd in the W.S.U. Fieldho use and proved that " chopstix" and Theodore Ullmann arc not a ll there is in the art of the piano. His perfo rmance o f diHic ul t romanl ic music was first cbss.

fully oflhc ir conltnt . Herc again Mr. Simon pe rformed well.

r E c:!g l!,gJ edi1orship of this year's paper.

f S .. .. ~,i ot!:~k~s'f,o~~~::C E~~~ish - ------------+-=-+++-, Jcpart mcnl fa cult y and a 1mall

number of dependable students. This number of wo rkers range fr o m twenty-five to about lhirty.

The rust selection or the evening was the delightful Beet hov en , Opus 33. 1 Bagatelk:s. These short and graceful little pieces are the playthings of many students and amateurs, bul in the hands of a craftsman like Simon, they ue a truedclighl.

The second pJCco ,.;as the: Liu.I Sonat• which bounces back. and forth from stormy fear 10 whimpering sighs with an a larmi ng rquWity that is awesome. Mr. Simon avoided the two posibie pitf1?5 of t~! ~ork , Jettin& it bruk into d~omtcd pie c es o r makin& the performance seem endless, and crea t ed hi s s upreme accomplishment of the evening.

Intermission wu followed by the ob-so romantic Valles Nobles ct Scntimcntaks by Maurice Ravel. The litlc speaks

The fi nal selection was the marvdous "Carni¥al" by Robcn Schumann which tries IO capture t he many moods or a carnival scene , from puppclS to animals.

Redistribution of Scnat~ats

Ccntr.11 room reser?(fons ornce

Women's hour, extension

:~cthe~n:y s":1ns ,;c;vc~: Half year residence hall contr.1cts 10 ;t:~ Sf!:n\s ~ uue master Droppina o r physical education requirement

!~!r~ :=~~~ J~: ,•d:J::i~ Non,mandatory cbu auend:ance

~:n~;::, aglle!~~::~e ':fmP~~~ Cb,rification/Rcvision of P.E. medical excuse system

~,f~~~~n:oufh~~1~·ri¥!~~ :!: University switchboard invcstiption

!:r:!r:i:;:~~ 1:~e~u~e:i S1udent p:articip:ation kvcl_(aUocation control)

~r~~ and none 1hould desire ~tudy guide for new s1udcnts by Scnale

If I may pick a bone , I will Health center lnformalion not direct it at Mr . Simon, but at 1he W.S.U. Steinway Grand. It Waysand means committee sounded poorly 11 the Beaux Arts presentation and fared only Traffic survey of dly 1 little better for Abbey Simon. ~t~nn:!' t~~J :: ala~~ Committ~ on lCXtbook procurement syltem




C A -

C A 'I"



performer. I would hope that Dr0ppin1 ad~isors from student t rips{Non LSD)

~':w u:;crt~r :!~Id :,t;:: i~ · •E-;;.,;:~7,":;:<:;pho::,=,:--, ----:.:..::..::::.=.:_-1--1--1=-1--J may ,oon become an insult for C A. ~1:h~~ormen who must au.Her P.E. I and '2 on p:ass-fail

In an interview with~ ~. Lutzcallcd"thisycar's

fr~~tb~f°~~!r ·:.~.li:f~Yst:/Z'~~: last year's paper centered mo11: o n news and politics while each issue of th is year's pape r t ried to devo1t at least S~ofi1sspace to one spc:cinc theme. Topics covered 1his year have included sex, rovoluiion, litenturc and music.

Ironically, in light of the Dreyfus incident , the next issue

~~s:::; ~r~t~tq:;~J~l~c;:,~~I~~ out that this theme wu planned lonJ before Onyfu s broucht 1hc paper before the faculty.

Another ,change th is year for

~~u~~'~'W:!f~~~ i.!:~~!~a!~ paper was put togetl\er in Kcmpthornc 's house. However,

~~,!~in °:fitb~1,e~!n~~~~ new coffechou,c downtown, Tbt Eternal Hun! of 1hc Sun .

in ~~: ~=~n~/° e~~~;~~POA:! generally bee n favorable . The paper·s sales rea ch beyond campus to include servicemen in Vit1nam. 4 or S university librarie s ( including lh e Univcrsi t)' o f Wisco nsin), Sludcnuat olher universi1icsand a number of people in stales

:!~~~1~/hr~~i~~: ·:=J~t~!~'7%~ Robe rt Stilgcr of Carleton College's Rad ical Research Ccn l er . Stilger cal le d

~a:~rsL'l1 ~·;.n~i:{ It'~: ~~

in along.lime."

Luti. said he was often

~~p::in::!~~a:n;r~uk'i~mi~~ the editor. He suggcs1cd that people eit her ~ don't w:1n t to partkipale or arc afraid lo get involved . He exprt55td his hope that more people wo uld think of

;;;r~rRf~~1opi~1o~s. pbce 10

be r:~rk~~;n!~PfJc1

n:;{f i=~~ Mar. 14-16 at the E1e m:al Hunt . Lu iz urged lhat anyone in lcrestcd in the paper should come down and see how it is put tasetbc r. People interested in writing for the cenlOOhip issue should contact Lutz. or Fulwiler in their offices at Nelson llaU.

March 13.'1969

Thrilling Cities·

All _ American Boys Travel To Florida .

By C. Brutke

This is I i to ry abOut a tr ip to

~~a. :rec ;uks .110 L~~~r: co nceived~eaoC I nforming the student popu!Hion of areas In lhe u,.s. ~h:!,!~ey vc:'~~lo~~vc:;:ci1:u: areas " for those who have had ihe Florida scene and ~ looking fo r something bette r,

This story is the ~euo~. why Soot! Schulle is vi.sllUII T,uana and Polonia instead o f Fort

1..ai;;1;!':·1he semester break, my friends and J, my fr iends consisting or a ,ccent ly p:aro lk:d Inmate of an asylum , .an a ll 'round fuU-tln1e hell raiser, a

~ha0[0~,;:h~~ilot ~~a" toen! fo res try majo~. J ust four ordinary all-Amencan kids from Stevens Point, who had decided the night before 10 u avel 2000

milf~ to,::!:!· 10 the four all-American kids, then: wa~ a fou r -nu n tent , ca mping equlpment ,a goliath ruck sack,• satchel, a suitcase, four !Jeeping bags. 1 guilar, J2111ndw1chcs, a hunk of cheese, and '27 wrinkled appks. We packed this and o urselves into a 1964 red Volkswagi: n sedan and, headed south.

We camped in an uea ot her than the s11 1e park . The director of the state park took a look at usand decided that only "family camping" wu allowed, we had never heard o ( such a thing, the signs didn 't say that , the lady at t he Chamber o f Commerce didn't uy 1hat, but !he director said that Florida's Governor Ki rk had said ,lhat,so we pi!chcd o ur 1e nt in a p ri vate


camppound ... although It wun't so private belnJ on top ohn ani colony. So we bought a cue and a half o ( beer and ung 10n&5 all night. Righi next door to aornc IJOOV)' pedl,:le f rom the middle,

~~~·w~~~- Q°.:~y s11;::;n~!J~~ thue Gieck letten stitched on their shiru.

We invited them to sing 11 long with us, but 1heyjust mumbltd some1hlng about 'h.ipplc hinge' and ·poi-heads'. Now the onl) thin& we were smoking \locre Camels, but iC you're from tht midd leo(Ohio?!!!

Now a few day1 bier , IH

were sitting on lhe Fon Lauderdale beach witch.mg all the groovy people 5i tting on the Fort Lauderd ale beach. rh" time the people had t he Gieck lc11cn 1a1tocd on ! heir bodic1

The fow o f us a rc quie1, unassuming types, but we kntw tha t anyone who submincd 10 have his body ta ttoed must be a revo lut iona ry ana rchist , anJ probably wa nts to tear down !he whole political structure or the U.S.

So they seemed like out k1nJ of people. The girl friend of t ilt man wilh the tattoo was re~d mg to him, from where we v, crc silting ii looked like Bakunin So we went up and ; introduc«I ourse lves and asked whether 01 not they WCTe revolut ionary and 1h11 was Bakun in.

" No," 1he gir l said, "it's McKuen ." They a ll moved 2wa) from us and woukl n't h:avc anything 10 do wi lh ' I.hem· .. 1 thegirlrcfcncd lo us.

And , so we pbycd ou1 harmonica and gui1ar and h:ad Jll kinds of rme times on 1he Fon Laudetdale beach. ,

Nixon's Trip Is OK But Nmv What's Ahead

By Darryl Germain

Before taking off for Ewopc, President Nixon made it clcu to us that he did not intend 10 make a spectacle out of himself, and by just being his plain, simple. self, he .was successful in 1his rcspect .

lie was a lso quite successful in achieving " a new spiri t of consultation and a new spiril o f confidence among our European friends and ourselves.'' to which he was deeply c(!:mmitted .

I first took his tr ip rather lighlly , hoping that something halfw:ay producth-e would result from ii, but rc:r.lly expectin& nothing. Our expectations in f o reign re lat io n s had dcte, ioratcd to such a degree under the LBJ years. that I almost believed they had buo buried fo r good ,

From ah.is trip, I believe we could say that President Nixon's true destination is Mosoow or so mtplacc in which Russian-U.S. talks can take pbce . Add ressing the NATO Council in Brussels, Belgium he S3id that "in d ue coursc ... the U.S. will enlcr into negoli:itions with the Soviet Union o n a wide r.1ngc of issues ... In vis iting Europe, he pointed out that these I.ilks will occur only .. on the basis o f full consultation and cooper, tion with .our allics ... bcforc and during" 1hose proceedings. And lricky Dick was believed .

Bdore engaging in 1hese ulks, Nixon had to be assured of being able to ba.rgain from a position of strength. He had to uni fy an hislorical!y divided and squabbling Europe , altcmpt to

s trengthen the NATO AIUanC\' and a-gain their confidence 1n o ur co untry , in order to accomplish 1hiJobjcc1ivc .

A s a re s ult of his consul1:11ions wilh some of 6u.ropc·s leaden. Harold Wilson wasimprc.1Sed ,Gcrmany's llcn r) Keisinger's fail h in l hc U.S "H

res tored , ll aly's un 5l:1 bk government 1c1ed as tr the) hJJ found a kmg loJt friend , Pol"' Paul gave our country hH blessing and De G:iulle's t:,ian1 ego seemed 10 be A l isficd . Mr Nixon's success in Ewopc v.H chk: ny a result of hiJ abilit r to make uch count ry he v1s1i.•d feel that they were ju~, l~

important as the almighty Umh·J States.

There :arc !hr« 1h1nJ?.S how ever , that I am still wondering about conccrning this affair-who Was responsible for putting the Union Jack n~~ upside down on Ni,.on's limousine in· Grcat Britain'?Jlov. did Mr. Nixon feel sitting. in Dr Ga ulle 's '22 roo , Cit10tn limousine? And fin~II)', ho.,. many lc1ters of symp:iith> JiJ Vice -President Spiro Aine" receive af1 er fallin£ on his nost and causing it 10 bleed dwm~ !he "W e l c o me ll om,· ·· ceremonies for President ~L, on'

In Wcu Berlin. somt' cnth usiaslic s teel v, orl.t'!i hollered " Ha-Ho ·lk)'•Nixon I , Okay!" ·1 fear . however . thJ1 !hey were being loo o p1 imi1t1, at the lime, so lei me IC'\'!Sl.' lht' thing a bit - As For Tod;i, -Nixon is o ,by! .. '

Senator Speaks-

Senate Reorganization? By Dave Pellon and

Audrey Johnson

Do you feel you arc being fairly reprcsen1cd in lhe Student Senate? We feel you are not!

At present, there ·arc four elei 1cd. 0Cfictrs on the Senate : the prcsidcnl , vicc-prcsiden1, secretary and tre:uurcr . Each cbss. Inter-fraternity Council Panhellcnic Council, · Associated Women Stud e nts and the Re sidence Ha ll Prcsidcn1i' Co u nci l ha ve two representatives.

As represcnlltivcs of 1hc Residence Hall Presidents· council , we ind irectly represe.nt the students living in residence ha lls. We meel with the presidents of each hall once 1 week tocxplain what is hai>,pc~ing in !ht Sena1e, to &ct 1he1rv1twsofeurrentresolut X>ns

1:r::!~i:1ir1ens::v~! ~~~

Al o ur meeltn& in lhe Prcsi~ents' Council two weeks

. ago, 11 wu brouiht up that the CO'J!mllnication's link to, t he :~:~n~~r the halls is not strot11

By ~ li mina1lng the two

~n~lid;:~se~~~t!~ 1~imad!.~f

hall . there woukl be a brllfl communications link 10 1hc ~s·· of !he stude nts who liv,: in 1Jw halls. Each hall ,ould sdtd their own scnalory'Who could sit in on the hall. council mcetinp and keep the students inforincJ Rather than hear what is gout):

•on second hand , they would ha~~ a more direct rcprese n1a1 ivc. ln addition, lwo sludcnt scn.1to1s represent in& SS~ of the studenu is unjust ; and Iha! SS~ should have more of a diloect uy in what goes on in the Senate itself

Under o ur proposed systtm, we woukl climina1e sop homo«'. junior and senior ac.nalors. Ow seaso ning fo r this is that .sophomores, j unX>ri. and 5lemors have a chance toreprese.nt o1her groups II senalors. Be'cause the elections arc in the spring, no

f~~,~~n . ;::~~ :r1c ~~a:~~ Becaue o f this we feel 1ha1 lhl' freshmen cbss should still elect their lwo senaton when they arrive in the rau.

If you have any questions on lhis proposed system, 111en<I 1hc Scna1e mcetina toni&ht ln 1hc Van Hile room.

Page 3: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER

• March 13, 1969

Movies Available Fo·r Deaf Persons

Deaf childl'n ~nd adults seeking Clo!iC r louch wilh their e nviron me nt " '111 ge t fr ee auisianc<' horn Dr , Gerald Joh1t~on , chairman of the .speech

pathology a~d au.Jio logy dcpiartmcnt hasirnnounccJ .

Caplion fil111 1 a11d vanous visu1l mat,·rb\s have been 111atlc av11.ilubk to lhc si.: hool by t he U.S. D1:11art1m:n l of llca llh.

• Educat ion and Welfare. lh: c11cour-J11es deaf 11c rsons

o f c..-ntral Wisconsin to fo rnf groups. then orde r the materials from WSU . "We IO.'l ll l thok people l o appreciate mo1K)11 11ic1urcs and to be able to have " thf s.:i rnc opportumtks :n publi.: theater goers."

Tlic governmen t . for thal reason , hos'pllccd sub-titles unde r such 111ovksu "Bridgc on • l hc River Kwai." " If a few 111:af people wo uld like us IO sho w it for them hcu: o n ca mpus, we would be haAA)' to do so ," he :advised.

Audio visual materials are also availab le for colleges and univcrsilics 10 USl' in both training of speech aml hearing s 1udcnts plus lhe lhcrn11y progrnms for.thcdcaf.

To hcl11 chiklren ,lc\·clo p a gn::11c r undcrs1:111ding o f mass

TO BY BEN c, gui lmis t will 1 1rn:di:1. spccbl suppkmcnt s have

plot '" !he, nexl UAB C~ffee. ~e:;d,::~l~~.,J0' .. ;;~~Y 5~1~1';~~~

house Enterlomment Bo g \1h'ckly Kl.'~Jcr ,"

s1ortrn9 ne~, week, Mor. 17- au!~ipt t~.\~h ~~~~rat:,:~~;'1~~ 22 He w ill peiform nightly aid th,• 1.kaf. f1lr11s arc being fro,n 8 10 9 ,n 1he Gridiron made to help prrsons karn many

s kills and 11,udcr stand most :11:adcruic~uhJccu. o f rf't Un,vers,ly Cen1er.

Se, started ploy<ng guita r in h!g h school six years ogo and started singing and ploy• ing (lS o profen1onol in 1964.

He hos been in a number of 91oups ond hos appeared in dub~ in New York, Florido a nd Co l,fo,nic, , He reco,ded o n album for Venture Records o nd hos w ri tten o number o f songs, indvdmg one for 1he lote..~ol trone.

Persons with speech :mJ hearing uupairm,•nts ha,·c bcl.'n ·eceivmg freeass1l1 tan,-i: hom th t" unin•rsity 's spc,:ch pathology and aud iolog)' cl inic for sn•cra l )'cars. ,

Th,· school .has ~1m rgcJ as a kad,:r in th is fo:kt in th l' Whco nsm Stal e Univcrsit i<:s Systc1n and is thc fir st tooffrr a mast,•r of scie nce d,:grcc in thc subJect

Dr . Jo hnso11 s.:ud dcaf pe1sons intcrcs1,·d in t his program rnay dthe r call or w1itc 10 him at wsu.

Other Staff Named

Lammers Selected WSUS-FM Manager

S1,p hcn L:immers. Shioc1on. Shio,·1on and a 1967 i;ra,luah: of 1s ~~,· n,:,w m:inager of Shiocton ll igh School . WSUS·FM , 1he sttu:knt o p,:,1Jtcd Griffi lh is a WS U senior and rJd10 s lat ion at WS U-Sle~C ni 1964 graduate o f Whitefish Bay Puin~ High School who has been

llb and I luce 0 1he t in,•o lnid in orguniling the appont rnellls were :m no unced stat ion and leading the staff to b>' \ ktor Fuchs. foeult)' ad\'lscr . its fir st progr.1111m1ng las! fall .

for111cr slation Manager John S lak cs le}', a so11hqmorc. Gdf~lh , Wl11ll'f1sh Ba)' , has been coordinalcs effort s o f a JO.man nantJ cni;m,·crmg dir,•ctor . a news tram fo1 WSUS. His staff fic lJ of broadc:is tmg which has t he facilitks of the hok~ his Sl'ed.11 inh:rcsl. Kobc rt Associated l'ress wire , fr om 81.:alcslt"Y, Elkhorn. was named which dispat~·hcs :11,· read at 10 nuw, J1rect0f .1ml Ted Swanek , minutes before the hour during No ir1Jg~ ,' Ill , pubhc1ty Jir~ctor broadcasting 1>enods. ancsp,:cial l'Ycnt ~ announce r. Swanck , a Jun ior has !he

llo\do,·er staff o frlcials are "Insight " program six nights Nisk Schaff , Ch il1on, progr.im weekly . di rec t o r a nd disc Jockey: WSUS broadc~ms wcc kl.bys Deborah Fr eenl:l n. Dd'cre . fr o m 4 :30 p.111. 10 midn ight and 111 (he director or assisu nt S:atunbys and Sundays from pD1r.un director. Mike Troy. 11 :30 a.m. to midnight al 89.9 Cedarburg, sports diri:c tor: Lynn o n the dial. llav id. Eagle Ri,·e r. music dir~ctor


THE WSU JAZZ BAND wo~ ploying oul ot Rvdy'1 Jos t Tues · doy night to o neor copocity crowd The prog1om wos od-

vertised os being a slvdy break from cramming for six wee k rests . !Photo by Jim Ponnier)

7 Students

Participate In Tourney Seven WSU-S I' s tudents

trne lcd to Madi son last weekend to participate in the UW Fo ren S1c Tournamen t. Julie Carte r. Tina Gude and Vicki l'a za r rcprc sentd Point in individuale\'ents.

Miss Ca rlcr was one of 29 students fro m 19 schools who competed in o ral ir11 e1p1e tat io n.

Tina Gnefc entered t hl' c xtcmp o ran eQus s pea kin g co mpetition . Vi c ki l' azar competed in the o ratory with 31 001l'r studenis fr o m :!2 sc hools.

None of the WSU studt•nts fmished in the first three places of their respceti\·e event.

Debaters taki ng part in t he to umam,·nt were Don Skalecki. Sherri Ray, Dean Zimmerman a nd Cherie Cho udo i.r . Ea ~h tw o-man tea m fa ce d six opposing teams drawn fro m the 2Sschoolsc-ntered m thedeblle .

The team of Sk:ikcki-Ray defeated St. 013f while losing lo Indiana Sl3H' University, Wayne S1ate, Ohio Northe rn , Marqueu e and Ill inois Stal e Unh•ersi ty.

The team o f Choudoir-Zim· merman lost debates to Central Mic hi gan, WS U- Whitewalet , WSU -O s hkosh , Loyola, &Ill State and Wh e111o n C0 Uege.

On Mar. 6. Vicki P:u:ar repr!.!sented WsU in the women's division of 1he Wisconsin State­Orato rical Association contest. This contest , open only to Wisconsi n schools. is hdd annually 10 select 1he state represc nlat i,·e 10 the l nlerstate Oratorical Associat io n eontes1 in Detroit . , ·

The Interstate As.soci:11ion is the o ldut o f is kind in the na tion. Vicki pl.aced lhinl in lht Slate ·contest .

Museum Series Will Show 'Canoeing 'In The Ozarks'

UAB Trippers _Plan Party, Roller Skating

"C1noc11111 In the Oz:irks" , a for the purpose of ptcserviJli slide-lecture · by Kent D. llall, su u ms in their natural state. The Trippers have scheduled assistan t professor o f biology, Canoe trips in t he 01..11rk1 arc a roUcr skuing part y for Friday will be presented as the latest unique in that large, insect-free evening, Milt. 21, al the Lo-Nor prog ram in the Museum Lecture gravel bars provide c.a mpin1 sites from 7: 15 to 10:30. A bus will Snies. On Mo nday evening, Mar . alon1 the ent ire course o f the leave (tom the Pinery In the \7 , at 7:30 in Room A-121, rivers. For th i.s re:ISOn , people Universit y Center 111 6 :30 and Sciencr Building. frequen t ly "noat " 01 "loaf" return by 11 :30, The cost for

The Oiark Plateau is a alollJ the riveu in their canoes transportation , admission and geo log ical ka rs t (area o f for several days at a lime and shocskates will be SI with tirne s to ne depos its) r~ion spe nd thei r nl1hti with the stars sign-t1p in the 1unnel outside the cove ring most o r Southern for a 1001 over t heir heads. bookstore on Thuaday, Mar. 20,

~:~~: fiftdb n:;!~:: i" 9~~r:i:rh~ .-'-'-"'-'"'°-· -"-''-'~-·----"'-·-·-"-"-··-'0- '- "-' -·""- ' .. ' -"'-

conlinenlat United Stat es with ~ Do Your Friends Like to \{! o ver 2000 miles o f e:111oeabk ..L. PLAY DOCTOR? ·· st reams. tho usands o f sprin,gs :

1: .2). ' - ·~:i

:~iir:;~~~I t~~~~:3;f1hc~v:y~~~ : rt~ 1f~!?:~1~:i1~:~~ r:u~:tni~:~;J~·d ~


1: L :=~~, p::'i~:i;:u:·a:c:!:~:

~oh~~~\'!fth~t:~~,~too~~~ o ne r ~r·~i;.:··~:s-~=~~

Mr . llall was ,bcimand raised t· )'Ol.lsllould,inclll>en • ·· in the Oia,ks and as :i native L :::,:Retv,.on Our Pharmacist <}:.:}: "hillbilly" has grown to love th<: lan d of 1he redbud and dogw ood. small-mouth bass, mountain boomer , blind cave sa lamander and white-tailed dl'\!r . l ie l!lkcs you on a slide to ur of the Curre nt and Jack's Fork Riven in Missouri which, in pun. are now the Ozark Wat erways National l'ark . This National Park is lht first in the Uni ted States designa ted solely

HANNON Prescription Pharmacy

Nor1h Point Downlow n 300 Division St. , 1003 Moin St. Coll 3.44.331 .4 Coll 344-2290



Rennie Blocker FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 14 ond 15-8:30 P.M.-12 :30 A.M.

j /t.t etu.MJ, fl w oj 1 lit S (/JI, 1320 Strongs Ave.

Admission - 75c- - Try our Coff•• Velv.t 4000 More Used Books! low, Low Pri tes. Come in and browse onytime

p 3

Whitewater Plans Geography Field Trip

A Whit ew at e r S11 t e .. Univers it y summer ,ch<>ol 1eogr.iphy field course will Include an ai r-condit ioned bu l

~~: :~01r:ntlh~~;a1or~i1: Rocky Mo untains, s1udy at five coUegcs and. universi tCI en ro u1 e and a trip on a na11ow gauge

•railway Ulan 81CI untr3veued by highways.

The six-week clllu, which may be t11ken for lltree or six 1csident cred its, will 111n f,om June 11 10 July 23. 11:llokl L. White man of th e WS U depanmc nt of 1eo1r:1ph)'·gtOlo·

Univc,si1y feesaml meals. Included ate 11dminions to

national parks and other place.t to be visi ted, and housing, includin1 four niahts on the campus o ( the Universi ty of Nebniska, Lincoln: thrce ni11/1ts at Ch:idron , Neb., Su te Co Uege, fo ur nights at the University of Colorado, Bo ulder: three nil;hts a l Adam s Stal e Co ll ege , Abmosa , Colo .. and two night s al the Missouri School of Mlnci Ro lla . •

While Ul residence 011 the severlll campuses, 1ou1 s1udc-n1s will hea r lectures byk>c:il

fa culty experts who will also conduct fieltl trips In the uca . All amp u1 facilities, includin1t Jiburies, will be avai lable to t he visi tors.

The tour will lnspecl Am.in:. Village and a iced co mpany in low 1; Pioneer VIi iage at Minden, Neb .. the man .made Nebruh Na1io~l forest ut Ila bey, a Neb ra ska ranch , Koc k)/

~!~~ntn t~ ·~~~ I l~~\'i ~::: \ Mo nume nt . and Mesa Verde

~~ti~n~a~~~k)nF~~~rat!i a;: Springs State Park 111 the MissouriO.tarks.

Tiu: cou r se hu t wo

~~ji~t ~V~S; · t-'t,w l~rtid: a s1r~

undersundings and tools wi th which to litudy a region o r area, and• to develop thr student 's ab1h1y to ob!lCNe and in1c rph' I mun·s a ctivi t ies and hnd use pa.ttrrns.

Each crCllit pan ldpant wltl be requited I O keep a du1Jy jou rnal of observat ions wi th 1his in view .

furl he r 1nfQrm11t ion concerning t he fickl tlip may be had rrom ltarokl White,n:in . Upham lfa ll , Wiscomin Su1e U11iwc1sily, Whitewater , Wis .. 53 190 .


Make T hese Your Shoes Our low-heeled shoes by Mvske1eer1 gives you !he comfort you need to sloy busy; !he looks you like to slay fo5h iono ble. Moke These your "busy day" shoes.

Lammers ad,·anccJ 10 the top poiit1on at 1hc station fr om ne\/S announce r. A flcshmt:1 n in


~~: ;:,~ ::.1~f?. !~~ Tlw BRAT BARN Putli..i )1111 first, keeps us firsl

Mr.. Jack Lammers. Rt . 2,


Senate Seeks To Fill Opening On Committe 1

A poii tio n. is vacant on t he Student Senate Commencement

. Commiu cc. The mponsibi1i1;e1 o f Ibis post will be 10 represent the s tudents· opinions concer ning t he graduation « remQnies and help determine 11ny necessary policies, and lo report 1hesc devclopmenis to t he S1udent Senale~

For more information consult · Paul Braun in 108 Sims, Ext. 400.

Applicati o n fo r ms arc a~ilablc at the information desk , the Student Aciivitics office and t he Student Senate office in the- University Center, and 11 the desk in all residence h.U..

T urn applications in to eit her Mr. McKaig in the Student ~ctivi1ics office o r lo Paul

"~'here Something's Alway~ Cooking"


Tlnn·sday, l\Jarch 13th


YH - We Hove Sthmidt BNr

She's a.

Career Girl ...

/ She's a

College Girl ...



If Chevrolet can't haul it, maybe youll better leave it.

Under Chevrolet's.hood you'll find the biuest standard vain its field-327 cubic incites of it. Or, yoti can order all the way up to our 390-hp 427-cubic-inch VB. And if that won't haul it, see

our truck line. We have the right connec~

tions for your trailering too. Like body / frame trailer bitches and trailer wiring harnesses.

So drop down to your

Chevrolet dealer's and get a load off your mind.

And put it in a Chevrolet.

,aulles, 5po,ts-Aecreati Dept.


Page 4: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER

Page 4

Nu Alpha Tau Plans Movies Next Thursday

l'h t" wtt"L o r Mar . 16.:! 1 has bun p1ocla11m:d N11 11o~I W11Jlifc Fcdn:itmn ,n•eL with lhe° thcmc or " l'1 ovKk l!Jlnlat ."

One wc:eL fiom loday. Mar . 20. Nu 1\\pha Tau -..•111 1•rcWnt 1wo Fo , 01 Scl\' ll"( Wms ··stanJ1ng Koom Onl)··· :1,ml .,.l ht" Four-0.a)• WceL :· "l hcy will be shown al the Turne, M.00111 of the Univcrnt )' <.:cnlcr al 7 11111. w11l1 lS cc nu bdng chargeJfor non•ni,:mbc is

Poetry Press

Slagl_e Named

WSU System

New Assistant Allen ·r. Sbglc. an a551S11n1

supe rmundcnt 1n tbc WlsconY n de p ~ rl rnent of publ i c 1mtruc1ion , -.. 111 JOLn thtsystclll oHkc s1arf of the nine Wiscofurn Stale Um1·e1si11cson Sert 1.

1-ugeue K. Md'hc:e . Madison. wsu S)'l l\·n1 C'O!CUll l"C d11ec10r . niJ that o, . Sbgk would ml asi.lgicd to tlu· aclK!cml~ 11H111rs section, with p r 1ma1y ru ponsib 1ht y fo, 1c11cher cdu,·:a11Un progr.1ms. li e will -..·o rk c)il.'11: ly wi th deans o f tC1chc1 education al the State Un1,·er1>1t1tcs

Or . Sbgk has btcn ai&istant

Now Accepts ~~ ~:~:a'i:~~"ann~c;:,1.~:,1:~~:~;; Student Poems J~:;:~.~ ;~~,i::~/~tj~,;er~6:'

A n:atl•Y or Kansas C11 y, Mo .•

no~-h:c::: :;;a~~~rro:•~~>~n~ ~:st:ar';\CJ :ala ~/~~)"ilcr~·~cg~ ,:o ml'(llhon o r 1hl: Co llti:c Sp11ngficld. Mo .• m 19-lO. 11n S1uJ1:n1s· 1'01:tr)' AnlholoJY M.A Jcgn•c m education ~t lhccn lr )' tkadlmeis i\pJ 10 . \\'ashinp:lon Unh·c1S1 ty, SI

An) collcJ;11 stud,·nl 1schg1bk t.ou,s. Mo .. 1n 1')48.and 11 l'h. l>. 10 )ubn11t H·uo.· -..,fh no dt•i;rc.- 1n 1.·Jucat 1o nal hn11tat1ons on ru,m or theme. 11<in11nis11:111on at the Umn:uity bi1t sho1te1 -.. o,t...s ace prdcircd of<.:h .. ::igo m 1'1~9. b) tht IJOard or Judi;cs bec:ius,: Our mg Wodd Wa, 11 he or 1ht spJno hmlt :IIK!m Jo:l""Cd asa m.umc c:apt:un of

J-:ad, l'OClll must t,,,• L)p,·d rn 1nf;inll) m South l':ac1f1c batik

~:~•::•·J :~, J ~::J1~~·;11:

1~·,·:1;!~~ are~§ch•"· co tnuig lo M:ad1son m

a,lll,~Sl Jlh1 cotki;,· a..i.1r~1& 0 1 ~;1~~

1 ... ~~l'

111 ... M~s~11,tt::.~:1sar":r

~!~1~~1~11~:\~uc:~~· 1~~:1•: a¥~ f~~ I I y .- a r J . • :a ss is. t :1 u t

~11 t,,mii.·,1. l upcrint~·nd~nl or MJmlowo..: ~bnus,·ui•h shoul.l Ii.- ~·u t to (Wis .) public schoob for four

:'lbt~IIIJI l'octr)' l'H'Sl. J:!10 Ye a, s :an J a SSI st ant ~~j/'•·nm•. l.o! 1\1q:,•k). Cal ;uS,~~~·~i;:~~\i[,•~;:co;e~~s~lo)

~--------, for~~r ~~!u M~si:: iri:1~c1bc::~~ LOST

A $20 Reword for o lost rinvnd gem . Sliver wilh 1cfuor• block stone. LAIIIRY, 119 Pro)I Ext. 571

C:inad:a. hn al 446Glcnw:iy S1.. Madison. The)' h:ive lhre,;: sons: John. d1r1:cto1 or Wcsl ll i&h School o rches1ra 1n Appleton: Paul. s..·nior at C:moll College. W1,1uLesh:a. :and Andn·.,.·. 5en\or at Madison Wu1 lhgh School.

NINE ART FACULTY MEMBERS at Wisconsin Store Universi ty, posed in their studio w ilh o couple of mannequins they've used os models for some of their work. Front row, from left. ore Poul Ben-Zvi. Tom Miller, Jonice Zerr. ond Ronold Kwiotkowski Bock row. from left ore Herbert Sondmonn,

Alumni Dinner Set S 1evcns Po int Sll!C

Un1veui 1y will s;ilutc iu 2.600 a lumni who hvc in l hc Greater MI l wa uk ce Arca at a dmnc r-pa rty reunio n Mar. !8111 Boukvud Inn. 4300 UoyJ S1.

The event will be a pttlim1nary to the formalion o r an alunmi cluh In the city. OHiccrs o r the group will be announced lhJt evening.

Norman Knut zen; and Wm. Vickersuff . auistant 10 l hc presidenl. tl arvm AbrahamlOn. 7380 N. Iroquois Kd .• is reunion cha irma n. tic will accept rese rvations until Mar. 17 by ph one. 3 4 1 -09S4, or arrangemenlS will be made for persons who write 10 Frederick .111 theStevcns Poinl campus.

Scheduled arc a cock1ai l how from 6 to 7 p.m., a dinner from 7 10 8 p.m. and a program from Ii to 9 p.m. l'ruldc nt Lee

•• Sbcrnun Dreyfus, a natiVi: of '

WSU Faculty Displays A~·

THE FACULTY MEETING drew o lorge crowd both of focully members ond s1ud,.n1s. The lorge 1urriout con be pou,bty explomed by the controversy between the RAPTS comm,nee ,e­gord,ng Coui,lerpoint and P1e1,dent Ore·flus . !Photo by Mike Oom,nowsk,I



• P.lilwaukcc. will speak on "Yo ur University Today .'•

Olhcr guesls will be his 11101hcr, Mn . Cbtt Drcyrus, R"nior member o f the Milwaukee Board of Educ:mon. anJ Rick Fr ederu:k. dircc1or or t he Stevens Poin t alum ni assoc1a 1ton. l'at o·t1.11llor1n, Oshk osh, who wilt become ! he: school's head roo1ball coach next fall. En1cn lus Professor

Nine membe rs or the art depa. rt menl will d isplay their works until March 28 In lhe annual facul!y ex hibi t in lhc La Follette Lounge of the Unhusi1y Ccn1u .

Runkc sa.id IOnlC of lhc arl ides will be available fo rulc aflcr the show concludes.

New for Spring Come See .

Sh'oW flowers





s.s.s. SatlHdcry 9:00 p.M.-Mlclnlle

Richard Schnieder, Go,y Hogen, Bruce Cody, ond Normon KealS. About 50 pieces of their work ore on d lsploy In the Lo Follette lounge of 1he University Center, In the on• nuol facu lty ort exhibi t. (Mel Glodowski Photo)

HOT FlSH SHOP Featuring Seafood and s·teaks


Phone :J.44...4252

Have You Tried? --Ou, One Day Rim Protttsln9?

--Our Soda Fountoln for o Sodo?

--Ou, Chomllng .Atmosphere wltfl Fun Gifh?

-OU, lu11ell Stover Eoste, Goodie,?

--S.Ometh11t9 from our Animal Tree?

Visit and Enjoy Spain, France, England, Scotland

(while eamln9 uedih)

This summer w ith Wisconsin Stole University-Platteville EUROPEAN STUDY PROGRAM - B WEEKS (June 24 • Augusl 20). Eorn up to 6 credits In Longuoges, Theatre, Poli tical Science, Art, Hislory, Educotiori, Bu1inen-Eco­nomics, Sociology, Geogrophy (or other subjects w ith deportmen1ol opprovo l.1 Tolal Coif $996.00

I Cost breakdown: (spendi'l_g money not Included)



561.00 ·


Air trovel • New York, Madrid, Paris, London. Edinburg jSco1londJ, London and return to New York.

Tuition. regist ration ond fees at WSlJ. P. a nd University of Dijon • Fronce.

Hotel, in Madrid, Paris, London, Edin­burgh !with breakfost). Privote mod­ern dorm room at University of Dijon lwith 3 meals per day except Sun­doyJ. One month in Dijon ond op­proximate ly 1 week each in Madrid , London, Po,is. Ed inbl.irg. with guided tovr·of each city on orrivol.


Vocondes o re limited and will ~ filled on o first-come, first-option bo1i1.

Contact Dr. John G. W. Robert ,on, Wisconsin State Uni• venity-Ploneville Euro~n Study Progrom o r phon• 3'8-2908 (348-6439 homel for literature , in formation and application.

Match 13. JQ&g:

Five History Faculty Will Publish ·eooks

Five bookl wi ll be publWled ""f~ :u:le~~·llical txo~1phy ot by WSU-Steven• Poinl his tory the Nebr11kl Senator', cum 111 dep1.rtmen1 memberl In comlnJ the United Scites Scn11c fr om month. Authors ire: Dr. Ro~rl l94 1 unl il his dnth in l~S4

f:.ldR~~r't ~~~~:. ~~j'~ P• ul hu publilhW ie \fll l

Piul ind Dr. Robert Zkac r. poli tical u t icks in Nebmb Dr Franklin·• book ' 'Born History ind the Nor1h 0JkOli

Sobef : A History o r t~e Quarterly. • Prohibit ion Mo vemen t m Dt. Zlcacr , who has pubhVlcd Oklahonu, 1907·19S9 .. will he schol11l)' utkks in Journll of published by !ho Unlvutlty o f American Hlslo ry and Labor Okli hom1 Prcu la ter thll yur o r ~{~W:,::,'R~puo~~~~5w;~1d h:::

In ~ r7,0~kll n h u .u~~lsh«;d Labo r Yrob lem. 1919-192'}" lfliclet rdaled 10 proltib111on 1n published this sprint by 1h, a:~:;z: on;~ ;,Wll!J'ro-,~,,u.,:o,oa; . Uni~~~li t~~1:,'1::~ck~1~:t bh1H

He Is on I e pro1r11m ' • F r e n c h - Ir o qu o 11

co m ; o f !he South,c rn ?to'J~r;it~ili~lu~~!:illob~·· Historical AIIOciation. . Mo ut on & Company. ·111r "Ci:~,c~no;:~;~y m-;~scril~ Ne1herland1 t his yea,. lit 11 Mexican Reform, l 8S6- J9 l0," co-aulhor o f • chaplet In "'Jhe will be submiucd 101 univmily i~~!';:1!ndiCom5::~~.y;~69L•Ule pre• soon. lie has pub~hed Golds l cl n received Im art icles in Hbpinic Amettqn doctorale from the U:nvcr" I) of

U~1~ri~j·~ev:~1:na· otf:::011

c Minnuotl. z1c,er from the -------· -- University o f Maryland, 1:r~nl.hn

Or. Paurs book, whl.ch l?S fro m the Un iveuity uf bccnsubmil ted to t he Uruveraty Oklahoma , Knowlton from 1hr o f Nebruk• Press , is• study of University of Iowa ~nd Piul ·'The Po lilial Career o f Senator rrom 1he Univcnily of Nebm,k4


SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Starts Thursday at 2:00 p.m.

· Lott• 12 ounce bottlff

Old l\1ilwaukee 20c

OLD TIME PRICES lOcTaps . 25cShots

(Beu looul

Big Daddy's Saloon 131 1 Strongs Avenue I

(Come Wode Throu'gh the Peanut Shelli) ~


Placement Opportunities Mu. 13 • Kaukauna Public Schools· 9 :30 am. 10 JI "'

Combin,1k>n J r. & Sr. ll igh Art: Combinat ion Jr . .t. Sr . High n11 1L Elem. voal musk; Ekm. Sp. Ed .: Kinderpnen; Grade:? : Gnd• .1 Muskcso Public: Schooli- JO 1.m. 10 4 p.m, Kinderprt<n .Gnd,, I 1tuou1h Gr. 6:sc.1C:nce/m:r.1h combinHion (ir possible): lane. :uu/io..· science combination. '

. M~r. 17 • Hi1hbnd Park-Deerfield High Schools. llighland rn llhnoas • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sccond.ary. All areas. Pacelli HiV) School - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. m11thcma1ics. bu1111m education : economics: Spanish. Pudecvillc High School . 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Girl's phy . cd. 11.S.~, pro b/ Am , his1ory ; H.S. Sp;.nish: H.S. Spa nish/English: 11 .S. Fn1li>h

M:ar. 18 - Kimberly Pub lic Schools - 9 a .m. 10 4 fl .m Ekmul~r) gr.1des.

~~~~d~t:~s~=n;i:s_a.m. 10 4 p.r6. _Hi,ti School E~lish. rirl'i

Brillion Public Schools • 10 :a .m. 10 4 p .m. All t'k'mtntary : En11J,h l'lem. arc /elem. _mudc c~mbinat ion: S,. High civics/his1ory.

. Mar. 19 • Flin! Public Schoob. F lint , Michipn • 9 a .m. to 4 r m Ktndnprten; Elementary ; elem. art: dem. sc1ence; dem. mn!rrn nut h: elem. vocal music: elem. phy. ed .: elem. remeJul reading JI~

~~~~~t:~~;,:~-~:HH~S~~h~~?~ ~Jk:~t~~: ·~ -a~i.:~,·:~~ ~ 1nsc~umcntal m_usic: li.S. his1ory/En,lish; 11.S. sodal s1ud1es. II~ busaneueducat ion; 11.S. art; H.S. home economics· H s hbramfl

~:~,~~- ~~~~~r!:~ls - 9 :30 a .m. to 4 p.m. • Ek~ntary • \ U

V1lden Public Schools • 9 a .m. 10 4 p.m. lnslru mcn tal music: phi

~~l~~~::a'i~~a~k!.r. hi.th an : 50Cial s1udies; busaneu edueat k>:1

Mar: 20 • Se.neca Public Schools - 9 a .m. to 4 p.m. Bu11nN

!te':!~~~;'. ;!~;;;~~: malh; English: home economics; elem. mu~"

?::: ::: ~a~~~ Schools · 10 a .m. to J p.m. Grade 2: gnde 3. p;ide :,

~;'~o:~~1:i~~:~:l:~~~pc-,:;;~1. to 4 p.n1. Jr. Hi&h art . Sr. ll ish

Mar. 21 • Fre~cric Common Schools- 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. mu,ir. ~~eboy.1an .Pubhc ~cbools. - 9 a.~ . to 4 p.m. Busi ness educ:uion

_ E;~~ a;::,' !~~(~~~~s/~d;:{fc!~c;~:!~/;~~;n::~:t~!· H1Jh • All u~; Km~rprten: lo'<lr"tr t le ~ntary: Gppe.r ckmenllr)

H::i:a;~; H~~k.,~1:; !~';:~; ;~y~·:·.~~e!l! ·,~ot~:=~sic. Jr

KinMar. 24 • Oconomowoc Public Schools - 10 a.m. to J p m En ct:cr~rte n thro~Jh &nd_e 6; ekm. an : dem. music: Jr. ll ilh H' ~ · ma!hc.m1t~a: Spanish/French : 1dence: home. economics. s,

p~caf:~C:;-,':~.::e~ :'c::::!~~ Spanish; German; French.

r~~rade : :it.:i.:=~t~~·e:n:J:· Kind~rprtcn

Ek Mu. 2S • Ed1.en~n _Community Schoob • 9 l .m. 10 4 p m

Hi,hmeEn~~~·~ -!~i,:,:;1;;_ ~:. =~::. t~::n En&lish; s,

po:C-:·1Ji~~~ ~::::=~c~~ls · 9:30 to 4 p.,r;. v,c:uJC,CS

10 ~!~.Nc:w Berlin Public Schools · 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. VaancitS

p.:.~~61dK,o~ ~c~} DH~rict. _flinl , Michipn. 9 1.m. to:: ,ndes. • ranan . r. i&h ~•nee counaek>r; ekmenllr)'

1 p.:.~ -a::~;"~~~~in&l:ton, Wbconain -9 1.m. 10 4 L------+---------' ._ ____________ .:..._.:..._=::) Jl,_ _______________ _J .l 7l h,rade. ' · ,1~&111 educttion; elem. an;61h

I Apt'. 18 • W1uau Public Schools. 9 , .m. to 4 p.m. Elementary.


Page 5: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER

March 13, 1969

(}reekvine 11111 , .Jhe Co mpUrd by S,ndy Huro

Alp .. P~I The last two weeks, the

sis ters of Alpha Phi have been busy wi t h rnsh fun ct io,u. First of the act ivi t ies was a rush. 1e11u t com.lucted by rush eha11man Diane ll iggins.

Uls1 week uw 1hc Round Robm .. a cost ume pas ty MD.f . 6 wil h the thrnie, "Sleepy Ti me l'hi", :1 fo rma l pw1y Mar. 7 with :r, ros,:· ~'\'remony and, lnt ly, an ope n rush riart)' Tuesda )' night ,

Miss Cynthia PUih, fiekl 5'.:rcta, y and sistc, of Alpha Phi from tltt' Un iversi t y of W:r.shu~ton recen tly visi ted l hc DcltaSig111aChapte1 here. '

At the last mcctin& lhe Alpha l'h1s congrutulaicd sisters Lind a llanneman. chosen "Ac1ivc o f the Month," :md J ill Sh:amblc!c, rnnn,,·r ·ur m 1hc Miss S1cven1 l'omt Pagcanl .

Tl,c spr ir1' 11letlgc cbss p1cs,rn 1 ly in c ludes, !!rend:,; Schroth , Trud)' Schurer and LmJa SchnuJl.

Slg•a Pl

The S1g P1'5 mtluci.'l.l nine fllcdgt~ on Thwstlay, Mu: 6. They all', James Lautenbach, Mike Stodola, Joe Mueller. Toni Rl•dmond. James Degner, Torn lfarJc, . Don Gradcless. Rick Tim m anJ Oa\'\! Caruso.

Two brolhcrs were recent ly r,uiru:J , Bob ZinJ a to Donna Jones and Pat Croft to Mary ~k3J!.her

The annu:al srrin,g Orchid Ball 1s h<'mg orga nized :and will be hdJ m north,•rn Wisconsin.

Sig•a Ta. Ga••a

Al lhc. mcctllll', last week

~.~~,~~::d r~~~~~~s:~:~.1:~ s;:k.: tt'd :is Whit<' Ros(' ch:ii.rm:an.

Follo 11,1ng form:a l ru sh Wcdn .. sd:a)' CVl.'lling. thcbro1hers :u1J ,ushces aJJOurncd to the l'oiu lbus when· there 1,,:15 a halfb.irrdsctu('I.

Th<' Sig T:au Cemclary Singe,, ~1form .. dat1nforina l 1ush,Ma1. 4 , :at l'oinl Bow l.

Delta Slg•a P•I T he Brolhcu o r Epsik>n

Omicron Chapter have 27 men in their spring semester pledge cbss. The clan consists o f 1hc follo wing : Do n Sterling, Jdf

ta1:!:;i: J;::i s~t:!~1i. J:h~ Ahler, Scott Remmel, Dan Ed lebed:, Gary Dinee n, Dave Dees, John Marlicr , John Pupcl~ Al Brolton, John Maslowski Paul Ehlke, Rod Lee, Do.n B111e.1' Siu Grimstad, John Haynes: Gary Luttcrbic , M.ikc F\llnow, Mik e Zieman . Wiyoe Larson, Don Rittel. Jack Tiuncr, Mike Casey and Tell')' Bauer.

New Committ ee chairmen · we re n:amed-by President Mark Gorrn i c11 n . They arc

f:~i~!'.c'~:1~! ' i~:::t c~~ia~'. J oh n L i s ka , R ecordi ng Sec retary-Bill Ke llner: Song Leader -Bob llillnm ; Ouartn Mas1cr-Oca n Graff; Athlctk Oir ec t o r - M 11 t y Ochs; Alurnni -l'ublic Rdat ions-1'0111 Reitz: Activities Di.rccton, Kcn Cady; Co ns t ilu t ion- Kon Draeger : Social Chailman-Kcn Scheidt ; En,ginC"Cred Leadership­Ga ry llcinJ.Clman.

The Brothers finished second in Fraterni1y grade J10in ts in bo t h se mester and overall avn:age, 2.40 a nd 2.47 respectively .

Tht Cnlta Sig, visilcll the Point Btcwery last Friday :ind S und ay panic ip:atcd in :a drinking conlcst at l. illle Joe's. Next Sunday :a swimming p:irt)' will be hdd at the Holiday Inn.

Ron Stuber got his C3r back :after it was stole n for 1hi11y days.

The put two weeks have bl.'l.'n Wied with rush acl ivitics and plans.

The spring rtedge cl.a~ pre5enlly includes; Kay Alvey, Linda Bailey; Terry Brocker; Judy Caklwcll; Joanne Diet ze: Katherine Gbicr; Kathleen llak$; Brenda ll cnning; Di:ane Jens; Rebecc:a Levo; Cheryl Longwit1. and B:arbara Marlen .


A PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHY ORGANIZATION hos been estobHshed called Nu Alpho Tou. This picture wos token 01 lhe recent in,tiolion of the group w ith ifs 30 chorler members being inducted . From left 10 righr is Rober t Anderson, choirmon of the geography deportmenl; lynn Dhein, new president; Alvin John· son, foculty odviser. PhOto by Jim Pierson)

Collegiate Notes BJ Lynn LaBro!

The Student Senate o r the Univenity o r Denver bu hired legal coun1el to brinl 1uit 1p!n1t the university because • discipline commlt1te 1u,pended thru 1tuden11 accU1ed of poaessln111U1(1uan1 inadormilory.

Dave Shapin, 1 D.U. Stude~ Sen1tor, defended the 1enate'1

~~~~~t~foru!~Ju~har~/~hl~t~::!~,:!~~ 1l:c~fo~1n~~.:~liyn!

• criminal cowt. Coloudo DaUy

UnhenitJ of Colorado Boulder , Cok>r1do

Wil~"=. ,!ce~:~kf ti!1.~::V111n&

0fbe~~e in °:>::'!tu~~n~:ic;~s ~

state univenit iea ii lepUy poulble, however no forma l ac t ion bu ever been t1ken o n 1he q!.IUt lon. Accon1in& to McPhec , the Regcnll are not expected to act on the mallet for teveral months, but they

. have lndlatcd they will jud1e etch universi ty 1epu11cly when dbcuui111 the m11tcr,

The.Spectator • WSU-Eau Cllire The Senate Welfare Commlucc II WSU-Whitcwater has pu,cd a

tnoluUon which, if puxd by the Faculty Sen1te, would gl-,e uruettdcled hows to tophomore, jun ior and tenlor women . All frcahmen women who had pucntal coiucnl would al.to have u.nrcstriC: tcd how1; lholC who did no t would hue 12:30 a.m. houn Sunday.-Thu.nday and 2 1.m. howl FrWay ind Suwday,

The Royal Purple WSU-Whltew11cr

Studcnu brcakf11tini al Nonhem Illinois Univeraity have recently been given the prlvUe1e of o rdcrinl food not on the dcsiinated menu. Students m1y uk for French toast, pancakes, baoon, sa usa,c and c1111 whenever they wish to do 10. Tou1cu arc also anilable to 1tudent1 for wafncs and pop 1an1,

neN0,thc1nS1ar No,thnn 1Wnol5 Uni'rently

DcKatb, l llino.is

N·ew Ge·ography Fratern·11y 'if. • ..,~,i~:~· .... ~ .... ~.!::·:. ::,. ~t~.:!".i::t,.~" .:::m ·~: ' ..... ~ft ~n~~i:~7e': t:1~eiJ!~:~'N;1rounn,dC~~~~~,c F:,,~scr~r"r~ • and supplies for starving child ren in Biarra.

Org. an·1·1ed On Po·1nt Campus Tw~ !'."''"!' °''"'' oul or"'" •• ::·:.:i.~i~'i.::.: bceau1e 11 s 101111 to be l'u.rned into a pholo lab have decided to remain in 164 Gilbert Hall, Northcm Illinois University until they

A n:it 1onal gcoitraphy Th,· adviser s:ild an)' perwn John Swenson, Sandinavia: Bob picxnl their cue 10 the Amnlean Civil Liberties Union. J im Fosler frate111 11 y chapter has bc.·cn interested in rrom0;ting lhc Weiss, ~rowntown; and Jane ,nd Rich Olesky uid !hey have been ailed to move out nf 1heir org.uni1.ed at WSU-S1cvcn.$ 1'01111 s1udy of geography ls my,tcd to Welch , Ripon. room to another which they say is in violation of the o riginal wuh 30 l'h:artc r 111cmbcrs. lake out 11 membership, New fa cult y memben arc : contract Ibey signed. Dr . Don1kl Buckner, housing direc1or,

G:imm:a Tht'l:r. Upsilon will New st uden t members arc : Robert Anderson, chairman: commented that the boy• "appear to be challcnging I long standard

~~~i~,.~~e a1~~SUgi1:~e~,~~ ;, ~oung:StCic~~~. B~,~~~~~'. ffahu~ic~•it::~.~~~ral~uJ~::::; precedent by ~n a pproprialc o rtioe." The Norlhun Stu geo1r:aphcrs a ti11k with their Norm B:amud, West ric k! ; Tom and D:arrell Vickers. Northern Illino is Universi ty cou nterp art s on campuses Bcllilc, Rh i11cl:ande1: Ned Braat i., President of the group is 'kKal~. Illinois th1oughout the counlry . Shiocton : D:ave Briggs. Monico: Dhein .

Advisor Alvin Johnsonjomed All:an Christianson, Catherine ,--------------------------, the second chapter of Gamma Jo hn son and Gary Senner, Thel a Upsilon eve, o rg:an jzed, StcvcnsPomt: when he was a sludent at Rcbccc:iClark, Larry F:and1er Northern Iowa Univc1sity -Cedar and Den nis Krasavagt', Wisconsin Falls. He 1:atcr guided the Rapids. P:i.ul Ditter, Chilton : forma tion of 1hc chapte r at Lynn Dhein, Wttt Be11d : Peter Nebr:ask:i State College-Chadron Entringer, Manitowoc: Cheryl where he was a faculty member. llass, Merrill: Emery Henrich.

The loal chapter. Kappa Pi, T onultawk: Jame ll oiby , wu formally installed in Deerfield ; Jack Grode, Nte niih . ceremonies Feb. 27aftcrfacu lt)' James J anke, Wa upaca ; member Jo hn McKinne y helped Richard Manuel, Milwaukee : make arrangements for its Janet Markee, Marshfie ld ; Steve establishment by a ttending the Meyer, Kimberly: lhrri s n:i. lional frate(llily metting in Moskonu, Tom:,h : Ken Rierson, Kansas la.st November. Friendship ; William Rind:al , lob :

S:i1urJay. Mar, I , brothers Glenn TctllOH, Ken Gesch, Bruce Kress, :and Joh n Lanc:nter v,ent J o v. n to Wisi;onsin Dells 10 fmdatocatio n for W,hite~ ·;

•, I • /r

3 Seniors Art Show Will Hold

!ENIOR!! Order Yorn· Official .

Graduation Announcements Now! Oo, oflh,b••""'"how,or ·eMMONS th!.' season opens Sunday by

thrcestudenh Ne:irl)' 100 piccn or all

~;t:~"~.~::~::·~.::!;::~i,: UNIVERSITY STORE Koso lch:arocn. a n:allvc of , Acron From Baldwin

Thick. Ripon . Bangkok . Thail:md: and Sue .~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi They will hold an informal

ret1:ption h orn l p.m. 10 4 p.m. the fost day in the Frank Lloyd Wright Lounge of the University Center. The show will continue until Mar. 29.open to the public during !he regular day and e,·cning hours of the ccn1cr .

Powder Buffs Announce Cost Of Utah Trip .

Doubtful about v.·hat to do du.1ing Easier vacation? The Powder Buffs Ski Club ts sponsoring a trip lo Utah Apr. 4 to 13. This t rip is fo r aU levels of sk.icrs,not just~perts.

The group will travel by train to Salt Lake City arid then by bus to Park City. 30 miles from S:r.lt Lake City. Five days of skiin1ue planned at three a,eas, Park Ci1y, Park ·City Wnt (new arcathisyear)andA IU.

The skiers will stay at the Prospecto r Ho tel in the hc:art of runi.: Park City . A pa11 yisbeing planned for the group by the hotel.

T he cost of the trip is SI IS for members and Sl 20 for non-members. If !here are any ques tions contacl Bob Ungj, hr, 344-4374 .

Senior Recital1

Two se nior music s1udcn11 al Wisconsin Slate Univttlity-Ste­~ns Point will present a recital


ch , , . Pianist, MIL Carol A~

~~7::t~~~nst.~p~~i~tj~ Manitowoc , will pcrforrp bt&innlfll 11 3 p.m. in 1¥

~~sv~c;:,•;cen:~e~.om o f tbi The event is open to the



pu~:nwi~=~itnbl , ark

J1mcs Drew, percuuionist, wil1


••••••••••••••••••••••••••• provide accompaniment.

Wild-eyed coeds can turn any peaceful demonstration into a full-scale riot, so be careful how you use your Hai Karates After Shave and Cologne. But just in case your hand slips, we include instructions on self-defense in every package. (If you're a paci­fist, maybe you'd better read the instructions twice.)

Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.


Home Ee Club Group Attends WIIM Convo

" F1mlly ~ terama" wu the theme of thil year'• WII M convent ion which wu hckl II the Sherman Houle in Chicqo, Feb . 13-15.

The WisconUn·IJlinols-lowa· Michi&,ln Conference bepn wit h a wcloomc by Ruth Anne Lefler, WIIM Prulden1, a home eoonomic1 111Jden1 at Eastern JUinois Unlver1i ty. Part o f the business of tlte convcnl lon wu the elccllon of 1970 offit'Cnand WI IM'1 new pre11dcnt. Steve D1wson, a Rcbted Arts major al the Univcully of Iowa, is 1he fust man to hold tht position.

Highlighting 1he convention wn President Lee Sherman Dr eyfus . President Dreyfui' speech "The Family and Communicatf!Oifl" wuned or the pouible effects that radio and telcvbion can have on young children.

' Laurel Tonn, WSU senior home economics ed11ca1ion major pe rformed 1wo voc:al selections, " People", and ··May You Always". Lau1tl Si:l\'i:d as WIIM's socia l chairnu1n for 1969 ,

Other WII M speakers were Professor Timothy Nugent , Dr. Ethel J . Alphefuls and l~r. William Mushall.

Fran McG ibbon. Stevens Point student, won a General Elecu ic toaster oven. The other ltcvens Po int rcprcsent:atlvcs "'ere : Marge Cihlar. Barb Voell, Agnes WywiaJowsk1, Nancy Braithwaite, Calhy Lotspicch, Nancy 81cuni&.S~ndy Sula, and Mal)' Marzolf. Miss Doris DlYiS, llomc Economics Club :advisor 11lso attended the WIIM Convention in Chicago.

we're /orig on qualify al Burger Chef





.p~ s

Al Burj!('r Chef. lit<' just hov.· l?ood fo\·orill'l< like th<'St• t-an tw. It's bttaUSf' wr US<' only thE' fintsl quality ingredit'nta,. No wonclrr our cnrr s tands so tall:

People on the go, go Burger Chef I

~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ ......

Page 6: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER


THE POINTER March 13 1969

Two Bartenders Describe View From Bar's Other Side

Eu.rybody hku lo rud leu en 10 lhe edito, . Exccpl edi1on llc,e 11c 1cven of the IMUI intcrcnin1 kttC'n I have received latdy, 11rc1tntei.l with apolo11u 10 lhe wli1tn, ind 10 Zi ck Ta)' lor ,

0 . My lill •)'c11-0ld son lut• small rirle lh:lt shoon ping-pong balls. Kcorn lly he broke the stock . I'd hkc to ,mi.I t he nnc back to the 11uinuhcturt1 fo , rcp;ms, but 1'111 not su1t lh ill I c:rn do thll regally. Will 1 h:a\·c 10 r,•g1stu 1hc r1flc or ship !1 lluougha hce nwd Julc r1

A. To be on !he ufc side, ehed: .,.,.,th the Washington o fr1cc of the Interna l Revenue Set\'let 1hc)' arc the nation's newest bw111.1 l..1ng ll!CnC)', alld ~hou\J ~no -.· Smet they hne btcn Hsigncd the lask of supl'n>I.Slng m:ul order 1un sales, the)' nught also like 10 look 1n10 the fngh1fultr:.ff1c m pong guns.

Q L:ut -.eek I bou1ht 1-. 0 boxn of 10 1:1111c JW' niagnum )hotgun shclb, loai.lei.l wit h 2 o,. of l\o ~ )hot. To my sur pnse , I luJ 10 fill oul a Ion,. involved form hcfore I coulJ purchal£ them . What I -.·ant lo l:no-.• 15, -.dlth1imakethen1ufc'

A Abs o lutely . It u 111111oss1bk for a 1Ci11Sterci.l box o r shotgun sh,·J ls to ha,rn 3n) On,• Unlo:ss , o f course, you dtopll On)OUI foot

Q " ' 311 Cll --COII, rm rnntmually bcmg discnmina tl'd JgJmM llowncr , I spent eight ),'JI) in pmon lcarn,ng :inc-.· 1radl' · b]u-.· ini: ufcs m )Upc1m.11l,·h • an,J l'.ln ugn to gel Ulrt.·d in this cxcmng and profitabk busmess. My problem i5 1h:11-.h1lo: l frd1hat l nrf"da h;ind1un at -.ort.:, I'm a h1tle

~~1/~!,~) I i~~~!O:~!,sro;1~:! lcpt J carefu l ,.-cord of n ·cr)" gun he's i;old m the Lui t-.·cnly )cars Wtut shouJJ ! do?

A. Stcr·by,sttp 1nuruc11ons; I. Ac..:umulatt SIOO m cuh :. Talc nrtl,u~ 10 the ncarut

large ,;1t) J Lo,;ate tht skauut parl of

1011,n <0 11:ing around ,n 1undo-4·n

bars Mention l ha t )·ou'rc 1n the market for J gun. Someone with a trunk(ul ofst ukn.unrcgisttrcd 1uns -.m gel in h>uth with )'OU

S After you ha \'C bought ) our gun, chcd: to ii<:e ,r II Jtill hJs numbers on JI 1f it docs.10 :ift,•r 11 with :i f1k until the)' alt' ,ompkld)' llonc

o. Do n·t US!! )'Our gun unless )'O u absolu tely h:l\·c t o. Rem..-mbtr that m.1ny police de(IJ!lmcnh c:inno1 :afford to tl'.11.'. h 1he11 officers ho-.· 10

· shoot Also, unarmed homu arc • .1 pusho\cr Ju~t use the: gun ua

1hrca1. , mcc )Ou -. on·1 mtc t any res,stanceany-.a)·

7 U )'OU shoukl CHI n,c lhc gun "'h1te commt111n, a crime, :s.:nub the h\·u\g da)'hghu ou1 o f th,· bore w11h a nMail Mc and throw the gun in the nearest IL\CI

my antelope, deer, elk , moo,e, and 1heep he.ds. Whal do you suueil'l

A. I. Take her 'out lo the ncucit deer yard . Let her 1ec aU the goodies • the frozen docs 11tith 1heir eyes piclced out by CIOlll'S . the do1 kills, the protrudin1 ribs, etc. Ask her to 1hlllk 1bout what she h.u 1een.

2. Take her on a guided tow o r I slau,hlcrhou~ just after she 's had I nicestukdlnncr. Let her take • good look . If lhal doesn't bring her around, wish her o ff o n your compcrnio n.

Q. I'm a Jiftlon1 hunlcr and bull-<,C-lhc·woo,h. In f1ct, I go hun1in1 1wo or three t imes a )'tU . There's nothing I like better than silling on a deer stand with a linle « hnapps to take o ff the chill. Last year, I hld11hotat1dee~r1tlcut11 sounded hke a deer), bu1 I nuucd I'm a crack shot and I know 11,so I figured 1he )lghts on my .J0-40 Kug must have been oH. Luckily, I w:as JUlt a re ... feel from a road.JO I 11ar1 ed si1hun1·m on a 11earby slop sign. I h.1Jn·1 rued mort than a doun Jhoo wh,cn 1 nosydcpu1yshc11ff iJrove by and arrested me . Now they ny l'\'l' got to pay I bqi hni: . lsn'l thd unfair?

A . Stcp·b)'·SICI' inst ructions:

l . Pay)·ourfinc . 2. Go far away somewhere.

lest your name become a byword and a husi ng.

J . Tak e up snowmobiling 01 watcMkiin&, That way you c.:in be Just u obno!l.ious p you hkc , bul now hett nearas1:fadly.

4. Don 't cHr calll!o urtelf a hunt r ragun. ,

Q. I 'm 1he mother of a 12·)'car-OkJJOn. Latclyhe'sbeen u k1ng for a .22 110c. My husband , a good mode rn father, won'! get 111\-0JvC'd one way or the other Whal should ldo1

A. . You have two al lcrrulives:

I . Hut• a good 22 J.LnglMhol and a book or two on rinc shooting for boys. TeU him that 1hcrifkw11Jbchisifhewillrcad the boob and learn 10 shoot safely and well. If you learn everything he should kno-.·. and do a good Job of 1eachmg it 10 hnn , you'll be swpu,ed :it how avidl y he will accepl the

~~f',:t11~i:'%ar:fo,S~~e ~~~111~!

~~l' r":uJ1!!t/ b~2·;;~~;

1~o~J; how mature he will become .,.,.hen he knows thal he has earned your tl\lst .

2. Tell him that guns arc nu1yanddangerous. Absolutcly fo rbid him to have any1b.ing lo do with them. This will stine his cuuolity. Prett y soon, fear of 1hc unknown will se t i n, and )·our troubles will be over. Luer on he might take up stea ling J,ubcaps,but at lent he won't be fooling around "'·1th guns.

LOST Anyone finding a charcoal

pearl, sterling si lver ·cl.in ring. plca,r: contact To m in room 41 ). ext. S9S . A reward is being offered .

By Ron Hoban •

What 's 11 lik·c 10 be on the olher side o f 1he bu? Rud y Schrocs and Eddie Mcshak , two local b1nenden, answered t he question Tund1y night , Mar. 4 , in lhe Delk>! Cen ter.

Rudy stan cd the program bt tcllin & of the fiftt.en yntJ hes spe nt 11owner and ba.n endcr at Rudy'• Pinc Oak Mo lcl.

''The place," he said , "wu originally an o·vcrnight slop for tour ists, rtin" completely by m)' wife and 1. But ti mes changed, people ch.ngcd, ind the hiJ;h•ay chan1cd," he noted , rde"ing · 10 the rc•rou1in1 o r llighw!y SI.

"When the highw1y route wn chanacd," ht conl inucd . "we 11ar1cd le tt ing collc1ekidsln the bar. Since 1hcn , the bar has doubled In size . We c.an comfortably fi1 1bout 200 people ; bu! we somclimcs gtl as many as 400, which is too much. It 's hard to regulate the crowd , IO we try IO rquble the behavior."

EDDIE MESHAK flehl bor1ender 01 Popo Joe·s, rold how it is when he rs mixing d,mks for students toking o breok from ~,udying 01 Popo Joe's. Eddie spoke os port of o '-P,ogrom entitled " A v,ew from 1he o ther side of rhe bor." On the right is Rody Schroef of Rudy·s. !Phoro by J im Ponnie,)

Rud)' also suted that he works an avc111gc o f 80 hours a •eekln lhebu.

Alttr Rud y finished , Eddy

HALL~A-DA VS Hy Judy thot ki111

ABC MATCHES Fo llowmg au· the resu lts of

1he Mar. 9 ABC 111:atchcs. Kn ullen 165. Walson 110: Ncale 325 , Steine r 65 . Baldwin 2SO, Hansen SO, Schmeeck le 175 , Bu11ou1hs 70 ; Pray•Shns 200, Smith SS : Roath 170 3nd !I yer

"-Nex t week li )'cr will be al Nea le, Knut ze n at Deltcll. Roach al Smilh, Schmcc,;klc 11 Baldwi n, Wat son :it llank'n am.I Bwroughs at Stt1ncr. l'Uy-S1ms has the bye AU nutchcsarc:i t 7 p.m. inhall bascn~nls.


Future events on the Roach Hall guls· calendars include a sbve day, Mar IS, wil h Smith 1h11. Wing pictures arc now being taken , with va rying costumes being worn by uch wins .

Man y of the p1cturu sc t1 ings arc in the newly fumuhc:d Easl win1of thebascmcnt.

The second semester llall Co un cil has been acm·cly working fo r the bc:ncfit ofuch Roach girl. A. new comm1nu , the Service CommittL'C, has beC'n formed lo receive and acl U(IOn any compl11nt a rcs1dC'n t may have.

As I service prOJect , lhe entire hall hubc:cn making and dressing nylon s1ockrng dolls for children 1n Vietnam, Tennessee, Hong Kong and Mexico.

Six. o f lhc recently elected A .W.S. officers are Roach. residents. President Chu Z~rbel, Menasha; v1ce•prcsidcnt Jann Rm1er, Green Bay ; sccrctrary

Sue G run, West Alt ll: I.A .W.S. Con t ac t t> :am L i n d n e r . Cedarburg ; A .W.S. Senator Jo:annC' l)obron, Milwaukee, and l'ublici1y Chairman Dianne Ninnem3n.Green Lake.

Char will attend the A.W.S. Na t iona l Convcn 1ion in Allltllma,A.pr . 2-6.

HallCouncilpn:sident ,Candy Mead of New, Berlin , conducted ~ ~m1nu conccmi!lil resid1•n1 hall at the Uni1etl Council mee ting in Lacrone

SCHMEECKLE HALL On Wednesday , Mar. S,

Schmeeckle Ila\\ had the first speaker in a 1hn:c·part series on sex . Thi s f irs t program h1ghh&hted Dr. Gord on Shipman of the Sociology Dcp111 mcnt. who began the program b)' s 11eaking on Beller Su Ed ucat ion.

A discussion Co ltowcd with gir ls asking varied questions such u, .. When is a good age to m1 roducc K"x?" And " What 11 the best way to app roach the subject with youn1 child ren?" The dbcus.sion then branched off i?IO many other areas of intcR'H and imponancc.

Nelli wee k Dr . Diclnch will spea k to the dorm on the psychologjcal aspcc·tsorxx .

Schmeeck le liall is In the procus o f o rganiling a paJama party to be held w,th Slciner lbU Tenta t ive dates and hours havcbeensctu11forthccvcnl.

Schmeeckle' 11 also awailing an answer from Lawrence College in response 10 a propoul for an exchange offony &i ris for

r-c-1\-----~ Moon Fun Shop

1326 Srrongs Oown1own S1evens Point

NoYeltics and Gifts

Posters !Large s.l,dion)

Black-Lites Mondoy, Wtdnesdoy, Sorvrdoy - 10-5 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursdoy, Friday - 10-9 p.m.

Raise Your


-And Ours

uid that " P1p1 Joe's has been ope ned for1bou t fo ur year1,1nd

::C'en 1~cc i:~te ::r·;:rn/t;:

1lme ." . II• feels th1t "students 1n

general 11e more mellow o r mature than lheywere five,rear1 ago," and th.at fraternities ind ao ro rltl cs "as I ru le, an wonde rful ." Both butende11 then 1nswc1cd quutlons fr om

theo~ic:i~~ nl asked Rudy lf ,the fr eshmen are more wild now than they were five o r ten years

ago)le 11nswered 1h11 t "11 always. most freshmen uc noisy . I 1hink lha l all firs1 Kmsler freshmen should havr hows bcc.ause when they first come here, they're just like rabbiu lcl out o f a box . They J on'! know what 10 do."

Rudy went o n to uy thal "ninely-ninc per ce nt o f the lludenu arc well behaved, but there's alw•ys 1hat one per cen t

uow~~·~' Edd)' wu asked if at ude nts behave 1hem1C l~u

~~~! ::~ ~:ct ·~~{*'11 ::~~ I

t hem more when their mothen send their checks.' \ He a lso Hid ihat the most difficult par,t. or b:1n cn4in1 i1 watch!~& for: ihc si u:lcnls who be lieve m fl U,ng up their ~ope chests with b11

gJaS:u~)' answered a q ucslkln concerning the 11vcra11e arno.unt

~~ bs:~n~~~~~~~t i~c~~d~1~~ lhc crowd . Three-hundred siudent s some t imes drink 20 to 30 cues and & 10 11 h~lf bancls

~nn 11ITJ, ::!'.· 1t1/ 2JhtJ~~ and S to 8 half barrels. ,

The audience laughed sh1htly when Eddy concluded by dispclhng the rUJCOr .. of hlli returning 10 Pol.ind I w~ukl have gone bat.le to Po land , he s;ud "'but I couldn ' t find a bus headed that way ."

Placement Opportunities The Univcrsi1y Placement Center o ffers 1he opport ~mty fo~ all

11udcnls to lnl1late a pl.acemen1 file whe re esxn111I info rmat,on, both curricu lar and nlra...:urricub t and K lec1ed references :arc

col~~\~: ::~:::~d~iors poWbly deriYe the gremst ~nchts r,?m this service, a ll s tude nts Kcking vocational cou nseling or mfo rmat1on concerning the oontcmpor.iry employment scent art welcome .

Brochures. a11plication blanks.job speciC1ca1 K>ns and cm11loymcnt opporlunil icJ for both state and na1ional positi~ns arc alw:ays avall:ib le in the Cen ter's files. It shoukl be cmphamcd 1hat these employmenl o ppo11unit iu cover businc1o~ .. aovernrncn t . lnd industr la l op(IOrlunitits :as weU as teach mg pos111o ns.

The Ccntl'r hosu near ly 200~itcu ,eprescnt i~il ar~a, s1~1e and na1Klnal busincues and schools annually and provides a selling where jun lon o r ,cn iors may intcn>itw for aVlibblc positions. In ~ddillon, the Center fo llows each studcn1 ltu oughout his adult proftnional and voca1 io na l lift and provides counicling, credent~! reCerenccs ind rtcord u11<1a1ing services upon rC'quul.

In order 10 enhance future employment opportuniliCS ead, student ,houkl visi t 1hc l'brement Center upon reaching JunK>1 .uandina and rm out 1he bnrf 11bcemcnt form. Famibamy -.1th l'bccment's policies and proccdwes will mcreuc ch~nces for locat inJ mcanin&(ul employment U(IOn gr11duation.

Thursday Mu I), 9 a.m. w 4 p.m., The Wisconsin Tclcrhonc

~~h~~~!1'1cs~!~;~~~~ .;,~~ i~::;;·~~ l~l~r~:,s::;r,:~~~1mcs. Thursday. M:ar. 13 , 9 a .111 to 4 pm., Thl' G.-netal Telcphonl'

Co,npany o r Wuconsin Mai.l1son will speak wuh :ill gradu:i to intereilnl in cm11lo)'mtnt oppor1um1ies.

l ns~:!'!~t ~~~.' w:11.'s~a~·'::it~o a~ :~~~a~~r!~;~:·~~~1:'~(~1~~ ~~~ ~lions :=t ~~,[i ~~ic~~=· ~~ !ra"d~~;c!h~·.,!:·tiss ~~~:~; ~~on~~~ me rchandising and sto re managen1tn t . The Swiss Colony II a rct11il checseand11ift Cranchisc in Wisconsin.

wi1W0 :tr1,::~:~~~. :c:·: ·n~~cs~ p~~d· ~~~::t:~o:~~ 51~~~~

m:.1nagenicn1 positions. Tuesday. Mar. 18 , 9 a .m. to 4 p.m .. The FR I -.m recruit :ill

. freshman, sophomores, juniors. seniors, and guduaics for ca,cl' r opportumucs m the Bw eau as specia l agent,: and clcrl s in lhe Wu hington D.C. area . Good op (IOrtum tics u1st 10 contmuc schoo ling on thr undcrg1adua1C and gr.idu31 c level -.hik dra~i.1i; full s;ibncs. L:&ngu:acr n1aJon arc also n.-cdcd for 1ransb1or pos111ons

Tuesday . Mar. 18 , I p.m. to 4 p.m., The \br.iueuc llm\er~11, Law School. will recruil all students in tcres1ed in graduate' -.orl m ~

WC'dncsday. Mar. 19. 9 a .m. to 4 p.m .• Osc:n Mocr . Madison -.11] in1crvicw al(busmC"SS, economics. mathcnu11c1 :ind olhcr m:ijon interested in carceropporlunitics rn lhe fd,,)d :and mul mdus1ry

T .m. to 4 p.m .. The F1nt /1.31,on:il 8:inl of

(}. I 'm a hobby shooicr. I 10 hununc k' ~·cr~ I 11111cs each year and COJO) takmg my .22 11fle o ut 10 thl' range every now and

:~~~bi/·'.bur"~~~~ w~~r':cd"ab~: ; ~--------,=---.. -F,-es_h_A_s _A __ _ a weekend. schoo ls(only).

·------------------------.. Ma::~;dr;;r~~ar~;ii~~~c~~~Y·aW~;~~·,:


~~~~~ !rr1~:; Tt';;1~


1~i: 11,hcth,•r or not I'll be able lo keep rny guns m light of ,eccnt

· ~~:et,:pn1ents What do you Flower In A. You h:i\·en' t got a chance.

Wh en s uch Jei:ognizc d authorities on the firearms ljU ... SI IOn as the Smothers H1 01hers, Rowan aniJ' Martin, :ind Ann Landers arc li,ncd up a&3mst you, you're 111 trouble, brothel.

Q. rm a 60•year-0ld den t1s1 • and p~ll tune bis 1a111c hunter.

Just One . Hour"

~~·:b!~ 0 rr~c i·:;0 ~!"'~::ds~ Al .. ,vLcn !'rice Every Doy of ,.._, Yeorl

Mo~, or them 3tc d1spbyed on l'rofHN•110Uy Cleaned ond l'reued 1 he -.7,Us of n1y o ffice wailing room The 01hcr J~y one o f m)' 157 Dlvblon Sh..t bcsl patients. a maiden bdy well AU1111 From North l'olnt Shopping Cenle,

~~n~n; J;:r~;;:n;~:1~~~1

1~/: ;::======:::;::;::;=======~

we re 10 expect he r busuw~ m the future . I should. lake down

AWS Begins

Honor Society

$elections The AWS llonor Society has \ COMPARE

begun its scleclion proccu for 1--------""T""-------,,q ntw members. Forms have bttn senl 10 junior women with 111 onnU 1111de point above 3.00.

The AWS llonor Society is


,...._ 25c SOFT DIINKS

12=1oc 10= 1sc oompoted of junior women who h---------+---------l have contributed 10 tht ampus in terms of leadenhif and ,crvice u weU II maint.11ning a high scholastic average . The memben .of the Honor Society perform 1 ,crvice project ro rthe

fin.at ond " Only"




15c univcnity during lhdr 11:nior h---------+--------l yeu.



'A ,mu. FOR 29c



44c If any j unior woman who

1hinkl she is ,clisiblc for tbc Honor Sodety 'did not reoche a fonn she can pkt one up at I.he S1udtnt Affainorrlcc. '+--------.... -------....1

l. No sw&ttn9 the draft--tM w,r will brt onr tn a ff!W .onths .

2. We c1n phce 1bsolut.e trust ind ,...i11nce 1n the USSA's ftde11ty to peace.

J. The e.r-glng ~t lons tn Afr;ca, the peClples 1n L1t1n Merkl and tM Mlcldle­[ast pose no problems to world pe1ce. The U.S . nffd net concern Itself with !!!!!!ProblNS.

4. The peoplM 1n Sovthtu t ~sh, fn order to rtt11n tl'lelr e<:oncmtc l e~e\, ire

~1:ff°:V~~ t~yl ~::.""~!s~r:n 1!i ~I f~t h=~d o:,:OW..!:~c:;; boi;~~~~=~

s. ~~!\::~c~~de: ~~~=~!{. w:;s ~ho~. r:1~' : /~..!:~ u!~~ 1 tl'l,:e .~ t1.: h l9hly p,td, 11l •voluntff r A,-y .

6. N,ittonal defense h · tM oblto1 tlon of every Merlc1n. The thoughtful citizen •ets hh rtspons1b l1tty by faci ng the chillenpe of what PNstdent Ket!Mdy celled, •The long tvt1h1ht s trvggle . • ·

COll[GE PO: S[RY[ 'f'OUR C(NJffTR'f' AT A Ltvn C'.Ml(HSIJRAT[ Vlllf 'f'Ollt Ell/CATION : EARN AH OFFJCCR'S a'.Mt! SSJOH IN TH£ U.S. A1IM'f •

· The blo-.rur progr .. ts dest,ntd for s~rts, and upperc111wen wtth bto Yt1rs ,._.,nti9 on ce.,s, 1.9., qr1®.lte school.

IF YOU AA£ JNl£U5TtD IN A C<N415510ft , CONTACT T1fE C'9ARTJOT Of NJLITAJIY 5CJEMC£, 104 NELSON HALL, (ht. 214/284) 1£FOA£ MUCH 14 , 1969.

progranis. Montlay, Mu . 24, 9 a .m. to 4 p.m .. l nd 1:inar9lis Nahonal L,fc

w,11 speak w11h all majors about area sa lts opportunhK's. Tucsda~. Mu. 25, 9 :i .m. lo 4 p.m •. The DcfcnscContrac1 ,\ud11

~~;~~:gnocy~lii speak ,1dth all .maJon abou1 o pponunitu~s -.uh

Tuesday Mar. 15. 'I a.m. to 4 p.m .. Fmploycr 's 11\lur:an,·c. o( WauJ;1u will interview all business. economics. mathematics and oilitr"iiia)Ors about home office 11nd non,s;ilts posi rions.

Tuesday Mn. lS. 9 a .m. to 4 p.n1 .• Gcner~ I AdJUS1mcn1 Bureau . !!!£:.. Wausau w1U speak with a ll majou mtn«ltd in cli1ms adjus1u11-careeu. '

~":~~v r~~~i1 16

:1119 ;~~~~ Pi·:~·r,~f:~r:«;:'s r~~a~f'~:':,~~

mlll3git'mcnt . Thurs,,lily Mar. 27. 'I a.m. 10 4 11.m .. The lnl3nd Sttel Compan>,

Ch1c:igo. wi ll speak wi th all gradua1cs 1ntcrotN 1n 111:ulehnJ: , finance and nunat;cment positions.

Cc~ ~~.'~hk~:~·~:11{ ~n~;::·~:~fi·~:~d:~~s5f!13

~~:~~ri~~:ai;:~: :iiiii'iiicrpolitionsin1hisfrdc~l agcncy.

1ns~~u::aEor~:~;t~'~ ~ti;;·. \~ ~.f.'~~·p11~:1~c;;1~a~?:m:~0


busine• ma10u wi th at least six :1ccoun1i°' hows for frdc ral cmploymcn1 opportumt1cs in a rea o!(iccs ft well as nat ionJI positK>ns .

Thursd:iy. Mar. 27. 10 a .m. to 4 p.m .. The: C:olkp~ Life l nsurantt ~~:~r:~:;11 ~~Jl~~~111 = ~1fi;~1~rv1ew ill majors conm.ning sa lu

Thu,sJ a~. Mar. 27 · Frii.lay Mar. 28 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1ht..1!..S. Air f ~rcc will mtcrvicw :ill ~najors for orficcr training school.

~r:~rnkls!Y: r.~jj ;!;k9

w~i~\~0bu~i:;;:·cc:~o!~pak! ~~~!;:~~:~~

interested 1n retail SIOrl' management posi1K> ns in Wisconsin Ra pids StC'Vens Point . Green Bay and Olhcr ilfca local ions. ' '

wilf~~~~rv~~rd~ro~~~:::nr~:-~:c:::~,~xn~:=·!f1i~:: ~~ lhenat ion's~din1haultrsorfreig.h1. •

T,hc .Stevens Po int Rea~ t ion '?'pan mcnt b presently takini appbcatio?~ for over SO J>.0511,0115 w11h the Recreat k> n Dcparl !TI<'nl. Thttc po~t~ons arc for summer employme nt only, with lhc,,ma.,ori ty

~~:~;~h:m.:o~r::~~u~;m approx imately !ht tiysinning or

The Reaca1ion Dcpanmc"nl has positk>ns open for teachers collcp: s1udcn1a and high school students, Applic.uion blanks u~ available ~I the. Reau1t0n Dep:lllment Office , 2442 Sims Avenue. A person~~ rntcnotclll' can~ arn.nged with lht- director at th&t limt, . Positions lo be: (!)Jed are as follows: pla)'lfound leaders

ltfeg~rds, pool man1&cr. ar_chcry insuuctor. swinunina instructor: tenn~ lnst~lor, bas.cb1U instructors, drama instructor, aoftball um_PtrCS, G1rb Club leaders. beach conceuion manager. ball diamond ::~~':t &~~w~I !::\~n~:~tr supcr1isors, art1 and crafts

1111 ________________________ .. Act~~:~::~~)'wo;~m u;:cre~i~ ~:"!a~: t~o':~unti~!

Reaeat,on Department.

Page 7: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER

March 13. 1969

Pointer Gymnasts .6th At Whitewater

~ l l'~C ? S P oin t. S l a t e points. Umvcu1ty s 8)'mnnl1cs tum The highut l'oi ntcr fin is h wu fini shed sixt h in ~ field o r 13 by Mike Weinstein in rrce tl';uns S:l lurJa)' 111 t he ann ual exercise whett; he was tied for WSU · Whitewater Wuhlwk fo un h with 1 .8S points. He also l nv11a11onal , gym nastk meel as • t ied for firt h in lo111 ho rse and Gl·orge Wi ll hnu Co llege took sbc th in t he rings. rl'pcated :as 111~1 cha111pion for Th<: o ther l'oi n1 gymnuu

tl11.·,~~~~:~1fta::; Y:;~nd, St. ;~~<:!i":,h: J:i~~ins~~~e~?wth~ Cloud .t h1rJ. Oshkosh fou rt h, t ied for ninth in loni horse ~emui~ , fi f t h , Mi lwauk« competitio n 1md Gary Schneider • 1 e chnica l Co lh:ge seventh , who took seve nth in overa ll Wheat on t'ight h, Ea u Claire competi tion. ninth, host Whitew:ic.: r 10 th , Followin11 1re the results of Rh·cr F:i lls I I th. Marq uette 12th the mecc: :ind Eastern Illinois I 3th. Free exercise - I, DcPue (B)

" It was a very med iocre 2. Marsha ll (Whc), 3 . NcwcY pcrfounancc on our part ," (G W) , 4. (lie) Weinstein (S P) and l'o intn Coach Bob Bowen noted Guris (P). after the 1Jl\'et . "We shou kl have Si!.l e horse - I . Gulliford Jo 1w a httle better than we d id .:' (W he), 2 . Sabcy (El), 3.

lks111tc their six th pl:acc Vo llenweider (0) 4. ( lie ) Kuhr showmg, th~ l'oint ~rs did take ( M) 11.nd L:ikc (O).' fh ~1 place rn vaulting o r long Rin111 - I , (t ic) Washington hor~ ,·ompc tition wit h 22 .50 (GW) and Thekan (W), 3. Gerrie

• (G W) . 4. So ular {B), 5. Gelles

Mike Hughes cm,.:;~. hon, - 1. Go, hu J, (StC), 2. Newey (G W), 3.

Repeats As tu~:f!>a <i ~·iist~1~uhc~~iw:~~

Pointer MVP Oup~~~u':i'\ars - I . Gillespie (SIC) , 2. Washi1111o n (G W), J .

Scn1 0 1 , o -ca1ua 1n Mike Altrce (0), 4. Suda ( P), S. So ulis ll ughl'S hu b<'cn named the (GW ). winner o f tlu: must valuable Horizontal b:i rs - I . Edwa nl s pb y,·r 3.,.·nJ for this year 's ( P), 2. Washh)¥ton (GW) , J. WSU-St<'vtns l'n int b:nketball Paprcfk (Bl, 4 , lleath (EC), S. team. l\ 1ij;hes, a 6-8 Waus.au llo ffcr ( I'). n.1ti,·c . also won thl' :iwa1d last All-around - I. Washington )'ea, , ' (GW ), 2. Edwards (P). 3.

8 )· "''mning lhc honor , he Kru1licka (0). 4 . Watson (S1C), be came e li gib le fo r t he S. l'e trw.zi( B). r.m .... aukee Journal's WSUC Most Valuabll" PG)·erAward .

1\ f1.-1 gaining :iU-conferenc.: ftnt l<' illn honors L:rst yc:n and f1111shing third in conference scoring . Hughes changed his , style of p\:ay complete ly this seaso n. a.:ting as the hlgh post rnan in 1h..- Po inter's a ttack, r a, c l r s h o oting a.nd

Fencers Battle WSU-Oshkosh And Lawrence

~~~~~fn:.n se tting screens Jk rinish,·J sn-ond in the T he WSU-S t evens Point

~:t~~ ~:1r.1~~~o~~i:. :~:rag~: rr~~~~;~~c:aat~~d~ ~~~:,~n;:

14.S caro ms per outing, while ~ ~;;t~~.c:_tur~an;,v;1:!'.? in

stilb~cho::ng !lGt'in;~/n~~n~~; In fema le compt!it ion, three

n:imcd :IS t he mosl valuable ~i~~kcost:i~~~:e~s, ~~~da €a~~· rlaycrs on thei r basketba ll Cihl:ar. !.lcfcaled both L:iwrcnix squad s induded Mel Coleman or and Oshk osh, 8-4 and 1.5 S1out . Larry Stun. of Eau Clai re. tt;sptclivrly . l)oui; Knutson o r Plmevillc, In the m:i lc com pet ition, Ste\·e Gustafson or River Falls, Dave Parker, Paul Ebeling, Ron Le Ror Youns or L:i Crosse. Sindric and James Carnes tied Rick· Rehm of Oshkosh, Don the meet wi lh Lawrence, 8-8, tlart !und o r Supe:ri<ir and Don a nd loSI to Oshkosh 9-7 . P:iulscn o r Whitewater. S:i turday, Mar. 8, John BiUings,

the Stevens Poin1 Fencing ~ch,

Van den He uvel ~~r: n~e tet,mruv~r;i~:!ed ~!c\~

Chosen wsuc Tow,am'""·

Weekly Player Bowlers Finish So 11ho mo re guard Quinn

Va'ndcnlleu \"d climaxed :111 o u1standing fin:il week or 1he b as ketball St:ason b)' being named as tho:l'b)'er-of-the•Wcck in the WSUC for his p lay apinst EauCbirc and Stout.

The 6-:? Kaukauna na tive sco red 20 points in the Pointers 61-5!'.) rout or the Blugokls. inclu!.lmg 8 of 11 attempts horn 1hc floo r in the Hrs.t h3Jf. :is t he

_ Pointers clinched a sha,c of the WSUC a o 1•m .

V a nd C n H Cu \'CI was sensational against Stout in the WSUC p \:1yoff game a t Menominee on Mar. I . He poured in Ji points, a se~son high for the Pointers. :ind scor ched tht ncufor 24 markers in the second ha ir when 1he Pointers wiped out :i ll but two points or a 1wen1y,poin1 deficit in t he l3st ten minutes. sinki111 12 of the 16 shots he attempted .

I j I

With 6-6 Slate Afte r d ropping t hree st raight

game s to leiag uc le ad ing UICrossc. the Point bowlers camt back to t3ke 2 out o f 3 f rom Whitcwuer, River F:i Us and Stout. The meet was held al Whitewater on the union b nes.

Larry Skccl ro lled 3 277 game to set a new record fo r the lanes. It is also the highest game bowled in the State Universi ty League this year.

The team o r Skeel. D:ivc Boigt , Steve Boehm and Gary Pingel bowkd an 866 game against S1out. This ca.me wit hin 8 p ins of bci111 a conference high.

Voight once again p3ced the Pointers with a 192 average and a high of 234. Boehm w:is next wil h a 186 :iveragc, fol lowed by Skeel 183, Wayne H:imJin 183 andPingell H .

After a!.lismal sla rt thi.syear, the Pointers are now only three games in the cellar and only 10

. games out of rirst place, hck1 by La Crosse.

T he Poin t e rs . who arc coached by " Bud" Steiner , have 2 1 league games left . They wiU play nine of those at River F:ills this weekend anci f inish up with 12 a t Oshkosh the fo Uowi111 weekend .

Jim Sobocinski Loses Match I In NAIA Meet



Conarat ubtions to Pointer basketball players Mike Huahe1, ~a;::1:~. MVP. an!.l Qui nn Vandcnlleuval, named " Player o f the

A special Mlutc to bii!il!.ct ba ll coach Bob Krueger, who was named "Coach of the Ytar" in OiJtr ict 14 of the NAIA . ll 's no t o ften that coathcsgct the recogni t ion th~y :0 .ric}'IY deserve.

The swlmminJ team fin ished 1 "!.lisappointina" ICeond in lhe conference meet. and might have won but fo r a few very tJ Ucst ionablc judge's decisions. Even though they did HnUh tceond, !he mc11nendid have afineye: r~v~rall.

Marquette had one o f their be1l pcrform1nge1 o ( the year against Mu!"flY, and their st rolli rebound ing against a ta ller lea rn may &ivc Kent ucky a few prob lems this weekend in the NCAA regional at Madison. Look for the high scoring PW"d uc 8oilcrmakct1 to win that reaiona l. -

Sout htrn Cal proved again tha t UCLA isn't unbeatable-it was 1hcir second loss in 1hcir las t 14 games! I l hi.nk 1he loss will help the Bruins more than hurt them, as they have been playing sloppy and j usl winning in their las t few out iJias. Lew will ra lly the boy• In 1imc to say ''We're Number One" o r e .m~re. time. ,

Milwaukee Lincol n is smelling tournamtnt lime aga in an!.l that coukl mean !roub le fOf other teams. .... .

llcrc :ire my pn:dictions for the alkonrcrence team which will be announced nut week : (A ten•man team will be named)

Guards· 11:inlund, Superior; Lind,cy, Ea u Cb irc; Vande nHeuvel, Stevens Poinl ; and Leone. Plat lcvillc;or Ebsen, Stout .

Forwards Gustafson , · River Falls; Glover, Sto ut ; Tom Ritztnthalcr , Stevens Point. and Knutson, Pl:a ttevillc.

Center - Coleman, Stout , and Hughes, Stevens Po in.t. IIONOR ABLE MENTION

McGriff. Superior; VanD)·kc, River Fa lls; Ratl iff, Eau Clailc; Heidemann. Stout , l'3ulscn and Stc lsc, Whitewa ter: Lawificr, Pl:a ttevillc ; llafncr and Sullivan . L:iCrosse; Stang, Oshkosh; Ken Ri1zenthalcr and Dc Fauw, Steve ns Point .

Coac h Bob Kru ege r , WSU·Stcvens Poin t , has been narntd u basketball "Coach o r the Year"' in Dist rict 14 in a balloting of the · 16 district buketbal\coochC$ hcldn:cently.

Und1:r Krueger 's leadership, 1he Pointers tied Slout fOf the WSUC championship i nd co mpiled a 19-S mark for the year. 1he best in the school's hislory . The Po in1cn lost only to Stout (twice). Ea u Cl3ire, the to u ring Cteehoslovakia n Nu ion:il team (w hich was undefcmtcd on its ent ire tour), and Nort h Park of Chicago. which won the CCIW title- an!.l was 204 o,·cr.i\l.

The Pointers championship was their 10 th outright o r shared since they tied for ahc fil'II tit le ever in 19 12-13. La Crosse and River Fa lls have also comp iled 10 championships since the lcaguc'sbcgjnning.

Kruege r became head baske t ba ll coach in 1962, succee dina the \a le lla lcQuandt , who became athletic director , a position now held by Krueger.

Krueger umed ' his B. A. and M.A. ftom lhe Universi ty of Wisconsin and played on the Badger basketball teim which won the N.C.A.A . championship in 194 1. and the Big Ttn championship in 1941.

T h e P ointer men t o r prevk>usly coached al Columbus, La Crosse. and Janesville high sc hools before coming to Stevens Point.

O t he rs rece iv in g l l ronJ • support" for the district- honor

included Dwain Mintz o f Sto ut , l<; en Anderso n of Eau Claire , and !>uane Wo ltun of Lakeland.

Track Team Opens Season With Wrn

ByCralaJohanatn The WSU track learn opened

ll1 indoor teason with a 67-31 vic t o ry over lhc combined effo r11 o r the Fox River VaUcy and MiJwaukoc traclt clubs.

Talc: in1 scvcn oftwelvcfir111, t he Polnlers oveica mc a 2S -1 1 lead in the field cvenla by the t rack club.

Soccer Club

The lradt club }ead WII the r e1u ll o f o ut sta n di n g pcrformancu by John Wutphal, To m Ralh and Brian Murphy.a ll or the tndt ,club. Westphal put the ahol SI rcet, 3 inches, Rath went 6 feet , 7 1/8 inches in the hiah jump and also won the long Jump wilh a leap ot 20 fCt'I, 9 3 / 4 J n chn, while Murphy cleared 13 feet In the pole vault . Murphy also won the 440 llltermediatc hurd la in S9,9,

Poi.nt wu Jed by acnlor John

Starts Looking ~ 0 :r ! ~ i'ht~benchnat/!C:. Coach Don Hoff wu also

For Advisor ~riodhti'it~~ pe:i~rn;:~ce: · The WSU·SP Soccer Club 4:l S.2 mile, Pa ul Haus with a

he ld Ju monthly businea 9:39.S two-mile, l ttry Pkring's mcetina 1111 Wednuday night , S.9 in the high hurdles and the Mar. 5 11 the home of head ci&,ht lap re lay 1~m compo,c!.l coach , George Po rtesi. Busineu L~~~: ~:S~l hnRc~;:_ruu. Tom

~nc~~ncg ~r.,n:!:,w f.~~ft;.t!:, Ot her winners for Point were fo r the 1969 fall soccer season Whitt i.n the 4S yml dash with a :::so'!.' budaet for the 1969-70 ~~~ aofs.=2 f~Ot:t~:l ~ul H1uns

KaJ:'wi~':n:c.'v1~~·st1a.'}~~~ plc~:1'~1gh~


~co:1 ,-:id ~:~ this se mester and It is nc~csury ~~: , . P~C::: t t~~:; :~ ror the club to secure a new and Pointers arc II Stout fo r a

~!~~re~ c~i:~\~bad:~; r~!1~~ . t ril~~:.:r~·uow1: (111 anc11l support from tbc univertity.

A review o ( the budget shows t hat the club mol\cy will be used for tn nsporta tion, busincaca lla, referee fe es a nd p la ying eq uipment . Purchued with the remainder o f last ycu 's budget were two Woild Cup Game balb and s.ixtccn ncw p me jersey1.

A new fa ce amona the CIOlchlng staff o f tbc Soccer Club it Mr. William Bosch, a former soccer player and referee, from the Netherlands.

Shot • I. Westphaul-TC, 2. Boerner-SP, J. Urban-SP· SI '3"

Ch~~ /.uj~ HJ.T~1~~~is~:

Poic Vault - I . Murphy-TC, 2. Riechwald -SP, 3. Bccker·SP-13'

Long Jump - I . Rath-TC, 2, Murphy-TC, 3. Hill-TC· 20'9~"

Mile - I . Dahlke-SP. 2. Porter-TC, 3, Kraux-SP- 4:2S .2

4S Yd Dash - I. Whill .SP, 2. Clark-SP, J, Lubncr.SP· :OS .O

440 Yd • I. Hauns-S P, 2. Ch~ir::•,:: n::~lf Pp~~~-SP, 2. WUJ,:enson-SP, 3, Checlr..SP -:OS .9

880 Run - I , Clifford.Sf': 2. Lceck-TC, J . Aullk-SP- 2 :0 1

440 lnl , Hur . · I. Murphy-SP, 2 , Wilkenson-SP, 3. Bra tz-SP­:S9 .9

2-MUc - I. llauwi P, 2. Alm-SP, 3 . Pon~r-TC- 9:39.S

8-Lap Relay • I. SP-McKay, Whitt . Lubncr, Clark, 2. TC

Fencing Team Finishes Out Its Season

By Dtbbie Shalhoub The WSU Fencing team

comple ted ill scuon last Saturday in an invi111ion1I meet hckl al Lawrence CoUc,e in Appltlon, , -

Sophomore Paul Ebelin1 o f Maribel topped Pointer entrantll by finishina third in the men's division with a S-3 record .

Dave Parker and Ron Sindric finished wi th 2·3 ma rks in the 1emi-fina\s, as did Cathy Cihlar in the women's scmi-Hnals. J im Carnes and Deborah Shalhoub were eliminated in t he prcliminariu. Accompanying the Pointer contingent wn coach John Billings.

Othe r schools reprCkn tcd included Lawrence, Waukesha, Wausau, Oshkosh, Whitewater, and Milwaukee.

Mr. Bosch played for the PEC, a 2nd Division team in t he Nclhc: rlands. and w 11 also a ref t ree I here. Mr . Bosch offered h.is 1erv ices to Coach Po rtesi im mediately arter learni.ng 1h11 o rganized soccer existed in Stevens Point .


The sptini; ,occer season is rapidly approaching and club members are working out to act · in condition. Practices should start as soon u the snow is gone , o r around tbc second week in April.

Three soccer games u c tentatively plan ned for this spring, wilh Ripon, there, La Crosse at Stevens Point , and the Muincue Spring invitat ional Tournariie nt at Marineu e.

At prex nt , playing facilitk1

~~ 1~c:t l ,~t t:'i!t:: r! n! suitable si te to play a home game he~ in Slevens Poinl again st La Crone Sla t e Univers ity,

Part 2 Myrna, Norm, Jim and Dove


THE ECHO 6 '/a MilH N.W. gf St•v• ns Pc;iint

L• ft off Highway 10


For the 1969-70

University Activities Board BlanScs Ava ila bl• in lh• U.A.B, Offic•,

U. C. Information Duk a nd RHid•nce Halls

D~dline: T11Hday, March 25

• FISH FRY• lnch,des:


$1so Se rving from Fridoy Noon to Midnight

Holiday Inn of PHONE Steven1 Point J.11 -lJ.10

J im Sobocinski . out111nding 177-pound freshm an wrestler and most valuable grappler for the Poi nters d urini the past

ti::'.,!','~:.~~~':.~:.':~~~ Busy students like a pleasing atmosphere when dining out. Oma h;a, Nebraska . Lut week,cnd . f::;r°!\l~:1J:~•~:[f~~f For some reason, they pick The Lantern. 341 _ 1414 Milwaukee native, was the lone BURROUGH'$ rcpresenta1rlc of the Pointer HALL

Stevens Point Brewery 26 17 Woler St. '

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ri 1gr11~1 ~ au.a~ i i

~7fie ·-n.Go,ng 1111ng

at Uniyersity


'67 FORD Custom "500' fordor .sedan, VR enclne , Fordomallc, power llffrini: 11111 radio. Maroon lini11 h wllh Fawn lnlerlor. Saxe a bundle on thia onr!

'63 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury convertlble, VS enrlnt, automatic tranamts­slon. power steertn1 and radio, White Jlnlsh. BIRck top and Rtd ln1erior. See It today!

'65 THUNDERBIRD Sport coupe, autot:'la tlc tnnsml55lon. powtt aulsll. radio and whitewall tlrta. Red finish with Black buck· et~.all.

'64 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury hardtop, V8, power s teering. automatk l ranamlulon. radio. con50Je tach and radio, White flnl1h with Black bucket aeat ln­terklr. Exce:llcnt mtthanl­cally.

' 62 BUICK F'ordor Elt'ctra sedan, aulo· made tran.smll.!llon. power usl.sta, radio and whltewall ti res, Tulone Cold •nd Whitt fini sh. A nice one!



'63 CHRYSLER ro:wdedy~~f ::~: !~~~'. lnr ~c1ory air. Gold l ln· lsti wi th Fawn interior. Lots of lux·ury tor llule mont-y !

'64 CHRYSLER Ntw Yo1·kcr fordor. 1u10-ma1ic lunsmlulon. power usl111. nt-w &el of whlle­Wiill Ures. One owner: •

'65 PLYMOUTH Bf'h•edere !ordor Sl!dan, 6 eylindl'r enaine. standard tranllmh•s!on. radio •n d whltewaJJ t/rn, iw.d ready,

'65 CADILLAC Calais sport coupe, J)OY,'t'f 1ubta, radio and whllewall tires, Maroon llnlsh. Fawn Interior~~!

'67 MERCURY Marquis Brouaham sport

i ;etsj f~~~~/i ~ Un~ h with matchln1 interi ­or. RK-t:nt new ar trade!

- - (-,

Many More To Choose From!


Aul ht. .. .: . .. r c,d-Mercury Deolc r

11:;o ShQf\J.:$ .\,·e. • 3 11-1727 ;,!~;['~~;::::~m. ':,:::: ' '/ u. '. · l\t b. Ianttrn :~s~ss ~~~!!als".t~e :=:a .:rth

1':: OPEN 4 P.M.-2 P.M.

:~;·:~:!~:~~ ~ cond \..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~--~~~SA~T~U~RD_•_v_._._UN~D-•_v__,._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--''-------~~~~~j

Page 8: WI~:! .. :; THE POINTER


Mtreh 13, 1969

Swimmers Nosed Out In . Conference Thirteen BB Player$ Two Decisions Help Win Varsity letters

Ken Ritzenthaler o f B1naboo, junior Dennit C1rberry of Waunakee , 1opho mo re forwud Tom R1tun1h•lcr of Bara~ LaCrosse· To Victory

Almo, t but no1 quite! That Whilc\ntcr 6 . U Crosse .J S7 .S. w11 the story or the Wisconsin 200 yud rrc:ut ylc I. Sta l e Univcu11y Conference Pob n)k)' (RF) 2. Gu.ilfo1l (LC) )wimmin& meet for Stevens J . Pagels (SP) 4. Sutliff (S l')S . Point State . The meet , which Schutlen (SI') 6 . Funk (P) WU held I I Superior lu t I :S6.S. weekend, was won by LaCTOssc. SO yard ficc stylc I. Bo111ks ending t he i.lo mi11111ion that ( LC) 2, Zahour (W) 3. l'Lllh:v11le had in sw immirig for S c hnnufnagcl (SI') 4 . lilt b st frw yu.,s. The Pointers Sehuruaehcr (LC) S. Ko pf! (0) were l'dgcd out by LaClo~. 6. Mokmla (LC)-.22.9. 99-91 . 200yml individual mcJh:y I.

Thud plutT 11, cnt rn H.1wrr Lally (LC) 2. Maus (SI') J . Falls w11h M7 follo ... cJ b)• . Collins (RP) .r:-xr)'da (W) S. Oi;hkosh v.1th 61, Whitewater Swc:ucngin (P) 6. Golt (0) 48 , l'l:11\cvdlc 43, Superior 19 .2 : ll 8 (ncw,caml). and S10111 2. 'lhr ee n1eter Jiving \ ,

The only fu st ltkC"n by Schneider (S) 2. &U:ud (LCJ J . S tc~·cns l'o int w11s by Bill Fr ey (LC) 4. K11us:ilik (S I' ) S. Schutten 111 t he 16S0 yud &iky ( LC) 6. lkrn1111 (W) fo:01y\c Schutu•n'i; time v.as ·269.0S. l 'J 106, u new conference 200 yaN but1e1f\y I . Olson ICl'Ol'.I. !") 2. Plbnsl:)' (RF) J. Saskady

l'oin t '1 hopn for the O) 4. Engler (Pl S. Thomsom eha111p1onslup wtrc shattcrt"d by W) 6. Moknda (LC) ?: IO . l tv. o Judg,:s decisions .,..hkh wt""nl new record). ag.iuht l hcm. Larr)' hlwards.,.as 200 yard ba.:kstrokr I. J1squ11hf1ed m the 200 yan.1, Chinnock (KF) 2. Ga,steck (0) brcasrnrokc pn: hminarK"S, in l . Martm (W) 4. Schv.·engk (SI') v. hkh he would ha,·e 4UJ.1hfial S. Swcarcglin (I' ) 6. Wasluntt (0) for thr fmals Rod Sduaufn;iicl ?: 121 w.u gwcn 1huJ rl:m: l· ,·en 200 )anl hn-:a.s1~1rok,· I tho111h ht f'1111sheJ four-tenths l'c nll;:oH (KF) 2. Koschmann of a s.-conJ fo$ll'r than tht (S I') 3. GoiL (0) 4. Zluo (W) S. ~,·~-onJ 11la.:r finisher Fox (0) 6. Effenhc11n (0)

Fo llowmg an• the meet 1 2S .6 . n•sulh 400 )'arJ freesty le rl'Lly I . I.a

400 y11rd m••dl.-y rda)' I . Ri\·tr ~~~.s.i;Gu!l~~ilt} ~~:\~~t l~il~~ 1· :ills ( l" hinnod, t'cntkoff. ( Muss, Sutlifr. Pagels and Cullm\ aml Uuas) :?. Oshkosh 3. Schruufnai:el) J . Riw1 Falls 4. S1•·n·ns l'om t ~ Plallcvilk S Oshkosh, ~- l'bll•·,·illc 6. Stout.

Pointers Finish High In WSUC Statistics

By Ti111 Lueh of 431 ;, tfo rlS for a .64S clip, WSU -S l c\· en Poin 1's and fourth m Io ta! rebounding

co<hampion cagers kd the v.ith 121.a 4S . l a\·erag,: . con frrl'n,·e 111 three 11.'am All .. rnnfrn•nc\' Mc\ Coltman, cat,·gon:s and one 1ndi\'ldUJ I Stout's 6·7 senior cent.·r. kd Ilic mark and finisltcd high in several \\'SUC 111 both scoring and o thers m t ill: recently rrkascd rebounding . a\·cragmg ll. l f1nalk:igul· s1a1 is1ics. poinls and IS. I rrbounJs per

The l'oinh·r.,; boasted the game . Supcnor·s Don lfa rllund k:aguc's best dekn5t', giving up had thl' best scoring average,

~~ r :.~~~f~n~'ce0

n~~t~~-~ :;~t~ ~:~J;ns3{}:int f./1~:ht~I~~~~ f!

the most field jlO,'JIS. SOB. and ru, Coleman in rebou nding with a outdistaru:i"<I the otl)cr t,·ams in 14 .S :m~ragr. field goal p,.•rt"entagc. shoot in i; a All (ive Pointer starlcrs 10111d .419 for the year on SOS avciagfl'd III double f'11urcs. led of I ,Ob i an empts. by sophomore To111 Riaenthalcr

In their recent game at wilh a 16.S avcr:igc. Pbtt<•\•1llc. lhC' l'.Jintcr$S.lnk30 Jun io r f o rward K en of 46 attempts. 11 .6SJ dip, to Ri lzenthakr had lh t" best fiekl eras,.· their ov.n confe rence goa l ptrcC" nl3 gc in the rcco,d set lu1 season at River confe rence for tht" second Falls st rrught year, hilling on 61 of

Co<han1p10n Slolll had !he 11 S attemp ts for a .530 mark, a hia;ht"St offcn!;l\'C awragc, 84.4, shade lo.,.·cr than the all-time and the 1•ci1n1ers were s1:eond record ht" set b s1 year , when he with 118 1 I mark . hit .SS8 on 48 o f 86. Brother

L:a Crosse uncmptcd the most Tom R1l tenthalcr finished thirJ f1tld 11,l,l \~. 1. 118, Surcrior tried 11'1 thi s ynr's · field G()a l the most free throws. S9\, and ma,ksmc n, finishing 111 a .S 12 Eau Cb1re to pped the 101al clip afler leading the co nfcrenct" rebound s and rebounding for much of the season. Quinn a, crage with 11 4 caroms for a Vandenl\cu\·cl fini shed right 48.4 J\'eragc Steven) Point was behind him ""'ith a .49S mark, fifth for charily bn;;-, h111m, 282 foun h best 111 the conference.

FIXAf. TF.AM STATtSTJC9 (Confercnoe Only)

f'GA . F (; r r 1. PTA -FT r r t. 0 Rcb. A w•, Sluu t 11-U -.SO? .439 5H-!ll6 .673 7:15 "' Ste ... rn• Point 1061-508 .479 u7.2s2 .645 721 <> I Pln.ttC\'UlC H).H-462 .H3 ~-326 .6~6 626 39.1 Rl\'Cr Falls 1048-456 .435 461·196 .642 , .. 36.8 SuJ)('riOr 1127•4!\9 .389 591-330 ·"'' '" ~1.3 Eau Cl11lre 11:19-463 .... 412·265 .6U 7i4 48.4 i..c...,. 1178-455 .3H 389·269 .... ... 42.5 Whitewater 117l-t39 .37~ 373.24 1 .646 662 41 .3 O,hko,h 1157-4:!5 .361 414·259 .628 724 .,,

• 1nc1udu learn rebound,

Quite Simply .. .


112' MAIN

THE 1968-69 POINTER SWIMMING TEAM wound up its seo· so,, So1urdoy only rwo points shorr of f,at ploc.e in the conference swimmmg meet won by lo Crone, 99,97. Mem• be,s of rhe squod ore [from le fl 10 righ1) fron1 row, Jeff Pogels. Don Neizer, Jock Su1ldf ond Tom Rozgo· Second

WSUC Statistics l~ IU\' IU UAL SCOR ISO

G t &:K· t ir l'cl. ft a• fl R('b Aw•. l'tii .A,·e, Ha r lhmd. Sup. ~ 320- 131 .409 109·64 .587 30 2.0 326 21.1 Col1im11n, Stout 16 2~-138 .621 116·62 .534 242 l~U 338 21.l C11•1:1.r,on, HF' 1::, 23~·108 .~62 126·81 .6~3 IH 9.6 291 19.8 CIO\'f'r, Stout HI 2•t·107 .4H 103-79 .76< 17';' 11.1 293 18.3 Rltten that,•rS P 16 213-109 .612 60·-t6 .767 102 6.4 26'1 16 5 Stang. 0.h. 8 IH,:U .354 •0-29 .i25 36 4.5 131 16.4 MeCr1rr, Sup. 16 281·88 313 H2-81 .5i0 188 11.8 257 16.1 P11u1Mn. \\"\\" 16 267·107 .401 61-U .67? 193 12.2 255 15.0 Ht'ltl,nmnn. St'll6 213-96 451 73.53 726 95 5.9 245 15.3 Knuuon. Pl H J.4-82 .477 82-~8 .~ 129 9 2 212 15. l Heldemnn. LaX 1 98·51 .418 33 23 .691 59 8.~ 105 15.0 Van Dykl', RF' 15 191 -88 .461 69-H .681 86 5.7 223 14 .9 SulUvnn. I.a."( H 183·82 .HI 66·45 .682 H8 10.6 209 14 .9 Lind!M')', EC 16 238-93 .:191 :IS·H 221 H .2 .101 .. Sttlll(', \\' W 16 210·92 .438 51·41 225 H .1 .707 123 i .1 \"arl"nli,u,·,·ISP 16 19~-96 .•95 H-28 220 13.8 .636 89 ,., Lllwmger, Pl 16 175-7.' -~~O 93-65 219 13.7 .699 61 3.8 Ludkn, P l H 166·71 A28 74~H 186 13.3 .595 97 ,., ~!alone. O.h 16 200-74 .370 91·62 210 13.l 681 32 2.0 Jhllfnl'r, LaX 16 230.S5 .370 74.39 209 13. l .527 96 ... Hughes. SP 16 161-72 .HT 87-51 ,586 232 14 .5 195 12.2 \"01!111, Rf.~ 16 1&3-67 ,411 88-60 .682 53 3.3 19'4

J ohnson. EC 16 160·75 .469 ~-3:'1 .660 165 10.3 186 11.6 ll:i.Ulff. EC 16 191·70 .366 79-4:1 .670 18'4 11 .5 185 11 .6 ~lillcr. 0.h • 8 82,3:1 .421 'a5-2 1 .600 54 6.8 91 . Eblren, Stout 16 H6-63 .432 60·52 .867 38 2.4 118 Solomon. Sup 16 129-6'1 .496 83-~9 .590 160 10.0 177 11 .1 Tinnon, Pl 16 14-1 ·67 .465 67.41 .612 64 4.0 176 10.9 DeF'auw, S P 16 135.::,g .431 75.57 .760 60 3.8 175 10.9 VcrCo...-e, Oah 16 189-67 .M·I 60-39 .650 131 8.2 173 10.8 Aeotto. RF 9 100-45 .450 10-1 .100 26 97 10.8 R1tzenth&ltrSP 16 115·61 ,630 7:1~11 .627 ";"2 4.6 169 10.6 D<M=ttcher, Sup 16 158-61 .424 42-33 .186 34 2.1 167 10.4 Young. LaX 16 148·&1 .4 12 52·4'1 .808 2.6 166 10.4 J a.ck.on,t..'C 11 110-4:? ..382 41·21 .6,59 61 5,5 JO, l


row, Monoger Dick Glinski, Bob Bulik, Tim Siebert, Bill Schutten, Al Koschmonn, lo,ry Edwords ond Steve Wherle. 8oc.k row, Rod Schroufnoget, Sob Mooss, Doug Evers, Joe Moyer, Bob Schwengel ond Mork 8,odhogen. {Mel Glo­dowsk i Photo)


Thm·sday: Depression Night-Free l\Iusic- AII Beer 30c

The Atlantic Ocea n The Gr.oles! Group We've Ever Hod!


Sf,ring's suitor for suits ... perfect partner to pants ... it's the best of

the brogues! Spring uka tf:I t!M br09'*llh look with fitted u ilcnd 11.111:1. pellt/wR/ltll" outfits. and ,ny gooclm1n-ulloredtnMtl'Oltt FortMp«i'ICt ,cant, chOOM Hlghl• nd. kl ltle trimmed ,nd

fflltdtlllon ,cc,nud In upper, of Antlquo ~i.lh« 0t 8lacks-1.nt,SOO .•• ot

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Antique WhiUI pllaffl, $00.

CoNNiE. At _. 111 SEVEHTtEN


AU chirtecn members of chis yut'1 Pointer oo-d111npk>nthlp squMi won leueu, 1ccordin1 to ,n 1nnouncement by co,ch Bob Kruqu.

Winnin1 their th\rd ,ward• weretcnior center Mike ll u1hu o r W,usa u; 1enlor 1u11d Russ De F1uw, 1 Beloit native ind Rob We1tphal, junk> r center from Green Bay Wcsl .

Receiving !heir second lcltcr we r e eo-c,pt,in r,tmer Cicmcnu, 1 Stevens Point P. J. hoobs pdu,te, junior forwud

~~d:~~~!r:, ,c',u~~un~wnn

Five l'o inlcrs euncd their riJ'St Je tter in baskelb1ll. They

~11i:~~:ri:'1t1 : r&~~:i~e~a~w::.

Bob llcnnin& or West Aills, Jerry Mallon or Rio, Terry Amonson of Rtunelander"'Ond fru hman Jerry Siewe rt o f W1usau Newm1n.

trii __ .,.,._-,r0

,~At 7'1 S ond 8,SO p.m.

~ i. tr WSU St:;~;;: l~~;rlD Co,d



Spring Vacation Gear ~


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